AGDQ 2020 - Ocarina of Time 100% No Source Requirement Speedrun in 2:50:12

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Congrats ZFG!! So happy all this hard work payed off at GDQ!! :,)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Tiny_Pay 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Bless, no GDQ chat

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Massive-Gas 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right so what's the file name the file name is banjo I'm finally playing banjo you did it all right right on time all right three two one go all right so this category is ocarina of time 100% no source requirement that might sound like a kind of weird name a lot people might not be familiar with this category so ocarina of time is unique where it has two different hundred percent categories regular hundred percent and hundred cent nose force department in this run the reason for these two different categories is this game has a lot of glitches that kind of blur the line between what really counts as a hundred percent there's a lot of glitches where you can like just glitch an item in your inventory or duplicate an item and get it over and over and you know hypothetically if you could do all those kinds of glitches and just you know get every item that way would that really count as hundred-percent so we actually made two different categories so regular hundred percent has what's known as the source requirement rule that says you must get each item from the original location that means stuff like if you want to get the hammer you have to get it from fire temple you have to get each individual world Skulltula stuff like that in this category no source requirement that rule does not apply that means I can get any I I can get items however I want any glitch I want to do to get items anything is fair game and so what originally what was really cool about this category is that there are a lot of glitches that are really cool that can glitch items in your inventory but originally you couldn't really do that for like everything that like there was actually really good balance between getting some items from glitches and then some items normally or like normally in terms of OT which is the reason I'm speaking in past tense though is because very recently just two months ago a brand new glitch was found basically the biggest glitch the game has ever had and you actually can now which all the items you want and just get everything kind of instantly now this glitch was actually so for those who don't know the gdq process but submissions actually happened back in September and the games are accepted in October this which was found in November so like after everything was all settled and so if I were to do a completely optimal run with this new glitch it would actually be significantly faster but also it would kind of skip a lot of a lot of cool pitches that made this caddy wear really cool but it was also a really cool which itself so for this run in particular I am actually going to be using the new glitch a little bit but not to its full extent that way I still do a lot of the the really cool stuff that was in the run before and kind of mix it up with this also new glitch I just so you know the new glitch doesn't kind of take over the entire run we'll get to explaining that when it comes up it'll be a little over an hour in but yeah so onto the run so one interesting thing to note about this category is that I'm running on the GameCube version so a lot of ocarina of time speedruns most are actually done on either the Wii Virtual Console version or the n64 version they usually have like there's a few bursts exclusive glitches on it 64 VC has less lag and faster loading also has a few of its own exclusive glitches the GameCube version is very rarely used mainly because it's pretty similar to VC except it just has really slow reset times and a lot of the time that just means GameCube is kind of just the worst version in this category though there actually is one particular thing that the GameCube version is very good at and that's loading a lot of stuff so there will be some points in its run where I'm trying to load a lot of stuff a lot more than I'm normally supposed to and the GameCube version is actually the best at that and so that's the reason I'm playing on the GameCube version which is then and and also some little things here and there I'll know throughout the run so for general movement throughout the run there's gonna be doing back walking a lot back walking is very fast generally the fastest for movement for longer distances slight hopping is also pretty good actually a bit faster but hard to do perfectly so it's usually used for like turning right after a back walk rolls are also used for like shorter distances and so the games a friend just kind of collecting the store getting some rupees and got a good buy the Deku shield and I guess before the rest of us start lecturing you about everything that's about to blow your mind how we should introduce ourselves and couch oh yeah I'm glitched and stuff I find glitches in this game including many of the good shoes you're gonna see in this run yeah and the the big one that was found all all his fault roof yeah I don't blame him I'm Danny B I run a lot of categories in this game and I'm fake I run around the game too alright so normally after you buy the shield you usually go to switch the DECA tree I'm gonna not do that I'm gonna jump slash off that thing and do this really fast slide backwards and I want to use the speed I just got to clip into this guy who's blocking the exit and using all that speed I can talk to him while sliding and clip into him and skip before so I want to talk about that that's why thing I did so that's called an ESS or extended super slide it's done by holding very slightly outside the dead zone of the control stick and normally if you just doing that on flat ground link will just kind of shuffle his feet in place and turn and won't really move but it has an interesting property where it preserves your speed so when I jump flash off that I'll have a platform and go in the water the water preserves my speed and then when I go on land if I hold that direction then I can keep that speed the catch is I have to keep holding it so I'm the whole time I'm just barely holding the control stick basically the smallest input I can do without it registering is just no input and that's actually going to be a very common movement technique throughout the run and so the reason I'm skipping the reason I'm exiting the forest oh really even though this is 100 percent you think I need to you know go be Decca tree and get all this stuff from there I will actually be going back to that country a while in fact what we're gonna see a lot of Decca tree yeah favorite dungeon in the game yes right it's pretty nice it's got some nice scenery we'll check it out oh yeah I will be going back to Decca tree later a lot of this this run is done very out of order the if you think you know the casual way around this game it's not relevant to a speedrun at all at this point I think anything can be done in any order yeah pretty much but you do whatever you want so you say that this isn't gonna be like a casual playthrough but the first thing I'm gonna do is actually go straight to Kakariko which is sorta what you doing Kesley but anyway as the FG was saying the movement that you're gonna see across Hyrule Field is very different to what you might expect if you've never seen ot run before so just keep that on your mind that for the rest of this run the movement is not gonna be anything like what you expect but everything we do is to try and optimize it as fast as much as possible yes arere I'm just back walking to Calgary go just the fastest way to get there I can't see where I'm going but I can like line it up beforehand and you played the game before yeah and I play the game again and that same glitch yes I did earlier I can do right here there's also what's known as a watery SS there's a bunch of different types of it that one in particular is a watery SS because it uses water and yeah it's a really fast slide and also another property of it is that link cannot interact with NPCs during it so there's actually an owl on the way to Kakariko that you normally talk to but using that I I just get the L completely the west's can actually change speed depending on how fast you were going when you exited the water and just happens that recoiling with your sword that you did off that fence pretty fast so here in Calgary go I'm watching a bunch of Coco's so putting all these Coco's scatter around Kakariko rewards you with a bottle casually it's normally just used for you know fairies and potions and stuff in a speedrun a bottle is probably one of the most important items it is super super glitchy and allows us to do lots and lots of really cool things yeah so the stuff this run is gonna be not so much getting a hundred percent of all the items it's gonna be getting the tools that are really useful for making the rest of the run really good and so bottle is a really really big one yeah early point of this run is mostly set up and then the I didn't go in and then the collection is more a little bit after we start doing to set up stuff what are we doing and yeah so grabbing these peppers can be a little tedious because their movement when they're on the ground is random how long they wait in which direction they're gonna go and another important piece of information about this is that when we throw the Coco's bellhop for a little bit and then they'll start running in a straight line directly ten where you're standing so whenever zfg is throwing a cuckold he's keeping in mind when the company starts running and we'll have it go in the direction that he wants it to go I love the bit that was thought slash which makes them run straight away which is really spin alright so after collecting all the mm-hm all right letting all the girls I get the bottle and now next place I'm actually gonna go is bomb well this is a place you normally don't go to and until much later in the game but you actually get there with the help of Navi from the jump slash and talk to Navi and fall through the water go straight in so normally when you do a jump slash link takes a little step back at the end of the jump slash and if you talk to Navi during that link will kind of fall off the ledge but then he won't interact with water while talking to Navi so you just fall all the way to the bottom and get here much much earlier than you normally supposed to so the reason we're here is to get the bonk shoes and you might be wondering how because if you remember there's a chest containing ten bombs used in this dungeon but it's below some ground that you need bombs to even get to and see if you clearly doesn't have bombs here right now so we're gonna have to be a bit more creative if you want to get these punches and so the way to do that is this aqua call an ocarina dive which is where you pull ocarina but managed to fall just off a ledge while you're doing it and there we go straight through the floor [Applause] it may have looked like he was clipping through the ground there but there is actually just normally a hole there covered by some invisible ground oh absolutely invisible ground again intangible yeah oh no oh no it's thick come on I got a like wiggle here too okay so right now he's below everything and he just swims straight into the room that has a bum cheese without anything explosive and that water is there because that water is there because the FG kept the upper area loaded he didn't load the basement and that's a property at the ocarina he fell through a loading trigger but while in the ocarina state you don't actually look room and there's another quick flying slip there to get back into the water so they can quickly get to a dead hand room since this is hundred percent we need lens of truth and there's also quite helpfully some groupies in the back of this room okay sometimes the the music is really quiet during this fight it happened to happen right now you might not be able to hear it but if you turn it up loud it actually you actually can just barely hear it yeah I promised another screamer easy gnome you have to wait for dead hand to go into the ground and come up again but you can do it one cycle there by jumping at the right time yeah he's he's been vulnerable until right before he digs and then if you just attack right at the right time oh come on if you attack right before he digs he can hit him again it's recent lens of truth not a super important item but just kind of required and it's just right next to bomb shoes which were the real important reason no the real important reason we came here so here I'm actually going to die so I want to leave on the well and this just happens to be the quickest way to do it so this is actually one of the downsides of the GameCube version a lot of other versions would actually just save and reset here to get to bomb the well to get out Obama the wall quickly but GameCube again I'm as I mentioned earlier has very slow saving resets so it's actually faster to die and just respawn at the beginning and so the the water in the well is it still does still extend all the way down there so I can swim back up and now here's going to be the first use of a head so that the ESS I mentioned earlier with the water I can also do that with a bomb and this is the fastest fastest general movement speed in the game and I'm gonna be using that that that's gonna be a very common movement technique throughout the run and everyone blowing myself up a lot really powerful it goes over double the speed normally just like well I guess much faster than running and even goes much faster than back walking which is the next first yeah exactly twice as fast as back walking as it oh yeah I'm gonna noticed he didn't talk to the owl that time either but he wasn't doing an ESS trick owls were actually really weak characters you can skip them a thousand different ways he stood next to a sign in that case when your a button says read and I will can't talk to you so those rupees my god early in bomb the well just gotta buy a shield with this and if it wasn't obvious the two things already wanted were bomb cheese and bottle and yeah those are really those are the most important items to get early in the run almost any ocarina time speedrun gets those two as quickly as possible and it's gonna hand you you can get them both from Kakariko yeah right next to each other alright so here I'm in template time normally you need some spiritual stones and as long a time to do anything in here but I think get past the door just try it I mean I might work maybe you'll find a way no easy no so that door is slightly misaligned and there is just a little gap between the door and the wall right there so I can do a backwards slide hop to cliff out-of-bounds and then jump slash clip back inbounds skipping the door and bypassing basically the rest of the regular child section and becoming adults much earlier than usable and in general it's good to become adult quite quickly because adult can just use a lot of extra stuff adults just generally yeah the better you know if you want to get lots of stuff you should be turning adult really yeah adult adult has faster movement speed you can climb higher ledges I don't get the warp songs hoja book shines yeah adult can generally complete child dungeons pretty fast but yes the child can't complete adult done yeah general rule of thumb is if you can do something as both child and adult it's faster as a dull she should I move my mic whoa well hydrate you want any donations while we're waiting yeah it's a good time okay great well I would love to shout out this one thousand dollar donation [Applause] this is from tah underscore who says I was going to donate for the OT file name but I missed the cutoff instead here's a grand so we can see a grand glitch at the exhibition and just as a reminder we are currently about sixteen thousand away from that glitch exhibition so we are getting close everyone so let's get those donations in for that yeah definitely me thank those exhibition it's definitely going to be worth it I promise mhmmm best one yet yeah well one more sure okay this is uh one hundred dollars from brand or one for three who says great event for a great cause thanks for hosting foo and good luck on the run zfg thank you did we mention about Japanese yeah oh yeah so I'm playing the game on the Japanese version because the text is faster so in some games they're like version exclusive glitches that haven't be on one version or another the English and Japanese versions of this game are actually completely identical they have the entire text of both games it's just one little thing that says which we're going to use is the only difference between English and Japanese versions it's like this little switch yeah like it's English where's the Japanese the Japanese cut it's on it's Japanese and like it's literally the same game yeah and interestingly enough that's actually not the case with Majora's Mask where that game actually has a huge amount of differences between English from Japanese versions where the text actually isn't that big of a deal in that game sometimes there's some glitches that involve text boxes and depending on the size of the text box one language or another will work differently so there are kind of some glitch differences between the two languages but not because of how that works yeah that's a very rare circumstance but there are a few cases like that all those part of the more I don't think that actually affects too many speedruns no no that I think oh yeah yeah no you can't match be fast very long cutscene on the way and don't worry because this run skips most of the long cutscenes yes actually this game is kind of notorious for a lot of long cutscenes in this category not so much it's actually quite a few cutscene skips it's much much heavier on gameplay compared to cutscenes except for this one we still haven't beaten this one yeah someday I mean we kind of can save that for later though yeah you want some more donations in the meantime yeah sure okay we have a $25 donation from Alpha Knoll who says just wanted to donate in order to honor my mom who's been battling a rare in resilient form of cancer I'm overjoyed to see so much support for agdq and the prevent Cancer Foundation it makes my heart smile less than three let's meet that legend of zelda ocarina of time glitch exhibition by the amazing zfg [Music] I agree so at the end of this cutscene I have to save and reset so the door time that I skipped earlier is actually still there as a dolt you might not have actually seen it but that's because the door didn't load yet if I approached it the door bowed and blocked me off so the only way out is actually saving and resetting which puts me back at the front of temple of time so whenever you save in the overworld as a dolt it'll always put you back in temple of time if you save in a dungeon then you'll just be at the DNA of a dungeon and for child if you save and reset in the overworld