ALL Mangekyou Sharingan EXPLAINED!

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so recently I was making a video about chapter 80 of boruto and for those of you who haven't heard yet in chapter 80 of boruto a new Uchiha awoke in Ms what a chiha you ask well I'm not gonna spoil it for you but I'm sure you can guess but as I was filming this video about chapter 80 of boruto I got to speculating on what this uchiha's Ms abilities would be you see because we can make assumptions and guesses based off the personality of the new chiha as to what their Ms abilities will be because one of the most important things revolving around the Sharingan is that it's personal but the personality of a Sharingan doesn't really rear its ugly head until you get to the MS stage as both the MS abilities and the susano manifestation of a certain Uchiha is entirely dependent on their personality so as I was sitting here speculating what the MS abilities of this new Uchiha would be it got me thinking why is every single Uchiha member manifested their own individual Ms abilities or susano abilities what are the direct lines between the personality and the abilities manifest and how is the life experiences and personalities of each of these Uchiha members who got to the MS state affected the the abilities they had honestly after sitting down and thinking about it for 30 to 45 minutes I think there's an incredibly logical explanation to every Ms ability used by every Ms wielder we've ever seen Itachi shiswi Obito Sasuke Kakashi all of their Ms abilities make sense when you take into consideration their personality and life experiences so today I want to go over why every single Ms wielder has the abilities they have so today by extension to some degree we're talking every monkey who showering gun ability explained so get ready to get philosophical with me as we do deep character dives into every single member of the Uchiha Clan who's ever achieved a monkey kill Sharingan because today that's exactly what we're doing but before we get philosophical about anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and if you like the idea of be getting philosophical about anime then you're gonna love my other channel the weeb commander where I get philosophical about any anime that's not boruto or Naruto and if you don't like the idea of me getting philosophical then you're gonna love my anime podcast where me and Danny Mata yell at each other about anime for about an hour and a half it's called The Talk is anonymous and it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcast so the monkey kill Sharingan one of the strongest abilities in all of Naruto an ability manifested by killing those closest to you the ability that kept the Uchiha just as powerful as the senju for 2 000 years but the monkey Sharingan isn't just something that everybody manifests not only do you have to be an incredibly powerful Uchiha you also have to go through a lot and while on the manga there's eight known users of the monkey kill Sharingan and in the anime there's 13. we only know the MS abilities of five of these users those being Hitachi Obito slash Kakashi Sasuke shisui and shin but considering the fact that Shin's monkey kill Sharingan was created in a lab by Orochimaru it has nothing to do with this personality so we're not going to be talking about him today we're going to be focusing on Hitachi Obito Sasuke and shisui and of course our newly awakened Ms user who we'll talk about at the end in case you haven't figured out who it was yet well I would love to sit here and speculate about what Modera or izena or indra's Ms abilities are we just don't know to making connections from their personality to their possible abilities is something I could hypothetically do but today I want to focus on the concrete also because talking about moderate's Ms abilities is something that could be its own video so I'm gonna do that some other time how have I never made that video anyways let's get back to the people whose abilities we fully understand and I really have no order to go in here because we're not ranking how strong these abilities are so let's open with just wait here's a little look behind the curtain I always knew I was going to open with shis we he's at the top of my notes didn't get invited to the Mario Premiere but they sent me a notebook so it's just me is easy as he is the same monkey kill Sharingan ability in both of his eyes Koto a lots of common we know that with the power of kodo matsukama he's able to cast again Jutsu so complete that the people put under the genjutsu don't even know they're under it it is brainwashing in a stare except for the fact that in order to launch kodo matsukame shisui doesn't even have to look into your eyes and while this ability is incredibly broken it does have a major drawback and that is that Koto matsukama can only be used once a decade it may actually take longer than once a decade and the manga when they're originally talking about and how often chess we can use it it's said that the cooldown can be decades people just kind of took that as 10 years but just Reawakening his Ms is actually kind of a unique situation see just we didn't physically kill anybody to awaken his Ms shisway was always an incredibly talented Getty however for a long time