Allen Iverson's Untold Stories of Michael Jordan & Biggie, His Iconic Outfits + more

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Thank you for censoring this mans foul mouth from my virgin ears

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1837 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AFlaccidNarwhal πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

When Jordan himself was a young player he tried to talk trash to Larry Bird. According to Jackie MacMullen's book:

One year later, Jordan hit a jump shot over Bird's outstretched hand and then, as he backpedaled on defense, told Larry, "Take that, All-Star."

"Come on, you little bitch, bring it back here," said Bird, then went down and drained a perimeter shot of his own.

"You know you're the biggest prima donna I've ever seen", Jordan said.

"What the hell is a prima donna?", Bird asked.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 102 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/halvorboss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 09 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is probably because the whole league was wanting to hang rookie Iverson for publicly saying he wanted to challenge MJ. Everyone basically said "who are you to call out MJ?", some of the names I remember saying this were Barkley and Penny. Jordan said Iverson needs to respect his elders and chill, Iverson replied "I'll respect whoever I want to respect". Obviously, deep down he did respect MJ but he wasn't going to let MJ know and he wasn't going to play like he idolised him either. After the game with the crossover, MJ had a soft spot for A.I and even defended him and his style which made the rest of the league cool off. MJ's been cool with him since, enough to even go out of his way to walk up to AI and publicly congratulate him on making the HoF.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 524 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/40Vert πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

MJ was an elite shit talker

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 353 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

lol The mere notion that others tried to play his sport was offensive to MJ.


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1266 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/jcw4455 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"You listen, I christen"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dont-YOLO-ragequit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

"wat up u fckin midget"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 172 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/noidentity63 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

AI on crossing up MJ: β€œI always knew when i got to the league i was gonna try my move on the best...he was just a victim that night”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 139 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hasadiga42 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

