i built a house in a SECRET WORLD in the sims

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There's a secret lot in Willow Creek and  I don't think a lot of people know this,   but you can actually build on it. You may have noticed this weird little  tree in the back of the starter home   neighborhood in Willow Creek, and this  is actually the entrance to Sylvan Glade. Okay, we have a guest, but if you click on this  tree and you have your sim view it a few times,   eventually you can water it -- oh my god. And once you've done that a couple times,  you can compliment it on its leaves. It's kind of a process, you have to like,   keep talking to this tree basically,  but then eventually you can explore it. And it opens up like a door in the middle  of the tree and your sim goes inside. And then you'll get like, a choose your adventure   series of pop-ups and there is a  right and wrong answer to these. So I'm gonna follow the sound. And  eventually I can choose to enter the mist. And this is going to give me the option  to travel all the way to the glade,   and I'm not kidding, this is like  a complete brand new secret world. And it looks like this, it's  actually really, really cool. It's very pink, it's very glowy, there's  not like, a ton you can do here, it's mostly   just collectibles, like you can fish here in  this pond, you can fish in this water area. There's like, some mushrooms you can pick and  stuff like that, but there is actually a lot here. That's kind of how The Sims works, anytime you  can load somewhere, you have to load onto a lot,   they just don't make it very obvious  because you can't build here by default,   it says this lot is not editable, but you can type  in a cheat to let yourself edit any lot anywhere. That cheat is bb.EnableFreeBuild. This will work  for things like this where there isn't a visible   lot, but also you can like, go to the Goth  family's house and edit their house this way. But bb.EnableFreeBuild is going  to open up this build mode button,   so I can click on that and then  I can see where the lot is. It's really not very big, like  it's a very, very small lot. And it's actually only 15 by 10 so it's half  the size of the other small lots in the game. I guess realistically there's not like, much  point of building here because it's kind of   hard to get to and you can't like, live  here or anything, but it is kind of fun. So I thought today I might try and build a  house here on this 10 by 15 lot in Sylvan Glade. To be honest, I haven't really given much  thought to what I'm actually going to build,   I just kind of wanted to build here. But maybe we could do some  sort of like, vacation home. Because it's like, a special venue,  you can't actually change the lot type,   but we could still like, build a house here  and then have it function like a vacation home. Essentially all you would do is have your Sims  come here to visit and then just not leave. You could even live here -- oh, weird. It's pink. You could even live  here that way if you wanted to. I mean you could really live anywhere if you  wanted to, all you have to do is just stay there. Also this lighting is like, way  weirder than I thought it was gonna be. yYou can't change it either, like when I  change the time of day, it stays the same. I knew it was pink and glowy here,   but it's a little bit more pink  and glowy than even I anticipated. Okay, new question, where is the front of  the lot? This is the front of the lot, okay. Well, I'm thinking that I'm gonna try and make  it into like, a sort of honeymoon cottage vibe. It's really small obviously, but  that might even be a good thing,   like it's kind of cool to  have a tiny space like this. I was initially thinking I'd make it  like, a little bit rustic or something,   but with this bright pink glow, I  don't know if I can pull that off. I think we have to go more like, fairy  cottage than rustic cottage with this. Also look at the foundation,  isn't that kind of weird? I wonder if Stanley can  actually get inside of here. I'm gonna test that really quickly, come here. Oh, okay, he's fine. Sometimes you have  to be careful when you like, put things   on a slight foundation and stuff because I  don't want to have to put stairs into here. I guess I could, but I don't really  know how I want it to look yet. On the inside I think I'd like to get  like, a huge fireplace if in front of this,   and then obviously this part right  here in the back will be the bathroom. Over here maybe I'll use this as the kitchen. Oh,   this is cute too because we have  so many little like, pink things. I've built so many pink  houses recently, I'm so sorry. The blue suburban is out and the  pink cottage is in, apparently. Oh, it's like, so glowy in  there, this is gonna be weird. Okay, well, I didn't really  think this part through that   much because I don't know where to put the bed. I guess the bed could maybe go  there. I won't use that one,   I'm just kind of trying to think  about like, how we're gonna space   this out because if I put the bed there,  we have to have the bathroom door here. Would it be better to do  this all differently? Like,   maybe the -- hmm. I don't like that, never mind. I think it was better before.  