Ocarina of Time All Dungeons in 1 Pause by Mubbsy (LOTAD)[Commentated]

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okay three two one go hey gamers this is Keita and today we have an okay lotad have some people here to help me commentate GSG and I'm UPSI and so what are we watching today but we are watching all dungeons get beaten in just one pause whoa how's that possible well there's a person named Jolin and he came up with a bunch of tricks and all of a sudden it was possible Bing so I remember this used to be done in two pauses how did we get rid of that one pause item less escape was discovered and then an item less Coco jump was discovered both by Jolin and so all of a sudden we forget through the entire child section without any pauses now as long as we did some rerouting his adult nice nice so why why do we care about beating the game in so few pauses because pauses are evil and pause buffering is hard good answer allow me to answer that question now to the ordinary gamer the amount of pauses seems something so unimportant but do the elite view the gamers that are really out here grinding their favorite games the idea of minimal pauses is the most interesting thing in the world to them this is what they wake up every week for its trail [Music] all right sounds great so yeah this run is gonna do lots of crazy tricks just to do everything possible to avoid pausing at any cost there's lots of interesting things that need to be done to avoid pausing so often [Music] [Music] you need to pause every time you select an item that is true you do need to pause every time you select an item I guess that means we'll have to not select items very often that means we're gonna have to use tricks to avoid selecting items looks like there'll be a lot of tricks necessary for that point of view and a lot of revisiting dungeons so if you guys liked seeing dungeons more than once you're watching the right test I'm just really interesting interested to see how a normal person does item list escape because I had a ton of trouble doing it I a little bean ie not going to make any big spoilers but this run was started before Jolin made a setup for it so you're not allowed to use the setups in a TAS anyway hey you about to when it's faster I timed it it would have been a like a minute faster if if I have been a minute 20 faster i think if i if Joel and I'd come up with the setup about a week earlier but [Music] alright so right here he's setting up for escaping escaping the forest without any items how precise is this again to the ten thousandth of a unit and for just reference usually if you were to say hold up and have link loop refrain like he's gonna move five to ten units and this is one ten thousandth of one unit so it's very very very precise yes he has to get into a super specific position and then he can throw this rock and talk to the guard to cut through him this is obviously like getting the exactness necessary position well what I always like to think of when I was doing this is that I'm one of those dancing spiders and I'm doing one of my mating dances to try to you know make my toe you know my friend and after doing a successful mating dance I feel like he's gonna let me by makes sense I guess looks more like when you type on a typewriter and it goes back and forth Oh an old-school printer but that's basically what we're doing here because every time you move left and right at different speeds you actually move just ever so slightly forward so basically by repeating those inputs were able to get to the extremely precise interval and we need the other coordinates to be correct what we're doing it as well so it takes a lot of lining up to get all all the different coordinates to all play nice and there it is and we decided to get rid of that guy here because he made us wait for so long deserved he didn't make you wait at all are you sure you could just did that instantly yeah so all that set up was just to get in a very specific position to be able to throw the rock talk to the guard the rock pushes you through the guard as you're talking to him and then you can escape without any items but this wasn't the fight this was the first hurdle of making one pause happen but it wasn't the only herb because normally when we escaped we had other items like stick and I think we had nuts and maybe a shield as well so there's a lot of things that we're not gonna be able to do anymore because we don't have any items yeah so this item this escape was only found about two months ago yeah I started the task like a week after it came out give or take and I started the tasks on like the 24th or 25th of February yeah and escaping the forest was a really big hurdle for any kind of low pause run because previous previously there was always that there were like several different methods of force to escape but every single one required pausing for some item whether it be sword shield nut sticks any of those but finally a way to escape it look at the writings and I think it pretty much removed a pause from every single low pause category yeah I mean it'd be nice and fun if this setup had come out on time and you know from through the actual making of the task there but let's just say that the the last thing the Jolynn made is not going to be the the next trick coming up is another thing he did that will speed things along pretty nicely later on in the round long guests are going to Gerudo Valley now what would be correct we can't do much as a child but there's one thing that we can get and it's gonna prove to be pretty important out of curiosity how many people actually know why he's site hopping yeah so slight hopping is slightly faster than back walking this child did fall your side hops are perfect which of course they are here in this boat egg because this is optimized okay that one wasn't that's okay I mean the only reason I asked is because we don't see CFG side hopping mistrial I'm good I'm just throwing it out there now I'm just not as good as Tess ok I remember this trick but I always remember having to do a jump slash to do this trick yeah we're gonna become a helicopter instead this trick here is also very incredibly precise to the point where you have to go up onto that post there twice because for some black magic it does not work the first time interesting and somehow you get different chord and it's the second time you back walked exactly the same onto that nice so that is the spinning madness from Joe hunter as he called it and allowed us to get past that fence there with Takako without having to have a stick to jump / and it's pretty pretty precise which is why we needed the to set up there because it's really hard to get set up on the post without it yeah it's a really old trick it was found like many many years ago you could jump up there with Koko and a jump / and it was always thought that you needed like a jump / to get over there and yeah I guess with with a incredibly precise jump you can actually get there without anything and now here in gruta fortress you can get past the gate just by climbing up that ladder it's slide hopping on to the ledge to the side and just bypassing the game completely yeah and child's can just back walk over that quicksand if you go on the very edge now child's going all the way to spear a temple without any items at all you know 10 minutes ago we were in security forest now we're in like some apocalypse this would be slammed and we didn't bring any protection with us either we've had no weapons no shields are you gonna do anything without any items well there's something that you can do and that's you can still learn songs even if even if you don't have an ocarina well I guess we technically have the ocarina right you don't need to actually use it to to use it well that's cool so wait if we didn't have the ocarina which we do have just know you can sell fur you can still learn the song even if you don't know ocarina okay okay we're gonna beat our first dungeon now no yaar it was JK alright so yeah a child can still learn the song just by entering and leaving sphere temple and this will be useful later on we're coming back as a dull so who is this character I don't know never seen it before I think it's a fire of one character that made it into smash [Music] that's the only place I recognize I character bro oops I let out a spoiler [Music] I like haddock the height of link plays around in this cutscene too because you're supposed to be adults oh he's twitching up yeah whenever link is in a cutscene where he's supposed to be adult when he's child or he's child when he's supposed to be adult like the the game can mess with his height yeah I think adult looks a little funnier cuz he looks like you know he's got no shins basically yeah he like gets squished so now the next thing we're doing is we're gonna be dying because we don't really have a way back from here we've got no way