All ATTACK TITANS in History EXPLAINED! | Attack on Titan | Ancient Titans

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what's going on guys in this video i'm going to explain every attack titan in the history of attack on titan this shifter was by far the most requested and it's not hard to see why because it is essentially the main titan of the show not only is it possessed by aaron who is the main character but this titan has historically been held by people who are rebellious and always seeking freedom as usual i'll be explaining the backstory of all attack titans that we know as well as commenting on the designs of the previous attack titans throughout history but before we get into it there are a couple things i want to mention first number one is that for those who might not be aware the original japanese title for attack on titan is shingeki no kyojin and when aaron revealed the name of his titan in episode 58 it was also shingeki no kyojin this means that while other titans might have episodes named after them here or there there is clearly one titan that stands above them all as you know like i said the entire series is named after it the next thing i wanted to mention relates to the great titan war and it's just another example of why the attack titan is so special according to willie tiber the great titan war occurred over a hundred years before the series began and at that time the founding titan was held by the royal family and the remaining eight titans including the attack titan were held by noble families king fritz then fled to paradise island with his founding titan and the tigers were the ones who were left in control of mali the tigers then enabled mali to steal the remaining shifters from the other noble families with the attack titan being the only one that managed to avoid being taken for a long while it was unclear how this titan managed to stay out of mali's hands while the others were taken but thanks to chapter 122 of the manga we now know why spoiler warning ahead for any anime only viewers as in order to properly explain this titan i will be talking about manga spoilers from this point onwards anyway as i was saying the reason the attack titan was able to evade capture was due to its special ability and this is called future memory inheritance this is an insane power that enables the inheritor to see memories of both past and future users of the attack titan grisha jaeger described it as the ability to know the future and we first saw this power on display during season three just before aaron krueger passed on the power to grisha he told him that if he wants to save armin mikasa and everyone else then he must see his plan through till the end the obvious problem here is that ahmed and mikasa were literally not even born when kruger said this meaning that the memory that triggered him to say those words must have come from the future the memory that kruger briefly saw was likely this moment when grisha was passing on the titan to aaron because in that scene grisham said those exact same words with that said though it's time to explain the backstory of every attack titan and then when we get to erin i'll be explaining how he used the future memory inheritance to influence the past if you haven't already then be sure to hit that sub button and let me know in the comments which titan you think i should do next okay so the first attack titan on this list is aaron kruger and i consider his backstory to be equally as important as the jaegers because he laid the foundations for everything that happened before kruger was born they were still members of the fritz royal family who had been left behind in mali and those royal members created the first group of elden restorationists kruger's father decided to join that restorationist group with aaron himself being just a regular elden child who was born in mali we know from his memory that he lived with his parents and had a little sister but around the age of 10 years old the mayan authorities discovered the restorationist group and burned the kruger family alive on that day aaron managed to avoid being set on fire as he was hiding in the closet so the marine authorities didn't actually know he was in the house he watched on through a crack in the closet door as his family were killed but just before the house burnt down he was saved by one of his father's friends this event fostered kruger's immeasurable hatred towards mali and he swore that one day he would get revenge and restore elder like his father failed to do the first step in his plan would begin years later when he met a doctor living in mali who was secretly an aldian we never saw the doctor on screen but he was the one that helped kruger to falsify his medical records and in the process aaron was able to pretend to be amalian he used his new malian status to join the public security authorities which is the same organization that killed his family the reason he did this would become more obvious as we continue but to summarize it kruger joined the authorities because it gave him special privileges that he knew would one day help to secure ld's freedom it goes without saying that only marlins can join the organization so his fake medical records were 100 necessary and once he was in he then had to avoid suspicion of course the best way to blend in with the other offices is to do what they do so over the years aaron would devote himself to being as ruthless towards aldians as his other malian comrades throughout his career he tortured thousands of eldians and turned many of them into pure titans on parodies islands in the year 817 grisha and faye jaeger left the liberia internment zone to try and see the airship but kruger noticed them and asked for their exit permits all eldians leaving the walls need to have a permit but on this day neither grisha or faye had the relevant paperwork in keeping with his undercover act aaron proceeded to give grisha a punishment on behalf of both siblings while faye was taken away by his colleague that colleague would go on to have faye torn apart by dogs and her body would be discovered in the river the next day we know from kruger's words 15 years later that he did feel some guilt for calling out to grisha in the first place but regardless he still continued to pose as amalian and rise up the ranks two years after that incident kruger would then inherit