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Turns out there’s more to Eren than just getting his Titan Hard! SO What’s up guys foxen here! Today’s lets Get in-depth look at ALL titan powers. I’m talking about all Titan abilities shared among them. Booth the good, the bad, overpowered ones and even terrible ones! Some of these will even surprise you! For obvious reasons, this will have some spoilers but I will avoid going major plot points. Keep in mind, this is ongoing series, so def be sure to suscrubeb more juicy Titan vids every week! Anyway lets get started! 1st off become A Titan Shifters, there’s actually 2 ways - either you munching on a current Titan Shifter - or you being born a Titan shifter! - let me explain You saw the mystery revealed of how Eren become a Titan shifter in AOT s3 - Papa Grisha injected Eren with the Titan juice shot - Then the mindless Titan Eren ate his father Grisha - The mindless Titan specifically needs to eat a good amount of the spine and Spinal builds. - THIS is why the Santa Titan didn’t get Eren’s powers back in Trost - ahh too bad! - could have had AOT with a grandpa MC Funny cuz this gets into a side issue, how does one 1st become a mindless titan? - there’s been 2 ways demonstrated so far - One is via the Titan injection, - Seems like it doesn’t matter where this is actually injected - Grisha injected Eren in the arm and so did the Reiss family during their Titan ritual - Ymir and the other poor bastards got injected in the neck or back area - Also I’m not counting this an another method but You had Papa Rod using his tongue action on the juices to become that Beyond Col Titan - The only stuff known about This Titan juice injection contains some Titan shifter spinal juices, along with other unknown properties As for the 2nd method - The Beast Titan recently revealed he made a gas version of this Titan juice, which was made using his own spinal fluids. - This Titan gas made it super simple to mass produce titans, like transforming an entire village lol - Keep in mind only Eldians who are subject of Ymir can become Titans. - You are included into this, even if you’re only mixed with something else from having different parents Anyway getting back into how a human gains Titan abilities - I mention the titan lunch process but you can also be born with Titan abilities - You may be wondering how? - Let me just point out that there’s been no recorded case of this so far, you’ve only been told it COULD happen. - The way this is possible is if a current Titan shifter dies or is killed without another titan eating enough of that Titan - For example, say Eren messed up using the 3dmg and his dumbass fell then smashed his head wide open - His coconut got cracked beyond repair! - You might have guessed what happens to the 2 Titan powers Eren had. - The reality is, 2 newborn Eldian babies some time later will be born with the Titan powers - Technically it should be possible that a newborn get 2 titan powers as well, altho extremely unlikely - Just imagine a baby born with titan powers, they’d be born into an much crueler world being born cursed. Hardening ability - Next up, the Titan ability to get themselves super hard! - Most titans should be capable of this - Eren at 1st couldn’t get this titan hard but then he found that Titan viagra potion in the titan dungeon - Eren has had no problems ever since then - whatever this plot convinence was, is still a mystery - Perhaps others bottles of these have existed over time - However I should point out that Eren could have likely done this on his own - Reiner’s thoughts on this strongly hint that every Titan Shifter is capably of naturally learning this. - Since then Eren hasmade other crystal creations like the Titan smasher and even Titan crystal knuckles - Armor titan - This big thiC guy is already armored all around - but even The armor Titan has demonstrated this power - Reiner was able to created claws for further offense potential - You wouldn’t want to be scratch by this Titan kitty! - Female Titan - Naturally the female titan is able to get hard - Annie’s Female Titan was one of the 1st that demonstrated this abilities - Altho She seems to be the only Titan who can quickly harden specific body parts in battle. - Beast Titan - Never seen this beast titan do it himself but the Beast Titan has mentioned being able to do it in this battle vs the SC - The Armor Titan getting his ass smacked down was surely from Beast getting hard then going on a monkey rampage - As for the Cart Titan, it hasn’t been shown with the hardening abilities but the Cart Titan has scaled the wall before - It’d be hard to do it and harder to do it quickly without this ability - WarHammer - Super hard by default. - This alchemist Titan is able to bend