All FOUNDING TITANS in History EXPLAINED! | Attack on Titan | Ancient Titans

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what's going on guys today i'm going to explain every founding titan in the history of attack on titan at its full potential the shifter is pretty much invincible as it has control over every subject of emir not to mention all titans and titan shifters for a hundred years its powers were severely weakened due to the varonizing war but luckily for aaron that vow only affects people who have royal blood as a result he can use its true abilities when the right conditions are met which is unlike most of his recent predecessors by my account there are 10 characters who have used the founder's power that we know of and in this video i'll be going through the details of each one in the process we'll discuss the different ways they've used it and where the power of the titans even comes from but spoiler went ahead for the second half of the final season if you're interested in more content like this then do check out my attack on titan playlist since i've now done a video on all of the night shifters okay so the first person on this list is yamir fritz who was the original founding titan from nearly 2000 years ago for a long time it was speculated that her abilities came from some kind of deal with the devil but i would argue the truth is even more bizarre in the beginning emir was a powerless child from a random village however one day her people were attacked by a tribe known as the aldians this tribe was led by a man called carl fritz and they proceeded to kill yamiya's parents cut out her tongue and capture her as a slave for good measure soon afterwards she was made to perform various tasks for the aliens alongside the other slaves and this included things like transporting jugs of water and looking after the pigs on one fateful day she intentionally left the gate of the pigpen open allowing one of the pigs to escape and this decision although it seemed harmless at first unfortunately that choice would lead to billions and billions of deaths by letting the animal go she was almost immediately blamed for it and aldean soldiers were sent by fritz to chase her through the forests even though the situation seemed hopeless a wounded yamir continued to stumble forward to survive and this is where we come to the origin of the titans in chapter 137 zeke gave armin a lesson about how life on earth began and during that monologue we saw these organisms in the sea the one on the left made a brief appearance during the season 2 opening but the creature in the center is the real one we need to talk about this type of worm is referred to as hallucigenia which is an extinct species that existed hundreds of millions of years ago in the real world in the attack on titan universe though a large mutated version of this creature existed during ymir's lifetime and had the power to largen other things within the ldm forest there was a massive tree that stood high above all others and its size was likely caused by the hallucinogenia living underneath it of course simia herself had no reason to suspect anything so she walked into this tree thinking she'd have a place to hide but soon fell down into the water below as she desperately struggled for breath the mutant worm quickly approached her and fused itself into her spine this merging of human and hustygenia is what led to the creation of the first founding titan with her invincible body towering over everything in sight in terms of her design this original titan had distinctive features that we don't often see like her protruding ribs and the fact her skull has no flesh whatsoever while there is no official confirmation on her size i'd estimate that she's at least taller than the colossal although let me know in the comments what you think her exact height might be now despite her newfound power ymir returned to serve carl fritz in what was a strange turn of events you'd assume she'd want revenge for him enslaving her and destroying her hometown but instead she went on to obey him as a titan for the following 13 years her titan body also helped to build roads bridges and anything useful to ld's expansion but importantly she didn't have access to the coordinates full abilities this will become clearer as the video goes on but most of the founders powers only work on subjects of ymir who are the people descended from emir herself regular human beings are totally unaffected by things like memory manipulation for example so at this point in history she couldn't use his true potential regardless of that the earlier empire was still able to expand at a ridiculously fast rate and king fritz became a very powerful individual ymir would go on to have three of his children over the years with their names being mario rose and sheena which may sound familiar because the wars on parodies were named after them on the day their mother died the king was addressing his soldiers in the military when one of them rose up and straight up tried to assassinate him he threw a spirit fritz with pinpoint accuracy but ymir herself jumped in the way and took the fatal blow while this was a serious injury it's conceivable that a titan shifters should be able to survive this as long as they have the will to live it's probable that you yamir's will to live vanish when she looked up at king fritz as the two of them made direct eye contact after she was attacked in that moment her daughters were crying but the king himself showed no emotion despite the fact she just saved his life he simply told her to stand up and get back to work and only when she heard this did our eyes begin to close her soul was reborn in what we now know to be the past dimension and from there she would have probably the worst job of all time in all the times people have been using the titans it was ymir who was creating those titan bodies out of sand and then sending the flesh and bones to that person through parts in the final chapter armin questioned why you may will continue to obey fritz and do all these things for 2000 years with aaron confirming it was because she loved him clearly we know the king did not love her back but in dying she still followed his final order to work because she felt connected to the wall she left behind before we move on to the next founding titan we should probably mention the