Sequestered Part 1 | Full Movie | Episodes 1-6 | CineClips

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[Music] throughout California and across the country s well wishers continue to lay candles and messages of support and hope outside Governor Bennett's belir residence since his 8-year-old son Nicholas was kidnapped 7 days ago [Music] Governor Bennett Governor they found a body it's him [Music] [Music] yeah ni shots hey when you're done with all them can you give me a drink a beer yeah yeah hang on a second thank you it's called a gay bar for gay people okay here you go oh hey thank you man thank you problem me St sh up I'm going to be face [ __ ] back up hey Kyle you like that [ __ ] there it is man what time is it 5:30 I got to go man I got all the money I'm out of here man what he just going to play and take I'm money hunds seem to be split as the trial of Malcolm Miller comes to a close as you all know Malcolm Miller is accused of the kidnapping and murder Nicholas Bennett the 8-year-old son of California Governor Mark Bennett last year in just a few hours famed attorney Henry prid will be making his closing Arguments for the defense bre down back up again up he Sorry boss been awake all night again I see yeah yeah I you know it's this case I I swear I'm going to sleep for a month once it's over that makes two of us yeah come on Sir Sir question I just want to say we are looking forward to laying out our reasoning one final time before the jury begins deliberations and we're confident that our client will be found innocent because he is see you all at the end of the day Mr PR Mr prer one last question please All Rise the honorable Judge Weiss is now presiding you may be seated I'm afraid I have bad news you may have noticed that juror number two is not here he was assaulted last night and is currently recovering in the hospital I am appointing an alternate juror to take his place and out of an abundance of caution I will be sequestering the 12 of you to a hotel for the remainder of the deliberations the LAPD has assured me that none of you are in danger they have strong evidence that juror number two was targeted because of his sexual orientation and while we are all concerned for him we are at the end of an extraordinary and very public case one that demands verdict the sequester will only last until you have that verdict in the meantime there will be no outside contact with the world that includes TV cell phones and the internet your meals will be provided for you and you will have a single 5 minute call each evening and that call will be monitored your job is to deliberate and to come to a consensus as demanded by the justice system the 12 of the accused peers either find Malcolm Miller innocent or guilty Beyond A Reasonable Doubt godp speed and through you may Justice be served dad you got to call before you just show up in my office this is some pretty interesting [ __ ] here there it's um pretty sloppy police work but what would you expect from the San Francisco Police Department you're confidential you can get me a lot of trouble well far be it from me to try to make more trouble for you keeping the scumbags out of jail spoken like true ex cop what's up Dad uh how are you how's the me are you still going to physical therapy yeah well these young kids they don't know what the hell they're talking about with their Pilates crap and the the big giant purple rubber bands I mean when I was just coming up they you know pulled the bullet out taped you up sent you back on the job yeah and you walked uh 50 Mi to and from school uphill both ways right yeah and I had to cut the crust on my own sandwiches hey Danny there is a Sophia online one for you Sophia who you know what never mind just Senator voicemail please Dad I'm super busy what's going on oh okay well we'll we'll have to take a rain check on this lunch that we schedule [ __ ] dad I completely forgot you guys you got a lot on your plate tomorrow I I I got a meeting I can push it don't have to do that no no no no it's done 7:30 wherever you want my treat where do you think the usual greasy spoon all right 7:30 I'll hold my breath yeah okay sorry Pop all right Danny this is um Sophia Russo one of the witnesses from The Trial listen I'm sorry I didn't give you my last name I didn't know if it was appropriate for me to call call you with the jury deliberating but it's why I'm calling listen Malcolm was a friend and it killed me to testify against him and can you just call me back when you get this 8181 28791 I really have to talk to you hey I'm not here your thing uh hi Sophia this is Danny Ferman calling you back I'm sorry I missed you um I'd love to talk to you please please call me at my office thank you okay so I know that no one here expected to deliberate this case trapped in a hotel but let's try to ignore that and just do our job so would anyone like to suggest where we should begin maybe we should started the part where one of us was jumped outside of a bar last night and beat within an inch of his life I mean they still haven't found the guy I heard Kyle's on defibrillator what it's called a ventilator yeah whatever it's [ __ ] he just got banged up a bit a head wound that's all wait a minute how do you know I made the bayth tell me when he said I was going to be stuck with you lovely people for God only knows how many days and on that note if we get to a consensus today we get to leave today that's the carrot so unless there are no other questions and maybe we make this easy on ourselves if at this point we U all think he's guilty oh yeah uh we really need to get into it before we start voting oh I'm sorry are you the foreman now I mean come on guys the writing is on the walls only an idiot would think this guy didn't do it is it too late to get Kyle back the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean it means that we liked Kyle because he was capable of critical thought which is important when you're deliberating whether or not to send a man to death row that actually happens during the sentencing trial I understand our legal system well since you think he's innocent please by all means tell me why oh yeah we about have a cat fight we will get into that Marissa once we establish the facts right let's do just that Malcolm Miller former caretaker of the governor's son the man accused of kidnapping and murdering him for an $80 million Ransom Ransom that still hasn't been found hey holding up I should have tested I I I I could have convinced him I know I could have Malcolm Henry Pritchard is one of the top defense attorneys in the country it's not about what you would have said it's about how the prosecution would have twisted your words Richard thought it was better for you not to testify than trust me it was anyway I uh I came down to tell you that the jury's been sequestered was this because one of the jur was beat up last night yeah one of the older inmates said that this could be a good thing for me that that you could spin this off as as being a jury tempering and that we could get a a retrial unfortunately uh that's unlikely but I mean we we should push for it don't we want a second chance of trying the case we know the the prosecution's strategy now and then that's a good too so certainly doesn't help I got to get out of here guys like me they don't survive in here listen you're going to get out of here Pritchard did not Garner his reputation by losing cases he gave a hell of a defense for you nothing is more important to me right now than you walking out of here a free man okay nothing that's [ __ ] that's [ __ ] okay it's fine it's fine Malcolm please I got a message at my office today from Sophia Russo what did she want I don't know yet I I called her back a couple times she didn't answer her she she sounded funny on the phone yeah she she she's probably sorry sorry for what for lying on the stand I I was sitting next to you while she testified why didn't you say anything I did but preed said that that it wasn't a good idea to go after her because hearing her repeat over and over again that I roughed up Nicholas a week before it disappeared would have just cemented and in the jury's memory you guys didn't talk about this no yeah we we talked about it back to Sophia um she just feels bad now she's sorry your verdict is coming out the pike she wants to take it all back yeah I mean that could be good for us right couldn't hurt so we all