ALL Undertale Secrets in the Snowdin Forest - Snowman, Snowdrake, Gyftrot, Spaghetti & More!

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How's it going guys, my name is Graeme and welcome to 2 Left Thumbs. This is the secrets references and Easter eggs series for all things UNDERTALE, aka Gaster Eggs, aka GEGGS... This video has been such a crazy long time coming. My apologies for that. I had a set plan for how I was gonna go about producing each of these videos because each individual one takes a lot of time. I have this window of opportunity to make the Snowdin episode - it might be a stretch again before I can do the others. I’m sorry, this doesn't guarantee all of them being done quickly. And hey, if you're a fan of UNDERTALE, then I’m gonna guess you're a fan of adventure based games with exploration and plenty of secrets to discover, loads of unique locations filled with wacky characters... Assuming you like all that, then you should  definitely check out the  kickstarter for Scrabdackle. There are links down below, but I’ll talk about it in more detail at the end of the video. While playing through the Snowdin section, we find cameras everywhere if you go looking for them - which are eventually revealed to be from Alfie’s. But it's something you probably aren't gonna just stumble upon. It's kind of a neat extra detail that they're always there. Neat and unnerving? There's a hidden camera in this bush, one behind the sentry station slash hot dog stand... Behind papyrus's sentry station, you have to be facing towards the trees. There is another camera back there behind a "Sentry Station". This clump of snow next to the mini golf game, next to the "Dog Marriage" sign, there is a camera there as well. Behind Lesser Dog's sentry station, at the very beginning of this long bridge, you can interact and find a camera underneath the bridge. And again, at the far side of the bridge, there's a camera underneath the bridge there, as well. In the trees directly across from the road where you find the Blob family, and one more in between these rocks at the waterfall. I think I got all of them - I’m not a hundred percent certain on that. I’m not a hundred percent certain, but I’m pretty sure this whole gag about "no, that's a rock". "hey, wait, what's that in front of the rock?" "Oh, it's a - it's a human". I’m pretty sure this is a play on the "lemon behind that rock" scene from the Simpsons. - "This whole raid was as useless as that yellow lemon-shaped rock over there. Wait a minute... There's a lemon behind that rock!" Plays out differently, but it's a pretty similar gag, and the rock mysteriously disappeared. The rock isn't so much gone as it is out of screen, it's impossible for us to access that part of the screen where it is. "Human, you shall not pass this area" could maybe be a reference to Gandalf - - but the context is so different that it might just be kind of coincidental convergent writing. The Stick is an item you have from the start of the game. Once it is unequipped, it cannot be re-equipped. But it still has several uses throughout the game. The flavor text for checking and using the stick are small hints at its use. Its "bark" is worse than its bite! A common phrase taken from dogs... But instead here being a bit of wordplay because it's wooden bark, it's a stick, and if you try to use the stick, you throw it and pick it up like you're playing fetch with yourself. Its primary uses in battle are against the Snowdin canine unit characters playing fetch with each of them. I know that now Doggo is like you know, a meme... "Oh, cute Doggo..." but it actually means "remain motionless and quiet to escape detection", and that's really Doggo's whole thing is he's watching out for things moving. Doggo's inability to see things that aren't actively moving is a real-world condition known as "Riddoch Syndrome", but I don't think that's addressed in-game. If you happen to be carrying the Stick, you can use it against Doggo, you threw the stick and the dog ran to get it. You played fetch for a while. "Huh! A fun stick appears!" We also see that when Doggo is happy, he's making the noise "WAN", which is the Japanese onomatopoeia for a dog barking. Doggo loves fetch... Which is also a way to get a very easy spare in this battle. "A stick appeared out of  nowhere, then disappeared. Was it a ghost stick? Did I just return it to the afterlife? I need some dog treats to think about this". If Dongo was spared through the usual petting instead? "S-S-S-Something pet me... Something that isn't m-m-moving. I’m gonna need some dog treats for this". You can continually ring the bell to bring Doggo up and he'll rise up to check if anyone's there. The second time - "Are you two playing a trick on me? Real funny". Later we learned that Dogamy and Dogaressa like to mess with Doggo and play tricks on him... It would be easy to assume that this is Sans and Papyrus, but it is actually those two other dogs. Upon a third