You really gonna disrespect Charles Barkley's #1 overall pick in the all time NBA fantasy draft like that?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/kthom925 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
but there's so many pictures of you and outfits that I'm like bro I just with Forex West matter some I was like my hair still dressing like in the nineties you know he was like I already cut it down yeah a dub down what's going on guys speedy morman here from complex and there's only a couple guys who can go by just two letters there's MJ there's kg there's KD and then there's this guy he's basketball royalty is a style icon but most importantly he's the swag ease player in NBA history bar none ai holla Knox is in the building with something how you doing thank Arvin I think it's a complete coincidence right now that we're both wearing the same shoes I don't know how do we manage to do this but I guess you try I'm not gonna debate you in there but obviously we're here on behalf of Reebok promoting something here it's the sushi right here it's called the Ireson legacy talk to us about do you like it you rock with the love yeah um I had input on them I'm like I have with all the other what 14 pair and I love the shoe because it's all of my shoes put together Reebok we have a relationship where they wanted me to come in and raw and you just be you something that the world has never seen people thought I created that but it was just me dressing like guys from around here right yummy dressing like my own voice and like it wasn't a big deal every every big-time guy that everybody looked up to came in with a pseudo right and in my eyes I never wore a suit to the court well no we just wears a suit to go home and that's where I'm going so a lot of times me and my friend is a joke you know he's like making a big deal about what you went the stuff you got on cause more than every slap that's a fact you know saying so and then when they banned it it was it was bothersome cuz they saw that all the guys were starting to look like me and only work with those guys always wanted to do that but they felt uncomfortable doing it because they thought they would get a reaction from the lead right you kind of popped it off and after you did it they were like [ __ ] if he can get away with it I'm like basically it's basically like I took that ass-whooping for them to be able to do what they do now you see a plethora of guys with tattoos and some guys got cornrows and you know I mean they wet it stop baggy where they getting smaller now but a lot smaller yeah with the headbands and all that stuff and it's cool because you got different type of game in the NBA so why would everybody look the same way and plus people come from different places people come from all walks of life and it's to each his own I respect that you know then a guy wanna dress like they suppose they have a dress code now what the stuff these guys win this is the better time to add yeah yeah the outrage is with it now I imagine that when you have your own sneaker everybody and their mother is asking you for a pair I read somewhere that your mom used to send biggie pairs of your shoes maestro my mom didn't do a plane is out in LA right he was trying to get the questions from his mom he came to see me after the game so I'm looking at like what you don't want in it like I can't see you you know me had a couple guys with him see he's rock you didn't when I got back home we was playing they were the bullets at the time Washington yes and my mom came from Virginia she woke me up like four o'clock the morning said baby your man did and that's how I found out how did you and B become cool in the first PUF introduces I want to play him Rucker Park and he was in the studio with them with cease and it was like a bucket list moment for me do you vividly remember the conversation that you have him definitely I mean like it happened yesterday I mean cuz I was such a colossal fan right of him you know I mean of his music you know me I knew every line I remember um while I was there he did I'm breaking my down floor and he did um ya know oh just some but yeah and and this was a time period where I think only one more chance was out so we hadn't heard him for a while right and then our life after death was M rated come on I was there so you watch had enough to do sessions while I was fortunate enough to be there while he was recording yeah wow that's quite a big [ __ ] list luckily definitely bucket of stuff males in school you said that you wanted to be the basketball version of Michael Jackson right what does that mean that means first of all you this that means your style is yours that means all the girls rock which half I was always typing playing that I wouldn't be interested if he won't know girls they're all right because were you playing for that yeah you know I mean like I was the type of guy that um look forward to playing in Atlanta Miami like basically stay in the house don't go out if you gotta guard him don't know again right because I'm coming with leave family home that's our problem Michael Jackson's a big hero of yours Michael Jordan was as well it's who you said you wanted to be like and I've heard you say multiple times that when you saw him for the first time on the court it was like the Chappelle show he had the aura you could literally see the aura around him and I got it I got a lot of flack from my teammates you know I mean because they would like you know basically teasing me like you're not gonna play your game tonight huh did you plan against you got you're not gonna come with it huh but not you know me so I was being this tough guy with them you know I mean but then I walked out there song all that way not to wind up yeah man I was a I was a fan on me that's what I've always been and I'm thinking he's glowing or whatever and I'm looking down on my Pam you got on the joys do you remember which jay-z other he had on the I don't know what number because