Dwyane Wade Reacts To Dwyane Wade Highlights | The Reel

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I appreciate it man how silent started causing you though I appreciate that first when we got I mean is it is this your favorite highlight to Varejao don it's my favorite dunk okay so MJ was at the game you can walk me through this so I mean every time I played LeBron obviously I got up for the game yeah I loved that competition so the energy was always doping a building wide you know step over cuz so if you go if you look at it I was about to go towards the bench okay and then I realized MJ was over there so I was like wait hold on hold on now beeline back and he was there so I stepped over him and just you know kept her going did you look right at him yeah I look right over there yeah yeah yeah and the first thing that came to mind was I was like this how you do it cuz Rogers tried to dunk on a jo-jo mm-hmm and he was and he missed and then I was like that's how you do it well that's also LeBrons guy have you guys ever talked talking about it like that done well yeah I mean they told me kind of how like the next couple days yes Andy it was they gave him a hard time yeah but yeah everyone know like that's one of someone says like what's your favorite D weight dunk that one definitely comes up with like most of them well the other ones the parkin is dunk yeah yeah that would be number two the difficulty on this does not was a little tougher but the cool thing about this one was as I came out I said on Twitter reason he was perk dunked and we played them a little while before this and I was like batter Remy he like kicked his legs and like kicked me in the back of the head everything so I was looking at like hi bro it's over they came to Miami I was going fall and he broke up the Cabbage Patch for join Howard right I just watched the watch the ESPN 30 for 30 on the 5 out of the night before yeah so what is the fate your favorite highlight favorite highlight me I got big one yeah this one yep that's why I had to add this one got me through this so okay so stop it stop stop pause it so just a little background on this one right so this game is in two overtimes yeah so the first overtime I mean the regulation I miss the free throws to be able to sell the game the first overtime I missed the layup it was it was like a wild bland but I had to go on the reverse and I shot it and I missed that shot a short I missed that layup to get us in overtime so once we got into the second overtime I was like and he got down and I was like I got to make something happen you know I mean like we can't lose this game with me doing what I did and you know to get us here so I was like I got to make something happen so this was this was about just about making something happen this is my favorite because I remember I had the FCAT the next day and like I was staying up late my dad was like go to sleep that's not responsible no no dad can we go back to when he when he jumps on the stands and then does this is my house the one-legged joint oh it was crazy this is one of our most insane game and then what made you do that because you've never done that but I don't know I do it was that out-of-body experience like really like I was known yeah I just know like another one I know I was going towards the team and I was like nope I want to jump on at the table now we're gonna jump on the table and then when I got up there like the like the fans was going crazy so it made me say like this is my house yeah if that if the Bulls ones your everyone this has to be second because when you got blocked I said game over like I remember like twice KD Leiter's KD got it Oh got it it was like - like a - blocker your confidence though cuz you cuz I was like I'm not sure if it counted you knew who's a three and you also knew that you beat the buzzer like you just knew no I didn't know if I'd beat the buzzer for sure I knew it was a three but if you look I did like this and I looked at the ref and then once I knew that they counted out just enough start running the first time wait did it count yeah and then you do the same thing you don't this none of this is playing you just you're just like reacted just reacted you know I mean like you always have this thought in your builing by the game yeah you always think you will become yeah right because that's the cool thing that's the cool thing to do I've never called you can this little kid come out of me I just do stuff what's interesting is like you had just said that you thought you're gonna retire last year yeah and were there any moments this year cuz I mean this was ridiculous that you said maybe I should come back again no no not even once no not even one that even was okay cuz you can still put you in agree you can still play two three more years yeah yeah yeah I never cuz I never was gonna retire because I couldn't play yeah it was me I just you know a lot of other things involved in my decision but it was never about the talent part of it yeah I know or even physical at this point because I've been you know for the most part I've been pretty healthy yeah you know what his latest in his later straight so it wasn't even physical just me