ring, "Big guy? Is that you? Come on...", which would be referring to Greater Dog. On a fourth ring, "Well, it's not the tall skeleton, he's too loud". Fifth, "Whoever you are, knock it off!!" Sixth - we get a little ellipses and on every subsequent one, it's a similar reaction. When you meet the Snowman and converse with him, "I want to see the world, but I cannot move. If you would be so kind, traveler, please... Take a piece of me and bring it very far away". You say yes, "Thank you and good luck. You got the snowman piece". You can choose to immediately eat it and heal 45 health - "Please take it to the ends of the earth". If you actually manage to carry it through the entire game, you do get an extra line of dialogue. At the end of a neutral route, Sans tells us we made a snowman really happy. If you hang on to it till the end of a true pacifist, the snowman will thank you for taking such good care of it and insists you take it with you to the surface. "Hmm...? The barrier's opened up? Then, if it's not too much to ask... Could you take that piece of meat to the surface? I would really appreciate it." if at any point you were to use or lose the snowman piece, you can go back to the snowman - "How am I doing? By "I" I mean the piece of me I gave you..." "Huh? You've lost it...?" "I suppose I can give you another piece... Please be careful this time (you got another snowman piece.)" If you then use or lose that one as well... "huh? Again...? I’m sorry... If I give you any more, there'll be nothing left of me. I suppose it is true. Traveling beyond our limits is but a fantasy. It's no different for anyone else. All of monster kind are doomed to stay underground forever..." So, good work - way to ruin the snowman's life and turn him into an absolute cynic. If you use the snowman piece directly in front of him, you eat the piece your HP was maxed out. "Did you just... Consume the part of me I had given you? In front of my very eyes!? I have no words for you... Be gone! I shouldn't have given myself away so easily..." And at that point, he'll refuse to give you additional pieces. If your inventory is full, "You don't have any room? Okay... I understand, I am not a priority for you, then". In a Genocide Route, you can forcibly take pieces instead. "Oh me, oh my. What are you doing? Soon there won't be any of me left... Stop... Please...", effectively killing the snowman. You can still complete the true pacifist while having eaten a piece of the snowman. You didn't technically kill them, "Ah, the barrier's open...? You know I cannot move. Why are you telling me? To mock me? Everyone may think you are a good person, but this snowman knows the truth. Someday your friends will realize your heart is as cold as my butt". Sans tries to grease you with his fried snow... It starts at $5, if you say "No". - "You're right, I should charge way more than that". If instead you try to say "Yes"... - "Did I say 5? I meant 50". - "No". - "You're right. Still too low". - "Buy at 50?" - "Really? How about 5000 gold?" - "I have to pay for the raw materials somehow... 50,000 gold, that's my final offer. Don't you know a good deal when you hear one?" - "I'd buy at 50,000". - "What? You don't have the money?" - "Hey, that's okay, I don't have any snow". Or you can continue to offer to buy at every step. - "Did I say five? I meant 50". - "Really? How about 5,000? 50,000. That's my final offer". - "Wow, that's a lot of cash". - "That's why I’m sorry to say, 'I can't sell you this fried snow. It's got too much sentimental value'". There are a multitude of different ways you can do this little golf mini game. Any of these attempts or different ways of doing it to begin as soon as you first touch the snowball. There are seven unique flags that you can earn, and each flag correlates to one of the souls. Each of the little bits of dialogue also connects directly back to the different souls. The first play in any way, but wait for the ball to become really tiny and then get it in the hole right before it's about to disappear, most of them are speed based. There's one for being slow and taking longer than 20 seconds. Another between 15 and 20 seconds, one for 11 and 15, between 8 and 11, between 6 and 8, and one final one for getting the ball in the hole within six seconds for the first time. But if you manage to earn that red flag twice, there is yet another end result. Six seconds is pretty tricky - it's probably going to take a few attempts. You might get stuck on the ice patch, things are going to become really small - it might take a few saves or attempts to really nail this one. Each flag has its own little text when you interact with it. "Ball" is "Small". - "You waited, still, for this opportunity... Then dethroned 'Bal'" with a sharp attack. You're awarded 4 gold. - "Even when you felt trapped, you took notes and achieved the end of "Ball". You are awarded 2 gold. - "Your concern and care for "Ball" led you to a delicious victory". You