I didn't start keeping up with the number of with that the white ones would did 12 it was crazy I the wristband on and all that I'm looking at all that cuz that was my guy that's my hero but once they took the ball through their ball in the end you're gonna remember 23 tonight like you always have but when you leave here you won't remember number three - I like that did you talk to him before the game at all no it was just strictly it was it was um the first time I ever talked to him was um that year planning the rookie game I never get it cuz he said what's up you look [ __ ] I never forget it I look down like all right man what do you say back to that cuz it's somebody you know nothing rock with nothing she's got to eat that right nothing and they're like I remember one time he told me he said I was telling them I went into a shop again and I was telling him how much he meant to me and how much I robbed what I mean man you wouldn't rub you and rocking me like that because you going to cross me right whoever hit me with that that customer but that was just instant you know I always knew that once I got to lead I was gonna try my move on the past so it was just a victim that night right now when I think about players that having that kind of relationship with their city I think of Mike in Chicago I think of Kobe in LA I think of Dewayne in Miami and I spent a few in Philly why do you think you have this kind of bond with that city I think I'm cuz I'm I'm the city there's a lot of guys in the league they around new people the suits on and earpieces in and a person to see them hope they don't such a safe and would be scared too but I'm so different I'm approachable for some reason I don't even know like I sometimes I be dumbfounded but I'm like why do people feel like digging just walk up me right all the time but they feel just like I feel about them I'm you I'm just letting a basketball player I come from where you come from you know being um I'm a blue-collar guy go out there and I go hard every night and if you notice everything about Philadelphia they give you a hard time if you don't give it all you can play bad but they can tell when you giving it for everything you got night in and night out and we just had that bond between each other and it's like that's right let's talk about a Philly legend Beanie Sigel means he said that if they ever changed the NBA logo it should be you because you had more influence on the game than anybody and I wonder if they did again this is his opinion but I wonder if give me that wouldn't happen right I think we're not me but if I did okay if they did what would that logos look like would it be you can somebody see I always liked them everybody always just showing me driving or crossing somebody or something like that right I'll never see too many of all the don'ts that I write I'm having all the crazy dunks that I especially at my I know that like I people do [ __ ] and me crosses somebody else but it's never you don't it's never me don't do it I'm known more for our guests shake your people right boy I mean you could you put in the back off the free throw or you over can be so many I know you saying that and I feel the same how you feel I feel the same exactly you feel the same way so there's an acai berry I kind of quote that you said I thought it was late you said the better you look at the better you play and with that let's just talk about the legend that is the arm sleep conspiracy theorists will say use it to cover up tats other people say you had a little situation with your elbow and then you wore it for every game for the rest of your career how did this sleeve I used to I used you know the glaze was of course I played basketball okay so you're right-handed yeah so the right side of my body whenever I was fall or something I would fall on the strongest part of my body all the time so when I was in Georgetown I used to fall all the time whatever and my friends used to tease me because I had a big bursa sac mm-hmm on my own and then I went in had surgery on it and it was still flaring up so I would have to get it drained before every game and when it all didn't come out they gave me it was it wasn't what you see now just gonna clump and it pushed it in you know I mean so then they made one foot and I wore it and then my elbow got better but I got used to a crack you know me and then I was like okay well let me throw some style with it so I start putting the spider webs on in and they're living up with the US right yeah I say only and then I just start doing stuff with it do you remember the first time you saw someone else wearing a sleeve alright I know I know the first time I know the first time that I couldn't believe Kobe did it I couldn't believe he did it but the first time I got excited about it is when I seen the bond with the headband home you know to me because that's my look yeah you know I mean like that's the guy that wanted to emulate me when you even say it I didn't want it so I'm not saying it did so when I seen it out like oh my god that's dope and and it was cool for him to do it and paying homage to to me and he's I mean he's colossal right you know he's a colossal superstar I know me and it was just it was just dope like alright some of these low dudes still you know respect you and respect what you made them think when it was creating them I think a large part of your career is based on moments of you embarrassing other athletes right I kind of crossovers and throwing it on people do you remember the most embarrassing moment that happened to you yeah I was in 22 of them I was known in college and Alvin Williams was driving we want a break and he took off and I didn't know what he was gonna do it but I jumped so when I jumped and I saw the Yeti Cup and was not done oh thank you thank it's a crazy thing and then one game mom and it was two more one day I both one game we're playing the Lakers and Shaq had it down low and he went up the baguette and I cannot on his