All Is Calm | Exciting and Tense Thriller Movie | Brittany Goodwin | Layla Cushman

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(festive jazz music) (people chattering) - You can lead a horse to water, but like, you don't have to shove its head in it. - Okay, guys, guys, guys. So before the night gets away from us, and before Liam whisks Allie off on this romantic mountain getaway, may I propose a toast. To the most kind, the most loving, the most meant-to-be couple that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. - Hey, I take personal offense to that. - Me too. - You guys are six months in. Call us after 10 years. - Challenge accepted. - Oh yeah, yeah. - Okay, can we focus, please? - Yes. Guys, Missy needs the focus on her, we know this. (group laughing) - Who, Missy? Never. - Would you all hush? You're the worst. - Yes, hush, okay? Missy, please continue to shower us with compliments. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. As I was saying, whoever said first love doesn't last was wrong. Your love is inspiring, and it's truly beautiful to watch you guys continue to grow together, even after all these years. So here's to a very, very, very happy 10th anniversary. - Cheers to that. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. If I could add to that beautifully worded sentiment a little toast of my own. - Here we go. - How much time do we have, Jack? - Here's to the prettiest. Here's to the wittiest. Here's to the truest of all who are true. Here's to the neatest one, here's to the sweetest one, here's to them in one, here's to you. Now we can cheers. - I'll cheers to that. - Cheers. (people chattering) - [Missy] You so did not make that up just now. - [Jack] I completely did, cross my heart. - [Alexander] He did. He did. Yeah, four years ago, when you used it at Megan and Jeremy's wedding. - Jack! - I knew it. - [Jack] I put a lot of thought into it, though. - Sure, sure - Give the guy a break, okay? Rhyming is hard. (group laughing) - It is hard. - Allie, tell us about this trip. - Yeah. - Oh, it's a little cabin that Liam found online. I don't really know much about it. - It's a place near Short Mountain. Tons of privacy, big stone fireplace, hot tub. - [Jen] You may not want to come back. - Allie in the woods, in the wilderness, in the cold? Yeah, girlfriend's gonna wanna come back. Yeah, I know. - Liam can charm the city girl out of anyone. - [Jack] That's right. - Especially if he has a hot tub. - A hot tub, and a cold beer, Liam could charm the city outta me. - Really? - You are ridiculous. - Who, me? - Yeah. - You love me. - Oh, so much love. All the love. - So much love. - Oh, this one's on me. - Jack, you don't have to do that. - You'll pick up the one at our 10 year and we'll call it even. - Oh, with interest. Of course. - Yes, of course. - Well then, I guess I will get that dessert, Jack, thank you, anybody else? - Oh, okay. (people chattering) So nice of you, Jack, thanks. - [Jack] Well, the bill's closed. Yes, I'm sorry. (windshield scraping) (engine starts) - We should have canceled. - What, the party? - The party, this trip, the whole thing. - Then everybody would be asking questions. Isn't that exactly what you said you didn't want? - Yes, Liam, yes. It's pretty high on the ever-growing list of things I don't want, along with you groping all over me in front of our friends. - Groping? Allie, I was just caught in a moment. - Jack picking up the check. What was that about? What, are we everyone's favorite charity case now? What are you telling people? - I didn't say anything, okay? And that's just Jack, you know how he is. - Right, right, whatever. Oh, and the hot tub line, open that can of worms, why don't you? - That was a joke. You used to know how to take one of those, you know. - Do I look like I'm in the mood for jokes? - Not now, but then. I was just making a joke to the group. - Okay, well, I wasn't in the mood for it then either. Just like I wasn't in the mood for you to be kissing all over me like everything is perfectly normal and- - And I don't know what you want from me, Allie. You want them to think that everything is normal, so I act normal. I can't do anything right with you anymore. Do you even know what you want? - I want to not feel like screaming every time I see your face. - Okay, that's a bit dramatic. - No, you don't get to tell me how I can and can't feel. - Then tell me what to do. Tell me how to fix it. (solemn music) Okay... I really do think that this trip will be good for us. Okay? We don't have to celebrate anything, we don't even have to talk. We'll just get away for a few days. We'll come back home and we'll figure this out. Okay? (gentle music) (woman humming) ♪ The flowers bloom in springtime ♪ ♪ The leaves die in fall ♪ - [Man On Radio] There's a white male, approximately five... (gentle music) (woman humming) Residents of Cook County are urged to be on the lookout for convicted felon stole... During transport yesterday morning around eight a.m.. Be armed and dangerous. (static buzzing) Residents are encouraged to block their doors and windows. - Can you watch the road, please? - Oh. - Well, I could watch the road if I had the help from a co-pilot. Do you mind? - All you had to do was ask. - I am asking. Just take my phone, see if you can pull