All Dungeons No Doors TAS in 2:21:32 with commentary

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start off before we actually start the task we're gonna start off with an intro I got to turn off IOT that was just for background music so here we go first we're gonna start with the intro and this is this is in the past like the upload no because of the intro you met the or the trailer the trailer I'm sorry yeah the trailer okay yes this is this is already Emma [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah as hell spoilers in there this is my favorite part by the way today is the first day of fall so a good timing yeah that's right today's first day fall so thank you promise we will finally start the real thing although the salsa is the real intro yep can't say that's my stock human taking us on a junior manikyam to ensure estamos Auriga 3d day UNITA - NGO no naka de gens in scouts cotton Natalia's name he only obtains dictums again which he can recycle now - Cody consciousness upon Atacama emojos asset ID equal to the a canary volume not even we all day a gotten a cool game when we were together on Tony sorry we thought the photo terminates could take my stuff totem Otonashi Sagada carry master there Mena's hundred thousand new birthday [Music] [Music] all right and here we go [Music] yeah so two 21 and 32 there it is all right so you want to go over why we care so much about skipping doors and a bit little bit about the history about this okay so um the reason why we care is because one time Keita made a video where he was just you know digging around and they were he was talking with some of his friends and they were just talking about you know what if you could skip doors or what if you could do any percent no doors because he was just messing around with some trick with getting a door like getting to a loading zone without using the door and it actually ended up working and it is a trick that we do use we actually use that trick in this run that initially started this whole thing so that's exciting but yeah that's pretty much it and the challenge was always was always there but like it just seemed you know kind of like impossible for like a long time because like why like why the [ __ ] would this ever be possible so yeah but you know it is and we made it so how long did you work on this and like how long did it take for everything to fall into place for this actually be possible well as far as I know the only thing for a while at least like I guess the last thing that needed to be discovered was the the wrong warp to twin brother's room that was the only thing for a while and we basically needed a way well I don't want to spoil anything so I'll just say that it is possible and as far as the grouting goes this has been in the process of being routed for a long time but that is something I actually don't know a ton about because like I said you know the intro and everything I didn't actually route this that's why it's a collective effort cuz I just actually made the test so yeah all right and so what exactly is a door what's the exact definition that we're skipping here so let me just read verbatim from the FAQ the loan restriction of this movie can be best defined as no opening doors we're opening refers to multiple different in-game events the first and most obvious is just opening a door by standing in front of it and pressing a and additionally doors that are opened by actions other than in a press such as the door of time are also not allowed this a yeah I think that's the only door to that like is technically a door but like can't be open by pressing I think that's the only exception maybe yeah yeah yeah I mean it's pretty self-explanatory luckily do you like to know about the game and so it hasn't started just collecting rupees for something hi assume your room Nia doesn't have a door that's that's just a block angry we don't even move it anyway Soilers nice orangey minute the rupees oh yeah though gotta buy six and Deku nuts first thing those gonna be useful later on the video though skipping it out a shield a loading zone is not a door so the first thing done obviously leaving kokiri forest Decca tree is gonna be done just later on can't quite be it without any doors yet [Music] [Music] at the beginning of this run is fairly standard for OT purposes right just like escape Kakariko bottle yeah it's fairly standard I'd say up to I guess going adult probably that's when it starts to get cool or actually now product hookshot like if you if you play the game you probably know the route more or less of the hookshot well there's a few differences right that's not it's not like you know the same as you're used to there's some slight differences but you'll see [Music] yes the test is already done we're watching the full thing right now [Music] [Music] no I'll skip because I mean s gonna say cuz we don't have shield buddy don't you need shield get out here but I think it's still slow there's like two different methods you can use for the Deku stick anyway so yeah there's like two different methods you can do for a low stick one requires two different items it that you have to swap between constantly and you only have one item here there's a different method that involves like pause buffering backflips and slide hops and stuff that is like a tiny bit faster although I'm actually not sure if it'd be faster on emulator just because pauses suck oh yeah I am completely ready to like get called out for like doing slow [ __ ] because I guarantee you there's like a bunch of stuff that I haven't even noticed that's wrong with this desk yeah so you've probably seen this part before Koko's pretty important for almost any OT speedrunning gotta get that bottle those bottles are yes yes look Ted officially looked at this is 1.0 right yes yeah yeah yeah nice fun little camera angles to make this slightly more interesting than usual yeah I try you know I really try to put in more effort just like make it entertaining like especially if it's you know like a boring segment like this I want to just at least look interesting or look like you know something you might notice sitting before some of the chat asks light hops faster than back-walking yes light hopping is a little bit faster than back walking as child especially when going up and down slopes as adult back walking becomes faster right as adult back walking is faster over distance but side hopping is faster for short distances right okay so it varies and then of course during Coco's here you can't slide hop while holding a taco so that's what you're still back talking a lot yeah and I don't have a sword or like hit them with and make them run that weird forward walk animation is he's mashing Z every other frame which is also called a z slide which will be used later on other than that funky animation it causes you can also use it to preserve speed which you'll see a bit of later on it was a really nice cooker dive right here gotta getcha pop Bob the well early and he uses a Deku nut to make the Coco angry so you can follow through the water during the cutscene and get to bomb the well early and so here's a 1.0 exclusive glitch where you have something in your hand and you try to enter a crawlspace and throw a decade' right before and it kind of messes with links hitbox and allows you to clip out of bounds he ended up walking on a wooden plank you have the sealing clipped out of bounds there got to the bomb shoes early by going to the basement then swimming through the invisible water upwards to grab the bomb shoes there and bomb shoes are another super important item bomb choose in bottle are like two of the most important items in the game for speedrunning for anyone asking like if they to like see something again I mean obviously this is going to be on YouTube but then also after the run is over we have a special treat a special treat for you guys thanks to my man nerds with game don't spoil too much of what it is yeah yeah it's a little thing to be made and you'll get to see some parts again I've tried to keep the map spamming to a minimum because I always hear when when you stream the 100% tests or I forgot what yeah I think it was 107 one I think it was on the I yeah it didn't sound good on the year so yeah to memory not going straight to temple of time I wonder what could be done here oh yeah so you gotta leave and reenter Hyrule Castle to make melon appear hear their words is not a chat because he I forgot what exactly but he has some sort of yeah he was actually gonna be here but had something came up for him dang he got owned I think you're getting owned dude oh that's okay yeah even if you get oh and you have a fairy I was not eclis just kidding I actually need to get going right there it's important yep to catch a fairy you need to have if you want to get a random fairy drop you need to have low health and so that's the purpose of getting damaged there you can catch that fairy and you got to waste a little bit of time because you gotta wait until morning for this egg to hatch [Music] that's why he's just messing around with some stuff here anything right now is unoptimized a anyway [Music] [Music] yeah we get to see this song a few times when it's not actually day out which is cool they just wake that guy up and leave huh yeah all right it's a bit rude listen man I'm sure there's a perfect [Music] I'm what's gonna get skip you're it is big door it's a little door there on that door who's boss [Music] no we're not gonna fast-forward cutscenes we wrote the timer will be inaccurate come on [Music] I'm sure they're talking about important door related topics though in this cutscene well I saw a question earlier that asked what what is the note doors collective you want to talk about everyone who's worked on this yeah right I was just thinking about that actually so the people who actually are part of this so-called collective Amity Saru I think I'm saying that right Ben Stephens you all know him cafe evey Mewis ee e um u.s exodus fash OMG a tree six nerds with game Natalia has died sniping one one seven and then myself and all those other people and this will be in the description of the YouTube video so yeah all those other people were who I was like you know talking to and referencing my work with while I was you know working on this but none of them actually cast any part of it I did the whole movie like I said yeah and they're all people who worked on grouting worked on finding glitches for this making this whole thing possible it takes it took a lot of work to just make this make the idea