acknowledge that the boy was kidnap just after midnight on the night of April 12th whoever did it looped the security footage and was pretty damn lucky the security guard had food poisoning and didn't know could have poisoned him there are many common and easily attainable substances that can cause food poisoning even a cab driver can figure out how to incapacitate a guard it's not rocket science so what he slipped him some bad beef waited for him to puke Loop the cameras grab the kid and then tied him up in a warehouse somewhere and his back to the governor's house in under an hour plenty of time to play dumb when he woke up and the kid is gone that's what the prosecution alleges we're talking about what we know I'll tell you what we know that a couple of kids 7 Days Later walking in griffi park found that boy's body lying up against a tree no killer would leave him like that unless he cared about the boy the way Malcolm Miller did so after the governor already paid the ransom $80 million wired into four overseas bank accounts what you're telling me is that Malcolm Miller a glorified Nanny knew how to launder that kind of money yes it really doesn't take all that much to set up a bunch of anonymous overseas accounts I may or may not do that for clients on a daily basis couple fake IDs again it's not rocket science there is no such thing as rocket science it is aerospace engineering my point is that even someone with an average education could pull this off Malcolm Miller has a computer science degree from UCLA I have an English degree from Berkeley does make me Shakespeare obviously but let's not forget the governor and his wife read a fundraiser in Manhattan Beach so Malcolm Miller was the last person to see Nicholas Bennett alive so you're trying to convince us that a married man a father who practically raised Nicholas since he was two took him from his bed starved him in a warehouse for 5 days demanded $80 million Ransom got it and then shoved a rag so far down his throat that he choked to death could any of you do that I don't think so depending on the kid I could do it wow so on that note it's better frustrating but I think productive first day so why don't we take a vote all those for guilty and not [Music] guilty six and six well no one said this was going to be easy have you been on time to class yes you oh Ryan meet my sister Jenny hey nice to meet you totally nice to meet you Anna didn't say she had a sister H should I be mad at her well I would be I just came to bring her her anti psychotics haha she brought me my insulin but I saved her life oh yeah you did how am I ever going to thank you I accept gifts youw really preferred okay ladies visit's over yes sir officer sir than you bye nice to meet you Ryan nice to meet you too okay okay you two seem to have a lot of fun together she's my best friend even though she's a pain in the ass well today was interesting yeah yeah I thought everyone was very nice the trial now we're all trapped in the room truth colors were coming out well at least it isn't getting personal well give it a day or two we'll see this is me are you back that way no I'm the other direction well um well good night good night I leave it I'll take care of it I got [Applause] it priia Miss entered the hospital board gon my calendar it's actually this Thursday can you still go with me I don't know I'll have to check with Sean oh no don't worry about it I'll uh I'll have pre check with him excuse me Governor sorry Mrs Bennett I didn't know you were here good night Bo good night good night Mr I know you're preoccupied Governor but I thought you should know our man is on the move what do you mean California possibly this is timed with my gun control bill or the trial my money's on both and until we catch him I want to increase security detail for both you and Mrs Bennett and I also want to curtail your public appearances fine on the security detail my appearances will stay on the books best way to deal with them is a show of strength understood sir hey I'm not here do your thing uh hi Sophia Danny Furman calling again just thought maybe I'd catch you at the end of the night um if you get this tonight give me a try on my cell 3101 98 6676 thank you hey hey I literally haven't seen you for 24 hours you must be exhausted yeah and then some come here that was this morning it was great you know it would be greater you and me ordering cheap Thai food eating it in bed and passing out that would be great but I can't I got a client dinner at 8:00 and then a quick 10 p.m. prep for morning interview if you can stay awake until 11:30 I think I have room in my calendar for mind-blowing sex I think I can pencil you in thanks just make sure that pencil's got plenty of lead counselor for [Music] Jenny oh my God [Applause] Miss Russo Miss Russo it's uh Danny Ferman you [Music] so that's it you don't you don't need anything else from me besides my statement there isn't much to do until we get toxicology but I can tell you now it's going to say smack she she was a witness on the malcol Miller case they usually kill him before they testify I told you she Li on the stand I st it a thousand times they finally think they're clean and something stresses them out like the trial and they juice up a little too much I'll call you when I get the tax okay but I promise you she OED what about the uh juror assault any any on that still looking I'll send you a copy of the report when I get one hey how your father not to be such a stranger we're forgetting how ugly his mug is you're lucky didn't get his looks [Music] so you're telling me your sister is on a TV that is completely cut off from any sort of signal yes yes that is why I need to call her now Anna you know it's against the rules only one five minute call at the end of each day you know it's easier to just deliberate and get it over with then to try to get out of it if I tell the judge you think people are trying to talk to you through a TV that's not even connected what do you think she's going to say you're right look Anna I know it sucks being down here but look at the bright side maybe you'll make a friend or two hey sorry I'm late menstrual cycles are laid lawyers are on time time is money isn't that right yeah um :30 in the morning it's uh 7:51 actually hey can I get you a drink sir coffee he'll have a butt I'll have a coffee and uh he said enough thank you this is my first right Danel just messing with you why' you do that I screw with you cuz I can you're my son thank you I'm sorry that I can't be 15 minutes early everywhere like you are I have an actual job that I go to well Collective disability I'm sure it's not as timec consuming as whatever the hell you're doing do to need a minute I can come back no um it's it's fine um what are you having Dad I'm buying I'll have a couple of scramble is that all and I'll have um scramble EG whites and avocado thank you avocado is that what you eat with your lawyer friends avocado I'll be right back Dad sitting second chair on this case was a really big deal for me okay you you could just maybe I don't know pretend to pretend to be proud I just don't want you to do anything that you're going to regret or are you just taking pot shots at me because I didn't become a cop like you were you proud of what you do this is what you do man this is you know you dig at me and you dig at my job and you know what I don't I don't need it I don't want it I I'm I'm just going to go Dad see you I'm a big winner hold the avocado yes there should be a bipartisan effort we have a historic opportunity here uh we pass this bill we have the most stringent gun regulations in the country can create a real precedent look I need you to get behind me on this you thank you Sharon all right you won't regret this Anna good I'm sorry no no no we're just about to get started please have SE please so we can get out of here look Anna and everyone we are required to be here on time um we have a lot of work to do and it's not fair to the others if we're late yes I won it won't happen again I'm sorry okay um thought it might be helpful today if we watch the confession again w [Music] [Music] Danny come into my office please I heard about what happened last night that was crazy must have been a horrible thing to discover first time I've seen a dead body it was it was shocking I bet I bet but did the police give you any trouble because if they did I can take care of it you know I've