back to the main world math if the guards you know even if we were to make it back to Gerudo that the guards won't catch us on the other side of the fences child so the only way back is actually to kill ourselves well you could pause quit but but that would take yeah that would take pulsing cause I've only got one I'm not going to use it this early so guess what we're back in forest and we need to get out again oh boy but guess what this part of the run was done after Joel that made a setup oh boy I'm sad now I wanted to take a bathroom break this one here is vaguely with a lot of pause buffering RTA viable did you say pause buffering yeah you'd have to you know not for other categories and stuff but this this setup here is Bagley OTA viable so which category would you do this Pauly's I don't actually know I'm pretty sure that this is like mainly a low pause strat I can't think of any other category though uses yeah maybe like a low equipment setup a low pause IPA sort of if anyone does that let me know so I can I mean I'm pretty sure the Run will do that on its own but whoever was asking yes I am Canadian hey the one thing I was kicking myself for years I actually I should have gone for the quest rats here and it saved like the two seconds of howl text but my brain wasn't thinking so how would you do a forward ESS without you just jump off there's a West strap that's used sometimes they know I am wrong warp well you basically just side hop into the water and hold the SS coming out of it and if you have a good position you can get it like for in a bit speed which is makes it a little bit faster than talking to the owl unfortunately we do up to wait here there's no way around it I tried you know doing the other stuff second and getting bottle first but it actually turned out to be like 40 50 seconds slower just because this is more optimal actual routing and either way you have to wait for a day/night cycle so how's everyone's day going luckily this this is not the longest uh day/night cycle my days good now let it stay so if you and there Kakariko super early you don't get music but you still have all the tacos and that's what we needed we just needed the chickens let's be real the chickens everyone's favorite the next low tide is actually just gonna be beat the game but without getting the chicken bottle because every single run does this thing that'd be a crazy brain yeah every time I do tasks stuff this is the one part that I always I'm like oh god no now I have to spend like a couple hours doing Coco's yeah this actually seems awful to Tess you say a couple hours how long are we gonna be here no it just it takes that long to task Coco's but probably took me like an hour and a half probably to do Coco's but he just have to like keep reloading States and hope for good to go look yeah just sometimes they like walk away from you and that I the point to you like you know what it's a lotad I don't mind just being a little literally less optimal in the few spots just to get eyes over and done with G seems a no suspicious amount of how 2 tas chickens i i have not done it myself i have just always been curious about how people can do it while being sane yeah this last cut wasn't playing nice but I just I had had enough of tacos by that [Music] you don't need to use the bottle just yet for it this is the quickest bother to get especially it since it doesn't require any items or anything fancy to do so I'm pretty sure all the other bottles would require at least one cause just to get that'll sell now only the most dispute the original notice but he actually just skipped out yeah there's another girl outside Kakariko and targeting that sign is just to avoid talking to him cuz y'all can't talk to you while you're in range of the signing while you're targeting it so I will just collect in some rupees because we need to buy some stuff we might not be able to apply our items you know because we don't have any items in most ways but we we do over wallet so you can at least buy stuff [Music] [Music] there was another I will skip to that was pretty unnoticed as well on the way there Gerudo by hugging the the left hand wall I actually didn't notice I'm not a stood that will at the beginning there is necessary just because you know otherwise you target and talk to the the block thing there so sometimes some of the movement looks a little weird but it turns out to be the fastest okay I find it interesting that we haven't beaten any dungeons yet we're just going to straight a dull whoa what the heck [Music] so there's not many things Lincoln do chá without any items but becoming a dolt is one of those things and by becoming adult we're gonna have access to her at least a few more items like a sword the shield we just bought those decade nuts we just bought the ocarina that we already have and as well as bombs that aren't actually in our inventory yet but are still on our c-buttons yeah so luckily when you become adult the game Auto equip certain things master sword will obviously always be equipped by default if you have a Hylian Shield then it will be equipped and then your C buttons will be deco nuts if you have it opera if you have it and bombs even if you don't have it bombs I don't think will be useful until later on I don't even know if they will be I don't know out on offense photos or not but luckily Deku nuts and ocarina will both be auto equipped as a dull [Music] yes and now cutscene no way around this one I'm actually not sure if you have mirror shield equip there is if you have mirror shield if it gets auto equipped I think I think yes but I'm not a hundred censure so now's a good time to pay your bills if you have any or go pee or something call your dog a snack if you need hydrate remember to hydrate now it's a good chance to send a message in CF DS chat [Music] so wasn't even talking about it in this cutscene I don't know one ever plays an English version for whatever reason I've knowing something about link being a big boy and skinned Dorf being a bad boy yeah something about link not being strong enough for whatever to hold the sword yet Ganondorf runs wild and takes over the world cuz link isn't there to stop them I can't tell if these are actual answers or not but that's like the actual like what's going on that's the true lower then what is this medallion representing absolutely nothing I think I think the actual in-game what it says in game is like rah Roo gives his power to you except the light medallion does absolutely nothing and lets you know if you're your file is adulterer or not and I ain't file select but that's about it true [Music] [Music] [Music] wait I know this character didn't we already see them I don't know a lot of sand in my eyes the last time we saw them so I can't be sure but I'm gonna make a prediction I don't know anything about ocarina time but I think that you're gonna just play song of desert after this cutscene don't tell me if I'm right or wrong that's just my guess predictions are spoilers too [Music] whoa you're right okay I can no longer say I know nothing about Ocarina of Time this is pretty much the only way to get out of this room in the first place you can't get out of that room without either safe warping or using hover boots both of them require pausing and that's bad yeah you could clip out-of-bounds and die and then start at the front of the temple no that's right what we need is is here so it works out that it gives us a way out of the room and also takes us exactly where we logistical II need to go yep so here is a very exciting trick it's what you've all been waiting for it's gonna be a while so we need to get to the top of Spira temple and without entering spirit temple because there are too many things that need items in there so it's time to hover using quays okay I have a series of questions what exactly it's actually stopping you from going through spear example without having to equip stuff on one side is the child the child side which obviously can't get through because of the crawl space on the adult side there's the silver block that you need silver gauntlets to push if you had hover boots then you could clip out clip out-of-bounds if you had either hover boots or bomb shoes you could clip out of bounds and get past the silver block but obviously both hover boots and bomb shoes are not accessible is they would require both the pause and getting the item which isn't which we don't have right now so can't really do anything past the first room the spear temple oh gotta hover up luckily I did get a little bit better at grey hovers since last time so I was able to keep a lot more the gray is alive nice which means that they come back and usually attack you again pretty quickly Oh someone mentioned yet you actually can do a head slip off of the Armos and you can use that to get past a silver block but then you can't get past the next room because you need to hit a