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the strongest of the strong in jutu kais and the strongest sourcers of all time will be broken down in this video and even ranked at the end so make sure to stay tuned for that use your six eyes to locate and then smash that like button if you enjoy seeing JSU kaisen videos like this one on the channel and want to keep them coming make this the video you join the special grade fam if you haven't already by subscribing and hitting that notification Bell to turn on all notifications so you don't miss future dreu kaisen videos and updates and now without further Ado let's jump into It spoilers and all so first up we have Yuki tukumo who made her debut via flashback and in an AE total flashback no less she's further hyped for me because she had such an impact on Toto one of my favorite characters after third grader Toto beat up a high schooler with a bad attitude he was just thinking that beating up a boring guy is boring that's when Yuki showed up congratulating him and asking the iconic question what kind of girls are you into at that point he had a feeling that he wouldn't be bored for long then this hyped up character shows up again during chapter 76 during the Gojo and ghetto flashback again she shows up and asks this time ghetto what kind of girls he's into soon enough she tells ghetto she is special grade sorcerer Yuki tsukumo and ghetto is shaking even sweating a bit when he says you're the dot dot dot clearly her reputation proceeds her and she says yeah the no good special grade who doesn't take on any missions and just bums around overseas with a response like that how could you not love her that's the real question she goes on to say that she hates Jutsu high and then clarifies saying she doesn't see eye to eye with the way the school does things she says they treat the symptoms while she wants to get to the root cause Yuki doesn't want to exercise curses she wants a world where curses don't even exist since curses are formed when cursed energy leaks from humans she says there are two ways to eradicate them one eradicate cursed energy from all of humanity and two teach humans how to control their cursed energy ghetto is intrigued by number one but points out that toi zenin was the only one for whom cursed energy was completely eradicated Yuki says cases like that of heavenly restriction are few and far between so her focus is on the second method of teaching humans how to control their cursed energy Yuki explains that jiujitsu Sorcerers don't give birth to curses excluding cases where Sorcerers become curses after death the cursed energy that leaks from them compared to non Sorcerers is really low for Sorcerers it flows heav within them in general terms she says if every single human became a jiutu sorcerer curses would no longer be born and this really gets to ghetto he says then why not kill every non sorcerer she says it's an option and that might be the easiest way they could force evolve people and create a situation where survival rests on adapting to a sorcerer based society using fear and danger as a catalyst although ghetto maybe she says she's not that crazy to try something like that we'll get to this more when we disc discuss fellow special grade ghetto later on in the video but at this point he was beginning to wonder if non Sorcerers are worth fighting for she eventually takes off saying as fellow special grade Sorcerers her ghetto and Gojo should get along she also tells him not to worry about what happened with the star plasma vessel since whether it was another vessel or another vessel was born Tangen stabilized she's the one that told ghetto he'd eventually be the one to decide his true feelings and path despite being torn now so now we have a sense of her personality and evolving philosophy during chapter 130 we learned that Toto learned how to use Simple domain from Yuki the counter domain technique that can neutralize a domain expansions guaranteed hit function another not her skill Yuki finally confronts pseudo ghetto AKA kju and the two explain how their philosophies differ at this point Yuki says the next stage of humanity lies in breaking away from cursed energy while ancient sorcerer and body snatcher Kaku says no it lies in optimizing cursed energy Yuki would rather have a peaceful world without cursed Spirits while Kaku obviously wants No Such Thing Kaku says he thought she abandoned that method 12 years ago when toi zenan died and she responds she was talking to ghetto but oh well she answers anyway saying she came back to original principles now let's jump to when Yuki actually fought Kaku it's definitely her most telling fight to see how strong she actually is after choso took a crack at him Yuki came in thanking him and saying good work big brother she told the exhausted choso to leave the rest to her it's cool she has that Goku energy and when she shows up you just feel better and like things will be okay will they actually be okay though we have to wait and see right away kenju points out that although she's a special grade headquarters keeps a tight liit on Intel about her curse technique he couldn't get any information from the higher ups either so he decides it's best to keep her at a distance that coming from someone like Kaku is definitely a big compliment At first she uses her shikigami Garuda as as a cursed tool to quickly deal with a special grade curs Spirit released by kenju it's even better that she attacks it by using guda as a soccer ball or football Kaku is shocked when he sees its power and that's when Yuki explains its mass pretty much star rage her technique allows her to give virtual Mass to her or guda in order to deliver devastating destructive force she punches Kaku and send him flying she breaks his bones in the process too kinjaku points out it's a concept that targets a cursed technique Mass so overwhelming it surpasses anything inside and outside kinjaku puts together that the increased Mass doesn't affect her because her speed isn't decreased Yuki is quick enough to realize from her attack that Kaku must have a third curse technique that involves gravity aside from his curse manipulation and techniques that allow him to transfer bodies both Kaku and Yuki think to themselves this fight is