of all dungeons no doors possible in the first place [Music] [Music] [Music] how many records [Music] Kwami check who is playing right now no one is playing we are watching a youtube video but the test was made by Taylor the inputs were made by Taylor how many doors zero is this RTA possible at the moment highly unlikely when his door limit runs never [Music] how many glitches though a lot soon will be getting to the part where the big glitch has really come in how many doors you actually skip think about every dungeon in the game and then think about all the doors that you normally need to open in order to beat that dungeon those are all the doors and then Vlad and then in addition to that there's doors not in dungeons that you still need to somehow find a way to get around back-walking is used there because over long distances back welcome use faster as a dolphin side hopping [Music] oh yeah that kind of weird sliding motion with that weird walking animation that's called a Z slide you essentially just mash the every other frame and the preserve your momentum and one reason you kind of want to do it with back walk sometimes is because when going up slopes with it you don't lose your speed whereas normally when going up slopes you would lose a little bit of speed something else I should point out is that start from talking to you know the Coco lady for that point all the back walks from the MOL optimal back wise because at first I didn't know you could actually leave one nice back or back foot those are things I think you're cutting in and out I think your mics cutting out control hello Taylor I think your mic is cutting out repeatedly can you hear me Taylor oh no hello hello I can't hear you can you hear me now yes what's up hey what you said I'm that guy I just went out and you know bought a new mic real quick so no problems alright great and the bulb problems right now alright so what are you trying to say where did I stop uh back walking at the Coco lady something just basically saying that if there's any task nerds in here all the bakbox from here on out our optimal because you can save a frame every back walk by doing this thing with the control stick that you can't really do in real time [Music] hey no no we we didn't open that door though so we here's the thing we touch a lot of doors in this run we get we get real cozy with a lot of doors but we don't open them we don't use an action on the door and that's what counts I you I wasn't checking what time was the damp a race forty-four all right so going against castle now and the reason the reason for this I don't think you're actually going against castle now right just watching the cutscene what you're just watching the cutscene here right yeah just watching because yeah doing anything yet and so the reason for just watching this cutscene is watching that cutscene we're just entering Ganon's Castle area in general turns it to nighttime and you want to turn to nighttime here to hatch the egg faster and so this is called an a slide or analogue slide it's you roll onto a bomb and hold a present you alternate between neutral and left early every other field and down until a certain frame and then from that point you alternate between down and neutral on the analog stick every frame and you keep your speed yeah so a slides and Zee slides and hissing are all pretty similar they have like slightly different uses especially for a task but you can think of a slide in these slides as a slightly alternate version of passing and when you see me like twitching when I'm doing a test that's basically just switching between ESS position left and ESS position right every frame and there's a there's actually a script for that shout out to nerds with games one of the people in the collective we helped make this for providing me with a ton of useful scripts for just making some stuff a lot easier like text and you know like that the cool looking ESS thing there's some interesting stuff you're doing right now oh yeah so that was cool I figured I could probably reach this goal oh I'm glad I'm glad I could I barely made it those close and we just need to waste time right now because we're waiting for the egg to hatch Oh preferably we want to enter DC actually well you'll see ooh so that was really nice probably hard to notice what happened there but what happened is the bomb to exploded blowing up the wall at the same time that he left and that skipped the cutscene of the the wall blowing up and showing the intro cutscene to GC and if you've watched ot speedruns recently you probably know about this glitch die as you hookshot a ladder and get revived by a fare you get to do a big jump to jump all the way up DC and get bombs early [Music] and that's the whole purpose of that ferry from earlier yes that is that is uh affectionately known as the quarry hop official name you heard it here first on g'wan hey there's a door nice job not opening it I really tried so yeah that mega flip earlier clipped into the head without opening the head by lighting guys and when it's not open and when you we can get inside it when it's not open it kind of has like hole that points out of bounds so you can get out of bounds here and just hover in this out-of-bounds area and you can hover straight into the boss loading zone without touching a door and that is dodongos cavern without a door yeah and that this trick was actually in both of the previous no doors testers because even though there are any percent they both use DC so how to do them you can't do a super slide there because no hover boots getting hover boots without opening their doors a bit tricky as however we star behind the door against [Music] Thanks is it possible to get hover boots I'm pretty sure it's not right I actually don't know well they're not gotten in this run I would assume maybe I know you can get into the room you can get into the Harbert room but I don't know if you can actually get Hubble boots [Music] no we are not going to make door puns we're not going to stoop to that level of commentary yes I know what cutscenes skip no wrong warp here I'm sure there's a good reason for that there is a good reason oh good it's the fun part is that I don't actually have to tell you what it is I can just make [ __ ] up cool [Music] it's so coming up here is the trick the trick that kita was doing or was he was doing a super slide in this case we will be doing a hover but it's the same trick shout out China today a castle like one and only him there's a new trick that spurred discussion of no doors in the first place [Music] there's a door over there and that's how you enter a house without opening a door and that's how you get out of the house without opening a door yeah that's the only way actually but where are we off to now we're actually going back to the Kakariko it's kind of inconvenient that you have to save work but that is the only way to leave that room without using doors though okay a correction that is not the only way out if you use first when unfit you can exit the house okay Oh technically not the only way but you can't really set that up right now [Music] and so right now is just doing part of the trading quest for RBA I assume doing that because there's a few quest items that we need to RBA so we can get some important other quest items yeah a password is there's a some pretty good bomb drops in here and so that waiting there pose don't actually spawn until about 10 seconds after you enter an area so that's why that PO didn't spawn quite as fast as you might think yeah that's the fastest you can really get them to up here and so right here you got a bottle on B this is called reverse bottle adventure when you get a bottle on your B button it's done by swinging the bottle when your last button was not a bottle pressed and so the game would normally put whatever you catch in a bottle over your last button pressed in that case it was the sword instead of the bottle and when you catch something with a bottle on your B button it modifies parts of your inventory based on your item on C right and so right there what did you catch with see right there was it cuz you're uh well first it was kuduro and then I mean I'm not sure if it was a catcher release but I know we had to do bugs because it puts when you do it with bogs on on your C right you actually get bugs in your inventory and like a different slot so that was kind of important yes so in our RBA is a bottling your third bottle slot and then kojirou also RBA's your BOM bag and quiver and then trading in kuduro for the odd mushroom the next part in the trading quest but I guess we're not gonna go trade it yet we're gonna say go for another nice little jump you can use that jump to skip this entire maze section oh man yeah this is uh this is a cutscene skip right here this visit this is AK right act right had a video on how to do this so shout it to him yeah so you hover out-of-bounds there and hit the load of the cutscene trigger from out of bounds the custom trigger is absolutely massive extends all the way down and to the side for a ridiculously long time and so you just hit the cutscene trigger then Boyd out so you get the song and don't have to watch the cutscene [Music] and when you are in the water if you go in the water at a certain angle so you don't so the link doesn't like pop his head up in the water you can preserve your speed over the river there so you can do that Hesse all the way across the river which is really nice and optimal another door skip there it is man right there at that mega flip the mega flip landed on the stairs and the stairs have like a slight angle that can allow you to clip out of bounds if you make a flip at it a certain way and once you put out of bounds you still need a damage boost to actually get into the loading zone but you clip out of bounds you do a damage boost off the chew you get in here without opening that door [Music] [Music] yeah that trick was cool because I actually test like right up to the door like actually I test going around the other way from CAC and I got right up to the door and I'm like wait a minute [ __ ] how do my skills they're nice that happened multiple times or is that the only time that's actually I think one of the only times that like her actually know late ok later on in the run there was a few times where there were some close calls where it's like oh we didn't anticipate this but actually it didn't happen as often as we thought it was going to and by the way that's one of the only on optimal segments that I'd know of in the run like when you