up navigation. Been stuck on James Road for miles. - I don't wanna use your phone. - Allie, come on. - No, Liam. I'm not joking, I don't wanna use your phone. Just let me get mine. Will you watch the road? - What are you doing? - There's no service here. Where are the printed directions? - What printed directions? - The... Liam, before we left, I asked you to print the directions. - Okay. Well, you know what? Maybe I decided that I'm not ready to become my parents by printing directions in the 21st century. Okay, the printer's ancient, it probably doesn't even work anymore. - I hope you're happy with your decision. Now you can turn into your grandparents. - Really? Okay, this is great, yeah, awesome. - Map. What do I look like, Magellan? What road is it on? - What? - What road is it on? - I can't hear you. - Oh, could you just please, please come out here? Please? - Cold. - Hadn't noticed. - Okay, what did you want? - I need to know the road. What road is the cabin? - Printer works. - Oh. Okay, so. - Do you know how to read that? - The address? Yes, okay? - The map. - What? Yes, okay? I know how to read a map, I've done it before. - You have? When? - There was a time when... Okay, you know what, no. No, I have never read a map. I've never had to read a map, okay? I didn't even know we owned a paper map. Okay? - Pretty sure it was a gift from your dad, along with those emergency road flares in the trunk. - Oh, of course. Well, believe it or not, I think we are actually close. Just a few more turns. We'll get there. - All right. I'll believe it when I see it. - Me too. There you go. Wow. - Wait, wait, wait, wait, you hear that? - What? - Nothing. Peace and quiet. (dog barking) - Mm. So peaceful. - [Liam] Careful, watch your step. - Why is the door open? Is someone meeting us here? - Well, the listing said that there'd be a lockbox with a code. (tense music) Maybe there's somebody inside? (door creaking) Hello? (door creaking) helllo? - We're the weekend renters here for the cabin. Anyone here? (wood creaking) - What was that? - Shh. We're Liam and Allie Jamison. I have the rental paperwork printed. Don't even say it. Huh. Hello? - Maybe we should just go. - It's probably just the wind. (objects clattering) - I think someone is in the house. - I'll go check it out. (door creaking) (ominous music) (door creaking) It's nothing to worry about, Allie. Probably just an animal. - "Please make sure the doors are fully locked and secured as we've had a raccoon problem in the area." - Oh, see? I told you. - Rodents in the house. I feel so much better. - I'm pretty sure raccoons are mammals. Just saying. Great. - "Due to a squirrel infestation, we keep the power off when the cabin is not in use. The breaker box is located in the basement." - Basement. Got it. - Just watch out for the rats the size of Yorkies. - Very funny. - Oh, Liam! It says here, we may even see a mountain lion. - And how many locks do you need for a basement door? - Probably to keep out the cannibal rabbits and man-eating gophers. - Great. Creepy key for a creepy door. - Great pick, Liam. Keeping the romance alive. - [Man On TV] Drive. - [Woman On TV] Wanna lose weight and keep... (people talking indistinctly on TV) - Well, what do you wanna watch? Looks like we have public access, black and white reruns. And hey, shopping network selling inflatable canoes. (phone beeps) - I don't care. - Local news it is, then. (phone beeps) - Do you wanna get that? - What? - Your phone. - It's probably just junk email. What? What, Allie, just say it. - You know what, Liam. - [Woman On TV] Breaking story of escaped convict... - No, I don't know what. - [Woman On TV] Considered to be armed and dangerous. - And every time my phone goes off, you act like it's somehow offending you. - Because if it's her, it is offending me. - For the millionth time. Nothing happened. - Right, 'cause a married man and a single woman exchanging hundreds of texts a day is completely innocent. - You're getting really good at exaggerating. Do you know that? If you wanna hold a few texts over my head for the rest of our lives, fine. But don't make it out to be more than what I told you, over and over again, that it was. Allie. Allie, where are you going? - Where is there to go, Liam? I'm getting some air. - It's freezing outside. - I don't care! I would literally rather freeze than spend another second in here with you. (solemn music) I just need some air. (insects chirping) (solemn music) What do I do? What are we supposed to do? (leaves rustling) Hello? (tense music) Hello? - Allie. You okay? - I'm fine, I just heard a noise. (solemn music) - But... Are you okay? - No, I'm not okay. - Sorry. Stupid question. - But Liam, it's not just me. We're not okay. And I don't know how to fix it. - You want to fix it, right? All locked up. - Did you say goodnight to the squirrels too? - Of course, after I tucked 'em in, I read 'em a nice bedtime story. Look, I'm sorry we couldn't afford a nicer place. Bank account's not exactly what it used to be. - Here we go. - What? - Just say it. - Say what? What are you trying to trap me in now? - Say it's my fault. - Oh, jeez, Allie, gimme a break. That's not what I meant. - Right, sure. We can't afford the Waldorf anymore because we're $40,000 poorer with nothing to show for it, and it's