back hug and he took me up to it and still do it they always look at me and say are you trying to die and my move my move I never somebody never did something to me in my house that made everybody say oh right you know me so I got me the post and he's my size so he said what I was going to hit below yeah I got I'm in position I think I got him and he spit real hard and I fell hold its called up my my hands yeah I mean I had burns bull burns that's how hard I feel did he hit the shot and my crowd was like oh yeah and I was now I'm coming down the court and then I don't never get Arabic eat something don't get him back yet don't get him back yet cuz it made it seem like you know I mean like it was some person didn't wait a couple plays but and then you make a moving on but then he wasn't guarding me saying I was so mad and I'm like I can't even get him back for what he did in my house man it happens to the best of us though me yeah so someone asked Coby his favorite a I remember and he said his favorite a I memory was when you dropped 40 something on him he went back to the bus after the game and thought to himself I need to be a better defender and then he said after that he just practice his defense and became one of the best defenders of all time is that your favorite Kobe story as well you drop in for tea on his head or you have something else no man we was waste playing them when I was in Denver and Kenya least our God and King Lee was saying so I'm like and he was he was he wasn't doing anything they were going back and forth to each other and Kenya was like no you put on you sneakers like I put on man you my girlfriend skating I beat you ever thought about going crazy with and I'm sitting in living life cuz he's been quiet this is gonna be bad man this man start going crazy on me dunks threes mid-range I mean killing eyes I think he had like 49 or something and somehow I was shooting a free throw and my nickname is Chuck yeah so he was like on Chuck he said I was chillin and they [ __ ] the tree and the momma fell out and I was like don't poke the bear yeah oh man leave him alone and that was like my my fondest moment when I came out when you watch the game now are you able to kind of point out where your influence is like can you see a gaming bit okay I can tell that that's my move right there and I can see at all because you you know when some work like I used to copy people because it was right you know I mean like I I want to do I want to do jump like Mike I wanted to shoot like bird I'm gonna pass like magic I'm gonna be fast like Isiah what a rebound like Shaq right and I wanted to take all of that and implement it in my game at 6 foot tall I'm just 65 you did your best that's what I tried to do emulate guys I mean who don't take stuff from people you know I mean why wouldn't you especially if they have you looked at them as heroes and inspirational subsets yeah definitely definitely we're in biking basketball it's ok it's ok um I think it's got to be a funny moment for you when you see young kids that are obviously we're not alive when you were playing run up to your be like Oh Allen Iverson alibi ladies and it's got to be weird and I imagine that they know you because of you - yes do you ever go to youtube and look at your own stuff yes all the time like how often are we talking about I don't know like like I beat you my phone I'm the only YouTube head man like I go through YouTube all the time I'll be by myself like I probably I wouldn't do it around nobody you be the crib I did by myself yeah like Allen Iverson nurse Lee oh my oh my oh my kids that cuz my three youngest kids didn't grow up off that my two oldest they saw it they they went through the hoop law and all that old stuff same ones I used to have on the podium but my little kids would be in the mall or something and yet like 9 you like they still get thrills on cuz they didn't they were they weren't there so my son and especially my [ __ ] cuz my nayaki dry so I would show her my stuff and the response I mean that feeling right there is like no other you know need for her to dig up her daddy you know it means I didn't know her daddy was you know I mean so yeah I do it and then the kids run off and then you stay looking a little longer then you start know their attention span is not that long so they don't see you a couple plays and then get up and go do the stuff that she seems you wanna play ps4 and it's my second oldest little girl she's just just make up make up make them all day like why did you paint your face like that we're not going nowhere like every time I wake up in the morning I look and she before she go to school she in the mirror rapping and then when she finished she got a piece and then go to school like she do it every morning like she's good I got my three girls but two girls my always in my 24 year old and my third CEO are girls and my my baby is all tomboy all right I feel like your career you kind of felt like a lone wolf of sorts right you were like finding obviously had a team but it was you and now it's super normalize to have you know three four or five superstars on the same team is this something you would even have wanted or when you kind of refer to this you know you have that killer mentality for yourself okay listen why the way the club that I was cut from and my mentality my thinking was okay I'm the superstar I'm the franchise player okay I got teammates when you look at it all eleven other guys are NBA players as well right so when you call this guy the 12th man on the bench when you call him a bum he can go outside right there and they can play five on five bus everybody I killed and the way the way I thought was I'm playing for the first time in my life I'm playing with four other pros you know I'm saying so and then you'll be around them you see what they can do so my tenure in Philadelphia I never I think I had it all start one time that was the Kim bacon after the all-star break you know I mean but that was the