spawn on the pedestal line I did a I did a mega flip and kept the speed off of that which is backflip speed but it would have been optimal and I do this later to just do a s so RB is gonna be coming up again he's gonna get a bottle on B again this time I'm gonna do it with PO unsere a which is gonna 1c right modifies your bomb two counts so catching those bugs gave him 29 bomb shoes and he's gonna catch the bugs again with poachers on C right and that gives you some songs it gives you is eldest lullaby pre-lit of light Nocturne of shadow and serenade I think that's right right yes the real important one from that being sells is lullaby nice you're like a couple seconds ahead of me because I'm all watching the stream okay oh did you oh yeah the other thing what they go around yeah yeah there's a cool little like camera a like angle thing to write one the text starts and I have no idea how I got that I just just like pressing buttons oh and by the way I don't know I guess this is like not common but or something I've been told but I the way that I like actually tasks stuff sometimes is I will like just mess with it like I actually have a controller plugged in and I'm like kind of like messing with it like playing at RTA and just experimenting like that because I don't know it's really hard for me to like play the game with the you know the the input device from this Hawk because you have to like [ __ ] click the joystick around yeah that always seemed kind of unintuitive saying yeah I have to have my controller my atomic purple Nintendo 64 controller you hurry here first folks that's the official n64 color of this task atomic purple another clip there that a pastor a slightly I'm not sure which one clipped through that statue that she's not a door but even if it was skips [Music] and so this is a big part of the reason he RB ade poacher saw earlier for Zelda's Lullaby you need magic for this and of course you don't want to go meet Zelda that's just too slow [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we have skipped many doors so far and there will be many more doors skips [Applause] [Music] [Music] those bomb drops the next we're going to Zoras River through the that secret exit in Lost Woods and then choose ORS domain it was really cool like that the clip in his oars domain was apparently like new that's like one of the only things in this test that I think actually might be the first time it's been in a yeah I've actually never seen that clip before it does a really quick King to risk it yeah so since king zora was never moved as child he's still blocking the weight is always found as a dull and so you need to clip out of bounds luckily the clip out of bounds they're super easy but and also big fast and here in Zoras fountain is a very important item without this item many doors would not be able to be skipped [Music] how many bombs are used in this run probably a very large number yeah someone joked earlier about two hours of hovering it's not a joke boy dang there is a section in this run that is very hover intense so that'll be maybe the bathroom break [Music] yeah so first wind has a lot of glitches you can do with manipulating rooms I guess is the least spoilery way to put it though yeah really important item for skipping dungeons or skipping doors so here's another dungeon we're finally going to hane inside job tell me tell me when link pauses next lever here pause I just wanted to have like a live version on my yep yeah yeah okay so yeah to get into jabu jabu's loading zone does in fact exist as a dolt it's slightly above or slightly below the ice but above the water and so to get in there you have to do a very precise clip through the ice during like I make a slight hop or a mega flip or something like that and you also have to be moving upwards while you do it or else if you're like only moving downwards you want to the loading zone which is why it's you can't like you can't just do a regular mega mega flip down and clip in it has to be like a mega slide hop really close so you hit it while you're still rising and so far is Winsett in java it's going to be really important for beating job without a door yeah you'll see that actually right after we take care of some business in Lon Lon ranch I wonder what we could possibly be doing here [Music] just gonna steal Epona without a door so yeah if you just hover over the gates around lon lon ranch you instantly get epona since normally the only way you're supposed to be able to get over those gates is with Epona so you just get a pone instantly I wonder what Epona has to do with doors though that book yeah those drops dude and some more RBA coming up that RBA was with an empty bottle which puts a bottle in his third bottle slide we saw you had an extra bottle there and now he's also gonna die and so the reason for this death so when you enter an area while swimming or in ternary well in water and then die while you have a bottle on your B button when you respawn you'll have a blank B button you have nothing on your D button if you don't enter the area in water then you'd normally have a Deku stick on the B button and so if you ever if you were like you know seven years old when this came out and you ever learned about glitches you know in 1999 you might have heard of the sort of the sling glitch where you can use items on Epona when you're swordless and that's exactly what's going on here yeah that glitch is a vital to I don't know if you were watching the trailer when see if you played that but there's one thing in there which we're about to see that we need you know stored lists on Epona for yeah I definitely remember using swordless Epona stuff I was a kid it was pretty fun it was like I think I was like the first pledge I knew about or at least one of the first first we're gonna stop and talk to this nice old man first didn't give us another important item for our being later on so for this glitch to set it up properly I need my my exit I believe that the the exit value to be a certain very specific value so I need to get that value by going through one of the entrances to grow to a fortress and then leaving it and that's to be a very specific one as you'll you'll see so kind of the most inconvenient one to get to actually but it's no matter yeah so that jump that happened right there when you drop off a poni while using ocarina and then hook shot while like half on Epona then get off Epona again or get back on opponent and get back off Epona you do that little jump there they'll use that jump to get to that exit specifically and again you has to enter that that exit specifically to make this trick work we do it again here but here's a really big jump oh wow opponent can kill them I didn't not know that oh really did I just teach CFG something new about oh my god I'm so excited oh you can see you saw link falling like in the background there and so now I was gonna use for husband right as he avoids out back in Javu so this looks very confusing it is very confusing so you're right to think that yes so when he because the reason he had to go through that specific entrance point in Gerudo Fortress is so that when he warps back into job you like this the he just deleted for his win and then set it again the new furrows win point gets set at the same coordinates of the exit that he was at a guerrilla fortress so whereas previously for his wound was set at the beginning of Javu Roseman is no longer set the beginning of java it's set in that those specific coordinates and hey this is a nice cutscene yes the real bathroom break actually and did you RBA like writing job you like I missed it I think I did yeah what I did in job I guess I'll take the time to explain it now is we warped and the room we were in was let me see if I can get describe it it's the one that you go in that has like the switch on the bottom that raises them what up and like yep that raises water yeah it's that one I mean I jumped down there and RBA I forgot what exactly but I broke more on sword okay yeah yeah that's right rb8 that and that's actually another mistake in the run were the only other big ones is right there cuz I should what I should have done is I should have caught the bugs back in my real bottle but I forgot to do that and then continued on with the tasks and made like probably over an hour's worth of progress before I caught it that's okay because all we had to do was just get bugs somewhere else and it's not that big of a deal honestly and so the important ted confirmed so the important part of our being the broken Gorn sword in shabu is that the broken Gorn sword RBA's your medallions and so by catching the bugs with broken coral and sea right it gave him Forstmann dying water medallion shadow and spirit medallion and later cutscene specifically triggers when you have spirit and shadow medallion in your inventory so by our being the broken corn sword that's what triggered the Lichtman light arrow cutscene to trigger [Music] [Music] [Music] the test is about two and a half hours if you can get I actually said the official time in the beginning but I don't know if claim caught it yeah it's a I think we can just say it now it's two hours 21 minutes yeah - 21 but if you want to get us the seconds and milliseconds I'll be impressed if anyone gets it I'm pretty sure it was on the video title at the beginning but for those who don't wanna cheat don't cheat so this part of the cutscene is actually important this flashback so again when he did RBA in jabu and he got a bottle on B when you have a bottle on B and you go back and forward in time when you become adult again you'll have an item on your B button based on what item child had on C right and so that flashback there where it showed child link again that flashback actually counts as going back in time and then forward in time again so that activates ball adventure that means at the end of this cutscene he'll actually have a completely different item on his B button based on what child had on C right [Music] oh yeah ash brought up another good point normally when you go back and forward in time roars wind deletes itself but if you use the lighter cutscene so if you were to normally do ball adventure by going back and forward in time then froze win wouldn't be there anymore but the lighter cutscene does not delete furrows wind so it's really important that we use this for ball adventure [Music] yes that is the only reason or what well actually we do need light arrows so I guess not I guess that's not the only reason Hawk Nez it's it's going back and forward in time