What's At The Center Of Block World?

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listen I'm not usually a stickler for these kind of things but I feel like when it comes to destroying planets labels are important I've got seven things not really sure what I I was told there was something like Minecraft missiles evidently told a little bit too late because I hit Earth with one of them and now it looks like the kind of thing that would have multiple Facebook groups trying to prove its existence and I can't help but wonder what would happen if I hit it with another one you know like if we cube the cube would that bring us to another dimension [Music] or it could just bring us to Minecraft worlds block planet I wonder how many diamonds would be at the center of Minecraft world don't judge me but billions of people are about to die so that I can have a very happy [Music] what's up guys welcome back to solar smash the game that finally puts the fate of the earth into our hands not the governments now if the world's gonna come to an end then it's not gonna be because of climate change or pandemic or war in Eastern Europe no it's gonna be because of uh uh space bees that's new yeah if you couldn't already tell solar smash got a little bit of an update and uh I stand corrected they're actually exploding space beads that seem to have a bit of an affinity for Florida to be perfectly honest if you saw the headline exploding space bees invade Florida you wouldn't even think twice if anything you probably like did that happen last year once the sun whips around and everybody who's left alive turns on their lights really emphasizes how much of North America those bugs just cooked like there's like a little bit of maybe California and Vancouver left and I survived which means I probably shouldn't test my luck over here anymore if anything we should be heading to Australia these people are used to this kind of thing I wouldn't even really be that surprised if the bugs originated from here like if you think of all the weird insects that are trying to kill people on mars or Jupiter or Saturn versus Australia then the former definitely look like better vacation destinations especially now I wonder if I can use more than one swarm so that's one and oh dear all right uh let's see how far we can push this I get the feeling that I may be making a bit of a mistake the only thing dying faster than the Aussies right now is my frame rate no I can't I can't stop it's for science I don't think there's gonna be much Earth left after this yeah something tells me Benadryl isn't gonna help with that swelling why is it so red hot we're not even that far into the Earth like usually if you take something like the laser and you cut fairly far into the Earth you get a whole bunch of crust really shitty pizza but it's not that hot it's just rock that's even deeper than over here but like this is just Molten what do those bugs do we're gonna have to try something on another planet I'm gonna release a swarm on Jupiter and see what that does because Jupiter is gaseous and I get the feeling that the Swarm just eats up whatever it can but then also poops it back out except much much much hotter I don't think you'll be able to do that quite as easily with gas so we're not left with anything particularly molten just a slightly smaller Jupiter smaller laggier Jupiter okay yo we'll just leave you to lick your wounds there are a couple other materials in the universe that we can test this theory on I don't think the Snowman is necessarily made out of snow but at the very least he's all rock hard and has a whole bunch of crotch bugs you might want to get that checked out my guy talked to a doctor they may give you some kind of special shampoo or penicillin to help with the itching but no burning they didn't leave anything molten behind interesting so is he snow I guess I probably should know that before testing the bugs out what if we take something like the laser and just cut into you again did things change with the update he used to just be like the center of the Earth but now he looks pretty Frozen the whole way through huh okay so now we have an actual snowman good to know we obviously can't forget about our ghost Planet which I I think is just made up of jello hopefully not Bill Cosby Jello though I don't want the Swarm falling asleep it's really weird because I've killed a whole lot of planets none of them have turned into ghosts so I'm still not sure what the deal with this thing is but I guess it was delicious okay so they're not necessarily pooping out lava every time it's just an earth thing did Australia give them diarrhea or what maybe we can get a similar effect with the bugs from an Australia of a different world because we've got Flat Earth which has an Australia Flat Earth being made up in stupid people's minds but I I would say that it's very similar to normal Earth maybe a little bit thinner you know a thin crust and they are diving in deep yeah that looks kind of molten oh I should have seen if any of them could fly into the sun can I use them against the sun I can that can't go well for the bugs right oh yeah that's uh that's not a problem for them that's a problem for the Sun what I thought they were gonna be like moths to a flame that went white hot and they never stopped popping but nope Sun popped all right well I guess that hole in Australia is the least of flat Earth's problems now sorry so if Australia can't kill the bugs and the sun can't kill the bugs then can I kill the bugs if I release a swarm and then fire something like an anti-matter missile at where they're feeding we might be able to take a couple of them out okay wait the explosion doesn't matter it's the implosion that really packs a punch with these things so all the bugs left all right they're smarter than they look well one of those missiles really doesn't number on the earth doesn't it oh I just screwed the whole thing didn't I yup and nobody left to tell the tale well it's good to know that some of the older weapons we've tested out in the past have been upgraded like that was a lot stronger than I remember I'm kind of hoping the same thing applies to these proximity Minds these sensitive bombs whatever you want to call them they're not actually exploding right now they're just very big and impacting North America like a meteor they're gonna explode when something rustles their jimmies hopefully not one another just want to stack them up next to one another everybody's kosher we're all good we're all friends here save it for the bugs I want to use just enough to kill all the bugs but not