he wasn't the most talented getting in Kona law in fact on shisway's own getting team he was paired with his best friend who was more talented than him which is crazy I know but chess Wayne's getting team went on a mission after the conclusion of the third grade Shinobi World War and they got into a level of hot water that again team couldn't deal with and when Jesse's more talented Squad mate fell behind shishui didn't go back for him it's just we realized that with him gone he would be the most talented getting in the village willfully letting his best friend die out of selfishness because since we felt partially responsible for the death of his best friend however he unlocks his Ms however you could say the chisui unlocking kodo matsukame was always kind of a rap because shisoi's grandfather kagami is implied to have the kodua matsukami himself as just mistakes was said to have a greater genjutsu prowess than him it's mostly mean to kagu is also a wielder of kodomatsukame however he had it for longer and therefore had greater Mastery over it which is because just we most likely inherited the kotobatsukami from his grandfather doesn't mean that his personality wasn't tied into him Awakening it see was always known to be an incredibly honorable and selfless Ninja at least after letting his best friend die out of jealousy that was kind of a turning point for him it's just way more than anything wanted to protect Kona law it was truly his life's mission to make sure that konoha was a safe place to live and the manifestation of his kodua matsukame is evidence of that tishui just like Itachi was also a pacifist having seen the Fallout of the third grade Shinobi world's war and being roughly involved in the end of it as a getting just we at a very young age was indoctrinated into what pure violence looks like and therefore shitsui at a very young age realized that he wanted peace in a bloodless fashion and therefore in order to rewrite the beastial in violent nature of humans he needed again juice suit with the ability to change human nature she's just where the power of kodo matsukame had the ability to change the thought process of world leaders the ability to influence politics of an entire continent and program out the greed and the violence from these humans ensuring that peace would be achieved in a bureaucratic and peaceful way as opposed to trying to achieve peace through might see while some would say that shis we manifested his kodo matsukame so we'd be able to use it against fukaku the timelines don't line up for that chest we awoke his kodo matakame long before the plan was hacked to use it on fugak however his willingness to use it on fugaku is a representation of why it was manifested in the first place to achieve peace for konoha bloodlessly however at the same time it's also a reflection of how young shis we was when he awoke his Ms you see shisway's kodo matakame is as much a reflection of his want for peace as his childlike understanding of what it would take to acquire peace she's just we had a childlike idea that that by changing the minds of one or two people he would be able to change the ideologies of the world he had the idea that by changing the perception of key important figures in certain political spaces that he could change reality itself However unfortunately this flies in the face of well reality see reality especially in the Naruto world is brutal war is brutal and shizui wanted the ability to change that reality and that manifested as again Jutsu with the ability to change somebody's reality entirely forming them into the peaceful idea that shis we so greatly wanted for the world all done in a way that doesn't shed a drop of blood but since we're talking about chiswi let's talk about his partner in crime in the let's brainwash fugaku scheme Itachi see Itachi is a bit more difficult because Itachi has two separate Ms abilities Amaterasu and tsukiyomi the fire and moon God of Shinto lore and obviously the fact that Itachi's two eyes are named after the fire and moon God representing the duality of Itachi's character symbolism is not what we're talking about today today we're talking about intention and personality so for Itachi we need to talk about two separate Ms abilities the first one we'll talk about is tsukiyomi because it's much more complicated than Amazon the reason that Itachi has tsukiyomi is actually really interesting and it's sort of similar to why shishui has kodolamatsukame however ironically the manifestation of tsukiyomi nitachi is evidence in the fact that Hitachi had been through more than shishui around the time that he manifested his Ms well I don't know if more is the correct term but he's been through very different things than shishu the tsukiyomi has it ability allows Itachi to cast somebody into a genjutsu where in the span of one real world second he can torture them for 72 hours at least within their own mind it feels as though it's been 72 hours but like I said in the real world it's only a second the big key takeaways from tsukiyomi are the difference between perception and reality person being cast into tsukiyomi perceives time as 72 hours though the reality of the situation is that it's only been a second and therefore there's a difference between perception and reality see the reason