curse of emir which is something that affects all titan shifters since she died 13 years after getting her titan none of her descendants are able to surpass the length of time with their bodies deteriorating when the time gets closer admittedly this affects different people in different ways as grisha jaeger looked pretty normal when his time was about to run out whereas uri rice was in his 30s looking like he was about to drop dead it's unclear why exactly the curse of ymir exists i mean does he may intentionally make that happen or is it the will of the coordinate i mean we just don't know but either way it's an unavoidable thing that every shifter goes through with that said the second founding titan we know about is one of vimeo's daughters and i'm going to explain how this led to the creation of the present day royal bloodline after yamir's death fritz was desperate for the titans not to disappear so he forced his daughters to eat every last piece of our body this is similar to how people in the present will turn into pure titans before eating a shifter but the main thing they have in common is that you need to eat the spine the spine is of course where the lusugenia first connected to ymir so by mario rosenshine eating it the titan powers were split between them two of them would have inherited hybrid titans that are a mix of the eight shifters we know today but only one child would have inherited the true founding titan as gabby said this ancient worm is the coordinate so it lived on inside whichever sister had the founder while the other two shifters were simply connected to it this ties into the topic of the royal bloodline which has always been one of the more convoluted aspects of this series by now we should know that only those with royal blood can activate the founders true potential by themselves whereas for normies like erin there are more steps involved the problem with this is that if you go all the way back every subject of emir derives from these two common ancestors meaning that you know whichever ldn you're looking at they all have fritz's blood inside them no matter how small it may be why is it then that eldians like zika considered to be royalty whereas everyone else doesn't get those same benefits one line of thinking is that maybe not all of the daughters were fritz's children although i personally doubt that theory because i mean he really thought they were his daughters and it's inconceivable that yamir would cheat therefore my own theory as to why certain characters have royal blood can be traced back to this moment in the past dimension here we see the coordinate in the center and out of there are three separate parts each one representing mario rose and sheena respectively although all three of them technically have royal blood like i said earlier only one of these daughters inherited the founder's power and carried on the fritz family name purely for example if we assume that mario is the sister that had the founding titan her children and her children's children would be the ones that you may consider to be royal blooded since that offshoot of the family would repeatedly go to pars and tell her what to do it was individuals from their specific branch of the family that gave him your orders for the next two thousand years and this lineage continued all the way up until historia and zeke no matter how many subjects of emir there might be it also traces back to these three branches so i feel like this could explain the difference between who ymir does and doesn't choose to obey i suspect that when an alden like grisha has a baby with a royal that child is added to maori's branch of the tree but in any other scenario a child is born to the rose or sheena path instead anyway the third founding titan in this video was an aldean king from 600 years before the present day of the series salva spoke about this king in season 4 and how he used the coordinate to alter the bodies of every subject of emir at the time the world was being ravaged by a deadly disease but overnight the king redesigned the bodies of millions of aldeans so that they were all totally immune this body modification is one of the founders most wide-ranging abilities and unsurprisingly it has also been used to create pure titans throughout history zeke's power to make pure titans himself is a lesser version of that same ability since his scream only works on those who've ingested his spinal fluid the fourth founder we know is carl fritz who was the 145th king of the alien empire and the one who ruined everything don't get me wrong by now the aliens have been a menace to the world for a long time but carl's solution to this problem was less than ideal i mean just ask anyone who died in the first three seasons during willy type his big production he got an actor to play the role of fritz and this speech gave us an insight into the former king's mentality carl was a guy who felt immense guilt for the sins of the eldian race since for years they've been forcibly spreading the blood of emir across the globe and then using titans to wipe out entire groups of people he felt immense sympathy for mali in particular and believed that nothing lda could do could atone for the lives they've destroyed to add to all of this the great titan war was also raging on during carl's lifetime in which the noble families of elia had a civil war using the other eight titan shifters this was essentially the final straw for him as the infighting made him realize that the titan powers especially the founder must be kept out of human hands his solution to all of this began when he inherited the coordinate himself as he conspired to take down the alien empire there were many different stages to fritz's plan but it started when he guaranteed the type of family's safety in exchange for them helping marley to take back control together they made up a fake marion hero named helos who would go on to be known as the one who defeated elder with the help of the tigers the story goes that hellos manipulated different noble families into killing each other and then somehow forced fritz to retreat to paradise island in reality the king wanted to flee to the island and he brought with him as many aliens as he could not to mention many non-subjects of emir such as the asian clan and also those who would later be known as nobles it goes without saying that