then you'll be at Lynx house oh the adult can actually split Lynx house as well yeah the the rare case if you save in Lynx house as adult than adult link responding leaks house super convenient that you end up on the other side of the door of time with just yet work if that wasn't the case then speedruns would look pretty different yeah we'd have to get other items this child early which would be kind of weird some old speedruns actually did that all right so first thing is the vault is going back to Kakariko pareo just happens to have quite a few good items that's both adult and child so I can do some more tests to get over there quickly it's lucky these most of these tricks you see work like exactly the same as child link another link so bomb shoes normally have a pretty long time er where you have to wait it's like six or seven seconds before they actually blow up but if you hit them if you hit them on something like a sign or an NPC or something like that they explode instantly and I can use that save a lot of time like right there I just use the sign to blow off the bomb too early and start the house a lot earlier than they other otherwise would so I can use that a lot just blow bomb ease up on stuff around me so I just talked to the calculating and got an egg so that egg is the beginning of the Bighorn sword trading quest so normally it's it's this you know big trading quest you have to get one item trade to an NPC repeat over and over until you eventually is to be gone one sword and I do need to do quite a bit of the quest but actually most of is not going to be specifically one sword the items in the bigger one storage request actually have some very interesting properties that we'll be going over there actually some very important items all right guess the time material 46 it's kinda cheating now yeah nope shuts just one of those items that's so useful it's good to have it early so a common question is why don't you pass through this whole race but damn pay has a weird effect if you go if you're really far behind them a really far apart of them he'll actually slow down and wait for you so it is not faster this yeah you generally want to be pretty close to him as opposed to him as possible and generally just rolling is gonna be your best bet this you want gross no one guess that I ought to use lanes though so yeah you race the a first time he gives you the hookshot you can also do a second race where you can get you a heart piece I do need to obviously collect 20 hearts during this run but because I can get those cards wherever I want because of no source department I'm going to opt to not get the heartbeats from damn pay it's actually a bit slow and I have some faster ways he had hard pieces so I just blew up two bomb shoes right before I open this chest they're gonna hit me right after this and I am going to take advantage of that and try to die again and so you see there I'm pulling out the ocarina every time I get hit so normally when a bomb explodes the hitbox lasts for quite a while but normally link has invincibility frames that will prevent him from taking damage repeatedly from the same bomb but if you pull out the ocarina it'll actually waste those invincibility frames so you can get hit pull out the ocarina to waste invincibility frames or do something like talk to an NPC or read a sign or anything like that I do that and you won't be invincible anymore you cancel it take another hit cancel it repeat over and over and so you take up to nine hits of damage from a single bomb explosion which happens to be very good when you want to die alot and we're heading up here to john's castle area not because we're doing Gavin's castle now but because this cutscene that you're watching right now actually sets the time of day it was specific time nighttime supposedly which makes the sections coming up to just okay yeah so that egg I got earlier in Kakariko I that egg needs to hatch and obviously it's just gonna be faster to hatch it if I make it night instantly instead of having to wait fruit day and then night and then day again you've been pretty reckless with your bombchu count man you only have one left oh no I got to get more this one uses so many Bond cheese I'm gonna get more you should have thought of this before the run yeah bad rowdy Danny do you know away I might be able to get more yeah you know I think I might so is the if T's about to do a trick called RBA or reverse bottle adventure which is a very weird name for a very useful trick and so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna do some tricks with bottles see if she's gonna dump out his bugs and when he catches those bugs again the game's gonna know what button to put those bugs on based on what button he pressed to catch them or more specifically the last button depressed which is normally the button for the bottle but see if you just did a trick to have the last button he pressed B the B button instead so now his bugs are on the B button and that's super powerful because when bugs are on B the game's gonna write those bugs into your inventory not where the bottle is in your inventory but somewhere else and that somewhere else is gonna be determined by what item he has on C right which is a PO and his bomb tree count is not one anymore if you guys were paying attention it's 29 now the value for bugs is item 29 and so he wrote the value for bugs directly to his bank account so I'm just for free yeah so I stated with quite a few items there so the first item I actually ate it with was empty bottle and that actually puts a bottle in my third bottle sly if you saw my pause being there I actually had another bottle in bottle squad 3 that was from the first RBA then it was PO which gave me 29 bombs used then it was lens of truth which put a bottle over the inventory slot where the hammer would be and then I did it with the egg which gives me a glitched Deku stick upgrade that actually holds 30 Deku sticks which thirty Deku sticks is actually the normal maximum capacity but the upgrade that I got isn't technically the real one so I do still need to get the real one but having those extra having extra deck stick capacity will actually be useful and I was waiting there just to wait for the Crocker to hatch unfortunately there was some time to kill I should have kind of wait around comes you more ball adventure here when I sell those bugs on B that actually activates bottle adventure itself if you looked at my rupee count I just got an extra digit when I stole bugs on B with cocoa NC right that actually gave me the adults wallet and the gold scale and I also I also sold bugs in my regular bottle that was just four more rupees I'm gonna need a lot of rookies in this one actually I know if you were wondering we mentioned earlier there was a new glitch found to get like a bunch of items this is not it this is like scratching the surface this is actually one of the first big wishes found this was like 2005 is the super old so just you wait well to found in 2005 understood in like 2007 they actually took a while to understand this whole D seat she's gonna be hanging on to that hoe so you can put it on ste right for RBA yeah that bottle that is that PO is basically gonna stay on my bottle for the whole run it'll just be my my free bomb to refill whenever I want I'm gonna use the rupees I got earlier for a ferry I'm gonna be using this for a trick coming up gonna head up to Death Mountain when zfg earlier was saying that the items in the big orange star trade quest are super powerful he meant in regards to reverse bottle adventure having the items in the trade quest on see right are pretty cool they right you do the bottle value in different parts of the inventory like like your equipment like your medallions maybe spiritual stones we're gonna see some cool stuff yeah like back the cocoa giving me gold scale and the adult wallet that's just the beginning of it cut 0 cos euros gonna do some cool stuff with bomb bag and quiver the later a trade quest items are gonna stand give me some cool items too so here in do dongho's cavern only one thing I actually really want to do here I want to get the bombs problem our problem is the bombs are all the way up at the top of Goron of the rangas cavern I want to get up there pretty quickly I want to hookshot this ladder at the same time I died and I'm gonna jump all the way up to the top and that's that ferry yeah familiar and I think that was our first instance of using cause buffer so CFG was pausing and unpausing with perfect timing so that you could advance one frame at a time and you can also input during the unpause lag and it will input your button on the first possible frame so he was able to get the book shot yeah for that count and yeah that jump is just interrupting the hook shot at the same time it hooks hooks something just ends up giving link a really big jump so I'll actually use another time later in the run which is pretty cool it's one of the coolest tricks I think everyone loves that trick but bombs react to the only thing you need to longest cavern and I'm gonna head out [Music] yeah explosives are really useful bomb trees are great because you can get them relatively early you don't need to go into dongers cavern but bombs are also really useful you can do slightly different design for them but for the most part they're both just very useful items so going really quickly so here in gorn's city this is rollin go wrong you have to blow up and you talk to him and he like cries about darunia and then he eventually gives you quran to Nick and opens the doors I don't want to talk to him he talks forever so instead I'm gonna put through a wall I'm gonna do a mega slide hop towards this wall I'm gonna roll into the strong explosion slide hop and I'll go back for its really fast put through the wall all down here [Applause] and so now I'm gonna go to deafen crater I'm going to hook shot through the statue and I can hope shot the ground there and just go through so that may have looked very strange of hope shouting that may look very strange for some reason it just happens to be hoax audible it just happens to be hoaxes honorable collision there's actually quite a few placed in this game that just have like Coach audible collision for seemingly no reason and it just happens to be fast in that case and so here I just died right at the beginning of a cutscene so that cutscene was learning the Bolero fire that the Blair fight fire cutscene is pretty long I don't want to watch the cutscene so if I you actually get the song at the very beginning of the cutscene so by dying at the start I get the song the game over interrupts the cutscene and lets me out of it and I still get the song and don't have to watch the cutscene and the same concept is actually gonna be coming up pretty soon again I'm gonna go get the minuet of forest right now which with pretty much the same stuff see if she would happen to that bottle you had on the B button oh yes so my bottle is now a Deku stick so have you die if you die with a bottle on B it just turns into a Deku stick usually uh there are some cases where it can turn into other things but they're like very specific cases but usually yeah it'll turn into a Deku stick you also might have noticed that when he was in Goron City he did that Hess at a door in his room and he just like went through the door that was blocking most collision in this game is just one-sided or all collision I think in this game is one-sided so the back of the door just didn't exist except like door time that's like the one thing with double sided so there he did let's put a ground jump where you try to pick up a bomb but then you shield so that to delay teaming up animation and then the bomb hits your shield and trying to do a backflip makes him do a little forward jump instead climb up ledges so again dying it started cutscene I get the song I don't have to watch the cutscene and I can go straight straight out of here it's pretty lucky the game gives you the song I think twice in this game gives you this one yeah first bring the cutscene starts and then again later on when you actually might expect it to you when you learn the song yeah interesting ly enough that it's like that for most cutscenes but not all of them there's like a few exceptions where you don't actually get the song at the beginning of the cutscene and for that reason you can't really skip us a few cuts panels kind of weird so I'm more bottle adventure I just caught a fish on V this time with the gyro and C right this time I just got the biggest bomb bag that holds 40 bombs and a quiver that holds 30 arrows even though was that a bomb drop in the grass kind of want to get back to yeah I I got the quiver even though I do not have a bow which actually is going to be important and now trade that hissing trick that you've been saying Hindu or wrong is actually may look easy just you know because he's doing all over the place it's actually pretty pretty tricky to do not only start the trick to control it so well it takes a lot of practice so I'm gonna do some more RBA here dumping that fish with odd mushroom on ski right actually gives me a heart piece something imported note about it is it does not give me +1 heart pieces it sets my heart keeps count to exactly 1 that means you can go from 0 to 1 or you can also go from 3 to 1 which would you know delete heart pieces so I can really only make use of it if I have zero heart pieces so yeah I just got one heart piece on that and then of catching the fish with hookshot on see right just puts a bottle with fish over the inventory slot that would have ice arrows hit me and it gives me an extra fish and actually extra bottle slot an extra note on spearing Hess's just so you guys are thoroughly impressed with the FG year when he's changing direction like from left to right that's him moving the analog stick in a very small ring around the center and switching halves between them and always staying inside the ring [Music] so here I just grabbed that ledge while targeting and if I never get let go of target I can delay the harpies that this guy usually gives me usually talk to him he gives you a heart piece I'm delaying it right now and I'm gonna go up here and I get the heart piece while he's off scream from very far away by doing that the game doesn't actually not set the flag that says I have gotten that heart he's from that guy normally it was status lag to say okay you got the heart piece don't give him don't give it again that didn't get set which means I can actually get it from him again he didn't get that memo yeah and I'm shopping got to get some groceries yeah girls yeah red potion some Deku sticks [Music] let me doing the same heart beast thing but this time in a different direction gonna be going over to this part of the house I'm gonna delay more with a bomb tree this time [Music] and you may have noticed that he hadn't he actually got three heart pieces there because of the odd mushroom ah ba ha earlier which gave him the one oh boy - mushrooms yes how'd I do that that's called equipped swap found relatively recently 2017 I think and it's a glitch that happens entirely within the menu which is pretty crazy that it took so long to find when you highlight something on the pause menu you scroll to the next screen and scroll back if you equip something else in the very first frame possible you'll equip the thing you used to highlight accept sourced from the new slot that you just selected and so he was able to equip a second mushroom source from the different inventory slot so he gets to keep the mushroom while he also got the odd potion which is the next item on the trade quest and what's really cool about that is that means since I can r-va hard pieces with it it means I can keep the mushroom and still RBA some more art pieces even though I'm advancing in the trade quest and then I also did another RDA there with odd potion that one gives me all three spiritual stones that you get from beating the three child dungeons and the song of time so it's pretty big so coming up here in the windmill as if he's going to learn this song of storms there's actually a little bit of a cutscene skip that we do the way that the song storms pets at work is that there is a value that the game is checking to make sure that you starting pets it's really but we're gonna do a little setup here and spec three bombs on top of each other push past the loading trigger for this room so we can stand by this long of time block while the windmill guys been loaded and this has the special property of letting us pull the ocarina out set this value and start the cutscene right away yeah and now I can walk around with these notes around and I can actually play the song in the air and walk around with this and leave and just get the cutscene so now I'm gonna talk to this guy for a third time get my third heart piece I'm not gonna do it again just gonna get three from him so maybe it might be kind of weird that I just happened to dupe in exactly three times why don't I just do that so you know I could just do that infinitely but there are actually other ways I can get a heart pieces in this run that are just having these faster the reason I do it twice is because I can combine it with other stuff like the odd mushroom RBA for a heart piece and going in the shops and stuff I combined it with that stuff to minimize the time loss from doing it so it's faster it's fast to do it twice but doing it anymore which is not be fast so I just got a quiver so normally you can't play this game unless you have a quiver which normally means you have to get the bow from forest temple I didn't do that but I did get them I did get the quiver when I did RBA with kuduro 1c right I mentioned I getting a thirty-year-old quiver that lets me do that minigame and that lets me get the quiver upgrade so now I have the 40 arrow quiver she's gonna climb in here quickly get this heart piece [Music] nice little cow can I do a quick shout out Indonesian yes sure because if anybody didn't notice yet we just hit 700,000 yeah that's amazing everyone thank you so much for all of your support so far it's fantastic real quick donation from $25 in the lovely boots who says how have we not hit the incentive for a glitch Expo and ocarina hey listen let's hit that 60 K everyone and just so you know we are less than six thousand away so we are getting so close everyone just get whatever donations in you can and we will see this clip glitch exhibition let's make it out well heading back to us once again got to advance the trade quest again there's a battle guy some wasp woods before was replaced by a little girl and I'm gonna give her some odd potion [Music] [Music] all right more r-va here dumping these bugs one more time with that mushroom uncie right - I get another heart beats that'll be the last her peace I get with that gonna catch these bugs with poetry song see right that one's a really big one that actually gives me some songs it gives me Zelda's Lullaby and Nocturne of shadow free loot of light and serenade of water which is pretty huge specifically Nocturne and Zelda's Lullaby those are both those both require like