'Allo 'Allo - The Interrogation of Monsieur Alfonse, the undertaker

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although I am most dissatisfied with the way you are running this town you have not arrested anybody in the resistance you will fail to find any trace of any missing Hammond it has now come to my attention that there is curious activity in the churchyard mounds of Earth are appearing all over the place but nobody is being buried Gruber history Alphonse the Undertaker and we will interrogate him I have already arrested him but I am not satisfied with your interrogation procedures intend to remain here value questioned him let him devote him you may dismiss nothing : l interrogate him good morning walk around him slowly looking at him closely then stand behind him this always put some in a state of anxiety what the general says is quite correct what is your name the distinct guidelines in the manual of interrogation use them of course general yes right now listen to me carefully and understand this we know everything in that case can I go ask you about the mouse over of course what about the mounds of Earth what launch of a beer after questions they exactly did you see you gentlemen it's a graveyard it's believed by article mounds of Earth appearing in the graveyard could it perhaps be the Moors but to me you up to something six of your grave diggers of peanut work night and day but no one is getting buried how do you account for this well you see generally in the summertime and when business is slacking we try to stock up for the winter that is the time when they pop off this explanation today definitely not general then I am be more careful future yes general Han Hyo Macau 24-hour service I will bury you swiftly and with style if your garden should require attention I also do edge cutting and reach offing keep an eye on the graveyard I'm not satisfied with this explanation the general when I said I was not satisfied you were very close colonel sometimes you are sick of too short fat planks
Channel: Veres Péter
Views: 829,014
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 'Allo 'Allo! (TV Program)
Id: vsXtQgDXyYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 41sec (221 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2013
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