I'm gonna keep it like this. I think it's the fireplace, like having the  fireplace be centered is really causing me some   problems because if we had it off center,  then I could have like, the living space   directly in front of it, we could have some  sort of like, little dining space back here. Again, obviously not with this furniture,   these are just placeholders,  but that looks ugly, doesn't it? So I don't want to do that. It really bothers me   how the fireplace isn't centered so  I don't think I can pull that off. Well, we don't need to have a dining table,  maybe there could be one outside instead. Let's finish the outside first  because that'll be easier. The lighting here is gonna make the  color scheme selection very difficult   because obviously everything is  going to lean like, very purple. Maybe I'll put -- oh, what? Too small? Oh my god. The house is too big for the  lot, I can't put a staircase. Okay, so it has to be flat on the  ground. I like that blue door. I wish that this shadow wasn't here from  the tree, but I can't get rid of it. Obviously I can't change the time  of day, it doesn't do anything,   so there's just gonna be a shadow. Oh, this roof is like, very pink,  maybe that could be kind of fun. I really like the idea of just like,  some little windows with shutters,   but I'm not super sure about the colors of these. That's obviously leaning a lot more  brown, but maybe that's okay,.t Tose are also kind of like, modern  looking, so maybe that's not the best idea. Okay, these are slightly different, what color is  that? Oh, it's blue, oh my god, okay, well, no. That's not what I want. That's better. I  guess that color door is kind of good too. Maybe if I did the windows  like that, it would be good? I'm trying to make sure I've  got the right swatches. Yeah,   that's like, the slightly creamier one, okay. I just can't tell. I can't  tell what color this window is. Oh, that is so annoying, can I lower it?  No? I don't want it to clip like that,   I just want to have cute columns! Why! Maybe the ones from Cats and Dogs  could work because those like, taper. Oh no, wait, they still have the  like, edge piece, never mind. This is a lot more difficult than  I thought it was going to be. I came in here a little  overconfident, if I'm being honest. Okay, well I'm just gonna call it with the windows  like this because I don't know what else to do. I wonder if we should do like, a  really nice sort of stone everywhere,   but then like, what color stone? I don't really know. I think  this one looks kind of nice. And then I put a brick on the  fireplace, like on the chimney. We can put an actual chimney  in there too just to have like,   a little bit more detail coming out the top. I don't know how high to raise  it up, maybe like, there? Oh, that's ugly, never mind, hang  on. A little bit higher than that. Yeah, okay, that could work. In  that color, or does that look bad? I can't tell, I can't see what color  it is. It probably doesn't matter. Okay, I can change the color of the foundation,  so I might make it like, a little wood color. I feel like that looks a bit better with the  door and the roof, but for the most part,   I'm gonna hide that with like, plants and things. I'm going to try and mimic the  plants that are around us and like,   see what they're using, and  then use the same things. I think I'm gonna try and do like,  a slight dirt path sort of thing. I don't know if this is gonna be like, so ugly  or not, but this is sort of my idea to like,   blend everything in better, because maybe we could  get like, some sort of patio on the side here. That just looks so dark, what color should I use? Like, what colors do they use? Is that better? I guess it just has to be like, really,   really light and we have to be like,  conscious of not using too much. Because I feel like the pink lighting  is making this look like it's red,   and that's not really what  I'm going for with this. I don't want it to be that  bright. Maybe we could do like,   a lot of layering to try and  neutralize it or something. Yikes, okay, now we gotta start landscaping  and I'm basically just gonna use a lot of like,   pink and purple sort of plants everywhere. I think we're gonna have to do some other things,   like try and have the plants come off the lot  a little bit, sort of like over here where I'm   placing it kind of coming out of the lot  just to make everything blend in better. They also have a lot of little flowers like  these, but I prefer the colorful ones I think. Oh. See, I don't like how that one looks  in this lighting, to me that looks weird. This one might look a little bit better,  but I don't love the colors of it. Oh, should we put like, a trellis?  Because this might be kind of cute. It also helped with that wall being kind of empty. I don't think I really realized just how  small this lot was until I started trying   to landscape it because I'm sizing like,  everything down because it looks so big. I also can't really tell if this looks bad or not,  like if I'm using too much or anything like that. I think this is okay, I'm  liking how this is coming out. I wanted to put like, trim with a darker  terrain paint on the outside of all of this. Like, sort of trace it just to  blend it in a little bit better. Oh, that looks way better already, from  afar that's like, a huge Improvement. Especially because we can put like, a  few little plants on this side of it. I like this little bench, this is kind  of cute. I'm not sure about the colors,   but I do kind of like the  idea of a bench right there. The other options are just not that good. Maybe  that one will work, I'm gonna try and keep it. Put some flowers by this tree over here. I feel like this looks kind of like it  belongs, now I'm just going to add in   a couple extra little things to do  when you come and visit this lot. Like, I'll put a grill and stuff out here. I want a kind of whimsical little table, but  I'm not sure how many of these work for that. I like the idea of this one, but I don't really  like the color options of it and it looks sort of   like a café table, and not really like a, you  know, cottage in the middle of nowhere table. Honestly this butterfly chair