switch on the ceiling and you'd have nothing to hit that maybe you could hover off the binos probably not yeah yeah and even then if you can get past that you can get past that you need selves bullabbai in the main room and what stops you from getting gold or adult now people get really low by without equipping something you need to equip either egg or explosives right yep either one of those two and that would require a pause hey why do you why would you need egg or egg would be the wake up talent and then if you don't wake up telling you you'd do a damage boost yeah yeah I thought you were trying to bait him into saying a certain name there no I just actually had no idea we are currently still at zero pauses the game has not been paused yet no one has Falls right now on the opening screens - it's worth noting that even though it says press Start you can hit a there which is what we do alright go ahead I was just gonna say I need to know if anyone's like actually lost on why we're standing in midair or not I don't know if that's common knowledge yet yeah so you adhere to hover here you have no explosives so you have to just wait for the glaze the glaze are you know that they're enemies with random movement patterns and you have to wait for them to come attack you to hover off them to backflip and shield their damage to hover [Music] yeah we try I tried doing this a different way too I went up to get mirror shield as well at the same time but uh the glaze didn't follow me high enough over that way to to make that not something though it would have taken like 50 minutes just because the glaze were showing up every like two minutes by the end and and no one no one including myself wants to wait around for 50 minutes that's too bad it would have been cool because it would have involved like site hopping onto one of the seams up top there and not falling down and then jumping back off of there onto a gray when he came to attack but it would have just ended up being a lot slower so there what are we about halfway there now Oh about halfway to Stonehenge maybe what is Stonehenge is anything um no it's not a real thing whoa what target nothing I was just that was just so I can see better here nice understandable aimed also to give the viewer a little bit more you know I know some people like to just see link from the anchor down but yeah and I know all the people on YouTube comments that always hate back-walking cuz they can't see what's going on will appreciate that target so you can see a little bit more of what's going on yeah anytime you see a gray actually die believe me I tried every possible way to keep that gray alive because it saves you know a decent amount of time every time you don't kill them but if they're dying it's because it was the will of the gods it happens a lot more lower down once I get higher up it's a lot easier to keep the glaze alive so how long the four mega-quake shows up I forget how many mega glaze there are I think there's two mega glaze I know where one of them is but I'm not gonna spoil that one yes for those who don't who don't know about mega gwei after you kill a certain number of ways a very large one will appear yeah I don't know what the number is but I feel like it's somewhere in the like eight to ten ballpark I'm just wondering what people are thinking the ones that were mad that you had to wait till day in Hyrule Field [Music] but hey look on the bright side I managed to shave three minutes off of the two pauses gray Humber so three minutes of your lives but you're not wasting water gray Humber that's a pretty great optimization [Music] all right we're getting there getting pretty high up now okay I have a small game to play I'm gonna read a SD a comment and someone has to guess who said it hmm okay let's try something else I quit the run well guess I got everyone's attention now and no I'm not quitting to run you guys were too obsessed with where and Q came oh they couldn't stay anyways that was negatively that wasn't a good way yep it's always a sad day when I make his way has to die there he goes ephra mega-quake lost but not forgotten maybe one day he'll rise like a phoenix and meet up with us again so did anyone guess who the comment was from [Music] well I'm stumped I wasn't gonna say it's just some further interpretation the one thing I can promise of you on is once this hover is done there's not really much in the run that isn't fast how long the day/night cycle note' I believe it's about two and a half minutes think slightly less yeah ten times twice as long as nighttime and I forget the exact measurements now I had it written down earlier it's no like 80 seconds yeah I think nighttime is like a minute 20 ish and then daytime is like 220 ish or something yeah I think day times exactly double just because the the amounts are actually the same it's just that daytime only advances at half the speed that night time advantage a Europe that makes sense [Applause] at least we have some nice music here yeah all the music that we could have Gerudo Valley is probably my favorite ot track so it's a fortunate that this is the music that we've got and not you know 20 20 odd minutes of a boy or something how many in-game days has it been I think it's been like three oh man something's happening I think the best possible outcome would be to just get the hard piece and then enter the dungeon do the bottom entrance yeah that'd be worth it that 20 minute hover for a heart piece oh that was a fast one you know once you get up a little higher here if you keep the glaze alive they do come back pretty pretty frequently because you're kind of up in the area that they circle so you're pretty much always close enough to to trigger there and I grow Oh someone's here yes this it would be like ten minutes I think the hard part would be the bottom like once you get up higher to have pretty quick hovers up although sometimes you know you can only get you know three to six units of height at a time just because of the way to the glaze coming at you if he's coming from a weird angle and this is going so much faster so normally the intended way to get up to this chest is to just pause the game and then it wor works you up there but since we can't pause we have to do to celebrate I'm not quite sure if that's accurate something seems off about that Oh sounds pretty okay to me and whoever was asking I did all the inputs for this task which was a go to just under two and a half hour run to do all of that with one person in like a month was quite a lot of work so there's the odd spot that I had to you know try to cut a few corners to to make it realistically possible for me to finish off the giant workload but but yeah this wasn't a script or anything i sat here dealing with all these glaze and I mean the gray hover alone probably took the better part of an afternoon just to get done half a bets cuz oh you can only do so much gray hovering until you need to take a break yeah this seems pretty rough to do yeah I think I turned on a movie and just like advanced until I saw a link that knocked down by a grey and then I would you know go back a little bit and do something and then I'd just stand there and wait till I got hit again thinking that one that way lasted quite a while yeah but he's got to die for bigger and better things to come along someday [Music] okay I think everyone fell asleep you use a little appetite now yeah no one will tell no one snitch okay yeah we don't even need to use all to levitate we could just use some like memory editing and just change our coordinates this guy really knows how to cheat we gotta do something do it right we're getting closer don't worry about wait we're almost at the top I can feel it we're at the top of the screen if nothing else can't even see link yeah to make things easier to line up with the chest I needed to do this all in inverted camera so I couldn't read target anyways or anything like that to make a link on screen for this second half oh no oh no you finally died he had a good run [Music] no glaze were harmed in the making of this video I really saw like 10 boys yeah I don't know if I believe that they weren't getting harmed they were just taking a little nap sure I mean I didn't see me hit them or anything if they flew into me and hurt themselves after that's that's their own fault always blaming the victim they're just falling asleep because of hover so boring well guess what we're just about that oh you still seem pretty far away from the chest though pretty high up but that's just is pretty far away how you gonna get over there well magic I would think you don't have any magic oh no another gray died I thought you just said they were napping by that one ran into me like like hitting a plate plate plate a glass and just dropped that one wasn't harmed that one that was self harm then making wood what's that big wing without a wing I think there's