got you covered right thank you Henry uh no I I I think I'm good she she had been dead for a couple hours pretty much ruled me out as a suspect and she had a history of abuse so they're they're pretty confident it was an OD right what were you doing there in the first place she had called the office looking for me so I was just following up I see so you didn't actually speak with her no uh no bad timing I I assume she had something to tell me about the the trial or her testimony so it's not a total loss not to be insensitive but it is lucky you found her body when you did I'm looking into the possibility of a mistrial or better yet if the police find anything suspicious I'll argue for the charges to be dropped all together so good work Danny that's not why I brought you in here Rodriguez uh thank Robbie case it's yours I thought Burke was handling he was now you are Burke was first Danny you've earned it plain and simple now get the hell out of my office before I change my mind yes sir thank you I will not let you down I'll expect you won't but that is a big case so you better get to work I'll have Burke bring the case files to your office thanks sir Danny that's wonderful you've got to be the youngest attorney in The Firm to sit on a case this pck I don't know listen here F I was going to give this to you at dinner but it feels appropriate here any oh my God I I saw it and I thought of you it's beautiful here here can we afford this yeah yeah I had some stocks pay out dividends you know can I guy do something nice for his girl yes he can I love you well you didn't get us off that day girl did you wow wow just checking I'm know I don't know tell me how say it yeah I would have how I don't know okay how did no it it was an accident I I I didn't want it that must have choked it back into his swim pipe right yeah okay yeah it was an accident there Charles yeah so there it is how can you choke someone to death if he could still breath through his nose been face down in the trunk of the car Mal Miller shoved that rag so far in the back of that boy's throat it didn't mattered that his nose was open Charles is right if you shove something far enough in the back of somebody's throat it cuts off the outlow from the north what the hell does it matter you heard that man me like that I'd tell them what they wanted to hear too yeah they were like really mean regardless there is something about this confession that that R this a police recorded confession of course it's coerced it's a police recorded confession he confessed of his own free will in that room for more than 21 hours okay worn to the bone no offense but scared and confused don't add up to free anything that confession was [ __ ] so what like it never happened that's your position that's my position I mean it's not as if they were waterboarding him they badgered him for an entire day he that's its own form of torture guys we have a confession we also have a witness who saw him driving away from the governor's house that night in the morning in the dark while behind the wheel of a car with headlights on so Marissa I long you smoke cigarettes none of your business just humor me I don't know since like 10th grade when I was 15 you've always smoked camels pretty much except for when I've bummed from friends so you've seen that pack of camels thousands of times think real hard about the man on the package was he sitting on the camel or is he leading him with a rope well come on Marissa there's a fast ball right down the middle this is ridiculous uh uh uhuh no cheating come on okay fine I am 99% sure that the man is leading the camel by a rope [ __ ] there is no man wow that's crazy what people see and what they think they see are often two different things how can we put so much weight on what a witness saw in a flash in the middle of the night trick question or whatever the fact is you don't admit to murder if you didn't do it they wore him down until he believed what they told him to believe I want another vote Jud okay all those favor and guilty [Music] hey Jean yeah did you clear out my messages the one from sopia no why okay never mind thank you sure Sanchez detective it's Danny Ferman hi Danny boy how are you I'm good thank you did you guys call my office to pull uh Sophia's voicemail off my machine baby we do that I'll look into it oh by the way ha came back on her o like I said okay we did get a statement from the neighbor a Russian woman she was a real character yeah I saw her last night she said she saw a man stopped by the big house ear in the day but we no side of a struggle my G says they were either shooting up together or he was was a dealer should give a description ah big she said I was a white guy big really big that's it that's it she barely spoke English off okay well uh thanks anyway you got it kid [Music] what are those Fair beads they're beautiful yes well it's very important to put your nervous energy into something huh do you have any more of them [Music] hello Jenny thank God you need to go to Uncle Peter's house I want you to stay there until I tell you it's okay to come back e is it gross Uncle Pete hard bath so did that cute Ryan guy ask about me is he single for once in your life just do what I ask what is the matter with you Jenny don't give me a hard time just go to Uncle Peter's house and do not come back to the hotel okay just go now okay okay I'm going hey Clark um hey I know you said that we can't uh use an iPad but what about an e-reader that's a good question I mean I don't see why not hey there's no Wi-fi I mean there's no connection to the outside world so that's a question for the judge can you believe this [ __ ] they started a Kickstarter account in my name called Justice for the kyes I'm not the kyes I'm just Kyle and I don't need Justice I get it yeah I mean you didn't sign up for this if you weren't on the jury you wouldn't have been downtown you wouldn't have got jumped uh I got jumped because I'm a gay man and a world full of haters my mom and dad think I have a a gay bash Target on my back and now they're worried that any guy meet at a bar is going to jump me you didn't meet him at the bar you got jumped in the alley right that's what I said that's what I meant do you want something to drink um I got all these uh gift baskets of like fancy tequila and stuff what do you want what do you remember sopia Russo she was one of the character Witnesses at the trial oh the cook at the Mansion right yeah I uh I stepped by her house the other night oh great how's she doing she's dead the thing is the last person to see her alive was a big white dude a really big white dude you want to tell me what really happened here tell you what I'll I'll I'll take a stab at it okay um you met him in the bar came up to you told you you thought you were cute couple drinks one thing leads to another you're heading out to the alley to go do the Fairly obvious and uh before you know it he's he's punching you he's kicking you he's all over you okay I didn't meet him at the bar but I had seen him before he I kept running into him outside the courthouse and I was W outside the courthouse yeah he he he'd be across the street at that coffee place and I just thought it was his spot and he was big and musly and like every gay man's fantasy I just couldn't believe that he was actually talking to me you know so we started talking and I told him that I was on the jury I know I shouldn't have but I just was trying to impress him or whatever and then he smiled at me this big seductive smile and he threatened me not to tell anyone so you lied to the police no I was just I was scared that he did you happen to tell him uh which way you were leaning guilty or innocent yeah I I told him innocent okay Kyle we have to take this to the police it could change the whole outcome of way man are you [ __ ] kidding me he's going to kill me this time no okay please okay okay [Music] okay hi uh we got untap first G bar [Music] uh Newcastle um my name is Danny Ferman I uh I'm one of the attorneys representing Malcolm Miller look if this is about that juror the cops have turn this place inside out okay so I assume they they check the camera footage already fakes just there to scare anyone looking cause trouble like you uh were you were you working the night of the assault you were you here yes and I've already been interviewed okay what did you tell the cops but I don't remember seeing him bar was