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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi good morning it's about 5 30 in the morning it's about 5 30 in the morning couldn't really sleep well last night and i woke up early didn't want to really stay home but it's too cold outside to just walk around or go for a run but then i remember there is a place that's about to be open in the all-you-can-eat variety let's go but actually i gotta put on my jacket do do as you can see i am at the sheila hotel breakfast buffet as soon as they open six o'clock in the morning me and christa's only ones here crystal's the only one crazy enough to join me for this little thing at like six in the morning but i just remember how amazing this breakfast buffet was when i had it i think like three years ago so really excited to relive that food memory and so typical buffet rules go when you go up you have to wear your mask and gloves and uh let's get to it round one this buffet is as beautiful as i remembered it first of all it's massive with different sections broken down you got some dim sum stuff there you got some kanji noodle soup chef's recommendation is healthy kanji i definitely need some of that but here stir-fried dish is a whole steamed fish here that looks amazing you got your typical western items like bacon and ham and all that stuff hash browns over here a massive salad bar and fruit station here and sheila is actually really known for their baked goods so this whole section here is all baked goods and waffles and you can get whatever you want to drink here in terms of coffee and tea and if i remember correctly they do everything in-house [Music] hmm [Music] i am so excited for this buffet it's just as good as i remember that first round is the dim sum round there's so many selections of dim sum [Music] hmm oh wow it's like you're eating this at a dim sum restaurant it tastes like all they do in the kitchen is perfect dim sum hmm my good way to tell if a dim sum plate is good or not is by their shrimp dumpling and that thing i think it's just so snappy this chive one just suddenly made me so happy also was so coarse um this is a cheese i think a cheese spring roll or something and when we were getting it out of the plate the serving plate the chef comes over and gave us fresh new ones that's the type of service you get here it's like a sweet potato cheese spring roll and every bite you take the crunch is just like heavenly music it's like an inverted sesame ball you guys ever had that sesame ball from chinatown bakery this is like a big ball of gelatinous rice fried with sesame on top they kind of reverse engineered it so they put the sesame here on the inside genius no more sesame flavor bunnies are still capped i'm not really into this a little bit tasteless on the inside i think it's just cabbage and some veggies vegetarian buns this is their abalone congee oh my gosh look at that giant strips of abalone i'm not usually a kanji person but abalone congee is famous here i think i forgot to season it there's really no seasoning it's just abalone and congee oh that's why they give you all the soy sauce and seasoning in the front yeah i didn't season this definitely should have you don't season it at all it just tastes like flavorless congee with abalone but the abalone pieces are nice though something i can never pass up is whenever i see fur on buffets obviously not as good as a flood place but do some beef broth [Music] oh let's just go very much better a little sriracha [Music] the service here is just next level we're waiting for the ham and no one was at the station and as soon as the waist staff saw that situation it came running over and had someone in the kitchen come and cut me a slice of ham so this is some of the korean dishes they have a whole fish with oh look at this i didn't even know what was under the scallions look at all the chilies underneath oh man that oh ho ho that fish is tender i love steaming fish but it's something that if you don't do well you're gonna have a lot of fishy flavor and that's why you're supposed to use a lot of gingers and scallions but this name not only is it so perfectly tender the scallions and chilies don't distract from that nice mild flavor of the fish not a really good name fresh bamboo maybe one of my favorite vegetables in the world i'm telling you those pandas they're onto something there's something about bamboo shoots if you've never had it before you can stir fry it you can make it into a salad you can steam it there's so many different ways to cook it and the flavor is just so unique it's almost got like a natural smoky flavor to it [Music] oh that's a good meatball i think it's just like gravy with pepper covering meatballs oh wow i'll put this over any pasta in the world ah i was way meatball so far every dish i have so quality the only kind of sadness i saw in the buffet was they put like really nice crab and they cooked it with broccoli it's like halle berry dating the the michelin man you know that tire guy that doesn't know anything about food anyway i feel like the food gods mock me wherever i go i was eating a pizza and the whole pizza had like one piece of broccoli i go on a beautiful buffet mixed with something i really like to eat the food gods are sometimes a little bit spiteful hmm what the heck did i put in my mouth it was a piece of fish that's better than the steam fish oh that is so good i'll be thinking about that for a while what just happened there it just looked like a normal piece of filet fish but i can't even describe what the flavor was this buttery flaky naturally slightly sweet little peppery from the sauce but as soon as it hits your mouth it just kind of falls apart and all the ingredients is mixed together and if i was