only one kind of flip that would get us all the way to that chest there and it's not just any old mega flip I think we'd probably need a mega Glalie mega flip to get all the way to that chest whoa that sounds hardcore today we won't be able to see it there it is now I know what you're thinking I just watched a 20-minute gray hover I really want to watch a minute in a bit of cutscene I got you covered yes so what's up with silver gauntlets I don't even get this in Hondo what do you need this oh well this just happens to be the only strength upgrade that we can get without equipping any items or pausing or anything like that obviously the ones in shadow trial are a little bit of a pain to get to you need to either wrong or pin to the castle or to have beaten everything else first to get there or to hover over all those things requiring other items and then the Goron bracelet would require saria's song and I'm having ocarina is child which that's not going to be an option either so this was the the only strength upgrade we could actually get all right all that time coming up there we're jumping right back take so long to get up so quick to fall Lisa didn't take 20 minutes to fall also if anyone's watching on YouTube because I skipped ahead you actually have to go back because you missed a pause so you're you're not gonna wanna miss you can't just do that to the YouTube viewers that's what I mean alright so go ahead go ahead I was just gonna say his adult rolling is slower than side hopping still so there will be some side hopping but anything that's longer than you know about three or four side hops will usually be a bad clock yeah so now we're adult and have something to use with the silver gauntlets have some kind of item to actually do something with so I wonder what's gonna happen now and the where we're going I don't even remember where we're going I think we're going to capture again I know exactly where we're going we just got a strength upgrade the one thing that we'd really like to have is is some explosives and I happen to know a certain place where we can find some of those the bombs what's happening [Music] now this is the only real glimpse of like hardcore caste stuff oh man ace Lloyd I did it in the last run so I was like I can't be outdone by my previous run so I had to at least at least do any hardcore strap than my old run did yeah so the strength upgrade allows you to actually lift up the bomb flowers and can actually do stuff in dodongos cavern without pausing I do the weight hover for this view unfortunately the cycles of the floors aren't as good as we used to when we use bond choose to break the thing here so it's a little bit more troublesome to get to the other side yes so we're done which does allow youngling to pick up stuff too so it acts like young link has grown bracelet I'm just surprised that adult link can't pick up a bomb flower without silver gauntlets yeah the the game is like supposed to imply that adult link can pick stuff up without the worn bracelet since when you pause as adults you have the Goron bracelet it's grayed out to say that you know Oh a dolt can use this but in fact grown grace that does affect adult links ability to pick up stuff like that the gainers I love watching gainers up that staircase yeah it's it's really soo then go watch every time yeah so to do forward backflips like that you have to go up against a wall backflip and let go of Z on the same frame and then on the next frame press Z again and then your back look will go forwards towards the wall and now here's bones yeah just skipped a good chunk of the dungeon with that one jump there for anyone who's not super familiar with with standard strats and a lot of the runs I don't when you can just jump over and skip you know the other half of the dungeon that he just skipped okay so a reminder that the bombs that are equipped on see right now we're Auto equipped when becoming a doll like it when you become a doll at the game were just always Auto equip bombs to see down regardless of whether or not you have them so luckily as soon as you get the bomb bag just already have them and yeah you can do that super cool flip there to get into the dango head without lighting the eyes that just saves a bit of time and then using the keys and Navi tooth to do the switch there yeah you use Navi to check the keys just on the same frame you hit the switch and then you can move around while the cutscene of the door opening is going on so you can move to the door before the door closes again when you're normally supposed to hold down the switch with a with a block [Music] did anyone else think this was the hardest boss in the game No now I'm pretty sure I thought this was the easiest boss okay so we just feed the first dungeon if we extrapolate this run will take us seven point two hours cool I'm down for that [Music] then the the YouTube viewers are gonna be really excited when they finally for the first time see that the video is shorter than the expected time is said in the video curtain even Roy isn't always skip cutscenes in this game I usually look where he's pausing or not yeah an item of some sort wait why does it require pausing usually well you would need to pause to equip a bottled item and a bottled item is not currently equipped [Music] [Music] I'll have his knees right there just bleep must be my going back [Music] you [Music] you [Music] well the interesting thing here is even though he gets chased up the mountain he actually starts at the bottom of the mountain yeah what's really weird now that we have bombs we can go a little faster I'm gonna actually move fast I love this nose yes yeah no pain in the butt mm so what exactly made that house nosy do you don't press Z if you alternate between the left and right es s every other frame he'll just end at which back and forth but you won't drop the house and normally you need to hold view to continue housing because if you just keep holding one direction then once link starts facing the same direction you're holding the house will stop but then if you just keep alternating constantly before link gets to turn a certain amount then you just don't have to press Z to keep it going nice mega flip nice cutscene skips so you just did a trick there to grab the ledge right as the cutscene starts and that causes this glitch where link falls through the floor and caused him to void out during the cutscene which allows him to get the song and not have to wash the whole cutscene I forgot to cast this room here like this hallway and it was bugging me like after I finished the thing and I realized I didn't have here and I could have I was I was picking myself for a while so you're only supposed to play sorry a song for my toe there but just mega flip you can even back foot but obviously make flips faster more nervous hissing well we obviously don't care about speed we didn't pass from that one room and you know a ground jump here to find this amazing this is actually the first major difference in the and the routing between the two paws and the wind paws was to get mini us really early and he's been yet to to speed up the rest of the run which is the main reason I was able to shave off like almost 10 minutes from the two paws nice yeah that cutscene you just died as you enter the cutscene and get the song without having to watch the cutscene go on a fire temple shortest man like 20 seconds to get teared before we die that's why we got to go fast you seem very under equipped for fire attempting I'll be all right [Music] fire temples unequipped for me that heart there was sort of important I just wanted to make sure I was at full health because there is the one room that it can get kind of tight and even though I went full blowing on time saved strats there and had like a decent amount of time left I wanted to make sure that I didn't put myself into a box with whatever way out remember laughs last time I did that room I was I had three frames of the leeway and I would have been pretty upset if I you know get all the work to do the room and then I couldn't finish it yeah so the the time you have left here when you don't have the garage antigone is based on your health though you have eight seconds per full heart or two seconds per quarter hurt so you want to have full healthier to get the neck the most amount of time out of it so pretty standard stoked a fire temple just getting all the main main keys and everything like that that you know pretty much any run casual or not would I mean so far this dungeon looks exactly the same as how it did when I did speedruns in the 2009 yeah this room I went across the middle because there's no way not to take a little bit of lava damage without like Hunter boots or go on to me and I want to top all my heart I was actually pretty any movement [Music] [Music] okay Zhou you see the timer is like kind of blinking on and off if you press a cutscene