Everything We Know About Yoda's Species - Star Wars Canon and Legends

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Yodas species doesn't actually have a name as George Lucas and other Star Wars creators including directors and writers simply only referred to it as again Yoda species but for today's video I wanted to discuss truly everything we know about Yoda species in the Star Wars universe where they might come from what their powers in the force are why they're so powerful in the force and perhaps more with that said there will be spoilers for the first episode of the Mandalorian in this episode so please if you have not seen it click off now with that said let's go ahead and dive into everything we know about Yoda species just as one more bumper though this video will be involving candid and if we have time at the end we'll discuss legends continuity as well or perhaps in a separate video according to the Star Wars official data bank the species of Yoda is simply labeled as unknown and all the way back in Empire Strikes Back George Lucas said that his homeworld Yoda's homeworld that is was never set to be specified and to this day in fact we do not know the homeworld name of Yoda species or really any true details about it we do know a few things about Yoda species though one they're extremely rare to appear in the galaxy and to see one was a real treat in addition to this we also know that they're an ancient species and possibly one of the first species ever in the Star Wars galaxy they've been around for a very long time and they're supposedly very few in number in Star Wars Canon so far we know of three members of Yoda species one that recently appeared in the Mandalorian Yoda himself as well as a Jedi Master Yoda who also sat upon the Jedi Council with the Grandmaster himself Yunel is the only female of the species but again it is confirmation that they do in fact have two sexes in addition to this we know that Yoda species ages extremely slowly with the 50 year old specimen in the Mandalorian appearing around one-year-old in human years in Star Wars Canon every member of Yoda species has again only been green and coloration although in legends continuity they do actually have pale skin in some cases Yoda species only has three fingers with claws on the end of each one as well as their ears being extremely expressive showing the emotions of the end thanks to star wars the clone wars we also learned the in addition to a main brain the Yoda species also has what is known as a sub brain and a brain that allowed them to access visions granted through the force far more easily leading me also to speculate that Yoda species had an extremely strong affinity with the light side of the force as again to our current knowledge we've never seen a member of Yoda species feel even a pull to the dark side as Yoda himself because of part in his long life had no reason to turn to the dark side of the force when asked directly about Yoda's background this is what the creator of Star Wars George Lucas had to say he's a mysterious character he's a magical character he has no background he comes and he goes he's the subversive secret mysterious stranger that enters the film and - then exits the film at the end in Star Wars Canon unfortunately that is really everything that we know about Yoda species so now briefly I'll go over what we learn about them in legends as their history is far more expansive in Star Wars legends there was actually a mistake in the data bank concerning Yoda species naming his species as Atlantic in addition to this also among the data bank the mythic Lorien count for Yoda was listed as 4 million being exceptionally high however the species of Yoda has been confirmed to not be LAN ik but to be a common mistake among those less informed in the Star Wars galaxy still in Star Wars legends the name of Yoda's homeworld or even his species remains unknown same in legends continuity despite there being far more members of Yoda species still every single one of them was in fact a Jedi leading again to confirmation that they felt an extremely strong pull to the force but again specifically the light side of the force also in Star Wars legends although we do not learn the exact details of Yoda's food other life-forms have described it as disgusting but Yoda seemed to enjoy it a great deal although we never truly learned what this food was also in legends continuity every member of Yoda species with the exception of a few spoke a mysterious dialect basically turning the normal language of Star Wars but reversing certain words again though there were some members of Yoda species that did not in fact talk this way as some of them spoke normally as far as how long they live in legends continuity we know that they mature much faster with the 50 year old member in Star Wars Canon still being considered a baby but in legends continuity they had close to matured at this age being around a teenager both in Canon as well as in legends continuity Yoda grew to be around 900 years old dying of natural causes giving us a pretty good indication of their lifespan although the light side of the force has been known to bolster one's lifespan in the past before so it could be that their lifespan is actually much shorter than that spot would still span centuries as far as other members of Yoda species that were Jedi we know of Jedi Master Yoda as well as van dort Akari who two were both very powerful and notable Jedi Masters with both sitting upon the Jedi Council it should also be noted that although Yoda did not believe in secrets among the Jedi he did have one that being despite being pressed several