are awarded one gold - blue. - "Hopping and twirling, your original style pulls you through. You are awarded two gold". - "Your sure-fire accuracy put an end to the mayhem of 'Ball'. Three gold." - "You are the kind of person who rushes fists first through all obstacles. You're awarded five gold". - Bravery, justice, integrity,  kindness, perseverance,  patience - using these, you were able to win at "Ball Game". You are awarded 50 gold. And if you earn a red flag twice, try as you might, you continue to be yourself - you are awarded 10 gold. Off in the corner, we have the two sentry stations; his and hers for Dogamy and Dogaresa. The danger rating system, where a white rating can become a yellow rating is a joke about peeing on snow. Blue rating pretty straightforward, but then green rating being in red text is a joke about dogs being color blind. The game has these hidden fun values that affect a few small moments and secrets within the game. This "fun" value is something that is generated between 1 and 100 when a new file is created. That attached "fun" value then follows you throughout, and several of those values are tied to triggering random events. If that fun value is between 40 and 45, when outside Papyrus's Sentry Station, we get a prank call from Sans. He asks if our refrigerator is running... A very common old-school style phone prank. The typical response to a "yes" would be "well, you better go catch it". Sans instead responds "nice. I’ll be over to deposit the brewskis". If you say "No", "Okay, I’ll send someone over to fix it. Thanks for letting me know. Good communication is important". If that fun value was instead between 46 and 50, we get a phone call at the same moment, but it is instead this time Alfie’s. - "U-uhhh... Oh my god, help... I’d like to order a... Um... A pizza, with, uhh... The toppings are, uh... I have them copied, I’ll just paste them to you (Your phone is too old to receive texts)", it reads out loud, character by character, an ASCII art of an anime cat girl. When you come to the crossword puzzle, if you choose to simply leave, "SANS!!! The human is escaping!!! You made the puzzle too hard!! Hey you!!! Get back here!" the Word Search is actually completely solvable with one exception; the exceptionally long nonsense  word of Giasfclfebrehber  actually has one "E" instead of a "U". This Word Search is also the only appearance of Ice-E in all of UNDERTALE. Although, they do eventually return in Delta Rune. There was actually a tweet on Toby's old Twitter account joking about Ice-E of them being "the greatest and most popular UNDERTALE character". Odds are, he was joking around with fans since the character literally doesn't appear outside of this Word Search, or maybe, they're great and popular within the UNDERTALE universe? These characters all know and love Ice-E? Now this feels obvious, but I’d like to include it to remain comprehensive. It's often speculated that fall, winter, spring and summer refer to the area progressions in game; the Ruins, Snowdin, Waterfall and Hotland. Monsters, skeletons, mermaid and robot all  refer to different monster  types in the underground. In Toby's old earthbound Halloween hack, there was a line comparing the main character to a Cuban cigar. This is the only reason I could imagine that "cig" and "cigar" are in the Word Search... I don't really get it otherwise. I don't even really get it with that explanation. The extra "hot" at the end is also unclear. Maybe these were incidental words that emerged when generating the Word Search. "Crossword! I can't believe you've said that!! Junior jumble is easily the hardest". "What? Really, dude? That easy-peasy word scramble? That's for baby bones." "UNBELIEVABLE. Human!!! Solve this dispute. Which is harder?" jumble or crossword? Solving this dispute is specific to the neutral run. This is totally a throwaway moment, but it does affect one piece of dialogue later in the game. If you choose "Jumble", "Ha! Ha! Yes! Humans must be intelligent if they also find the junior jumble so difficult!" "You're someone that has difficulty solving Junior Jumble, aren't you? Thanks for saying 'Junior Jumble' just to appease my brother. Yesterday he got stumped trying to 'solve' the horoscope". Choosing crossword instead... "You two are weird! Crosswords are so easy. It's the same solution every time. I just fill all the boxes in with the letter "Z"... Because every time I look at a crossword, all I can do is snore!!! That look in your eye... You're someone that has trouble doing crosswords, aren't you?" "Papyrus finds difficulty in interesting places. Yesterday he got stumped trying to 'solve' the horoscope". So that particular joke remains the same. The library "Luke's dialogue" can actually be affected one further way. If you've defeated Undyne and speak with them, you think Sudoku is just moderately challenging, don't you? That was the neutral route dialogue. It is slightly tweaked in a Genocide Route