item in midair in this case it's the ocarina it freezes the timer until you hit land again and so every time he's site hopping pressing ocarina to delay the timer yeah that works on any kind of anytime link isn't on the ground so it can be just jumping off a ledge it could be back flipping it can be just about anything that you can interrupt it with the cutscene item with as long as you're not on the ground that tricks not limited to just this game it works in real life too like if you're taking an exam just like keep jumping up and down good advice that clip right there if you have a certain angle and the bomb hits you at a certain time it'll just boost you straight through the the corner between the Block in the wall lets you access the shortcut early isn't only it's supposed to be a shortcut you get much later in the dungeon okay kinda interesting that spamming Z once you'd like entered the next floor up it like move the camera to following yeah when you spin Z when you're climbing a gate or a ladder like that it freezes the camera I guess until the room transition so this key you normally wouldn't see unless you're in the Honduran I think now I'm not even Honda would get it I think which this is probably the only main caddy or that gets it I don't need no glitchless' gets it yeah there's enough extra keys in fire temple that they might have a faster way Jeanne Hester this room to bypass all the firewalls there and then by getting hit by the fire if you're still on fire from that wall you can't actually get hit by the firewall so that's why we get been placed and then you can just walk through that's how hacking works you just go fast enough to bypass all the fire rules so this is the main reason that we're doing fire temple right now one of them is because we needed bombs for getting pass block but also bombs do work on the player dancer and we don't have any other items yet that would work on the floor dancer [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll notice i damaged down in the flared answer fight thereby just getting hit by the bombs I was throwing and jumping into the fire in the middle whenever it was opportune and that's just gonna help save some time in a moment here and you have something I don't think so I think the turns might be to tell you [Music] can you yes us up at probably [Music] it's that's why we took that damage there at least you got the hammer now we can't equip the hammer just yet it so if you're all about revisiting dungeons you're gonna love this room this room here was a pain in the butt to do so I just I did it by 20 times and the by the end I was like you know what this is the quickest one I have just because the enemies in it were being very mean plus I was trying to take damage during the fight nice tall big casual gamers out there this was the hardest room in the whole run if you can beat that room you can do this wrong and again we have to fight this flare dancer now too which is why we're fighting him now because we have bombs out we can actually kill him [Music] few more helicopter spins for good measure [Music] [Music] well I actually getting this chest not in or in the way okay ten balls so pretty quick ten bombs to get wait she came here for the ten bombs and not for the boss key there's a Megaton hammer switch right in front of the boss key oh right duh so basically we have to do it in two parts okay so you have to clear out the flames room now and then get the hit the switch lady for the boss dude I don't know why I did box movement rate there I realize not like when I watched it back later than it was snow but it was a little too late thing [Music] Allen under assessing know you got an inverted starts to the house though so yeah it's still a little cool I guess [Music] I'm gonna make a flip pass the sportif or make a side hop I'm sorry he only did that because he didn't have wool bye otherwise he would have played it it's way faster the fastest strat is obviously to go get the oh the Kings was still blocking the way does or is found but you can clip out of bounds and get in the water I did it with a house there but you can even just jump / to get out of bounds there yeah it's a very easy out of bounds but might be the easiest acute angle clock in the game it's it's up there for sure [Music] watch out I'm really confused right now while we're slowly diving this tektite just want to make a friend is this equivalent to likes cuttlebug raising I'm not familiar with scuttle bug so I'm gonna say yes okay don't look it up what I found interesting is I wanted to see if I could reuse old inputs from uh from the to pause tasks here and the the guiding of the actual tektite worked out exactly how it would but then once he was in place the tektite rng was like different than so I thought that was kind of a nifty thing that's interesting [Music] all right so I wonder what this tech side is gonna be used for I hover I make a flip all right this is a second way hover but with a tektite and that's how you enter jabber with just sword and shield yeah so the loading zone for job you still exists of adult under the ice so if you can clip into the ice you can hit the loading zone and so what he had to do there is hover into the corner between the ice and the ground and use a tektite to do a mega site hop into the ice that the mega Psylocke gives you enough speed to clip in and then you can touch the loading zone I think you have to hit the loading zone like coming upwards as well yeah which is why you need to do like normally the side hops and so you need to have a low enough height when you first start the trick as well yeah if you're moving downwards when you clip in then the loading zone won't actually activate [Music] now unfortunately there's nothing too special we can do in Java here it's a lot of just mindless killing hell around and this part here is the one part of the round that I had a decent game and lost like I gave 15-20 minutes of gameplay so when I this was a pirate were decent that so I was just kind of like ready to be done with this part so I kind of just just as hard as quick as I could [Music] Mundy you can't really do it that much faster because a lot of its just carrying loot all around but you can skip that one block puzzle there because you're adult where that one switch puzzle that's like a life lesson like so many things you have to do just because you're a kid no one think that do you think you know I make a flipped off and I buy that guy there and you know a little bit of swag down here while I waited but I just didn't have it in me to go for round 2 having a do you think is one of the most demoralizing things that can happen in the TAS [Music] there's some things our way in this room with our burrito does it like break the whole dungeon yeah probably yeah if we could find a way in here without rude oh it would save like two minutes we could skip the cutscene with rude oh we could just like as soon as you enter that room with the Rudo cutscene you would just do a glitch to skip that cutscene and then go straight to the back hypothetically assuming you could get in here from that room I had to hop over here to get this one rupee because that one rupee then turned 49 into 50 which is going to be important later on if you're wondering why he didn't do vibrato that requires a pause so we can't waste them so now that I had just the quarter of a heart left I can just walk back here and instantly die good way today and that way we can get sent back to where we need to go I'm trying to even remember where I go next I passed through the same couple parts in the run like so many times that unless I'm actually you know following along my notes I forget where I'm supposed to go half the time so far my notes just save 50 instead of 49 [Music] yeah we're gonna use that one rupee in the other 49 we collected throughout the run and and by a ferry even if it's not equipped it's still going to be effective at reviving us is that the that's the first bottle of item you've got so far right yeah exactly and then we're also gonna get the the weird I here egg or cocoa oh yeah it's for the egg but now you know what came first the chicken or the egg well you needed to catch the chickens in order to get that though only do you know you don't know what no you catch chickens for the bottle which we already dead - nice charge no magic Spencer anytime you see weird stuff hat like weird slightly slow movement and then a lot of bombs up here it was all our engine manipulation I have to do it fast but sometimes you've just got to slow down and go backwards in life to go forwards the old old shadow early hookshot or any of that fun stuff and because we do have a strength upgrade normally we could do the the old super slide teleport but because we have a strength upgrade we just grab that plant up - what's our heads that's one thing that sucks about strength upgrades is that