he would still leave many of his people behind on the continent as well as members of the royal family who were late to be whittled down to just zeke in the king's absence the alien empire continued to crumble and the tigers assisted mali in stealing seven of the nine shifters for itself with the attack titan being the only one to evade capture back on the island itself fritz wanted to create a peaceful society free of war and he used the founder's power to try and make that a reality his first action was to materialize tens of millions of colossus titans which i imagine took you mere quite a long time in paths when those titans were in position carl utilized their hardening ability to erect the three wars we know today and their names were of course mario rose and sheena within these wars is where his new society would be made to live but in true thanos style the king didn't think it could be paradise if people still remembered what existed before that's why he transformed into his founding titan and erased the memories of nearly all people on the island he made them believe they were the last survivors of the human race and that these walls were constructed to protect them from the titans on the flip side though the ackermanns were among a select group of families unaffected by the king's memory manipulation their knowledge of the outside world was a threat to the paradise that carl was trying to create so he offered them noble status and privilege to guarantee their silence while some bloodlines accepted this offer the acumens and asians rejected it as they disagreed with the king's ideology the king did not take this well as you can understand and to preserve his definition of peace karl had them hunted down through the generations until there were virtually none left hence why there was only one half asian and a handful of acumens in the present day now in an act of self-protection the king then changed the royal family's name from fritz to rice and then he had a random noble family take on the fritz name instead the new fritz family would pretend to be the monarchs for the next 100 years but in reality it would be the rice's who were really in charge behind the scenes some time after this carl used his abilities again to create the rice chapel which is where the royals passed on the coordinate for generations at least until grisha rudely interrupted them overall the king's mindset was that lds pass crimes could never be forgiven and that he would accept it if marley one day came to destroy the island his dream was to limit a peaceful society until that day comes and by making a vow to announce war future founding titans were possessed by that same ideology last thing to mention on carl is that he made a threat to the world that he would activate the rumbling if they tried to attack however as willy tyber revealed that was just a empty threat and he only said it to prolong the peace on parodies fast forward many decades later and the next founder we saw was an unnamed man from the royal family he was the father to both rod and uri rice both of whom would constantly beg him to eradicate the pure titans due to the var announcing war he never once made an attempt to do this which is something his sons couldn't understand based on his personal library here he clearly enjoyed reading but when what bothered him too much he'd lock his son inside a dungeon doesn't really seem like a proportionate response but you know if you're the king of the walls i guess you can do what you want eventually the time came for one of his sons to become the next founder and uri was certain he'd be able to do what his father couldn't sadly though after inheriting this titan he was immediately consumed by carl fritz's vow announcing war and never spoke again about destroying the titans outside the walls in a flashback scene we got a small look at the design of his founding titan although the form was mostly incomplete on this day the two rush brothers have been travelling together but were ambushed by kenny ackerman who was given their location by a royal government official knowing they had been betrayed by someone the king was eager to find out who told kenny where they'd be but he couldn't use the founder's power to make him talk as an ackerman kenny was immune from those type of mind games which like i said is part of the reason they were hunted down and persecuted uri therefore understood why someone from that clan would want to kill him which is why even with a knife in his arm it was the king who apologized and bowed down following this encounter the two of them actually became friends with uri putting an end to the ackerman's persecution at least in a official capacity he then hired kenny to be a fixer for the rice family and over the years it's implied the two of them were quite candid with each other with the king even telling him that his power was going to be transferred during his time as the founding titan uri frequently gave sermons about peace to those within his inner circle including the interior police and of course kenny as his 13 years came closer to an end the curse of emir really started to make him look like an old man he had gray hair wrinkles and a walking stick which means his titan regeneration must have also been getting really slow with old age one interesting thing about uri is that he predicted the world would be destroyed in the not too distant future and at first i thought this statement referred to the warriors invading the island given the context we have now though it's likely assayama wrote this line with the rumbling on his mind instead moving on frida rice became the new founding titan in the year 842 and just like uri she thought she could overcome the will of carl fritz spoiler alert she couldn't but let's explain who she is in the first place by all accounts freda was one of the nicest characters in the series and was the eldest daughter of rod rice whereas rod completely ignored the existence of his youngest child historia it was friday that went out of her way to teach the girl to read ride and ride horses in many ways it was her influence that made historia the humble person she became and at the age of 15 frida inherited the founding titan choosing to eat your uncle is never an easy decision but she did it to save humanity from the titans because like i said she thought she could