Ryomen Sukuna vs Satoru Gojo Full Fight Explained | Jujutsu Kaisen

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as Gojo heads to fight sukula him and his team are utehime gakuganji inichiji arrive in Shibuya with Gojo saying it sure feels like it's been a while Shibuya Gojo saying this props EG to ask Gojo was your sense of time like in the prison Realm Gojo describes the flow of time in the prison realm to essentially feel the same as the feeling of being extremely busy at work and the whole week just flashing by through life while simultaneously feeling so long that you never want to do it again a contradictory feeling it makes sense as ichigi says those kind of feelings are the worst Gojo then asks ichigi what happened to the people I use infinite void on if you remember he's referencing the citizens of Shibuya when Gojo was fighting the disaster spirits EtG begins to explain that this place was the ground zero for the explosion of cursed Spirits during the Shibuya incident the survival of a non-sorcerer in Tokyo got lower the closer they were to Shibuya but thanks your residual curse energy no curse Spirits would even approach the area you cast your domain in thus it kept all of them safe then Gojo asks what about the after effects of my domain to which ichigi responds saying there were none they've already returned to their regular lives so Gojo says well then that's perfect let's get started Gojo calls for uttahime in gakuganji to begin the battle against sukuna we cut the sakuna in urawume in Shibuya as well Ramey says it's now the 24th the day of the decisive battle but the exact time and place weren't even set una cuts off orami saying there's no need for that as I can just feel it Sakura is basically saying he knows where to find Gojo nasukuna looks so far from the rooftop he can sense Gojo's immense curse energy welding up saying speak of the devil before the battle begins we flash back to Gojo and gakuganji in a room to Gojo saying that the one who murdered Yaga was me Gojo's a little confused and responds with a delayed okay which prompts kakuganji to ask Gojo why why haven't you all cursed me and Gojo responds to Goku Banji by saying I think I know a lot about you do yoga what has become the one who does everything by the book religiously that's exactly why I can trust a portion of you despite your actions I mean you killed Yaga due to receiving orders from the higher ups and me being sealed may have played a role it's a mess but I don't want to blame you for his death Gojo then asked akuganji did Yaga tell you anything at the end of his life and gakuganji says yes it was about the specifics of Panda's creation this makes Gojo happy as he says so people like you can even change at that old age because you didn't tell the higher ups if you remember Yaga was a great one who was truly a special grade sorcerer do his ability to potentially create an infinite amount of cursed beings like panda but he never disclosed that ability to the higher ups so he can stay off the radar Gojo goes on to say well it would be better if you became the head of the higher ups and then it shows us a satisfying page of all the higher ups being rightfully slaughtered by someone we don't know this has left up the interpretation then we move on to another talk with Gojo but it's between him and ichigi this time with EtG asking Gojo why me if it's just for putting up a barrier there should be anyone who's better than me in Gojo asked him you really don't get it man you're the one I can trust the most that's all this Exposition between Gojo and his team is just great it adds a lot of emotional weight as it cuts back to the present we see each G begin to place down a barrier while thinking of what Gojo said to him saying that he's more scared than anything but the strongest said he believes in him so if he can't live up to that then he will die here meanwhile EG is preparing the barrier we cut the utahime using her curse technique Solo solo forbidden zone this technique temporarily amplifying the curse energy output of any sorcerer including utahime herself and has further explained that a sorcerer's skill is determined by how much they can shorten the process of activating their curse technique such as removing hand SEALS or chants in order to activate the technique however with the Hime doesn't skip anything when activating her technique curse words hand seals and her dance utehime utilizes 120 of her curse techniques effect by elevating her technique into a ritual history strongest sorcerer or the current strongest sorcerer this one blood will determine who is the Challenger within the domain of this battle to give sukuna the slightest taste of what he is truly capable of Gojo begins to chant clipsuna henko karasuto shomio he already know hazama elevating his technique into a ritual such as uttahime did and with their combined rituals Gojo opens the stage with a 200 Hollow purple so kuna immediately feels the immense pressure of this technique and responds by attempting to stop it but to no avail because of the barrier EtG had placed secunda had missed red Gojo's first attack and although he had sent Gojo's power from afar he could not perceive the immensity of the output until the technique was right in front of him and thus purple annihilates the kuna or so a scene sukuni emerges from the appetizer of Carnage and destruction that photo decided to open up their battle with with no more than a decimated arm as history strongest Sorcerer And the present strongest sorcerer comes face to face and meets their gazes they know it's time to decide who is truly the honored one Gojo has landed the first blow thus he makes it very clear to secure that in this instance sukuna is the Challenger the battle between the two deities begins two kings arrive onto the battlefield with sakuna saying to Gojo I'm the Challenger you seem to be pretty pleased with your self-worldly Landing a surprise attack he proceeds to make it very clear to go to that you are about a fish atop my cutting board Gojo satoru a bit fresher than the others but still just a nameless fish so let's start by peeling off those scales in response to this Gojo begins to stretch and adds to kuna let me ask you why are you still wearing that face did you believe that I'd hold back if you looked like that unfortunately for you I've been doing some special training and since it's Mega me I'm fighting here I can go all out the two immediately Clash of one another and begin to trade blows Gojo immediately drops to the floor and activates the Limitless which pulls sukuna towards a glass Monument eventually crashing him right through it as tsukuna attempts to regain his footing he notices that gold was right in front of him pressuring him with Stomps meanwhile utilizing his Limitless ability to manipulate the gravity around sukuna as Gojo leads to kuna right into the spot that he needs him to be in he leaps into the air and proceeds to use blue to lift the building within his vicinity and send it hurling towards sukuna the king of curses is then able to catch it very briefly but then sidestep in order to get out of the attack runs alongside the top of the building and jumps into the middle of the Year firing or dismantle this catches Gojo off guard and prompts him to dodge this makes the dismantle that sukuna shot at Gojo hit the building behind him so kuna wasn't even done yet though as he proceeds to follow up with a punch that Gojo also happens to react to stopping it with the Limitless as the impact of the punch shatters the building behind the two the two monsters fly into it in order to continue their battle readying their punches to clash one another the Collision of the two forces the entire building to collapse on top of them as the dust settles the two deities walk out of the debris and skate further solidifying that these two are just on their own level we cut over to the rest of the Cavs view in this battle and choso says domain amplification due to responds to chosu saying that I saw footage of this in makamaru's footage of the Shibuya incident with Hikari saying it seems as if Gojo's domain has been neutralized by sukuna but how was the copy answers the saying it's a more refined version of the simple domain which works by allowing you to see yourself in a domain without using a curse technique thus your opponent's curse technique flows into that space that your own curse technique is supposed to fulfill fusukabi lets us know that this is a high level technique by saying of course he can't in response to miwa asking if he could do this after hearing this higuruma states that he gets the gist of how the ability