long cutscenes to watch and some specific requirements for doctrine of shadows so having those songs early is super super good and I finally equipped sword back on D so bottles gonna take a break for now and I'm gonna head over to Zoras River that gold scale come in handy yep proof of I got the gold scale even though you didn't see it earlier so this is waterfall blocking the way to swords to main you normally needs elves all by which I did just get but it's kind of slow to play this long so I'm just gonna go behind the waterfall maybe not second try all right so first right nice yeah [Applause] so here in the doors domain I want to make my way to the top I want to go see Kings Oregon a house up there so king zora is currently frozen in red ice thing so it's currently frozen in red ice you know all those orbs the mains frozen over and we got to unfreeze him normally need some blue fire done freeze him but don't have that right now but I do have another thing that can unfreeze him which is this poacher saw I said if I'll even reload the room he's done frozen so when when a text box comes on screen as as the camera is panning towards king zora it kinda just messes with the red ice loading and then you leave and reload the area and he's just frozen we didn't beat jabu he's still blocking away so if you have a clip out of bounds there yeah you know only have to move him his child but I never did that so I gotta whip out of bounds I missed the best cutscene in the game dude wait thing alright so next I want to go to Java a little problem he's normally not here as adult there's kind of this big iceberg in the same place where he normally is it turns out he's kind of still there or at least the loading zone is he's hibernating yeah so the the loading zone for job was actually still under this ice here so I just want to get under it so I'm gonna do a little hover here I don't think we actually mentioned that earlier when he slept and talked to the sign earlier he got a clothespin evidence or glitch and when you have this active you're swinging your sword every frame and a property but that is that you can't fall off ledges and you can use that to hover in the air like he is right there make it flip and now in Java there we go and you might have been confused why why was this so much why is this much pausing there that's because a lot of tricks in this game a very precise in fact that precise to the frame and many tricks which means that this game runs at 20 fps and you have to hit the right inputs on very specific frames to get from these tricks even work in the first place they're very precise and so it may seem like he wasted a bunch of time pausing there but the fact is that it wouldn't even be possible if he didn't you know pause to buffer his inputs there to make sure they were all on the right end it's so difficult so what what's really interesting about a lot of tricks in this game in general is you know light like Gina said that this this game has a lot of very precise tricks not only timing wise it also like position and angle wise there are some tricks that are like precise to a ten thousandth of a unit and that sounds like you know ridiculously precise but this game has amazing setups to make the most precise stuff kind of trivial like you'll see later when I use two more setups later on you can kind of just almost find any position you want just by like using combinations of back flip side rolls targeting walls you have so many tools in this game for very precise movements with both position and angle and then combine that with pause buffering ability to do timing so precisely this game actually has extremely precise tricks but again just kind of become trivial not trivial but there comes a lot a lot yeah possible possible a lot easier because of the ability to like make these incredibly precise setups that just make it not so bad and it mostly comes down to the fact that in like a corner you know the links link runs straight into a corner he's always gonna be in this training position like the exact same position every time you run into that corner so then if you do the exact like side hop chain or back blow for roll you know he's just gonna always be exactly 1 backflip away from that corner and you can kind of just build it up from there to make sure that wherever you need to be in the room as long as you get there from a chain of side hops backflips rolls things like that you're always gonna be in the same position every time and one more super important setup tool that we use something we mentioned earlier is ESS which is the thing that we used to like slide across the ground really fast it also has one other property is that you can turn Lincoln place one frame at a time and every single frame of rotation is exactly the same amount of rotation so we can use that to get really precise angles pretty easily and all this was to get to the boomerang room and unfortunately quite a long sequence in java but boomerang will be really useful for the brand-new trick that we were talking about this day up the runs yeah and the reason has a ring route all the way up is just for that switch that switch is very picky it wants Rudo only oh my god I on the side I want I want low health but not this below [Music] yeah a famous the vibrator [Applause] in his boomerang she's so happy look at that she's so excited for the room she's shaking yeah so getting the boomerangs all I need in job ooh I mentioned earlier how I did reverse followed than sure to get the three spiritual stones with odd potion and again that gives me three sapphires so don't need to be Java so next I want to go into shadow temple I and my health is well this Gary I should be fine so earlier when we were in the windmill big mentioned a bomb push so when you run into when you run into certain kinds of like objects they have a little bit of pushback and when you stack three bombs on top of each other that push back push back as additive and so you get three times the pushback which is just barely enough to squeeze all the way through the loading trigger for that room in one frame so it never detects you yeah there's a lot of rooms like that in this game that you might not have realized casually are actually two separate rooms but there's like a loading kind of thing in the middle which actually loads the next room that's an example of one of them there so they're going past the loading trigger you're able to just completely skip the giant door that's not me in the way of the Shadow Temple I should have save you save there because I wanted to pick up a heart but there's there's two paths there there's one that has a heart and one that has Decca nuts and I really need to avoid the Decca nuts and I was pretty sure I remembered which one was which but I did not want to take up the Decca nuts would have been a bit disastrous well music glitch oh yeah twice in a row yeah [Music] awkward the quiet area I mean we can fill that with donations yeah okay great we have a let's go with the two hundred dollar donation this is from anonymous who says yeah they say yeah have watched gdq for the past three years and happy to be in a place to donate once again two years ago my mom was dona was diagnosed with colon cancer but we're blessed that it's gone into remission congratulations here's the helping in the fight to stop cancer also put this toward the legend of zelda oot glitch exhibition so what see if she's gonna be doing here is gonna look a little strange how the meemers and his travel would be posted first remarks in the chat so there is an actor in this room that controls the intensity a high terrain that's in this area and it has a property that every time you go through that loading trigger what we're talking about earlier it will load another one so every time he's loading the room and you see the top up here he's loading another one of these rain actives and by loading the exact amount that we need we will space them in memory such that the grave coming up that blocks the sun's a sun song area is not gonna be there at all and he can just jump right and and I figure is talking about actors there and that's gonna be quite important first of the stuff later as well so if you're wondering when we say actor we mean anything maybe like a torch or link himself or chest or you know kind of things that are placed in the world interactable things but it's also some other stuff as well like audio effects enemies so when we say actors we generally referring to those things and there's a there's like a region in memory like in RAM where all these actors load and some of these butchers you're gonna see in the run have quite a lot to do with the fact that that memory space where these actors load is only so limited and you know it if it's at the end of the day it's just memory so I'm try and now I can try to views that getting some song hear another song this other there's sort of other ways to get some song but it's really just pretty fast to get it normally and especially with that trick to unload the grave and stuff it's usually usual useful for skulltulas it's kind of useful first of all poisonous when I guess a little bit thank you you know it you'll see why but right now I want to head off to forest temple I'm gonna actually go beat my first dungeon for real hey you guys when do you send donations uh in just a second no worries yes so in this first room in forest temple there's these four pose that come out of the torches and they like move this elevator down and the whole goal of forest temple is you know go around Forest Temple get the bow and shoot the paintings that they're in and then kill all the post you can finally get the basement which leads to the boss I'm just gonna go to the boss I'm not gonna bother with them they're kind of slow all I gotta do to get to the boss is head over to the other side of the room and not bonk I want to get this one ghost fella over here actually yeah I need to be collecting those fellows inspiron if only there's only my second one I got a really start to question what yeah so I'm gonna do a backflip over the railing there I was gonna clip me out of bounds then I'm gonna jump and hit a loading zone and this is the boss room so whenever you're in the dungeon all of the collision in the dungeon is always loaded so that's walls floors ceilings and loading zones so no matter where I am in forest temple the boss loading zone is always somewhere so if I can get out of bounds and I can just go to where the loading zone is I will go to the boss and so that's exactly what happened there the boss luggage zone is just below that area just clip out of bounds and jump towards it and I met the boss and so this boss fight I have to do a lot of waiting I have to just kind of wait for him to enter a negative paintings and I'm gonna use this to do since the first one take some damage and then after hitting the first time I'm gonna use this opportunity to do some more reverse parliament I don't have bugs this should be fine I have to remember to get bugs later where's the best place probably pretty good [Music] so I just caught fish on D with PO NC right that's another another PO refill that's giving me 25 BOM cheese this time yeah the reason is 25 he's had a 29 like before is different item values so fish is item value 25 bucks is item value 29 and that's why they're different so generally that usually means like you want the higher item value but sometimes there are cases where the lower item value is good like I did earlier to zero [Music] oh come on so I have is G right now which is why the ball is automatically bouncing back and really dude he's gonna give you that attack isn't he I know it's coming oh no all their homes don't do this [Music] okay okay I was not scared there cuz usually is G should always hit the ball back you should never have any issues there's like this really rare chance where is P doesn't hit the ball you just die and that'd be bad about tennis thug do you need to keep this [ __ ] that zombie yes I do I'm gonna get a fish by are being red potion right now trying to think if I should get bugs now or later I probably give them before school good evening [Music] so I'm going to do RBA more right now I'm gonna drop this fish on B and catch it with red potion on C right this puts a fish in my second bald spot which actually gives me a yet another bottle so now I want to beat the dungeon but I don't want to watch this cutscene so I'm gonna do the setup to here so I'm doing a glitch called ocarina items on the edge of blue warp and this will give me control as the blue warp is going [Music] alright and the purpose of this bombs I want to die in a very specific frame this will yeah kind of spinning cuz the blue or properties there so this will give me the force medallion but I won't have to watch the cutscene which you'll see with this flash here it's white flash yeah yeah don't get bugs too that's not the time unhappily one-play not turning something that cloth got glossed over a little bit there was ocarina items which is a glitch you can do also with bottles where if you have a full bottle in your hand and you're in midair you press the pop the button for the bottle and then you press the button for another item that link can draw on his hand and when you land on the ground link will play that item that you'd print press a second as an ocarina and you can't use ocarina in boss rooms normally so it's pretty useful for doing wrong warps that cutscene skips yeah so I need bugs I was supposed to have bugs earlier I think is Paul so I just have to make a quick detour over here to grab some bugs well I'm here I might as well try to get a bomb drop if I can it would be nice all right I got one all right so now back on track back to you the forests where I actually wanted to go in first place so the first thing I want to do is actually catch a ferry and I'm actually I want to catch a ferry and I also want to get rid of that red potion so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna play song a time for this normally a lot of people think you need to use Zelda's Lullaby to get a ferry from a gossip stone but any great note song aside from a aside for song as strong as will do it the reason I want to play song time there is because it's 2 frames faster than Zelda's Lullaby and I also did a bottle dip there to do Padova the red potion so I don't have to bother with the red potion anymore all right that's three gold skulltulas there's almost 200 gonna get it again get 100 pretty soon probably there's one of those setups - I took my earlier using side hubs and things are glad to get in the right position yes so here I want to hover out of balance and this is going to be the start of setting up for getting a lot of gold skulltulas oh you guys wanna take it from here yeah so see if you mentioned earlier that one of the good things about GameCube is you can load a lot more stuff and you're gonna see that here so in this game here you're seeing these black loading planes which are similar to the ones that we skipped and for example going into the shadow temple they load the room however if you go in from the back and the rooms already loaded then all it can in this case it can load another copy of the room and you can just keep doing this to load multiple copies of the same room and so the the skulltulas in this room that spawns up on a higher ledge I just gonna keep spawning over and over again every time he slashes two more load and so many load of effect that the game's gonna start struggling in a minute you'll see what I mean by that right now they'd screen is frozen but the game is still running yeah that is not a problem with the tech or anything the game itself is freezing on that frame the gameplay still happening but the visuals are not right the CFG has an exact setup so even though he can't see what's going on he knows the movements needed to so unfortunately he can't just duplicate a hundred skulltulas you have to do it in batches just because of the way the memory works it would be too much otherwise and that was the last five okay if everything's right there should be 92 ghost Khosla tokens and five gold skulltulas he just did a trick there to stay targeted while facing the other way and this is because if he was to look at the skull Chile's at the screen would freeze yeah because there's so much stuff on this map you've got to be careful to look at any of it because then it will stop rendering oh yeah like that and bad things might start happening it'll happen again here is like it close to the skull toes it's okay there we go all right hopefully we didn't miss count [Applause] [Music] so it's pretty lucky you can just run into all like 92 of them and you don't get nice to textbooks as otherwise we'd be sitting yeah if you get to skulltulas like at the same time then you only have one text box I did get multiple text boxes there but that's just because I had to kill those last five and they kind of died at different times so I the reason I save and reset there is because as you might expect after loading so much and having the screen frozen the game was very unstable and so I kind of wanted to fix that by saving and resetting but conveniently thinking back to temple of time which is where I want to go I want to do a rare thing in speedrunning which is open the door time I had to leave and leave and re-enter the temple of time it seems really weird weird but this cutscene will only actually open the door of time if you enter from the front entrance so if I just save and load here it's not gonna open if I play the cutscene it's really weird too because the cutscene plays like normal and you know it plays the music and everything and it's like you know this big epic sound effect and then nothing happens yeah it's my favorite favorite cuts in the game cuz nothing happens and then happens [Music] and make a quick announcement yeah looks like we'll have to start donating toward the madness that's gonna be Animorphs because we have fulfilled the incentive for the glitz exhibition yeah and if I can say the word exhibition right can't wait to see that yeah you'll not be disappointed yeah so right there I just entered the cutscene trigger for the preview of light and that cutscene skip was a little bit different instead of dying like a lot of other cutscenes I played that the fun song right before right as the cutting started and that let me reload the room and skip the whole cutscene so I got some more RBA here I got a catch catch a felony right again get more bomb shoes yet again oh I gotta catch that back in my bottle please okay when I read chapters done like bugs in that actually puts me down to twenty twos and then back to twenty nine for the catch these bugs in my real bottle and then I also have to dump with the fairy on sea right fairy actually modifies my deck is that count so this will actually give me 20 fairies 20 digging sticks alright 22 I don't think 20 fairies and before going back in time a very important thing to note is I have a bottle on my B button as adult before going back in time that will be very important for later on back to child again because a few reasons for one