saying alright I want to do something else I'm yeah I love the game but I'm a little bored with you know the the process to get to the game this is kind of a mess of a play right and then we're trying to get we try to get the best look yeah and now walk me because it sounds LeBrons calling you on this one right he called me up yeah so what'd he say so we shot a shot Ron shot a shot and we missed it got the rebound back and he grabbed it and he told me to come and get it and they just cut like it you know it's your turn your turn and did you get fouled I got definitely go something I found it they let Paul do a look at this that is a clean cut oh man like if I missed that and they don't call if I'm going you would have looked at him right now I'm going through yeah yeah that was fun too because that's when kind of that rivalry was starting between the page and then you're the butt of my favorite yeah plays to practice though cuz how do you have the confidence to do that well I know so all right let's go back to the yeah so I know that LeBron was the one who contested the shot and whatever right and I know he's gonna you know go ya know shot go up you see the numbers he goes you already know so just about turning throwing it where he can get it on me yeah you know cuz he's the best receiver in NBA this guy yeah so it's just turned toward where he can get it and it just end up being the perfect throw and the perfect catch and everything he even ladies up with his left hand it's by the way which was made it even tougher oh wow yeah you know I mean you might have been the best quarterback in Miami in here I'm 25 and I've never seen a good quarterbacks or a dolphin so he gonna say you go line in I can do so yeah so this one's also super memorable because of the pose yeah it's the pose that the photographer today I got this photo it's like you got it at the perfect time where do you have no I don't yet but they said so this is the one that I chose wrong when I retired yeah this is the thing that I would get that I'm a sending him a sign for me she never asked him to sign I'm gonna pull up on his house in LA and I'm gonna put this out the car and I would say sign this okay so you don't have it and you don't have it printed anywhere though I don't know I just so I just talked to MBA and the heat and I say yo this is a one thing I need from you guys and that's all my name is printed and I need it I need it framed and all that today Christmas day I love you LeBron's unexpected LeBron has always expected me to throw it alone just know this understand that it was there's never been a time while to a lob and brownie but the next one's off the backboard like how is he reacting so damn fast because he could just jump and make things up in the air you know when you just jumped and figured out later you do incredible things like this so for me I'm trying to get the angle of how to throw it to him because we both going fast and it's a defender behind him and a defender between us so about throw it up like this you can eventually the defender behind them can do something where he can come down and get hurt so I'm like all right what angle can I throw this to give him you know the best chance with a defended behind him don't have a shot yeah so I was like all the glass ago and he made it look at that left hand credible killed what is your favorite to LeBron favorite that's tough one we had to go through all of them next to me this next day you have to go through all the other we got a lot you know what is one of them in Portland yeah oh you proffered and I just throw it like this yeah and back and grab it and like we both stopped and just looked at the crowd real quick like it was sick so I know you always have to throw a lot of to LeBron but this time he threw you alive for a game winner yeah and the thing about this and see I'll tell him to throw it higher that's what you guys are talking yeah I was like you look to a high because they almost stole it you know sort of higher but um the thing was cool about this is this was something in the huddle when we was coming this is something the huddle dev Brian drew up you know like not drew up it was already a play but like yo let's run this and I think we have Randy like one time previously supported like we haven't really ran it much if any so it was cool to run it but they almost stole it yeah so this is like yellow what up let me go it looks like this is conversation is so serious yeah yeah you said some of the IRA anyway so another really one is underrated is the Superman one when you when you hit the game-winner balls in your hands and then you want to Cam Newton right after yeah so this so this was the night before that the one we just think this happened in IB doubles the back-to-back game and back to my game winner so I look I'm looking for huh look abroad yeah but that was that yeah that was just like you know cam had that celebration and that was just it was it was dope you know so everybody wanted a Superman moment yeah so the fact that he was there I had just hit that side or whatever those muscles man I'm going right down your best girl of all time has to be the cagey one baby one yeah that what uh-oh morale