Sulani Secrets And Features | The Sims 4 Guide

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get ready to live your hot girl or hot boy summer in sulani don't forget your hat and your icy cold drink as we dive into what the sunny world of tsulani has to offer there are three main areas to explore in salani and we're going to start in ohan ali town which feels like the most lively island it's like a party only much more relaxed here the large island will frame a sparkling and very inviting shallow lagoon it's a really beautiful spot to swim in and there are shallow boys or buoys i'm gonna call them boys and you can click on them to go snorkeling around and even from time to time spot a dolphin swimming nearby that you can interact with along the shoreline there's a netted fishing spot too and note that fishing tournaments will pop up here on saturdays between midday and 9 p.m and it's not just fishing tournaments that pop up in ohen ali town one of the biggest draw cards of this area is a range of pop-up festivals including a beach bonfire on friday nights and a family day on sundays that occurs on the mini show-like area just next to the fishing spot across from this area on the other side of the water there's a very small thin beach and this can be a nice little private spot to venture to now if you follow the water further down you'll eventually notice that it leads to a shadier area with four trickling streams the water here is a little bit deeper too and for some reason i just find this spot a super peaceful and romantic area that you can swim around in i love having couples escape here or even having more solitary sims head over for a bit of alone time just before entering this section you will notice a walkway heading upwards and while this just leads to a residential lot i do kind of love how it feels rather like a private mountain within ohen ali town the final spot in ohen ali town that's super important is the town square located off of the main road behind the shore this is empty most of the time but don't let that fool you because different festivals will pop up here at various times from monday through to thursday which can be an awesome way to get more involved in the celani community and culture note that i'll have a full guide to island living festivals in the description next up we're heading to the second island being lani sanctas i won't lie to you i don't visit this area as much as the others but it still has some rather cool features lani st tas is a beautiful sandy island and you'll have access to this island and lots of the waters around it making it great for taking a boat out sailing or fishing in deep water or for jumping on a jet ski and zooming around and showing off your cool tricks to other sims they probably won't be that impressed or really care at all but you know we love the effort and a bit of a show one thing to note is that there are both shallow boys and deep water boys in areas surrounding the island meaning that you can snorkel or find dolphins in the shallow water or buy equipment at boys in deep water and go spear fishing take underwater photos or even go diving whether it be for leisure or to find treasures off of the main island you'll also notice some small little sandy islands and while there's not much to do with them they can still be fun to visit with a group of sims especially if you want a secluded vibe now you might be thinking great beat up but what about the actual island itself well it's mainly sandy beaches along the shore with lots of trees and paths between them one of the most interesting parts of the island is a kind of wooden walkway lookout strip yes i'm going to call it that which then leads to a rocky water feature this then curves around to a cute little area with a swing bench and easel which can be a nice place to unwind at near this you'll also notice an area where the water comes into the mainland a little with gorgeous bridges going over them this spot is rather beautiful in the day but at night a lot of fairy lights go on and it becomes truly gorgeous and a bit romantic too now you might notice a more green and lush kind of sister island but sadly this is off limits and you can't send your sims here that's right it's just there to tease you the waterway between the two islands can be swum in and it does have a little fishing spot too we're moving on now to the final area being the island of mar pelham which you can think of as the most natural and least built up of the islands and as you clean up tsulani moi pelham will become noticeably more beautiful yes this island is a bit of an inspiration not to litter and we are so here for it mwa pelham consists of two islands the smaller island is actually a residential lot but it's great for off-the-grid living with there being water and a fishing spot very close by coupled with the area being incredibly natural and secluded the main island though has lots of awesome points of interest near the admiral's wreckage lot you'll notice a small cave this can be explored for various moodlets and treasures and the more you explore the cave the more the painting to the right of the cave will appear allowing further interactions you can even find nomadic kelp exploring this cave in which eating will turn a sim into a mermaid also on white pelham is a stunning waterfall you can attract and catch frogs in the waterfall or you can play in it or even shower in it and yes you can use this as your shower if you're playing off the grid most importantly though it's a woohoo location which is fabulous for a hot time not going to lie the idea of actually doing it in a waterfall sounds so difficult but wow do they make it look good heading up into the island you'll notice there's a lot that appears to be sitting on volcanic dirt and it leads up to you guessed it a volcano you can't interact with the volcano so yes it's another tease but it is rather beautiful especially at night and it can make for a great spot to snap up a few pictures at now you can actually swim all the way around while pelham and back behind the volcano there are a few small islands that you can actually visit i'll be honest there's not really much to do on them but hey they're there for you if for some reason you decide you want to visit them now i mentioned how mua palam becomes more beautiful as you clean up tsulani and there's actually a lot of ways to work towards cleaning up solani on the island while on mark pelham you might notice trash on the shore or in the water that you can clean up near the mouth of the volcano ash piles will appear on the ground from time to time that you can clear at the base of the volcano you'll notice a little area that glows yellowy green piles of what i think is volcanic waste will form here from time to time and you can clean these up for more progress towards making sulani clean and thriving if you clean up sulani fully then on occasion the turtle hatching event will take place on this island too allowing you to see adorable baby turtles make their way from the shore to the ocean not going to lie all you can really do is stare at them but i'm okay with that because they're baby turtles similarly once pristine you can find the gorgeous pink albino dolphin on moi pelham and there are deep water boys in the waters around moi pelham so really in terms of adventure this island has it all and we've reached the end that's a look around what the world of zulani has to offer honestly it's one of my favorite worlds if you enjoyed or found this video helpful then please subscribe and leave a like i would really appreciate it and have an amazing day see you later
Channel: Petey Plays It
Views: 94,644
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Keywords: Sulani Secrets And Features | The Sims 4 Guide, Sims 4, Sims, How To, Guide, Tutorial, Tips and Tricks, Sims 4 Island Living, Sims 4 Sulani, sims secrets, sims features, Sims 4 Sulani festivals, Sulani World, Sulani secrets and features, Sulani Waterfall, Sulani Volcano, Sulani Map, Mua Pel'am, Ohan'ali Town, Lani St.Taz, Sims 4 Island Living activities, sims 4 sulani cave, Sims 4 Sulani Fishing Spots, sims 4 sulani culture, Sims 4 Sulani Events, Sims 4 Sulani what to do
Id: c8Af6nqFBc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 17 2022
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