times Yoda never divulged the location of his homeworld to the Jedi Council or to anybody else and neither did any of the other members of Yoda species that sat upon sent council the motivation behind this being is that Yoda species is an extremely peaceful one and he did not want to bring the wars and politics of the Republic to a planet that was ill prepared for them no matter how powerful in the forest they may inherently be as far as lesser known Jedi that were actually from Yoda species we know of two of them one of which they served during the Cold War named otech and the other being known as Minch what is unique about the Jedi Knight known as minge is despite the other members of Yoda species being exceptionally calm in combat minge has been described as fiery and out of all of the members that we know of in Star Wars legends belonging to Yoda species minge is believed to have the most affinity with the dark side of the force although again I want to make it clear that he too was also a Jedi what is most well known about the Jedi Knight Minch is he actually defeated one of the most powerful dark Jedi in single combat not to mention that he managed to defeat said dark jedi within a dark side Nexus again denoting him is one of the most powerful members of the Jedi Order at that point in time although Minch would never arrive to the rank of Jedi Master for unknown reasons again another member of Yoda species oat egg was one of the few Jedi Masters to actually help to liberate the spirit of Darth Revan after he had passed from the physical world in aute egg was renowned as one of the best battlefield tactician among all of the Jedi being perhaps among the most elite the order had ever seen unfortunately though we don't really get to see any moments of oat egg in a lightsaber duel as again he was more prone to directing where other Jedi should go on the battlefield or in space combat as far as outside information on Yoda species we do actually have quite a bit with it being believed that George Lucas actually actively discouraged licensing from exploring Yoda species again hoping to keep it a complete mystery in addition to this there are actually cut lines from Revenge of the Sith that describe Yoda species as Yoda species making that their official name among the Jedi at least in Revenge of the Sith there are actually occasions of George Lucas outright canceling certain parts of Star Wars projects that reveal more about Yoda species and origin than he wanted with one example being a trading card that depicted a group of Yoda species worshiping an idol being led in prayer by presumably Yoda himself a trading card that George Lucas outright ordered never be released to the public and something that had not been run acrost him beforehand and being a vision of another artist and not the creator himself who he admittedly doesn't know the full backstory of Yoda in the essential guide to characters Yoda's homeworld was actually listed to the planet that he exiled himself to Dagobah however again at the discretion of George Lucas newer legends material actually states that Yoda was not born on Dagobah and that it is not the homeworld of his species many Star Wars fans have also speculated that Yoda could in fact be a member of the species known as the well or sort of the protectors and gatherers of the light side of the force and all of the history of the Jedi Order however in an interview George Lucas straight-out stated the yoga was not meant to be a well and that this was simply a fan theory but that's pretty much all the information we have about species in both star wars canon as well as Star Wars legends just a brief summary in Star Wars Canon as of the mandalorian we only know of three members of Yoda species in all of Star Wars and in legends continuity we only know of five or six every single member being a Jedi Yoda also keeps a major secret from the Jedi Council that being the location of his homeworld and even the name of his species it is believed that every single member of Yoda species is in fact force sensitive as well as George Lucas on several occasions outright denying to say anything about the origins of Yoda or his species as a whole calling him the mysterious stranger that enters the story and then exits it with it never being George Lucas's intention to ever reveal any true information about where Yoda comes from but what are your guys thoughts on this and what are your thoughts on the Mandalorian actually choosing to explore various elements of Yoda species and perhaps learn more about where he comes from do you guys agree with this decision or not as always if you guys enjoyed this video I would really appreciate it if you could hit that like button as it helps the channel out a great deal also if I missed any details about Yoda species please leave it in the comments down below for others to read be sure to check out some awesome Star Wars hoodies using my link in the description down below where you guys can get hoodies as low as $11 we also have other cool stuff like keychains and t-shirts so be sure to check it out if you're a star Wars fan as always my friends thank you guys so much for watching your support means the world to me may the force be with you and have a great day you
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 3,475,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Yoda, Baby Yoda, Yoda's Species, Star Wars Explained, Star Wars Theory, Jedi, Yaddle, The Mandalorian
Id: YcVczlrEYTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 38sec (638 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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