going to be a pain especially since Kaku assumes she probably has an expansion technique with with high cursed energy output as a trump card kenju then uses domain expansion womb profusion the plan was for Yuki to use Simple domain into buy time while Tangen works on neutralizing kaku's domain but we're quickly told they miscalculated like sukuna in Shibuya Kaku pulled off an amazing feat in which he opened his domain and activated a technique without closing the barrier so there is no outer shell to remove the domain is also so powerful it quickly strips Yuki of her simple domain somehow Tangen does manage to spell it but not before Kaku lands a devastating hit on Yuki Kaku thinks it's all over but he should know to expect more from a special grade Sorcerer And soon enough notices that her shikigami is still there she gets up too Kaku assumes she uses reversed curse technique to heal while her shikigami buys time and he also decides he'll replenish his curse techniques but then suddenly she appears in attacks he blocks and asks why doesn't she heal and she says because I don't want to end quote man I love her character she has a smile on her bloody face as she fights in the middle of the hand-to-hand fighting guda wraps around Kaku Kaku thinks that Yuki is at her limit but then choso comes in and Yuki makes guda so heavy Kaku can't fully avoid the bloodshot but Kaku is a beast to and Spins his head to deflect the piercing blood then Yuki kicks him but we're told damage had already weakened star rage otherwise Kaku would have been toast right there nevertheless she and choso keep on attacking Yuki uses reverse curse technique to recharge but it slowed down star rage and gave Kaku a chance to temporarily Escape when ready she uses G as a whip and devastates the battlefield with the destructive power but before they can land a lethal blow Kaku replenishes his curse technique and uses his aformentioned gravity powers to bring down choso and the guda whip before they can hit him Yuki in the middle of battle mind U deduces that that curse technique has a radius of 2 to 3 m from the sorcerer and continues for 6 seconds in that interval she tries to attack she goes in saying she's going to win she punches him again and again while she can knowing she won't get another chance but then he catches her arm and attacks with a tiny Uzumaki the second attack goes straight through her as kinjaku explains she doesn't feel extra weight due to Star rage so while her density increases her tensile strength doesn't and tensile strength is the ability of a material to withstand a maximum amount of tensile stress without failure in other words instead of her body being pulled or stretched by the attack distresses too much and it tears right through her he then Stomps on her separating her body into two halves Yuki being the absolute monster she is even grabs Kaku by the foot with an arm after this happens she smiles saying star rage's alterations in Mass don't affect me but only up to a certain density if there's no limit Kaku realizes that she can create a black hole which possesses extreme density and immense gravity neither matter nor even light can escape we're told in terms of density imagine the Earth shrunk to a diameter of 2 cm yet somehow kju even survives this final insane trump card he explains that the curse technique anti-gravity system was engraved in yuji's mom through laps he was able to avoid the restrictions on unstable output and activation Time by using his own body as a domain he took a gamble he says it could have blown up the whole world but Tan's barrier and Yuki's will suppressed it so he has them to thank for surviving pretty insane stuff and so Yuki the special Gra who gave Toto his scar during one of her harsh training sessions was defeated but man did she ever prove why she deserved to be a special grade while also letting Kaku show his immense power too although she died in this epic battle her memory lives on and whenever we see Toto scar we can use it as a reminder of her and how badass she was right to the end next we got a look at special great sorcerer UTA otu Jujutsu Kaizen zero is where we see his introduction he actually begs ra the cursed spirit that haunts and protects him to to not hurt the bullies that are bothering him but she doesn't care and wrecks them that's why you shouldn't bully right there also when Utah tries to hurt himself she steps in to protect him we'll later get into how he's actually the reason she still haunts him Gojo is actually the one that originally told him that the curse attach to him can help people depending on how it's used and he has to learn to control its power when his fellow students meet UTA for the first time they are shocked by Ra's presence and quickly back off from him when ra moves in to protect we see UTA and Ra's back story where they were kids in love she gave him an engagement ring for his birthday she then gets hit by a car to Utah's shock but that doesn't stop the promise of marriage and being together forever the girl lives on as a curse keeping that promise from long ago the funniest thing though is when they hear this story the other students are like oh so that's all it is he's cursed by ra the girl who loves him when they're on a mission at first Maki is shocked to see that UTA is already a special grade because of how he seems so worried and scared all the time she thinks thinks that it's a joke finally though when they get eaten by a curse everyone inside is suffering from being cursed except UTA who has a resistance to curses UTA steps up he asks ra to lend him her strength and she does the other curse is wrecked and UT and the others escape go even says freaky so this is the true identity of special grade vual Cur Spirit ra orimoto women sure are scary he adds after the event UTA recalls that he told ra they'll be together forever and ever and he starts to think for the first first time that it's not ra cursing him but he that's cursing ra and Gojo says he's always believed that love manifests the most distorted curses in all this time like with Yuji Gojo is the one who is trying to keep UTA from being executed he even says that in case of an execution he's on uta's side to the hups eventually Gojo gives UTA a katana so that he can channel