Korean LUXURY LOBSTER BUFFET! All You Can Eat SEAFOOD in Seoul South Korea

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trying to impress me pulling out all the stops making my dizzy when you tell me what you want i just wanted you to [Music] i can see [Music] i just wanted you to see me i feel like i need to get out more by the way anybody else watching titans i'm on season two right now so dark but so good just a big shout out to surf shark vpn for sponsoring this video and continuing to support this channel a vpn if you guys don't know is a virtual private network and especially nowadays when everything is online we all need as much digital protection as we can get so what surfsharkvpn does is that it encrypts your data your personal data before it goes over the internet so that people you don't want having access to your personal info won't have access to it i mean we all experience this we're typing about a product or brand or whatever and all of a sudden the ads for that product where brands start appearing everywhere it's even more creepy sometimes we're just even talking about it and starts 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out just use my link down below use my promo code dumpling you're going to get 83 off your order in three months for free and you can try it out for 30 days you don't like it for whatever reason get your money back that's a pretty good deal all right i'm gonna eat up and uh we'll go buffeting while everybody else take the escalator stairs feel more safe when the trains get into the station of course everyone's going to crowd the escalator the stairs right away so usually i wait for just a few minutes and yeah all right that looks good [Music] oh that is a really nice car wouldn't want it though i mean look at look how low that hood is standing on the hood filming on that thing would be impossible trying to eat a dumpling on there it's gonna just roll off [Music] i'm finally here this is one of the highlights of my trips and so mainly because it's so hard to get in here of course i sort of like all you can give buffets that's kind of an understatement and i've been researching what the best all-you-can-eat buffet is in seoul and i think it's this place flavors at jw marriott couldn't get a table for a month so how to make a reservation one month in advance so finally tonight i am here i am ready to eat it's starting i feel like i'm nearing the the front of the line for an amazing roller coaster ride [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right first round as always scouting this place is amazing so there is many different sections there's the seafood section i see lobster i see snow crab i see abalone which is really expensive stuff already in my head i'm like this asian calculator is going off like thinking what can i eat to make sure i give my value all right round one starts now [Music] round one seafood buffet tip you always want your first round to start with the food that you think you're gonna go back for and that should always be the most expensive items scallops oh that's like candy i think i was starting out with dessert today again i'm not a big sushi sashimi eater but i'm a good buffet valuer and i know that's where the worth is my tune is outstanding [Music] i just unbelievably fresh and tender i know a lot of people out there don't like abalone because it tastes like a piece of attire only country where i always had consistently amazing abalone that's been korea started in jeju where they grill the abalone and here even the cold one so succulent so tender not my favorite piece of seafood so far jumbo shrimp suck the bring out i'm not big on zombie movies and i'm kind of scared of a zombie apocalypse but gotta say that is great prom brain juice the prawn and the abalone oh god i love this so much don't even need dipping sauce it's just naturally sweet but if you get this do not waste that brain juice this might be my favorite part of the prawn not only does this taste good it's a great conversation starter you know sit at your table and just like break off the head and say to your dining companion hey do you suck brain i suck brain maybe don't do that on a date though like close friends only all right round two [Music] bound to surf and turf so there's different types of meat on the buffet i got the gulby the rip by the sirloin that looks tender a lamb chop and lobster seriously this is my face i gotta go up there i don't even know where to start because there's like hidden foods too every nook and cranny i don't want to miss out on anything you know i wish you guys can take a hit of this oh my gosh that is good lamb these are some of my favorite things that have perfect because lamb i tend to be a bit fattier than beef if they cook it right it's just so incredibly juicy and this this will definitely cook right that is a red piece of ribeye ash cup i'm not eating the stuff with no seasoning a little bit of salt really that's all you need oh that is cooked nicely chase it with some roasted garlic do not sleep from the roasted garlic tell me you guys good piece of meat a little salt all you need of course in korea gotta get the short rib with this thing you can't be shy you got to be all handsy with it this might be my favorite and under normal circumstances all you can eat short rib will make me happy enough surf time lobster i measure a good luxury buffet by how well they cook their lobster if you just go somewhere and they just kind of boil it or steam it walk away from that and that's typically what places do in the u.s but in asia much better flavor this is a stir-fry lobster i also got some like seafood stir fry as well on the side [Music] so saucy thick rich flavors with just a blast of heat oh they got only in here and it's so spicy that'd be amazing with some rice i mean don't do it though no rice on buffet that's rule number two come here and just stock up on that lobster plus lobster is so good tastes like just came from the sea because it's dripping with juice also it's buttery and i feel like they cooked in a little olive oil it's very fragrant but