Titan crystal to suit any situation - Then you got the God of Destruction, the Col Titan - you may be thinking No way! and I thought so too - but you’d be mistaken! - Recall that the col Titans within the Walls got hard to create them in the 1st place. - Of course this was via the Founding Titan Command - Altho Something Tells me Bert’s Col Titan can get Completely crystallized like Annie and it’s be game over for himself - The Call that statue the new Titan of Liberty - Jaws Titan - Ymir’s Jaws Titan didn’t show this Titan ability at all - There’s a theory her Jaws Titan was mal formed or she was not compatible enough with it - However, The other Jaws Titan does have a Hardened Face and hardened claws. - Founding Titan - Perhaps the only Titans not physically showing the Crystal ability - Not even Frieda tried pull an Annie during the battle vs Grisha, it would have helped a lot! - but like mentioned previously, it’d be strange for this almighty titan NOT to be able to do. Frieda might have needed some Titan training - Should have asked the Female Titan for some help! Next up, Titan Regeneration - Something clearly demonstrated by Eren’s Attack Titan and Annie’s Female Titan - At this point you could assume every titan shifter is capable of self healing - The Col Titan may be the only except since it requires too much energy - Supporting this is the 120 meter Turkey Titan - That thing was so past Colossal that it had trouble regenerating quick enough. - Back to the Attack Titan and Female Titan - The Female Titan was shown recovering during the fight with the SC and Levi in the Titan forest - Eren has been shown regranting through the series. - Notably the Atk did was been shown to be able to fully recover his hand during the fight with Reiner. - This was in seconds - Jaws Ymir Regen during end of s2 - It was after the Mikasa Ackerman assault - Beast Titan, Founding and cart Titan - both haven’t been shown regenerating but all of these titans shouldn’t have any issues with doing so - WarHammer Titan - Might be the best Titan at Titan healing, even beating out Eren’s MC regen abilities - Armor regen - Armor Titan likely has a similar issue with regen comparable to the Col Titan (but not as extreme) - TODO: check Reiner fight near end when running away for damage on back etc Multiple Titan transformations - in AOT s3 Hange was actually conducting several titan experiments with Eren - Of course Most of this got cut out of the s3 anime - In the manga Eren was able to Transform into a titan 3 times in a row - No problems with the 1st Titan, that one was a flesh one - 2nd Titan could have been better. It was smaller than the normal 15M titan - Unfortunately Eren didn’t really test out the power of this mini Titan but you can bet it’s safe to assume it wasn’t as beefy - Now moving into the 3rd try - You saw the after math of this in the S3 - This shriveled up, almost Zombie like titan was Eren’s 3rd one - Forgetting about being smaller this thing couldn’t even stand up on it’s own, it looked like it suffering - just take this titan out in the back and have Gabi shoot it! - As for other Titans, recall back to the Female Titan - Annie actually transformed twice in a row during the battle vs the Survey Corps in the Titan Forest - The WarHammer Titan also transformed twice in a row. - Reiner also transformed twice but he had a much larger gap in between, perhaps this doesn’t count - During this 2nd kidnapping, Bert notable seemed not to be able to transform - The Col Titan very likely takes much more energy from the user compared to any other titans - Ah yes and about energy, After Eren’s 3 Titan transformation in a row, he was out for a day. - Annie was also knocked out until late the next day, and that was after only 2 Female Titan transformations. You could also included the various Female Titan regenerations too - Anyway so far the Titan transformation a person is able to do seems to be a limit of 3 - However there’s more to this, - Post time Skip Older Eren was still able 3 Titans in a row - The difference? - No one measures them all but All Titans up to the 3rd seemed fully functional - This suggests the users are able to hit up the Titan gym to workout their Titan to improve their endurance. - This also hints at being able to improve other titan abilities Partial transformations - Talking about Titan transformations, let’s not forget about partial titan transformations! - There’s been a couple cases of these throughout the series. - You saw Eren used this once to say his best buddies from that Cannon ball - Later Eren used his alright titan powers to do a terrible Alakazam impersonation - Then a REAL treat was Annie giving this poor kidnappers A good titan fisting - poor horsey tho! - You can assuming these