All JAW TITANS in History EXPLAINED! | Attack on Titan | Ancient Titans

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what's going on guys in this video i'm gonna explain the different draw titans in attack on titan ranging from the present day of the series all the way back to the ancient titans that existed before the series began for the draw titans that we properly know i'll be explaining their backstory as well as what makes that titan unique and for most of the other drawers that only have a brief appearance i'll examine what we know about them if anything and i'll also give their design a rating out of 10 if i find it interesting it goes without saying that every jaw titan has at least a few things in common regardless of how different their designs may be for example they each have an amazing crushing strength which was best displayed when porko was forced to destroy the warhammer titan's crystal additionally they all have claws that can slice through pretty much anything and their small size allows them to be more acrobatic and sneaky when compared to the other titans before we get into it don't forget to sub to the channel for more attack on time videos like this and if you're an anime only viewer then later in this video there will be spoilers but i'll give a big warning before we get to that okay so the first draw tyson on this list is marcel galliard who was one of the four warriors chosen to infiltrate parody's island despite not having much screen time we still know a lot about martial's personality due to the comments made by other people for starters we know that he was a confident and reliable leader of the group as annie believed the mission wouldn't be successful without him and reiner subsequently tried to imitate martial's leadership whilst on the island marcel was perhaps the physically strongest of his age group as he came first place in his endurance race with porco also singling out marcel for his strength we saw in the anime how marcel was protective over his younger brother even going as far as to influence mali to give reiner the armored titan instead of porco he presumably did this to you know let his little brother have a long life which is similar to falco's desire to protect gabby from inheriting the titan as well marcel's draw titan had a good design with bulletproof hardened skin covering his entire face a prominent set of teeth hardened claws and a goatee that 12 year old marcel never had in normal circumstances we saw this titan in a flashback during marley's invasion of another country but sadly he was eaten not too long after that moving on ymir was the first draw titan that we actually saw in this series and she undeniably had one of the worst lives of any character in the beginning she was a nameless orphan living on the streets of mali before she was picked up by this cult leader who gave her a name he decided to call her ymir because ymir fritz was the name of the original founding titan who is a respected historical figure in the eyes of many alden restorationists the man was able to grow his cult by pretending that ymir had royal blood and people in this cult began to worship her almost like a god this was probably the most carefree period of ymir's life as she was well fed and was making other people happy just by existing i'd say the happiest person though was the cult leader as he was amassing a ton of wealth based off this scam things eventually fell apart when the cult was busted by malian authorities with all members being sent to parody's island when the court was discovered she tried to play the role of ymir in the hope that it would save everyone's life but it was no effect as they were all turned into pure titans for 60 years yamir would wander parodies island as a mindless monster until one morning she happened to encounter the warriors of mali she initially tried to eat rainer but marcel pushed him out of the way and was eaten by ymir instead by consuming the spine of a titan shifter ymir regained her humanity and became the new draw titan in the process unlike her predecessor ymir had no hardened skin covering her face and her claws were of a significantly smaller size her body proportions were also quite strange and the teeth specifically they were not even close to the size of marcel that said yumi's titan still displayed some great agility throughout the series swinging from titan to titan in its first appearance and then later swinging from tree to tree like some kind of monkey yamir's draw titan is also capable of speech which is you know that's not a trait that we've seen from other draw titans in the series so she was definitely special in her own way the third draw titan on this list is porco galliard who as we already established is the younger brother of marcel pogo inherited this titan after yamir willingly let herself be taken back to mali and when we were first introduced to the character he gets straight into the action by protecting gabby and falco from enemy fire on the battlefield he's shown to often be a useful asset for mali such as when he saved reiner from being killed or when he snuck up on aaron from behind and nearly stole the founding titan on the other hand he can also be a hothead and blinded by rage which results in him making short-term rash decisions that negatively affect the people around him porko's draw titan is very similar to his brothers in terms of its design however they are not completely identical unlike marcel pogo's draw titan technically has two sets of teeth the first is the sharp set on the inside of his mouth and the second is the hardened skin on the outside that fits together like puzzle pieces this differs from marcel as we can see that he has no jagged teeth on the inside of his mouth but his exterior teeth are significantly sharper than what porcos are with that said the rest of this video will contain really heavy spoilers regarding the draw titan so as of posting this video if you're an anime only watcher then you definitely need to pause right now once the final season of attack on titan is over then i encourage you to come back to this video and finish it but until then don't continue watching now the next draw titan on this list is probably the most interesting as it's essentially a hybrid between the draw titan and the beast titan i'm of course referring to the flying jaw titan that first appeared in chapter 129 but before we get into the titan itself let's talk about its user falco was introduced