works which reminds the audience of day one grade one genius that is hiromi higuruma then we move on to Angel explaining that the main drawback utilizing the domain amplification is the fact that you can't activate your cursed technique when doing so Panda ass so sukuna is fighting without a cursed technique to which Angel clarifies by saying that even tsukuna is no exception to his Rule and that if sukuna can find a way around the Limitless without using domain implication he will win Mila then says if this is the case then why isn't sukuna using domain expansion after using a domain your Technique tends to become unstable right so it'd be a good idea for sukuna to challenge Gojo to a domain Clash to destabilize his Limitless care responses is saying that it's easy to say that but depending on the outcome of the domain Clash the battle will essentially be over miwa then says isn't that a good thing then Kiara agrees usually clarifies everybody that sakuna's short and effect within his own domain would allow him to hit Gojo in the first place since this is something that Gojo told Yuji himself after all these questions properly will either ask could it be possible that sukuna doesn't believe he'll defeat Gojo in a clash of domains shoko then says to UE if that were the case then Gojo would know due to his six eyes and open his own domain she also decides to chime in and says what if their domains don't Clash due to sukuna's domain not closing off a barrier upon hearing this information kusakabe kashimo akari and Utah all Express disbelief when Mima asking is it really that crazy random father mask dude then asks you guys talk about using these domains as if they're simple but using one consumes an insane amount of curse energy doesn't it to which inumaki says but Gojo's curse energy is Limitless random fighter Mass dude I'm retort saying that it only seems that way because of how efficiently he's able to use his curse energy so he's able to recover more than he is using at all times but if goja were to use his domain over and over it'd be a different story altogether Kashima on the other hand Hypes up sukuna by saying that the sharpness of sukuna's curse energy the way that sukuta can turn on a dive from amplification to technique if Gojo didn't have the six eyes in terms of efficiency sukuna would certainly be winning Utah also reinforces tsukuna's curse energy Feats by staining that off of his intuition alone he'd guess that sukuna has more than doubled the amount of cursed energy that Ute himself has but Utah also uses his fact to clarify that cursed energy is not the reason these two are holding off on their own domains Momo then says maybe it's just that nobody even including those two have any idea as to how their domains will react to one another if they Clash their domains who knows what would happen she begins to redirect her attention and hiruma says here it comes and we see Gojo and sakuna in their barriers with unlimited void being casted around the malevolent shrine Peak fiction man and there's a certain charm and badassery of seeing Gojo sukuna's faces at each other the pure enjoyment they're getting out of this domain Clash they know that these two are the only two that can satisfy one another a true Clash of gods perfect page and one of the best in the series in this page they make sure to let us know that these two domains are equally matched and that should either one sustain damage causing the collapse their domain the other short head attack will immediately strike evenly matched within the barrier they are evenly matched but the effective range of sakuna's domain reaches outside the barrier of godo's domain the barrier of a domain is weak against attacks from the outside okay hahaha [Music] as the blade of sukuna reaches Gojo's neck the battle ends or does it Gojo automatically regenerates the slash using his reverse curse technique within tsukuna's domain chosol points out that Gojo has the option to run away with Hikari reinforcing the statement by stating that it should be easy for Gojo to escape but kusakame corrects the two letting them know that Gojo moves by teleporting and since his domain is destroyed he won't be able to use his technique in order to do so with kusakabi confirming to miwa that in this moment Gojo is in some serious trouble ah I'm glad with regard to curse technique I'm overwhelmingly stronger Gojo withstands the curse technique but sukuna makes sure to apply more pressure asking him did you think I'd let you go the two trained multiple blows and come to a brief stand still both making astute observations about the other sukula says he moves well for someone using reverse curse technique at Full Throttle to keep my curse technique at Bay whereas Gojo says apparently malevolent Shrine Center is into cooler but it's the shrine itself we cut the Yuji asking what if goju were to destroy the domain kusakabe says normally the objects or constructions within a domain do not have any new meaning or function in other words they may not exist we may may reinforcing that the shrine is a symbol of the domain then it cannot be broken there's no point in really trying either if Gojo with his six eyes hasn't attempted to do so yet then it's likely futile Kiara asks so there's no point in trying we cut back to Gojo activating the new Shadow style simple domain Yuji asks didn't he say he couldn't do this who takabe says Nah what he means is he can't teach it since Gojo is a genius and understands most techniques without actually having to learn them it makes him unsuited to teach the technique and guide someone through the learning process he also goes on to explain the purpose of simple domain within this fight saying that it will allow for Gojo to negate the guaranteed hit while he's healing himself with reverse curse technique questioning how Gojo is managing to utilize these two techniques at once chosol chives in and says that compared to a real domain the curse energy output for a simple domain would do nothing but by time it's in simple domain at such a low level technique it's also weak in terms of output as Gojo opens another simple domain with sukuna stating that this is no more than tedious the two begin to clash once more as sukuna lands another direct flurry of slashes Gojo casts another simple domain but this time he doesn't activate his reverse curse technique Yuta points out that Gojo wouldn't run out of curse energy whereas the random fighter mask dude says that sukuna may have pressured Gojo enough to a point where it was possible we cut back to the two Gods fighting and see another slash that Gojo's neck it is then asked is Gojo Satori going to lose Mojo grabs on the sakuna with sakuna stating that dojo's speed has increased Gojo then keeps his legs wrapped around sakuna and leans back after he does this he activates red sending tsukuna flying right into his own Shrine asukun is heavily wounded Gojo wiped himself up calling sukuna no more than a pain in the ass Gojo manages to pull off that clutch comeback against sukuna we cut back to kusakab in Utah if he's really used reverse curse technique in order to heal his burnt out technique he yells at a cold Sue to answer him the Utah says that's impossible but I can't say that after all Gojo Sensei already did it will Yuta further saying that injuries to the body are totally different from the feeling of technique burnout after a domain expansion is similar to how a machine will behave erratically after it overheats even if it's not malfunctioning all you can do is simply wait for it to cool down Maki then clarifying so even if reverse curse technique can fix the damage it can't cool down technique burnout Yuta says that's what I thought but maybe I just wasn't thinking hard enough where's that really what if godo Sensei is pushing things way too far and we already know that the five minute Merchant is praying that he doesn't have to go next as we come back to godo sakuna go to the nastakuna you can make the effect of range even bigger right which prompts Akuna to actually prepare to increase the effective range of malevolent Shrine to its maximum usakabe asking Gojo if he's stupid for baiting him into this then Gojo goes ahead and activates his unlimited boy lojo once again expands his domain with Eno asking are they just gonna do the same thing again chuckle clarifying to Eno that Gojo's not that naive to bang his head against the wall then higarumo goes ahead and clarifies to the cast saying that Golda reverses Beer's interior in exterior conditions to clarify to the audience that Gojo's domain is now stronger against attacks from the outside rather than the inside so