some stuff you just have to get his child for another one the new glitch the really big glitch that you'll be seeing somewhat soon or in this run will be done as child link and also it since I just got my hundred gold spell suppose I want to go to the house of skulls wall and collect my rewards which is right here after the grey guard before I leave the graveyard I won't actually grab a heart case here so they're very quick Harvey's I can grab in this box up here you're only supposed to use a magic bean to get up on this ledge and then break a box to find a heart piece you can throw the boomerang and have the boomerang curve around and pick up the heart piece on the return trip I normally you have foreign bones here but since I got bombs earlier don't have to do that which is really nice it's pretty cool that when the boomerang is on the return trip it doesn't actually collide with anything to make sure it gets back to link that was useful there it's also gonna be very useful for the new big glitch later so just a second ago I just did a quick swap - are you serious I'm right in front of me dude I did a quick show up to equip the poachers saw on unsee as child and a normally child cannot equip that item but equip swap actually takes the usability of whatever items thought you're equipping and not the item itself so there's no problem with looking at his child with a quick look and interesting ly enough that guy just traded it to he's normally normally supposed to trade to him as adult in Gerudo Valley but he's also in Kakariko his child and it works perfectly fine as child even though you're not supposed to so here collecting my rewards now that's a stone of agony here's some balm shoes here's the giant's wallet and here's a very special one so the hundred gold star award commonly referred to as a very useless reward you get for getting all the gold skulltulas actually useful in a speedrun [Music] and not just once but actually twice I am going to place one song to make it night and reload the room and you can actually get 200 rupees from him every time you reload the room so I just reload talk to him again four more rupees and there's one I got got to get one last reward this guy he's gonna give me a heart piece intentionally avoiding the last guy who has a second wallet that's grade if we were to get that one right now we would actually downgrade our wallet because the CFTR v8 one of the middle tier ones before yes so talking to him would be pretty bad I might run would be invalidated well I could technically now stay back oh yeah yeah we'll get to that very soon so another save and reset to give a tea tree forest gonna finally head to the Deku Tree finally go to the first dungeon but like the Deku Tree kept seeing while you're talking to him I was like you gotta go and kill grandma it's kind of boring so they're already want to do that there you wanna listen to the Deku Tree yeah I kinda don't want to watch that cut staining so I'm gonna head out of bounds I'm gonna get icy up this line and do some trick jumps here to get on top of this house and from here I'm going to start doing a hover with some twisted backflips and this lets me get to this out-of-bounds area from here I can jump down and get out of bounds right here this skips a low trigger that loads this area of Vickery forest this means the cutscene isn't there and also the deck trees mouth is not there you'll see link fall a second right here yeah right there that's where the mouth is supposed to be just not there and so I can enter Deku Tree and this is what the big one yeah yeah safety save yep another big one happens so yeah that the big new glitch I was talking about earlier if this is where it happens spend a while here yeah yeah so there's gonna be some some stuff that seems a bit random if he's gonna go straight up to the compass room at the top of Deku Tree and then leave again and come back down again for seemingly no reason the new glitch has is all to do with the boomerang essentially or at least the way you're gonna see it is all to do with the boomerang when the boomerang picks up something like a heart drop or a gold Skulltula token what's actually happening is in order to move that gold skull to token or that heart drop or whatever back to link it has to change the position in memory at the position in the world of that drop every frame to be the same as the position of the boomerang so it gives you the illusion that the boomerang is carrying that actor so every frame the boomerang light comes back to link and the thing it's carrying then snaps to the boomerang account and the way it does that is just by changing some of the values that the game uses in memory to keep track of the position of the in this case it's gonna be a hard drop so you know the boomerang we can use the boomerang and it writes position data to the hard drive like that's just how the game works nothing weird about that yet but this in this glitch what we're gonna do is we're gonna have the boomerang connect with the thing so how their boomer connect with the heart drop to pick it up and then we're gonna make sure the heart drop unloads from memory and something else loads in its place so when the boomerang starts trying to write position data to the heart drop it's not actually gonna be a heart anymore and it's gonna be writing position data to something else in memory which is gonna have it pretty big consequences and so this glitch is all to do with shuffling around data in memory so that's the reason he went up to that top room and back down again it's because we wanted to unload the main room load some other stuff in the clock room shuffle the memory around a lot by loading and unloading thing different orders and so he's doing exactly that here he dropped a bomb true which loaded the bomb true into memory is dropped a fish which loaded which loads the fish into memory and all this is just a shuffle data values around so you're gonna see a lot of that in this room there's gonna be dropping bugs bomb cheese fish and this whole section is to make sure that when this take Deku scrub stops talking he's gonna spawn a heart and you want that heart to spawn in a certain particular placement memory so you fill up all the previous spots in memory with all these fish and bugs and prom shoes and you do just the perfect combination of items to get in the perfect position so now the location memory of this heart drop is in a very specific place that we want it to be in and the way we're gonna unload the heart drop is by leaving the room you know when you leave the room everything inside it unloads so we're gonna boomerang the heart drop and I leave the room but of course before you leave the room we have to do some more memory shuffling because we want a very specific thing to load into the place where the heart used to be and needs to be in a very specific location in memory and not only that but when we do the trick you have to be in a very specific position so that when you loathe the new room the location of the boomerang which actually connects with link on that frame so it's a she the location of link needs to be in a such a precise position that we write the perfect data to the place we want to write it to and so this is when she was talking about how some tricks are precise to like that 10,000 you know yes really precise position that's kind of what you're seeing here with him running against the wall and stabbing the wall and running again it's not useless it's very very clever manipulation of the movement in order to get linked at the perfect position so all the memory is set up now he's just gonna try and boomerang this heart [Music] and on a very specific frame he's gonna leave the room if all goes well which is why there's so much pause by frame let's set up and we'll talk about this more in a minute but the whole setup here is very precise very difficult and required someone who knew what they were doing with setups to be able to do that and that's where Danny's stepped in and helps out here because this wouldn't be possible without him all three of us had like a massive part to do with this and see if she's incredibly brave to be doing it in a marathon run because it's just so difficult and so crazy he's pretty pretty amazing yeah and we had this set of fully done what only like two weeks ago yes so again we need the boomerang or we need link to be in a very specific location when we load the basement of the Deku Tree and so all the movement here you're gonna see is gonna be to move link exactly perfectly exactly on the right frames so that he gets in the exact right position just as the boomerang comes back to him and just as we load the basement and link catches the boomerang ideally the thing that we want to edit is gonna load into memory in the position that the heart drop was previously in so right now there's a gap in memory with a hard trip cause we unloaded the heart so that fit of memory is now free and we load the basement something's gonna load into that free lucky memory and so not only is the location where you catch the boat very important it's also about the timing because we need to catch the boomerang on exactly the first frame that the next room is going to there and I'm not gonna go in threes it's why it's gated but there's many different design things all right and that is the end of phase 1 and that [Applause] I just I just want to say it might not have been obvious but that is by far one of the hardest tricks in our tea to perform live RTA and he's just smashed it first try and like is its though thoroughly impressive what just happened there in front of you if any part of that failed he would have to reset and do it all again so we've got another trick so I guess you might be wondering like what is it what do we edit what have we brother data to and I'll talk about them just a second but first what see if she is doing is being dying underwater but he didn't actually quite surface before he went to those vines so as far as the game is concerned links underwater state is still like set for the game the game still waiting for link to surfaced and one of the I guess results of that the fact that the links underwater state is still set means that if he picks up an item it's gonna wait for link to surface in water before it gives it to him so he just picked up ejecting up there but because he was in an underwater state the game was like oh just like don't give it to him yet wait for these surfaces and he can hold it in the air so yeah as I was saying what do we what do we edit we edited the contents of that chest the one that he just walked in front up and then left again that now contains the item Zelda's letter and I'll let someone else explain why Zelda's letter is sickly yeah so there's a trick in this game called get item manipulation if any of you have seen in any percent run before it's the same one that they used to get a bottle quickly instead of going to decorate gonna kill the Cocos or collect the cookers might kill them I wish yeah so basically how get item manipulation works is once you've stored an item or delayed the pickup of an item like GN s just talked about which DFG did with deco nuts if you walk in front of a treasure chest such that you're a button says open the game will actually change the item that it plans to give you and when you surface from the water it gives you something else and so zfg now so what a super special about this is that normally you have like one treasure chest to work with like for example any percent they use the dungeon map chest which is upstairs touching a dungeon map chest when you do this to glitch gives you a bottle of blue potion in it touching a chess with Zelda's letter in it doesn't just give you one item it can give you any item depending on what direction you're facing and so if you take all the directions let's see if she can face and divide it into wedges of 256 of the whole circle there are 256 items in the game and each wedge corresponds to a different item that he can get and so what zfg is doing right now is repeatedly doing a glitch over and over again facing slightly different directions precisely to select what item he's gonna get from the chests over and over and we're gonna get a bunch items from that all that crazy setup in the beginning was just to puts all his letter in a chest which normally you only get from Zelda it's not NHS and doing gym with it's always letter than just is what allows us to get and it will prove late to the day as though this left yeah don't just have to take our word for it so this is the trick I mentioned earlier we're like I could get any item from this and really if I wanted to I could get every item in the game with this and it might make the running you know a little bit less interesting so for the purposes of this run I'm only going to do it for a certain number of items so a lot of the items that are really cool and interesting to get I'm going to keep them you know do do it the other interesting way like not using this glitch and I'm primarily using this glitch to get items that are not really that interesting to get a lot of them are like skipping cutscenes or skipping other uninteresting gameplay so yeah not not fully making use of it to the max just for the sake of entertainment but max entertainment definitely in this run and there was actually a newer way to achieve pretty much the same effect it's a new trick that a bunch of people have been working on in for on city unfortunately it was worked out a little bit too late before the run here so we weren't able to put this in the wrong but definitely look out for speedruns if ever - coming up the HOS hold T speedrunning scene is gonna change a lot in the future just from this yeah for reference the thing that figure mentioned it was found like I want to say two weeks ago but it actually requires different setups on different versions and the set up on the gamecube version which I'm playing on was found the day gdq started which is a little late to implement that quickly so cuz you gotta remember that every trick in this game is not just like oh that trick exists now just do it you have to spend hours grinding it learning it you know finding out exactly every way every detail about the trick and then how do I deal with it if I mess up something and you know there's so much to consider there's just not enough time to just you know slot it into the run this this stuff takes days and weeks and months to plan out in fact the original glitch that read that led to this was found I think what three months ago or something awry late October and it took us this long my kids took taking us three months or you know how long it's been of non-stop work to get all this stuff to work so I originally found that I know I tried to is actually a video I tried to boomerang a scale to was token forest temple and in the main room and I left the room and came back in again and suddenly there was a door attached to my boomerang and I was like this isn't you right this is new and that led to everything yeah pretty much so I especially funny I was watching zfg ustream at the time hoping that I could bring a skillful a token to one of the rooms in the dungeon to help with another trick and then I randomly moved a door and at first we were like oh cool we can move stuff like we can move the position of stuff and then a few of us realized actually the way the game handles data it you can't just you know changing the location or something is just writing to its location data so maybe we could write to some other data like the contents of a chess and I worked pretty hard on that and eventually produced a video where I managed to change the contents of a chest into dummies caverns actually live Bhan chef turn it to prescription and then and of course this wasn't just me fake help me work out how how old this memory stuff even works things like kind of a genius in my mind when it comes to this stuff like I didn't know any about you know memory manipulation I learned to use a tool called spectrum which is made by mzx figured out that you could put well we kind of knew that in theory you'd be able to put pizzelles letter in this chest and yeah Exodus was the one that first told us that zelda's left it would be the one that would allow us to get any item it was - it was like slingshot it's kind of manipulatable but zelda's that it would be amazing because it's it's based on legs angle so huge shoutouts to Exodus chose to fake chats to Danny for all the like ridiculously precise setups you're seeing the so me Google shout out was how yeah there are Roman gonna help me mash my finely fashioned and fine no but yeah after the beef ash shot us to smash Mack for finding that if you yeah I revive with a ferry underwater you get to repeat the GIM glitch over and over again without constantly recollecting dicknuts which is super important here shout us to zfg for being pretty much one of the only people in the community that tried to get this into a run because everyone else that just it's very complicated and a lot of people wanted to wait until more research was done and I think it was too cool this itself is it's probably the hardest use of this [ __ ] SRM the one in Deku Tree so the fact that you're even doing this if Cheers is kind of still blowing my mind yeah I was kind of scared thank you thank you for that screenplay it's working out as it's going perfectly couldn't it couldn't be better right now I'm sorry ain't gonna list all the items you're getting yeah so this is actually the last out of bounds line wrong guy getting so the all the items I got were hammer ocarina of time light arrows Requiem of spirit Epona's fine iron boots froze wind and the final one here it should be dins fire i will check all of those in just a second alright let's see i got everything got my iron boots breakfa deponent song alright yeah so that's all the items i want except for one more so I gotta get the Deku stick so I deleted Deku stick earlier because of equip swapping balls and stuff that's that's my item value to 1 or 0 I have to go back in front of the chest to redo this I have one freebie item that I won't be able to repeat the glitch for and this is going to be a heart container I just got one extra heart so now the glitch is finally the activated everything is over and now we can grab this chest the Zelda letter chest that led to everything [Music] and there it is [Applause] [Music] BFG is a literal god yeah no idea no one else could do that alright back to a little bit more normal stuff not it actually not really oh just kidding normal stuff compared to everything that just happened but you know ofE is a little bit far from normal it's kind of funny in practice we were saying that what you just saw was so hard to explain just because it's so complicated it took us three months to understand it so you know explaining it in five minutes difficult yeah realize I could hold my breath for 20 minutes yeah so the rest of this run it's like hard to not take it for granted all these simple tricks that are coming up but we're gonna try our best anyways VIX attainable so I mentioned earlier that I had a bottle on