first time and I always never imagined or even thought about I'm going to play with this person I want to play with that person wasn't even a thing it because once because once you think why would you think like that if it's not even gonna happen I want to play with these guys and I play with you know I mean we had at one point when we went to the finals we had the toughest I thought we were the toughest team and the league the Lakers were a better team they were more talented right but they put me in the position where coach did and my teammates tell me you go ahead and do what you do off it and we'll make up for all the flaws that you know that you have and that's what they did you know they played all the defense they got me open and all that was stuff we were just a team I'm curious to know when you watch the game today who is someone who you'd like to line up against somebody who you'd like to put both yes yes I know you'd like to put 40 on their head everybody I always want to play in a game with Michael Jordan but we play different positions right so it wasn't a matchup like that but I always approached every game the same way because the guy that you think is a bum what happens career game because he's planning is you let's talk about your Hall of Fame speech you paint some icons you think biggie fab Mays Jadakiss why'd you think these guys just being my thing in music I mean how that probably guys throughout nervous as hell during that Holmes beat I know you said it the way she did it she put it on a telephone I had I was so nervous I was hitting and they were going downhill I hit it was skipped you know I mean so I missed out some people I you know I had to hear from some rappers that's my guys like who and singers I ain't crying doing that nine out of those ten guys were New York guys and I'm from you like biggie fat I don't even think I say it [ __ ] you did say bye okay I'm mostly I listen to before the game in the locker room and on the way it was Michael Jackson okay most and you never got a chance to meet him never I don't think I wanted to why not I might have been one of those guys on Dan a night dinner I don't know who saw Michael Jackson's in bailout you think he would have that glowing aura around him like it might my worse it might even worse like that was my that was my dude like I I used to be almost ready to pass out just watching him in a video but sure enough before we get out here I want to show you a couple pictures of you I said earlier in the intro that you're a style icon and I just want to show you too and I want to know tell me what you can about these pictures the outfit the context where you are what's going on this do you remember this fit right here star and clothes [ __ ] would you wear this fit today no ho man I just would forehead sweat I used to always go to big and tall at the price and I'm shopping at big and Tony likes to buy all the stuff and the big man on my team you just get mad cuz I used to go in there and and buy up all the big stuff by their size and it wouldn't be nothing in there for him that's how you know wearing the boys and girls do all right show me girl you better get us out of here that's right all right so take me through this photo here this iconic blue fur jacket where did you get like why did you purchase this where did you know is crazy my man made recipes he died of cancer I left that jacket over his crib and I was on going through Instagram and I saw him and he had your jacket on he was rocking it mm how long was the jacket there because after a while is his high if it's there for more than a year oh no yeah already it but I don't trip in office because I have other jobs that I thought was better in there you have flavors there girl lot alright my last thing for you I feel like we've all been on this ride right we've all seen the highs and what appeared to be the lows for a oh and where do you think AI is right now on this journey I think I would say the hives that I've ever been I did love playing basketball but everything to come with it dealing with the media and the traveling and not being with my kids not being with my girl you know being all of that you know I mean I think you know just just the lifestyle got me in trouble with somebody that I had been with you know over a decade you know I mean but now that relationship is a lot better I get a chance to do a whole bunch of things with my kids that I've never was able to playing basketball I think that was a chapter in my life you know I mean my dad always told me what you want to do you want to go do the same thing you've been doing and when are you gonna settle down when are you gonna get right and be the family band as you're supposed to be you know how many more cards do you want man how many more changes you how many more rings how many more watches you know me and it made it made sense to me so I would say being in a good mind state and being comfortable and not having to worry about carrying a franchise on my shoulder and the criticism night in and night out and even even the praise and even all this you know I mean the hoop line wouldn't come from going from city to city I think this is it right now you know me coming home and inspiring people and that's what I like that's what I did all right hey I appreciate you thank you for your time
Channel: Complex
Views: 2,443,764
Rating: 4.9052596 out of 5
Keywords: sneakerhead, complex, complex originals, sneakers, news, entertainment, current affairs, young man, culture, complex tv, complex media, Allen Iverson, allen iverson interview, philadelphia sixers, 76ers, lebron james, michael jordan, crossover, notorious big, biggie, reebok, questions, kobe bryant, sleeve, origin, highlights, speedy morman, allen inverson michael jordan, allen iverson biggie, allen iverson shooting, allen iverson shooting sleeve, allen iverson kobe bryant
Id: hMkkhu_xI-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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