what's going on here is in this moment Gojo has decided to reverse his barriers conditions so he can't have it broken from the outside again like sukuna did in chapter 225. as both Gojo and sukuna have activated their domains they begin to engage in hand-to-hand combat as Gojo is pushed back by sukuna he notices something he notices that sukuna is able to use domain amplification while expanding its domain expressing disbelief he asked is sukuna used to this his outputs even greater than before as well but it's not impossible either as domain amplification prevents you only from using the innate curse technique engraved in your body but if the curse technique is already imbuilding your domain it's a completely different story as Gojo is able to pick up on sukuna's strategy he Strikes Back throwing punches at sukuna bobbin and wheezing while saying well so what and he lands a liver shot right on sakuna to be honest I never expected to see liver shots thrown into due to Kaizen especially on sukuna I mean look at him he is really but after Gojo manages to land his Pancho sukuna he slides behind him punching his own back against gojos as Gojo notices this he says what within my domain sukuna's short hit technique is turned off and now you guys are not ready for this we are about to see that Gojo is not the only prodigy fighting in this battle at this moment kenjaku explains to us the only people who aren't affected by a limited void are Gojo satoru himself and those touching him and sakuna clarifies as well saying that he's already experienced the unlimited wood before chapter 15. in order to destroy Gojo satori's domain from the outside sukuna made the effective range of his own domain smaller than it was in Shibuya in order to increase his potency to increase his potency even further use a binding vow that removed the short hit command from the porch of the malevolent Shrine within Gojo satoru's domain meanwhile he was able to bypass unlimited void by touching Gojo in the first place and now once again Gojo satoru's domain has collapsed tsukuna looks back at Gojo and says let's try this again and sent him flying with a fury of Slash once Yuji Witnesses he yells why and in kuzakabi is easily able to figure out what happened saying that sukuna probably changed the conditions on this domain as well kashimo Cuts in and says hey if that guy dies it's my turn next don't stand in my way oh my God coming back into the fight sukuna expresses dismay as the wounds on Gojo are shallow as Gojo expresses the tsukuna that he learned his technique when he was a child but he's never used it after getting his domain expansion not bad right and then kusakabe figures this out too I mean who is this guy right damn gay guy himself anyways he says that's falling Blossom emotion everybody else doesn't know what that is anyways kusakabe knowing everything says it's a secret anti-domain skill that's been passed down into three great families and it's like it's so secret that you know about it and damn bro I was praying that gay forgot about Panda's existence but kusakawi answers panda saying that it's a type of curse energy manipulation that is programmed to use cursed energy to automatically repel anything that touches you against something like unlimited void it has no use but it gets a straightforward slashing technique such as tsukunas is quite useful is not something that can also be ripped apart like simple do me and now we see the difference between falling blossoming motion and simple domain I never really knew and I don't think anybody else really knew either so it's good to get something like that in this chapter and honestly I'm gonna say this again gay guy is not rushing the series if Gage is taking time out of the story to explain things like this to us I don't think Jujutsu kaisen is being rushed I don't think it's ending as fast as we think it is when series are getting rushed they kind of end abruptly and they skip a lot of things and use a lot less time on important things Gage is using a lot of time on things that aren't very important he really could have just went through this entire story without ever clarifying this to us and choso the pessimist says but there's no way for you to come out and skate it's just not something that can rival the output of the domain like bro we've heard you you said this in the last chapter but shoko says it's enough Gojo can use reverse curse technique in order to hear his burned out technique if he can buy himself the minimum amount of time it'll be okay and then you see Mr stop watching the quarter panting and sweating man he he know his five minutes ain't saving him here could never be kashimo anyways we see Gojo activate the domain expansion his domain expansion is completely massive all the characters are questioning him asking him what he's doing and Eno for once in his life has faith in Gojo kashimo asks is he trying to engulf all of sukuna's effective range and kusakabe says why are they able to just change their domains requirements over and over again meimei saying isn't this a blunder increasing the range will considerably reduce the refinement of the domain and a hiruma says even if you protect it from being destroyed on the outside it doesn't matter if you lose on the inside bro I would never want these people on my team man QR yells another failure I'm almost saying wait the bear is becoming it's becoming so small a small barrier well in theory it could serve to strengthen the barrier but it's not even the size of a basketball kusakabe says hold on a second that's impossible meimei says well I think we've said a possible enough time today right my interjection says why a barrier's outward appearance and how big it is on the inside almost never match as it is in kusakai then responds saying that's why once they're trapped in a domain unless you've somehow found the edge you can't even escape and even if you reach the edge a normal domain is resistant to attacks from the inside but there are still limits muscle head maki's just like well don't blame me blame my dumbass teacher if she's right as we know Gojo can't really teach all that well he goes on to explain usually if you try to Envision a barrier too small to hold even yourself and your opponent it would just collapse but choso then says the prison Realm and this helps kusakabe yakutami realize that what Gojo's actually doing here is changing the rules of his domain every single time he uses it and then this causes me with ask what exactly this means and kutzakabe breaks it down saying barriers particularly domain barriers typically have set intervals and external parameters like volume and creation speed by discovering their own blend of these parameters every sorcerer is able to establish their own domain barrier and this causes higuruma hakara to question what he's saying because obviously their domains don't work under these rules inclusive Kaba akatami then further says that higrumah hakaru you two are exceptions because your domains open by default as part of your curse techniques but in any case they aren't usually things that can be changed on the fly with each use so hakari and hikaruma can actually bypass C6 this is why when hakari fought kashimo he was just able to teleport him into the water kusakabi then says was it too difficult for Gojo to maintain such a huge bear that he had to compress it down to that tiny basketball size and Mimi's like maybe he just wanted to see if he could cover malevolent shrine and as the barrier begins to shake she says it's holding out it it cracks open and everybody begins to State what they think will happen and then it explodes we see sakuna come out with the malevolent Shrine and Gojo with nothing this causes Yuji and everybody else to panic but in truth sukuna has taken much damage upon seeing this akari and everybody else begin to scream from excitement and hakari points out that sakuna was able to destroy Gojo's domain from the outside whereas Gojo was able to damage sukuna to the point where he could no longer maintain his domain this has kusakage screaming for the time trying to find out how long Gojo's barrier lasted Maymay then says it lasts exactly three minutes and 9 seconds this causes hikarumo to point out that since their domains have collapsed neither of them can use cursed techniques Maki then says Gojo can now make the first move since he's able to restore his burnt out technique will reverse curse technique but sukuna can do it too Yuta says if you put it like that then I can do that as well but as I said earlier I can't heal a burnt out technique Angel then comes in and says that Gojo made the mistake of showing