the curse of RA into it and control it at first UTA is weak in hand-to-hand combat but he keeps practicing on one Mission with inum together they defeat a curse without unleashing ra and ghetto who's behind the incident Witnesses it and is disappointed saying too bad I was hoping I'd get to see the famous ra showing just how big of a deal ra and thus uta's power are Gojo then tells III not to be sorry for how things played out because the someone who cast another curtain on top of his and who ensured an unidentified semi- grade one curse was there was too strong he knows it's ghetto who at this point is one of the four special grades in his considered the worst of all curse users we'll be getting into him again later on the video but for now we're told he was expelled from Jutsu high and has ended over 100 civilians at this point ghetto has already adopted his kill all non Sorcerers View and tries to get UTA to join him because he appreciates his fantastic power as he calls it obviously UTA refuses to join him and there's fascinating stuff here which we'll Circle back to about ghetto as well the dude appears in front of Gojo and his students and when Gojo tells him he's not not leaving he summons a curse and says all your precious students are within my range so goo can't even try to stop him someone being so confident in declaring war in front of Gojo even a younger Gojo is truly crazy and Hypes up ghetto as well ghetto knows he doesn't have much chance of winning the war especially if the Jutsu Society gets involved but he thinks so highly of RA that he thinks if he kills UTA and takes the special grade ra as his own curse Spirit his chances of winning go up to 99% he believes that if he kills the master mean meaning UTA he can absorb the curse meaning ra so he plans to isolate UT and Strikes where he and Maki are Gojo figures out what's happening in s inumaki and Panda to help it's not long though before ghetto takes down Maki inumaki and Panda UTA sees this and flips out unleashing ra during the fight ghetto a curse expert gives ra the title queen of curses showing how much he respects her and her power she's even referred to as a spirit of endless cursed energy UTA shows how gifted he is when he uses inum maki's Advanced cursed speech technique pass down from generation to generation although to be fair he does find it hard to use and it doesn't help him much here at one point he reinforces his fist and delivers a brutal and also satisfying punch to ghetto mug face even ghetto has to say not bad ghetto mentions it's a good thing that he came to kill him before UTA learn to use ra properly ghetto summons a special grade curse and combines his 4,461 curses into one using curse manipulation technique maximum Uzumaki UTA commits to R and kisses her monstrous form which Hypes her up the power of this weird love is enough to leave ghetto badly hurt he's Amazed by this power that can change the world and says if only I had ra I wouldn't have to collect all of these curses he couldn't succeed this time but says next time she'll be his and that's when goo appears it's revealed that goo purposely sent inumaki and Panda there knowing ghetto would defeat them and that that would trigger uta's growth Gojo also knew that someone who put jiujitsu sorcerers on a pedestal like ghetto wouldn't kill young Sorcerers without reason so it's not quite as messed up as it seems at first Gojo then proceeds to end his former best friend ghetto back to Utah and goo points out that the ra curse is broken goo looked into Utah's lineage he is actually a descendant of michan sugara meaning although distant the two Gojo and UTA are relatives so Gojo says UTA was right Raa wasn't cursing him he was cursing her he refused to let her die the cursor severs the bond tying the ser to the master and if the cursed doesn't desire punishment which ra wouldn't then the curse breaks Ra's Spirit actually thanks UTA for giving her time and letting her be by his side she says she's been happier these past six years than when she was alive a crazy claim to be sure her spirit then disintegrates telling him not to come over to the other side too soon but never fear even if his L soul is at peace and the curse that bound them together is broken UTA keeps his fighting partner the powerful r round as we'll see but on to the main story during chapter 11 Gojo Hypes up UTA saying he's great along with third-year hakar and says they'll be as good as him one day no small cou from the world's strongest sorcerer and one who knows just how great he is then it was suggested that during the 2017 Goodwill event it was one-sided simply because Utah and R dominated then when Gojo confronted Kaku during chapter 90 goo points out how before he killed ghetto he was beaten up by Utah UTA is praised for his ability to unconditionally copy cursed techniques and his boundless cursed energy although Kaku personally thinks that UTA can't become the next Gojo that doesn't mean he's right and Gojo like I said with his ego wouldn't say someone could match him in power one day just willy-nilly so then UTA finally makes his main story debut with a splash when he rescues a girl from a curse when he's talking to her the curse attacks him from behind only for ra to take care of it instantly leaving nothing there but a wall of splattered blood then he says he'll kill itadori himself when he finally comes face to face with Yuji Yuji thinks it's Gojo at first and then says no it's something even creepier definitely High Praise again for this dude Yuji comments that he's fast even while holding a drawn Katana UT remarks that he's got even more cursed energy than Gojo Sensei albeit he does clarify that Sensei has the six eyes so the energy that's lost when he activates a curse technique is infinitism close to zero he does admit that Gojo is the best and that Gojo doesn't run out of cursed energy while UT can despite this Yuji notices that uta's whole body including his Katana is constantly surging with cursed energy rather than being focused on one body part making his attacks difficult to read and it also means his attacks can be decisive and he can restrict all damage to a minimum it's clear that although Yuji lasts for decently long UTA is in control of the fight and when Yuji blocks his