my fault. - I never blamed you, okay? What did I say that makes you think that I ever blamed you? - You didn't have to say anything, Liam. The look on your face after I took the test the third time said it all. - So I was disappointed, okay? Weren't you? - How can you even ask me that? (solemn music) - Okay... I'm sorry. But Allie, I never, not then, not now... Blamed you. Allie, you have to stop blaming yourself. (insects chirping) (gunshot bangs) (dog barking) - Liam. - Hmm? - Liam, wake up. - [Liam] What, what do you need? - I heard a gunshot. - It's probably just a hunter, Allie, we're in the country. - Where do people hunt in the middle of the night? - I don't know, I'm not a hunter. Just go back to sleep, I'm sure... (gunshot bangs) - See? See, nothing. It's quiet. Okay, just come back to sleep, okay? Come here. - Liam. - Just please, come here. (solemn music) It's gonna be just fine, okay? (ominous music) (vehicle approaching) Good morning. How'd you sleep? - Is there coffee? - Way ahead of you. I thought I heard you moving around in there. - [Allie] Thank you. - [Liam] Of course. - What are you making? - Oh, just a little anniversary surprise. Remember? - First morning as husband and wife. - Mm-hmm. Just two broke kids in love. Couldn't get you a honeymoon back then, but at least I could give you breakfast. - Well, what do you think, I still got it? - Not bad. - Happy anniversary. (Liam clears his throat) Look, I know things have been a bit hard lately, but... Thankful for the 10 years being married with you, Allie. I love you. - I love you too. - Anyway, I know there's not much around here, obviously, but I read that there's some trails around the property. I thought maybe we could do some hiking. - Hiking? In the woods, in the cold, during hunting season? - Is it hunting season? - Like I'd know, just, after what we heard last night. - Oh, I thought about that. I think what we heard was just a car backfiring. - Twice? - Well, you remember how many times I had a crank my old beater car back in college? So, we could get bundled up and do a little exploring. Unless you had your heart set on a public access television marathon. Maybe purchase one of those canoes. Four easy payment installments. It's really exciting. Okay, hiking it is. (birds chirping) (Allie sighs) (tense music) (vehicle approaching) What was that? - There was a man in a truck. I think he was watching the house. - Allie, you know these country folks. It's probably just a neighbor checking in on the the place. - What neighbor, have you seen another house? - I don't know, Al. - And why did he drive away so fast when I saw him? - I don't know, maybe he just didn't want to creep out the renters. - Well, consider me a little creeped out. - Okay. Hey, everything's gonna be fine, okay? She bundled up and warm, it's cold, it's beautiful. So are you. I'm just looking forward to spending the day with you. What do you say? It'll be great. You ready? - Yeah. - Okay. Let's do it. You doing okay back there? - Can't feel my extremities, but other than that, I am just peachy. - It's okay, we can turn back if you want to. Or do you want my gloves? You can double up. - No, it's okay, really. I'm not that cold. It's really pretty. - Yeah. Okay, great. I read that there's a waterfall around here somewhere. So. - Cool. - You sure you're okay? - Yeah, Liam, I'm not that cold. - I just mean you're quiet. - I haven't had anything to say. - I mean, nothing at all? No thoughts that pop in your head? - What do you want me to say, Liam? Is there something you're wanting to hear? - No, Allie, I just mean that we used to talk constantly. On the phone, in the car, at the store. It didn't have to be about anything special, just... We used to just talk, you know? Miss that. (phone buzzing) - Well, now that you have phone service, you have someone to talk to. - It's not even my phone. I left mine at the cabin. (solemn music) What is it? - I don't know, it's like a news alert. It just keeps spinning. - Well here, lemme see it. - No, I know how to work a phone, Liam. - Never said you didn't, okay? Just see if I can make- - Would you... Are you kidding me? Allie, here, let me- - You have done enough. Perfect. Just perfect. - Allie, I didn't do it on purpose. - I know you didn't do it on purpose. There's no reason to throw my phone into a creek on purpose. - I am just trying to... (twig snaps) Probably just a deer. - Deer, raccoons, mountain lions. What's the difference? They all carry rabies. - Okay. Allie, wait up. (ominous music) If it doesn't work, we'll get you a new one when we get back to town. - With what credit card? - Two escapes during prison transport yesterday. (static buzzing on TV) - Why even stay? Let's just pack up and go home tonight. - You serious? (solemn music) - Yeah. - And what are we going home to? Allie, I'm trying here. Really, I am. So please? Let's just, I got everything here to make you a nice dinner. Just try and salvage this day. Enjoy the evening. Get a fire going. Play some music. Whatever you want. I'm truly sorry about your phone. - It's not about the phone, Liam. It's fine. - Yeah? - Yeah. - Hmm. Figured (indistinct) would be nice. - Hmm. - It's a good song, isn't it? - Yeah. It's not bad. I mean, you know, considering it was the first dance song at our wedding. - Oh, is