this to sukuna and when it's asked why this is a problem she says that with kenjaku's help so kuna was able to split his soul into 20 curse objects the fingers and after seeing it just once he learned how to do this to himself so now that sukuna saw Gojo restoring his own burnt out curse technique he's probably able to do it as well sakuna leaps off the building and runs from Gojo as Gojo begins to chase him he lands right behind sakuna destroying everything below him sakuna lands on a rail but Gojo flies right in front of him and throws a kick at him pushing sukuna back this causes Gojo to ask why is sukuna not using any other cursed techniques other than the ones granted to his domain even when the interior strength of the barrier lowered after I flipped the internal and external conditions he didn't try to destroy from the inside but he chose to riskier option while we were canceling out each other's short hit effects from within the domain sukuda had no choice but to use domain amplification to defeat my Limitless curse technique and that's a huge Advantage for me as I saw before in a domain he can't use buildings to attack in fact until my domain was destroyed from the outside I had the upper hand for three minutes and despite all of this tsukuna still didn't attempt to use the 10 Shadows sakuna has the memory of me and mega me's conversation so he knows I know about maharaga is he scared I'll beat it with a single attack and as the wheel of fate spins once a nosebleed begins so as king stopwatch himself begins to freak out for the Hunter's time in his battle because he knows he will never stand a chance against those two Gojo and sukuna just whip out another domain expansion okay this is like their fourth or fifth time and what's so interesting about this is these two spamming their domains is so unpredictable yet they do it every chapter nobody's gonna assume that these two are gonna use their domains in the next chapter but I bet you they will so anyways Mr useless says at the same time with angels and saying that means sukuna can also regenerate his burnt out curse technique by using the reverse curse technique like she was saying in the last chapter I was wondering if he was able to do it or if he learned it how many times have we set curse technique today and nah for real though I probably said curse technique over a hundred times in the last seven chapters anyways Lord gagay himself then says during the three minutes of sukuna destroying Gojo's domain from the outside Dojo will have to deal damage so that sukuna can no longer maintain its domain and we are blessed with hand-to-hand combat panels more than usual which four pages we usually get about two or three but I guess Gay decided to have a little bit of fun as Gojo throws a barrage of punches at sukuna sukuna's pushed back and Gojo speeds right behind him so kuna thinks that Gojo is going to continue to do a blow thus readies himself for a counter but Gojo instead uses the infinity in order to accelerate sukuna's pushback from his previous barrage and sent him flying into his own shrine then grabs sakuna once again with his tactile telekinesis that he apparently has now pulls him towards him and throws a punch at him so kuna catches it while Gojo smirks and laughter after this both of their domains collapse with sukuna being the one who takes damage kusakabi then says it was the same timing again with Maymay saying she's don't make us nervous but then miwa clarifies that this means that Gojo's stronger in the domain right yuji's hope is reaffirmed with him saying so he can win Gojo then sends sukuna flying with another punch and they ready their domains once more with both Yutan higuruma noticing something and hakari confirms it Yuta says maybe and just maybe Gojo's domain expansion was a bit early because you healed your body you had to heal your curse technically it wasn't even 0.1 seconds but you took it the unlimited boy and it's shown that sakuna has lost the domain battle inside golden satoru's domain two minutes and 40 seconds after the last domain expansion the malevolent Shrine collapsed and thus Gojo has finally won a domain battle and sakuna is now stunned due to the effects of the unlimited void Gojo seeing this opportunity then says not yet I'm at least going to crush the heart the lungs and the liver I'm going to bring him closer to death than Yuji at the Juvenile training school and then we see a click it is shown that maharaga has adapted to something and is now summoned eight handle sword Divergent sealer Divine General maharaga and with this Gojo reacts to this summoning by saying right now but before it adapts to unlimited void I will destroy him in one shot Gojo then attempts to ready up a cursed technique reversal red but it is shown that maharaga destroyed goju's domain almost instantly because he's already adapted to him and right there the chapter ends and as they all witnessed the Incarnation of Destruction joining this fight Maymay says the trump card of the Zenni Clan which also then says the shikigami that could adapt to many kinds of attacks how does he know what maharaga is who knows Yuji then says what but did it also adapt to infinite void we then see meimei's crows take over and we transition to sukuna and maharaga posing so kuna is like Gojo already knows about maharaga and for the first time in a while Gage goes out of his way to explain what's going on he says sukuna took euros's attacks during their fight in order to adapt maharaga to your Rose's techniques thus he was able to see through your roses curse technique the must-hit order was set off with the five domain expansions the everything inside the domain from Gojo satoru and everything other than himself from Sakura the must-hit order to him is not set off he took over to adapt to the unlimited void the one who took over was and before we get the answer to this we cut the Gojo contemplating the same thing trying to figure out what sakuna has just done Gordo then says it adapted to the unlimited void in 0.01 seconds impossible the will didn't even spin moreover mahara was summoned after the domain expansion sakuna took over to adapt no the one who took over was and then we finally get the answer that is Mega me magmi was the one who was hit by the unlimited void sukuna then appears and says your face says you have something you want to say huh Gojo's like nah I'm happy because you're fighting more desperately than I thought sukuna then says ha not as desperate as you have been the infinite void is a cursed technique that is only enabled inside the domain but to be honest I thought it was no more than a burden I wanted to rid your hand of that card while I wasn't using domain amplification I had Mega me adapt using the 10 Shadows thanks to that I wasn't able to use a curse technique other than that which was applied to my domain but it seems like I had enough return for it and if you were wondering why sakuna hasn't been using the 10 Shadows for this entire fight I think that explains it Gojo land says what Megami took over was the process to adapt to the unlimited boy not the result of it it doesn't mean that you had Mega me soul adapt to infinite void so if I use domain expansion again you have no other option than to summon Maharaja I will demolish it in one shot if you do so then sakuna's like well try your best to activate your domain we see that Gojo shot and tons of blood comes out of his nose even kusakabi doesn't even know what's going on that's how you know it's crazy sukuna then says you're recovering you're burnt out in a curse technique with the reverse curse technique and it seems like you've now over exerted yourself the curse technique is engraved around the prefrontal cortex of your right brain you destroyed your brain and restored it with the reverse curse technique in order to reset the burnt out curse technique you just like this this is way too risky to even do once kusakabe then figures it out saying the brain especially the part that relates with the curse technique is a black box it's not that simple to fix even if you can think of it chosol then says it's fair to say that the amount he used causing the nearly die usually is counting on his hands the amount of times he's done this five times shoko's like I thought Gojo was accustomed to doing this but he still had After Effects so kuna has healed less so he has fewer After Effects normally I take the time to break this down and explain it but the characters are already explaining these things well enough Pune then says it's different from healing your Flesh and Bones you're reaching your limits right and even if you aren't you will die