Katana UTA simply says he's too focused on his Katana and kicks him in the gut yui yui for his part can't help but think that even a forward kick from UT is incredibly powerful UT lands a slash on yuji's body but props to Yuji for successfully breaking UT's Katana UTA thinks to himself that it's not surprising since Yuji is Gojo's pupil so it was never going to be easy and just when Yuji thinks he has a chance because they're both unarmed ra finally steps in grabbing hold of his head UTA actually holds ra back by saying they're just playing while Yuji realizes he can't move ra is too strong UTA asks to hold Yuji for him and he stabs Yuji with his broken off Katana he then apologizes to him so it's pretty funny how this whole time UTA wasn't even using his strongest ability namely ra and he could have if he really wanted to ended it at any point as we'll see even physically he could have been holding back when he shows up to Cho's fight he quickly dispatches him with a number of extremely quick punches while NAA was on the ropes UTA took choso out without even making it look like he's trying he then heals NAA with his reverse curse technique so that he can inform the superiors of itad dori's death of course this was all an act and UTA actually saved Yuji Yuji later wakes up and UTA reveals that Gojo had asked him to look out for Yuji and this was his way of doing it Gojo pretty much trusted UT to take care of all the current first and seconde students except Haka the even hyper and crazier thing was that UTA did actually kill Yuji he had to because he entered a binding vow but he used his aforementioned reverse curse technique at the time that his heart stopped he instantaneously healed him with revers cursed technique not many people know UTA can do this so he got away with being appointed as yuji's executioner when asked why UTA is doing this he simply says because Yuji is important to people who are important to him it's clear that Utah also views Yuji as more innocent than himself because while UTA actually created his own situation as we saw he says that yuji's power was really forced upon him during the calling games UTA is again praised for his cursed energy which is called bottomless and for R's strength as well UTA also proclaims that he will be the one who will kill Kaku as he faces the creepy Kuro rushi the special grade cockroach curse Spirit UTA Nerfs himself in multiple ways at first by limiting himself to not using reverse curse technique or ra who is helping to protect everyone at the stadium however he finds himself in a situation where he has to use reverse curse technique to finish the special grade off and does so UTA then faces off against the reincarnated and very skilled Sorcerers takako uro and Ryu ishi ishii for his part compliments UTA for how he supports his toughness with cursed energy so that it feels like he's knocking against a massive water tank eventually the two think UTA is reaching his limit but that's when UTA calls back ra and asks her to give him everything she's got it's pointed out that ra is his cursed technique and can store cursed energy for him the manga also spells it out to us that while connected to ra through his ring the following is possible cursed technique use Ra's complete manifestation and cursed energy Supply F from ra at this point in the story he can maintain a sustained connection for 5 minutes he uses cursed speech to tell uro not to move and then he punches her from one side while ra punches her from the other following that Raa turns to isori whose technique gets easily deflected by Raa and isori thinks to himself that ra might be even tougher than UTA while dealing with uro it said that uta's curse technique is copied all UTA and the reincarnated Sorcerers use domain expansion at the same time although they get broken down we end up in a situation where Kur ri's child and successor is present along with uro and isori isori though attacks the other two wanting UTA for himself he's one of those overpowered opponents that gets hungry for a challenge they attack each other with directed high output blasts of cursed energy which UTA can do when ra is manifested P.S it's also revealed that this ra contains the last remnants of Ra's human will so that is why this ra quote unquote weapon still acts like the first R 2 even if it's not exactly the same thing or arguably as strong as it was before anyways after the blasts cancel each other out UTA avoids another by using udo's curse technique as has been established he can copy curse techniques and I'm just waiting for him to copy Gojo's one day he then uses ur's thin ice barrier attack to attack again props to isori who is still fighting and even delivers a single blow that was even too much for the fully manifested reca the two keep up physical combat but then UTA throws him to the ground and isigi gets hit by his own curse technique which UTA redirected with uro technique ishigo being the boss he is is defeated with a smile thanking UTA for filling his hunger for battle although credit must be given to isori for pushing UTA and this version of RA so far ultimately UTA gets the win again showing his own skill and prowess which will only grow from here as pointed out by Gojo he also needed to keep his opponents alive so he could have them transfer points to him so on some level he was arguably holding back as well given uta's seemingly bottomless cursed energy his Improvement of its use over time and his ability to add overpowered curse techniques to his tool belt along the way like curse speech and Sky manipulation there is really no telling how strong he can become especially considering he's only 17 years old right now and Gojo for his part felt like he was strong enough to take a serious punch from him and UTA did although it did end up making him want to puke now it's finally time to discuss the one dubb the strongest and the hypest character of the series satu Gojo but first what does a special grade like Gojo like hitting even more than strong opponents why the Subscribe button of course so here's your chance to join a special grade fan by doing just that if you haven't already but now back to Gojo and of course satoru is the strongest jutu sorcerer in the world there's no debating that and the man who