with Sans stating that he should have left out a Junior Jumble, whereas he would have said "crossword" before. Papyrus instead reacts "What!!! Junior Jumble!? Finally, something we can both agree on" before making his exit. "Guess you don't like Word Searches, huh?" - "Me neither. I’m more of a funny pages kind of guy". Also on a Genocide Route, it is implied that Flowey is aiding the player through Papyrus's puzzles... For example, there are some vines already depressing the hidden switch. Papyrus is growing frustrated by the player skipping their puzzles, and this all kind of comes to a head with the Word Search. He assumes the player will skip that puzzle as well. If you instead look at it, "what the heck!! They didn't skip it!?? I’m telling you, everyone likes Word Searches. "Oh my god! I can't work in this environment!!!" before abruptly leaving. I guess despite all that, you still like Word Searches, huh? That means you can't be all bad. Another fun value-based interaction in Snowdin is that a fun value of 56 or 57 results in a nightmare mode variant of the Word Search. All this does is add this grinning snow bear to the picture with the word "Nightmare". When speaking with Sans's Lost Soul during the Asriel fight, this dialogue will be tweaked depending on your choice. You tell the Lost Soul you think jumble/crosswords is or are tougher than crosswords or jumbles. It switches it up depending on which you chose. It nods its head like it knew this without question. It seems to have some dim recollection of this fact. "Snowdrake realized its own name as a pun and is freaking out". It's a play on the words "Snowflake" and "Drake", which itself is basically a dragon with four limbs instead of wings. If you successfully pacify Snowdrake, they are pleased with their cool joke... I just enjoy that pun. There's also a running story arc throughout the game about Snowdrake having run away from home and just trying to impress their father... Snowdrake can only be killed once! From that point on, you'll instead run into Chilldrake, which from the gameplay perspective acts exactly the same. It just has some cool sunglasses and talks about searching for its missing friend, Snowy. Snowdrake itself is a pun, Chilldrake is a bit of a double entendre. You know, chill is still cold but it also means to be aloof, to be cool. And cool means to be chill, you know, what I’m saying. The character is very suave. And on the Genocide Route, all Snowdin save points will read "That comedian". If you're attempting a Genocide run - if you move beyond the kill counter of Snowdin before you've taken care of that, the Genocide Route is then aborted as indicated by the text when saving - "The comedian got away. Failure". There was a glitch in an early release of the game where this line about the comedian would sometimes come up randomly. With all the other random events in game, fans speculated that it was instead referring to Sans and it was an intentional inclusion. With Patches, it's now a much clearer sequence of events leading to the save point having this specific dialogue. So it is now confirmed it was always meant to refer to Snowdrake. When killed, Undyne comments, "A teenage comedian who fell in with the wrong crowd..." "This spaghetti is initially so cold that it's frozen to the table." Interacting with this hole, gives us a cute little squeak which is referred to, shortly after, at the save point knowing the mouse might one day find a way to heat up the spaghetti, it fills you with determination. In a True Pacifist route, we instead read, "it's a plate of lukewarm spaghetti". Seems like something tried eating it and just gave up. So, we know the mouse found a way to at least, partially warm it up (I guess it wasn't worth it) and Papyrus's note detailing how this spaghetti was intended as a distraction, seeing as this spaghetti is still here somehow. "I hereby donate it to the public, it's a playground for your mouth! Nyem-heh-heh, Papyrus". “What do you tell Papyrus about his spaghetti?” I left it. “Really? Wowie... You resisted the flavor of my home-cooked pasta just so you could share it with me? Fret not, human! I, master chef Papyrus will make you all the pasta you could ever want if you instead ate it. Really? Wowie. No one's ever enjoyed my cooking before.” Lesser Dog is a weird one. Even though it's a singular one-off encounter,  it's not treated the same  way other main characters are... It's more like a random monster encounter. Lesser Dog is never mentioned by the other guard dogs, even if you were to kill it, and inversely it does not change its behavior when other dogs are killed. And within Grilby's, we can find them playing cards alone. "It's playing poker against itself. It appears to be losing". And regardless, it will not appear outside in the epilogue alongside other endogeny family amalgams. In the Pacifist Epilogue, it's actually won a game of poker against itself. You can complete a Genocide run without