so when you're going down the court you're reacting right like you're not planning that I'm gonna do a girl you're kind of reacting his body yeah so if you see I came up I was actually about to shoot the pull-up three that's why I like I pause and then once I seen him like retreating then I attack them gotcha and so just you know the euro is all about getting a defender to think you're going one way obviously you can go another way so you got to make that see all about the tooth that yeah just the hard stuff that way got him like he tried to cut me off and then I went the other way oh I used to be - @kg know you were talking about AI and in the last playoff series at the heat were in you had this clutch shot and then I think I'll save you can't say I think Alan I wasn't called you a bad yes and then what were you saying - Kevin Hart I waited burns well I definitely could say that Kevin Kevin we was just talkin trash the whole game from like Kevin was talking trash from warm-up so on okay you know I mean like he was just talking trash you know and that's just you know it's a friendly thing and then I just I kept be going like I didn't smile at him I didn't like when I came out to run out before the game like they was all talking all his boys are sitting there and I just I just you know like these guys I hang out with yeah I didn't smile at him I barely looked at him yeah and it was like oh you seriously yeah so then the gang came I kept just staring at him and so then at the end I went down and said something to him you know enough you return to Miami and then a few weeks in you get a game over Ben Simmons you were taking this shot no matter what right you know you see I drew yes I'm gonna looking for airspace and you really get it I made it right here yeah alright that's the best shot I McGee yeah it's ok it's ok kept the follow-through up got it up I'm doing so good there I mean so out of all the game winners I've ever hidden some of my others are my favorite but this felt the best gotcha you know I mean like from everything combined in my life that was going on and everything that was going on in the state yeah you know that was a that was a moment not just for me but that was a moment for the city and it's a and my family you know everything we were dealing with yeah we just losing my agent it was even to this day when the game's on the line we want you to have the ball and like you're gonna retire with people wanting the ball no I appreciate that yeah I miss way more than I made but I appreciate that well this is your most underrated play right the Amar'e block and then you pull it from half court yeah yeah well a little bit more than half court yeah I got you I got you you seem a little dance yeah you were in an Andre Agassi Andre Agassi was there that was though I feel like people don't talk about this play enough though cuz you were also this your second or this brought your second year when you did that that is yeah my second year yeah and then this one like Phoenix was kind of that finish me think that this game right here was a first place kind of battle this was late in the season and we want and it moved us into first place at the time I remember that it was good that year real good we don't know 200 just 35 right yeah thirty four point seven just ran out of a 35:35 them you know laser by no but we gonna round it up when you watch your old coming to me young self was it like was a crazy kind of see how explosive and just how yeah like I watch now and I you forget you know you kind of forget how now how good you were you forget like some of the things you did and how you did it so when I watch highlights now on myself athletically on the things that I accomplished and I was doing I was like oh that was insane yeah you know who do you see now when you watch somebody else it's young lady died of a Mitchell Russell Westbrook can you kind of see yourself in here yeah it's like a combination like I always say this a little it's a little rust under standpoint of you know position that we played it I've letter to them from their position and just a reckless abandon yeah you know innocence and you know but like Donovan kind of got like some of the other tools any steel athletic he's on the side so it's definitely a few you know over the course time I'm like okay I could see a little bit of you know my game and those guys yeah this moment when you throw it out what did that feel like the best villain yeah I mean at this to this point I had never won a championship before yeah you know great school you know high school a you college so this is the first time I want a championship like a real championship you know so like it just it was like unbelievable unbelievable do they give you the heads up that you want Finals MVP before nope so you find out right when they hand so I'm in a I'm before they give me the trophy I'm actually in the back because I'm celebrating with people I'm here and David Stern's up there talk and everybody start pushing me to the front like yo go get your trophy I'm like what trophy I'm not even thinking about that one was a VP yeah and it was like and then I got seen the trophy I was like oh I'm finals if you feel like this