one of the judges on food wars right now my shirt be popping off wow this ham is very nice especially like the fatty part of the skin oh that smoked tastes like it was smoked in heaven this is what's known in korea as hangover soup let's say you got korean beef scallion sprouts looks like some chilies as well about to tell you what if i did drink i get wasted every single night if it meant that next morning i could have something like this or you know i could just have something like this without getting wasted that's probably better oh this is good first of all the beef is extraordinary they use hungaway in here which is just the best korean beef the broth is spicy and meaty and you can almost feel like it kind of doing good things to your body round two was a great round okay round three [Music] [Music] round three just kind of a mix of bunch of random stuff whoa the frittata is so good the only time i've ever had a frittata i think was at an airport lounge oh god oh these are garlic stems and they deserve songs praising their deliciousness especially the way this cooks here they're covered in this pesto sauce which is on his own amazing but those things are crunchy garlicky with a slight hint of sweet flavor and usually i try to stay away from strong scrambled eggs but look at this thing is it me or this thing just looks so incredibly creamy and yummy oh that is smooth even better though let me add a little bit of crunchy pickled vegetables to this thing oh this egg is so smooth it should have started all those high school musical movies instead of that zack guy yeah i think this is smoother have you ever had parmesan with honey no you gotta try some parmesan with honey here you go this i think is one of the most life-changing experiences if you're a cheese lover good parmesan with honey how good is that that's really good what are you saying about those tomatoes so this tomato is like but i'm a chef as i would in restaurant and like to actually cut and peel the tomato one by one the skin so wait they cut and peel one by one they have to build the skin one by one and to do this to be this smooth you have to do the cross section put it in the hot water put it in the cold water and then you peel it one by one and they did with all the tomatoes so i'm really impressed wow okay so you're saying this is a good buffet so far really good but yeah if you never tried cheese with honey parmesan cheese hard cheese with honey oh that's so good i discovered it at a brazilian barbecue something else i love about this buffet look at this so on these benches they have these little cushions they are the most comfortable things ever so when you're kind of feeling or like you want to take a little break lean back rest until you're ready for more this is the pastry round i'm so excited for this round [Music] got another piece of ham because look how thick it is thick skin thick fat th t-h-i-c-c on my plate oh yeah baby come here that is so fatty and nice this is really the best part of this bacon look at that beautiful smoke cream with that translucent layer of fat underneath and also rivering through this cut of meat [Music] i think that waffle might have been sitting there a little too long this thing cut the roof of my mouth up more than that captain guy with the eyebrows on his hat like i said they make all their pastries in-house you can actually come here and buy cakes and pastries and baked goods this is so good this is the lightest areas pastry i've had in a long time the crunch is so subtle it's like stepping on slightly dried leaves in the fall okay this feels slightly heavier [Music] i love other pastries here this is thicker but with that same airy like crunch perfect with a cup of tea all right i call this round the bacon round i love bacon also this is really interesting matcha yogurt i'm not really into that i don't think there's any sugar in here i mean this is like sour milk in matcha matcha is good but oh i think it's so sour i think this is gonna be my last round i think that's it i've been eating for about two hours now yeah i feel like i definitely got my money's worth and i'm going out for a huge lunch later so i'm gonna call it after this for this buffet me and chris have been eating out a lot together because first of all uh she's my neighbor so it's really easy to grab her and go eat anywhere secondly she's always up for eating and third she's a chef so she knows her food and fourth girl can put it away how many plates have you had today i come here saying saying like oh i'm still full from last night but uh i ate nine plates that's awesome whenever i whenever i hear her say like i'm i'm not hungry i'm still full from yesterday i'm like that's not gonna matter yeah she's a true fruit lover what do you think about this buffet it's really like what you expect you will get you will get it here it was perfect you think you got your money's worth yes i think i get my money's worth i had like maybe like two words played off like all the fish yeah that's what you do at a buffet even at breakfast buffet you still you still got to consider what's the most valuable item on the buffet you can never let the buffet win ever all right guys as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 878,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breakfast buffet, all you can eat buffet, korean buffet, buffet, all you can eat, korean food, korean eats, seoul all you can eat, seoul food, south korea, south korean, south korean food, south korean eats, south korea travel, south korea restaurant, korea travel, traveling, dining, hotel, eating, restaurant, cook, cooking, tourism, tourist, hotels, ayce
Id: 75-ReuwYYRQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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