Calamari Straight From The Ocean, Squid Catch & Cook - Solo Camping An UNINHABITED ISLAND - Part 2

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good morning i never you know one thing i've never been into i um you know when you watch a film and they wake up on film so it's when they do that fake wake up and they go but it's like well hang on but the camera's on on a data distance so that means you got up you turned the camera on you went back jumped back into your sleeping bag and then pretended to wake up you're an acting yeah yeah paul poor acting most of the time as well because i know i'm not an actor i'm not yet i didn't start making youtube videos because i was a good actor okay so it's funny i really i really get a kick out of that the fake wake up it's always funny but um i've just woken up it's quite late actually i think it must be that it is 6 18. that's not that late really but it it's pretty light outside and i've been sort of sitting here for the last 10 minutes thinking about getting up and then half falling asleep but i had to stay out fairly late because the tide the tide um was really high just like there's such big lows there was a really big high tide as well so it actually came all the way up to just you know that watermark i was talking about yesterday we came all the way up there and maybe a little bit more so i had to go out and pull the boat up at like 11 o'clock at night so i didn't want to fall asleep properly until then and then i wanted to stay up a little later as well because just in case it kept coming up then it did start residing at that time as well just after that time you could see it was going down but i was a bit worried you know so we'll have to uh just uh be aware of that today i don't think i think the tide is as big but not bigger so we should be alright i'm dying to go to the toilet though so i guess we should get up um mosquitoes were pretty thick last night actually once that wind dropped so i think that's why there's all this cooking stuff out i cooked that fish i can't do it with one hand here here's my head there we go come on zip work with me okay yeah oh let's not use my little paddle yeah no i cooked that fish and i had last night but i uh it was a bit of a mess because i had to do it in the tent because the mosquitoes really started to thicken up and i was getting eaten alive looks like a beautiful day though look at that look at that tight water is so far away last night it came up to here so like just in front of the tent you can see it's all wet here that's the water line so it came up to the edge of the boat and it wasn't just the water that came up on this side that i had to worry about because funnily enough the other side because the boat was down here where i left it and i thought that would probably be high enough but it ended up coming all the way up to the very top of this where just where it comes up and slopes back down again so i had to pull it all the way up over this ledge as well and then on this side like it started to the water was coming from this side as well so all the way up to the brown rocks is where it pretty much came as well so it's just this little bit of sand here so definitely uh it definitely made for uh i was glad i stayed up you know like oh yeah there's still a little bit of wind on that side of the island so there is a bit of wind coming across from the southeast but it's it's pretty light considering yesterday when i came over was it was definitely a lot windier uh yeah yeah let's go to the toilet and then uh think about what we're gonna do i guess we have to get something to eat so quiet at low tide at high tide it's the waves are crashing the whole time and it's quite noisy especially right up near the tent but now it's so still and so quiet if i stop talking old jabba jaws all right toilet [Music] grab the old gandalf stuff maybe we could get the drone up and just have a look around at low tide maybe check out the island see if you can get a shot of it in its entirety oh and i guess we'll have to do these dishes as well [Music] [Music] all right i'm ready to go um uh [Music] so so so just turned itself off all right we're on again it does heat up fastest thing so [Music] that looks pretty darn good so i don't usually make breakfast on these trips and usually just rely on just getting food that i've collected just use the ingredients i've brought but in this case i thought it was too good and ingredient to waste i uh was walking through the town before i left and launched over here uh yesterday and i ran into someone that recognized me dino and kathy thank you for uh inviting me back to their house normally i just sleep in the car and hang out at the boat round that night and then i'll leave first thing in the morning but they said well don't be silly we live just up the road come up and hang out for a bit so i went up there they fed me some oysters there was super lovely people got to meet the whole family so uh they actually had a lot of chickens and they gave me some eggs because i mentioned i was going to try and make a type of pasta i'm not sure if i'd do it i did save one egg just in case i need to but they gave me four eggs and so i thought geez it's such a shame to let these fresh eggs get a waste so we'll have this water slightly over quickly coming up you can see how much further it's come up over the like the last maybe half an hour and then i guess we maybe walk around to the ledges further around there and maybe have a fish so maybe i'll cast that lure i've got a couple of bigger lures you never know what could be off that ledge it was probably the deeper water i saw off the island it's an interesting island though you can see how far it is out and then the reef comes back up pretty much around the whole thing so it's kind of like there is no big big ledge there except on that one little point the rest is you know you could be casting another 30 meters and you're still not getting off the edge really so yeah it's an interesting one so we'll see how we go we'll have a bit of a fish and then uh if not maybe we'll wait and jump back in the water or see how we go but let's eat this i love a good omelette i just love a good egg so pack a few things and you know what i've been thinking about it and i think i might um have a go at some squid just on from these edges here around because there was sort of some