in general that deletes firs win locations so there's no I mean there's only two times the game will actually check you know go back and forward in time and one of them is lighter cuts and the other is you know using the master sword so it's unique in that aspect so yeah after the cutscene he now has boomerang on B and so that means that do you remember what item you had on C right his child was it fish no losing fish oh gosh probably knows I'll jump skip wait for him doorbell whatever whatever item you had on C right is child the item value it pointed to was the value of thirteen fourteen fourteen because that's the value of boomerangs fourteen yeah so that's how he has boomerang on B because it put the value the item value fourteen on B and it's also important to note I know people have been asking if equip swap the new equip swap glitch would be useful in this and it kind of seems like it might be useful for boomerang but getting boomerang would still require opening doors so you're Rebecca jabu and we're gonna do a glitch called zombie walking so it's when you void out and then you spawn with no hearts and you can actually still like move around and we can move into the loading zone marinade yeah so the entire point of going into water temple is just to be able to use for is win since you can't use it outside of dungeons so you work back into job with those weird coordinates that were used from Gerudo Fortress which is really high up in the air void out and then the void out calls you to die which allows you to do the zombie walking so you enter barren aid but you're dead and so you actually die as soon as you start the fight but this is what the fairy is for the fairy revives you and now it's time to fight baring it like normal or as normal as this looks yeah that's very far the least normal her neck but you ever see the guys we only have the ring so very normal very normal fight right here yeah I remember doing this when I was a kid sure we still do have the sword so we can just really clip it out for weed oh dude you got the the extra hit with the boomerang yeah you know how that's consistent what's that do you know how that's consistent well the way i mean the way it i got it is basically just making it so that baron aid is like kind of right up against the wall when he is down so that when he gets up he'll immediately come like right back out you have to time it like really well so i don't know how well would work today you could try it though for sure alright I've gotten it a few times videos like completely random I don't know how to do it consistently I've tried so anyway the reason for those pots is because he had boomerang on B and equipping sword would get rid of boomerang which means he couldn't stun baron 8 anymore so that's the purpose for the pots but then once the last stun was done he could equip master sword again and kill baron 8 like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] though this is to dungeons downright DC and jabu aesthetics more to go [Music] the hearings or words domain king zora is still blocking the way you want explain this it happens to go with the marimba that was playing you might cut out and that just sounded really out of context I think your mics dead again anyway anyway yeah he had a dude in a slide to get past king zora it allows you to clip through rounded collision and then here back in lost woods got to do RBA again in this grotto also use another a slide to get into the grotto without blowing up the rock I've got to get more bugs here and doing some damage buffering and dying Jay hello I heard sounds I think hey hey what's up alright so once again the same thing you did in Zoe's River earlier he's spawned in water after dying with a bottle on B so that spawns him with nothing on his B button again but now back to ticket forest meadow gonna go through the maze again or above the maze again and into forest temple hello hello forth Mike alright real excited I heard half that sentence all right now okay oh yeah it's a good point to bring up after doing our BA with the broken goron sword that actually deletes the minuet of forest that's why you didn't use the minuet to go back to forest simple that's the problem multiple times in the run well like we have to delete a song that it would be nice to keep and so first wins set in forest temple similar to how what was done with job with a void warp similar thing is going to be done with forest temple yeah the fade faded buttons is because of having nothing on your B button it kind of messes with whether certain items are faded or not [Music] that mega flip is super precise by the way very precise painfully precise God that took me so long to do now back to gorilla fortress this is a very convenient place for wide warps since you have a lot of options yeah thankfully the exit that we need this time is just this one that happens Kimura next to a kind of an opponent's still here even after all this time after ditching her like 30 minutes ago 20 minutes ago so just like last time gonna do a hook shot jump using uh items on a pony glitch and then he's gonna void out and use for us being at the same time and now we are going back before simple you just can't see yeah this is for simple don't worry and so specifically where he was and for a simple that was the the basement where that we have to push that wall around and in that area when that wall is unloaded you can kind of walk around the the side of the area and walk into the loading zone that way [Music] [Music] [Music] that's to home or funky for the strat I use here to kill her again his MST test inspired water tricks in her room yeah that test is actually really good and I would suggest watching it if anyone hasn't watched it yet [Music] yeah that shot so good but what happens there is when when phantom Ganon comes out of the painting if you shoot something at him eeeh the bow or hook shot or whatever he spins his staff and it makes him vulnerable for a second and so he shot the hook shot immediately as he came out of the painting to make him vulnerable then just started slashing him over and over he he gets up once but you just do the same thing as soon as he gets up who essentially it's essentially stun locking him the bomb had to be there actually because when he gets up he will move away too fast if you try to just keep attacking him you have to hit him with something so he'll like kind of like use his block attack or I guess just block and he'll be low enough anymore oh that's interesting and so here's a cutscene skip he's just gonna die on the right frame where he'll get the medallion and not have to watch the cutscene this is actually the first cutscene skip slash wrong warp in the run yes it is oh man [Music] Leigha Gotham force medallion for simple complete didn't have to watch the cutscene and also Fuhrer's wind is still there I don't think that's gonna be useful but yeah when you do avoid warp like that it doesn't get rid of for first wind bill stays there it's a really cool medicine of everything very very precise yeah it's really cool method of entering water temple there's the really precise place you can jump slash to clip out of bounds there now water temple is interesting though the boss isn't really that far away from the entrance of the dungeon but you have to do a lot to get there so you can do a lot of hovers to get out of bounds through the ceiling and then you got a hover all the way to the boss door or almost all the way with the post or at least this is a really big hover here [Music] and so he lands in this room this is the room right before the boss room and from here you can just do the regular old boss key skip by hovering right in front of the door and then jump slashing into it this is better than just doing one consistent hover through the whole thing and in that way water temple is actually much the same like I mean obviously like you have to hover to the you know boss room and to chamber but it's pretty much the same where you just go and do the boss use yep yeah just just a one door difference oh yeah actually something I should mention about all this out-of-bounds stuff in dungeons is whenever you're in a dungeon all of the collision in the dungeon is always loaded and the boss loading zone is always loaded so as long as whatever dungeon you're in is loaded you can touch all of the floors and ceilings and whatever wherever the dungeon is and you can always get to the boss loading zone it's just a matter of how are you going to get out of bounds how are you going to navigate these out-of-bounds rooms and how are you going to get to the boss room itself and so that fight was pretty quick not a usual play I'll be at the pattern I'll just say me that hover was probably like maybe like a fifth or a sixth of like one of the hundreds that's coming up yeah that multiply it was actually I think blue thinking did that you know he's I saw someone asked before what inspired me like what maybe get into passing it it was literally just like joining the speedrun community and seeing a bunch of chances I like you know blue then I think sonic Packer and stuff the more r-va here again with Poe anyway GF you shut up for a second okay [Music] nice hey I don't actually know what that was that was what's it called [Music] number one oh right okay alright so yeah that was our being again with the PO NC right for refilling bomb cheese essentially another twenty nine bomb shoes yeah that's the good thing about like I mentioned in the epic you basically just said because we can you are be a pretty much anywhere that we have a wall and a bomb or a wall and an explosion or damage source you can RBA so as long as you keep that hope that we have your bottle you can replenish our bank account at twenty nine almost any tell me what no guys I I knew the song I just didn't recognize it on the ocarina yeah hard to make out all right so shadow early here so we did a super slide off a piece of grass there and when you don't have a strength upgrade and like goron bracelet or silver gauntlets or anything like that when you try to pick up a grass from far away like just kind of teleports to it and so he teleported to the grass really high from the slopes with infinite storage activated so he warped above the grass in the air and then could just slide hop up to the ledge and walk around into shadow temple and then from here in shadow temple he clipped into a little tiny piece of ground that's like barely out of bounds and time for another hover ya rijal something was gonna be different like I said then I believe