Allison 1000 Automatic Transmission Power Flow

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This is a demonstration of the power flow  through an Allison 1000 six-speed automatic   transmission. this transmission is used in 2001  through current Chevrolet and GMC heavy-duty   trucks in particular with the Duramax 6.6  liter diesel the Isuzu Duramax the General   Motors uses this transmission has gone through  four generations and possibly a fifth for 2011   of changes and 2001 was all by itself it  was a five-speed transmission but yet all   the components of the main planetary gear  sets were still there so it could have been   a 6-speed had they had programmed the TCM  the transmission control module to have six   gears then there was a 2000 a change in 2002  some software changes to have some increased pleasantness I guess decreased harsh ships  particularly down ships but this had a hard   up shift hard downshift even an engine flare up  during shifting because this Allison transmission   is a transmission that does what's called a  clutch to clutch shift which means it shifts   just like a manual transmission meaning that in  between each shift it goes to neutral so to go   from first to second we have first gear then we  go to neutral then we go to second and they had   the timing not quite right on those we had a lot  of customer complaints on this thing about the oil   pump being noisy at idle so in 2004 they added  a solenoid G to the valve body which only was   used at idle and would turn down the line sir  from maximum down to a lower pressure to where   the pump wasn't as noisy and then in 2006 they  went to the fourth generation controls turned   it into a six-speed did not add any additional  solenoids make it a six-speed or any additional   parts that's my understanding their software  changes a computer change and possibly some valve   body and case changes corresponding to the sixth  gear Edition and then in 2011 for the new Duramax   with the increased power for the 2010 Tier four  emission standards that engine has closed that   Duramax engine has close to eight hundred pound  feet of torque so they did some modifications to   strengthen the transmission for 2011 so what I'd  like to start with is showing you the parts of the   Allison transmission what I have here is actually  what's inside the torque converter this is called   the turbine and it's hooked to the input shaft  here and so if the turbine turns then power can   flow into the transmission but there is no direct  connection between the input shaft and the output   shaft unless we have some clutches apply this  input shaft connects to the C1 clutch housing the   C2 clutch housing and the rotating clutch module  on this piece right here is the rotating clutch   module this entire thing fits over the input shaft  and splines to this piece here so these teeth   inside of here spline to this and the input or  this rotating clutch module is also splined to the   input shaft so if the input shaft turns it also  does this piece of metal here and this piece of   let's hope to the Sun gear of our first planetary  gearset this thing has three planetary gear sets   they are quite easy to remember this one's called  the P1 or planetary gear set number 1 P2 and P3   so three planetary gear sets there are also three  clutch packs that connect to those planetary gear   sets as far as the ring gear is concerned we can  see the ring gear on the outside of these three   planetary gear sets and clear in the back of the  transmission back here we have the C5 clutch pack   which has six fiber plates and seven steel plates  and it splines here the fiber plate splines to   this the ring gear the steel plate splines to the  case and when that clutch applies it stops the P3   ring gear from rotating and then we have the  p4 I'm sorry it stops yeah P3 then we have the   piece or the C4 clutch that stops the P2 ring gear  from rotating so we have a C4 clutch turns out the   clutch disc is this are the same for the C4 clutch  and a C3 clutch which stopped the P1 and the P2   ring gears and then they have the same metal  plates that's blind to the case the difference   between the C3 clutch and the C4 clutch is the C3  clutch has four fiber discs and five steel discs   where the C4 clutch has five fiber discs and six  steel plates and so these three ring gears here   with the C3 C4 and C5 clutches stopped when those  clutches are applied and then the power coming in   from the input shaft connects to the C1 clutch  this is a clutch disc and still played out of   the C1 clutch as you can see it's much smaller  but it can be much smaller cuz we've got a first   gear ratio of 3.10:1 so it's  3.10 times easier to move the vehicle   in first gear so we can have a clutch disc that's  3.10 times smaller and still handle the   same torque and load and then it has I forget how  many clutch disks it has it, I think it's six   it's a pretty good number of the C1 clutch  disks and the C1 clutch is going to connect   the input shaft to this C1 clutch housing the  C1 clutch housing connects to an intermediate   shaft that goes down the middle of these planetary  sets and it connects to the two Sun gears that are   in the P2 and the P3 gear set and then we have an  output shaft back here so there's three shafts on   this transmission we have the input shaft the  intermediate shaft that's underneath all of   this and our output shaft then we have the C2  clutch and you can see it's a little bit larger   of than the C1 when it's not quite as large as  the C3 they're close but the C2 is a little bit   larger the C2 clutch disks are going to spline to  this out outer housing right here and it grabs the   planet carrier of the P2 planetary gearset and  it has steel plates also but unlike   these three clutches that when they apply they  stop these three pieces from rotating these two   clutches up here to C1 and the C2 clutch when  they apply they connect power from the engine   through the turbine input shaft to the C1 clutch  and the C2 clutch they connect power to our   