be going back in time as a dog I now if you look my B button I have not a bottle I got missing no there so so when you have a bottle on any item and you go back in time and forward in time the game has to check if a bottle needs to be updated because you know say you have a fishing as adult and you go back to child and you dump out that fish the game has to update the bottle to make sure that the fish is no longer there's adult but when that bottles on the B button it doesn't quite do that update properly it instead checks see right to do the update and so it updates based on my see right item i equipped broken gorn's forward as on ski right as child which is part of the big one start raiding quest and that item points to a region in memory that in total adds up to 225 so it puts item value 225 on B which is that glitchy mess whether that's his medallions and a couple songs that made the odd number yep and what's important about the squishy item is that it acts like eyedrops which is the final item in the Bighorn her second final item in the big one store trading quest but I can't give him eyedrops right away the game actually checks your inventory spot to make sure that you you have at least a prescription or or higher in the Bighorn store trading quest so I give him the broken bones hard to get the prescription then I can give him the glitched item which is eyedrops which he accepts I like we've been calling them lied ropes yeah lied raha great name but I don't know if he should be putting those in his eyes yeah I do not recommend putting missingno in your eyes yeah knockoff eyedrops not sure he'll how good those are anyway at what claim check yes so after getting the claim check you have to wait three days to get there we go on toward what it really is is waiting the transition from night to day three times so since this night stays a little bit time while I'm playing son song advancing in three days I'm also gonna go head out to get magic magic is right over here very convenient kind of funny that you know we have spells like dins fire yeah we haven't got magic yet to use this until now yeah we've been talking for a long time maybe times are some donations yeah this would be a good place I have lots of donations for you we have a $25 donation from Tiffania who says my husband's dream was to make video games and introduced me to the joy of ocarina of time I lost them to cancer many years ago but he still lives in my heart containers good luck see have team I don't know it's really sweet and applause we also have a $25 donation from rapper Brewer who says every Christmas my siblings and I play ocarina of time together passing the controller after finishing finishing a dungeon it's fun seeing it get broken so we can try to do some of these glitches next time we get together you should yeah a lot of these glitches may seem intimidating but there's actually lots of very simple glitches to do stuff like the infinite story glitch which is pretty common throughout the run that's a very easy trick you know lots of people's first trick that's a good one to start with if you want to just like try learnings and stuff and their fuel you know what you want to learn some runs but you're intimidated there's some great resources online we have a great ot discord server you can come in and you know if you're learning struggling with something not sure why something doesn't work just come in and ask post a video we can help you yo t community is like one of the most amazing communities I've ever seen and everyone's so helpful so knowledgeable we get we get newbies off the ground in like two seconds cloud yeah and it's such a rewarding game to play and you know learn these tricks do a speed run great alright so all the time passed finally give him prescription after three days get my Big Horn sword which won't ever actually be using the run there yeah a side note I'm never going to use a sword as adult again adult will never actually have a sword on D again throughout the rest of the run trial leave it a little bit but B button is surprisingly useful for a lot of other items that are not sword anyway alright so I just got the first magic upgrade and I'm immediately gonna go get the bigger one so I can do a mega flip here and this mega flip will take me directly into the fairy fountain that's gonna give me double double magic so normally to get in here you need hammer I did get hammer but it's kind of slow just mega flip in is faster so as far as not using swords you notice the zfg equipped deca sticks to see button there deca sticks actually have the same exact tech power as a Master Sword they break of course but we have a lot of them yeah and plus I can use the infinite sword glitch which prevents the Deku stick from breaking not only that but there's a different trick which I'll use later on just called broken Deku stick where you break it in the air and you can still use the broken part even though link is supposed to normally part of the way so yeah sort Deku sticks and hammer are basically gonna be my master sword replacements for the rest of the run at least for adult since I won't be using any kind of stored as a bell interestingly using sticks as adult will crash on the n64 version of the game but a game cube and the GameCube emulator is okay with in lettuce when they break you actually get the same visual as breaking a giant's knife yeah adult links a sword breaking type item is giants knife and so you know he's not supposed to be using textbooks as adults or just ends up playing the Giants and I've breaking the reverse is also true if you break Giants knife this child it will actually share with Deku stick breaking which is kind of funny I think in those dinky sticks got on see in the first place adults not supposed to be pleased acoustics associate to used Eclipse well again to be able to get this honestly yeah so speaking of Jackie six I'm gonna break a bunch I don't want a whole lot I only want 13 no more no less mm that'll be important coming up soon so I want to go in the Goron shop but it's closed right now until I blow up the rolling go on I don't want to talk to him though so I'm gonna break into the shop just gonna follow myself here fall out of bounds and go right in so this is why I got rubies earlier I can buy the growin tunic this is why you mentioned again like the rolling Goran that gives you the going to Nikki talks for like a full minute and obviously buying that tunic is way faster plus I need a lot of bombs I was very low in bombs and wait oh yeah my bottles are messed up because I messed up to blood stuff earlier so I'm like forgetting what bottles are what so I'm gonna head back to temple of time now so we talking about ball adventure earlier how I can get different items on my B button as adult I'm gonna do that again it requires going back in time and forward in time but this time I'm not really gonna bother doing anything as child I'm really only gonna go back to child just to activate these two glitch so before I do that I do need to get bauble back on my B button so I'm gonna catch these bugs over the squished item on B and this also gives me a side light arose on C right that actually gave me these spirit temple bosky that'll be useful later and so the reason I wanted 13 Deku sticks now is because when I go forward in time I'm going to equip the fairy aunty right and I mentioned fairy I mentioned earlier fairy points of Deku sticks which is how I got twenty Deku sticks earlier this time I'm gonna put fairy on see right this way the game will look at my deck east account to determine what item is gonna be put on B and I have 13 Deku sticks so it's gonna be item value 13 on B item value 13 on D it happens to be four oars wind and so there it is so is that gonna be useful so that you can you know go into a dungeon and then you know you might get bored of playing smite want to go to bed so you can set first wind yeah yeah it's good you know then I get back to where you want to be now the the reason for husband on B is so important is normally for as wind is restricted to only dungeons but when an item is on B it's usable wherever you can use your sword which is almost anywhere except you know like houses so basically I can use for husband wherever I want now which is super good yeah but first even though you know I can use outside dungeons now first thing I'm gonna do is actually go in a dungeon which is water temple so I'm gonna go in by clipping out-of-bounds just do a jump slash they're both out of bounds and swim to the loading zone so here in water temple I really only need two things I need to get the long shot and I need to just beat the dungeon I'm gonna go a long shot first normally the way to go get long shot is oh yeah you mean riddle you get some keys you go fight dark lane and the reward you get for fighting Dark Link is is the long shot I don't really want to fight Dark Link I'm gonna take a take the scenic route so I'm gonna clip out of bounds there so that was a Ledge clip I target the ledge as soon as I grab the I target the wall as soon as I grab the ledge and that moves links body towards the wall when you grab the ledge which clips him out of bounds so I can just drop out of bounds and go into the water so this lets me get to this room a little bit early and I'm gonna cross this gap and take a lot of damage from this tektite I don't want to die yet but I do want to be at low health so I'm just gonna let this guy beat me up after I set for hours wind because sometimes he adalat the enemy's way yeah he just wants a hug all right and getting it is pew before I leave the room so the reason I want to get is she here is to hover up here so normally supposed to come into this room from the top but I'm gonna hover up to where you normally are supposed to enter here can I go through this room backwards [Music] something interesting to note here is that when you hover your ability to walk or move kind of takes on the properties of whatever floor is directly underneath you and directly underneath vhe a little bit to the side right now is a slippery slope as part of like a pipe underwater and when you're on a slippery slope you can't slide off her back lip so if she has to be very careful to maneuver this hover so that he's never over the slippery slope or else he won't be able to continue hovering so there's a gate here you have to shoot an eye switch to open it but I can shoot the ice which through the wall there and now I'm gonna get in the water here so I'm gonna I have very low health which means I'm gonna have a very short time right here oh come on so I'm going to want to pull out my hook shot and I'm gonna I want to die at the same time that I shoot the hook shot target here oh no oh how do I get negative six uh there's been a fairy in this room okay yeah just a yes okay there's a fairy in this room that I can get okay so that was a frame early so I died I wanted to die at the same time I said I did a little bit too early so luckily there's a fairy in here has a backup she knows the FG pause buffering there he actually wasn't pause buffering and advancing one frame at a time like you might be used to timers in this game even if you don't advance the frame timers it will advance one frame on their own just like in between pauses and so you can just kind of latch the start button without any special timing okay so unfortunately since I refilled my health I'm gonna be waiting a bit how was your day guys so this set up I think was set up I think was time I see one right yeah sleep one has done quite a lot for this category a few others have as well if you mention the anistar runners before this ferdi is good the RTA six people because even before I saw him this is a really cool category so many cool strats we have to thank so many people so many cool people so the hook shop jump you guys saw in dodongo's cavern earlier to get the bombs early that one it went pretty high the bridge was kind of high up above them but when you're underwater here you actually have different physics [Music] all right lift off so this still going yeah this is a really huge jump I'm way way above water temple rat right now so that jump was so fast got me through the ceiling and when I land I'm actually landing in dark links room so this is actually the room I fight Dark Link in but completely unloaded and the room going towards is the room where the long shot is there happens to be hook chattable collision on the bottom of the door frame so I can hook shot the ground here who knows why yeah it's very strange actually a few instances that of that in water temple where there's parts of the walls or ground that just accessible for no reason in and then I have to load this room by falling down here and then jump slashing now the long shot room's loaded and here's the long shot [Music] and so I said for Rosalind earlier so I can go straight back to the beginning of a dungeon so now a long talking goes straight to the boss so one distinct thing about water temple is that in speed runs normally to get to the boss you either you normally do like a Hef with hover boots to get over here it's very rare in speedruns you actually use the longshot here because the water level is almost always lowered this is a rare instance of never lowering the water level in water temple and so we actually just longshot over the the normal stress oh come on oh now I have no idea how to do this room if you don't get it first right okay it works yeah so I wanted that froze wind for an upcoming cutscenes yep I don't have the boss key but I can get through the boss tour anyway going to do a short hover here it's got a bomb down and I'm going to get hit by the bomb as soon as I drop from the hover and that puts me through the door that's called the ground clip when you're over certain floors that floor being one of them if you have a bunch of downward speed and laterals be at the same time you can just go straight through straight through walls and so when you're in a hover grab he's constantly acting on you and pulling you down so he snapped down to the ground I like max fall speed instantly and then the bomb gave him the lateral speed with the push back so went straight through the door all right so MorphOS is a pretty simple boss of a general strat for more fights kind of just drag them towards the corner and then just beat them up in the corner so I kinda just have to wait well you can sort of skip waiting the tentacle to be made if you get happy to get luck not quite lucky enough if even if you get it the first I was kind of hard come on so I can striking towards the corner good jump / I don't know no no it's fine okay yeah this might be a good time to talk about power Crouch stabbing yeah stabs in this game stabs in this game don't actually have their own set damage value and they take on the damage value and damage type of whatever the last attack you did was so yeah when zfg asked did I jump / normally what you want to do is jump / before you start that phase of the fight so that you store that damage value to your crouch tabs and so you can just do a lot of damage really quickly yeah fortunately I somehow forgot but you know made the fight a little longer but not a big deal [Music] so here I wanna grab this part container and to beat the dungeon I normally step in the blue warp but that causes a long cutscene I do want to get the war medallion I don't want to watch the cutscene so I'm gonna step in the blue warp with Feroze wind which you normally cannot use for husband in boss rooms so this is another really important thing in frozen dumby I'm gonna warp away right as the screen fades out and I get the warm Bell you don't have to watch the cutscene and one of the things thing to note there is that lake house filling up with water is actually triggered during the cutscene so by skipping it Lake Holly will never actually be filled with water again and now I'm gonna head to spirit temple I pretty mean to the Zoras yeah kind of just leave brew time in the boomerang room you know even fight darkness in everything's or his hands in the spotlight yeah they're so mean RT speedrunners feel meaning alright so I want to get icy off this way and I'm gonna let him I'm gonna use him to start a hover and so not only have to go through a lot of spirit temple to get to some outside hands where he can get some cool items I'm just going to get the top of the hands from outside gonna do a hover here in this power I can just barely stand on a little thing here and backflip onto the steam from here I can climb up here and longshot the silver gauntlets chest don't actually care about silver gauntlets I just want to get up here and do a super splay and equip our boots this will let me cross this really big gap get over to the other hand wear a mirror she'll is so I got the fast chest [Applause] [Music] and now I can go into spirit temple from really high up and this skips a lot of the internal spirit humble part so here I want to do a trick I mentioned earlier broken Deku sticks so I just broke this Deku stick in midair and link didn't actually put it away he only puts it away if you're actually on on the ground when you break it and so I can keep using that broken part as a weapon which means I wanted to break a stick every single hit and so I can use it if I see the you see the flash but not the actual stick itself and a another thing you might not know is that the stick is actually stronger than the kiri sword fact is the same strength as the Master Sword so if I using the stick here it doesn't take longer than the Master Sword [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so the golden spear template here I actually just want to go down to the main room the room with the big statue instead of normally you want kind of go off the temple to do that I have to get get through this room I have to kill that [ __ ] sends to my neighbors here the Anubis moves based on links movement and so I'm kind of moving around the room to make them move into the fire which kills them as pot has a bomb in it which I can grab which is really nice so here the bathroom is in the statues head here so I'm going to climb a statue and get into the head early so I pull a bomb here and this will let me put that about and we back in bounds and get up on the shoulder from here I can do some trick jumps to move around I'm here I can hook shot into the head hit that and open the door and again is forgot he had the boss key because the rb8 light arrows earlier yep oh this might be a good time for a donation absolutely we have a two hundred and fifty dollar donation from Brandon who says donating for the absurd boomerang glitch in OoT my brain was long ago melted when zfg said and that's the end of phase one we also have $25 from anonymous who says you're doing a great job zft from a couple fans from Rhode Island Thanks [Applause] alright so for this fight here I'm not gonna straight-up find the other knuckle I actually want to lure the iron knuckle into a corner so I can try to skip the cutscene gonna go over here and do a setup for broken Deku stick for actually fighting we're gonna get the iron knuckle down to low health so the iron rock was