Allen Iverson Reacts To Allen Iverson Highlights! | The Reel

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I love how emotional he sounds whenever he gets to talk about his career. We all grew up on watching Allen and he shaped our love for basketball. WE LOVE YOU ALLEN

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chillflyguy33 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Pound for pound the GOAT

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/anandonaqui πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

To think he only went to that first basketball practice because his mom wanted him out of the house while she was cleaning lol.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fooshboosh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thedadfromsmartguy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

My hero for life

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BeyondLost1 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love me some AI

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nikjohnson_art πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 13 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
are they I appreciate you coming on the show we're celebrating the launch of the Reebok question mid double cross at footlocker I watched these highlights of you when I was a kid so it's cool to kind of go through memory lane with you now I didn't realize you played football and you didn't just play quarterback you play what defensive back you were a kick returner what different positions did you play I played a safety mm-hmm punt returner kick returner quarterback you won the high school player of the year for men's basketball and also football did you ever think about going to the NFL that's what I that was my that was my dream that's what I wanted to that's what I wanted to do but circumstances happening in high school yeah and I was recruited by everybody in the country and then once I got in the situation that I got into nobody recruited me anymore and my mom went to Georgetown and talked to Coach I'm something big for my life yeah were you better at football or basketball football you were how good you would you have been I don't know you don't mean but you know I always say that I was better in football okay I was in basketball now when you broke Antonio Daniels ankles what was kind of your mindset at this time I'm just playing basketball you know all this stuff that happen in my career I was just playing man I you know my whole my whole thing wasn't the glitz and the glamour and the flash I just wanted to play harder than everybody else yeah you know I mean you know like I think the best feelings that I had as a basketball player was the fact that um my teammates felt like with me on their squad that we could win every night regardless of who we playing with you know we talked about all these um super teams and things like that but I always felt like I was on the super team yeah you don't mean because I was playing with four of the pros yeah you know I mean I never had the luxury of playing with you know pro guys before I got to the NBA so I never imagined myself playing with Kobe or playing with Shaq for anything like that to feel like I could win a championship I felt like the guys that I was playing with you know I could win with them now what about Jordan though because you obviously idolized them did you ever think about playing with him because that would've been crazy my dreams have came true and a lot of ways but I never even dreamt that yeah I would get a chance to play with my idol yeah but I did get a chance to play with him in an all-star game that was so that was that was a bucket list thing and you get your like a chest bump moment - right and yeah that was a three all-star game he had a smile on his face absolutely hey I'm young hate so yeah you know he probably he probably wasn't ready for that yeah you know to me but that was a monumental moment in my life how nervous were you before this game by the way we are you a nervous I wasn't I wasn't because um you know a lot of a lot of times people look at it as being cocky arrogant but it's confidence and my whole thing was yeah everybody know who black Jesus is everybody know who 23 is but tonight you know you're gonna know who number three is you know I mean you're gonna you're gonna remember this moment too cuz I'm I'm here and I didn't look at it like I had to have a great game all I wanted to do is play harder than everybody else how is your relationship with him to this day I love him yeah I mean my my hero he's my inspiration you know he's the he's the guy that made me want to become the guy that ultimately ended up with his ring is it true that he said I couldn't have been too much of a here to you if you cross me like that he said that to me no it was war yeah you know I mean we we were competing actually you know my teammates basically were telling me that I wasn't gonna play my game because I love them so much you know to me and I was like you know I love him but I'm a sixer yeah you know I mean in it and I gotta bring it for y'all but he dude was in my foxhole now when you initially cross them did you feel pressure to hit the shot I don't remember if you remember what it was until the hoopla after it yeah you know I mean I was just playing basketball like I didn't you know I wasn't I wasn't thinking about that you know I mean I was I was going against the greatest player to ever play the game and um I was like man I'm gonna try my move against the greatest this many years later is just letting there now people always call Jordan the best player to ever play but people also call Allen Iverson the greatest pound-for-pound player ever to play in the NBA what's your reaction to that I don't know I mean that's that's where everybody else to debate you know I mean I just played hard every night you know the Philly fans are the best fans in the world you know the mean so it's easy to go out there and give them everything you