came up with this idea instead it's pretty cool this is actually my favorite dungeon I think at least the end game part of it is really cool so I had these bombs right there because it was just nothing but boy wait right below me so using a bomb shield at this crash once I'm above land and all this hovering is to get past that one door to get into this room if you're familiar with ot speedruns this is the room right before the hover boots which is where both skip is traditionally done though from here it's basically just both skip well a little bit different and so this is the last room shadow temple right before the boss room doing the boss key skip and here's bongo and there goes Bongo and so that bossfight you drop a bomb down the hole and it hits bongos partially loaded hitbox and so it disables the cutscene that happens when you fall into the room and so bongos already stunned there's just this giant invisible hitbox right in front of you you just stabbed it a bunch and he does and because we are be a shadow medallion we don't have to watch the cutscene here so we can just take the blue work ya know cutscene skip necessary at all [Music] more RBA just four more shoes again oh and the doop / lighter is why is that uh I actually completely forgot all right I guess I'll explain that to you then so um when you have there's a few different components of what makes a bow actually work so you need the bow you can actually equip that can be either the regular bow light arrows fire or ice arrows you need at the quiver you need yeah you need the quiver which will actually let you hold arrows if you don't have a quiver you can't go above zero arrows and the quiver was gotten from RBA and could zero way back earlier in the run and then duping over light arrows is the third component or if you do pover light arrows the actual item that's equipped when you equip light arrows on the item screen at least is the bow slot and so that puts a bottle over the bows lot when you do pover light arrows also that's pretty cool you can fall into lava in that cutscene yeah so by duping over light arrows if it's a bottle in the bow slot and something in the bow slot is what triggers arrow drops to happen and so now that he has a ball in the bow slot he can find arrow drops and actually pick up arrows and shoot arrows so this hunger that we're gonna be getting right you can actually not touch the water zone if you hover up high enough and so we use the fact that you can do this to hover past the loading zone and then back around it you'll see where we don't it's farther than it looks by the way like that white texture is at the actual loading zone at the actual wedding zone is invisible and extends out farther than that and so this is the main room gans castle the main trials area all still loaded and that mega flip was for trial skip scale if you know what that is you'll know where I was and here is a big color so yeah here's a bigger hover this actually still isn't the biggest heart well yeah debate I think it is the penis yeah one of the two anyway so what we have to do here is clip out of bounds and stand on this little piece of land that's barely sticking out from the room so that we can continue hover barely in-between the wall of the new of the room you were just in and the wall of the next wave and so we can maneuver our way in between these and I wonder I wonder where we're gonna go I'm not even sure actually are doing this live we're gonna find out together I'm so excited to find out - the only reason this cover is even possible to do actually is the fact that as you will soon see we can land on a very very small piece of land that's inside one of the pillars on the stairs and r-va shoots again in the middle of the hover so we have 29 - now if that wasn't possible usually wouldn't have enough it's that big of a hover the distance and by the way all these hunters are optimal like they have the optimal amount of high reach well okay this hover it definitely takes the most explosives I'm fairly short but there's another hover that might be longer just because of that kinds of explosives that it uses and here's Ganondorf all the that giant hover just for this yep to get up here [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] no the hover is not the one up to the main root and Fire Temple we don't go there that's a good guess though that's probably one of those like tallest Maps [Music] in an hour all right what we're gonna say just that if someone could guess it's a kind of weird spot yeah though the pretty standard get into a fight just later a crow stabbed lunch time your Crouch jabs right and you stomach him he can't get out okay I'm not gonna do door funds most of the time but I think Ganondorf is actually kind of good no I'm not I'm not gonna I'm not with you anymore no that's the only door phone I know other puns are acceptable but Ganondorf just has a good ring to it you know like because he's the enemy doors were the enemy he is that he's the leader of the doors [Music] also I hope you got to like this cutscene you know the last time I heard that didn't end too well yeah more r-va once again to get bottle unbeaten and this time he's also going to do something special here though right there he hovered just barely off the edge and was able to do if you're like super closely edge you can do ocarina items and fall down and so you like you're on it says that you're on the floor or for like just enough time and so you can play a whoop song there and void out and so he just did a void warp into the preload of like cutscene and so this is how you skip the door of time the other way [Music] yes door chime does count as a door so opening the door of times not allowed [Music] you yeah so we actually got pretty little flight earlier on in the run when our being the poacher saw and so our being the poacher sought gives you a little flight along with a few other songs so that's why he was able to still play it but if you have song in your inventory the cutscenes still plays anyway and so playing the period of light it of course it loads temple of time and then the void warp loads you into temple of time with the map loaded and coordinates of of Ganon's tower collapse which loaded the back room of temple of time and start at the cutscene and now we're child again wonder why yes oh yeah so you still have the timer from the from the gans castle flaps so that warped just delete with government at the time of real quick when you have a time I like that expire and you don't have any item in your origin you have an item in your trade item slot that is not odd mushroom eyedrops or eyeball frog then it just reloads the current area so if you're noticing that I choose because I actually need exactly 17 choose for another like being a thing later on like a nice number 17 and there's actually only three places that I can put used without losing time I think he was more I just haven't thought of any because as child we never got a shield so the only way that we can release a fuse by actually pressing a to set it down on the ground of that like race time that's like the whole animation you have to watch oh we got it and also this is like I've like barely made it in time today the only reason that we have to do this is because we can't like having the way down [Music] [Music] dang sorry for the spoiler so we got a bonus song and the pone has already been used for quite a few fancy glitches so I assume just more coming out yeah I think another door skip yeah a slow room oh hey you didn't you didn't get curious or did you nope we should explain that yeah so if you don't get kick hurry sword as child then become adult and go back in time as child again you automatically get kiri sword and you may notice he also has hammer on beat right now and again that's bottle adventure if you have a bottle on your B button as a dolt you go back and forward in time then the game will put an item on adults B button based on the item child had on C right so on C right he had PO as child and Po points to your bomb shoe count your bomb she count was 17 17 is the value of hammer and that's why hammer is on B I'm gonna ask why not get epona song in child 1 I can't can't do it not possible wait really wait no what yeah I forgot why exactly if fascist fell here here you can say but I I know it's because it has something to do with like a night cycle oh okay that makes sense oh yeah no it's a porno song gets deleted with some of the RBA's oh right right afterwards okay that makes sense yeah see that's what I mean when I when I say that like you know this was a collective effort like you think I routed all this [ __ ] no I would take me so much longer IRA I do drought-like I mean I made that ass so you know like individual room routing is what I did but like the general overall route was not yet and so that's another cutscene skip there he grabbed the edge of the bridge right as the cutscene started which causes a glitch where you just fall out of bounds and you know falling out of bounds during the cutscene skips the cutscene but you get the song [Music] now it's time we go to fire temple so just an easy flip right there we can get into the actual you know the rune using room over here and then obviously it's not loaded you can't see it but give you another clip of the same kind and then right now where we are is underneath the ground beneath the ball store so we're like right in front of the boss door but a little underneath it and here's the loggia [Music] nice weird shot can't waste those bombs man yes oh well whadya has two hit boxes one for the one that flies around and one for the one that pops out of the hole the one that flies around goes into the last hole it flew into which at the beginning of the fight is that hole right in front of you so by doing that weird shot he can weird shot that hitbox while while Bahji is trying to attack him from popping out of the holes and just do a bunch of damage just with a weird shot like that which makes that fight superfast you the only way to kill villagio though is after stunning the wall jail with the hammer so you can get you can get him down to zero health without the hammer but you can't kill him without the hammer [Music] and he does ocarina items on the edge of the wharf to move around we can do this wrong warp touching yeah but not using it touching the door but not using it yes that's actually a bit of a complicated wrong warp so when the blue warp is going on you kinda have this floaty property which is why he was kind of floating off the off the edge there