once you get a strength upgrade any kind of super slide teleport becomes impossible to do [Music] [Music] okay so the dead hand fight is pretty standard you have to wait as he's running away to attack him he's only vulnerable right at the end yeah like 40 digs but you might be wondering now you just killed him to get the hover boots chest why are you running away from the hover boots well it would probably take a Polish to equip it so I I would imagine you probably don't want it what's going on we're doing a little bit of we did an entry point glitch there so that our entry point is uh out of bounds right now and currently we're hovering out of bounds so that we're gonna spawn out of bounds yes the entrance point glitch you you have a certain speed when entering a door and that way the door doesn't close after opening it because it only closes after a certain effort link goes a certain amount past it and so you can use that to set link spawn point so that when he responds it will lead towards the door so he walks through the door after avoiding out he can use that to get to this room out of bounds and be relied by the fairy very was yeah the fairy lettuce walk a little bit inside hawk while we were dead there which let us actually land in the right room without that fairy this wouldn't be possible they're cool trick you this is the only 1.0 exclusive thing in the run everything else could be done on any version so you know from on the 1.0 and 1.1 version you're able to drop a bomb down the hole before the fight starts and it's stuns Bongo and it cancels the cutscene that happens when you normally fall into the fight then you just go down there he has the giant invisible hitbox and just hit it a bunch and you're done wait so was it not possible to do the newer both skip method no those need hover boots there's a way to do it without her boots not that I don't know I asked her how no one's seen know what you better absolutely need that heart container or I'm not I'm not gonna do my taxes well we're fighting volvagia later and we aren't getting a girl on tunic so [Music] I'm gonna say most of our pieces we get our pretty necessary and unfortunately we have no way to skip this cutscene here because our bottle currently empty and not in our sea buttons but fortunately this cutscene is only about a minute and a half yes one of the shorter the dying cutscenes [Music] area to dungeons yeah yeah it's to officially completed and to dungeons we've just gone into gotten the main key item from the dungeon maybe done a little extra stuff and then left I'll have to look into that necklace strat cuz I am me just a out of boredom when I finished I started retasking this to see how fast like if I could make an improvement [Music] nice orangey manipulation and the charge spins were really good to me for for making bombs up here so I just went without a lot of the times [Music] [Applause] I think I know where we're going next is it the Deku Tree yeah I think you might be correcting I want [Music] so you can get into the DECA tree as adult by skipping a load trigger between the main piri-piri forest area and the area with the Deku Tree now that out of bounds things just skipped a load trigger now the deck of trees mouth is not loaded and you can go straight in repol sword right there to cancel the text for the vines and this is still the only good working setup I found for this here this this stretch here is almost as precise as some some Jolin level stuff to get this ground flip oh yes boots with a precise mega flip you can clip out of bounds there and as you're falling you can jump slash part of a wall that's in bounds while you're still out of bounds to get a jump slash recoil and you can land all the way in Gomez room the boss loading zone is always loaded no matter where you are in the dungeon so even though it was even though the current loaded room was really far away the boss loading gun we're still there just have to get get there out of bounds unfortunately we need to take a bunch of damage do you say and then the strangest thing happened to it it even though I jump slashed into the cutscene it wasn't storing the damage for some reason so I had to do it that extra jump slash there in Tacoma which I needed to take damage anyways but I think you died though I'm pretty sure I did too I guess we won't get to beat this dungeon yet but this is actually pretty important just the only other item that we'd have later on in the run that could fight DOMA would be boomerang but you can only hit filmer when she's on the roof with that and that would make the blue warp in like a pretty nasty position and while I might have been able to figure out a warp I just decided that this way is pretty much equally fast [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] they're going back to their woes domaine I guess yep we got a few things we still got to do while we've got bombs all right going to water temple looks like so you can clip out of bounds here using that ladder you like grab the ladder like right where it meets the the ledge and then you clip out of bounds you can take the warp over to Lake heylia yeah I was happy to that I got at least two bombs in the first one but I couldn't make three bombs happen with the with using the bomb to make it explode but oh well you know it's yes you don't have to do the RTA sort of you just jump / yeah you can clip out of bounds here with that house you like backflip into the corner and then you can just from out of bounds here swim all the way to water temple no need for opening the gate with hook shot or iron beads keep in mind to equip Iron Boots is a pause so every time you want to use them you get the pause for water temple so you probably don't want to do that I don't want to do much of water temple period this fairy here was actually the biggest grow to just to happen to get opened up by the pot here because I'm actually gonna need that help pretty shortly I love that slow back walk well looking at the slope yes you know without hover boots on you can't stop moving or you go up the stairs otherwise you'll slide down but if you walk really slowly you're still going backwards so you won't fall down so you can time the spike ease properly that was a really neat Barsky skip too so there's this new ish method of flipping through certain walls like that where you do a short hover like just one or two hovers off the ground and then you fall from the hover and get hit by something and the combination of falling from the hover gives you a very high downward speed and getting hit by the bomb get gives you a high horizontal speed and the combination of that allows you to put through the wall and so you just do like this one short hover get hit by a bomb and it boosts you to the wall and now more fun without hook shot everyone's favorite I think you can tell hearts that I'm pretty glad I had her do anything is this why you picked up the hard container no but it actually worked out to be really beneficial you can dodge Martha but this is just faster because it kind of helps skip the animation of climbing up the ladder too I thought that Morpho fight was gonna take me a long time to TAS and like I did the whole thing in like three minutes or something like that moto is just being the total grill and just sitting right there waiting to get smacked in the face yeah sometimes it can be really rough but sometimes if if everything's going right it's it makes it a little bit like it's a lot easier than it really is yeah I still had to like cultivate the the timing by oh boy another long cutscene now this one here it is a little bit longer I think this one's closer to three minutes just list a bunch of things that you can do in three minutes and everyone has a chance pretend I said that correctly you just have to do one of those things go get a quick snack it's a final your taxes the stream has been live for two hours you should have consumed I don't know what was the number of ounces of water you should have consumed by now everyone make sure you're hydrated probably 250 milliliters I think it's at 125 every hour [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay we're running out of time so now only short stuff like tying your shoes the pause has still not happened yet there have been zero pauses so far [Applause] [Music] can't be too much longer until the pause [Music] so there's three dungeons now right yes yeah so DC shadow and water temple are all beaten jabu Deku and fire are like half beaten and then spirit and force have not been entered spirit has been entered well okay sure it was entered for a second that counts you Oh looks like we're going back [Music] okay this time we have to go up to the mirror shield chest so we need another GUI oh we're entering [Music] getting some bones actually able to push the block this time [Music] I was getting a normal key here [Music] [Music] [Music] getting