override the varanasi war after gaining the founder she would begin to give speeches like her uncle used to do and in her spare time she played with historia and then wiped her memory afterwards she did this to protect her younger half-sister since being of royal blood does tend to put a target on someone's back historian noted how sometimes friday would act like a totally different person and these moments were when the king's will was the strongest the best example in my opinion is when grisha confronted her in the rice chapel cause frida's entire speech was literally spoken as if it was culprits himself in terms of her founding titan's design she didn't have the exposed ribs or long arms of her predecessors and her height was slightly shorter than gris's attack titan as a result of the var announcing war she was defeated pretty easily by grisha even though her shifter is in theory meant to be unbeatable on a random note there was that one occasion when aaron witnessed a memory of frida brushing her hair and the anime definitely made it seem like she saw him looking at her whether she actually did or not is up for debate because as grisha said she never really had access to the founder's full potential given that the var announcing war severely limits what she can do following that fight the eighth founder in this video is of course grisha jaeger who is responsible for merging the attack titan and the founding titan into one body all things considered he had this power for a really short time as he stole it from frida and then forcibly made aaron eat him not long after that there was never really a scenario in which grisha could have actually used the coordinate but rather his sole purpose was to transfer the power from the rice family to the jaegers being an alden restorationist he'd wanted his titan taken from the royal family for a long time but i'm sure he never imagined it would be up to him given that he wanted his wife to take it at first and then he wanted his son to take it but no he ended up being the one trusted to do it to his credit he did locate the true royal family after only a few years which when you compare that to marley's four warriors i mean first of all it's way more impressive and i kind of think they might have been more successful if they sent experienced adults like grisha or people like that rather than 12 year old kids anyway on the first occasion he visited the rice chapel he chose not to confront the royals for the sake of his family but he would eventually return on the day marley invaded as i explained in my video about every attack titan it was eren from the future that motivated grisha to kill frieder in the first place but that wouldn't have been possible without the unknowing help of grisha's first son z kyge is the next person on this list to have used the finest power and he was the first royal in over a century to have access to its full potential while it is true that he didn't have a physical founding titan body his use of its power is still an essential part of the story that can't be overlooked a while ago it was established that if a titan of royal blood makes contact with the founder then that person can get around its limitations we witnessed this first time when aaron commanded an army of pure titans after touching daniel fritz despite the fact he's a regular aldian who shouldn't be able to use the coordinate the second time aaron touched a royal bloody titan was when his decapitated head fell into zeke's hands but this time there was a twist unlike previous royals zeke arrived here without being tainted by the will of king fritz meaning he was free to command yumir however he wanted after spending a long time in this realm before aaron arrived he learned about the extent of yumi's abilities and how she is a slave to royal blooded individuals on a basic level whoever ymir listens to is the one that controls the founder and she initially listened to zeke because he has royal blood in his very brief time in charge of the founder the ld sega brother tried to use this power for four main things number one is that he created these easily breakable chains around his body as he wanted to pretend he was trapped by the voucher announced war this was part of zeke's test to see if aaron was really on his side and it was a test that was very quickly failed number two is that he made some actual change to restrict eren and these ones were so tough that aaron had to rip his thumbs off to break free the third and most game-changing use of this power was when he physically took his brother into their father's memories since he was trying to prove that grisham had brainwashed aaron by doing this zeke unknowingly gave his brother the chance to talk to the memory of their father and then send that message back to the real grisha in the past the real grisha was able to see those memories due to the future memory inheritance of the attack titan but zeke never knew this could happen because he didn't know about that ability in this way aaron was able to manipulate the past and make his father kill frieda however it was only possible because zeke took aaron into that memory in the first place the fourth way zeke tried to use the founder was more of a fail as he commanded jimmy to sterilize all aliens across the globe this had been his plan since he was a teenager yet it didn't work out because aaron spoke to the founder as a person convincing you that she should choose what happens next rather than simply being a slave to the royal bloodline zeke desperately tried to convince her to still follow him but by then she had already chosen aaron's side and the founders power awakened in him soon afterwards it's crazy how all those events happened in a split second in reality but in the past dimension it was clearly a notable period of time in any case the last founding titan is erin yeager who is a character that needs no introduction with yamir on his side he was able to unleash the full power of the coordinate in what was the biggest spectacle we've ever seen his first action was to undo all titan hardening in the world which included not just the wars on paradise but also the armor titan's armor fell apart and annie's crystal came undone as well he then used the founding titan in a way we've never seen before since he telepathically sent a message to every alien on the planet