The Roast of Sam Riegel

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come with me to D&D and beyond Ashley Johnson what my running mate you all know where I stand the tabletop is yours she's not even equal time Thank You mr. president as a testament to Liam's character and judge of their of me as his vice president in this campaign to say I'm honored would be an understatement of my own achievement so I will just say you're welcome as Liam's running mate it is only fitting that I dropped some running hate to the people of this great land this man offers you not only himself but also myself and what is myself well I can tell you what myself is not and myself is not an alcoholic okay friends people voters we all watched this week's talks Macha know where my running mates opponent came out in favor of alcoholism alcoholism what is this 1956 what are you go home and watch Mad Men at night and pretend that's how the world still is do you want a candidate with the lily-white hands of a man who has never worked a day in his life someone with hands so seasoned and robust you both imagine them tucking you in at night and strangling your enemies at the same time there are real issues on the table with this election are the people supposed to rally behind a guy who looks like a donkey wearing a Jeff Goldblum ask a tried and true man of the people with a smile that doesn't make you want to drown yourself in hot go pin and this third party candidate are squeezed just wants to sleep with my fiance and my running mate right now yes we are ahead in the polls but we may not always have this delicious of a lead but let's be honest only one person and that person's recently announced running mate can bring order and structure to the world once more those two people that I'm talking about or leaving myself just to be clear so this year hashtag vote with your Johnson [Applause] I feel my whole body hurts I feel like I've been trampled by some sort of live stuff sam riegel will be on Comedy Central 1 p.m. tonight Goldblum ask funeral dirge I never you know be back thanks didi beyond we be sure to subscribe at TNT beyond calm I think I'm gonna throw up now back to you Matt
Channel: J Newman
Views: 1,233,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vote with your johnson
Id: 4uAu55Nb5F0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 51sec (231 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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