or the Precision will be so low that you can't keep up with me next I'll be closing my domain with a barrier and there will be no escape this time all I have to do is cut you and adapt to that Limitless see a strongest a guy that was just born when I didn't exist an ordinary guy no more domain expansion as sukuna activates his domain expansion for the last time it's instantly destroyed everybody's in shock and we come back to sukuna's eyes face just blood everywhere blood flowing out of his face like a damn waterfall it's then said sakuna endured the infinite void for less than 10 seconds but like Gojo satoru his brain was damaged to the point where he couldn't even expand his domain anymore Gojo gets up in tsukuna wipes the blood off his face with golden beginning to laugh so it's affecting you huh my students are watching so I still gotta look cool with that Gojo gas up and lands at earth-shattering punches sakuna's face round two begins chapter starts off with kusakabe asking if somebody has ever received a serious punch from Gojo Panda was like I've punched them oh my God this dude needs to die but anyways my fault Utah goes ahead and says not a serious punch but he's punched me using the Limitless and then hakari says me too I don't know if this implies that they've been training with Gojo before like everything in the events of the series happened and I honestly believe this because why would Gojo not train with Utah hakaria at least once using their abilities especially after seeing hakari's domain I think Gojo would be more than interested with training hakarian hand in hand and fighting in hakari's domain at least once however you know Gojo can't use the Limitless inside the domain but you get what I'm trying to say they've trained together after hakarian Yuta confirmed that they've been hit by Gojo before usakabi then explains that the way Gojo fights with his hands is essentially overlapping the effect from Blue which sucks things in with his curse energy enhanced Fists this gives the impact of his blows more strength but it also feels like you're getting hit by a counter although it's supposed to be a normal punch and to save you guys time the way I'm going to explain how this works is if Gojo were to try and punch you in the face he would pull your face in while pushing his fists towards your face and that's why hakari says it's like a counter because when somebody counters you you're trying to go in for a punch but they kind of move out the way and punch you in the face but in Gojo's instant specifically the force from Gojo's punch combined with the momentum from you being pulled is combined in order to enhance the impact of his attacks Kiara asked them did it hurt Utah's like I threw up and you can see from hakari's face that the same thing happened to him so I'm not gonna slander you to furthest Yuji then says nanami said the same thing we flash back to Nami telling Yuji if you want to continue being a sorcerer don't compare yourself to Gojo he gives punch-like Jabs like my critical hits that take a lot of effort long story short it's I can't keep up with this Anonymous basically saying that all that effort Anatomy goes through to land a 7-3 critical hit Dojo can just do that instantly we go back to Eno putting his mask down because obviously he's sad about Notting me I'm gonna let you know chill out here because I feel bad for him who's the copy then says what I want to say is I don't know what Gojo's doing we then cut back to Golden tsukuna fighting at sukuna seemed I've been running and this momentum has stopped he's then pulled into a bunch of rubble by Gojo's blue caught by Gojo and then dragged through tons of rubble being thrown into a building goldrow then tries to land another kick on sukuna but he easily dodges only for Gojo to go for another kick which sakuna Dodges doing a front flip and he tries to counter with his own Gojo Dodges is very easily and begins to move so fast that he's creating after images Gojo goes in for a punch but sukuna is easily able to figure out what Gojo's doing here and catches his fist ending the after images and throwing another fist at Gojo twitch Gojo responds by blocking this sends Mojo why and God was barely able to grab onto a traffic pole and he lands there he sees sakuna just standing there and then it said the meaning of the ritual for summoning maharaga and his will is complete circulation and balance maharaga adapts to the attack after taking it and having the wheels spin we then see sakuna's wheel spin and we see both kusakabe and higuruma catch on to what's going on here you get a look into both of Gojo and sukuna's plans with Gojo first saying when he touches me with domain amplification maharaga's wheel turns black I'm almost certain that the adaptation is being stopped though he can't use domain expansion the reason why he could use domain amplification is probably because the part of the brain that was damaged was the one used for barrier techniques this means that domain amplification is not actually a barrier technique then sukuna points out about Gojo that Gojo is avoiding the adaptation by not using any cursed techniques except for the normal ones as the traffic light turns green the two begin to fight once more Gojo goes flying in with the kick and jumping off the traffic light so fast made it fall over and sakuna catches it and throws it right at Gojo to which Gojo seems to stop with the Limitless we then come back to the rest of the cast saying that maharaga is not emerging Mimi says didn't adapt to the fifth infinite void now hakari is like for the Limitless attack does that mean it has to spin several times lusakabilan says that might be the case but for them The Impossible Is Possible then asked Gojo are you noticing Gojo points out that you need Force fins total so you need three more for maharaga to adapt to my Infinity this shocks everybody and Yuji says three more sukuna confirms this by beginning to laugh and says it's the countdown for that smirk on your face JoJo then puts out the ugliest smile I've ever seen and says we're both smirking he proclaims that he will kill him before the three spins and we come back to Yuji and Hana talking Hannah asks did he forget about Mega me and Yuji says maybe kashimo ends the chapter with probably the best line in the series it's okay to forget about her we start off the chapter with the countdown on fate waiting for no one as golden sukuna are running through Tokyo they begin to battle the Dharma chakra spins on sukuna's head for the second time with juji saying there's the Second Spin and then Gage himself comes in and says two more spins and maharago will adapt to go to his Infinity you need to hurry up as golden sukuna are running through buildings currently Gojo activates blue on his hands and sends it flying towards the kuna which he dodges and if two Blues weren't enough gold to responds by now activating eight all around sukuna would this attempt to close him in Bailey but as the cooling jumps into the air it comes to understand that all the rubble from Blue's impact is now also hurling at him and meanwhile all of this is going on Gojo attempts to attack sukuna from behind but sakuna is able to react and Gojo's then able to catch that kick counter sukuna meanwhile sending sakuna flying into that Rubble that was caused by all of his destruction earlier but the wheel spins once more sakuna smirk says he's now on his third spin Victory within his grasp Hikari does point out that he's now on his third Spin and there's one more left Yuji attempts to figure out what exactly is going on here by asking is it time that's needed for the adaptation or is it experience someone's confused by the way that Yuji phrased his question and get understanding that some of his readers have horrible reading comprehension begins to break down what exactly yuji's asking he first says you're asking does it do a take the attack once take time to understand it and then adapt or does dodarma chakra work by adapting incrementally after taking the attack multiple times now not to cut in here I'm pretty sure Gage has given us the answer through all the times we've seen maharagus so if somebody wants to go back into the story and figure that out let us know in the comments Kami then says well considering that Gojo hasn't used any other techniques except for laps which could it be kashimo responds him saying either option is possible and that's all there is to it I think Gage is trying to make it a point of kashimo not really being like an intelligent person outside of battle because he just keeps saying that's all there is to it he's not even offering real conversation