planetary gear sets so we have power going to the  intermediate shaft which drives the two Sun gears   in the middle here we have power going to the C2  clutch which drives the planet carrier of the   and then we have power going to this metal piece  which strives the Sun gear of the P1 always so for   each set of planetary gear sets we can get two  forward gears this is a six-speed transmission   it's also a five-speed if you're talking  about the Allison 1000 prior to 2004 model year   so what I'd like to do is show you how the  six forward gear ratios are obtained and how   reverse is obtained first thing for first gear  we are going to have the C5 clutch apply which   is going to stop this P3 ring gear from rotating  and then we're also going to apply the C1 clutch   which is this housing right here so we're  going to have to see one clutch turning because   it'll be connected to through the turbine in the  torque converter to the input shaft we're going   to have this the P1 Sun gear turning at the same  time and we'll have the C5 clutch applied holding   this the P3 Sun gear and so this should give  us 3.1 turms of the input to one turn of the   output and you can see over here that I've got  these I've got the output shaft labeled let me   zoom in a little bit so you can see the labels  a little bit better as we do this and so we'll   watch how how many times it takes to turn the the  input to get one term of the output for first gear   it should be 3.1 so I'm going to grab the C1  clutch housing and this rotating clutch housing   and I'll hold the C5 clutch from turning and  then we'll see if see if we get 3.1 turns of the   output shaft so when you zoom back out a little  bit so you can see the whole thing here we go one two three and about a tenth more 3.1 turns of  the input to get one turn of the output these   planetary gear sets by the way are huge compared  to any other 1/2 ton and 3/4 ton one-ton truck   automatic transmissions these are monsters this  transmission is a big heavy-duty transmission   everything is really heavy but it's a very  reliable transmission it's been very very   trouble-free alright now it was first gear so  that was holding the C5 clutch turning the C1   clutch in the rotating clutch module to go to  second gear all we do is release the C5 clutch   and apply the C4 clutch we keep the C1 and the  rotating clutch module turning so we have to   let go of the C5 go to neutral then grab the C4  clutch and this should give us 1.8   turms of the input to one turn of the output so  here we go you see the output strung a little   faster there's one turn of the input and not quite  a full two terms 1.8 1 to 1 gear ratio and we've   got one full full turn of the output so that's  second gear to go to third gear we have to let   go of the C4 clutch and now grab the C3 clutch  so we've just moved right up the planetary gear   set its first gear second gear third gear except  now for third gear besides well know that's it   we're still going to turn the C1 clutch and this  rotating clutch module now third gear has a gear   ratio of 1.4 to 1 so our output shafts should turn  even faster so here we go I'll turn it we've got   one turn in and about 4/10 of a turn and we've  got a full turn of the output so that's third   gear of 1.4 to one. fourth gear is direct-drive  and direct-drive means one turn of the input   gives us one turn of the output and in fourth  gear we let go of all three of these holding   clutches sometimes they refer to as brakes and  instead we're going to apply will keep the see   one clutch applied and turn the rotating clutch  module but now we're also going to apply the C2   clutch so that means all three of these pieces  here are going to be hooked to the input shaft   and the whole thing will just turn as an assembly  so here's fourth gear one turn in equals one turn   out okay now we're going to shift in the fifth  gear to have fifth gear we need to apply the C3   clutch and turn the C2 clutch these parts are  very heavy and difficult to turn especially in   the overdrive gear range and so let me line up  there are sticker here to get fifth gear I'm   going to have to use a little helper tool here to  help me turn that C2 clutch housing for overdrive   so we should have about 0.71 terms of the input  there we go to one term of the output everything   is kind of on a bind here in these V blocks so  it makes it more difficult to turn especially   in overdrive now sixth gear is actually double  overdrive fifth gear is 0.71 terms of the input   to one turn of the output sixth gear is 0.61  terms of the input to one term of the output   and in sixth gear will let go the C3 clutch and  we'll just go back to the C4 clutch and continue   turning with the C2 clutch and the rotating clutch  module so now we should have less than half of the   input to get one full term of the output with the  C4 clutch applied so here we go you can see that's   really spinning quickly on that output there we  go 6/10 of a turn in 0.6 one turns in to one   turn out so this is the Allison 1000 transmission  the internals we've got five clutches C1 plus C2   cuts C3 clutch C4 clutch C5 clutch we've got three  planetary gear sets P1 P2 P3 this great big gear   right here is your parking gear where your parking  pawl is going to come in and lock the output shaft   from turning there's monsterous bearings on the  output gigantic torque converter on the input   this transmission is a very heavy duty and turning  out to be a very reliable automatic transmission
Channel: WeberAuto
Views: 753,527
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Keywords: State, Aisin, STEM, Guy in wheelchair, 1000, RAM, Allison, Professor, CCAR, Silverado, Motors, ASE, Cummins, Ford, Toyota, Sierra, BS, Chrysler, Weber, Diesel, Duramax, WSU, CAP, University, Automotive, CAT, Powerstroke, T-TEN, GM, GMC, Technology, MLR, AAS, NACAT, Degree, Auto, Transmission, General, HD, ASEP, Automatic, Chevrolet, NATEF
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2011
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