it? Hmm. ♪ That it was written all over ♪ - Dinner's almost ready. - Right. ♪ Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ (insects chirping) (ominous music) - Liam. - What? What is it? - I saw something. It was like a shadow. - I don't see anything, hon. - It was there. - A shadow? - Yeah. - I'll go check it out. Are you sure it wasn't one of these trees out here? I mean, there's tons of things can make a shadow. Not exactly the city. - No, it wasn't a tree branch, it was bigger. - Bigger than those? - Don't make fun of me, I saw something. - Okay, and I believe you. Really I do. I'm just saying that whatever you saw, it's probably nothing to worry about. I promise. (Allie sighs) - You're right. Maybe. I am a city girl. - And I wouldn't have you any other way. - Please. (door creaking) (gentle music) ♪ Falling ♪ - How's your steak cooked? - It's good. ♪ Feeling ♪ ♪ When you change your mind ♪ - Anything new with work lately? - Since when do you want to talk about my work? - When am I not interested in hearing about your work? - Oh, please. Your eyes gloss over anytime I bring it up. - Okay, give me some credit. I know like... I know the names of four your coworkers. It's Brandon, Brendan, Melanie, and... Steve? - Hmm, nice try. It's Steven. - Oh, okay. Minor details. - Yeah, I only know the name of one of your coworkers. Kate. - Allie, please don't do this again right now. - What? You wanted to talk about work and the people we work with. I'm just talking. - I was making conversation. Or should I say, trying to make conversation. (switch clicks) (Allie sighs) Let me guess. Squirrels. - I'll get the breaker. - No, it's fine, I'll get it. - Liam, I can flip a breaker, okay? I might be a city girl, but I'm not helpless. - I never said that you were. - It was implied in your tone. - Oh, you gotta be kidding. - Just let me flip the breaker. - Fine. By all means. I'll gladly let you squeeze down in that dirty crawlspace they call a basement searching the pitch black for a switch, okay? So sorry for being polite and offering. - So I'm the bad guy because I'm trying to help. (knocking on door) - Should we answer? - Hello? (knocking on door) - Well, it's certainly not a mountain lion or a raccoon, or a tree branch. (knocking on door) - Just stay here. (knocking on door) - [Man] Hello? Anybody home? - Oh, here we go. Can I help you? - Oh, oh, you, you ain't Jimmy. - No. No, I'm just here renting the cabin for the weekend. - Oh, oh, all right, all right. Did y'all lose power too? - [Liam] Yeah. - Well, my name's Bo Whitford. I live up the road here. And we lost power a while back. And probably a tree down on the line I'd imagine with all this wind we're having. Good evening, ma'am. - I told you to wait inside. - Well, I didn't. Evening. - Hey, howdy, ma'am. As I was telling this gentleman, my name's Bo Woodford, I live down the road here, and my wife is on a breathing machine. Dang old COPD. And the backup batteries only last so long, you see. So if I don't get some electricity down here soon, we're gonna have problems. - Well see, we don't have any power either, so I'm not sure how we can be of how help, okay? I'm sorry, good night. - Sir, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Look, I'm just worried about my wife, sir. I probably ain't even talking good sense. I know that. I just need to use your phone if I could. All we've got is a landline and it's down as well with the power being out. I need to call the power company to see how long it's gonna take 'em to get down here and fix this stuff. Because if it's gonna be a long time, I have to move my wife to my brother's trailer in town where they got power. That's not the easiest thing to do sometimes with her being an invalid and all. - And where did you say your house was? I mean, I haven't seen a house around here for miles. - Oh, I live right through yonder. This time of year during the daytime, you can can see my tin roof right through those trees there. Y'all probably heard old Blues howling to high heavens as well, I'm sure. My wife loves that dog. I tell her all the time- - Yes, yes. We have heard your dog. - [Man] Sorry, he's loud. - Liam. Liam, where's your phone? Mine took a dive in the creek today, but I know Liam has his. - Right. I do. Sure, why not? - Come on in, it's freezing out there. We've got a fire going. - Well, thank you. Thank you so much. I can't tell you how much I really appreciate this. You don't even know. Would it be right if I stepped in there, made my call? Thank you, thank you so much. - What? (man talking indistinctly) - Hey. Why would you do that? - Do what? - Let the strange man into this house. - He needed our help, Liam. - Oh right, wife on a ventilator? Likely story, okay? He's a stranger. Stranger can't be trusted. - Oh. You're one to talk about who I can trust. - You know what? I'm gonna go check the breaker. (Allie sighs) (ominous music) (upbeat music on TV) - [Man On TV] Winds continue across the state... - Well. Crisis averted. Now to get that hick outta this house. - Liam. - Police continue their door to door search for convicted felon Saul Grady, who escaped during prison transport yesterday morning. - Is that... - We will continue to bring you updates on this- - Where is he? - Ongoing story- - He's in the hallway. - [Saul] Don't