kind of  works, but I don't think I'm gonna pick it. Okay, I think this chair would be  good, I just don't know what color. Maybe like, the gold one honestly, and that's  the one that matches this table, right? So we could probably just do that. And as long as there's like, a little candle  or something on it, it should be okay? The candle comes in some cute  colors, that'll work, I think. I might even give us a grill. I sort of like   the idea of being able to cook  out here when you come visit. I'm just picturing my Sims like, coming  here and trying to do collection stuff,   and like, trying to fish. Maybe not spending the night, but at least  being able to cook a meal or something because   otherwise you can't really do that here,  like you're sort of just stuck with nothing. Oh my god, wait, can we put fairy lights out here  somehow? Or is this place too small for them? Because I would really, really like to do  that. If I could fit some fairy lights,   I think this whole place would be so much better. I wonder if I could rotate this at all. Oh  jeez, no no no no no. I want it to go that way. I'm trying to like, rotate  this light to make it look   like it's going into the tree, where did it go? Okay, try again. It's so hard to place  these. See, look, what is it doing? Oh my god, so unless I just like, raise it up...  Wait, I wonder if I could get a couple of these. Raise that up too. Because I could probably  put this one sort of into the tree. We can just pretend, and we can kind  of like, crisscross them or whatever? Why are they different  colors? Why is that happening? Oh, I just put it up too  high, okay, that's better. No, it's doing it again, why? Is the lighting  just gonna be like that? Do I care? Hmm. I think I care a little  bit. Is it the right color? They're all the same swatch. Oh my god. And what,   do I just put like, the pole right  there maybe for it to connect to? Um, or I can move the tree out and then have it   rotated so it looks like it's  going more into the branches. I think I like this, I like the idea of the lights  kind of crisscrossing into the tree a little bit. The colors are bothering me, but  I'm gonna choose to ignore it. I do want to go for like,  cabin vibes on the inside. The lighting is so weird, it reminds me of The  Sims 3 on a full moon when the zombies would come. That's the kind of like, weird glowy vibe  this place has, and that is not a good thing. Maybe I could close the whole thing  off and then put an archway into it. Like, if we did something like this? I  know that's a very, very small kitchen,   but I do sort of like the idea of  it being a little more closed off. This might be a mistake, but I  really like how these cabinets look. I know it's taking up like, a lot of space,   and that's why it's probably a  mistake, but it looks so cute. Maybe I could do like, a cute little  pink wallpaper, or we can make it yellow. No, that's bad, never mind, I don't like that. I could do pink wallpaper in here. Hmm, might  also be bad, okay, never mind, I won't keep that. Oh, I guess like maybe a sort of shiplap sort  of vibe might be okay, that feels cottage-y. Okay, we can't do too much decorations-wise  in this kitchen because we need to have at   least one open counter space, so  I might just leave it like this. The bathroom also really doesn't  have to be anything special. I want to have a tub, but the door and  windows are kind of in a weird spot. I'm just thinking that like, realistically,   we don't really need to have a super fancy  bathroom in this house in the middle of nowhere. Maybe I'll do a smaller window because then  I can fit like, a sink and stuff better. I do love the sink that came with  Cottage Living, I think it's so cute. We'll just have a pretty little  mirror above it. Don't worry,   they do have toilet paper in the woods still. Oh my goodness, do you think I can  use this butterfly painting somewhere? I kind of like it in the bathroom  even because I used some blue accents. I feel like that's kind of  cute. Maybe I should leave   it there though because I don't  know how much else I can fit. And then in here we need to figure out  a way to have a bed and a living space,   and whatever else will work in this tiny area. The bar is pretty high, and I don't really  know what's gonna work, but I will try. I think I'll use... I think I might  use this bed because I really,   really, really love the colors of it. Do you think I could get away with like, the  blue checker print on a lot of the walls? I know we have a lot of pink vibes going on so  I probably shouldn't, but I do like this swatch. Maybe the like, checker print is just a bad  idea. Maybe we could do like, I don't know,   something like this still has  some pink and some paneling. And we can try and play off of like,  the colors of these flowers in the bed. Placing curtains can be so  annoying, I have to like,   move the windows out of the way,  and then totally alt place these,   and then put the windows back, it's just  such an ordeal, but I think it looks nice. I'd like to have a dresser in here too,  but I also know that they're really big. Oh, I guess this one might fit in the corner,   we're gonna have to play test this and  see if Stanley can still walk around. I'm also adding in like, a lot of wood  colors which is maybe not a good thing. And I have no idea if we're gonna be able to  fit like, any sort of couch situation in here. This is way, way too small. No, it might  work, okay, this is fine, sorry, false alarm. I don't know what color to use. To me it  feels a bit like all the colors are bad,   but maybe this one because this  could tie in like, some of the blue. This is not like, the most walkable space,  it's very small. Maybe