and so we clipped out of bounds and did a jump and that jump plus the floaty property gave him a really really big jump so he could reach the reached the loading zone for the boss or from behind and then you have to hit the loading zone at the same time that the game is trying to start the cutscene for giving you the fire medallion and that causes the wrong warp which is hon get another wrong warp to ganon castle yeah so yeah you know how we have the killcam again as you can and we're gonna do another RBA here except at this time we're actually going to use one of the rocks that fall down the time with this blade and it's actually like I can't believe that I got that just like first drive there's a really cool in here that that like sound really hard but like I just happen to get pretty great and there's stupid [ __ ] that I spent like hours on that was actually really easy now that was really cool and so yet another pre-lit of life void work back to temple of time although this time there's no cutscene so you can actually see how high he loads from that that's where you actually spawn like what the other time when we spawned right music cutscene [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the only reason we had to go back to the temple time use like a works on to get there just go we didn't expire the timer because if you want to vote like that with the timer still on it would mess up which we're doing later [Music] and so again since he had bottle unbe when he went back in time last time activates bottle adventure once again and gives him for his when done be because his bomb she count was 13 with PO uncie right 13 is the value for rose wind [Music] oh that timer he had was the timer from Ganon's castle collapse when you do avoid warp away from the castle collapse you keep the timer but sometimes the timer is useful a lot of times it's not [Music] yes this commentary is live and now off to Gerudo Fortress with lots more Hess's and mega flips oh man living dangerously but he is extremely close to getting caught by those guards there oh and he got caught anyway darn do you got on it off Epona there what was the purpose of that okay so that's a really cool method of gate skip so you get caught on purpose nice sign do you get yeah so you get caught on purpose so that you're at the jail and from the jail the the way you've probably seen it done in a lot of other speedruns is using hover boots where you can also just do a mega flip from the railing there to skip just skip that gay and looks like we're finally getting over to spirit temple oh there's for temporary B button okay I don't quite know the specifics of how Epona temporary B button works - you know no it's um it's some weird voodoo magic and some weird like really technical stuff that you don't do it so here's spirit hover except without hover boots got a hover up the outside of spirit temple this [ __ ] this [ __ ] boy thinks he's slick check it out oh yeah okay so so what been said Firas win is now your temporary B button state but you have master sword equipped right now and getting on and off Epona is what triggers a temporary B button stuff it's kind of weird and so without hover boots spirit hovers a lot different though you don't even have to go to the other hand you can just hover up here and here's mere shield all right spirit is also maybe my second favourite temple it's pretty cool yeah it's pretty crazy that has flipped him out of bounds just barely and then you can make a flip into the middle of that crawlspace to load the next room normally only child is supposed to be able to go through that crawlspace to load the room really nice cover - oh man there's so much going on yeah there's a ton going on so clicked out of bounds and hovered out of bounds using the torch then did a weird shot into the next room because the next room has a hook shot of the wall then he climbed up there and did another hook shot onto a hook shot of the wall in the next room and right now he's in the main room of spear temple and he's climbing the big statue in the main room and so now he's doing a hover I think to get out of bounds or no we were actually right now hovering up towards the mouth of the statue okay and like I said a lot of these segments will be revisited after the whole task is over and so here is the boss tour yes for the longest time this was the problem that the issue was getting from here to like the next room which is the room and like twin rova is actually in so yeah well you'll see how we do that yeah because there are two doors separating this room infinite OVA that's an issue [Music] having some fun just little ones always good so what he was doing there is luring the iron knuckle all the way to the wall to use the hookshot clip to get out of bounds and hit the loading zone so even though you're not ever supposed to be able to open that door from behind and hit that loading door from loading zone from behind if you get out of bounds you can actually hit it and enter the spear temple from the boss tour entrance and set Feroze win there which is going to be important for later yes we do need that bomb drop we need it almost every single bomb we have right now and yes if you guess that this is the augur so we have to hover up to can you guess I'm not sure actually I mean the map for this spear temple is pretty big and you can actually like hover to pretty much any room you want like from out of bounds here all right I think we probably only have enough bombs to go like where we are going which is that little hole you see in the ceiling also to know why he's using bombs inside a bomb choose dropping a bomb to here would crash since is out of bounds and there's not really unlike in other hovers with like shadow temple and water temple where you can hover above land to just make the bomb she's not crash there's really no place you can use bomb shoes to not crash at least not yet in this part of the cover actually did this hover like I cast the whole thing only to discover that I was like one explosive short or something from making it with the amount of closest that I still need so I had to like redo the entire last section for that as well to go back and get a bomb drop technically if you if this task was on gamecube yes you'd be able to use juice out of balance but I mean I'm knock it I would have to run it on I'd have to use dolphin and it's like that's weird to do that also the need 1.0 anyway or the wrong to work so tell MTA to do all thank you snow doors mess requests because he does master press stuff so we're finally up here you made it pretty sick mega flip there this is uh so you can move these snake statues these make statues are unusually loaded without loading that room by opening the door there's very few things in the game that are loaded like that and that's one of them and then right there just a weird shot and the hook shot at the chains and now it's time to leave again so the reason we needed to do that was because we need to do the boss you skip again but with a certain set of circumstances also carried over so it's important for the bosses giving ya also important to note Feroze win is still set in the spirit temple right outside the ball store so we'll be going back to spirit temple once circumstances are good [Music] all the bombs you need no no six bomb drops at the same time though unfortunately was not of cards for that patch so now it's time for Deku Tree so by going out of bounds there you can skip the low trigger that loads the main area where Deku Tree is and that skips loading deck of trees mouth and deck trees mouth is what prevents adult link from entering Deku Tree so without that loader you can just walk right in and you can do a mega flip right there to clip out of bounds with a ground clip and just barely there's like one little piece of I don't if it's like a ceiling or a wall you can jump / that just barely makes it into Gomez room super close [Music] nice yeah this was also at home were funky mess see Tess [Music] now more ocarina items on the edge of the blue warp probably for a long work well this next wrong warp is commonly referred to as Ganondorf out loud but uh it's not I guess you got to do a little bit differently if we want to avoid the door and this trick was also in the West node or ninety percent runs so if you've seen that and you will remember it yes so he's hovering all the way up here to get to the top of this the wall right here and he also did a mid-air ground jump with an action swap by trying to pull out the hookshot or trying to pull out another choo when there was too many explosives on the screen to pull out pull one out and then he hits the loading zone for the door at the same time the game is trying to start the Kokiri emerald-cut scene which wrong warps you to canons castle once again so we had to do it to him again you know third third that poor guy [Music] the kids way to work you hit the loading zone for for one of the loading zones below at the same time you void out which loads one of the very bottom rooms of the castle escape well link has a very high coordinate above and I can just fall down and get right to the end of the escape the kiss-kiss that is i think ii and ii steamy have entered in this game and we will enter one more npc interesting excuse me mr. streamer and you forgot spirit temple huh oh [ __ ] shut the stream down oh you guys see you guys next time it's okay we'll fight Ganon anyway we'll pretend like we're going to fight it yeah if you read the FAQ then you will know what it's about to happen [Music] [Music] I'm sure those bugs will attack in and find those bugs can do it oh no you died but played a song at the same time yep yeah so uh ganz too powerful aren't you leave just a little bit so after that's the only way it well maybe not the only coat what are the only convenient ways to get swordless B without altering the Tempe value that we all right so Feroze wind is now on B so this kind of hard to explain I might explain this wrong yes so if you remember a long long time ago he got on and off Epona and I asked why'd you get on enough Epona so when you get on and off Epona there's this thing called Tempe it's like a temporary the game stores a temporary B value and his temporary V value at that time was for his wind and then by going to the Gannon fight by going to the Gannon fight he and leaving and dying he reactivates the Tempe so that he can get Feroze wind back on B after dying then he warps back to spirit temple and does the hookshot jump with the gold Skulltula it's the if you guys have seen