having ever encountered Lesser Dog. And if you manage to never find and kill it, you'll later run into the dog. They're staring blankly into the snow, waiting for it to turn into art. "That dog considers itself an artist but doesn't ever know what to create. It probably doesn't help that its brain is the size of a piece of kibble". And in the credits, it is then seen instead making sand dogs on a beach. The only character who seems to acknowledge the Lesser Dog's death is Undyne, which makes sense because she seems to have a major soft spot for the dogs of this world. "Doggo, who always made me laugh... Was dead because of the whims of a single human? Those two sweet dogs who always took care of each other... That big dog, who wanted nothing more than to play. Lesser Dog, who wanted nothing  more than affection..." And if we kill all the dog characters, including Lesser Dog, the Snowdin Canine unit had been completely decimated. There are several pretty good puns with this character. When you check Lesser Dog, they are carrying a pomer-granite weapon. Which is, instead of a dagger, a dogger. And at their guard post, they have a supply of pomeraisins. Most of the acting options are to pet Lesser Dog... You can pet them up to 54 times, and each time their neck gets slightly longer. The new dialogue ends after only 14 pets. "You barely lifted your hand unless her dog got excited". After one single pet, you can spare them. "You lightly touched the dog. It's already over excited". "You pet the dog, it raises its head up to meet your hand". "You pet the dog, it was a good dog". "You pet the dog, its excitement knows no bounds." "Critical pet! Dog excitement increased. You have to jump up to pet the dog". And after only a few pets, they stop attacking you entirely. "You don't even pet it, it gets more excited. There is no way to stop this madness". "Lesser Dog enters the realm of the clouds. You call the dog, but it is too late, it cannot hear you". We just get a quick ellipses as he starts curving back around. "You can reach Lesser Dog again. You pet Lesser Dog. You pet Lesser Dog". It starts to repeat at this point. It eventually starts intersecting with its own dialogue box. "It's possible that you may have a problem". And eventually crosses back through the bottom barrier, Lesser Dog is unpetable but appreciates the attempt, which then repeats. His wagging tail is also just going absolutely bananas at this point. Lesser Dog is whining because it can't see you, at which point it goes back to unpetable... And starts creeping back out from below the dialogue box. "Perhaps mankind was not meant to pet this much". "It continues." Eventually going out the complete bottom of the screen. "Lesser Dog is beyond your reach. Lesser Dog has gone where no dog has gone before. Really...". Once you get the really, you've maxed it out and things just start repeating. Even with a crazy long neck, you can throw the stick and the dog ran to get it. You played fetch for a while, I have no idea how it would have run in this condition. The more you pet this dog, the more its various dog sculptures become complete. And when they become too big, they eventually break. Look at all these poor broken dog sculptures. "It's the broken head of a snow dog". "Seems like the base of a snow dog". The fawn monster will actually comment on this. "A dog just rushed in here,  filled with inspiration. It kept trying to build a snow dog that expressed its own emotions. But as it built, it kept getting more excited about the sculpture. Its neck got longer and longer and it added more and more snow until it was rather sad to watch, but I couldn't turn away." If Lesser Dog was instead killed, there will only be formless heaps of snow. When you eventually encounter the river person, even they may comment on the crazy amount of petting. "Pet, pet, pet. The neck stretches infinitely into the cosmos... Don't worry about it." Although I think they can say that regardless of if you actually did any pet, pet, petting. There are two versions of the snow dog save point, based on whether you spared or killed Lesser Dog. If they were spared, "Knowing that dog will never give up trying to make the perfect snow dog. It fills you with determination". If Lesser Dog was instead killed, "Snow can always be broken down and rebuilt into something more useful. This simple fact fills you with determination". "Warning" Dog marriage". If you interact with this sign multiple times, "Yes, you read that correctly" and then it cycles back around. When you encounter Dogamy and Dogaressa, rather than being a pair of doggies, they are Dogi. Most things about this couple are marriage themed, including their names. Dogamy is a bit of word play on things like monogamy and other words with the suffix gamy. In the renaissance era republic of Venice, there was such a thing as a "doge". And the wife of a doge was a dogaressa. In a few bits of flavor text, she's even referred to as "the