All BEAST TITANS in History EXPLAINED! | Attack on Titan | Ancient Titans

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in this video i'm gonna explain every beast titan in the history of attack on titan out of all the nine time shifters that exist i say this one has the most variety when it comes to the designs of each user as they all have their own unique animal characteristics in the opening for season two of the anime we saw a bunch of creatures including bulls elephants and their freaking t-rex and at the very least some of those animals were previous beast titans it's still not explained what determines which animal you get but based on zeke i say you either get your favorite animal or an animal that represents who you are for example if jean had this shifter then he'd be the horse titan for sure and if sasha had it she'd probably be the deer titan or a cow titan or just maybe a giant lobster for the beast titans that we probably know in this series i'll be explaining the backstory of the user in addition to what makes their title unique for the other beast titans i'll be commenting on their designs but bear in mind that there will be spoilers ahead as it's necessary to explain the things i just mentioned as usual i'd appreciate if hit the sub button as we are on that long road to 250k and let me know down below which titan you think i should do next okay so the first beast title on this list is tom cassava who was an eldian researcher and a member of the malian warrior unit unlike most warriors tom wasn't really a fighter and he didn't aspire to become a titan shifter until much later in life the first time we saw this character was during a flashback to gracie jaeger's childhood in which grisha bumped into tom on his way to see the airship from their brief interaction it was clear that tom already knew who grisha was and this scene occurred 12 years before he became the beast titan at some point during the following years tom would remove his ldn armband and leave liberio where he would then get into a relationship with a malian woman he hid the fact that he was an aldian from his new girlfriend with the two of them eventually getting married and having a son together things didn't last forever though as while their son was still a toddler tom's wife somehow found out that he was an aldian which had terrible consequences for everyone involved realizing that both her husband and her child were subjects of ymir cassava's wife killed their son before turning the weapon on herself tom was the one who found their lifeless bodies and the situation deeply traumatized him for the rest of his life with his family gone tom returned to the internment zone in liberio where he applied to become a warrior candidate in his words he wanted to be a warrior so he could end his life in the grandest way possible because as we know titan shifters cannot live longer than 13 years after they get the power due to the curse of emir when he was selected as the beast titan cassava's main job as a researcher was to help mali better understand the power of the titans tom spent his years searching through the memories of previous beast titans in order to learn more about their history and in turn he would then report that information back to mali through his research he discovered many interesting facts about the titans but there was one secret about the founding titan that he mostly kept to himself for the sake of not giving away unnecessary spoilers i won't mention what the secret is or who he told it to or why he did that but when the relevant episode comes out then i will be doing a breakdown in the manga it was revealed that cassava had the sheep beast titan and had an interesting design to say the least its most notable feature were the gigantic curved horns on its head which would have been useful for ramming into enemies if necessary the titan had sheep's wall covering its head in the upper part of his torso while the rest of his body had bare skin like the regular pure titans you might imagine that a sheep beast titan would walk on all fours and while that is true for some of the beast titans cassava's one did walk on two legs one thing to note about this particular character is that tom claimed his titan wasn't really useful in war however when he said this i think he was more talking about himself as a person clearly with the right user the sheep's titan could have been a massive force on the battlefield but as i said tom himself was a scientist and a researcher so that's the reason why he said what he said the next person on this list is zeke yeager who inherited the beast titan from cassava in the year 842. he was the son of grisha yeager and diner fritz who are both prominent eldin restorationists and zeke's mother in particular was one of the last remaining aliens with royal blood at the time of zeke's birth the goal of the restorationist was to somehow reclaim the founding titan from parodies island and then use its power to rebuild the alien empire they didn't know exactly how they were going to accomplish that but a few years later mali announced its own plans to invade paradise and acquire the founding titan grisha saw this news as an amazing opportunity for zeke to fulfill their goals as by making him a malian warrior he could infiltrate the island and steal the founding titan zeke felt an intense pressure from his parents to become a warrior but his heart was never really in it his parents were solely focused on ld restoration whereas zeke was just a kid who wanted to be a kid and he wished that his parents would spend more quality time with him he was shown to be jealous of the playful relationship that other sons would have with their fathers and every night grisham and diner would leave zeke at his grandparents house while they attended their restorationist meetings any spare time zeke had was usually spent studying the true history of elder with his father but as we've established this isn't something he was motivated to do this lack of motivation effectively got him demoted from the warrior program as commander mcgath didn't think that zeke had the necessary passion to fight for mali instead of training with the other kids he was forced to do odd jobs like mopping up the floor but on one fateful occasion he happened to run into cassava tom liked to play with a baseball in his free time and zeke just luckily walked by at the right moment the two got talking and eventually became friends with zeke playing catch with him quite frequently from that point onwards meanwhile the restorationists were growing increasingly frustrated that zeke showed no signs of becoming a warrior and grisha eventually lost faith that his son could actually do it this was a heartbreaking moment but zeke realized that it was for the best as despite his failure he could still live a full life inside of liberio that situation quickly changed though as one day he overheard marion officers talking about how they were close to pinning down the earlier restorationists zeke knew that if that happened he and his entire family would be sent to paris island where they would be turned into pure titans he subtly tried to warn his parents to stop doing what they were doing but he totally failed and at that point he accepted that they were going to be caught cassava noticed there was something wrong with zeke and the boy proceeded to tell him the whole truth because you know he had nothing left to lose zeke promised that he'd still remember the fun times they had even after he becomes a pure titan but tom thought of a way that they could avoid that fate he suggested to zeke that he turned his parents into the authorities