the seasoning doesn't overpower how incredibly sweet the meat is all right i'm gonna have to get like 10 more of these [Music] [Music] round three noodles so what this place does they explain to me is that they interchange like different foods from different countries so right now it's thailand so that's why there's pad thai there's type of pie salad and thai milk tea which i got and i know this is not wise to eat noodles at a buffet especially when you want to get your money's worth and i love it when they prep things live this is the pad thai wow that's a good looking thai iced tea it's all frothy on top that is delicious i didn't expect much out of a pad thai from a buffet but it's pretty good mainly i think because the ingredients are just so darn fresh oh this is like oh i kind of needed something like this not bad noodle ran over back to the meat and seafood [Music] so round five i never put pizza on my crab licks before but i think it belongs there and i love that they give you this little nice little tool for the crab flakes unlike you know in the u.s where you're encouraged to just be barbaric and just break it apart which is also fun but you don't lose any of the meat this way [Music] not gonna lie this is a really good pizza this is like neapolitan pizza beautiful crust on the bottom extremely thin crust the cheese is high quality the only thing missing from this is san marzano tomatoes otherwise all the other elements are spectacular that's my feedback for this hotel if you're watching at all the only thing kind of ruining this pizza a little bit is the sauce if you can get some san marzano tomatoes crushing on top instead of the sauce people will come to this buffet for the pizza at least i would i think this is the longest i've ever praised pizza at any buffet in the world also there's a little tuna prosciutto thing love it this looks good this is duck gobbi had this for the first time in jeonju last year it's basically a korean meatball this is delicious there's a whole korean food section as well don't sleep on that oh that's a good meatball whatever that pepper steak thing is i got from the korean section out of sugar bagel piece of pork belly gotta happen ah there's so many things on there about fat that i feel like i kind of just want to concentrate on like that piece of pork belly to put in my mouth i just want to like get a bunch of it but also this is not a cheaper face so i gotta make sure everything i'm eating is going to offset the buffet price whenever you see asians eating like a plateful of crab at a seafood buffet we're not eating we're resting we're just eating this for fun and for value this doesn't fill you up we like 30 pounds of dish we're just filling up on our crabal hydrates here buffet intermission round six found a section i didn't know existed it was like a little little end cap on the end [Music] busting on the buffet right right how good is that people eating with me they just suck prawn head for the first time ever awesome right smoked salmon is one of my favorite things in the world first time i had ham and fruit together was in italy ever since then i knew they belonged after america that is very gouda this is something i've never seen on my face before mangosteen tell you guys a little trick about mango steak you see on the bottom you see these petals so one two three four five five petals on the bottom this tells you how many slices of fruit is in the mango snake if you've never had this before this is the queen of fruits see one two three four five it looks like garlic tastes like heaven this stuff is so expensive in the u.s only a pound will cost you easily seven eight dollars a couple more plates of lobster and it'll be dessert time [Music] hmm that is a good quick all right this little lemon meringue pie thingy that sounds jenny the dessert items are nice but i feel like we should focus on is more lobster and definitely a bunch more mangosteen i've ever been in a situation where i can eat as many mangoes as i want taking advantage of it another drink oh this is nice it's like a rambo time tea what i really like about this buffet all the drinks here and tons of these like specialty drinks like things that will probably cost like six seven eight dollars per glass all included in the buffet now it is a luxury buffet i think this is the the most pricey buffet in all of seoul and this place certainly lives up to that all the ingredients you can tell super quality sir service is excellent i i literally just dropped one chopstick and one of the staff saw it from like half a room away and gave me a new pair so if you're ever in seoul and you want to really treat yourself this is a place to be i don't think there's a lot of all-you-can-eat lobster buffets installed so if you're really into lobster and you want unlimited amounts of that this is probably the best place to go in south korea and what else i really like is that they give you these gloves so when you're going up to get the buffet everyone has a mask on everyone has gloves on so i do like the fact that they're trying to be as safe as possible but seriously like you don't even find this in grocery stores in seoul and they have it on this buffet and all you can eat you got to take advantage also like i told you guys it took me about a month to book a reservation here so this place is always packed so if you want to get in make sure to book it way in advance all right i gotta start working on this as always all the information to this place is listed down below for you guys thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,035,180
Rating: 4.9259315 out of 5
Keywords: korean buffet, korea buffet, korean all you can eat, all you can eat, ayce, all you can eat buffet, best buffet, lobster buffet, korean food, korean seafood, seafood buffet, seafood, lobster, marriot, marriot buffet, best all you can eat, shellfish, value, price, cost, travel, hotel, tourism, tourist, traveling, airline, seoul, south korea, korea, korean
Id: 9MDeYJ4A7C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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