a little crazier than usual but my girlfriend was having a little birthday thing girlfriend so you're okay guys are the best tippers yeah I mean not that it you know doesn't matter uh anyway anyway uh birthday okay cake presents the the whole thing yeah she needs a lot of attention um did you happen to take any uh photo videos or I got [Applause] [Music] this okay recognize him no could you send me this file oh necklace hey necklace say something to your mommy and daddy are they here they're watching gu what you want to say to them I want come home governor governor Bennett I'm sorry what you were saying the last last time you saw your son was the proof of Life video he was still alive on the day we made the money transfer the entire $80 million ROM yes we gave him the money there was no reason that he should have killed Nicholas I we we did everything he asked everything that he asked of us he being Malcolm after what he did I mean that man we we we let him into our home we treated him like family and trusted him with our son's wellbeing and for him to well our justice system works and uh we will respect the jury's verdict whatever it is it must be difficult to maintain your public life especially in face of such gut-wrenching tragedy how do you deal with it our marriage uh we take comfort in each other and through God of course a tragedy like this very often destroys a marriage but with us we have grown closer together and the public overwhelmingly supports you you've never pulled higher and it looks like your gun control bill will pass does that give you some measure of comfort I'm sorry are you asking if I'm okay with my son's death because I got a bump in the poles no I do you really think that I care about anything more than my son Mar no I apologize Governor Bennett That's not at all what I had metant what I said earlier wasn't true at all my wife and I we do not take comfort in each other I don't give her the time she deserves I didn't give Nicholas the time either I was an absentee father too caught up with work and politics to watch him take his first step and now he's gone and we'll never get him back the last thing that he said to us was in the proof of Life video he said I want to come home well Nicholas was what held us together he was our home and now we are having trouble finding our way back so well Nicholas is what held us together was our own thank God the jury's sequestered why that Ben it just a hell of an interview guilty or not guilty what do you think I think you're not guilty no I mean what do you think of my new necklace I think it's beautiful on you that's why I bought it you want to do dinner maybe I have a procedure on the casle rape case this afternoon who's presiding The Honorable Wayne stet oh the talker all right scratch dinner but if your ver comes in we can turn it into a celebration oh definitely so celebration you nervous yeah I'm jumping out of my skin I hate waiting are you sure you got to go to work I'm sure I have to go to work I'm sure you look really good right now oh cover that thing up going to make us both late you want a carpool yeah but I can't I got to meet somebody another dead body close hey hey uh kagman yeah you want some coffee no no uh uh who was the guy who used to fry up the pan staks at our pool parties oh okay I mean you eat one and you could sink in the Dead Sea yeah yeah brow yes M does he still work for the FBI doing the facial analysis I don't know I assume he does I haven't seen him in two years his son joined the FBI like his dad I Dad it's Christ I'm just saying I don't mean anything by it you're here you must want something yeah I yeah I tried to talk to your buddy Sanchez down at the precinct he said the connection's flimsy and they don't have time to chase down dime bag dealers but I do my gut tells me that there is a connection okay and if there is my client gets off Scot free so you don't need to show me just send it to me I'll get Bristow to run the guy's face okay okay thank you Dad uh I'm sorry about the other day you know I know that I can be uh a dick sometimes I'll call BR thank you good morning morning thank you for the phone call and distracting Clark I no I'm not supposed to be doing it I just um had a an emergency with my sister I hope she's okay yeah yeah everything's okay do you have siblings yeah two sisters you know they were a handful growing up only worry about them more now that you're getting older I know what you mean $80 million the governor transfers the money into four dummy accounts in Switzerland Dubai Luxembourg and the Cayman Islands money disappears 18 minutes after it hits does that really sound like something a Manny could orchestrate he wasn't just a Manny he was a political activist a political blogger his ID was pter [ __ ] whatever something um it's free one yes and he used it to rant ad nauseum against the 1% and how they should all burn in hell but guess what his boss the billionaire Governor that's the 1% he allegedly used it remember we can't prove it was actually his blog look he was working for the governor for a reason and he was plenty smart enough to orchestrate there's a difference between being smart and pulling off a Bernie made off Global money scheme if Malcolm is so smart then why kill the boy after the governor had already transferred $80 million into your account you're home free exactly okay that sounds just stupid except that the boy could identify him so he had a tie of blue you can't link Malcolm to any of the accounts and if we can't link him to the money we can't say that he did it the absence of evidence is not the evidence of absence you're a teacher you know that it does create doubt Beyond A Reasonable Doubt isn't that the measuring stick here can we really say that the prosecution Pro yes oh let me break this down for you people we all accept the fact that Nicholas Bennett was taken he was killed and a ransom was demanded right right okay let's assume for a second that Malcolm Miller he didn't take the kid let's assume that he didn't open the account and let's assume that he didn't write the ransom note and he has nothing to do with this at all you're talking big time from the top to the bottom conspiracy I like that shut up nerd why is it that every piece of physical evidence and testimony points to him I mean every single piece of irrefutable physical evidence irrefutable evidence yeah irrefutable evidence chloroform in Malcolm's car hairs in Malcolm's trunk DNA under the boy fingernails yeah I'd call that pretty irrefutable Anna I think what Anna is trying to say is that there's still some doubt around those things nothing that we say or no matter how much we speculate will change in is that what you're saying Anna so the first day it was not guilty and then yesterday guilty and then today not guilty which is it I'm I'm not saying that I'm changing my vote I was just asking you a question is that okay Marissa that's right it is a deliberation questions are a part of the process I need a cigarette okay everyone 5 minutes you got to be honest when I heard something from the governor's camp on to step by and take a look I was a little surprised yeah why is that well I figured you guys would be wrapped up with this trial you know if as my kid have been murdered I'd be a wreck until I got the verdict well that's why I'm here the governor's gun bill is on the top of his agenda that's why we need to make sure nobody derails it I wouldn't call whoever ship this over derailing it well like giving it the finger like they just didn't give a dam Coast Guard Interceptor about a half mile out a ship had authorization but you mat description out of Johannesburg of a possible mule Johannesburg South Africa yeah I know that [Music] we have 5 minutes 5 minutes for what I'm meeting the new assistant at 11s buy him a tequila shop for me even better what no nothing nothing too much no no it's is hot no it's good I'm just I'm kind of you know clearly it's something cuz you would had me on this couch by now yeah okay I guess it is I I just I can't stop thinking about it why didn't Pritcher cross-examine Sophia on the stand I mean she she lied about Malcolm hitting the boy that's big if Pritchard said it was because he didn't want her repeating her story over and over again and getting the jury all you know hung up on it that makes sense doesn't it yeah but Pritchard would have decimated a witness that he knew was lying on the