another bum drug we better use exactly 20 bombs for what we're about to do yeah I hope so oh man Master hovers no reliance on quays [Music] [Music] Oh is there gonna be one way not a disease it happens okay one way over okay too [Music] [Music] and we're up only two blade overs this time [Music] here's the mirror shield and I feel like it's coming up it has to be it's good yeah it's got to be soon we're almost at the most tight part I was planning on using that one bomb for the B mouse in the nubes cuz I've written originally in my brain I forgot that I needed hook shot to do statue climb they actually took the gate so I ended up passing this temple as if I were doing statue climb and then I realized that I couldn't last minute and I had to go back to old strats so you're saying you didn't have to use all 20 bones well I mean even more bombs now because I have to do it this way but I didn't need that one bomb that I got earlier no okay this is no way to go back without changing the rng seed oh we used our first nut you know nothing to use Beckett gum oh yeah and also on the I figure out what they called the little guys in boomerang Grimm wait so we have like ten nuts instead of five I bought five and I got five more in shadow temple wait so we use six months yeah number say it was there was two for the boomerang room late and then I think yeah three or four I use Korean Goa yeah and then one for the beam was there yeah so we're doing sort of like the old super slide strat here but instead of super sliding from there we're gonna be doing a fair number of contortion others or so enough into action to carry hundreds [Music] and there's the boss room you don't have near shield equipped though not yet but I think I'll tell see if I'm heading towards twin rova and I don't have it equipped yet Jimmy oh please your brains it means we'll be coming back here later right yeah definitely third time's a charm [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] easy fight yeah unfortunately we don't a cook start to do new beer knuckles skip or anything but I'm sure there's some way you can get out of bounds with the just bombs and and kill her at the same time but I don't think anyone's bothered to come up with the strat [Music] okay place your bets on what's gonna be quit I'm thinking we equip Fairey we thought we already used our ferry gotta be near shield here it is here it is it's a pause bottle a hammer equip swap boomerang and mirror shields that's kind of fairy [Music] yeah no bombs I guess there will be no more bombs used for the rest of the run yep that's the end of the bottoms that's why I didn't care about the bomb count too much it just needed to be enough to get me into twin rovers room but [Applause] [Music] and so that will be the one and only pause used for the entire run [Music] so the hammer pause is obviously for Volvo geologic can't be beaten without hammer and then same for boomerang for baron aid baron aid can't be beaten with a boomerang and mirror shield obviously needed for twin rova so three of those three of those equips are just for bosses that absolutely can't be beat without that weapon that autumn is for phantom Ganon so they're all four bosses yeah of course I bottle is in proble is for other stuff but always you're wrong we're button exactly the one thing I realized while doing this fight is this very hard to aim for troll go hook with the shield on that with the task controls it's something you really need like a controller to get the right feel also that's a do Blake doesn't wait two quick ones you are doing it low test without a controller well it's so hard to use a controller because when you're passing everything is visually two frames behind it's really hard to like do stuff properly when you're playing two frames behind [Music] boomerang doesn't have any effect on twin rova but they do dodge it like as if you're trying to shoot a projectile at them so they do the spin which they're done this kind of stays out there for longer than you'd like when you're trying to hold one another place yeah my mom always walks in during this boss for you well maybe you should get better at it then [Music] and there goes chat ed Chet have you played on English they wouldn't have to do this like they'd be able to read what they're saying look we don't we don't we're not getting this high container though this one's way too slow this one's a really slow heart container [Music] though that's for dungeons done or Dinah four to go so we're halfway there so the new estimates like three hours something 330 fish but is it really gonna be that long fortunately we've hath beaten a lot of those other dungeons the only one that we haven't visited it all right now is forest temple [Music] [Music] [Music] are you going where am I going oh I know where you're going you need to get some friends I do need to get some friends I also need to get some buggies [Music] and rizzardo in the wasteland reverse all I wanted to do was back there and the glazed believers would just not leave me alone [Music] [Applause] I took this angle way to live there the law the new and improved TAS one day we'll we'll fix that get it right in 0 cos 0 pause all dungeons is going to be something special [Music] oh well I'm surprised you don't even need any kind of special angle for that back look all over the going backwards you kind of do if you did it at an area you go too long you'll still sink but some of the areas are too short enough that you can just back walk over them because it's already kind of pushing you the right direction that's a very nice way to get out here quickly yeah because we don't have hook shot we're booted right back to the carpenter's tent and use a curved back lock there I actually use a lot of curved back walks in the run just to kind of show up a few by phallic angles and stuff oh yeah what's that whole thing just to avoid later cutscene because if you didn't do that you exact okay exactly that makes sense and we don't want you know I've got no intentions of equipping light arrows later so there's no point wasting for a minutes getting them and hey look you know that that one was a no setup entering of the house yeah I was gonna say I wasn't actually expecting the character development I didn't want to ruin it before but [Laughter] okay we're finally gonna beat jabu jabu's belly yeah but guess what we got to get back inside his belly so if you liked visiting dungeons more than one so you're gonna love visiting tektite tektite entrance more than one boy compared to the two paws the runs from the past though this I actually got pretty good luck with though the tektite at of getting off these mega side hops and getting to the right hover height pretty quickly gotta get into just the right position again and then mega-sized up this time it's gonna be a little bit quicker of a dungeon though how are you crossing this gap dear you're so slow I love them they fling off your enemies like that man this uses a lot of this run use a lot of enemy mega flips that really does our mega side hop sir I mean when you don't have explosives or any of that stuff you got to make use off of everything else [Music] we've had mega side hops mega backflips a slides maybe some of these stuff off of enemies [Music] and there you go nuts don't have nuts for this fight so I have to have some well-placed sword swings there to have as many barriers as possible persuade yes fight is fairly annoying if you don't have nuts nuts are actually so useful in this fight and also there's not weird thing that happens for this third phase where if you don't kill the berries superfast in the first two phases then third phase Baron eight has invincibility for a short amount of time it's really weird I don't really understand why it happens that's why he had to wait so long to throw the boomerang there yeah they'd like tale of their innate kind of comes out of the floor after a while and once it's been out for like a second then you can finally take damage [Music] yeah and then taking damage well buried within the ground was just to make bear and egg come up from the ground faster and that's five dungeons and you can't you can't get mad about that harpy say that ones like right in front of you well it looks like the silver colonists were stretching doke really weird [Music] and no iron boots unfortunately that this cutscene is so much better if you have iron beasts equipped does it drag you down to the bottom yep the linker Rudo is talking to air bubbles what is link doing that's making that many bubbles actually to breathe [Music] medallions not even above your head there it's like off-screen [Music] [Music] [Music] these bugs for auction items there yeah the es also lie luckily the bugs don't drown if you dump them on water they can actually float on the water I don't know how many times boleros played in this run but I feel like it's like five or six