could singlehandedly destroy Humanity season 2 of the Jutsu kaai in anime is finally giving us some insight into Gojo's insane backstory Satur Gojo was born on December 7th 1989 and he is such a menace that after his birth the balance of power in the entire jiujitsu world shifted gojou was the first person 400 years to be born with both the power of Limitless and the power of the six eyes and this was such a big deal that it resulted in curses becoming stronger after his birth basically the good guys became so overpowered thanks to the appearance of Gojo that curses started getting stronger in order to compensate I repeat Gojo's birth literally threw the balance of the universe out of whack and the universe had to start making curses stronger in order to make up for it if that doesn't tell you how power Gojo truly is especially as an individual that I don't know what will Gojo was so powerful that the other important sorcerer families felt intimidated by him and they were afraid that they would lose their own status because of this one member of the Gojo family being so powerful these other families went so far as to put out a hit on him while he was still a kid but all the bounty hunters who tried to kill him failed and goo was able to develop into the charismatic Powerhouse that he is today in fact Gojo is widely considered to be the strongest jutu Sorcerer of the modern era and if you ask Gojo he believes himself to be the strongest Sorcerer of any era according to Gojo's character profile in the first volume of the manga he can do anything that he sets out to do essentially making the impossible possible when he feels like it on several occasions he has stated that at full power he could defeat even the legendary suku in his prime Gojo is so strong that if technology ran on cursed energy rather than gas or electricity Gojo would apparently have the ability to power an entire large Nation like the United States on his own his powers are so great that they could pose a threat to the whole world if they ever ended up in the wrong hands ghetto has stated in the past that Gojo could potentially destroy all of humanity so let's just be glad that he's one of the good guys on our side even though the Gojo family is one of the big three sorcerer families along with the zenin and C families satu is literally the only known member of the Gojo family sat is the head of the Gojo family but as I just mentioned he also seems to be the only noteworthy sorcerer in the current generation of the family and yet because he is so powerful he just kind of solo carries the entire family name and keep keeps them at the top of the food chain the Gojo Clan is originally descended from Mizan sugara one of the big three vengeful Spirits from the hayan period of Japanese history and a legend in the Jujutsu world but there have been many Gojo Clan Sorcerers in the past so what makes satoru Gojo in particular so powerful and why is he so special as a member of the Gojo bloodline satoru inherited the prestigious Gojo Clan technique known as Limitless this curse technique brings a concept of infinity into the physical world allowing its user to distort and manipulate space in its base or neutral state which is known as Infinity Limitless has the ability to stop anything and everything including enemy attacks although technically the technique doesn't stop things it just slows down their movements to such an extent that they may as well have been effectively stopped let me try to explain it more clearly using the very Paradox that goou himself references when talking about his power the Paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise the F Greek hero Achilles is challenged to erace by a common tortoise the slow moving tortoise says is that it can outrun the great Achilles as long as it is given a bit of a head start Achilles believes himself to be the fastest man in the world and there is no way that he could lose to something as slow as a tortoise so he accepts The Challenge and the race begins with a tortois having a 100 meter Head Start Achilles rushes forward determined to overtake the tortoise he quickly covers the distance of 100 m and reaches the point where the tortoise had begun the race but by that time the tortoise managed to move 10 m forward Achilles then runs another 10 m to reach the position where the tortoise was but by the time he arrives the taurise has moved another meter by the time Achilles moves again to the location where the tauris was the tauris has moved slightly forward again and so on and so on in the end Achilles never catches up because there's always an increasingly small gap between him and the Tortoise but it's a gap nonetheless here's another way to think about it let's say you want to walk from One Tree to another in order to reach the second tree you will need to reach the half point of the two trees and then the half point between that point and the second tree and then the halfway point between that new halfway point and the tree and so on infinitely if you you keep dividing the remaining distance in half you will never arrive at your destination and at some point you will be moving so slow that it will look like you're not moving at all this is a mathematical Paradox also known as xenos Paradox in mathematics no matter how many times you divide a number it will never go down to zero it will keep going down to smaller and smaller fractions infinitely but never to actual zero in the real world if you want to walk from One Tree to another you will easily arrive at that destination you won't start infinitely dividing the distance You cover in half you're just going to cover the distance so this is a theoretical and mathematical Paradox not something that occurs in everyday life however Limitless actually brings this mathematical Paradox into reality which is really cool so if something like an enemy attack tries to approach the user of Limitless in this case Gojo it will never reach him Limitless transforms the finite amount of space between the attacker and Gojo into Infinite Space the enemy attack will never make contact with Gojo because its distance from Gojo will just keep dividing itself infinitely the attacker becomes a killes and Gojo becomes the tortoise Limitless so powerful not only