sort of shallower weedy patches with lots of bait that move in so maybe that'll attract the squid so we'll give it a go anyway i guess we should do this up [Music] okay let's go get the rod and we'll have a go at some squiddies and if not then i guess we might jump in the water i don't really need a big fish even that trout yesterday by the time i got through it all it was a lot of fish so oh yeah it is pretty windy so give that a go surely that's good for a cheeky squid in the shallows this water looks pretty good i know as you get a bit further around now that i've had a dive around there it does get a bit more weedy and there's a couple of more drop-offs and bigger sort of canyons where the water's a bit stiller as well so because around there it looks alright but as soon as you're in that corner it's pretty windy so the wind is scaring me off that side all of a sudden maybe in the water is the way to go this trip i think because there's not a lot of protection and the islands pretty small there's very few places to hide the day is getting away from me pretty quickly i spent a little bit of time in there sorting some footage because i've uh got a limited time to get home and then get back on another trip next week with the family this time so let's start having a cast see if we can find some action and then uh yeah less talk more action nice and slow wow are you kidding me first cast and there's a couple of them there as well oh wow okay so they have moved in come on it's not losing oh he's the perfect size as well where am i going to bring him i want to bring him up this side come on buddy wow wow okay uh get out of the shadow there wow he is the perfect size none of this jumbo squid business oh wow look at that that is an amazing looking creature okay buddy we'll uh karate chop you first cast i only went a little bit slowed down a little bit okay wow well that didn't take long at all shortest fishing trip ever i don't really need another one so i won't bother casting again but there was at least another one or two there i saw sort of scooting around i think i saw two um but yeah wow okay uh now what i guess we better go and cook him up we'll clean him up and cook him up and we'll need a knife just sitting up there for a sec thinking about what i'm gonna do was going to make these sort of little yeah beer batter sort of uh rolls and i guess i could do the same thing maybe i'll do some rings and then a little bit of squid for the rolls because uh just thinking about it i don't really have probably enough oil to do the beer batter in any other way i probably barely have enough oil this time either either so let's uh yeah we'll see how far we get but i feel like fried food for some reason i guess that happens a lot but um i don't really feel after all that raw food last night i feel like something cooked and uh battered so let's quickly get this squid prepped up just here we'll do so what do we want here we want to keep we'll ditch the head first up get that high back there oh slipping all over the place and we'll just just below the head here let's get in the water squeeze that out there so just squeeze the beak out i'm sure if you've watched many of my movies you've probably seen this beat quite a few times out oh he's got a very good clear beak you can see very easily though that's pretty cool there's the beak there okay we'll keep these tentacles we can just fry those up raw we could do them in the batter as well but um either way they'll be delicious rub these tentacles out get a bit of the slime off let's do it in the water because i'm really struggling to hold on to these bad boys i'll just scrape some of the tentacles in the slime off here it will tenderize a little bit but it's mainly just to get all that slime off there we go and they are pretty much ready to eat nothing complicated about that give our bowl a quick rinse to make this our clean bowl look at those they actually just i don't know about you but i find just even those they look so delicious i'm sorry squiddy okay just separate the innards you usually run your finger down there oh burst there are insects so we might take us down to the water and finish the job it's amazing how much ink comes out of that little sack huh one day i'll have to do that uh squid ink pasta that i we were talking about once might be a bit of a home cooked meal that one might be a bit easier at home just pop the top and then pull the backbone out so i can get a hold of it there we go here's the squid backbone almost looks like a piece of plastic isn't it then we'll get under the skin peel the skin off you you're careful when you work around it you can get most of it off in sort of one go and then we'll separate the wings it's amazing this squids just seems to be in little components that sort of all just pull apart if you put your sort of put your finger on the right spot which is unlucky for them they're lucky for us one wing okay so we've got our two wings two wings there and our calamari tube and it's relatively clean i just got a little bit of gunk to get out of there but basically you're left with what you'd pretty much pick up at the supermarket now and this squid is actually the perfect size so pop the wings pop the wings in there we'll do this fresh we'll just fry that quickly so maybe a bit of a or maybe we'll just fry them or i'll deep fry it all actually otherwise i'll be mucking around too much i'm finding that on these camping trips if i get too complicated it gets a bit too difficult keep it simple all right we are good to go let's dry them up a bit oh no how good does that look so we'll just chop this up in rings i guess i could do that here too that way we're just all ready we just need to make the batter it was actually fairly stable here i think yes ish there's that gunk that i couldn't get out at the very back [Music] oh look at that amazing this is going to be amazing i'm really looking forward to it actually let's go do this a little brioche roll with that uh batted in it will be delicious plus i'll get to eat the rest as separates let's get up there and make some better huh give that nice a bit of a rinse down these knives are too good to ruin okay grab all our bits and pieces in a second [Music] okay so first things first i'll just dry these up in a little bit of flour literally just chuck them all in and then i'll flip this and put them back on