Rising Damp, the gasman scene

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oh yes i'm from the gospel to the leak no no I don't quite know how to put this but I've come to cut off your supply what I've come to disconnect you can't do that I've got why you haven't paid your bill for three quarts wears no need to get nasty I'm not being nasty I've got a job to do it's my duty ot ot ot that LX q UT has just let the guests ER but they were only doing their duty I don't like the guests are you coming in later night making threat in a pig's cat say nothing that gets tougher man I got no look at you the spitting image of him no you are nothing like him away he wore glasses don't do it I've got to you're asking but so forget you want me to do to write to my MP I shouldn't why not we cut him off last informational friends you have got enough live in chief living upstairs for use to Co something painful you stop good to Niska so there could be a diplomatic incident they probably on the next plane back home stop Tiffin out the missionaries sorry you're sorry what about my tenants a they be cooking the Silver's they're gonna be sorry to in their beans start to coagulate a solid old plastic Adamo yes thank you very hard-hearted man well I suppose there's nothing I can do to stop you I'll take money to it directly sir up together it's never warm here at night now having no pension it's so freezing cold in here no I know it was bitter last night you know what that is don't you trench foot museum up to my knees in mud for three dead yo course so this country's got a lot to answer certainly as me I've always managed up to now you know always managed to keep my self-respect fun till now I'm sorry oh I do hate this job I shall be tossing and turning on what about me hey what about when the neighbors get to be enough to be disgraced no you won't but it's no use I can't do it there comes a point when a man has to make a choice I shall go back and hand in my cap oh so they made this another better get stop all that no no the hurtful thing to say thank you very much mister [Applause] we seem to have hit the jackpot
Channel: Little Jump (by Robert Gillespie)
Views: 144,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rising Damp, Leonard Rossiter, Robert Gillespie, Sitcom, Situation Comedy
Id: BFj7VMbO08E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 47sec (167 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 18 2020
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