that Itachi manifested this ability is because Itachi lives between two separate realities you see Itachi is one of the only people in konawa who had a perfect understanding of both sides of the Uchiha struggle Tachi was born the first son of the clan leader of the Uchiha the person propped up by all of the uchihad to be the leader of the uchihaku the uchihaku actually wasn't fugaku's plan he was kind of gaslit into it and Itachi was fugaku's prodigal son the child who should all but seal their chances of taking over konawa however Itachi was also a pacifist and his best friend was shisui who was also a pacifist in Itachi who was heavily influenced by shisuit growing up also became blindly loyal to konowa Leading Hitachi to largely follow the footsteps of shisui and become a spy on the Uchiha for konoha but because of this Itachi Not only was hearing all of the plans of the Uchiha but the plans of konoha and he was stuck between the reality of the Uchiha and the reality of the rest of kanawa and in both sides he saw a different between the perception of the situat in the reality of the situation the uchihas perceived that they were being slighted by their Village but he thought she didn't believe that that was the situation he believed that all of the major occurrences that were slight against the Uchiha were nothing all that serious while konha believed that the threat of the Uchiha was so great that they needed to be wiped out instead of being talked to and since both sides were unwilling to understand the perception of the other side the reality that they both understood was actually warped with both of them overestimating the matlis of the other side and from this Itachi realized that perception is reality what you understand about the universe and the things around you is your reality even though it may not be the objective truth what you perceive is what you believe therefore tsukiyomi grants Itachi the ability to turn somebody's perception into an actual reality what in reality is one second becomes 72 hours of horrible torture and even though this torture is only technically perceived it has a real-life toll on those who are cast into it Amaterasu is a bit simpler see how much also to me could symbolize a couple of different things for Itachi as we all know amiturasu Grant Itachi the ability to generate black Flames that burn anything they come into contact with and these black Flames will burn whatever they come into contact with until they are ash or until the user of Amaterasu releases these black flames and it doesn't matter the amount of wind or water you throw in these black Flames they are indistinguishable I believe that the use of these inextinguishable burn anything Flames is a manifestation of the fact that Itachi wants to burn away the lies of the leaf specifically the lies of Dons as mindju Itachi manifested these abilities directly after killing shishui who had been poisoned by Danza and even though Itachi was incredibly loyal to the leaf he was not loyal to Dante well I mean like he was loyal to Danto but there was no love lost between the two of them and therefore Itachi manifested amitarasu to burn away these lies it's a lot more simple than tsukiyomi but I think it's accurate speaking of people who are simple next up on our list we have Sasuke see Sasuke like his brother also manifested but unlike his brother he manifested who is the god of fire in ancient Japanese lore shintolo it was actually the birth of kagatsuchi that killed izanami as izanami and Izanagi were the two progenitor gods of Shinto lore so even though Sasuke manifested one of the same Monkey Hill Sharingan ability to see Tachi does not mean he manifested it for the same reason you could say that the situation is similar to shiswe and his grandfather kagami even though there's a high possibility that Sasuke inherited Amaterasu from either Itachi or fugaku as we don't know what fugaku's Ms abilities were there's another possible video that doesn't mean that Sasuke couldn't manifest Amaterasu for his own reasons and one of the kind of cool yet not kind of cool things about the monkey kill Sharingan is that the abilities of it never change so whatever mongiko Sharingan abilities you have are always a manifestation of how you were when you awoke those eyes so even if you've gone through a massive character development Arc like Sasuke the eyes that he has will always be a reflection of who he was when he awoke them so when we're talking about Sasuke Awakening his monkey kyoshar and gone we have to talk about who he used to be and therefore we have to take into account what he was going through at the time of his monkey kill Sharingan awakened and what he was going through was watching his brother die more specifically having a very active hand in his brother's death it was then after he defeats his brother and wakes up in Obito's Lair that Obito tells him that his brother was actually a really good guy and Not only was his brother a really good guy but his brother massacred his entire Clan to protect him but he was forced into that role by Kona law it's at this moment that Sasuke manifests the monkey kill Sharingan and what does he want to do at that moment destroy Kona law and therefore while Itachi Zama tarasu might have been to burn away the lies of konoha