is crazy yeah yeah what are you thinking about it so you get u 0 u 0 thought that you know no I had zero thought I wouldn't even thinking about the war I was just thinking about winning the championship you know like we had to come back from Oh to almost all three yeah so my focus was on like whatever I need to do he's gay and help us win and then once it was finally over he was like wait a minute we just want ya I wasn't even thinking about finances yeah you know just like okay I want to talk about purple shirt man how was he at was he talking all game he probably was about it so I didn't hear him until you know probably like with the last five minutes in the game when I probably finally clicked in and now he got through and he s there's something to me alone aligns I think I have missed like seven shots in a row yeah and he says some to me when I finally hit a shot yeah and he's he's talking about that like you know pretty much like you suck this now oh you finally hit one so then after that everyone I hit I let him know about so why did you what were you saying it probably is not something oh yeah what is he saying to you right here do you have any memory no gotcha but you had to stare him down and let him know right yeah and now Allen Iverson was a break behind on no no really you don't see this hey I was at the game he was sitting behind him back there so you know I'm always ready for number three men are always ready for you know for my guy so that was another thing while I was always just standing him down because I was cracking up you know yeah just standing down that's why I was pointing with the number if you see I like I did like this at some point you'll see me point out the number right here gotcha I'm gonna point out number three doesn't mean doing it say I God right here look oh I gotcha have you seen purple shirt man sense no I haven't said that if you saw him would you give him a hug so I feel bad for him I always shake his hand oh no about a Huggle god yeah yeah you have another really good MSG highlight too you know about any idea ankle breaker oh yes so I've always been curious when you drop him how much do you feel the pressure to make that shot yes yeah you got a blitz all about all I was focusing on was the shot yeah that's all I was worried about and like I didn't even in my reaction I didn't even give no reaction at this like I thought dropping my okay now I gotta make a shot so I thought made on my money because the crowd was buzzing at this point yeah yeah so I had to make it was cool was that like you know you went to MSG you know two weeks ago on people were chanting like we won't wait three four years ago we've always had love in New York yeah like you know what is Brooklyn with us you know the Madison Square like we for some reason like the Knicks I mean the the Heat fan is maybe everybody New York they come down to Miami they got a place in Miami because it's too cold at some point but he nation has always been strong up there yeah everyone talks about how like Madison Square Gardens a special place to play so I grew up a huge fan of Miami my dad told me to hate the Knicks oh I didn't want to believe that to be true but is it oh it's my favorite place to play yeah it's something about it I can't explain it but it's magical bro it's just magical when you walk in it's just a different feel than any other arena yeah this is my second year this was just like tie game in the garden with the ball one shot get to your cone and I got back and I got to my step back mm-hmm give me some space over taller defender got it up yeah and when I shot it I knew it was in truth I release this I just have to wait dude over there but I knew it was there next time I'm bringing I'm coming over and we're gonna go over all yeah so I got a question for you though one question so what what made me be the house of highlight you want me to show you a picture I'm gonna show you a picture so when you won the title in 2013 yeah you had a picture with your knee and you pop champagne on a sports entertainer and I remember when this photo got taken I went on Photoshop and I and I was like this is the coolest photo ever and I was like wait where do people post photos but housing Instagram I didn't even make an Instagram account at that point so they I got to post this so I went and posted it and then like at this point everyone doing video I'm like and after that it turned into like we're doing how it's a highlight when it will crazy with it so thank you so much
Channel: House of Highlights
Views: 3,387,837
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Keywords: dwyane wade, dwyane wade highlights, dwyane wade interview, dwyane wade house of highlights, dwyane wade reacts to, dwyane wade reacts, dwyane wade mix, dwyane wade house of highlights interview, dwyane wade dunks on anderson varejao, dwyane wade game winner, dwyane wade game winner vs warriors, dwyane wade dunks on kendrick perkins, dwyane wade top plays, dwyane wade top 10, dwyane wade reacts to dwyane wade highlights, wade last game, wade last shot, wade last dance
Id: tl869o4J2Dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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