at this point we come back to Gojo versus sukuna with Gojo chasing down sakuna after sending him flying and saying now I will give him hell I thoroughly convinced him that all I'll use is blue and with this timing he won't be able to react curse technique reversal red and what's the kuna's Dharma chakra turning black as goldra activated this technique Gojo expresses dismay as he realizes that sakuna knew what godo was doing and thus used domain amplification in order to minimize the damage taken from the red and now we go into what sakuna is thinking with him saying as expected even if amplification can neutralize the low output of his neutral Limitless it cannot fully neutralize the strength in blue or the reversal red we go back to the Infowars cast with higuruma saying he misread it at this rate and Yuji says he'll adapt Gojo then attempts to throw even more debris at sukuna to which sakuna just deflects and says such sloppiness have you lost your cool after your hand was red and Golda respond saying you know that red just now still hasn't exploded right and sakuna's shot as we see a massive explosion hits sakuna from behind and secunda then says from behind me the buildings laid out did he plan from the start to have red strike after making a full lap around the entire building Gojo's now in the flow after sending sukuna hurling towards him Gojo takes the initiative and sends a strike towards him activating the black flash what's insane is it's been a hundred chapters since we last saw the black flash and as we go through the reactions of the self-proclaimed Hikari victim in the rest of the cast see that sukuna has been completely knocked out and you gotta remember that Gojo's techniques and punches are all infused with blue enhancing the power of his punches and then couple that with the black flash nobody surviving them and the Dharma chakra falls off the Supreme's head because the blow was so hard but the Dharma chakra falling off to some kuna's head causes it to do its final role and this activates the summoning of maharaga Maharaja is then able to pull Gojo into the Shadows nullifying his technique and cunning Gojo in half the sword that encroaches upon his life hands of evil have finally connected with Gojo and his three favorite students are in shock but Yuji says not yet even if maharaka has adapted to his Limitless they're still on equal footing besides Gojo can just heal that attack off anywhere and meanwhile Yuji is absolutely correct about this shoko points out that Gojo's healing speed is only getting slower he can use the reverse curse technique since he can use red but both the output of his attacks and his healing are decreasing shoko then apologizes for being a little bit negative but this allows her to point out that it's the same for sukuna who's received damage to his braid even if the opponent is the strongest of all time the king of curses everyone thought about the impossible losing came across their minds and this same thought was one that came across Gojo himself as Gojo begins to think I wonder when was the last time No Doubt but as a sign of losing approaches so does something even greater satisfaction being an absolute monster and the loneliness that comes from it what is satisfying Gojo is we cut the Gojo giving Maharaja the absolute hands wailing on my hiraga with a flurry of punches and ending with a double open Palm strike this puts maharaga on his ass meanwhile's choking up spit and as we know that Gojo's reverse curse technique output is lowered in order to make up for this loss and power he begins to chant preparing a curse technique reversal red in order to finish off maharaga but the Calamity awakens once more we then see rabbit Escape completely cover the battlefield and as Gojo looks around he begins to say that it seems as if the black flash has been effective and how long are you going to rest he prepares another red in order to rid himself with those rabbits applying way more pressure to maharagu is that explained that sakuna essentially has to babysit maharaga throughout this fight because maharaga is a key piece to allowing secunda to deal damage to Gojo as we see Gojo cannot be attacked by sukuna without maharaga as Maharaja is able to bypass the void of the Limitless maharaga making contact with Gojo and shutting down that void is the only chance that sakuna has to actually hit Gojo with any of his attacks but Maharaja cannot obviously fight Gojo on its own so sukuna needs to protect it throughout the entire fight ER throws a fire extinguisher at Gojo in order to distract him maharaga lays on the ceiling waiting for the opportunity to strike tsukuda then makes a pose one that resembles the piercing blood he shoots a beam towards Gojo and this is when maharaga strikes as Maharaja makes contact with Gojo the Limitless barrier is nullified and thus that being that sukuna just shot is able to make contact with Gojo and deal some damage to him maharaga then follows up with another slash and Gojo is able to easily Dodge he then says sakuna is not only supporting Maharaja in this fight but when maharaga makes my barrier vanish tsukuna will also go for attacks it seems like it's 2V1 now how are you able to use shikigami abilities without even summoning them onto the battlefield the piercing blood used from the max elephant he's as skilled as I am Shrine intense Shadows cannot be used simultaneously unless he adds the effect to a domain externally the reason he started using other shikigami is because he got more resources after maharagu was able to adapt to my Infinity regarding that adapting to Red will take more time compared to the curse technique for me this is better than Maharaja taking away all the cards that I can play Gojo finishes up his thoughts and sukuna says do not misunderstand it's not only a 2V1 he then fuses new way in totality and creates the Chimera Beast agito he then points out that this is a three against one two massive behemoths stand next to sukuna and goto then responds to this by saying you look like a Lost Child zakuna smirks at the joke and they begin to fight once more maharaga takes the front while agito stands in the back my heart takes the first attack towards Gojo to which Gojo blocks and moves back and as Gojo thinks he's safe sukuna utilizes Gojo Shadow and shoots another beam of light from behind him go to then Dodges this and goes on to dodge many more attacks from all three of his opponents he then gets behind maharaga and shoots a red to which the red is able to push my haraga back but not through that much damage Gojo then says the effect is so weak so it's not just the output that's getting low it only took red once so it seems like the adaptation isn't zero to a hundred but gradual it seems like I only had that to demolish my haraga in one shot it has a big charge so sukuna will be aware of it attacking without giving me a moment instead of prioritizing the adaptation for red is good proof but I have no other choice I'm going to have to use it the unlimited Hollow technique so we start off with Utah gripping his sword stating that he's entering the battle kashimo then tells him to get back here and to not interfere saying at least you're not next and you really gotta look at this panel between Utah and kashimo just staring at each other it goes so hard man especially seeing you to this piss we never see you to that angry and I don't know why but the way that kashimo yuta's personalities are clashing here it really reminds me of like a Goku Vegeta dynamic or some sort of rivalry like that anyways after kashimo says what he has to say to Yuta hakari agrees with him telling Yuta to calm down kashimo is right about this Gojo has only allowed us to enter the battle if he's gotten weaker than us you to then retort saying it's Case by case and sukuna's domain is disabled right now if Rika and I enter I can definitely help by handling the two shikigami in the self-proclaimed Hikari victim has a point here things like this are certainly Case by case the Jutsu battles are way too intricate and just anything can happen in them I get what he's saying here but when it comes down to it we all know who big bro in this room is so they gotta listen Maki then says if anybody's going it's me and yeah we do need to send a father out so I get what she's saying she tells you to not forget her role and we're thinking that if you're defeated then some of the insurance will be gone Utah argues back against Maki saying that if we win against sakuna we won't even need that insurance we should take a gamble Yuji then comes in and says you took go for it we need it somebody tell Yuji that the big boys are