move. - Hey, think it's time to- - No sudden moves, I said! - Whoa, whoa, whoa. - Don't you don't nothing sudden. - Okay. Okay, take it easy. - Gonna sit you down. Sit down. Right here. I said sit down! - Okay. - Just do what he says. - I'm sitting down. - You too, little lady. Right here. - Take it easy. - Please, please. - Long as you cooperate, nobody's gonna get hurt, all right? - [Woman On TV] Grady was recently convicted in the death of a Cook County woman. - And don't believe everything you see on TV neither. - Look. My keys are in my jacket, okay? It's on the chair over there. Okay? Take my car, take the keys. Here, take my wallet, okay? Okay, take whatever you need. Just please leave my wife and I alone. Just stay away. - $7. - There's a dozen credit cards in there, okay? Just take it all, it's yours. Take the car. - Yeah right. So you can call the cops and report the car and the credit cards stolen? I'm not stupid, son. - Okay, so you can hide out here. Stay as long as you want. Just please, please don't hurt us. - It ain't that easy, honey. It aint that easy. You stay right there. (objects rustling) (zip ties zipping) - [Liam] Hey, hey, hey. (phone beeps) - [Saul] It's for you. (ominous music) Here we go. - No. (Liam sighing) Don't even say it. - Say what? - A single word about my phone. - Oh, for the... - Liam, this is so much bigger than you and me. Are you seriously worried about your phone? - You're the one who let him in here! You opened the door and welcomed a total psychopath right into this cabin. - I thought he needed help! - Why? Why are you so eager to help everyone else but me? Be there for everyone else but me? - What are you talking about? - You open the door to a complete stranger, but you wouldn't spit on me if I was on the porch on fire. - Spit on you if you were on fire, like a wad of spit would do any good if you were on fire. That's literally the stupidest analogy I've ever heard. - You're always just so quick to act like everything is my fault. But you've been a stranger to me for months. - That's ridiculous. - Is it? You pulled away from me. When we couldn't get pregnant, you just poured yourself into work and you disappeared for me. - I couldn't get pregnant. We had nothing to do with it. I couldn't get pregnant. - Whatever you wanna call it, Allie. - And when I couldn't get pregnant, you found somebody else. - No. No, no, no, no. Allie, I found someone who would listen to me, talk to me. Help me understand why the only woman I ever loved hid away in her office from me for 70 hours a week. Do anything to avoid me. And all I wanted to do was talk it out. Figure it out. - I'm so sorry that when my entire world was falling apart that I couldn't be there for you. I am so, so, so sorry. - Hey! Do not make me tell you again to keep it down in here. That's better. (insects chirping) (Liam sighs) - It's useless. (phone buzzing) - Liam. Liam. Phone. It's working. - Can you reach it? - I don't know. - Try and reach it. Shh. Almost. No no. Now what? You gotta go to the bathroom. When he comes here. Say you gotta go to the bathroom. - I don't know if I can. - Yes you can. - Hey, what was that noise?! - I have to go to the bathroom. - Sure you do. - No, please. I've been trying to hold it. It'll just take a minute. - No funny business. You sit tight. Come on. (tense music) (Liam sighs) Two minutes. (Saul exhaling) Hurry up in there. - I am, just a minute. - I don't hear nothing in there! - I said just a minute. (water running) - All right, time's up, come on. (ominous music) (tense music) - What happened? Come on, come on. - I can't get it. - You got it. Babe, you gotta get outta here. You gotta go. - I'm not leaving you here. - You gotta go get help. - [Saul] Doesn't seem to me like that's cooperating, now does it? - Allie, go, now. - Okay. - Go! - I'll be back. (tense music) (door opens) (door creaking) - Hey! Don't do nothing stupid, now! Come on back. (solemn music) All right! You wanna play it that way, you think about your husband, then! - Liam. (Allie groaning) Not now. Come on. Come on! Please. Lord. Show me what to do. I don't know what to do! Show me what to do! (vehicle approaching) Please. Stop. Please, please, stop, I need help. Please! - Ma'am? You all right? Ma'am, you gonna freeze half to death if you stay out here. Why don't you come get in the truck, I got a heater. I can get you where you need to go. Come on. Yeah, it is safe, come on. I'll take care of you. A little slow. Are you hurt? - My husband is in trouble. I just need to use your phone. - You ain't gonna find no service out here. I do have a landline at my house up here on the right. - No, no, no, there's no time for that. I need to get him help. - What seems to be the problem? - The escaped convict, Saul Grady, he has my husband. It's the first cabin up there on the right. - Saul Grady. - You've heard of him. - Hard not to have heard of him. Considering he's my brother. (tense music) Don't try nothing funny. (tense music) - [Woman On TV] Police continue their door to door search for convicted felon, Saul Grady, who escaped during prison transport yesterday morning. We will continue to bring you updates on this ongoing story as they develop. - Where'd she go? Where'd you tell her to go?! - I don't know. - Don't you lie to