one hit away from dying gonna lure in the corner drop a bomb hook shot to clip out of bounds and the bombs gonna kill the iron devil and this is gonna skip a whole cutscene no there's normally a cutscene with like the iron knuckle the armor falling off from revealing Nibiru and that's just completely skipped in case it wasn't obvious there zfg hook shot at the enemy itself you can hook shot onto those iron knuckles and he's able to put through the wall that way [Music] so to burn rova is not a speedrunners favorite boss it's pretty random boss basically these witches are just gonna be flying around they're gonna shoot at whenever they dang well please hopefully it'll be soon sometimes they can shoot multiple times from the same spot without flying in between so you might hear people talking about doubles or triples soon you know the same spot that's super fast we want that to happen but sometimes they just decide to hang around so we'll cross our fingers yeah turnin over is a lot of people's favorite boss casually but you ask any speedrunner what they're at least here oh I actually got a quick shot here okay that's good but yeah you asked any speedrunner thereof least favored boss it's almost always twin rova shooting the hook shot there to keep one of them in place if I shoot at them then they kind of try to like dodge it and I just helps keep them in place makes it easier to shoot them [Music] smaran gene manipulation yeah this is going very well so far no doubles I know what to put ones [Music] alright that was actually not too bad pretty good luck yeah like probably the best like you can get without a double this face though can be random if you don't do it right but at the very beginning here before you do any damage to the combined twin rova she's always gonna shoot three of the same elements in a row and that's pretty useful because we can actually kill her in one cycle with fast enough damage so we never have to deal with the randomness and also shooting the hookshot there actually does speed up the fight it actually makes me move to the next platform faster which is pretty interesting because in phase one you use the hookshot to keep one of them in place and the phase two you use it to move her to the next one faster [Applause] was a good time for donations sure--they we have a 150 dollar donation from huff and stuff one five nine he says no matter how often I see zfg you do a run it never quits being amazing his skill plus the knowledge of the couch is making this my favorite run of the events thus far I agree this has been great pretty well we got a front row seat here yeah we've also got a twenty five dollar donation from Lemuria says after years of playing this game with my siblings seeing this run brings back wonderful memories my mother is currently nine years in remission for melanoma so happy to be a part of this experience with you all especially congratulations that's awesome this is from a little bit ago since we already filled the glitch exhibition but I figured I should mention this $1000 donation from kuma Kiki's saying I can't get enough ocarina of time let's get this glitch expert expedition going alright so you don't know the cutscene skips here same as the water temple one just gonna warp away right as the screen fades out get the medallion and donut to watch the cutscene I can leave right away so a hearing go to valor desert Colossus I want to do a super slide here and there's this heart piece on a rock I normally have to use a magic bean to get it but I can just use the super sliding it over here nice quick convenient heart piece especially since I have to go to the very founding next again eros love just right on the way so interesting thing about neighbors love I was actually considering using the glitching Decca tree to get near his love but it turned out to actually be like today I wanted to do like you know stuff those skipped cutscenes and it was only like 10 seconds faster and I didn't want to like add more difficulty on top of that I kind of just decided not to do it and also a change of scenery from Deku Tree you know you don't yeah yeah our in there I'm sure Chad loves these cutscenes anyway where you headed next CFG I am going back to the forest we've been in the forest quite a lot this run but uh you know it's a nice place I'm gonna head back there again after this there's a lot to do there [Music] [Music] [Music] menu I guess plates so much in this room yeah probably the second most played song yeah usually bolero is the one cuz bolero kind of exists in like a overworld hub yeah Blair Blair is so close to so many things [Applause] all right so there's a few reasons I want to go back to the forest one is I actually want to go back to deco tree I actually even though I spent so long in Decca tree I never beat it and I never got the item that's actually the that's normally in the Decca tree the slingshot should probably go back and actually get those also I want to set for was wind right here I left on reentered second force meadow that was actually not an accident I need to set it for us when specifically state force in state force meadow from lost woods the entrance point actually will be important here and there's also a Deku nut upgrade I need to get I still have not gotten Decca nuts this run and I should probably do that you guys want to take kids one yeah sure so one of these guys Selznick a nuts and the other one sells arrows and every NPC has like a invisible circle around them within which you can actually collect I think that they'll give you got a retry I I need 70 rupees taking the detour alright luckily there is the five right out here but um so the the collection range for these two guys actually overlaps a little bit in between them and so if you do this in a certain way you can delay the collection which is what zfg is doing with the pause buffered shield here to get into a special state which delays the collection of the items that he's gonna give you then he's gonna get into the overlap region between their collection ranges and then exit the state and collect them both at once if you do that the arrows actually become a secondary dekha not upgrade and since they cannot upgrades are progressive which means you always get the next best one getting two in a row means you get the highest upgrade yeah and the reason I 70 rupees there is because I need to buy I needed buy both of them and they only check your rupees at the start when you actually say yes and the higher one there is 70 rupees so I just had to go out and get more I actually if you do that with more rupees it actually cost 110 rupees total so if you do it with more you actually lose 110 but it only requires 70 so to get into that Catriona do this test here so this test lets me get on that out-of-bounds area that was on earlier but a lot faster so basically the same thing I did this child to enter Decca tree just skipping the cutscene by going wolf actually is not even a customs at all but you know going out of bounds I don't link normally can't enter Decca tree at all but again the deck trees mouth is not loaded so I can just walk right in so the earlier you mentioned that you got all three spiritual stones from some RBA so why do we need to beat the dick a tree yeah so I don't actually need to be the Decca tree but the Decca tree has a very interesting property where the blue warp at the end can be used for a glitch called the wrong work it can basically take me teleport me to other interesting places in the game that I normally shouldn't be able to get to or get to much quicker and so even though I don't need to be Decca tree the wrong warp I can do is very convenient and vanish into that I do get a free heart container from Goma again I kind of get to pick and choose where I get my hearts in this run because I have a lot of options with glitches on where how I can get hearts but if I pass by like a free quick part container it's very good so here I'm gonna do a mega flip and this mega flip is going to clip me through the ground and equip hover boots and I'm gonna slide out of bounds for a bit and I'm gonna fall and as I fall I will hit the loading zone for the boss room [Applause] [Music] so again like I mentioned earlier in forest temple all the collision is always loaded for every dungeon including the loading zones so all I have to do to get to the loading zone is just find a way to it from out of bounds and it's just time to kill one of the easy is nothing really special [Music] Wiki like I said nothing special just you know ISD the usual so you're gonna notice the FG doing some ferrars wind on the blue or basically the same thing that he did in spirit temple and water temple and he didn't get a wrong warp from those dungeons but he is gonna get one here and the reason for that is it depends on what kind of cutscene the blue ARP intends to take you to and in the adult dungeons they take you to cutscenes inside the chamber of sages where a sage will give you a medallion and if if a dungeon takes you straight there you actually can't do a wrong warp there but on all the other dungeons like the child dungeons and fire temple you can do a wrong work from those dungeons so where a wrong warp to this is actually the sorriest long cutscene but it's a little bit different you might be able to tell since saris legs are stuck so this is wrong warping directly into the cutscene on a different map than usual where I am right now is not the regular second force meta you'd go to in the game it's sort of an unused setup for a second force meadow and it happens to have this cutscene yeah which is a little bit messed up obviously this didn't make it into the final game for obvious reasons until now yeah but this map has really interesting properties it's got like there's no enemies or anything there's no grottoes if you take a look at the sky this guy has like really fast moving clouds it's really unique actually show off the clouds after this so yeah it's really strange like unused map and one other interesting thing about this is that the custom trigger for the regular storia song still exists which means when cutscene ends I watch it again hope you guys all the cutscenes good yeah I hope you guys like starring a song yes so when I wrong warped into the cutscene that that wrong warp is directly into the cutscene I don't like step into any triggers or anything but when the cutscene ends the cutscene the regular cutscene trigger is still there so I immediately gain control and step into the trigger which forces me to watch it again now this might seem kind of weird the purpose of this is that normally the way to activate the story is long cutscene is to meet Zelda at Hyrule Castle I have not met delve at Hyrule Castle and I never will because it's very slow and she talks forever and I don't want to talk to her so even though I have to watch this cutscene twice it's still better than going to me Zelda plus we already got Zelda's letter yeah so that'll be it there won't be a third cutscene but it's not the end of story as long so conveniently the supposed to be right outside a forest temple which I do want to go back to so I never actually got the boat from forest temple and also you may remember back when I beat the forest temple I didn't get the heart container that was not an accident I actually intentionally left the heart container since having more health at that point the run would be kind of detrimental so I gotta go get both of those things yeah B will get the bow and the heart container so I gotta go get the bow over in shroom over here so there's a post-fight in this room over here you normally used to get a key and at the top of this room is another selfless fight where I actually get the bow now you might think oh I can just like hover up to the top of the room and then look at the bow doesn't quite work like that because the fight of the top only activates if link enters the room above a certain height so in other words like it just checks to you know that he's coming in from the upper doors just by using the height check but I can do some cool out-of-bounds stuff to trick that height check and actually get it get a trigger the fight from this room so what he just did there is called entrance point glitch he kept the door open by staying close to it and when he goats far away from the door the door will close and set his respawn point if he were to void out so he does a weird shot here to hit the vines which are in the courtyard nearby in another room the weird shot is a bomb glitch which lets you go underground and shoot from underground now that he's in the courtyard he's going to hover and do a ground a ground clip the same way he got through the water temple boss door just try that one more time and then he's gonna get out of bounds and void out and the spawn point the spawn point that got set in midair as he was in the middle of that hookshot flight will will get used [Music] just getting more explanation time [Music] Hey and also the the vines that have charted earlier those are vines in the outer courtyard area again I mentioned all the collision in inner Duncan is always loaded that includes stuff like climb above vines and everything and that's what I thought show and so since the room that was loaded was a stout post room and on into the room from so high up it'll trigger the upper Southwest bite so now we just got to get our way back there [Music] [Music] how am I getting that sideways bird shot that's so rare [Music] it doesn't really matter until later so it should be fine what is this this I never ever get these sliders we chose oh [Music] here we go good so this lets me get back in this room and so now at the that's not what I want now the toughest fight actually is trigger able but I still have to get up there so I have to hover up there to hover I really want some bomb shoes so I'm gonna do RBA again I lose froze wind on B I it's sort of a good purpose did some good stuff but it's time is over for now and now I actually have to hover up to the top so I get is G then we get on this chest and start a big cover and the reason why he gets on the chest to start the hover is if you start over from the ground if you're too close to the ground when you're hovering link will actually snap down to the ground so you need a minimum amount of height before the hover will actually stick so he just uses the chest as that little boost and he's attacking me in midair which is pretty scary but I should be fine all right now I'm up here now I just fight normally well you know normally what I see [Applause] [Music] it's kind of funny how when we've been doing this a while normal kind of has a different meaning yeah normal has a very different meaning between speed runners and casual players all right so I got the bow still need to get that hard container so I want to go back to the boss room so I'm going to do a trick here where I use the hammer on this wall I'm gonna equip the hover of it's gonna slide out the bounds real quickly and I'm gonna fall and this will take me directly to the boss floating zone again nice see if you just learned that one today I relearned it I used to do it years ago and I just forgot about it but now I remember it again yeah [Music] all right so a bit more idea here this is just refilling shoe count once again always love those bone shoes and now I'm gonna equip near his loved one see right neighbors love gives me a bottle in my second bottle slot so that is all four bottles and I didn't mean to do that now I want to do ocarina items I tried to the ocarina items there but press the wrong button this just lets me play an ocarina in the boss room normally you can't play ocarina in boss rings but this allows you to and so this is just the fast way to get out of the boss room so I can actually go back to temple time and finally become child again it's a very musical hammer yeah wait I I don't know my bugs right I do a fish okay that's kind of weird I usually have fish but not bugs or eggs a bugs but not fish but it doesn't really matter for this case should have bugs in the second bottle that you just are behavior oh right right okay so I have both okay either ones fine so I go back I go back to child again again bottle NBS is on bottle is on be as adult which means that once again I will get another unique item on B when I become adult again spoilers as far as when together because it's really good so now I gotta do gotta go back to market there's actually one thing I gotta get quickly in market oh I actually just recently got a slingshot a bit later than you usually get it but I can't actually get slingshot upgrades before I get the regular slingshot because normally when I when I get the link in a slingshot if you have another slingshot bag before you get the slingshot you always get downgraded so it's never worth it to get a slingshot upgrade before slingshot cuz you always just downgrade so I have to you know wait to get slingshot upgrades until after that so this minigame here is randomized as an adult but always the same pattern his child so that's why I could just like easily know which ones are coming out and gotta get some rupees I'm very low on rupees I'm going to sell my fish don't need the fish anymore serve a good purpose [Music] and I'm gonna stay warm and head back to kukuri forest you can probably squeeze in that donation or two here sure thing we have a $50 donation from captain tempest who says as my friend aptly put it quote you could write a PhD dissertation on this game and how broken it is end quote good luck on the rest of the run zfg and great job with my kungfu thank you oh we also have a two hundred and fifty dollar donation from rich Adibi I love the crowds here this is Jay Z FG so how do you make up the Lost Woods I just got that one slingshot upgrade and the other slingshot upgrade happens to be right there right the beginning of Lost Woods so I can get back quickly and then we're on to the best part of the run after a new minigame no come on slingshot many you ma [Music] so yeah I just gotta shoot this target this guy's gonna give me a screen shot upgrade so actually there's a way to Duke this and originally was just kind of slow and not really worth it there's a faster method found recently and I wanted to do it the only reason I couldn't do it is cuz I couldn't find a Ruby route that would work out properly and it's never movies which kind of sucks like just roofies with the only reason they couldn't do it all right so this school kid they're a spoke aid gives you a heart piece if you play sorry this song what happens if there's lots of school kids stay tuned [Music] using slingshot here at in a hover allows you to kill the backwards momentum from the hover so that you know and only when you back the blinkers refire backwards and he tried to hover he would just like back to away from the explosion it would never hit this field so you use the slingshot here to shorten the backflip so that the bond shoe explosion actually hits links to you so I'm gonna make a flip pass this load trigger here which means I can hit it from behind just like the Skulltula thing but with Skull Kid this time [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so I just voted 25 spell kids and everything is fine stream is not frozen no dropping frames nothing's wrong on your end the game screen is actually frozen right now so there are so many skulk is loaded right now the game cannot handle showing them all and so this is what you're gonna be seeing for a while that's free I remember to just back up count yeah yeah so I mentioned you know Skull Kid 1 skokie gives one heart piece lots of school kids will give all to heart pieces should be 5 so I'm gonna play sorry as long 21 times and I'm going to get 21 heart pieces from these guys 6 and I voted a few extra one for safety and also one is required so I can't play the same number of sorry as long as there are school kids or else the last bell kid is just gonna give me harpies and I don't get any others that's 8 yep ok so I have to play less than 25 and then the others are just for safety 9 [Music] cuz if I if I fail a song that counts as minus 110 [Music] eleven and again if he just came in nothing's wrong this is all fine twelve I hope Schechter is not panicking thirteen [Applause] [Music] so this seems like it's taking a lot of time but the the payoff is on average these part pieces are pretty fast relative to most other ones that you'll be able to get so you just pick and choose which ones are gonna be faster than being able to get them like this nice 16 18 almost there three more 19 you guys like start a song [Applause] [Music] 20th we're about to get our screen back that's that's this morning right yeah 21 coming up all right next slide coming up [Music] [Music] all right next slide and again nothing during the stream yeah this what the game everything looks like right now everything is fine zhe just has a custom texture pack yes so the next part of the trick is I have to talk to all the skull kids so now I am just mashing a so I can talk to all of them I have to actually talk to them before they can give me a heart piece so I got to play 21 songs then talk to them 21 times then after this I can get back on the stump and I will collect my 21 hard pieces and you may be wondering why this frame looks like this I don't think we know the exact reason but it has to do with when the spring freezes and then playing song as well the screen freezes it just this okay we have good news about this new texture pack ring see it for a while yeah hope you guys like this earliest parts of it [Music] [Applause] hey hey hey you can do anything okay you're gonna rehab sometime we have a two hundred dollar donation from Lulu casserole who says you got a huge Ruby this review is worth a whopping 200 rupees okay we also have a five hundred dollar donation look I think this is really appropriate it's from nabhi says listen and it says hey listen been hearing that a bit yeah all right now finally [ __ ] my heart there's one too and here they all are gonna come right now [Music] purpose squeeze in another quick donation no problem we have a $50 donation from Nikolai to he says there's nothing quite like the beautiful elegance of n64 Zelda's being methodically deconstructed piece by piece Bravo zft Bravo thanks it's true though we've managed to do some pretty amazing things with the jae-min this yeah the weasels 3ds Aldean's being broken is pretty fantastic many of us have written our own custom tools to try and work out what all the heck's going on in these games and yeah a lot of research going into these specially by a few you know recently it was alright and it's over yeah so here's that texture pack alright so you may have noticed I didn't quite get all the hearts there I got only 16 of those lines so again as I mentioned earlier each each heart piece takes about 20 seconds to get from Skull Kid so any harpies I can get in under 20 seconds it's gonna be faster so some of the texture is gonna go away after this pause not all of them so it gets them here much probably stable quick um so I have some good news or bad news depending on your your view but these textures they until I save and reset and I'm not gonna do that though so this is gonna be the rest of the run it's gonna be like look like this and another note to say is that every time this is done in a run like an attempt the textures look slightly different so we don't actually know exactly what everything's gonna look like yet yeah then maybe you only gave me some really funny things come up with yeah maybe we're not expecting keep your eyes peeled yeah some things are really special so one one downside of this is it does lag a bit so there's like the thing about the lag is that not saving and resetting actually stays about 45 seconds but then the lag loses some time to I think it probably is technically faster just they work to get rid of the lag but that's not that interesting this is this is cooler so just not a quick card piece here I tell you go down Zoras River for a few heart pieces and the magic beans magic means one of the last actual see items thoughts I need to get probably farm bombs here we also use all those dots in the sky to kind of form a shape of a giant cube which is yeah a box really is yeah we live in the cube oh no I just wanted to look up okay yeah you can see the seams of the cubes there corner all right you gotta go grab some bones over here hopefully this one is it good okay oh thanks wow they're generous [Music] and now that's the end of the final child section time to go back to adult and finish the rest of the run Isabelle like has a little bit of acne it's going through puberty yeah and the whoop songs extra sparkly today as well yeah it's pretty neat all right so I'm going back going forward in time again that means bottle adventure is gonna be activated by adults since he had a bottle unbe so I actually I equipped well equipped long shot on see right there and that is going to put fors win done B yet again [Music] and this really highlights the difference between bottle adventure and reverse bottle adventure we use reverse bottle adventure to write things into our inventory and we use bottle adventure to read from our inventory and put things like V so it's kind of like opposite processes hence the name but Danny and why is one in reverse and the other not I don't know actually I think reverse bottle adventure got found first which is interesting because reverse bottle adventure is actually a prerequisite to getting bottle adventure yeah but it wasn't understood that reverse bottle adventure was a thing so they found bottle adventure then realized what reverse bottle adventure was doing had already committed to the name and then inverted me yeah but some of the names for the tricks in this game are a bit weird especially the older ones like that and shadow stick Azusa I'll be a NVA alright so I want to go to games castle now but I don't have the shadow in spirit medallions or I don't have the shadow medallion I do have this gray medallion but I need both of those and the light arrows to get the gannets castle I do have white arrows but again no stream adalian so I'm gonna get to gans castle another method I'm going to climb up here and start a super slide here some fireworks yeah bombs look great with these textures and the super spot is gonna cross what they get for me so I can get on this side of these hills I'm gonna step froze wind I just like can leave games castle quickly after I go in there mr. thousand so pretty tonight yeah and now over here you can do another super slide on these hills and this should take me directly to Ganz Castle and now I can enter so I'm actually gonna need some bombs here so I got a farm some bones from these demos hopefully they're nice usually they aren't and of course they won't be in a marathon about 1/2 chance for me ok not bad I need one more all right all right I got a little extra so here in games castle I just have to get the gold gauntlets they are the item you get in the chest in the shadow trial so that you can attach over a shadow trial go grab those I can get across down a trial pretty quickly with the long shot I get along try this torch okay yeah pay particular attention to the hover boots yeah and then like I'm trapped like like here so then he's the hover boots now however it's a pretty neat with this glitch active okay not that yeah okay sometimes it doesn't do anything it might do it okay okay yeah there and it's it's like a different pattern every time I'll to show off a little bit I'll run and strike a little bit see if I can get some interesting patterns I get is there's one all right yeah pretty neat [Music] so here's the gold gauntlets and then I can warp directly out of here one other thing I need to do in this area though is I need to go get double defense from the great fairy fountain so I'm going to step forwards wind one more time and unequipped hover boots and that bomb I just dropped I'm gonna try to use to a Hesse directly to the fairy fountain so normally the fairy fountain you're required to use gold gauntlet to pick up a block I just got got gold gauntlets so I could do that but I'm just gonna clip in anyway is it's faster fondue she's right through the wall [Music] and this should be the last great fairy fountain I have to go to I guess the donation be good huh yeah unless something happens okay yeah something yeah yeah yeah I've got about this yeah yeah yeah check out those hands lovely pink flashing ham yeah unfortunately the hearts go back to semi normal sometimes it's like all of her arms that are flashing yeah that may appear with other NPCs to keep an eye out all right so I said just a second ago I haven't beaten shadow yet and now I'm gonna actually go do that so earlier on in the run I just went to shadow grab hover boots I could have actually beaten shadow there earlier but if I had beaten shadow temple earlier then the lighter of cuts me would have activated in temple of time when I had both the shadow and spirit aliens that's the longest cutscene in the game and I really want to avoid it which is why shadow temple is delayed to be beaten until all the way right now yeah pretty much the same time same as used the first time so in shadow temple I'm actually gonna go back to the exact same room I got the heartbeats from but I'm gonna do something a little bit different in that room so the layout of shadow temple is really convenient with this room because the trap temple is like the bottom part of chef temple is one very long pathway and this part of shadow temple like going back to the Horvitz room is also like a sort of long tight pathway also and it happens to be that this room is not far from the boss rooms a little bit early wait that works because one that was not correct okay so this room is not far from the boss room all the weird textures does not make this easier yeah he's gonna look for good cues on the bomb flashes [Music] the super slide is oddly precise most super slides are usually not that precise but this one in particular is because of extremely picky foot positioning all right so those two bombs I said behind me will actually push me out of balance here and the super slide and will go all the way right to the boss room super slides aren't really that hard but the problem with that one is that you need to press a to grab the bum on a really particular frame which stops links roll so that his position isn't a perfect spot so the other two can actually push them out of bounds so you can get a super slide on multiple frames there but only one of them will actually get to get you the clip yeah the problem is that the clipping out-of-bounds part when the bombs actually push you through the wall that part is very precise and because of that that makes the super slide very precise all right so for the bongo fight she'll be pretty quick I just get is G and quickly shoot the hands up shut then I can shoot the eye real quick knock them down quickly and just kill them like yeah then that's one of my ear parts with this texture glitch so after this filler situation as most of the other dungeons step in the blue work with furrows wind warp away to skip the cutscene again this is this is one of the dungeons that does not cause a long warp so I'll just walk away normally do you feel like navi the square didn't mean it like that that's sure not wrong so once again work away skip the cutscene back here so now I'm gonna head out to Hyrule Field and go to Lon Lon ranch and it's snowing yeah scared of my bomb count oh no I'm just sorry more time to look at this guy yeah it's moving don't like you know like sparkly thing just moved okay so I want to go to long-on ranch because I need to get epona so I actually don't need upon it for a whole lot I actually only need it for the Gerudo Fortress archery minigame otherwise opponents basically useless but that's pretty important as as per movement like people may think you know opponents fast you know good to travel around the world housing is way faster it's also worth noting that opponent isn't included in a hundred percent definition so we don't actually need her to satisfy the requirements of this category yeah and you can get oh yeah by the way movies cool you can get up on it by just hovering over the fence you don't even use do the minigames yep Lawrenceville yeah normally yeah you're like racing go twice to get epona and then you like traps you in and you have to jump over the fences to actually finally win opponent but if you just get get over the fence in some other way you just get epona way faster so now I just have to ride over to the River Valley nice shiny Groot afford this he has shadows great now you can probably the Danish number two here sure thing we have a $500 donation wow this is from Raj 86 who says only in Hyrule shopkeeper I have a magical fairy that will revive you from the dead and fill all your hearts link oh cool shopkeeper and it comes in a bottle link take my money what better time to donate than during the oot 100% no source requirement run took me so long to beat this game as a kid and watching zft completely break it along with a great commentary from the couch is a real joy thank you to all the runners commentators and staff for such an amazing event great to see so much positivity coming from the speedrunning community good luck and go fast 10th anniversary hype oh here I can actually ride past the guards here the guards vision is actually much worse at night great dust the guards regime is worse at night so I can actually just right past them and go park Epona there so now I have to free all the guards the other it is so the Gerudo the garuda membership card was actually one item that come on that would have been cool to get in the Deku Tree since it is kind of a lengthy process to to free all the guards the problem is the Gerudo the garuda membership card is actually not what makes you not get caught by the guards it's actually freeing the carpenters so if you don't if you get the Gerudo card but don't forget carpenters basically nothing changes so got to free them anyway i get some rupees actually did not well okay i yeah and the guards decked out the cells with Christmas lights which is pretty yes there's lights up Wow come on it was like three weeks ago two weeks via I have 96 second nuts okay back to 30 hold at least the Guru does let them celebrate holidays so I can hook shot up to the jail cell here and from here if i hook shot at a corner of his board I can clip through the wall and from here I have a good shot at the chest over here with a heart piece so this may lag a little bit as the moon comes into view so guru fortress is unfortunately one of the lag gear places with this whole tech circle objective I probably squeeze in the donation here sure thing we have a $50 donation from Revit to one - I said I thought the glitch exhibition was after the run how is this not the glitch exhibition that is even more yeah this is mr. run is uh pretty much quite an exhibition itself [Music] actually in fact there are some glitches in this run that were in previous witch exhibitions and made their way into speedruns one of them may be coming up soon wait I thought I saw something he's gonna be the third of four here you want another quick donation uh yeah sure sure we have a $25 donation from Queen beam he says the FT is probably the speed runner I have watched the most happy to donate during this his run here at agdq keep up the good work also putting the city Animorphs tron because i read all those books as a kid and didn't even know there was a game oh that's fantastic this guy was radioactive something all right so I got a weird kind of weird thing to do here I just want to leave and reenter the story right here this is just so I can set froze wind in this specific place it has to be from that entrance specifically no other entrance will work and this will be useful for later on we mentioned earlier that the Gerudo card isn't it doesn't really do anything it does one thing Gerudo card is actually the ticket that will allow the girl who blocks the entrance at the training grounds to open the door for you if you free two carpenters so that she doesn't actually throw you in jail and then you delete the Gerudo card you can actually get a special text box that you wouldn't normally see in a game where she tells you that you need the card in order to get in this guy have the same thing yeah I think so thanks for yeah oh these poor carpenters I think I have no idea it can't be I can't be good [Music] it looks like a strobe light in his shirt it's funny that that's happening here because you can you can make that happen on this girl's clothes with an explosive yeah I I would show that off but I'm kind of alright so now that I've freed all the carpenters I want to go to the riddle training grounds which is way below me I'm gonna try to do a quick clip in that just skips having to pay to get in so goo no training around is supposed to be this long like long trial place you have to go around a bunch of rooms collect a bunch of keys eventually you get enough keys to make your way to the final treasure or you can do a weird shut and skip the whole thing since you can shoot under the ground and shoot straight to the end kind of a shame because greater training grounds is one of the coolest areas in the game yeah you never really get to see much of an SPT run so I used frozen to warp out there quickly and I wants that first one again this will be the final use of Rosamond it's a really important one and now I want to go do the group fortress our three mini-games I'm gonna make it daytime so let's place the bit laggy so I'm gonna talk to her start the mini-game so you can get two prizes here you can get a heart beast and a quiver upgrade the hard piece requires a thousand points so I'm gonna try to get a thousand points here [Music] once I don't know if that's enough maybe I'll get a pity reward [Music] all right cool I got it anyway all right now I gotta get the cover upgrade so this time I have to get 1500 a little bit harder [Music] yeah so the the texture glitch makes the score on this very unique [Music] now I'll 1/8 stick oh wait Oh did I did I put bombs yeah I do okay so I need to pull out a bomb here to delay the cover I don't want to