my hundreds and runs recently it's the gold Skulltula hookshot jump where you i you collect the gold Skulltula but you don't actually collect it fully so you hook shot at the same time you grab the token at the same time you hook shot something which allows you to do a giant it allows you to do a giant hook shot jump see you can do it a giant hook shot jump so you can enter the spirit boss store again and the reason you want it under the sphere boss store this time is because this time you have this time you have furs when done this is too complicated this time your first went on B yeah furrow spin on B this time last time you couldn't set for husband in the boss because frozen wasn't on beat you can only set outside the boss room so this is why you need to make this return trip to spirit temple so now that burrows wind is set in the boss room we come back to Goron City and this is the trick that really that is it actually what made this run possible in the first place all dungeons no doors was not possible until this trick right here so Feroze win go ahead we needed I just gonna say we needed a way to avoid board here without isg because we needed first wind on beat and this is just recently ish discovered so this is the only way if you know to do that and so the specifics of this avoid warp when you do a void warp it loads the specific room number of whatever area you were in and the room number we need to load is the room number three which is where twin rova is in most areas of the game the first area you enter is not room number three it's room number one and usually to get to some kind of room number three you need to go through a door go on city is the one exception to this so if you would warping Goron City you can get room number three to load so you do death hole which is you die as you enter a grotto and it does the thing where it it always when you get out of that area you're always trying to it's always trying to warp you back to where that grotto is okay and I should explain quickly the reason we have to save work here is just because we don't have a sword on our equipment screen so we just have to set first wind safe work and the more bad guys it's real quick detour yeah so again for the void work thing so when you do the death hole which it's always trying to warp you back to where the grotto is unless your camera is positioned a certain way or you - you're too far away from it so the goal is to use fros wind so that the text comes up and then after that the gerado warps you back there and you void out you fall out of bounds that way you can run you can use for his wind as you've weighed out to warp to the spirit temple boss room with room 3 loaded in the right coordinates so that you can actually enter room 3 then as he said set froze went again so you can save warp so you can get Master Sword back froze wind back in and now you're in the twin rova fight without opening a door you did it [Music] if you don't understand it's okay I hardly understood what I just explained so me too I hardly knew what that what the hell I was doing I was not doing his part I mean I knew what I was doing I just didn't know why it worked yeah we're all in this together Chad it's okay [Music] yeah okay I'm gonna see this this fight in all your lives I'll try [Music] so I mean notice where wait maybe Roos already know this I don't you probably this RTA yeah you hook shot no I just didn't know that yeah okay house we had the video froze for a second I'm not sure if that was on my end or no that actually that was game code oh that's cool I didn't know that was the thing so thanks Ben yeah when we were trying to upload this we're having trouble getting I didn't cook without that happening for some reason was it always in that specific place that was there were a couple places there are more places where it did that but I haven't seen any of them except that one okay now it's okay man I'm like I really don't mind because the thing is like if you want to download the bkq file and play this back you can and it'll work fine so legit I'm probably gonna submit this to past videos I don't know if they'll accept it but I mean I don't really give a [ __ ] that's the end of spirit temple so that's that's all the dungeons isn't it that's all the man so we just got a little cleanup to do yeah you got a beat Ganon to finish the game right that yes [Music] definitely like that is canon going to die again place your pets oh this is a cool trick here if it's in this ground clip yeah and not a nice way to get to Zords Maine quickly and even more RBA I really like this test and I'm about to do up here if you might posit there's some really like wacky frames with the camera so we have to unfreeze Kings or because he's still frozen right now we do that extremely quickly yeah the way he got unfrozen there is if you're going up the stairs and you pull out a trade item or something that has some text in it and then king zora loads and then you just reload the room he becomes unfrozen and if you hold our old our well he's supposed to give you I don't know too many so you hold our while you're while Kings were supposed to give you the Sora tunic and he gives you the eyeball frog instead shoutouts to speed frog Oh was that a timeless earner no nevermind yeah here Jenna gone [Music] so when you get the frog you get a timer with it and he needs to get a frozen timer and so what he did there is voided out right as the timer was going to expire and so now the timer is stuck at zero and also the reason the timer didn't expire immediately when he warped is because in Death Mountain crater there's the heat timer and so while you're not while you don't have gore on tuna gone the timer can expire because the heat timer takes priority and my bad the timer is at 1 not 0 but it is frozen oh yeah so since you've beaten forest fire and water temple it's not possible to get the Nocturne of shadow this will be on YouTube yeah there are no dungeons left all the dungeons have been beaten it's now time to just go beat the game the only dungeon left is the game itself hi YouTube oh no another fries come on then oh [ __ ] that may be absolutely maybe that wasn't a fries maybe that was just like the screen not going all the way black Oh actually yeah that might make sense that makes sense is like yeah like because the emulator emulator things we're dark all the stuff yeah yeah it might be that nevermind Ben's not guilty at least not yet we're not sure yet but he might not be guilty undecided jury's still out on that one I wouldn't completely blame Ben because like it happened with me too so it's clearly really not either all either of our Falls [Music] [Music] using a glitch called mount a here so you can use for spins yes but it's specifically down a with swordless with nothing on your B button when you do that your items retain whatever equip ability they had when you do the glitch which means that say you have an item that you can't equip on C right if you then equip say furrows wind on it for is wind then can be used even if you're not normally supposed to be able to use furrows wind there so now for roasts wind is said in Kakariko right after the doctrine doctrine cutscene [Music] [Music] more items on Epona shenanigans but by shooting the hookshot there he stored a hook shot jump so the next time he gets off Epona or does something to like leave the regular Epona state he'll get a big jump I wonder when that's gonna happen whoa that's a big job so he activated froze wind right as he entered Lon Lon which is uh I guess is technically avoid work kind of it loads mom on with the coordinates of where fours wind was nice the NPC entered [Music] so it's important to note fours wind is still in Kakariko that did not delete Feroze wind and also made his exit so that it's essentially coming from it's essentially coming from Kakariko into Lon Lon right yeah yes which is an important distinction from Hyrule Field in tilman yeah yeah and the reason why I had to like slow down an opponent is because if I he was I was literally too fast guys I was too fast and I needed to wait for day and so that wrong warp that just happened so that frozen time early got earlier the frozen timer will unfreeze when certain kinds of text boxes come up and one of the one text box that will unfreeze it is Malins text box right before you start the the Epona race like the the minigame you do to get the cow in the house basically and so the timer unfreezes right as the the horse minigame is starting that horse minigame also sets a flag that allows for wrong warping so and the timer expiring is supposed to warp you back to entering Lon Lon ranch from Kakariko which is how which is only possible with that frozen warp inside Lon Lon ranch and so with your exit being from mom line ran from Kakariko to vuln on ranch with the timer warp with the opponent minigame you get wrong warps to the Ganon fight all right so we are no memes no [ __ ] more foreplay this is it we're going again yeah this is the actual and all dungeons have been beaten no doors have been opened this is the way we ended [Music] Ganon was too strong last time but I think we can do it this time hey gamers well any help gamer yeah I just wanted to say that I endorse this yeah whoa that's a big endorsement dude ganz did that lasted yeah but the whole fights really cool like spinning him around for like like trying to get weird angles and I he's got that cost like that works [Music] and there it is that is ocarina of time all dungeons and no doors not a single door was opened not looking at this test but yeah hope you guys enjoyed that tests I thought it was amazing thanks jack hey hey hey congrats what's up then I think we can jump right into the special thing that's fine all right hey I just I just wanted to say that was cool I'm glad we finally did this for all those people I think we you guys were talking about earlier this this has been in the works for I think two and a half years now so it's really cool that it's finally done that's it's really actually quite epic weird yeah it's probably one of the most amazing accomplishments done in OoT i I'm I'm gonna go out on a spicy limb and say that it is the most technically impressive over t-test on the market at the moment so I would agree you you you folks here in the chat watching this live you are watching a cultural event right now this is culture dick cultured hell yeah dude I'll [ __ ] wear that all day man are you kidding me like this this front is so cool like it just I don't know you like it couldn't have been possible without