me, boy. - Where's she gonna go all the way out here? - Look, I'm not going back to lock up. So if your wife blows this for me... (knocking on door) Don't you make a sound. (knocking on door) - [Simon] Saul! (knocking on door) Saul, open the door! - Don't do anything stupid. (knocking on door) - Saul, open the door! What took you so long? I picked up a stray. Let's go, walk. - You okay? - She thinks she's pretty brave, don't she? Let me show you what's going to happen if you try and do something like that again. (Simon grunts) (Liam shouting) - What are you doing? - You didn't like that, did you? (Liam groaning) - Simon, Simon! What are you doing? What are you doing? I told you nobody gets hurt! - You said no one gets hurt unless it's necessary. Are you gonna let them two city slickers ruin our plans? What y'all got? Jewelry, get them rings. - [Saul] Their wedding jewels. - [Allie] Please. - [Liam] No. (tense music) - Here. - This is fancy. (siren wailing) What did you do? What did you do? - Nothing. - Did you call the cops? - No. - Did you call the cops? - Why would I have gotten in the car with you if I had? Please, he needs help! - Simon. Simon, Simon, Simon. Look. I seen it on the news. They're sending the cops door to door looking for me. Please, Simon, we gotta get on the road. - No, we can't go nowhere yet. They'll have roadblocks set up all over the place. Look, we stick here for tonight, just like we originally planned. - I just think it's- - Do you want to end up like Jimmy Tate? Cops caught him off route 41 not two hours after he escaped, added five years onto his sentence. And he wasn't no violent offender. - Well, what do we do when the cops come to this door then, Simon, what do we do then? - Shut 'em up. Get some duct tape. - Right, all right, all right, so... Let's just get 'em down to the basement while we figure this out, all right? - Get the girl, then come back up and get the guy. (Liam and Allie grunting) - Please, please don't do this! Okay, are you okay? - I'm fine. We just need to find something to stop bleeding. Okay. - Okay. Here, here, here, here. - Okay, yeah. - This? - [Liam] Yeah. - All right, I'm gonna tie this around, okay? - Uh-huh. Okay, you gotta tie it real tight. - Okay. You ready? - [Liam] I'm ready. (Liam groaning) - I'm so sorry, I'm trying not hurt you. So sorry. - It's okay. You could never hurt me. - I thought I could get help, and I just panicked, and... This is all my fault. I let him in. I got in the truck. - Allie. It's not your fault. Okay, quit apologizing. - It's just... I have another one. Another apology. I went through your messages. And... I'm so sorry. Liam, I'm so sorry of accusing you of being unfaithful. - [Saul] Cops will be stopping by here any minute. What's the plan? (knocking on door) - [Simon] Coming. (knocking on door) I'm coming. What can I do for you, Officer? - We're going door to door looking for an escapee from the county. Have you seen this man? - No, sir. Me and my wife are just weekend renters here. Now don't tell anybody, okay? We got one heck of a deal. Came up here for a nice little romantic getaway, you know? You gotta do something to keep that love alive. This is her. Now, she actually went to bed a little bit ago, but I can wake her up, if you need to show her those pictures. - Quite a catch you got there. - Oh, you ain't gotta tell me twice. - Don't worry about waking her. Just keep the doors and the windows locked and be on the lookout. - Yes, sir. - Saul Grady, he was locked up for killing a woman. Having one loose, we don't take that lightly around here. - We appreciate your concern, Officer. - You have a good rest of the evening. - You too, sir. (car starts and leaves) - [Allie] Saul? - Allie. - Okay. - Just sit down and be quiet, all right? - You don't have to do this, - Y'all just be quiet, all right? Just be quiet. (tense music) - Thank you. - What's the plan now, Simon? - We hide out here till the morning time at least. Cop ain't gonna come back. I put on quite a performance. - I don't like none of this, Simon. This cabin was supposed to be empty. - And I was supposed to be born a millionaire, but here I am. - Well, why'd you pick this place to hide, then? - This place has been empty for weeks. How was I supposed to know there was gonna be renters here? - But you did know. - Suppose I did. What, we just gonna change the plan at the last minute? Besides, you the one who knocked on the door like you were selling Girl Scout cookies or something. - I was just trying to get in here to use the phone so I could call you. - Hey, hey, ah! You in too deep for that. They know what you look like. They've seen your face. More importantly, they know what I look like and they've seen me with you. - Well, we can't just leave them down there forever. - Says who? - Okay. - Okay, we flip the breaker. They lose power, they have to come down here, and when they do, we attack. We jump them when they come down the stairs. - Allie, there's no use in doing that. It won't work. They have guns, knives. - I know they have weapons, Liam, but we'll find weapons of our own. There's gotta be something down here. - It's too dangerous. - I know it's dangerous. I just, I don't know what else to do. - We might just have to wait 'em out. - Wait them out? Liam. You need help. Okay, I have