St we've seen him do it a million times right he probably just had a bigger strategy well then he missed the perfect opportunity to create Reasonable Doubt you know I me it doesn't get more handed to you on a silver platter than that a witness lying on the stand he he could have easily implicated her true so why why wouldn't he just miss it I guess that happens but yeah speaking of missing perfect chances and slver plads he got minutes oh oh no no no no no no that's that's not we you know I don't buy that he messed up that was way too high profile a case and with all the global media coverage Richard wouldn't have half asked it his ego is too big to have missed a single detail yeah I love that word use an i us it's as good as time it's nice being here though getting to know new people don't you think so why don't you tell me more about your family huh oh I have a real Leave it to Beaver household my husband's a daughter and my two kids boy and a girl they're in the gifted program the older one's already talking about John's Hopkins so he wants to be a doctor how did you oh I suppose you uh learn a lot about our country driving a cab I also learned about John's Hopkins in Pakistan where I used to be a surgeon Anna hello hey how is everything crappy doctor's gave me some perks for how tired these things make you what what doctor was in a car accident this morning why why are you not with Uncle Pete what is going on oh my God I already had a nail appointment I didn't want to cancel Jenny what happened this [ __ ] just veers into my lane and then like I suddenly have to Swerve out of the way and end up hitting this park car bhole didn't even stop just drove off it's like somebody knew you were on my case to get out of town as long as you're okay these pills don't even let me feel my own hands you need to go now are you listening to me does your car still work yeah guess okay well as soon as you feel like it you need to drive okay okay I know I'm going you made your point I'm still voting guilty good for Authority p a crate of these off a South African cargo ship in Long Beach almost 200 weapons now this was after they searched the ship is suspected starways one of the crew members bailed overboard but he left his Forge papers behind Victor when did he get here about a week ago he's here in California probably Los Angeles oh I'm sorry I I didn't mean to interrupt oh it's all right we're just wrapping things up here oh no no I just want to say good night okay find them hey I was just in my room bored wondering if you want to hang out oh um I am so tired but thank you for stopping by yeah no so am I next time you know I just wanted to say even though that you switched your vote and we don't agree in there I hope we can still be friends of course hi hi did Wilson leave he did yes so I'm headed to bed good night I wanted to say thank you for this morning for being so very supportive during that interview I didn't not mean to get so I didn't mean for all of that to come out it was fair to you and inappropriate it's all right regardless I am sorry oh well come here Mark I I was just about to watch um little television did you care to join me that would be very nice [Music] [Music] oh I'm glad you're here awesome uh here just keep it oh thank thank you have a good one 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 hey sorry that it went way long what are you doing I found something okay let okay Ransom note deposit slip showing the $20 million deposit in the bank in Luxemburg right look at them Dan I don't know what this is can please just tell me okay okay the account numbers okay look it the ransom note has five ones at the end of the bank statement only has four there a typo sure but how did the money get to the right place then the typo on the ransom note maybe the kidnapper called and gave the governor instructions outside of the note I hi Governor it's the kidnapper I know I just sent you this Anonymous you know email but can you add a one to the end of I don't know how I got on the right number but if this meant something someone would have said something you would think but nobody has so this is big okay i' I have found something big okay I'm excited about I just wish I knew what it meant I'm so amped I feel like I could just go again right now are you serious yeah but no we got to get a little sleep right I'll be right back ah good morning good morning I just sleep well yeah I didn't keep you up with my snoring no you think you snore way louder than you really do no trust me right now I've woken myself up no I slept really well it was nice it was we should stay in bed all day right come on when was the last time either one of us was able to do something like that gosh I can't even remember okay hey sh no no no up I left my bracelet in the top drawer of my dresser and now it's gone are you sure you didn't just misplace it did you look under your bed um yeah I looked everywhere you know I bet one of them Mexican Maids took a Charles's pen went missing yesterday oh my God that's right yeah I mean I don't mean to be racist but okay I will talk with housekeeping but you two need to get going you're late for deliberations off you go you guys you guys he has to have like a nemesis what you know like in comic books there's always a nemesis I mean a billionaire politician he's got to have some enemies right and why did Malcolm ask for 80 million dollar anyway I mean you could get away with like 5 million but 80 you have to have connections to make that disappear well the governor worked in the shipping industry right doesn't sound like you could make any enemies all these relaxed people on vacation trips to other countries his business is in the international fright shipping not cruise ships you so young and naive do you have any idea what the long shoran unions are capable wait the unions you guys what if they took the kid does anyone know if they were negotiating contracts serious I think the reason the defense didn't bring that up is because it's completely asine why is he allowed to speak why don't you just chill out man how about that yeah why don't you chill out okay hold on hold on what Seth is saying may be a little bit of a reach but he has an interesting point okay what what if somebody wanted to see the governor suffer maybe we should be discussing that what about the the woman he ran against for governor what was her name Lan bur I doubt it what about an NRA lobbyist I mean he's held bent on gun control so they kidnapped the son H an act of violence how will that happen so long as they didn't shoot it guys why are we spiraling down this detour with all the Manpower on this case you think they haven't thoroughly investigated all of these possibilities come on there were no viable suspects introduced by the defense during the entire trial okay that tells me that all roads lead to Malcolm we're just having a discussion Anna exploring reasonable doubt that's our job all right but I don't think that you can Reasonable Doubt Malcolm as an enemy he might have been burned a little bit by the governor but I wouldn't call him an enemy why because he wasn't screwed out of a business deal think about it what about the little guy that he made promises to and did not come through for wouldn't that guy hate him the most what is she talking about when Malcolm asked for the Governor's help and get in his parents green cards Bennett made promises he did not come through on and Malcolm's father he became ill and died before Malcolm could get home all right that was sad yeah I don't know about you but if I was him and I wasn't able to see my father one last time before he died I'd certainly blame the governor I would too so would I yvon you thinking about changing your vote I don't know but I certainly understand how it feels to be overlooked yvon you can't just change your vote for hey back off Ryan she's allowed to change her mind you know maybe the rest of you should do the same hey cutie you doing out here all by yourself hey trying to be nice well you got to be all rude huh [ __ ] you broke my hand you're just going to have to learn to jerk off with the other hand get off me [Music] [Music] our client in San Francisco has been charged with felony murder uh arising from the robbery of of the death excuse me of two security guards uh during the robbery of of the bank um we are currently awaiting a possible uh plea offer from the da I spoke to