because it would not only prove his loyalty to mali but it would also save his grandparents in the process it's important to mention that zeke did not want to give up his parents but as their conversation continued tom was able to convince the boy that it was the right thing to do i doubt pastor thought he would be one day convincing grisha's son to snitch on him but life can be pretty crazy sometimes during the years after his parents were sent to parody's island zeke began to regard cassava as his true father unlike grisha cassava made time to have fun with zeke and actually viewed him as a person rather than a tool that could be used to free the ldm people by the time tom was able to have a successor zika matured into a trustworthy and reliable warrior candidate who was then selected to inherit the beast titan he also inherited tom's iconic glasses which is something zeke has worn ever since we first saw him in terms of design his beast titan was most reminiscent of a monkey which is not surprising when we consider this moment this scene right here was the beginning of the end physique's childhood as from that moment forward he would basically dedicate all his time to becoming a warrior the last time he truly got to be a child was in this scene before his parents approached him about being a warrior so i feel like it's only natural that that's what he became at 17 meters tall zeke is the second tallest titan shifter only being beaten out by the closest titan and his disproportionately long arms allowed for amazing throwing strength given that zeke had been honing his pitching skills for years with cassava this beast titan could not have been more perfect as an alden with royal blood zeke's beast titan also displayed special abilities that would normally be reserved for the founding titan for starters he can turn people into titans with a scream so long as they've consumed his spinal fluid in some way no titan shifter besides the founder has ever been able to do that but the madness didn't stop there as he could tell these titans what to do and have them obey his orders everything considered zeke was the best beast titan that marley ever had until he traveled to paris and betrayed them but what can you do next up we're gonna be looking at most of the notable beast titans throughout history however bear in mind that some of the images on screen are from the final arc of attack on titan so if you don't want to know major spoilers then i suggest you pause the video now the first ancient titan we should talk about is the minus or beast titan whose design is identical to that of the mythical creature in greek mythology the minotaur is a creature that eats humans and has the body of a man and the head of a ball and when we look at the attack on titan universe it's literally the exact same thing just about 15 meters taller like zeke's beast titan it has fur around its head and neck area as well as its legs but most of its torso is totally bare it also has a cool pair of horns on its head although i feel like cassava's titan was better suited for ramming into people moving on we have the snake beast titan which is one of the few titans we know of that is a reptile it has scaly skin across its entire body and although its design is inspired by a snake it still has a regular shaped torso like most titans we didn't see the lower half of its body so in theory it could have the lower half that's like a snake and has you know no legs um and you know what to support that it was hanging upside down the first time we saw it maybe it's snaky lower half was wrapped around something but anyway in its mouth it has a forked tongue which is just like snakes in real life and its neck is capable of extending the deer beast titan is next and this is the first one on this list that actually works on all fours as you can see this thing is genuinely just a massive deer and has no human-like features whatsoever in all likelihood this is probably a good thing as by being on all fours it allows the deer to gather more momentum before smashing into enemies with its antlers the antlers can be hardened if necessary and unlike most beast titans it seems to have fur covering its entire body from head to toe possibly the most hilarious titan in this video was the bunny titan because this thing had a buff body with broad shoulders and muscles only to have a cute little rabbit head on top there was also a beast titan that more closely resembled an ape than what zeke's was that had proportionately sized arms and ape-like features on his face thanks to falco we know that in history there was a flying beast titan but we don't know exactly what creature it was for all we know the flying beast tyson could have been a pterodactyl or a seagull we just have no idea at this point what we do know is that falco's draw titan is technically half beast titan so consider this an honorable mention in chapter 137 we got introduced to the dog beast titan for the first time which walks on all fours much like the deer titan the dog titan has flappy ears and a skinny body but i personally don't know what breed this is like i'm not really a dog person even though i do have one dog butter i don't really know the breeze too well so someone in the comments please do let me know what type of dog is this now the next part of this video was difficult because there are a bunch of titans out there that may or may not be beast titans for example in one of my other videos i said that this titan here was a draw titan and i had people in the comments agreeing with me people disagreeing saying it was a car titan and even more people saying it was a beast titan so the point is that there's a debate to be had as to whether certain titans are actually beast titans or not in my opinion there are loads of titans out there with animal features that don't happen to be beast titans as there might be other factors that cause that that we don't know about with falco being one example for that reason i'll be saving many of the titans to look like this for a future card titan video but in the meantime i figured i should mention the underwater beast titans during the opening for season two of attack on titan we saw at least three different whales as well as at least one other creature that lives in the ocean a beast titan that could consistently stay underwater would change naval warfare as most shifters are only good for combat on land if mali ever had a whale titan in the last 100 years then enemy nations would have been totally scared to use their battleships as the world titan could annihilate them at any second as i make this video there are only two chapters left to go an attack on titan so i'm not confident of a whale titan ever being seen but you know it would be something cool to explore if there was a spin-off series about mali or perhaps the great titan war let me know down below what was your favorite beast titan design and be sure to drop a like as it does help out the video until the next one peace out
Channel: Turtle Quirk
Views: 2,642,565
Rating: 4.9352727 out of 5
Keywords: Attack on Titan, zeke beast titan, AOT, Attack on Titan the final season, Attack on Titan season 4, zeke yeager, aot s4 eren, beast titan, falco titan, sheep titan, original founding titan, xaver, titan shifter, zeke backstory, grisha jaeger, AOT s4, AOT season 4, bird titan, titan creation, Dina fritz, Marley, ksaver, subjects of ymir, titan hardening, shingeki no kyojin, turtle quirk, eren season 4, founding titan, first beast titan, former beast titan, new beast titan
Id: 7iU64zuLoIk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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