so many that we blow up Earth I'm not sure what the Tipping Point is probably better safe than sorry right that should be good all right bugs come and get it yeah oh that didn't go either way we didn't kill the worlds and we didn't kill a single friggin bug all right um we did get three quarters of a billion people though so I guess that's something well if we can't find a way to kill the bugs then maybe we can just stop them this alien planet has a shield around this which is something I could carry over to Earth if it's worth the trouble bugs are real tenacious very persistent but eventually they'll bug her off okay so with that in mind playing c d how many times have I failed let's just call it Plan D for this is a dumb idea we'll send in the bugs and then I'm gonna try to suck them into a black hole and hopefully the shield should defend against the bugs and the hole we would like to plant it to uh not have that happen I'm sorry did the Swarm just get spaghettified and then it did nothing did absolutely nothing everybody just comes in gets their meal and then they put the shields back up and pretend like nothing happened we'll go over here see the planet is fine listen I'm not usually a stickler for these kind of things but I feel like when it comes to destroying planets labels are important I've got seven things not really sure what I I was told there's something like Minecraft missiles evidently told a little bit too late because I hit Earth with one of them and now it looks like the kind of thing that would have multiple Facebook groups trying to prove its existence and I can't help but wonder what would happen if I hit it with another one you know like if we cube the cube would that bring us to another dimension or it could just bring us to Minecraft worlds block planet I wonder how many diamonds would be at the center of Minecraft world don't judge me but billions of people are about to die so that I can have a very wrong nothing dishes on this planet and the bad news is it turns out that Minecraft world is completely horrorless it's just dirt and stone and lava actually I wonder if I freeze the lava would I be able to get myself some obsidian doesn't quite look like it nope just turns into ice this isn't following any of the rules it takes a while to freeze the center of a planet I'm telling you even if it is made up of blocks but this is a bit of a bummer I gotta say like why couldn't I've killed fortnite World these Minecraft is kinda cool I suppose the planet is still flying on the other side it doesn't need a core go figure uh oh it looks fine until I remember that I have this oh I love that sound it's quiet of space [Music] it deserves so much better but at the same time I can't help but immediately question if the bugs would like to eat it I could fix it it's it's fine easy to put back together it's not that many blocks it's interesting that everything is being destroyed block by Block it's not like part of a block is destroyed so if you actually shot like one single nuke can I maybe get that out yeah single nuke weapons five and I want to hit this closest Little to Ah that's five nukes my math is bad but I managed to kill that one little piece of water so maybe these are like weird resolution missiles like every time you hit one of the planets the resolution increases oh no they're repair missiles right we saw these in a previous update I think oh so if I use another one over here we might be able to get the planet it's weird seeing it grow back individual block by individual block see what I mean about the labels though had I known that that I probably wouldn't have pissed them away on a completely full Planet even though that's probably why I got my secrets I mean why else would you use them on a whole undamaged plant there you go it's a good as I found it except for the fact that the glaciers on the top are missing because Global warming's got to come for all of us at some point I'll be the first to admit I'm a bit of a goober when it comes to destroying the Universe I don't bother reading up on all of the notes beforehand but I'm noticing now that uh things are a little different here I recognize all of the Soul system these are your typical planets plus you know Ganymede and terraformed Mars and I recognize some of Alpha Centauri others not so much but Tau City I don't think we've done anything here before like Aphrodite stands out Aphrodite was the goddess of love and a thick goddess she is we should quite clearly drill her don't take that out of context I just want to do drill into those gassy holes God damn it why can't I just say things that can be stop leaving comments okay I'm the first YouTuber I was gonna say it's don't leave a comment on this video do not tell me about Aphrodite's gassy holes that we've now been enveloped in uh drill still in there buds there's something going on underneath all this pinky ass so we clearly need to find out what you know what I might as well just commit to the innuendo how about we give Aphrodite's gassy holes worms because the worms are different it didn't used to look like that before did it it's got quite the mouth on it looking quite a bit thicker longer oh yeah it's really just gonna burrow in there we could use a couple of them actually just send in all of the worms they can soak up the gas usually the way it works is there's a whole bunch of atmosphere around a very tiny planet inside but sometimes those planets hide secrets and I want to dive into the secrets maybe get my drill back it never did come out the other side very strange are the worms gonna come back out they're swimming around but okay this is actually super weird why is nothing going through this planet well she may have a big pink worm devouring hole but I've got a big black Planet devouring hole and that should make quite the impact a whole lot of gas oh Brown inside gross oh we really screwed up the surface there look at what happened to all the patterning and it's Gonna Fill back in is it all gas well the good news is we're really getting down to brass tacks but the bad news is I can't blow up the sun oh oh hold on let's just zoom on in that is Rock no more gas a little bit of like pinkish liquids right but that is Aphrodite's insides something I did not think I was gonna say today you know what the scientifically accurate planets are definitely a whole lot of fun but I just love the secret planets and it looks like there are two new ones we got block world we didn't get the other and I've been told that you need to do something to the Snowman sometimes these things are just impossible to guess so I'll just