dogaressa", which might imply that it's a title instead of a name. "You threw the stick and the dogs ran to get it, you played fetch for a while". And same as the other dogs, it's a quick work around to get an easy spare. "Weird smells can bring good things. Friendly fun fetch. Thanks, weird smell. It sure was fun to stick together". If the two dogi are killed, gift bear notices and comments on this, "You know what's cute? Those two married dogs always put presents under the tree for each other. It's always the same - a single bone. But every time they act like it's the first time they've gotten it. Then Papyrus comes to take his bones back. Anyway, where are those two?" Next to the tiny dog house, there are a bunch of snow poffs all over the place. "This, however, is a snow poff. Surprisingly, it's a snow poff. Snow poff. Is it really a snow poff? Behold! A snow poff. Eh? There's 30 gold inside this. What is this... What is this?" A second interaction? "It's a snow poff. And this is a snow poff". "And this... Is a snow poff". Just a nice quick way to get 30 free gold. Canis Major and Canis Minor  are both constellations,  i.e., Greater Dog and Lesser Dog. The stick has a few more uses and payoffs, some that come later in game. I'd save those. Greater Dog will fetch the stick and then listens to your commands and can therefore be spared. And while we're on Greater Dog, its spear and bracers also have little dog faces, so I guess they're a Greater Dog both in size and quantity of dogs? Building further off the auto sparing for the dog characters, several of them have new True Pacifist ending credit descriptions based on interacting with the stick. Doggo reads, "believes in the almighty stick". The dog couple, "still thinking about that stick", and the endogony amalgamate, "living with their families, thinking about sticks". I love the way Papyrus slides into the screen to follow the camera as we move around, if we actually go and talk to Papyrus without doing the puzzle. "So, you want a hint, huh? Well, I’ve been looking at the puzzle and I think the solution is to turn all the X's into O's. You should try that. Ask again for more great hints." And asking again, "Maybe solving the last puzzle again will help. Ask again for more great hints! Eureka!!! I figured out the puzzle!!! You seem like you're having fun though, do you absolutely, dapsolutelyutely want the solution? Do you absolutely, dapsolutely want the answer?" "Yes, yes I do. The solution is! (please imagine a drum roll in your head), that tree over there has a switch on it! Check it outie!!" Once you flip the switch, then you can simply step on the button. "Wowie, you solved it! My advice helped, it really helped you! Incredible! I’m impressed! You must care about puzzles like I do! Well, I’m sure you'll love the next puzzle then!" It might even be too easy for you. Papyrus mentions that this puzzle was designed by the great Dr. Alphys, and you'll notice that the machine that operates the puzzle looks a lot like the body of Metaton. The machine isn't working, we can't really interact with it. We, as a character, wouldn't know that that's important in any way. But I really like the idea that Alphys only has, like, one design. Or that she's reusing different inventions and this puzzle maker eventually became a killer robot? This is pretty hard to miss but I just kind of love it. It's a snow Papyrus. It's a lump of snow with the word "Sans" written on it in red marker. After completing that puzzle, sliding through to the other side, you'll end up with different snow sculptures on your head. We get this little kiwi bird, a small little house, a full-on annoying dog, what appears to be just a lump of snow that I’ve seen others call a "hat". I guess it reminds me a little bit of a side angle version of like, Jack Sparrow's hat. Gyftrot, teens decorated it as a prank. Now, we've talked about Snowdrake already. There's a whole story line there about it running away from home and falling in with the wrong crowd, it can be assumed they're one of the teens that decorated Gyftrot. Gyftrot will have all sorts of things tied up in its antlers; it will have three of the following: A childhood photograph of Snowdrake and his parent, barbed wire made of pipe cleaners, a lenticular bookmark of a smug teen winking, a striped cane that says, "I use this tiny cane to walk" on it, a small confused dog, the annoying dog, a stocking filled with chicken nuggets, a box of non-dog related raisins, which itself is calling back to the pomeraisins, and a shirt that says, "I’m with stupid" and points inwards. Once you remove the three objects, "Gyftrot's problems have been taken away. You tried to undecorate? Those are real. You can choose to give it a gift, 35 gold because you can't think of anything appropriate. Ah, you shouldn't have." And if after all that, you instead decorate it again, "You add some googly eyes you found on the ground. I was starting to trust you." At which