talking right now but all jokes aside I do think that Utah's correct here they should take a gamble that's what all sorcery is about that's what all Jujutsu battles are about gambles gambles gambles and you just right here if I were in that room I'd be agreeing with YouTube and a lot of people may seem Utah's unreasonable here but you have to understand that this is what Utah's entire character revolves around protecting the people that are close to him so they see you to get up frustrated and willing to fight back against everybody in this room arguing against them I think that's some strong characterization from gay gay and I really like that that whole protecting his friends think about Utah is exactly why he's a special grade and why he was able to regain his powers after even losing Rika because again protecting these people that gave him a reason to live that's all he lives for so obviously he's gonna be so pissed and if anything he'll be the first one to run out then says you guys don't understand anything you tell Yuji are just like damn we know Maymay then says Gojo and sapuna have different winning conditions Gojo just has to win against sakuna because together they'll be able to handle kenjaku but as for sukuna even if he wins against Gojo he will have to fight everybody else and Jujutsu high without a break hakari then comes in and says he must have a trump card that he's saving and if we all go out he will use it you just like so you're saying it's not good to provoke them inclusive then says yes they also have urdurume so kuna is not being able to give it his all and Gojo's at his best without a hindrance these circumstances have the highest probability for winning right now kashimo's then like is this all we have for modern Sorcerers and big bro in the room then presses him saying you know he had to remind him who's boss who who actually won that battle because we know how that went kashimo is like that's not the point bro this is a fight for Gojo and whatever happens it's lame to interfere with it now am I going to say kashimo's correct in terms of what's going on in the story absolutely not they should jump sakuna but in terms of narrative value he is absolutely correct Gage akatami would not interrupt the fight like this to have characters come in and save one another that would take away from everything this has been built up to this is a fight for the strongest the title of the strongest okay this ain't a fight to save the world right now that's what Ken Johnson so nobody's gonna interrupt I've been saying this that's so unrealistic just no you come back to the fight and Gojo's on his back foot running away from both maharaga and agito maharaga slides to the back of Gojo and attempts to attack him from behind and what Gojo does is he dashes forward and hits agito with a black flash while simultaneously dodging maharagus slash this is The Testament to both Gojo's ability to fight your hand in hand combat in his agility but even after such a powerful attack agito just brushes it off and regenerates Gojo then grabs his tail and rips It Off and even that does nothing as it just regenerates stat attack as well Gojo then says the new way that inherited the Great Serpent the mourn tiger and the round deer the point is the healing effect of Madoka has not been adapted to the Limitless but I will have to destroy it in one shot just like I'll need to with maharaga maharagonan slashes a bunch of rock swords Gojo which Gojo stops with the Limitless and the maharago presses up with another slash but of course Gojo was able to dodge this and retaliate with a spinning hook kick and after Golder lands from this kick agito tries to follow up but he just punches it in the face and says you're becoming repetitive he thinks to himself he'll be tedious if it heals sukuna so I have to destroy agito first then sukuna thinks this is fine I won't let him have a moment to use his purple the purple that he used at the start of the fight was more than 120 of the output it must have had some kind of binding valve but even when I faced it I was four kilometers away so I was able to take it and lose only my enhanced arms but I too am not in my best condition so if I take a purple right now it will be fatal maharaga how long are you having me wait this is not what I want to see you're my shadow not fushi Girl Mega meets so show me what you have good everybody's then in shock with kuzakapi asking Maharaja can use his slashes Yuji then says just like sukunas and then shoko points out that this is not good because Gojo's healing is currently weak as Maharana and agito come in sukuna comes out of his shadow and lands a kick on Gojo all three of them pressure him with agito being the first to land a direct hit on Gojo but Gojo then says I've been thinking for a while you are not strong enough to be here he then grabs agito he uses a blue maximum output and as his blue is flying around Shinjuku it's stated that 40 seconds later again Gojo satoru Hollow technique purple will leave a scar in Shinjuku in the battle now enters its climax and as we come back to Gojo's point of view it's then said that the two black flashes has allowed Gojo's voltage to rise and we can see here that Gojo's clearly in the zone as he's currently able to unleash 120 percent of his power on the other hand begins to feel nervousness for the first time in one thousand years as the battle begins once more Gojo unleashes another black flash on maharaga which sends it flying back and exposes sukuna and that's the kuna attempts to fight back Gojo is easily able to Parry his attack grab him and throw him straight into maharaga going in for another black flash but this one is blocked once more maharaga sent flying back and Gojo begins to Chin face haramitsu pillar of light and it's then said the beginning of curse energy the curse energy that flows out of the sorcerer before activating the curse technique like the short hit effect happening right before the domain expansion and due to this there will always be a start for a huge move this rule is not an exception for Gojo who has an efficient cursed energy consumption so this allows godo's activation for the hollow technique purple to be very obvious from the enchantment and the scale of cursed energy in the initiation of the attack occurring in front of him sakuna was able to judge that Gojo will be using a curse technique reversal red and this judgment was correct as we go into secundus thoughts he says that he'll have Maharaja tank it and make him adapt to it as reassurance after this we see cursed technique reversal from Gojo and he doesn't shoot the red atsukuna but he shoots it upwards so kuna takes a second to think about this but he realizes and screams for maharaga to act and this causes maharaga to jump straight into the air instead explained that the hollow technique purple which is the combination of blue and red pushes an imaginary mass that occurs the head of the red that Gojo shot was the blue left even after a crushed agito and when we see the blue it's then explained that just like the red that went around the building to attack sakuna's back red doesn't have speed before it explodes maharaga following the order to interfere with the combination of blue and red by stopping the blue using its adaptation completion of this task was the only thing that ran through maharaga's mind but despite that it was not possible using the quick movement from Blue goto is able to come in between maharaga and the blue that it attempted to disable by using its adaptation and due to maharaga being able to adapt to Blue it wasn't pulled from the gravity of blue since its adaptation does not need to select a target for its activation and thus the adaptation backfired In This Moment and if you don't get what happened here maharaga would have been able to disable blue if it was able to be pulled into the gravity that blue produces and since maharaga has complete immunity to Blue now it wasn't able to make it in time since the blue isn't pulling him towards it and this also gave time for Gojo to intercept maharagus interference of the blue and I do believe that this is why kusakape told you to not interfere with this battle this is like a 1 billion IQ plan from Gojo and if you to interfere with the battle it would have destroyed all of this Gojo was most likely setting up this entire thing from the beginning and after this plan goes through and goes was able to stop maharaga he goes in for a free uppercut on it and this gives sakuna the opportunity to stimulate red with piercing blood in order to make it explode and after sukur is able to fire this off Gojo goes in for a