use far less energy compared to a full on Titan - for example, Bert being the top half and smaller Col Titan on top of the wall, hopefully this only took half or less than normal energy consumption - This one however seems to be a special case since the Partial Col Titan was continuing his rampage for a while, instead of quickly disappearing. - This suggest multiple partial transformations in a short period should be possible, altho perhaps a bit inconvenient depending on the situation // Titan Damage - Human users don’t feel pain this to an extreme level - Which means yes Eren, you can keep on going raging and smashing your Titan body on others - Isayama has confirmed The only Exception to this would be the human body taking physical damage. - Gotta protect that valuable meat bag, it’s like having titan gonads on your neck Human Regen? - Next up, Don’t humans benefit at all? - Human Titan users do get that impressive healing factor ability - Your body heals itself as long as you’re still breathing. - Mostly the extension of this requires enough of the brain to be intact, along with spinal connection mostly there. - that is, unless your name is Reiner! You’ll see what I mean soon. - Always in the case in the Jaws, Ymir was missing freakin organs, in other words a super fatal injury was she was still able to fully regain given enough time - Keep in mind Ymir had no food, water, nourishment during that time so perhaps at most some sunlight is necessary - Even Deadpool and his baby jerking hand would be jelly - As for the healing abilities itself, Reiner demonstrated it is Possible to control to some extent at least - Reiner prevents his arm from fully healing and even Eren later on prevented some self healing for a mission. - About the healing, it heals physical damage but you can bet the same applies to illness and even STD - so go at it Eren, sleep around! The world is your buffet!. Just don’t let the wife Mikasa find out! - Unfortunately, Human regeneration seems to be only + ability gained while in human form, that is unless you count the inherited memories Titan memories - Next up Titan memory inheritance - You heard about this in AOT s3 - The Reiss Family had repeatly passed down not only their Founding Titan but the memories of the previous user - The most important of these memories belong to the 1st king, Karl. - This titan memory inheritance is actually NOT exclusive to the royal Bloodline - It hasn’t been fully revealed how this work but all new titan holders can possible access past memories - The only who may know this works 100% might have been the Reiss family or the Tybur family. - Titan scientist from Marley have said that family relations could influence getting access to these Titan memories - This is still questionable, or doesn’t work 100% of the time for some reason, - For example Eren wasn’t able to recall any of his Father’s memories - Eren was only able to recall things after a certain older gentleman massaged his back - It was likely the combination of the Royal blood touch, combined with being in the crystal cave that trigger this - Eren later got access to even more memories just from touching Historia’s hand so perhaps the Royal blood contact is the more important fact - Then in the case of the other jaws Titan, he was only about to recall the previous memories but nothing from any Jaws Titan before the last one - there was def no blood relation right there! Next up, a funny one - The Titan roach ability - At one point Reiner actually got his head blow off, and still survived - What made is more BS was that Reiner didn’t suffer any long term consequences - How this supposedly worked was that Reiner transferred his consciousness throughout the Titan body nerve system - If you did this using the Titan brain and nerve system, you’d be A-OKAY - Bert mentioned this somehow being a last resorts and hinting at it being dangerous to the user but so far there’s no reason NOT to do it - Reiner came out of it no problem - From this you can be sure all Titan shifters have the capability of doing something similar. Titan Marks on face - varying ALOT in the anime - You go from Eren’s S1 almost burnt titan markings, a lot of times he didn’t have any in s1 btw - Isayama very likely hadn’t considered the significance of them when in the early AOT chapters - s2 changed a bit more detailed, altho varies between scene and close up shot - s3 supers simplied. Yes now they do in fact match the manga more closely and given a much easier time to the animation team over at WIT studio - I mean even YOU could draw those in 1 sec on Photoshop! // Titans talking - Next titan communication, and no not the Titan scream or Eren commanding Titans - Actually Titans speaking! - This seems to various greatly between