as a warrior candidate from mali and is a member of the grey's family his uncle was one of the leading members of the alien restorationists alongside aaron's father and his older brother colt was the designated successor to inherit the beast titan in the beginning we saw how falco's love for gabby motivated him to try and inherit the armored titan because he believed that if he got it then gabby would live a long life his feelings for her caused him to make major decisions in the series so far including when he followed her to parody's island and jumping to protect her when nicolo attempted to whack her with a wine bottle the decision to protect gabby in that moment is what inadvertently led to falco inheriting his flying titan as the wine bottle he was struck with contained zeke's spinal fluid without zeke's spinal fluid entering his mouth falco never would have become what he became so let's get into what makes his titan so special to start with falco's draw titan possesses two sets of teeth with the inner mouth looking like a regular titan and the outer drawer being a hardened set of jagged teeth when he closes this outer drawer you'll notice that he literally looks like he has a beak which is because the spinal fluid gave falco's titan more animalistic features both his arms are covered in thick fur which is obviously reminiscent of zeke's beast titan and his hands are genuinely just bird claws these claws were strong enough to crumble the roof of a building on its first appearance and later in the manga we see that falco's titan has evolved even further these memories of a previous flying beast titan are what made falco realize that he has the potential to do this himself when we finally saw him flying he sprouted a full set of wings with an enormous wingspan in chapter 136 falco performs a maneuver in the air where he speeds up to avoid incoming arrows which i thought was an incredible maneuver because this is his first day using the flying titan he's already able to do tricks like this i guess marley's warrior training literally prepares you for anything considering all factors this might just be the most useful draw titan ever as he can do everything that a regular draw titan can do with the extra benefit of being able to fly through the air if falco has a successor in the future do you guys think that they will also inherit these beast titan characteristics or is it like falco had the spinal fluid so it's only reserved for him but the next person will not have the beast titan is kind of confusing how this works but let me know your thoughts on it in the comments down below moving on what we're going to do now is look at some of the ancient draw titans throughout history and i'll be giving some of them a rating out of 10 for the design because why not back in chapter 122 we saw what was possibly the first draw titan to ever exist and i say that because when you look at the whole context of the chapter it would make total sense for this to be the first one its most notable aspect was the fact that its head was just a skull which is a feature it seemingly inherited from the original founding titan this draw titan made another appearance in chapter 137 and i imagine his hollow eyes will make it pretty frightening when this eventually gets animated based on its design i'm going to give this draw titan a solid 7 out of 10. the next titan is another one of these ancient shifters and it has hardened skin covering its face similar to poco and marcel it has a set of normally shaped teeth inside its mouth and even though its hands don't have sharp claws it was still able to slice through the body of the cart titan in one swoop around the eye area it has a unique design with two rectangular sockets which makes me feel like this was a helmet that was specially designed by yamir whatever the case this design gets a nearly perfect 9 out of 10 rating from me in the same chapter a different draw titan was revealed that i think looks kind of similar to falco this draw titan is what falco's draw titan would have looked like if he never had zeke's spinal fluid obviously i have no evidence to back that up but i'm just saying when i look at this thing i'm like yeah falco definitely would have looked like this if he wasn't a beast titan basically let me know what you guys think about that i mean obviously it's just my gut feeling but i'm going to give this design an 8 out of 10. over here we had another interesting draw titan and i wish we'd seen it more up close because this hardened face is pretty unique the shape is just so weird that i'm kind of wondering how exactly does it open and close but i assume that we maybe will get to see that when this is animated also as a random side note this draw titan right next to it is a strong contender for one of the ugliest titan shifters i have ever seen honestly i kind of feel bad for mapper having to one day bring this arc to life because there's just a million titans all fighting at once it's going to be so hard the final draw titan that i thought was worth talking about is this interesting creature and i initially was conflicted about whether this was a jaw titan or a cart titan or a beast titan but after a discussion with my boy oceans we agreed that its draw seemed to be its defining feature and therefore it is likely a draw titan i'll give this design a 7 out of 10 because the shape of its draw is unlike anything we've seen before and it kind of makes me wonder does it have better biting power than the other draw titans before i go i gotta say my favorite draw titan is probably falco's although this guy comes in at a close second place as always be sure to drop a like as it does help out the video and the channel and hit that sub button if you haven't already until the next one peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 1,808,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Attack on Titan, jaw titan, AOT, Attack on Titan the final season, Attack on Titan season 4, Ymir fritz, aot s4 Ymir, flying titan, falco titan, porco galliard, original founding titan, who is ymir, titan shifter, ymir backstory, grisha jaeger, AOT s4, AOT season 4, bird titan, beast titan, titan creation, fritz, eldian empire, Marley, eren Krueger, porco, subjects of ymir, titan hardening, shingeki no kyojin, marcel galliard, eren season 4, eren, falco armored titan, gabi
Id: -PXlk3Fsji0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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