because it prevents enemy attacks from making contact with goo but also because Gojo can expand the invisible infinite barrier that Limitless generates in order to completely neutralize enemy techniques and overpower them outright and if that wasn't enough there are multiple other techniques that Limitless allows goo to perform Beyond just Infinity but before we get into the Epic details of these other overpower techniques let's quickly talk about Gojo's other incredible inherited technique six eyes six eyes is an ocular Jutsu and this ocular Jutsu allows its user to detect cursed energy and see the flow of it as well as to instantly analyze his opponent's curse techniques on top of that six eyes allows its user to have unbelievable precise control of their cursed energy right down to an atomic level ensuring that the user of six eyes virtually never runs out of cursed energy because they are able to use it so incredibly efficiently basically six eyes allows Gojo to use so little cursed energy that he never runs out because he recovers it faster than he can spend it his supply of cursed energy is not actually infinite both UTA and sukuna have more cursed energy than Gojo overall but Gojo's efficiency in how he uses it makes it practically infinite six eyes are essentially the perfect technique for mastering and unlocking the full potential Limitless and it is this unique combination of Limitless and six eyes that make Gojo the strongest Sorcerer of the modern era six eyes are so rare that no two people can possess them at the same time and as I mentioned earlier it's been 400 years since a single person possessed both six eyes and Limitless a user of six eyes has visual Powers Beyond those of any other sorcerer Gojo can literally see through a blindfold without a problem and he can easily see what's happening several kilometers away in fact the reason why Gojo uses a blindfold in the first place is to avoid overly straining his eyes because six eyes is a power that is always on and it cannot be deactivated in chapter 71 the sorcerer killer toi figuro mentioned that he once want to see the legendary satoru Gojo back when Gojo was still a kid and Gojo was the only person who was ever able to detect toi's presence even while toi was standing behind him okay so now that we've established what the six eyes power is let's talk about all the ways that Gojo combines six eyes in Limitless in order to bring out the full potential of both techniques in absolutely spectacular ways first let's talk about blue also known as curse technique laps blue if Infinity is the base form of Limitless then blue is its strength and form and it is activated when Gojo amplifies the amount of cursed energy that he is pouring into the the technique blue allows the user to bring more theoretical mathematical Concepts into reality this time the concepts of negative numbers and negative distance basically Gojo uses Limitless to create negative space and then normal space immediately begins to compensate by drawing everything towards the negative space in order to fill it this allows Gojo to pull people and objects toward that space at great speed similarly to the way a huge magnet works this technique can be used with less intensity in order to pull in targets towards each other and the same effect can even be used to make the user move at high speeds by pulling himself so quickly towards a specific destination that it appears as if he is teleporting Gojo's ability to use blue as a means of Transport enabled him to become one of the fastest Sorcerers in history however the technique can also be used with more intensity to pull apart entire buildings in an instant or to completely destroy the bodies of enemies blue is a technique that is very difficult to use because it requires a lot of cursed energy and it requires that energy to be used in an extremely precise way way luckily for Gojo the six eyes allows him to do exactly that next let's talk about red also known as reverse Limitless red Gojo uses the positive energy that comes from his reverse curse technique to reverse the effects of blue rather than attracting objects and people like blue does red repels them if blue is like two opposite charged magnets that are attracted to each other then red is like two similarly charged magnets repelling each other Gojo produces a small red orb on the tip of his finger and when the power of the orb is released it generates a mass massive shock wave that blows everything within the surrounding area away from Gojo Red's cursed energy output is said to be at least twice the cursed energy output of blue which increases the potential for collateral damage since red requires the use of reverse curse technique and since only a small number of sourcers in history have been able to use this technique go is one of the only people to be able to use this technique in the history of the world and even he had to work hard in order to learn to use it it actually took a near-death experience for him to finally figure it out and if you thought that red and blue were badass then wait until I tell you about super secret Fusion technique called Hollow technique purple purple is created through the merging of blue and red when the two opposite Powers Collide an imaginary mass is produced and this Mass has the ability to essentially erase everything in its path out of existence purple neither attracts nor repels it produces a purple energy ball that simply annihilates everything it touches the existence of this technique is such a closely guarded secret that members of the other prominent families such as the zening clan don't even know it it exists and thus they have no effective counter to it as it should be clear by now all of Gojo's powers are insanely rare and impressive including six eyes Limitless itself and the various techniques derived from Limitless such as red blue and purple but we can't end the discussion on Gojo's power without talking about his greatest power of all Gojo's domain expansion called unlimited void unlimited void allows Gojo to bring himself in his Target or targets inside of the Limitless itself as the name suggests the area within Limitless is an unlimited void that contains an infinite amount of knowledge and information in fact when a