people instead of the Titans - For example, Ymir’s Titan could saw a couple of words - The other Jaws had to exit the Jaws Titan when he wanted to speak to others - but then again Ymir also did the saw when she wanted to talk to Historia - Perhaps she did this to more clearly get your msg across, Ymir looks better than that face on the jaws titan anyhow! - The Beast Titan has been able to speak - The WarHammer Titan and Cart titan have talked too - Even some Mindless Titan have shown this abilities - The Armor Titan, Female Titan and Founding Titan haven’t been shown speaking but they have screamed before. - It wouldn’t be surprising to find out they could speak - Perhaps the certain titans are more capable than others but I’m sure that even Eren’s titan could speak if he created his titan with the goal of speech, Imagine Eren’s Titan Curse of Ymir - So far it seems just amazing to being a Titan - A lot of you have even asked me what Titan I’d be - The problem is that I always think back to the cost of being a Titan, a little titan nightmare called the curse of Ymir - THere’s no such thing a free titan Lunch - or is there? perhaps if you’re a mindless? - Unfortunately anyone who gained the Titan shifter powers will die after 13 years - Yes this means Eren and the warriors are like ticking time bombs - Eren himself gained the powers when he was only 10, or more like Eren’s father Grisha forced them onto him - Eren currently has 4 years left and even less for the warriors - Under 1 year for the Beast Titan - Anyway the important part in the 13 year mark here - I’ve made a theory discussion video diving into this, def recommend it - For now I’ll just mentioned the growing speculation that a lot of people seem to have - That this 13 years period starts AFTER the person 1st used their Titan abilities - Recall that Eren didn’t actually turn into a titan until the Titan battle in Trost - however you may be forgetting something - Eren and any of the titan holders actually first used their titan abilities to revenge back to being human from their initial Titan state - For Eren that would have been when he was only 10, after munching on his lovely papa! - Even if this wasn’t the case, Titan shifters in human form automatically regenerate when their bodies are injured - You even explicitly saw Eren recovering after smashing his head. Eren would have been 12 or 13 here And yes, this does mean that if you were a baby born with titan powers, you’ll die by your 13th birthday, happy death day! Btw related to this, This Titan aspect is deserves a quick mention - Some of you have asked, shouldn’t a 10 year old Eren have a much smaller titan, like 10 M tall, compared to the current Eren in the Anime - In reality a new Titan Shifter has full access to their Titan form right from the start. - So doesn’t matter whether you’re a little kid like Bert or Annie, Your Female Titan and Col Titan can still shake that booty of destruction! // Holding multiple Titans? - assume Original ymir had 9 powers titan - questionable whether she counts - then Grisha got 2, which Eren inherited - The max total currently known in the story has been 3 Titans total in one body - Hasn’t been made clear whether a human with Titan powers can become a Titan that can user all powers at the same time - For Example, if a Female Titan and Armor Titan mix, would it become a Female Titan with Armor? - In the case of Eren, he had 2 Titans up until s2 but only used the founding Titan powers in his human form Hopefully one day one human can get all Titan together in one spot and end this Titan curse - but hey! that’s just a hope, a hope for humanity! - Thanks for watching! Anyway let me toss if over to you QotD - are Titans too powerful? - Or does the Curse of Ymir balance things out? - Which Titan do you think is the most powerful one? - Is it Eren’s Titan? Anyway def give a Col thumbs up and Subscribe! If you’re new here, I put out 5+ anime videos a week. This includes weekly AOT videos. Like I mentioned this video is part of an ongoing AOT vid series - New one of these biweekly - you def don’t want to miss the next one So hit bell icon, sub and cya later!
Channel: Foxen Anime
Views: 3,696,916
Rating: 4.8749719 out of 5
Keywords: foxen anime, attack on titan explained, attack on titan explained 2018, rod titan form, rod titan explained, rod reiss turns into biggest titan, Attack on Titan Season 3, FOUNDING TITAN EXPLAINED, founding titan power, founding titan secret revealed, founding titan transformation, frieda founding titan, rod turkey titan explained, grisha titan explained, kenny ackerman expplained, titan new powers, all titans explained
Id: Fez-afaRUW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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