knowing like all this stupid [ __ ] that like we wrote down on GSR hey Taylor I just wanted to say congratulations for that you did this to resist experience so fast it's really amazing it's real to my's yeah thanks I've waited for this since so many years now this is really cool to see that now so yeah thank you and congrats again Thanks that was um protest food by the way hi a very good test indeed and yeah so we got we got all the poison here never most of them we got some of them I should say a handful of boys leading up to this they were like maybe about a year or so ago when we were really cranking down trying to wrap this out and find a ways to do it there may be like you know just 20 people bouncing ideas around for days and days like well you know maybe we could do this and you know we'd be like oh we finally got it and we figured it out and then we're like no kid we can't do it that way we did a roadblock this cycles has happened for like a year and so it's like man it's so [ __ ] cool to see this finally happened yeah I've heard the discussion for like year make me even longer even before this quarry was around that was not embarrassing we still use the rossini then I was never too involved in the routing but I was always like peeking in every now and then always hoping that it was get a little bit closer to finishing and yeah it's really it's really nice to finally see the finished product well I'm glad I'm glad all the all the degenerate grind like task grinds that I did I I cannot believe you finished I know I've said it so many times I cannot believe you finished this test as fast you did that was like I mean yeah I thought it was gonna take longer I'm not trying to say anything but uh there was there were some comical moments and be in the past you know tourists asses so I knew I knew you really wanted to crack down on this one I just thought I was gonna take a lot longer for the first couple I didn't like I mean let's be honest part of the whole meme was that like it wasn't like there wasn't a ton of effort put into it but this one I really I really wanted to actually like make me cool and make it optimal and I mean I did that sure like that was also everyone else you know worked on all you guys helping me out tell me what I'm slow yeah if you compared to this to the very first node or stash you made you can prove a lot in terms of just optimization as well that's cool I'm glad to hear that it's really actually hard for me to tell like this is a good amount I just kind of do it shut up to it honestly yeah if you guys have anyone you want to shout out that's like not on the credits or something go ahead I just want to shout out everyone who I like used one of your videos on YouTube like there's some people who have made tasks tutorials for this game and they're on YouTube and that's actually that was actually tremendously helpful for me like I know Fox made a good one and you just anyone who's like documented anything thank you you made this possible yeah I want to thank Fox and because every time I had a test question I go to him because he knew so much about Tess's like to think honestly everyone except Gregg who watch this passage heard of this pass even people who haven't I mean all those guys I just want to you know I feel a special connection to you as a human being except Greg yeah I want to riche out out kappa look you don't know who CAFTA is he's the silent legend of this game he's the single most important ocarina time speedrunner well available captains actually he's the person who got me involved in this test he's like trying to figure out a way to do water temple without opening a door and he's like he'd been come help me out and I was like sure nice yeah I remember ever you guys talking about that I remember you know before I started working on this what for was confirm possible I would like your stuff about it and I think that was one of the things yeah Jay you want to play the yeah all right we can go into it before we start I want to read like what nerd said to read out this is like some really technical stuff probably gonna say have this stuff wrong I just I can just start the video and read it out all right so here's the special thing nerds nerds with game made a special script that it displays all the collision for the out of balance sections of the run so I guess we'll just play it out so there's a lot of oh this is really loud there's a lot of out-of-bounds stuff in this run and so here is the out-of-bounds portions with collision viewer it has like some funky rainbow colored polygons out of bounds but you actually get to see thank you like it works really well because like the texture is big because if it was just like a solid color it would be hard to distinguish like yeah yeah yeah and so here you can see how close it makes it to Gomez room in Decca tree I guess I should actually just read the stuff after the whole things over but here's the basement of bottom of the well you can actually see where you clip through the ceiling here yeah and this this makes all these sections look like way cooler like when you can see what's going yeah we can actually understand what's going on some of them are really interesting to see how much it is sometimes my personal favorite is the the movement getting into spirit boss room oh yeah that's definitely a good one I [Music] think this this next part is job ooh yes now you can actually make out this room a bit better this is the room where you press the switch to raise the water is where this RBA is done who's in the chat everyone in the in the no doors chat right now me tailors sniping calsilica kay kita vashu is not going to talk Ben and Amaterasu oh wait oh yo hey Josh said something that isn't the only one that's yeah so you can see that the second time in Java he did a little like clip in that corner too yeah you can see where the one let's clip happens here's forest temple this that circular room at the bottom in the basement it's the hover for water was really weird because like if you notice I'm just kind of like pop up after that one hugger I just get a bunch more height and I have no idea yeah is that it looks like it's actually like a tiny piece of land you can stand on it oh actually it is because I noticed I could like still yeah you snap to the ground I have no idea why that exists I can't think of a single spot in the entire game that works like that it's probably the side effect of the way the polygons are laid out rather than like an intentional thing I'm sure it wasn't intentional yeah for sure for sure honestly there's a couple of things that make it seem like it was there's some things that are like I'm gonna say it the void warp into jabu specifically is like the fact that that works that the cool that's actually really crazy okay so shadow is yeah this is probably why they call this shadow in spirit are the coolest parts of this because I mean I I saw you guys don't really like shadow but you know it's hard to tell like like if you watched our ot speedruns regularly and you see boats skip down a lot you'll like this a lot because this kind of like shows you what boat skip looks like in more detail and especially the difference the way both skip is done in this actually I changed my mind my favorite ones jabu because that was my idea yeah some people will tell you it wasn't but uh I think they're making this they're trying to work on this to be available on the practice ROM it's not available yet but I think it's a work in progress yes he did say that he was trying to implement it last time I talked to him yeah so this room is the room right for hover boots you can actually see like kind of how boats Kip is going on in this now dinkle is social I know oh my god that looks amazing yeah how does it even make it it was it was real close actually thought and so this room he lands in right there is actually the the Deku scrub room and Ganon's castle the one that no one seems to know about I knew about it I don't think you did and don't worry I did I did speed up the Hubbard's in this so you don't you don't have to sit through all home I mean you do but they're just faster oh did you even coat this or did nerds think oh did I downloaded the video and then I arranged it different okay all right that's right and so this is that tiny piece of land he's able to stand on mid hover to do RV ache and you can see how tiny that one place was and that he's like constantly almost going back in bounds yeah yeah actually when when we had CAFTA test that she didn't think it was possible to pick the bugs back up which actually would have been really annoying it would have been really bad got it this year's fire temple fire temple boskie skip yeah so once again this is a this is a script that was made to allow viewing the collision where like normally in the game this is not beautiful view able this is all just like blackness but it's a script that allows all the question to be shown for easier viewing so you can actually see what's going on here this is probably the best part yeah this one's really good cuz this spirit oh yes even even knowing exactly like no it's so cool and it's just so fast well I'm saying even like watching the TAS and like knowing exactly what is done in spirit supple I still have no clue what's going on and like I routed it like none of us really like the Ola Kae why this is even a thing yeah so that's throw shot a bow wall in the room with the the son that you have to shine on the that you blow up the wall to shine on and then this is the main room spirit temple with the statue you actually see this from really clearly with this really make out everything you get um slash oh and by the way hovering up to the base right here it was very difficult because there's a bunch of different like slopes right at the leaf on the statue and if you're above a certain kind of slope thing that's too steep and that will make the link light start to slide down then you can't hover correctly so you had to maneuver really carefully when I come faces a terrible Homer so is the way this collision viewer works is it just more like when you're out of bounds it like activates or is this like being spliced in I'm not sure okay nerds and there's made up a spin that I'll read it in a second it might be answered in that hour
Channel: ZFG
Views: 245,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: 4p9_GxicLlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 164min 40sec (9880 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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