got you got broken bones or you're sick or you're going through personal situations you know I mean for those 48 minutes that was my safe haven yeah you know that's when I you know got a chance to you know excite kids and the people in Philadelphia and I embraced that you know I mean because they love me and respect me and and and gave me a chance to be human you know I mean that's what Philly is about Philly is is is the most authentic place in the world now when he dropped 41 points against the Lakers Kobe said that he obsessed over this game he used to just sit and watch this game and that you made Kobe Bryant the player that he became I didn't do that his mom and dad made him that and he did it were you surprised when he said to you that like you're the person that kind of drove him because not really because you know he helped me develop the killer that I that I was back then it was just it was me and him yeah you know what I mean you know he helped me and my maturation as a basketball player now when he dropped forty eight points in Game one of the NBA Finals I was six years old and I remember right after the game I went into my mom's sewing room and this is like midnight and I broke her sewing machine because I was trying to make an Allen iris and arm sleeve and I wanted to wear it because I wanted to be like Allen Iverson was this a special moment this game didn't feel like you had gone to another level it was um we we knew we could win they just ultimately had more talent and experience than us yeah you know what I mean because we were we were in Game two we could have won Game three but they were just you know they were a juggernaut at that time and um you know as great as Kobe is and always will be we ran into the most dominant player at that time and she killed little Neil you know me and then everybody said Dikembe did a great job against them but if you look at the stats yeah it is what it is you know I mean we just got beat by a better a better team they were just better than us were you surprised the tyloo play became famous the step-over he's cool about it he's really cool about it we'll always talk about it were you surprised that it blew up yeah because it was it just in the moment play like he gave me problems yeah like he gave me major problems and um you know I was always from what I heard his favorite player and the same thing you know with Mike his teammates were dogging him about him let me have my way and he went out there and he competed and I hated him from that series but as a person I love him to death now the moment you cut your hair before the all-star game were you unveiled it do you remember this moment yeah I think I did it out of anger with my hairstylist really yeah but you were a cultural icon everyone wanted to just like I said with the arms leave every wanted to dress like you be like you were you nervous when you cut your hair like oh people might feel away about this no I I don't I ain't kidding about nothing but um my girl liking it yeah but everyone since it was such an iconic hairstyle everyone look Dwayne Wade Ray Allen Dwight Howard LeBron James they're all waiting you for to unveil your new fresh cut I don't know they just couldn't believe I did it that's what it was they couldn't believe I did and did you see the part in the middle yeah from all those years of having that line in the middle of my hair I don't know that was a bad time for me what is your reaction like when LeBron says I didn't want to be Michael I didn't wanna be magic I wanted to be Allen Iverson it's humbling it's an honor just impact someone's life you know I'm saying like Michael Jordan did this for me like he made me believe that I could be a cultural icon he made me think that I could be who I ended up being if you help one person then I think you did gods D if you help one person yeah you know I mean just one person but then when you have an impact on a whole culture and and it's able to have people believe that anything is possible if you work at it that makes me feel good about my mom my dad the people that helped raise me all the coaches the teammates are Mikey Eric snow all of the guys that had me believe that I could be anything that I wanted to be and impact the world to have people around me to tell me what I need to hear opposed to what I want to hear yeah you know I mean I love waking up being Allen Iverson I love me you know me I love everything that I am do I wish things were better for me yeah yeah you know I mean do I wish I had more do I wish I had more love all that we all want there but I'm comfortable in my own skin I love being me I love waking up and watching my face and seeing that person yeah when did you realize you were more than just a basketball player in a cultural icon though cuz LeBron says I wore headbands because in my robably I arm sleep younger younger generations yeah younger generation they don't judge as much as the older generation Oh degenerate they want to judge they want to critique you know to me and I'm cool with constructive criticism I'm fine I'm fine with that but most of the time you know older people concentrate on critiquing and young people I think they they idolize and they appreciate the gift that I give them by my survival well yeah this was so much fun man I watched you when I was growing up so this was amazing you have a lot more highlight so we're gonna do this again one day and so until then we'll just wait it out all right thank you man seriously bro [Music]
Channel: House of Highlights
Views: 2,494,172
Rating: 4.9182873 out of 5
Keywords: allen iverson, allen iverson highlights, allen iverson mix, allen iverson reacts, allen iverson reacts to highlights, allen iverson top plays, allen iverson interview, allen iverson best plays, allen iverson finals, allen iverson house of highlights, house of highlights, house of highlights reacts, house of highlights interview, nba, basketball
Id: d-lKgkko4H8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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