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first of all we'd like to know a little about you so where are you from england where are you from i'm from england and well i was born in london but when i was seven years old was i six no i think i was seven maybe i was six i don't remember i have to ask my parents but when i was young we moved to a small town or a big village maybe it's a small town it was a typical english town have you been to england have you been to england where are you from well i'm from england i was born in london but when i was six years old we moved with my family to the english countryside to a typical quaint english village in cambridge here and that's where i grew up welcome to the sixth video in my ongoing series on how to get the best score possible in the cambridge exams where i give tips and advice based on my experience of helping many students over the years pass the exams and today we're looking at speaking part one now this video is valid for the b2 first c1 advanced and c2 proficiency because really it's the same advice the thing that differentiates you in levels is how you answer the questions so the vocabulary you the grammar you use but the advice is is basically the same so i have some good news the speaking part one is possibly even probably the easiest part of the whole exam but that doesn't mean you can relax no and there's two reasons you can't relax first of all this is the first opportunity you have to speak directly to the examiners and first impressions count so you have to make sure you make a good first impression secondly you have to see this as an opportunity to demonstrate your level of english the bad news is you will be nervous okay that's inevitable unless you're one of those few lucky people who just don't get nervous in these situations you will be nervous but you have to see that this is an opportunity it's it's an opportunity to demonstrate your fantastic level okay so see it in a positive way so what is speaking part one well it's a short conversation between the examiner and each candidate individually and the focus is on general social and interactional language so the examiners will usually ask one or two questions about the the candidate themselves and then they will ask more general questions about other subjects for example their leisure time their studies their future plans travel holiday experiences and their daily routines so how should you answer those questions well as you can see in the example at the beginning of this video the first attempt of the the candidate was too short england is not enough of an answer when somebody asks you where are you from you need to elaborate a little more the second answer was bad because it was sort of rambling it wasn't focused or concise the candidate did not take advantage of the opportunity trying to remember if he was six or seven when he moved and if it was a village or a town where he lived it's not important and in the end he didn't say much at all the second thing he asked questions to the examiner and to his partner which you don't do but the third answer was perfect it was answering the question and then elaborating a little bit more but not too much it was concise and it used good vocabulary like quaint grow up moved so that's a perfect length of answers not too short it's not too long that's what you need to be aiming for so let's look at some more good examples of answers to other questions now so these these are only good examples no bad examples this time what free time activity do you enjoy most well to be honest nowadays i prefer to spend my free time at home binge watching on films and series although i do meet up with my mates occasionally just to catch up do you like using the internet to keep in touch with people yes and no i think the internet is a good option for small talk and non-important conversation but if i want to have a deeper more profound conversation and put the world to write i'd rather meet in person how important is it for you to spend time with your family very important despite the fact that i live in a different country to my family i cherish the time that we spend together and i often get homesick and i miss them terribly so there you can see the perfect answers for those questions not too short not too long fluent no hesitations and no um and using good vocabulary now don't worry some of that vocabulary is proficient vocabulary so if you're studying for the first don't panic and think you have to use that type of vocabulary but you should try to include as much impressive vocabulary as possible into your answers it's an opportunity remember as i said you will be nervous that's okay the nervousness will help you focus but this speaking part one is a good opportunity to start to relax to get used to the environment you're in speaking to the examiner and just calm down for the next parts of the speaking which are more difficult and speaking of the next parts of the speaking my next videos will be focused specifically on each level so i will do one video for the first certificate the b2 first another video for the c1 advanced and another video for the c2 proficiency for each part of the exam so i recommend you subscribe so you don't miss them and other future videos i'll be making coming soon okay thank you for joining me i hope this helped let me know in the comments if you have any other tips or questions and i'll see you soon for another video bye
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 4,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cambridge english exam speaking, cambridge b2 first speaking tips, c1 advanced speaking test cambridge, b2 first speaking test, c2 advanced speaking test, fce speaking exam, cae speaking part 1, cae speaking examples, b2 speaking part 1, cambridge english exam b2 speaking part 1, c1 speaking part 1, cambridge c1 advanced speaking exam, cambridge speaking test c1, b2 speaking exam cambridge tips, b2 speaking exam tips, cae speaking exam, cae speaking exam tips, c2 speaking tips
Id: eKInrP1n1Zk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 53sec (413 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 03 2020
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