the attack titan from an unknown individual and although we don't know his predecessor it's easy to see why they would choose him whoever had the attack titan must have known that krug would be the one to make the restorationist rise again because that's exactly what he did using an alias known as the owl aaron founded a new underground restorationist movement with lds being recruited all across liberia given that kruger worked within the marlin authorities he had access to secret information that he would filter down to the restorationists with one example being the true reason why marley wanted to invade paradise the owl also provided them with money weapons and historical documents but his identity was always kept a secret on one occasion he sent grace to recruit grisha to the organization and this was a very smart move because grisha would end up becoming the second in command additionally kruger discovered the last remaining member of the fritz royal family living in mali and sent her to join the restorationists as well diner fritz had a ton of new information that benefited the group and of course her and grisham would then fall in love and have a son called zeke because kruger had a high ranking position within mali at this point he planned to use his authority to pull some strings and ensure zeke became a warrior however the kid was such a bad candidate that even kruger wasn't able to intervene one interesting thing to note is that kruger said his goal was to boost the morale of the restorationist so as a result there was a lot of things he didn't tell them one example is the fact that he never told them that zeke would only have 13 years left to live if their plan to make him a warrior was successful moving on to the design of kruger's titan it has the same height and physique as the other attack titans we've seen with its most distinctive feature being its hollow eyes it is crazy to think that in the 13 years he had this power this right here is likely the only time he actually used it because i mean when he was in mali i doubt there was ever a scenario when he actually had to do this the next attack titan is grisha jaeger and although we've already covered some of his backstory there are still many details that i didn't mention to begin grisha was born in the liberia internment zone where his father worked as a doctor and as we know he had a younger sister named faye the day after faye was killed by malia authorities the officer that had her killed pretended as if he didn't know what happened grisha always suspected that the man knew more than what he said but by contrast his parents just accepted the story they were told this is because his parents were basically afraid and they didn't want to risk asking more questions because that in turn could get their family in trouble grisha's father would constantly try to indoctrinate his son with malian propaganda in the hope that grisha would become less rebellious and just accept a quiet life within the wars of liberia over time grisha reluctantly came to accept that the world was just an unfair place and at 18 years old he was going through the motions one day planning to take over his father's medical practice that was of course until aaron kruger sent someone to speak to him and that person had information about faye's death like i said grisha had always suspected that his sister's death was suspicious and because aaron kruger was colleagues with the guy that killed her he had known the truth for a long time when grisha really found out what happened to faye he was immediately radicalized and vowed to destroy mali and restore the alien empire when dynafritz joined the group it was grisha that suggested the plan to take the founding titan from paradise and return it to the true royal family grisha didn't consider the royals and parodies to be true royals because they had left so many aliens behind after dinah and grisha had zeke he made the terrible mistake of treating the boy as a tool rather than his actual son and he was so focused on the goal of restoring elder that he never made time to be a real father by indoctrinating zeke to become the savior of elder grisha inadvertently made the same mistake that his own father did and paid the price by being sent to paradise having then received the power of the attack titan grisha was able to run towards the walls and was eventually picked up by keith shadis who at the time was a young member of the survey corps grisha acted like he remembered nothing besides his name and occupation and used keith as someone who could teach him about how things work on parodies through their friendship he eventually met a waitress named carla and sometime after this grisha would use his skills as a doctor to save both carla and her parents the two of them would eventually get married and have a son and grisham would name this child aaron to pay respects to the man that got him here in the first place despite his lingering mission to take the founding titan grisham made sure not to repeat the same mistakes he made with zeke and he spent quality time with aaron whenever he had the chance allowing the child to just be himself as his status as a doctor continued to grow grisham was given more and more high-profile clients to take care of which in time got him closer to the royal family on one occasion he treated a noble living on the island and when that person was asleep grisham stole a document that led to the rice chapel the rice chapel is where the royal family go to pass the founding titan and with this address grisha could finally fulfill the goal of the restorationists nevertheless it wasn't until many years later that he would steal the founding titan as he valued the new family he had built and didn't want to risk losing them although he did go to visit the rice chapel soon after he found the address he chose not to confront the royal family and didn't return until the day the wars were destroyed on that note we should probably talk about the design of his attack titan as it was shown to have a few interesting features grisha's distinctive elf ears are nearly identical to both zeke and eren's titans which makes this a nice hereditary feature of the jaeger family his titan body is slightly wider and less lean than kruger's version not to mention that he also has titan chest hair and raggedy looking hair on his head much like