have people tell me but if I send in the planet destroyer once this snowman is evenly cooked I pull the plug apparently I didn't think you could evenly cook snow especially since it's been updated but I guess we'll see this thing doesn't mess around so we're just gonna have to hold out no not yet holds hold it's gonna take off we just gotta oh there goes the face okay and once he's gone he's cleared and we're good oh yeah uh sure you evenly cook a Snowman in space you get a gingerbread man who is asserting dominance why do they all t-pose I don't know what kind of dominance you're trying to assert guy you got an ass so flat that you should be jealous of a wall oh we're sending in the drill for a very uh tactical survey of the area I'm not quite sure what they call this geographical location but uh we're going to call that a success not so smiley now are you jackass it seems only fitting that I would have the bugs try to eat the gingerbread planets because this experiment is apparently going to carry throughout the entire episode but I feel like I should give him a Fighting Chance especially after you know drilling out the pooper so we're gonna send up some Shields and they are not really aiming in the right direction all right you know what that's the shield manufacturer's fault not mine I tried my best oh the bugs also just don't particularly care by the look of it they just go wherever they want Even though they did take out the Shields and then they went for his Ginger buttons but overall doing okay that could have gone much worse for him so the shields actually do kind of work I can hear Australia from halfway across the universe yelling why didn't you try that with us well you know what you could have had a moon tossed at your tits too but uh you didn't oh he's so thin that stuff just kind of follows through and then keeps on going you know not typical for a planet we haven't really seen anything where the projectiles survives who don't want to be the person who finds that floating around in space I stand by what I said earlier about labels it would be very helpful if I knew what the weapon was called but in this case I'm pretty sure that's a lightsaber right if that's the case then we're gonna try to do some planetary pumpkin carving how does this work exactly oh okay oh all right not too bad a little something like that a little something like that it's uh it's it's finicky it's come on over here over this way and that is not what I wanted you to do at all he looks like he's screaming out in pain as he should should we uh curve out the top as well just do a little huh you know what Luke Skywalker can eat my ass because I am definitely the master Jedi now ten thousand degree hot knife cuts through Minecraft Planet it's gone wrong there's some 2016 YouTube click bait for you I don't understand how this thing works in all reality it's just just kind of doing its own thing I want to be like swinging it around oh okay maybe I do know what I'm doing maybe I am the man actually I'm a Sith at this point let's be perfectly honest no Jedi's walking around playing death star uh oh it's fine I got plenty more healing missiles it'll be all right this sword is weird though I have no doubt that it would be able to cut its way through Flat Earth because you know most things can yeah easy peasy okay just a little bit and okay we got two flat Earths what I want to know is can we cut through the Moon that was in fact the easiest way to cut through the moon and how about the Sun yeah yeah it's like deflecting a laser beam back at a Droid absolutely no issue at all so Flat Earth how you feeling right now good cold probably cold don't you guys worry half of the 500 million people that live on earth yes seriously they're still alive even though the sun and the moon are gone and I decided to make an X-Men logo so we're just gonna try thermonuclear war because that never gets boring if you just fire all the missiles just just as many as you can I'm I'm still clicking some of them ended up getting stuck in oh no not some of them a lot of them ended up getting stuck in gravity oh that's loud huh nobody alive nobody left alive that was cool for a second there I thought we were gonna have some kind of convergence like we had we had a a star forming in the middle of this make-believe if they can survive a space storm then I think I just give up or a couple space storms let's just do something like this I I don't care this all right look at the planet look what we did to this we just hauled the whole place and the bugs are like oh nothing left to eat okay bye The Shield is fine somebody's gonna lose their job over keeping it up but uh the star in the middle is looking good overall I I think it could have some resale value you know what desperate times call for desperate measures if I can't have the world survive and destroy the bugs then maybe I can just have the Sun destroy the bugs we uh piss you off a little bit and then oh bugs got a meal for you there you go yeah just just keep coming keep hanging out num num num so tasty here we go come on Earth come on Earth just kick it just hit the yeah oh that feels good I've never been so happy to see so many little planetary dingleberries and no bugs no living or dead bugs it's like a blew them into another dimension whatever I'll take it all right you know what I think that's gonna be it for this episode of solar smash guys once again another great update we got more secret planets we got more weapons we got more stuff to do and now I've done it all and I can't really think of anything else so if you guys want to see more as always leave some recommendations in the comments some strange experiments you want me to try or maybe there'll be another update and then I'll be able to return soon but thanks so much for watching this video I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you next time [Music] thank you
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 705,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: solar smash, solar smash update, solar smash game, solar smash gameplay, solar smash funny, solar smash funny moments, planet sandbox, planet simulator, earth destruction game, planet destruction game, solar smash secrets, solar smash secret planet, solar smash new secret planet, solar smash minecraft, solar smash block world, solar smash block planet, solar smash lightsaber, solar smash bugs, solar smash swarm, solar smash 2022, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: RyCJpK1Nefw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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