get the quiver immediately I want to go over here and get the cover this way so I got the cover here well the Garuda was off-screen and that's really important because that means the flag was not set to say that I got the quiver this means that I can get the quiver again it's pretty similar to the ha piece but you saw earlier yeah let's see G you already have that biggest booger oh yeah I do I don't really need another quiver uh well you know what I don't see what I get anyway it might be show gave you an even bigger one oh man a hundred oh so yeah I already have the biggest quiver and something didn't get something interesting instead of another cover upgrade after I finished this [Music] 196 all right no quiver upgrades here gonna get this instead sit what's in here it's fired [Music] yeah so that's what happens when you already have a career upgrade or already have the biggest Ripper upgrade or any kind of unusual cover upgrade for that so I mentioned it earlier some glitches have been English exhibitions that made the range of speedruns that trick was a glitch exhibition trick for a really long time until 2018 I originally found that trick in 2009 and it took until 2018 to make his way into a speedrun and now it's actually useful in speedruns which is really cool I love it when like those kinds of just funny glitches that aren't really useful immediately like eventually they get their time in the spotlight it's quite a lot of those actually yeah so here's fire temple the final dungeon of the game so I'm gonna clip outta bounds here this room is invisible but I kind of know where to go cuz I have some pre-planned movements so I know exactly I just do some exact movements and I know exactly where I'm going I'm right in front of the bus door right now I'm gonna do a Ledge clip I'm right below the boss door now [Music] I'm gonna buffer I see alright so now I want to hover up a bit and I should be able to hover directly into the boss room oh seven oh this is gonna be awkward thing I usually want to have a bomb here Oh okay so what items do you have right now right now I have almost all the items the only things I'm missing right now are the last part container for 20 hearts and the fire medallion conveniently I get a heart container from Avaya and I could fire medallion from beating fire temple so I might get them pretty soon and then Gannon right what okay so I'm gonna intentionally not attack the logic here so right now there is a look it has a second hitbox under the under the ground wait this isn't gonna kill is it no all right I messed up about you yes but well whadya has to hitboxes one that flies around and one that pops out of the holes and the hitbox for the flying one actually is under the last hole flew into so when I was using bomb shoes on this hole it was actually doing damage to Livadia and it got well whadya down to very low health so now what what just did and normally you'd be able to one cycle there but zfg's a little bit low on explosives yeah yeah all right so I just need a one heart container and the fire medallion and then I can go beat the game so gonna get a heart container from here time is coming up by the way so I'm gonna get my heart container that's the last item I need going to step in the blue warp so I can get my fire medallion but I'm also gonna warp away at the same time as I get my fire medallion so gonna warp away get my fire medallion and I also beat the game and that's time so I guess I guess one just last thing to explain about that so that was obviously wrong work to the credits so furrows winds that in one place plus warping there as the fire fire medallion cutscene is starting a wrong work the credits very convenient also something interesting to note about the credits on the GameCube version so the GameCube version is really unique because normally when you beat the game on the GameCube version the credits are actually a movie file it's unique to only the GameCube version and no other version great face but when I wrong works the credits here these are the real credits these are the real in-game credits not the movie file so the the real credits do actually still exist moon is still kinda messed up and yet you can still wrong works the credits even though the normal credits is a movie file so yeah that's the run hope you guys enjoyed [Applause] so I guess we can move this exhibition now all right right um I'm gonna head up front for this one as well yep my assistant will help me okay now my assistant the person who is doing most the work so if that one wasn't enough of a glitch exhibition for you we got more I just reset oh wait we're gonna switch to gamecube gamecube n64 yeah so that run was done the GameCube version but the glitch exhibition will lead on n64 we got some important which is that it will only all work on the n64 version [Music] there we go alright hey guys we're on n64 and the screen is pushed all right not to be fig you want to start out talking about what we're playing on sure so this is a romhack of the game we mentioned a little bit earlier this is the practice room this is a romhack created by Clank that has completely revolutionized how we practice and test things in this game and it's gonna be very helpful in showing off all these glitches and allow us to do it efficiently yeah so let's get right into it so this what's really cool about this it has save States and this is incredibly good for showing off some glitches so we can get right into it so first thing I'm going to do is with twin rova so this they say here is twin rova with very low HP to enroll was just about to die one hit will kill her and I'm going to make sure that the beam is still shooting out of link shield when twin rova dies so as you see the it's lagging a lot but twin rova gets hit as the trinova dies as the beam is still hitting trinova so that is attempting to stun twin rova my trinova can't be stun cuz she's dead but when the game when trinova dies a 10,000 frame timer starts and this is just to say that twin rova is invulnerable and nothing can happen if you wait out those 10,000 frames which happens to be about eight minutes I'm skipping past those eight minutes whoops a state which is really nice so if you actually wait wait it out some interesting stuff happens you may have just heard a sound that was kind of weird I don't think there's anything in the room what's going on something fishy is happening eerie quiet I don't like it I hear a sound oh no so turn over that back from the dead oh no I didn't the thing no way toaster right now so this um so we're gonna use the hitbox view ahead yeah so there's another really cool application of the hip of the practice ROM is a hitbox Weaver so as you can see twin rova is over there but the beam is coming from over here so the invisible trainer of a glitch twin rova is always gonna shoot from where she died even though the body is moving in other directions like he's right over there he normally wouldn't see twin rova gotta wait for a fire one here so the what's happening here is after the 10,000 frame timer that timer runs out and suddenly twin rovers allowed to be stunned again and the gamestate for the twin rova being stunned I know a killer here oh my god oh yeah you can repeat this over and over again so again I just hit twin rova kill Turner OVA as he's as she's dying and that activates the glitch again and you can repeat this over and over so gonna skip past a scene also she says something very interesting at the end of this cutscene I'll come back to haunt you wasn't lying I'll come back in 2000 frames to haunt you yeah and you also get multiple are containers from this so as you see getting to heart containers here and you can repeat this over and over so you can get even more so here you can see this is way more than eight or way more than two it is eight so I can keep getting now a lot of people ask what happens when you get more than 20 hearts well this happens it continues to extend the second row of hearts so there's 24 hearts but you can get even more than this like this you can keep doing it over and over so here's what happens if you get 128 parts pretty amazed white a lot now there's something interesting with 128 hearts I want to show on the file select screen so this is what happens when you have this many hearts pretty neat and one last thing is it also spawns a bunch of blue warps so there's actually like multiple blue warps there as you can see by the legs so I'm gonna try offering the items up green items on the edge of the blue warp here and so this will give me control is it gonna take longer than normal because there's so many blue warps how link was spinning earlier first a fool yeah yeah so when when you go on a blue warp it spins link and each blue warp adds a certain spin to link so with so many blue warps there's going to be a lot of spin involved and else we have this floating property and settlings gonna start spinning all right on to the next part so we're gonna go a fire temple for the next one so I want to open this chest but I also want to die at the same time this is gonna cause some interesting stuff so I'm gonna set a bomb down right now and try to do a quick spin and then used inspire I'm gonna use frame advanced another feature of this to try to open the chest on frame to here and it's gonna kill me so using using the quick spin and then did inspire allows me to do some kind of action out of inspire then I try to open the chest then I die and now the chest opens you know I didn't quite open the chest so I'm in this weird state where like I'm kind of supposed to be opening the chest and this caused this great glitch we're linked kinda if I can't do a slide hop or backflip link kind of does this great jump it's kind of like ground jump it's pretty much like infinite ground jump it's not that interesting alone though but it has an interesting property if I do it when I die if I can just keep doing it if you're familiar with the zombie hover glitch in Wind Waker and made its way into ot yes so it since I'm dead link is always walking in air and I can just keep this up however long I want unfortunately if I one potential use we thought of for this was that we could load the room above it but unfortunately when you load that room it the activates the glitch but there's another interesting thing we can do with this so the posture was right there I'm not gonna open it I'm just gonna hover over it and something interesting to note about this glitch is this is actually one of the most recent glitches this was found what like early December yeah yeah so this is barely a month old very recent pretty cool that we get to show off such a recent trick highly unafraid you found that one yeah and now for the third part this is where I come in yeah just gonna open up a laptop up here up front I can't see on camera but part of this what I'm doing now is gonna require a laptop so you may be a bit confused but just bear with me oh yeah can I have your USB yeah won't take long here and we're actually gonna switch that was just on one point to version we're gonna switch to 1.0 to do the next part may be a good time for a quick donation sure thing we have $50 from the hell sage who says watching zfg play ocarina is a trip I have never been so excited to be so completely confused by what a witnessing donation goes to zfg's choice which by the way is no Animorphs and we are almost halfway to what we need for that incentive to make the run happen so keep up with those donations for an awards we all need to watch how bad that ready good all right so gonna load the Jeff thing is 1.0 and we're gonna be doing some more SRM which is the huge birch that was found recently you saw us doing all sorts of G doing it in Deku Tree so I'm just gonna load a save state outside grant city that's very important any macro real quick because another feature of practice room a really nice feature is that we can play back some input you might be familiar with a TAS you can play back inputs and it's so I'm just gonna get the there's pre-recorded sequence of inputs where I just set up a few things I'm not playing no touching the controller this is all stuff I recorded earlier just to get the setup and so earlier we did SRM with the boomerang where you use a boomerang to pick something up and then you unload it and load something else there this time we're gonna use a pot we're gonna get link to pick up a pot unload the pot and make something else load in memory where the pot was so that now links hands holding the thing that is now not apart not writing position data to a part that they're writing position data to something else so here we go he's holding this pot which Ashley then unloaded when I went to the next room I'm gonna wander around a bit like we did earlier with going up to the compass room for seemingly no reason I'm gonna go up to one of the rooms at the top of Goron City again just a shuffle the memory around in the way we need it to need to get certain things to load and unload to make sure everything ends up in the right position in memory so that the thing we want to be in memory where the pot used to be is all correct and and as it should be so we're gonna enter this room leave it again and you know something angle because actually this time we're not writing position data we're gonna right angle data sorry just typing something in my laptop okay so it's almost over ready for the next phase of what could this be doing what could I possibly be writing to I'm writing some data somewhere and it's gonna happen in this next room with darunia [Music] and now I'm gonna press ENTER on my laptop which is gonna which is actually connected to the controller ports of the n64 so my laptop's gonna send something down the controller ports of my n64 and we'll see in a minute what that does oh and the game is frozen but they're worried that's I was expecting this this is supposed to happen just sit tight for about 10-15 seconds so magics happening right now as we speak so during my run I got a lot of you know interesting items on the B button so you may want to pay attention to the B button coming up some interesting stuff is gonna happen there and just gonna mash through his decks he's telling me all about all right I don't know this text this is the that's something that might be button but this is franker B and just to remind you this is just a Nintendo 64 console completely just you know Reglan to the 64 nothing special no emulators this is a modded version but it's not required for this this can be done on a regular in 60 yeah exactly done yeah so should I try it out yeah what happens when you press B let's try it oh look [Applause] Freddy again screwed Ian alright oh oh [Applause] that's today so don't press the game no I take more than that oh are you gonna pause sure why not hey well I got a dog on my see you got you got zero though it's alright so use them so we should maybe explain a little bit what happened here what you just thought was this was an example of the first time we have what's people called ace or arbitrary code execution on ocarina of time specifically this is a payload that was written by Glenn who also made this ROM and it's a very complicated way to reuse the SRM glitch to redirect where the game is looking at an executing code so what I've actually wrote to when I did this glitch wasn't upon some dogs one so I don't know how to use n64 oh yeah sorry wait wait I can I guess things wish but yeah so yeah so what we didn't in Deku was write some data to the chest to make the variable that changes the chest contents to be something different why did here is I wrote some data to some code in darunia x' code you know the code that runs when you speak to him as something in your hand and it's a very complicated setup and I can't explain all of it now but the idea is we managed to get the code that normally runs when you talk to during here to do something else instead and we get it to jump to all this data that we set up earlier which is actually interpreted as code by the game and eventually we threw all of that we managed to get it to go into a sort of mode where it starts reading controller inputs that's where it was frozen for a a while there my laptop was sending a bunch of you know regular analogs they can button press inputs into the n64 and our little setup there was able to convert that into code which part of that was to draw the Frank as the I cannot be and you want to show what what the code actually was sure so I guess I'll import that one so the way I mean it requires a few things one of them is the file name which we give a specific name and it's interpreted as code and it jumps that code jumps somewhere else and drops for else and eventually it gets to the Scarecrow song which we play in a very specific way which I'm gonna demo to you at the moment right now p1 so I'm it's it's playing a song through the n64 controller 1 and you can see at the bottom there's like a little input display it says 0 9 that's analog stick position as just switch to 13 and this is essentially just like a 15 minute song that we're playing to this guy and it's it doesn't sound nice and it's I mean he's jamming but it doesn't sound nice that it's it doesn't do anything else in game but this data this so it is so rich you can press buttons you can pitch bend the note and he remembers all of it so if that data that we stuff in memory we can then jump to and execute it as code and instructions and that code and instructions is the thing that allows us to then start pulling controller inputs and write that really efficiently and get francuzzi so I'm not the shoal of this because this like I said it's 15 yeah why we don't need time for that so one more thing I'm gonna show just because I can and I guess we'll end on this note although I might have a few more shouts afterwards but so the good thing good thing okay fine all right so actually you think already drops them down here oh yeah oh we actually found a new glitch literally about an hour ago yeah with this oh yeah oh yeah they're just chilling I put those down there earlier they can breathe don't worry yeah I'll nd fix that get your exhibition on this might have a few chats afterwards but as for the glitch exhibition thank you very much [Music] okay sure thing obviously this is huge and some people ace has never really been done on a corner time before so huge shallots tag lank for making this all possible the test but I'm using was made by my best friend rookie who's just like amazing at this stuff just huge has to like fig and Natalya and Theron was the cheese and bunch of other people and just like thanks that everyone in the OT community everyone wave come on I mean you guys are great yeah alright yeah thank ya thanks for watching guys hope you guys enjoyed that this was pretty cool and yeah I think that's it thank you
Channel: ZFG
Views: 557,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of Time, Speedrun, Glitches, ZFG, Games Done Quick, GDQ
Id: 5pCjZVdKoik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 190min 37sec (11437 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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