the DA yesterday it'll be here shortly right right uh so regardless of the offer we should probably file a motion for continuance already filed could you uh excuse us for a moment sir I you you don't have to say anything I you know I think you are the youngest lawyer in this firm ever to sit first chair in a case this large but I'm certain that if you keep spending your nights digging around in cases that have already been tried you're going to be sitting first here on nothing but DUI cases for the next 10 years how did you know that I was looking at Malcolm's case two of the pargal help you carry the Case Files out to your car this case is over there's nothing we can do there's nothing you can do and if he's found not guilty all this digging around will have been utterly pointless what if he's found guilty then we will thoroughly investigate whatever it is that's crawled up your ass on appeal put your energies on this client cuz he deserves a vigorous defense too and be done with this Scooby-Doo [ __ ] understood sir [Music] uh hey Dad what's up uh I was in the neighborhood and I checked in on that uh Russian neighbor Sophia Russo's neighbor yeah I wanted to uh show her the video of our guy at the gay bar you did well she wouldn't wouldn't give me the time of day and it wasn't just that she was uncooperative she was scared she um didn't like the people that were hanging around sopia wow uh wow thank thanks for for doing that Dad yeah well you need help right yeah I do I uh I am definitely stuck at the office today um so the Russian is a dead end uh were you able to talk to breslo yeah yeah he has a photograph as soon as he gets it to I'll bring it to your office Yeah scratch the office I can't really uh make it out of here today either um you think maybe you could just bring it to uh Sanchez it's already with the cops Danny it's with me and unless we got a positive ID from the russan neighbor it's nothing but a hunch okay I I got to go I got some stuff I got to handle okay I just wanted you to know thanks [Music] um you did the right thing by texting me last night Danny seems to be losing perspective I'm just trying to keep him on track do you know what it is the discrepancy in the routing numbers no it's perplexing but no I'm convinced it's probably just a photocopying error one of one of the ones just faded out that makes sense that's what I thought um I do have some other concerns though is there anything else going on what do you mean um well I mean he's not sleeping I don't know where he is at the time drugs no no Danny wouldn't he's the only thing I can think of is maybe cards gambling I know his dad's always worried he's going to fall back into that you know what probably not he's probably just caught up in this case he's having a hard time letting it go yeah yeah I'm sure that's all it is lunch finally yay okay guys 30 minutes I want to pick back up on the prosecution's argument for motive I'm going to go and smoke I'm going to go get me one of those brownies Malcolm has a family it's all the motive he needs believe me once you held a baby in your arms for the first time you'll Rob Fort Knox to give him a better life yeah how's your daughter by the way she's tough it's frustrating we keep getting passed over by kids that are sicker than she is we haven't moved anywhere on the list in 6 months I'm sorry man why are you so sure that Malcolm's guilty throughout the whole trial when we chatted and first day of deliberation you were certain that he was innocent what changed for you in the beginning I had my own thoughts and I guess an idea what I thought the truth should be but after listening to other people's arguments and point of view I that's what this whole process is about isn't it no it is I'm going to try and change your mind back okay hey brlo yeah sure took your time on this one you're my wife I don't get enough maging at home yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] what do you got you cross 15 years in the Navy nine of those is a seal so how do I track them I was getting to that just got to hit off your man's credit card we got him yeah is anyone watching you what I just talked to Victor he thinks the feds are following you [ __ ] I I've been watching for a tail there's nothing I need to meet other associate isn't happy he's on his way here so you need to finish up now get out [Music] there you are I think Acton is the only Vault expert so maybe uh you know let's let's just definitely get him paid right Danny where the hell are you call me back you going sucker okay it's that time of day all those for guilty and not guilty a guilty for not guilty that's a one vote change from yesterday let's get some sleep and keep going in the morning uh other than that uh you know I'm sorry I I'm I got to take this um hi uh in a meeting right now not a great time what's up yeah but it's not with your boss you want to know how I know I just sent you something couldn't get a clear shot of the girl so uh I'm running facial recognition I'll call you if I hear anything okay for what do we do we're going to lose her oh [ __ ] hey Clark Clark can you help me out here what the hell is going on I don't know I don't know what's wrong you check it out mother I'm going to back real quick all right [Music] [Music] a 10% increase in approval rating from the American people in the latest poll this will be a long night and a lot of government services appear poised to go away at least oh [ __ ] reporting live from Washington L is Brook a excuse me governor no he didn't just benett governor on need a moment of your time alello that's all right I'll um I'll just head upstairs it's fine I'll wait up thank you good night W good night man what is it an agent breslo ran a face wreck on a picture he received my guy with the feds intercepted him 9:00 a.m. everyone it's consensus day I can feel it late night early morning hey August I locked myself out you locked yourself out I don't have my shoes on N don't beat yourself up Mr brand it's been a long 5 days voila oh got to find that key this it huh I don't remember putting it there you don't oh well let's make sure this is yours okay oh let me try sometimes you got to you got to wiggle it oh that's not working can I try your master key [Music] mhm huh I'll tell you what I'll go down to the front desk and I'll have them check your door lock and reprogram your key thanks hey after all this is over maybe we should get together you know hang out oh uh yeah maybe uh but I I should keep going go go we will talk later okay stupid sure about this what if it's not could be a cell phone or whatever she's using to report our votes we're doing this hey I know you what was your name again hi these late nights are killing me I feel like I never see you except in the office yeah how's the uh C steel case going oh it's fine I just got dump this besto case I have to go to Albuquerque for 2 days of depos that sounds horrible the espeso or gr to New Mexico exactly hey um I actually have to tell you something I got something I got to tell you too here you mind if I go first yeah sure sure um I don't know how to say this I lost your necklace I I had it yesterday and when I went to shower this morning I realized it was gone I have no idea where it is I looked everywhere I looked in bed it's okay it's no big deal I'm so sorry it meant so much to me no I know I know that I'll I'm going to buy you another one no that's not what I meant I just just loved it so much it's you know hey it's a necklace it's replaceable thanks yeah so what were you going to tell me is that Richard yeah and that is the guy who beat up the juror in the Malcolm Miller case what and also the guy who I believe killed Sophia rouso made it look like an OD oh my God are you sure yeah my dad found him sent me that pick so what's pretard doing with him you think Pritchard is working with this guy not with him for him I I think there's a reason Pritchard took this case Pro Bon I know I think these guys are paying him to throw now you really s so what do we do I mean right now it's just theories in a picture so it's nothing concrete I don't think we need to worry about it yet maybe we should be worried you sat second chair on this case for him if he's going to throw it maybe you're his scapegoat oh my God you guys have been arguing in circles for the last 4 days saying the same old [ __ ] over and over and over again are you all [ __ ] or just plain