Target is forced to enter unlimited void their mind is immediately bombarded with endless information to the point of overwhelming them and rendering them completely immobile the user and anyone he touches directly is immune from the effect but the user's intended target will essentially lose their mind and eventually die if Gojo doesn't deactivate the power the effect of unlimited void is so powerful that if a non sorcerer is exposed to it for more than 0.2 seconds they will suffer lasting consequences and death in those 0.2 seconds an entire 6 months worth of information floods into the target's mind rendering them unconscious and afterwards they will require like 2 months of therapy just to get back to normal although Gojo's Limitless and its techniques are among the most powerful abilities in Jutsu kaisa and quite possibly they could be the single strongest power when taken as a whole there are some ways that exceptionally strong opponents of Gojo can attempt to counter his techniques Limitless can be countered by other exceptionally powerful domain expansions or domain amplification and there are some curse tools infused with specialized curse techniques that can interfere with the power of Limitless but believe it or not Limitless and six eyes are not even the only powers in Gojo's vast Arsenal Gojo is extremely strong and fast physically as well he has incredible endurance and he is an expert in hand-to-hand combat Gojo is also very tactical and a master strategist and these important abilities are of course boosted by the six eyes allowing Gojo to develop superhuman observational and analytical skills Gojo is also capable of producing many other techniques including black flash curtain simple domain and falling Blossom em motion falling blossom in motion is actually a secret technique passed down within the big three sorcerer families that serves as a countermeasure against the domain expansion of your opponent this technique can either nullify a domain's attack entirely or it can reduce the damage suffered by the user in case their opponent's domain is incredibly strong new Shadow style simple domain also allows Gojo to counter enemy domains by neutralizing the can't miss attacks of the domain in question Gojo doesn't normally need to use this technique and he only uses it against the most powerful opponents finally it is important to emphasize that Gojo's Mastery of reverse curse technique also sets him apart from other sorcerers not only can he use this technique virtually continuously in order to heal his physical body in perpetuity but Gojo could also use reverse curse technique to recover his burnt out curse technique after using domain expansion allowing him to create multiple domain expansions within the span of only a few minutes we can't forget that the vast majority of sorcerers who have a domain can only use it like once a day top so this is a huge deal and after learning all all of that about goo spectacular powers and abilities I don't think I need to tell you how dangerous these Powers would be if they got into the wrong hands if for whatever reason goo turned bad like his buddy ghetto or if he lost control of his body in some way the entire world would be absolutely screwed like imagine sukuna in Gojo's body and how insane that would be during the infamous Shibuya incident kenju and the other villains managed to seal Gojo inside prison realm a special grade cursed object that contains living barriers constructed with the final remains of the Buddhist monk gen the barrier has the ability to seal anything or anyone including Gojo Gojo spends 19 days sealed inside the object and then he is successfully unsealed by his allies the unsealing takes place in chapter 221 of the manga and this scene in which Gojo is unsealed tells us a lot about just how dangerous Gojo could potentially become while preparing to unseal Gojo Yuji shoko hakari Angel and the others realized that because physical time doesn't flow in the prison realm there is no way to tell how goo actually experienced the time he spent sealed away it might have been just a few moments for him or it might have felt like he was alone for hundreds of years everyone is worried about what Gojo's State of Mind might be like upon the release and as shoko points out depending on his mental state it could actually be dangerous to unseal him in a confined space so they decide to unseal Gojo inside an abandoned mind in the middle of nowhere in order to avoid any potential destruction to the surrounding area upon Gojo's release and even though goo is ultimately fine upon his release and he just rushes to confront ghetto right away the preparations that his allies take before they release him confirm the fact that Gojo has the potential to be extremely dangerous like I've been alluding to if goo was ever to become psychologically imbalanced in any way or if he was to somehow get possessed by Kaku or manipulated in some other way he would become a massive threat not just for the small community of Jutsu Sorcerers but for all of Japan and the entire world Gojo being Gojo not only did his confinement inside the prison realm not unnerve him but it actually made him stronger by teaching him how to create an an extremely small domain a domain that is so dense and refined that it is actually smaller than the size of a basketball this insane durability and adaptability is what we love about goo but it's crazy to think about just how screwed up the world would be if goo ever turned to the dark side most recently Gojo has been leading in a fight against sukuna and even managed to knock him out sukuna said himself he's as good as full power and he even needed to take over megumi's body to use mahaga just have a chance currently although godra appears to have knocked out sukuna with black flash he now has to deal with a mahura that has adapted to his powers but it appears like Gojo was right when he said he'd be able to beat sukura in his prime especially one without mahaga abilities and finally let's discuss Gojo's best friend ghetto the man whose body would be taken over by kinjaku now there will be some overlap here because literally Ghetto Life overlaps with every other special grade sorcerer's Life as we saw and since we discussed ghetto in passing during