not that one. What about this? Um, I'm not sure  about this build. Maybe I can change   the intensity of these lights to be a bit dimmer. Oh, that doesn't make a difference,  everything still glows, do you see that? Okay, never mind, I won't do it anymore. I'm trying to make it  better, but it's not working. If I scooted this over, it would be so much  cuter. Maybe it's fine, maybe I can scoot it over. Here, look. It's just like, slightly off from  the chimney. It's fine. It's good, it's fine. I think I'm gonna test this really  fast just to make sure Stanley can   still get around because I'm  cutting things a little close. No! Okay, the plant is in the way. I knew I  was being a little bit greedy with the plant,   but I was kind of hoping it would still be fine. What if I scoot it like, a  tiny bit, can you get in here? The dresser is in the way? No way. Oh, come on, surely you can get past that.  Okay, I was gonna say, that's ridiculous. There is plenty of walking  space! Can I put it like, there? Okay, I just can't put anything next to it,   that's fine. And you can still  get into the bathroom, right? Yeah, he can get in there, you can take a bath. Oh, oops, wait, flip that around.  Now you can take a bath, right? Yes, okay, that's fine, he can get in the bathtub. I am kind of hating this couch,  so I might try and swap that out. Maybe if I used this swatch  instead because it kind of,   I don't know, draws in the yellow  from the bedspread or something? The rug is so hard to pick, I feel  like everything I try looks bad. Are there any decent swatches on  this? Oh, see, that's -- well, um. I want to like it, but I'm not sure if it looks  okay. What if there was a different couch? I feel like the couches are also bad. I  think the problem is that these two things,   like the main patterns are very different,   I need something that brings in like,  more of the greens or pinks or something. It's kind of like a peachy color almost.  Maybe if I swapped the wallpaper out   too because there is like, a more peachy  wallpaper, so that might fix some things. And there is a rug from Cottage Living,  it's just not really -- I don't know,   it's kind of the wrong size, and  the swatches don't really work. You know what, I hate to say it,  but this rug might even work. Like, in that color. It is a little  bit big so that's kind of annoying. Okay, but if there was  like, a chair in the corner. Is it weird to put a lamp behind it?  Yeah, I think so. That looked silly. I might try and make like, a slightly  more intentional entrance too. Weou can get like a coat rack and  like, a little archway or something. Do you think it's worth  putting a TV in here at all? Because I could probably raise up a tiny  one. That might be kind of cute actually,   you know, like, stay in the cabin in the woods,  or whatever, the Glade, and watch some movies. Little pro tip when it comes to like, trying  to place things on these mantels or like,   other places that don't slot properly: you  see how when I raise it up, it's floating? You can sometimes place things on shelves  that they slot to, so for example,   almost anything slots to these cube  shelves from Dream Home Decorator,   and then you can just raise that  cube shelf up to the right height. It's like, exactly even, and then I can pull  this off and it'll be like, exactly correct. Oh my god, it's hard to rotate, but this  way I can like, place anything anywhere,   and it's like, default  slotted to the right height. You do have to place some things elsewhere  sometimes to make it not slot up there,   but it will work once you've done that. I think I want the chicken  painting, but other than that,   I don't know if there's anything  else that I should put in here. Mostly just out of fear of like,  making this place unplayable. I'm worried that if I put too much more,  you won't be able to walk around it. Because I'd like to put some decorations here,   but like, should I really put things  in front of the window? I don't know. It kind of needs a walking path. This has been kind of fun, I really  enjoyed building on this weird secret lot,   but if I'm being honest, I don't  know if I'll ever do it again. The lighting is really weird, it  makes it kind of hard to build here. I'll put it on the gallery if you want to download  it, obviously I don't know how many of you will   actually play in this, but I can see myself having  my Sims like, get engaged out here or something. Oh no, okay, it did work. I always think,   oh, I should have saved before I did  that, but it's fine, it didn't crash. But I've like, proposed in front  of this water a bunch of times,   so it's kind of cute to think  about like, staying here afterward. Let me know if I should do any other builds on the   other secret worlds because there's one  like, in space, you can go up to Sixam. You can also build in that little like, mine area,   that secret lot that you can unlock with level  10 handiness skill in the park in Oasis Springs. I find myself coming to this one the most though,  so this is the most practical for me personally. But on that note, I'm gonna  end this video right here. I hope that you enjoyed it. I don't know if you can tell, but my cat  has been sleeping back here this whole time,   she's been really, really cuddly today. But with that, I'm gonna go and I'll see  you all tomorrow, okay? Bye everybody. Oh my god, I really am only  doing pink and purple builds now. The blue suburban is out,  but the pink cottage is in. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 294,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: KP1n0kMxecY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 05 2023
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