punch on him but to no avail the piercing blood still reaches the red and with that happening tsukuna says you were late but this once again was all part of Gojo's plan Gojo begins to enchant his blue and with the blues power beginning to increase it begins to absorb everything around it including the piercing blood and as Gojo begins to enchant even more he enhances his red as well and we then cut to you to apologizing to kusakabe saying that if he appeared on the battlefield Gojo would have never been able to do this and we then see Hollow technique purple as the dust settles and the debris scars to Battlefield we see a torn up sukuna with two of his limbs and it's then said by Gojo a limitless purple without any aim making it hit me too but it seems like there's a difference in the damage I guess the big factor in me surviving was that it was my own cursed energy that was used it should be enough for an ad-lib remote purple and with this attack being the final indecisive blow kusakabe then announces the results as a battle stating that Gojo still has his reverse curse technique from the black flashes and on the other hand sapuna took so much damage with almost no healing no maharaga and being unable to use domain amplification it's then stated that Gojo is the victor of the battle the strongest we come to ghetto saying yo long time no see best friend and Gojo's already saying oh come on what the hell this sucks and ghetto says what a rude response to seeing someone's face and with this very brief interaction and all you know of Jujutsu kaisen so far you know what's happened when you die you're alone then I tell my students that this better all be a figment of my imagination and get to respond saying so it's fine either way and Gojo then says it's not and that thing with the dad is still whatever I left that for shoko to deal with anyways and I believe that this is a reference to him telling Mega me about his father although who really knows right it's left ambiguous for a reason ghetto ass Gojo so how was it you were able to fight the king of curses himself and Gojo says he was hella strong and he still didn't even go all out even if he didn't have mega me's 10 shadows I'm not sure if I would have won ghetto says you admitting this is quite impressive and Gojo says I feel a little bad about it actually I used to believe that I more than anyone else can empathize with him about the loneliness of being at the top I liked everyone around me and I wasn't lonely but somewhere along the way a line was drawn between me and other people or rather living beings you can make a flower blue and you can admire it but you'll never ask the flower to understand you the body I trained the skills I learned and the senses I owned even my spontaneous creativity and fast thinking I used it all I wanted to convey all of it to sukuna and I wanted that to reach him absolute strength in the loneliness that comes with it the one who will teach you about love is it was fun never went all out against me and this is what I feel bad about ghetto says are you trying to make me feel jealous but if you were satisfied then I'm glad and Gojo says satisfied I think I would have been completely satisfied if you were literally giving a pat on my back ghetto laughs either way I'm glad that what killed me was in time or Illness but someone stronger than I am ghetto says what are you a general now and the two begin to argue but ghetto points out that maybe this is why you live longer than I did hibara Cuts in and says the difference between you two is statistically negligible aren't you guys happy to see how I borrow because I'm definitely am anyways nanami katsina says once I asked ghetto why we didn't just leave everything to you Gojo you weren't the kind of person who wielded Jujutsu to survive or protect something you just did whatever you wanted to satisfy yourself I borrowed them back this up and says I know everybody thought that but you weren't supposed to say it out loud and Gojo just says hi Bara you're making it worse if you're confused about this little segment I'm pretty sure this is saying that nanami wanted Gojo to take over because Gojo doesn't see missions as big of a deal as any other sorcerer does he doesn't feel as much responsibility because it's just so easy to him I'm pretty sure this is what this line was going for but let me know if I'm wrong I borrow then apologizes for saying this Anatomy says but I guess that turned out to be correct and he even just admitted it himself it's an ending most true to yourself I wouldn't recommend it but I sympathize with you Gojo says thanks but what was it like for you habara says well I got ahead of myself Anatomy says a curse can sometimes help you live and Gojo says I suppose Jujutsu can do the same I once asked meimei where she would recommend me moving to and she said if you wish to make yourself new go north if you wish to return to who you once were go south I chose the Sutherlands without any hesitation and even in the end a pessimist like me bet everything on the future this referring to Yuji it wasn't a bad ending at all and I have to think hibara as well and hiboro says you're welcome Gojo then says I see he yells for his teacher asking him didn't you say that Jujutsu sorcers never die without any regrets and we see all of our characters laugh one last time and we conclude with Gojo say I pray with all my heart this all isn't a figment of my imagination and once we come to the present we see how things truly ended maharaga's adaptation can only begin after a single attack once enough time passes it completes the adaptation if it receives more than enough hits during that process it will reduce the time it takes to adapt and even after the first time it adapts to the Jujutsu the analysis isn't truly complete it can continue to adapt further what I wanted from maharaga was instructions instructions as to how to defeat your Infinity and when maharaga first adapted to this Infinity it changed the nature of his curse energy to neutralize and nullified that's not something I can do so I chose to wait I waited for an adaptation to your Infinity that would suit me in that second adaptation was exactly what I wanted this adaptation allows for an extension of its original technique an extension not just a Gojo but the space to existence a reality itself then it cuts regardless of Gojo's Infinity as long as Gojo exists within this world a spatial reality all that exists within that space can be cut and through watching maharaga sukuna was able to piece this all together saying that he would have never been able to experience this to learn this technique and maharaga not set such a great example in the first place and now we see here why exactly sakuna is such a great threat it's not his power it's not the gifts he's been giving but it's his aptitude and this was something angel had warned us about very early on in this fight sakuna is able to essentially just learn things very easily and improve upon his techniques if he has to and scarily enough sukuna just seems so powerful in this series that he really never had to do this up until now but this is something he's always been able to do and this is something he has in common with mahito mahito who seemed to be a successor people said that mahitoke wasn't going to be sakuna's successor or really had no chance to because his power level was too low but that was never the point the point was that mahito learns way too fast and during combat and now with the conclusion of this fight we see why this is such a huge problem a sakuna sends off Gojo he says that he was amazing and that he will never forget him sukuna is the winner without any moments to mourn Gojo's death sakuna says that he feels well and to not let him down we see that the next one to enter the battle after the fall of the strongest modern sorcerer is the strongest of the arrow period the Thunder God Hajime kashimo
Channel: Hundred
Views: 504,883
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kenjaku, The fake weeb, Top 10 strongest jujutsu kaisen characters, Yuta vs geto, anime, anime balls deep, gojo vs kenjaku, gojo vs sukuna, hakari, itadori, jjk manga, jjk manga spoilers, jujutsu kaisen, jujutsu kaisen explained, jujutsu kaisen manga, jujutsu kaisen season 2, manga dub, megumi sukuna, sukuna, sukuna vs gojo, sukunas binding vow, yuji, LEAKS, jujutsu kaisen 236, jjk236, jjk 236, gojo, satoru gojo, ryoumen sukuna, hajime kashimo, gojo death, gojo dies, rip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 48sec (4368 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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