the explanations of the other special great characters we can just summarize the important bits here as we saw the dude experienced a 180 whereas before Gojo was the one saying it's a pain to look out for the weak and ghetto was saying Society should protect the weak and keep the strong in check ghetto is the one who ended up wanting to eliminate the weak non Sorcerers who create curses his ability to catch and release cursed Spirits including special grade cursed Spirits like their Pokemon is called cursed Spirit manipulation he used this overpowered ability so well that goo at the time considered himself and ghetto to be the strongest but as is hilariously revealed when a shikigami user tries to take him on close range ghetto is also very good at close combat and deals with him effortlessly later goo reveals how much he trusts in ghetto abilities ghetto is worried about goo's state after the latter went so long without sleep and goo says he's good and besides you're here too he says to ghetto however both of them didn't see toi coming toi even beats the previous version of Gojo before his Evolution to a stronger fighter who can use reverse cursed energy and his now signature red and purple attacks so it's not surprising that ghetto didn't stand a chance either in fact toi only spared him because he wasn't sure what would happen with his curses if he died and he wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble during this fight ghetto unleashed the rainbow dragon a curse that's supposed to have the toughest hide there is but toi cuts through it like it's nothing by the time Jutsu Kaa in chapter zero happens ghetto is older eviler and stronger but not strong enough despite being one of the strongest which seems to be a recurring problem for him he's introduced as one of the special grades and specifically like I said before as the one who is considered the worst of all curse users we're told that he was expelled from Jutsu high school and that he's killed more than 100 civilians not good stuff to be known for so clearly he's no longer the guy who says that jiujitsu is for protecting non Sorcerers at this point he even insults non Sorcerers by calling them monkeys ghetto plans to destroy Jutsu high so they won't stand in his way but before that he introduces himself to Utah Maki and the rest they can't help but notice how fast he is he talks about his goal of killing all non Sorcerers and realizing a world with only jiutu sorcerers he declares war and when goo says he won't let him get away with it ghetto responds that he shouldn't even try it since all of Gojo's precious students are within his range once again it's impressive that he could declare war in front of Gojo and just get away with it ghetto planned to kill UTA and take ra the queen of curses as he called her he easily deals with Maki Panda inumaki against UTA he releases one of his special grade curses tamamo noay incarnate he also releases his most powerful attack Maxim Uzumaki he tells UT it's a good thing he came to kill him before UT learned to use his power but all of his curses combined weren't powerful enough and UTA and ra won out once again later ghetto points out that God purposly let all this unfold to trigger uta's growth while godo blurs the line between good guys and bad guys when he said that he knew ghetto wouldn't kill a young sorcerer without reason he knew that his students were safe since ghetto doesn't just want to cause suffering but to create a world for Jutsu Sorcerers and so he obviously wouldn't kill them unless it's absolutely necessary even if they do fight him and then kinjaku picks ghetto body to take take over because of the potential of his cursed Spirit manipulation however we can't really consider what Kaku does or how well he does in future fights to be the same as ghetto so gto's Own Story stops here after all kinjaku beat Yuki but only because he had access to the curse technique anti-gravity which was ingrained in ki itadori it perfectly countered Yuki's overpowered black hole attack that even cost her her own life however ghetto would not have had access to this ability and so would have been finished if Yuki even had to take it this far against ghetto as an opponent so now with that in mind let's get into the rankings I think it's pretty clear for me that ghetto is the weakest he was weaker than the strongest sorcerer Gojo even before Gojo got his already mentioned significant power up he lost to Utah and ra when Utah was much less experienced than he is now and kenjac who only survived against Yuki because he had the power that ghetto wouldn't have had access to then I got to go with Yuki in third place who made quite the impression and does have an insane potential for getting at least a tie against even the strongest of opponents on by creating a black hole but she's gone now as far as we know UTA for his part has been hyped up for so long was able to beat ghetto as an inexperienced kid and Gojo even said that he has the potential to be as good as him which he didn't say about Yuki yes ra the queen of curses helped Utah beat ghetto but as we know now he created that queen of curses in the first place which again just goes to Hype up his own power and future potential and last but definitely not least we got goo in first place as the strongest special grade sorcerer it's been said many times throughout the series in this video and should come as no surprise when someone just lasts long against him like sukuna did recently it's considered a massive feat which just goes to show how strong this Legend is considered to be not even sukuna the king of curses dared to challenge him with his own strength alone knowing he'd have to rely on mahaga if he'd have any chance of winning now cheating or not if you want to know more about this dude who may end up taking down Gojo one way or another the strongest sorcerer ever then check out our recent video about and why everyone is afraid of him link on screen right now make sure to like And subscribe to join the special grade fam and I'll see you there
Channel: AnimeUproar
Views: 134,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 45min 3sec (2703 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2023
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