to get you help. - Just come sit. - You're freezing. - I'm fine. Please, just sit with me. Thank you. - This place ain't notthing but an antique junk heap. There ain't nothing more valuable than the copper pipes in the walls. - Well, take the TV, then. - And end up in the clink over $50 for pawning a flat screen? - Look, Simon, you got the jewelry. That's gotta be worth something. - Not, no. Let me see the cash. What is this? - [Saul] That's the cash. - This is it? Can I remind you this whole plan rests on money? Money enough for you to get outta dodge and money for me to be quiet about helping you? - I've been out the joint 16 hours, Simon, Where am I supposed to get money from? - There ain't no money. Why am I here, Saul? - You're here to give me a ride, Simon. - A ride? A ride?! - Thought you'd be willing to help your own brother. - Half. Half-brother. And I ain't keen on doing anything that makes me an accessory to your escape. That's a fancy term, aiding and embedding. - Be good for it, man. I'll be good for it, just- - Good for it?! Good for it? Hey, listen, y'all, he's good for it! You gonna be good for it when I get locked in jail for helping you out. - Look, just calm down, Simon. - Mm. Don't tell me to calm down. - [Saul] What are you trying to pull, Simon? - [Simon] Why'd you invite me here? - [Saul] I wanted a ride! I just broke outta prison! - Liam, I'm scared. What if we can't get out here? - We're gonna be okay. - We've seen them, we know who they are. - We're together. As long as we're together, we'll be okay. (solemn music) - I need to tell you something. - What is it? - I know I said that it wasn't an affair, Allie. It was. - What? - It was purely emotional. Nothing ever happened. Nothing. But you were right to say that I pulled away from you. I didn't want another woman, Allie. I wanted you. You just seemed so distant. Unavailable emotionally. I'm not blaming you or making excuses. - No, I know. - Allie, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you. - It's not that. - It's not you, it's me. - Did you just "it's not you, it's me" to me? - I wasn't disappointed. Liam, I wasn't ready. A baby. We were trying all these treatments, spending so much money, and I wasn't ready. I had just been promoted at the agency, and I felt like for the first time in my life, I was doing what I was meant to do, and I wanted to give us the family that we'd talk about since the day we got married. The one I knew you'd been praying for every day. But I wasn't ready. So you see, this is my fault. All of it. In my heart, I didn't want the treatments to work. And I was so ashamed, I couldn't even face you. No wonder you sought connection elsewhere. I was practically shoving you away. And now everything is just so... Broken. - Hey. Then we'll put it back together. Okay? Okay. (tense music) - These people got money, Saul. Just look at that car they're driving. The way they're dressed. - No, I told you, I told you, the cash is all they had on 'em. - That's all they have here. Now gimme the keys. All right. This could work perfect. - What? - We hide out in the back of the SUV, Have them drive us outta here. Cops ain't gonna be looking for a fancy couple like that. Head on back to their place in the city at... Presidential Avenue, sounds fancy. - This ain't Monopoly, Simon- - We load up the car with electronics, money, any valuables we can find, and then we... Get rid of them. We'll be five states away before anybody figures out what happened. - Get rid of 'em? - You heard me. - No, I told you. - No one gets hurt. Right. Well, sometimes people like them gotta get hurt so people like us can get what we want. - This ain't the plan, Simon! - Plans? Plans change. I'm in this situation with you whether I like it or not. We're in too deep now, and I'm getting something outta this whether I'm with you or without you. And to be honest with you, without you is starting to sound a lot better. (gun clicks) (tense music) - [Saul] What are you trying to pull, Simon? - [Simon] What am I trying to pull? Why you got me out here? - I got you here for a ride, but not to kill nobody. (men grunting) (glass breaks) (gunshot bangs) (door creaking) (vehicle leaving) - Liam. Liam, hey, wake up. Listen. I'm gonna be right back, okay? - Okay. - Okay. - Be careful. (Saul grunts) - Saul? (Saul grunting) Saul, are you hurt? - Ain't no thing. - You said you didn't want anybody to get hurt, but if Liam doesn't get help soon... - I never did. I didn't never want hurt nobody. - What did you do, Saul? Saul, are you still there? - I'm here. - What happened to her? The woman. - She wasn't just any woman. We was engaged to be married and I loved her. - So what happened? - It was an accident. I told you. I didn't ever wanna hurt nobody. - I believe you. - She tried to stop me. She told me not to get behind the wheel, and then she got in with me. I wasn't in my right mind and she knew it, but she tried anyway. And that truck come outta nowhere, and there was just all this smoke. And then she was just... She was still, And I walked outta there without a scratch. They locked me up, DUI and manslaughter. - Saul, it was an accident. - I don't even know why I bothered to escape. I don't reckon I'll ever be free. Not now. Not when I finish my sentence. Never. - Saul. Saul, please