stupid you know I vote for stupid with the exception of you yeah now all I care about is whether the defense proved to me that Malcolm was innocent and they did not the problem is rfang that the defense doesn't have to prove anything the burden of proof lies on the prosecution well not all ideals are applicable in the real life that totally makes sense Ruru I think she's right guys I think he did it okay well we'll take whoever we can get why don't we take a vote all those for guilty and not guilty closer still not there but I'm confident that tomorrow tomorrow nothing the three studs are not going to change their minds this is a hung jury now you tell the judge and let's all get on with the rest of our lives I'm just sick this [ __ ] oh my God are you okay what did they do to you I'm fine hey malcol you've seen a doctor right you please tell me you've seen someone I I said I I'm fine I just I'm sorry don't want to start I brought new photos [Music] he let you cut his hair yeah everyone says he looks like you now you still won't come with you um just just hard for him kids SC and um honey Luke loves you so much he does you know he does it's just really hard for him to understand all of it Malcolm please baby I need you to be strong stay with me stay positive okay you could be home tomorrow they could let you out of here you could be back with us very very soon okay h yeah Dad hey um any update well I got some bad news BR slow wasn't able to make an ID on the girl to photograph was too dark [ __ ] um you get anything from following the big guy yeah well mostly circles it's the way these steakouts go sometimes is hot for a minute cold for a month just take some time right right look um I really appreciate you doing this for me now what else do I have to do I'm serious I it means a lot to me I know feels good you know working together for a change Danny for the record I am I don't care whether you're a cop like I am or not I don't give a [ __ ] whether you're a lawyer or a garbage collector I just want you to be the man I know you can be Dany yeah yeah I'm here we'll get to the bottom of this I know all right bye mother [ __ ] damn it I canot believe you pin to that please yeah well my XXX ex-boyfriend brought me there like forever ago on my birthday and then the [ __ ] conveniently forgets his wallet so I end up paying oh my God what a jerk well I ended up staying in the relationship for like a year and a half so honestly who's the jerk hey can I ask you something yeah so what's up with you and Ryan this did not need to be recorded didn't work on our door because it's Ryan's key Ryan's let me see your master key [ __ ] we sat next to each other in the jury box we got to know each other that way and that's that's it really it's a bummer he's nerdy but he's cute can I speak to you August please there has to be a mistake you pretended like Ryan's key card was your key card and you switched yours for mine what no I August what the hell are you doing in my room I have insomnia I needed to sleep you're going get slapped with the fine and kicked off the jurry yeah well better than what's going to happen to you for breaking and entering another juror's room Anna where you going Anna thanks for coming down Marissa where' you say that an acid was yeah it's right where I told you it was going to be on the dresser oh there it is I'll meet you back up hey August I think this is is yours no no no no I have mine right here actually this is mine isn't it Anna what the heck that's weird okay good luck buddy that doesn't make any sense weed that's what she was doing on the roof a drug deal she says she has insomnia she knew they searched our luggage so she had her dealer delivery it's not Marissa who is it why are you so sure there's a all I just am okay okay what do you mean all there is to I'll tell you what all there is to it well you better get used to it no no don't you start talking to me like that I don't have to listen to this from you me son of a [ __ ] see that with all due respect Mr gar you have no right to demand anything of me least of all my time well then I'll get to the point where'd you get that that's none of your concern your concern is that I will ruin you if you don't tell me how to find the man that they work for or should I say the man that you work for I have no idea what you're talking about and those two just happened to be a couple of respective clients out to me my business is none of yours maybe if you dealt with your business your child wouldn't be dead yes you son of a [ __ ] you damn maniac and I don't think she's going to answer she hey it's Jenny look just leave her a message you can try back tomorrow hey it's Jenny you know what to stop Clark please your turn is over damn it hey an let me try thanks yeah Anna Jenny's going to be okay yeah I just wish I knew for sure good night good night is find what you're looking for hey you're up late where did you disappear off to Nowhere really I had to go help Wilson with something yeah is everything okay yeah everything's fine oh my God what happened to your hand this nothing honey what the hell happened that's fine it's not fine look at you again look let me see this fine it's fine I'm fine let me just get you some I said it's fine please what are you doing in my office uh the official plea deal came in from San Francisco I got your name on it but I'm first chair so I thought I should I should have it what are you going to do I going to do whatever is best for my client listen I'm having a few people over at the club tomorrow you should come with me 11:00 a.m. sorry uh not available it's Saturday what else do you have to do you're a young man on the move you need to start forming new friends I have plenty not the right kind of friends I'm afraid I cannot accept no for an answer I guess I have no choice Anna sorry to bother you so late but your sister's on the phone no it's against the rules but you were so upset before Oh my God is she okay yeah she sounded fine to me thank you Clark Jenny are you okay what's going on nothing I'm just really really really sorry about you know not answering your calls I just I don't know lost track of time don't worry about it but are you sure that you're okay you sound funny No in fact I'm great I just I have a new boyfriend and um he wants to talk to you hello Anna Jenny says such nice things about you so looking forward to meeting you well it's just too bad that deliberation of yours is taking so long you know what I [Music] mean why didn't we have another child Weis wanted a boy and a girl why didn't we try for another you are very busy people you never finished it we bought him all of this stuff we couldn't buy him the time to finish his Alien Invasion just kept buying him more and more more stuff to keep him busy so that we could to our oh so important work did you ever wonder if we didn't have all of this maybe Malcolm wouldn't have kidnapped him to get it I don't know we need this [ __ ] not Nicholas he would have been happy with a box of colored markers it was hor aish that got him killed please don't it's true it is not true what got him killed was the greed of another man it is not our fault that he [Music] died please be seated that's not necessary but will the foreman please remain standing do you have an update for the court on this fine Saturday yes your honor I'm afraid we still haven't reached a verdict and will you or are you hopelessly deadlocked I wouldn't call it hopeless no when a jury has been deliberating for several days the American Bar Association presents us with a standard admonition I'm going to risk deviating from this if only to stress the importance of your verdict I know you've been deliberating for 5 days I know you're all at odds with each other you all have other responsibilities well like it or not you 12 have been chosen and that means you have another responsibility to an 8-year-old boy who was snatched from his bed in the dead of night and discarded lifeless the man who is Accused is waiting in a prison cell for your verdict this is not about you this is about them so the next time any of you feel that a consensus just cannot be reached I want you to ask yourself this question why am I really here hey Dad uh it's me I'm just checking in to see how things are going I am stuck going to a work thing um but I need to show you something so uh I'll give you a try as soon as I'm done okay hope you're feeling lucky