Sasuke's was to just burn away konoha Sasuke manifested Amaterasu to burn away the world he knew but Sasuke needed to take it one step further than that well obviously Burning Down the world around him was enticing Sasuke wanted to rise from those ashes as the leader he wanted to kill Naruto and kill any connection he had to his previous life and then the lead konoha as the Hokage he wanted to destroy the old world and create a new one but in order to create something out of the Flames he was scorched across the Earth he would need control over the flames in that square kagatsuchi comes in sikakatsuchi gave Sasuke something that Hitachi never had control over Amaterasu with the use of kakatuchi Sasuke was able to apply amutarasu to the rib cage of the Susana or create swords out of his it gave him precise control over Amaterasu something Hitachi never had and this is because in order to make something out of Ashes you need control over the fire and what kakatuchi at his disposal that's exactly what Sasuke had a means to burn the world in a way that Rose him to the top of it what's interesting now is that even though Sasuke no longer has this ideology he has the same ability so he can truly never escape this ideology he once held though he can make these abilities work for him towards new ideologies and that's kind of the beauty of it after Sasuke we have somebody who's a bit harder to explain Obito the Obito is hard to explain because obviously Obito has a monkey kill Sharingan ability comma but do you want to credit both Kama wee Awakenings to Obito or do you want to credit one of them to caution see I tend to exist in the ladder cam obviously the common way that Obito and the common way that Kakashi have are fundamentally different and obviously if Obito had both of his eyes he probably would have manifested both of these kamoy but I believe that the comboi that each of them have was chosen for a reason that is to say that the Conway ability of Obito and the kamui ability of Kakashi line up with their world view and experience perfectly therefore even though Obito would have awoken both of these kamblee I believe that the reason that Obito got the one that sucks him into a portal and Kakashi got the one that sucks other things into a portal was chosen on purpose so let me explain so combo let's go over how it works briefly Obito's kamui allows him to teleport parts of his body into the kamoy dimension and Obito usually uses this ability defensively if you're about to punch Obito in the sternum he teleports his sternum away and your fist goes directly through his chest Obito also has the ability to teleport anything or anybody he's touching into the comway realm with him so we can use it as a Quick Escape for him or anybody else and I believe that Obito got this version of the kamui for a very specific reason so we know that both Kakashi and Obito awoke I'm always simultaneously that simultaneous moment when they both awoke the kamui was during rin's death therefore the kamui ability that manifests in Obito and Kakashi is a reflection of who they were in that moment and it actually makes a lot of sense see Obito's ability to teleport parts of himself away into the Convoy Dimension is a reflection to the fact that after rin's death he never felt whole again that the Obito that existed while ridden was alive would never be fulfilled again that part of him would always Exist Elsewhere now to simplify that further I'm saying that emotionally a part of him would always be with Rin and therefore the manifestation of an ability that transports part of him away from his actual body is a reflection of that on top of this the fact that he teleports parts of his body away is a representation to the fact that he's trying to protect himself from further loss or harm as in his life he had lost both Kakashi and Rin in one of his eyes and therefore by teleporting part of himself away into another area away from the problem that is a physical attack it's a representation of how he pulled himself out of society in order to no longer be hurt by personal connections so the meaning of his kamui is actually twofold now if you look at the other side of the coin and talk about Kakashi Kakashi's kamui ability allows him to put other things or other people into the Convoy Dimension so unlike Obito Kakashi isn't able to use kamui on himself he's able to calmly things away like daedera's arm or nagato's nail displacing or separating those things from their original body see this is usually the way the Kakashi uses combo opens up a hole to the Convoy Dimension to rip part of somebody's body off or in the case of when he used it against Modera to rip part of his Jutsu away and I believe that Kakashi manifesting this version of kamui is a manifestation to the fact that in that moment when he was killing Rin he believed that his life had been boiled down to taking from the ones he loved as Kakashi plunged to sidori through rin's heart he took her life when Obito pushed Kakashi out of the way it had a bunch of Boulders fall onto him Kakashi took his eye see Kakashi up to this point in his life when he killed Rin felt as though he was taking from those around him he was considered a friend killer and not to be trusted and because of this Kakashi manifested an ability with