listen to me. I know people never believe you when you say, "I know how you feel," but I know how you feel. I know what it's like to hate yourself. To be a prisoner in your own head. To not be able to forgive yourself. And I know it is a miserable way to live. But we have to try. - I don't deserve forgiveness. Not from myself. Not from nobody. - None of us do, Saul. Saul, you can't change what happened. But you can change how this ends. Please, just let us out so I can get Liam some help, and help for you too, if you need it. - Me dying here would serve me right. - But you can't die here, Saul. None of us are meant to die here. You didn't get a second chance with her. But I have a second chance with Liam. So please, Saul, I'll do whatever you want. Please just let us out, (Saul grunting) Liam. Are you okay? Please, Lord. Get Liam the help he needs. Heal his wound. And please be w Saul. Help heal his wound and his heart. And Lord, please heal our marriage. Help us fix what's broken. And help us save this relationship you blessed us with so long ago. I love you. - I love you so much. (wood creaking) - We're free. - We're free. - We're free. - Oh my. Thank God. - Come on. Come on. - Let's get outta here. - [Woman On TV] Officials have arrested Simon Grady, who was found driving a stolen vehicle while in possession of stolen valuables. He is being charged with kidnapping, attempted murder, and robbery. He led officials to the whereabouts of his brother, escaped convict Saul Brady, who has been taken back into police custody. A Nashville couple that was being held hostage by the brothers are now safe. The husband is being treated for a stab wound and blood loss while the wife suffered some minor injuries. Both are expected to make a full recovery. - So before our friend Jack over here gets a chance to make another horrible, horrible toast. Yeah, that he got from some wedding blog. - I think I saw cue cards in his pocket. He may have a whole speech prepared this time. - Don't worry, Jack only speaks in public when it rhymes. - You're turning on me too? - Oh, I'm sorry. - Welcome to the dark side. - We're so happy to have you. - Yes. - Well, Missy, Jack, if you allow me the honor, I would like to take this one. - I don't think it counts if you toast yourself, buddy. - Oh, let him talk. - Oh, real funny. - No. - Well, there was a time, in fact, more than one time, where I was not certain if I'd even get to be celebrating 11 years with Allie. But through it all, somehow, some way, we've come out stronger than ever before. And I can't wait to see what the next 11 years or 50 years hasn't stored for us. You are my world, Allie. I thank God every day putting you in my life. May we never forget the hard times, but use them to better ourselves and to make us better as a couple. I love you so much, Allie. - I love you too. - All right, Jack. That is how you do a toast. Yeah, take notes. Right? - Can you cheers me yet, please? (people chattering) - [Group] Cheers! - Cheers. - So when can we expect some little Allie and Liam Juniors running around? - Yes. - That's on hold. - For now. - For now, there's no rush. No rush. There's no rush. - Oh. Oh wait. I almost forgot. - Should we tell them about the big surprise? - Yeah. - As a gift to you both in celebration of your 11th year in love. - We all pitched together to get you something special. - Yeah. It's a romantic getaway to a cabin in the woods. - Okay, you guys are the worst. It's a gift certificate to a couple's day spa. - Oh gosh. - Too good. Way too good. Whose idea was this? (people chattering) - [Missy] It was me, of course it was my idea. (gentle music) ♪ There's a line ♪ ♪ There's a line from me to you ♪ ♪ And it goes back in time ♪ ♪ To before we knew ♪ ♪ Anything ♪ ♪ Holding us together ♪ ♪ It's holding us together ♪ ♪ I'm tied to you forever ♪ ♪ All the lies together ♪ ♪ My home is not a house ♪ ♪ It's the place where you are found ♪ ♪ I'm choosing you ♪ ♪ Instead ♪ ♪ Of everything I've left behind ♪ ♪ You were mine ♪ ♪ Before the start of time ♪ ♪ You were mine ♪ ♪ Before opened eyes ♪ ♪ You are mine ♪ ♪ I am yours ♪ ♪ All of my life ♪ ♪ There's a fire ♪ ♪ There's a fire burning in my heart ♪ ♪ Burning from the start of the night ♪ ♪ I first met you ♪ ♪ Tell me you remember ♪ ♪ Tell me you remember ♪ ♪ I am yours forever ♪ ♪ I know you remember ♪ ♪ My home is not a house ♪ ♪ It's the place where you are found ♪ ♪ I'm choosing you ♪ ♪ Instead ♪ ♪ Of everything I left behind ♪ ♪ A home is not a house ♪ ♪ It's the place where you are found ♪ ♪ I'm choosing you ♪ ♪ Instead ♪ ♪ Of everything I left behind ♪ ♪ You were mine ♪ ♪ Before the start of time ♪ ♪ You were mine ♪ ♪ Before opened eyes ♪ ♪ You are mine ♪ ♪ I am yours ♪ ♪ Oh, love of my life ♪ ♪ Oh, love of my life ♪ ♪ Oh, love of my ♪ ♪ Ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh ahh ♪
Channel: Deep C Digital
Views: 180,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, Full Movies, Entertainment, Deep C Digital, Movie, Film, All Is Calm, All iscalm, all is calm thriller movie, all is calm movie, all is calm free movie, all is calm 2022, 2022, 2022 movie, free movies, movie, ful movie, thriler, #thriller
Id: 8EEIPpFGmes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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