today I'm going to take your gag out so you can eat don't you dare scream I I don't hear even the tiniest PE out of you you got me not unhold some recck room you acquire us a couple of livations and I'll see you presently okay uh hi to mallen's neat please thank you so you friends with that prick uh my boss let me tell you something they look like the emperor strikes back but that guy gets more badge than a gyo I'm sorry do I know you no but I know your boss better than I'd like to oh he he's your lawyer Kevin Mo right hi Danny Ferman nice to meet you likewise so I guess that makes you my lower too then huh it does um if you uh dislike him so much why do you retain our counsil because he slaughtered my lawyers in that billion dollar patent infringement case bet he did I don't got to like him I just care that he wins makes sense read and multiply my little green friends here he is my good friend and Protegé Danny the rising star of our firm take a good long look at this handsome face you're going to be seeing a whole lot more of them George Arthur Niles you may know Arthur oh yeah your honor you you presided over four of my trials yeah well cut the your honor crap here I'm just Ary and and and you're California State Bar ethics investigator been taking money from your boss here for years haven't busted him for an infraction yet though Niles backer Prince of Darkness it's his game oh hey hi N Jam Ferman pleas you know it doesn't look look like he has any money I thought you got a vouch for him hush my darling well I think uh looks can be receiving Niles there is a kids table it'ss over there it's a joke right it's a joke don't be a dick Niles Niles can be a dick that is all I have that's going to be plenty the game is Texas hem No Limit small blinds 150 big blinds 300 thing that I am still finding it hard to reconcile is Malcolm's DNA in the boy's fingernails well exactly but more than that why wasn't there any scratch marks on Malcolm's body that's something I hadn't thought about very very interesting who's to say that the scratches didn't heal before he was arrested I mean it was 10 days after the kidnapping true but for the fact that it would take typically 2 weeks for an ordinary scratch to heal but in this circumstance well it would take much longer so does in your expert opinion by the time they arrested Malcolm he should still have marks on him if he had truly been scratched yes but he didn't this is getting awfully Kumbaya okay yeah it's all well and good only I don't think that we should be considering each other's testimony no matter how expert it may or may not be I mean the trial happened [Music] already e [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you beautiful we have another one of these please give the boy one you make it a double what is the name of the the last guy you brought in here funny little Puerto Rican fellow what was his name Alberto Alberto my SE PA yeah the chob left here Pockets loaded and um he got mugged three blocks from here mugged beaten to a pulp so you see getting lucky isn't always good luck around here I'm all in I will call that's open up that is like a kick in the nuts that is so harsh don't be so glum because when you're walking out of here with empty Pockets think of Alberto okay Danny that's enough another night I'm not done no why don't you um don't you play me without your jacket on without my jacket on my jacket I like my jacket well I would but you have no money it's your game change that is he good for it yeah sure okay well then let's give him another 100 Grand his first 100 Grand and someone put his jaet on a hook I think it's time for another book okay but before that I definitely want to go over a few more points oh hell no it's been a long damn day and we're calling it Quicks for the night all those for not guilty whatever is going to get us out of here the fastest what she said n all those why are you bothering we can all do math oh damn it hi Mr Governor um I tried to write you a letter a whole bunch of times I just it never expressed how sorry I am for what happened with you and your wife and and Nicholas and Malcolm I wanted to explain to you why I left without any notice um I couldn't bear to see the two of you suffering it was never supposed to be like this they told me that Nicholas was going to be taken back I'm so sorry I'm so sorry [Music] ol in cool son of a well winning again has been a pleasure but I am done no no no no no no no no I'm not done well sadly I am because beating you has really lost its novelty yeah I bet when you're cheating excuse me yeah damn you're me who the [ __ ] do you think you are get him out of here what come on he's been cheating the whole time right right get him out come on Danny go f f f come on yeah yeah yeah what the hell were you thinking in there do you have any idea who that is I don't [ __ ] that guy I don't care well you ought to care that's not a guy who holds a grudge he squeezes it until it suffocates I don't know I'm sorry I don't know what I was I don't know what I was thinking I what what am I going to do I don't have that kind of money don't worry I I'll take care of it don't worry come on [ __ ] I got [Music] you I really appreciate you doing this for me sir I will pay you back plus interest just think of it as an an advance on your salary well in that case uh I'm going to be eating ramen noodles for the next year and a quarter you could pay it off much sooner if you want to work with me several private clients I have private clients people whose interests I represent in all aspects of their lives notwithstanding the nature of their business for which they pay me quite handsomely sounds like um ethically questionable work for morally questionable clients it's fine and good to be high and mighty like your father but honestly is that really how you want to wind up depending on pensions Social Security that's not you Danny you wouldn't be working for me if it were yeah do you even understand what you did wrong back there I lost you made the same mistake there at the table that you're making here now you're like a goddamn dog with a bone like that stuff with Sofia's body and burrowing into the Miller case looking through my office at night what are you looking for with all of that what are you trying to do with there are questions I I I I still just want answers to about this case that's where you're going wrong that's the difference between a good lawyer and a professional I never ask a question to which I do not need the answer see simply put I worry about you you could have gotten into some real trouble there tonight if I hadn't been there you know I'm happy to help out I want to take care of this for you but I worry if you keep going on the way you are now what's going to happen when I'm not there you've already got one father that's plenty no more lectures tonight I'll go get your money thank you for [Music] can I come in Anna what is going on with you nothing I'm fine you're clearly not fine I am I appreciate you stopping by to check on me I'm fine I hope you know that whatever you say to me will stay between us I want that but it's just I'm under a lot of under a lot of pressure at home and it's just frustrating being here yeah I get it would you stay here for a while of course [Music] where the hell have you been I [ __ ] up what what do you mean I'm just everything in prer [ __ ] [ __ ] where are you now he took me to a game I lost big dad I lost big I know I shouldn't have and I I owe somebody money a lot of money and and and priter and Nora okay just sit tight I'm coming to get you where are you I don't I don't I don't even know I don't can you see a street sign hey Danny listen just keep your head it's going to be all right I'm on my way I promise everything's going to be all right just to just wait there these things have a way of working themselves out dad dad dad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music]
Channel: CineClips
Views: 136,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cineclips, cine, clips, cinema, films, movies, compilations, best of, comedy, horror, sci-fi, drama, animation, scene, scenes, funny, scary, trailer, new, 2019, fresh, trailers, official, movieclips, movie clips, fandango
Id: Ow-tc7IfccE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 47sec (7307 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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