kruger grisha had very few opportunities to actually use this titan and i'm pretty sure overall he used it twice the first time being when he ran to the walls and the second time being in the rice chapel now moving on to erin yeager instead of talking about his backstory i'm gonna be breaking down how he used future memory inheritance to influence the past this was undoubtedly one of the most confusing sequences in the entire series so i'm going to try and explain it as best i can but you know it is still pretty complicated to start things off we should establish a few essential rules with the first rule being that with the power of future memory inheritance grisha is sometimes able to see aaron's memories from the future once christian sees those future memories then much like any other person it would affect his present day actions in some way rule number two is that aaron is likely able to choose which memories his father sees which means that eren can use these memories to manipulate his father's actions in the past this is something that zeke speculates in the manga and aaron does not deny doing this the final rule is that thanks to the power of the founding titan both zeke and aaron were able to wander through grisha's memories however they are just witnesses and they are not able to interact with the past this part is so important that i need to stress it again aaron and zeke are essentially ghosts who are just witnessing past memories but they are not able to interact with those memories all they can do is see it on the day that grisham really went to steal the founding titan he entered the rice chapel and begged for the rice to save the people of paradise because of the vow announcing war frida refused his request with grisha then making a move to steal the founding titan as he goes to transform krishna hesitates because he can't bring himself to massacre the royal family and it's important to remember that at this point grisha had never killed a person in his life this is the moment when aaron's biggest interference occurs and he uses future memory inheritance to do this aaron tells his father to stand and as i mentioned aaron is essentially a ghost so grisha should not be able to see or hear him in this moment however grisha can clearly hear him so i'm going to use a quick comparison to explain how this happened imagine that someone from the future is secretly observing you right now but you can't see them and you can't hear what they're saying now if you had future memory inheritance you could observe the memories of that person who was watching you as a result of looking at those memories of them looking at you you would hear what they said to you when ordinarily you were not able to according to the second rule i mentioned aaron could choose which memories he wanted his father to see and right now as he was speaking to grisha he was simultaneously sending that memory back to grisha during the same moment in the past in summary in case that was confusing while grisha was hesitating to kill the royal family he was also at the same time witnessing the memories that erin was sending back this enabled grisha to experience this moment from both his own perspective and his son's perspective and by doing that it allowed him to hear what aaron was saying grisha heard eren's words motivating him to do what needed to be done and this resulted in the slaughter of the rice family and obviously the theft of the founding titan without interference it's likely that grisham would never have taken the founding titan so this is a paradox that exists within the world of attack on titan but i love this type of thing i mean if any of you have seen my backup time travel theory this is pretty cool to me in the other moments when aaron is sending memories back to grisha you'll notice how grisha is literally seeing things through aaron's eyes for example in this scene aaron is staring directly at zeke and then grisha wakes up because he briefly saw this older version of zeke that erin was looking at anyway with time travel explained let's move on to aaron's titan design and the other attack titans throughout history from the beginning erin's titan has been very athletic standing at 15 meters tall and having a lean muscular physique unlike his predecessors he has a wide jagged mouth that is only good for screaming with his tongue looking very devilish his pointy ears are something that he has in common with his father but other than that there aren't too many similarities between them the ancient attack titans are next up and while we don't know which era these titans are from it's still interesting to have a look these first two were seen during the final arc of attack on titan with one of them having hollow eyes comparable to aaron kruger but a mouth similar to eren yeager the titan next to him is the chad attack titan and as far as i can tell he's the only one to have chest hair besides grisha in addition to them it's highly likely that this titan here was the first attack titan with its defining feature being its weird looking mouth we saw the bald attack titan in a different panel who had a slightly less muscular body than usual and again had hollow eyes like many of the other titans the balding attack titan also made an appearance in the series and unlike the last guy he hadn't lost all of his hair just yet any remaining shifters had very brief background appearances but i'm still pretty sure they're attack titans given that they seem to be the correct height and have the right physique with that said thank you for watching this video about all the titans in history and be sure to let me know which one you think i should do next until the next video peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 2,576,061
Rating: 4.9041548 out of 5
Keywords: Attack on Titan, Attack titan, AOT, Attack on Titan the final season, Attack on Titan season 4, eren attack titan, eren kruger, grisha, ancient titans, founding titan, original titans, future memories, grisha yaeger, eldian restorationists, titan shifter, kruger backstory, dina fritz, AOT s4, AOT season 4, zeke yaeger, subjects of ymir, titan hardening, shingeki no kyojin, turtle quirk, eren season 4, first attack titan, former attack titan, future memory inheritance
Id: dvztHditU0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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