Anakin's Thoughts While Being Burned on Mustafar and Turning Into Darth Vader - Star Wars Explained

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Only a Sith deals in absolutes I will be do what I must You will try... Was common it was joy Hey, everyone today's episode will be a narration of a piece from the Legends novel the rise and fall of Darth Vader I found an excerpt that shows us the innermost thoughts and feelings of Anakin and he is engulfed in flames on Mustafar and then all of the pain and Reflection while the droids were operating on him at the end of the film. Our story begins just after the scene, here. You were the chosen One. Obi Wan shouted down at what was left of Anakin Skywalker. It was said that you would destroy the senat, not join them. who right at the bottom of a slope of black sand at the edge of a lava River on Mustafar. Bring balance to the Force, not live in a darkness There exhausting duel had carried them far from the landing Pad where Padme's ship had arrived and where Anakin had used the Force to choke his seemingly treacherous wife but now the duel was over. With a single sweep of his lightsaber, Obi-wan had severed his own one padawan's leg at the knee and also his left arm. As Anakin struggled to raise his head from the small drink sand, his eyes blazed with fury as he glared at obi-wan I won't die like this. I'm still stronger than you. Feeling the intense heat permeating his torn tunic and again sighted his fallen lightsaber lying a short distance away. Too stunned and dazed to focus his powers He watched with rage as obi-wan bent down to pick up the lightsaber then took it with him as he began walking up the slope. I hate you ! Anakin roared, keeping his eyes focused on the departing figure. Obi-wan stopped in his tracks and turned one final time to face the ruined, siding monster. You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you Anakin's clothes caught fire and would suddenly engulfed in flames. His screams were filled with anger as well as pain not unlike that of any entirely helpless creature His instinct was to roll and put out the flame, but because of his wounds and the red-hot stones Beneath his rubbish head torso, all he could do was burn and burn Obi-wan walked off leaving Anakin to die Somehow, through his agony, Anakin felt one last flicker of Obi-wan presence before the Jedi receded from view Anakin kept screaming. The flames finally burned out. Anakin's mechanical right arm dug into the sand. He pulled and slid a few millimeters up to slope. Again, with each movement, hot volcanic shards scraped and tore at his roasted flesh. It took all of his concentration to shift his force remained up the slope, and away from the Lava River. He moaned. Only his powers kept him from blacking out.Again, only his hatred for obi-wan made him want to live, another day. Anakin he still thought of himself as Anakin hearing the engine of an arriving starship travel open his position He had no idea how much time had passed before he heard a clone Troopers voice call out Then he heard palpatine's voice bitch Anakin's blackened torso went completely Limp as he finally allowed darkness to sweep over him And it can awoke on an operating table surrounded by Droid the recently appointed emperor Palpatine had brought him to a surgical reconstruction center on Coruscant and the droids were busily attaching robotic limbs to his quivering torso which was strapped to the table by strong metal belts. The droids were working fast to maintain the precious midi-chlorians that existed in anakin's blood and tissues the [deloreans] [a] microscopic life-form of the science, but along with himself To prevent the midi-chlorians from becoming thinned by intrusive chemicals the droids were working without anesthetics Anakin felt everything he felt each cold metal blade that sliced into his hideously scarred flesh to allow more tools to probe and stabilize his damaged internal organs? He squirmed and shattered bones were replaced by Plastoïds and cringe as lasers grafted the new limbs into place. At some point he overheard a surgical droid explaining to Palpatine that he would require a special helmet and backpack to cycle air in and out of his damaged lungs. Despite this damage throughout the entire procedure He never stopped screaming Finally stabilized and it can lay quietly on the table to which she was still secured He was clad in a gleaming black life-supporting suit with a lighted control function panel set across his chest He watched as a robot mechanism above his head slowly lowered a black mask with oval vision receptors and a triangular respiratory event over his face While another mechanism placed to helmet over his skull. The helmet and mask locked onto each other as they simultaneously bolted to the armored ring that wrapped around his neck fully encased within the pressurized suit. He heard a labored mechanical rasp then realized it was the sound of his own breathing. The table tilted raising Anakin's restrained body to a standing position. From the shadows of the operating room, the hooded emperor stepped forward and said : Lord Vader, can you hear me ? Vader, that's right. I'm Darth Vader Anakin, is gone. Vader exhaled, then said : Yes, Master. The Masks vocabulary had transformed his voice into a commanding Baritone He still felt weak so it was with some difficulty that he slowly turned his head Adjusting his vision through the helmet to better see the Emperor. The Emperor's face was gnarled and twisted Deformed by the self lightning that had been briefly deflected by Mace Windu during their battle. Where is Padme? Is she safe? Is she alright? Vader said in his new voice after everything that had happened He was still concerned for her, still loved her, still wanted to save her life. In his most sympathetic tone Palpatine said : It seems in your anger, you killed her I, I couldn't had. She was alive I felt it. Vader said his belief His mind's voice sounded strange to him weaker than the synthesized roll of thunder that admitted from his mask He recalled choking Padme on Mustafar. Watching her body crumple and fall on the landing pad Palpatine took a cautious step backward and later moaned with Grief and rage around the laboratory Equipment and Droids began to rupture and burst as vader lashed out in all directions with his force powers There was a loud snap of metal as he tore his left arm free from the table then his right he lurched forward on alloy legs that were fitted into cumbersome boots until he stood at the edge of the surgical floor and somehow through all his anger He suddenly sensed at least one truth padme was dead along with their unborn child. He bellowed So loud and long that his cry echoed off the walls behind his mask He squeezed his eyes shut in an effort to hold back the tears that he was physically unable to wipe away But no tears came he didn't know whether the surgical droids had altered or removed his tear ducts And he was beyond caring all he knew for certain was that padme was gone from him Forever and that there were more than a few Jedi still waiting to be killed Devoid of love for anyone and unable to feel the touch of anything through his gloved cybernetic Fingers Darth vader was finally ready to fully embrace the dark side and so He did What did you guys think of that if you haven't seen my other video discussing vader's thoughts about its injuries I'll have them pop up at the end of this video [for] you these are some of my favorite videos [to] make after fanfictions these sections from the books really provide an insight into Vader's mind during some of the most dramatic Scenes in all of Star Wars and its entirety and I feel the books do a great job at delivering the emotions an internal struggle That a character may have I think vader never wanted to turn to the doctor and that's exactly what was the case I'll make [an] in-depth video on his thoughts of turning to the dark side as well as many other excerpts from the various books Giving us more of a passage into the minds of sidious anakin Yoda mace windu and obi-wan I hope you guys enjoyed this episode [can] we hit [7000] likes on this video So more people can [see] I'll see you all [in] tomorrow's episode of Star Wars theory until we meet again my fellow friends remember oh
Channel: Star Wars Theory
Views: 7,465,205
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Keywords: Anakin's Thoughts While Being Burned on Mustafar and Turning Into Darth Vader, Mustafar, Darth Vader, Darth Vader transformation, Darth vader suit, Anakin Skywalker, Anakin Vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Vader Vs. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, anakin burned, star wars, star wars theory, star wars explained, Anakin turns into Darth Vader, Darth Vader Revenge of the sith, sith, jedi, palpatine, obi-wan kenobi, revenge of the sith, padme, padme death, Darth Vader death
Id: GydViYTUumc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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