here give me a little shake down get one more okay so they're all flowered up and then just check that we are look we did have one little end bit we can go back in and then we'll just tip some beer in here it's as simple as beer and self-raising flour so we'll get that beer out and we'll mix it up put a sneaky beer if only it was cold we'd be in the money there let's start with that see how much we make it's quite a lot of flour there actually so we're probably going to need more than that but sometimes it's deceiving as well so how good would it be if i had a bowl three times the size just going to get that consistency right got a bit more flour in this bowl than i thought actually to be honest so we'll have to get through more of that beer and we're starting to make some ground now it's way too thick though i actually had to ditch a little bit of that flour because we just had too much i'm going to run out of beer i can always add more flour but i can't add more beer once i've gotten rid of that beer so i thought i'd better do it call it early so they're getting about right now though about that consistency there just a nice coating you're looking good all right that looks perfect as long as you got it somewhere around there so it's coating nicely beauty hold that down and we'll get some oil going and we're pretty much good to go look at that last bit of warm beer do i do it i've done worse not bad at all actually it'd be better if it was cold all right oil nice greasy food get the energy levels up that panel need to be wiped out i'm using this pot just simply because hopefully we don't have to have as much oil in that's the problem with deep frying on trips like this probably is not the smartest idea but i want it so that's what we're doing oil in you could always take this oil home with me as well and reuse it so i might just tip it back in the bottle after i use it and then if we really need some oil at a later stage i'm not going to have anywhere near enough even in here so it is what it is maybe i should have just done it in the wok or the pan it's not really a walk is it it'll be better if it was a wok i'm still going to be a bit light on the oil so we'll have to do it in small batches it is what it is though so just make do with what we got camping seems to be working again might be almost time to uh replace the top of the head this one did seem to sort of struggle this morning it sort of turned itself off a few times [Music] definitely do not want hot oil on my lap that would be an issue here these little mini brioche buns they cut it they're already cut for me as well so i think maybe we'll make one or two of these little guys keep him out and use you as a plate wait there what happened then it went out again it was just coming to the boil i just did a little test and it was ready to go what is going on it's annoying as if it's freezing itself i think uh yeah i think it might be time to replace this now unless it's just a bottle and it's having a problem anyway it worked again when i re-screwed it back together so hopefully okay back on again getting the lighter out again that's annoying though might be time to renew the gas planter i was all ready to chuck stuff in and then it's a bummer we'll just wait i chucked this little bit of a tester in just over here he was bubbling away lost our heat very quickly there we go it's bubbling away again so let's chuck a few in we'll just go with the hands hands do a faster job start with that many [Music] all right here we go [Music] a bit more in there we're going to maybe on that side there done almost instantly quick flip what are we gonna put these in we should have thought about that we use this pan in fact we'll put these in the pan and then we'll use this to put them on better hurry up though oh wow yeah best be better ever all right let's not muck around though we better get the rest in [Music] there aren't they yeah we'll chuck these last ones in here quickly [Music] oh kidding going out again these guys are pretty much done anyway so we made it to that second batch which is good oh double why do you keep turning off it's definitely time to replace this is ridiculous see what it's bloody hot on the bottom here [Music] so let's load her up hey how these guys going quick flip and what they are on here see a bit of garlic aioli slightly chai and maybe a little sriracha i think maybe a little sriracha on this guy i might do them i just actually put them on here because that's all porous it'll keep the oil from uh just sitting sitting there on them look at those big bits they're just the wings that have gone up like that oh look at those tentacles the tentacles have to go on this plate here at least some of them a bit of salt on the uh the extras so you can see there's that lot there and there's this lot here there's no like a food from that one little squid now you can understand why i was saying in there that la the film why i didn't want to catch another squid because a lot of guys said i'd smash that easy but it was like depending on what you do with it that is a lot of food especially when it's battered everything's so much bigger and bulkier once you've battered it up but i think we're ready to go let's move away from the cooking area create a bit of separation from the work i reckon that's probably one of the better lunches ever so simple really wasn't that hard to do but yeah look at that i can ruin the money there so yeah sorry it's really hot and sweaty sweating it up especially in this long sleeve but uh look at that that is the tentacles right there oh it's pretty hot this one that'd be better i've used it before in other vids but um just that uh crunch perfectly cooked inside didn't take long as soon as that batter is ready get him out of there okay we just had a uh camera issue there turned itself off i thought it was gonna be battery but apparently it was too hot it said the camera's just turned off because it's overheated so we're using the phone now man this is so good let's get a bit of that sriracha on there oh it comes out fast it is hot i'm gonna go get a drink cheers see ya
Channel: RoKKiT KiT
Views: 282,937
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iNMA7x7zJm8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 24sec (2124 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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