millions upon millions of subjects were summoned to the past dimension regardless of where they were in the real world and aaron proceeded to tell them his intention to end life outside the walls this telepathic ability was then put to use even further as aaron later spent time visiting each of his friends to say goodbye during this goodbye tour he showed armin the amazing natural landscapes that they spoke about when they were kids and for mikasa he made a world in which they lived in a cabin in the woods one thing that's so clear is whether erin is able to just create these environments literally out of nothing or if he's simply showing the memories from eldins of the past in a similar way to how zeke took them into grisha's memories regardless of the way he does it it's possible these two could have spent a longer time in part than what we saw in the final chapter given that time passes faster in there compared to the real world speaking of time error noted how the founders powers make him experience the past present and future simultaneously this is why he's unable to deviate from the end result where he dies because it's all a fixed timeline that can only have one outcome this is where we get to one of his most controversial uses of the founding titan which was aaron influencing the past to make sure the events of the first episode happened this reveal was foreshadowed back in season 4 when the dynafritz titan bizarrely walked straight past bertolt despite being a pure titan these paths transcend time itself so he used this ability to preserve the fixed timeline in his words he had to do it since it wasn't berto's time to die and the official translation makes it clear that eren made diner then go in the direction of his home this is of course so that she can go to his house and eat his mother and in the process put young aaron on the path he needs to go on as i said in my review of the final chapter it's not like future aaron wanted to do these things it's just that he can't fight against a past and a future that was already predetermined when he kissed historia's hand that was the first time he saw dino fritz's memory of bertolt from her perspective and initially it was confusing why aaron was seeing this but now we know why in terms of the design of eren's founding titan it was quite easily the largest titan in history making even the colossal look tiny by comparison its main body is nearly identical in shape to the hallucigenia and this is possibly due to the way this shifter was created if we go back when aaron and zeke touched each other i mean aaron was just ahead so this worm needed to create a brand new titan body from scratch with the end result being a bony creature similar to its own design each of these bones act like legs that slowly move forward and at the very front of the body we have aaron himself in my opinion the overall design of this titan is literally a metaphor for how he doesn't have any free will hear me out here most of the body is in the shape of this ancient worm which itself represents the power of the founder it was this same power that robbed aaron of his freedom since it gave him an inevitable fate he could never deviate from at the front of the body aaron presents himself as the one being in charge but when we look at his arms they're being held up by something just like a puppet on a string aaron is being controlled by the founding titan and the way his arms are hanging draw direct parallels with this the string holding him up originates from the hallucigenia so it further hits home that he is simply a puppet of the founding titan moving on the coordinates next ability was shown in the final battle when it began resurrecting shifters from the past these ancient titans were summoned by yamir to defend aaron and the story made it clear they weren't just minus zombies although most of them did do what yamir wanted it really didn't take much convincing for others to switch sides and fight with the alliance bertolt sarva and grisha and also many other characters they all rallied behind those who were trying to stop the rumbling indicating that they did have some form of consciousness and were able to reject what ymir wanted other powers include being able to replicate the form of any other titan evidence when aaron himself made a brand new colossal body this ability shouldn't be too surprising given the way the coordinate was used to make millions of titans on a whim however it is still strange seeing aaron's head on this particular titan towards the climax of attack on titan it was also made very clear that if he wanted to he could remove the shifter abilities from the other eight titans ultimately he didn't do this since there was no other way they even had a chance of beating him but the option was always there in the penultimate chapter the hallucigenia produced a gas that turns aliens into pure titans and this works on any subject except for acumens or titan shifters it's safe for us to assume the founders of the past could do a similar thing as this is very likely where miley got inspiration from to try it themselves final thing to mention before we end the video is that the real aaron was located in the mouth of his founding titan and was connected to the body via his spine and these weird fleshy appendages after mikasa killed him the symbiotic ancient worm also disappeared putting a seemingly permanent end to the power of the titans as always thank you guys for watching this video on all founding titans in history and be sure to smash that sub button if you want to see more stuff like this i'd also appreciate if you hit that like button as well as it does help out the video and until the next one peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 881,974
Rating: 4.9393601 out of 5
Keywords: Attack on Titan, Ymir founding titan, AOT, Attack on Titan the final season, Attack on Titan season 4, founding titan, frieda reiss, ymir backstory, ancient titans, uri backstory, eren colossal titan, original titans, uri reiss, titan shifter, fritz, wall titans, AOT s4, AOT season 4, ymir season 4, subjects of ymir, titan hardening, shingeki no kyojin, turtle quirk, eren season 4, first founding titan, new founding titan, karl fritz, zeke yeager, hallucigenia, rumbling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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