point you actually go back to fighting again. "Gyftrot looks disappointed". On decorate, you remove the googly eyes. "Thanks for nothing". That trust is already gone. You'll notice Gyftrot's antlers are tree-like. The idea of Gyftrot being decorated has started a tradition around Snowdin Forest and Snowdin itself. "Awful teens tormented a local monster by decorating its tree-like horns, so we started giving that monster presence to make it feel better. Now it's a tradition to put presents underneath a decorated tree. Some of the presents are addressed from Santa to various locals. Guess it was a good thing those teens tormented that monster?" With the monsters essentially creating Christmas due to this prank and heckling this poor monster. That about covers it for everything in the Snowdin Forest. I’ll have to do another video for the actual town and everything else surrounding. Here is my quick promised reminder of the Scrabdackle KickStarter. Scrabdackle is a KickStarter running right now. It's an exploration based game about a wizard's first adventure. The game is completely non-linear, it's entirely in your hands how you approach it. Explore the world, learn spells to take part in epic boss battles, use your scribe ability to learn about the world around you, interact with all sorts of weird characters, play mini games, discover loads of secrets. The base game is officially funded on KickStarter and has so much to offer. It has now gone past the first stretch goal, expanding that story even more. There are plenty more opportunities for the game to be expanded. It's so exciting that this project is officially going to happen. It's now entirely in the hands of the backers how big this project becomes. Go check out the free demo for yourself, watch some "let's plays" of it. I did a lengthy interview with the developer and I all but guarantee, that one of those things at least will convince you this is a game worth your support. Thank you for hearing me out... Links down below. Go check it out. Plenty of things differ between the Neutral and Genocide Routes, I won't cover every precise difference unless people ask. There aren't an impossible number of differences to cover, just a lot. Say the word, I’ll be sure to tie that into future videos. But I thought it might make more sense to focus on specific payoffs, new possibilities for branching interactions and story alterations that have to be sought out, rather than the kind that are unavoidable through the cutscenes. Again, my apologies for how long it took this video to come out and the fact that it's kind of incomplete. I was putting the finishing touches on it, realized I should do a little bit more research to flesh it out, make sure I didn't miss anything major and added another like 30 minutes to it. I kind of tried to split it in the middle... So yeah, there's another video lined up that's pretty well at least this length. Guys, this game, it's complex. I’d work on getting that out next week. But, the Among Us Airship map drops, so I’m going to focus on that. And from there I don't know, but I promise it'll be a better turnaround than 14 months. That's the least of a guarantee I could make. I have loads more Undertale and Deltarune videos - a massive theory about Sans, a really in-depth look at crazy hidden stuff with Gaster. And on this channel, I did a totally revised version of my old Deltarune videos. They're re-edited, improved, organized. Certain things are added in, others are taken out. So, even if you've watched that series of videos before, this is what I consider to be the go-to ultimate version, it's like my director's cut of the whole thing, even though I had final cut in the other version. New and improved! Let me know if there was anything in the comments you think I missed or just anything that you maybe hadn't seen or heard before. Pretty much all of this has been documented in some way or another but I’ve just never really seen it all strung together like this. It's a lot of fun to compile. Shout out to patrons of the channel, you'll see their names in the end cards here, scrolling off to the side. It only costs a dollar to get your name in there, by the way. Thank you all so much for watching, see you again soon.
Channel: 2 Left Thumbs
Views: 583,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, undertale, undertale secrets, undertale snowdin, undertale easter eggs, undertale neutral snowdin, undertale pacifist snowdin, undertale genocide snowdin, undertale snowdin secrets, undertale all snowdin secrets, undertale snowdrake, undertale snowman, undertale gyftrot, undertale lesser dog, gaster eggs, undertale gaster eggs, undertale spaghetti, undertale fun values, undertale puzzles, undertale crossword, undertale crossword puzzle, undertale ice-e
Id: 3TaKN1Ge2hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 16sec (2296 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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