his comboy that he felt was his role in Life currently or was a reflection of how he felt about himself somebody who takes somebody who uses their ability to destroy based on the fact that he had taken parts from the people he loved the most and the reason that I enjoy the explanation that Kakashi and Obito each awoke one combolee is because I can't really see an explanation for Obito Awakening the kamui the Kakashi hat outside of maybe wanting to take from the person who had taken from him Kakashi but I just think that Obito's kamui ability fits him perfectly well Kakashi is at least up to that point in his life also fits him perfectly so who knows do you guys think Kakashi awoke the MS do you think that's technically impossible because he's not nuchia tell me in the comments and if you don't want spoilers about chapter 80 maybe stay in the comments because we're going to the last entry on the list our newest Uchiha who awoken Ms in chapter 80 of boruto did you guess who it was it's Sarah yes in chapter 80 aborto sarda awoke in Ms and she didn't awake it by killing her best friend she awoke it through love while pleading with Sasuke to save boruto which has led those of us who are caught up with the manga to wonder what Sarah's Ms abilities will be and I already have a couple of guesses she saw it as in a situation incredibly similar to that of Itachi where she is somebody who didn't have her memories altered by Ada is stuck between two realities the perceived reality of those who had their memories altered by Ada who believe that boruto killed Naruto in the actual reality of the situation that boruto did not in fact kill Naruto however there's only a handful of people who understand this situation there's kawaki and Ada and Daemon who are responsible for it happening and then Bordeaux sarada and sumuray who are all in situations very similar to that of Itachi where they have an incredibly intimate understanding of the two realities and how perception can warp somebody's entire reality as Ada has changed the perception of Naruto and kawaki to the entire world in essence making that perception reality since the charm shinjutsu doesn't work on saurona she's stuck in the middle and she like Hitachi has to choose a side now obviously the side she's choosing is that a boruto considering the fact that her Ms manifested during this moment of her realizing she was stuck between two realities I believe that one of her eyes abilities will be a powerful genjutsu now that powerful genjutsu to me at least will either be Koto a matsukame or tsukiyomi now I know what you're saying those are the only two Ms genjutsu abilities I'm aware but they both very aptly fit into the situation for sarada see either sarada could will for the ability to change people's perception of boruto and make it back into the one that is actually reality which considering the fact that she awakens this Ms will pounding on Sasuke's chest trying to tell him that boruto isn't the person that killed Naruto and is therefore trying to warp his perception back to that of reality it's a possibility that she would awaken an MS ability that would give her the ability to change people's minds physically giving her through the medium of kodo matsukame in actual means to battle against Ada shinjuts on the other hand she could also manage which for all the same reasons that Itachi manifested tsukiyomi the perceived battle in her mind between reality and perception her other eye however will be amaterasa I'm not hypothesizing it'll be amazu it's gonna be Amaterasu one obviously boltitachi and Sasuke got it and two her Ms design is literally the son and who's the sun god of Shinto lore Amaterasu however her manifesting Amaterasu would be for separate reasons than either Itachi or Sasuke I'm assuming if she manifests amitraso it's one to pay homage to the fact that her Ms design is literally his son and she's boruto's son and boruto is her moon at least that's what we've been building up towards as the jogun has been alluded to be connected to the Moon multiple times but also with the power of Amaterasu she'll be able to burn away the lies of ADA maybe or illuminate the path for boruto in his battle against kawak either way she's getting and that's it all the MS abilities we know and the connections they have to the people who use them do you guys agree with the connections that I made tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page hit that note about did I make this video just as an excuse to talk about chapter 80 again maybe but you watched it [Music] [Music]
Channel: NCHammer 23
Views: 183,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Naruto, Anime, Manga, Naruto Shippuden, Boruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sharingan, Rasengan, Nine-tailed Fox, Shinobi, Jutsu, Hidden Leaf Village, Akatsuki, Ninja War, Naruto vs Sasuke, Naruto vs Pain, Naruto vs Madara, Naruto OST, Naruto Opening, Naruto Ending, Naruto AMV, Naruto Review, Naruto Analysis, Naruto Theories, Naruto Explained, Naruto Characters, Naruto Moments, Naruto Best Fights, Naruto Best Scenes, Naruto Top 10, Naruto Top 5
Id: iUJ4Jys5PjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 19sec (1339 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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