yeah it's a pretty common song and see the curved backlog there to kind of fix the angle now all that work we did before is gonna gonna pay off for us now now that we don't have to fight the flow dancers because as you can see we don't have anything that would be effective against them unfortunately boomerang doesn't do anything are you not aware that hammer works I think hammer works but it's really slow isn't it stab the corner or something like that I know hammer works just like normal an optimal route well this was unethical the moment we did--we hover instead of the secret actual way to do that and you can't just say that on string dude what do you think the word secret means I didn't saying what the secret was it's not a secret when you say there's a secret and that jump there normally doesn't work unless you're hugging the wall yes if you don't know that bad Chuck works when you're hugging the left wall he has a really specific jump there's this really interesting mechanic why it works Danny Danny B made a cool video about it so there's this mechanic in this game where if you're very close to a wall in front of you then like there's that kind of buffer area where you're a tiny bit away from the wall you can grab it and if you are very close to a wall next to you and there's a wall in front of you being next to the wall will give you that buffer area for the wall in front of you and so you kind of magnet grab the wall in front of you just by being close to a wall next to you now we gotta fight my badge in kind of a special ways back but do it in the quickest time possible with us yes so hitting Beauvoir gia like that just does damage without making Pelagia fly in the air but you can only do it twice and then if you do it a third time then watch yeah the third time yeah that's to damage the boomerang is amazing against will watch you yeah boomerang they're doing two damage per hit and then we've already done three stuns for two damage and one drop class three for damage and then all that time stop with the the timer stopping in midair that was with pressing pressing bugs and they there every time yeah I didn't need to do it that much just enough to make sure I have enough time for the cutscene so Livadia is health melodia has 24 health total and each stun with the hammer it does two damage though they're like what four stuns I think with the hammer and then all that hits with boomerang plus the jump slashes yeah plus two jumps lashes does wrong warp is super awkward with bugs the bugs love to run away from you yeah that's why I gave myself that extra like half a second there just in case the bugs decided to scurry around I didn't want bugs to be the reason that I had to redo that whole fight yes and I was doing a wrong work you did ocarina items on the edge of the blue warp to be able to walk around while the blue warp is going on walked forward and died at the right time so he dies right as he's supposed to get the fire medallion and that wrong warps tend to forest temple and that's very convenient because without this wrong work how would you get into four is simple with no hook shot exactly and I mean we could have hovered up with Bob but then we wouldn't have had what we need to finish the temple yeah you have no way to actually fight the boss at that point otherwise you know it would have been nice to you do ten eighty or something like that but [Music] did the boomerang as a dolt is actually so cool yeah I love the wait can you scan us with the bug I can write it's like the same time it's not skipping it does this kind of pointless to do the main use for skipping that cutscene is getting to the basement not necessarily the time saved from skipping the cutscene itself [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm actually curious how we're gonna beat the boss well trust me there's a lot of horse temple first before you have to figure that whatever or step was is definitely by far the longest temple in the run [Music] even going in the map room get the map pick them out get mad it's probably hit a lot of me about heart containers and you want me to get on behalf well since you got like two hard containers you may as well get the same speed but I can actually use those tight containers you missed the hurts yeah did you angle that bag walk specifically to miss the hearts no it's just that normally the hearts would guide you right into the side of the chest there okay and I probably could have got that and like done a curved back walk but hindsight's 20/20 now to me it looks like the curved back walk was specifically to avoid them oh no I was just like a little bit off of being perfect so I just curved the back walk a little bit [Music] I definitely could have just slashed all those skulltulas but I felt the need to to use boomerang on life gotta get the use out of it now this is a part here where we don't have bombs but luckily we have a strength upgrade oh boy is it Walker did we have to grind for like 20 minutes to get it yeah I think it was intentional well they're curved back lock is is basically anytime you're holding the joystick at there's two different like degrees of it if you're at eight on the notch then it still counts as nothing that's still the dead zone but nine is like a little baby curved back lock and the ten value is a is like a full ball and curved back lock especially when they're to bring your back walking but holding very slightly left or right and it'll curve it just a tiny bit yeah there's only two units out of the possible 128 that uh that it falls under those so it's a pretty small area to hit otherwise you end up doing iguana walk [Music] let's just skip the two Navi tax triggers there this part of the temple is pretty pretty standard in most runs [Music] [Music] the leg okay so you're getting the bow but you've already used up your one pause what are you gonna do with this well you'll have to wait and see but you shouldn't have to wait too long now the one unfortunate thing is that if we were to kill ourselves in the enforced temple or disturbance send us back to fire and so we have to go traverse the temple in reverse order now our text box trigger is actually really troll on the way back yeah it's so rare to see manually going backwards before simple feel so candidacy I figured it out my original question on how you were gonna be forced temple I know what you're gonna do I'm not gonna say I know it too but you have to pretend to be surprised well I would have been surprised if I didn't have time to figure it out oh okay just just pretend to be surprised when it comes up [Music] [Music] [Music] and here's the second final boss or way note there there's one more boss to forgot [Music] all right so you need to shoot phantom Ganon coming out of the paintings are you gonna do wearing doesn't work well boomerang doesn't work I spent so long farming for that okay so what he just is yet boomerang in his hand shielded the electric attack from phantom Ganon and then pulled out hammer and in between and in between in between the shield hits of the electricity try to pull out hammer and this causes a glitch called action swap where you can do other actions in this case using an arrow by using the hammer now the second enemy tried to pull and so action swap is how he's shooting arrows now and I have to backflip to shoot them because you can you can't really aim them but you can backflip and shoot them behind you and get some height that way also boomerang is sick on phantom Ganon because when you throw the boomerang at vienen he spins his staff as like it's his kind of method of pretending god watch it but it goes through his staff and actually hits them in stuns him and so it's like an auto stun like he can't he can't block boomerang and so boomerang is opion family Ganon yeah and it's with the action swap before I worked out super beneficial one of the only combinations you know that fires arrows that can actually damage enemies is the boomerang to let anything to hammer basically yeah was just shot long shot and boomerang to hammer yeah different combinations of items result in different different actions and so it's pretty lucky that that one specifically one that you have to use already equipped items for works for action swap yeah without it there's no way that the road would be able to be completed but all right just one dungeon left and we've already killed the boss [Music] you need two items to use action swap you need some item to hold in your hand just start it with and then you need some other item to pull out in the middle of shielding damage only if you mean like if you need the boat actually shoot the arrows the arrows do actually come from your real arrow count like if you were to pause right now and you could see the arrow count you would see he lost three arrows so that's why he had to get the bow as if you didn't get the bow action swap would work but then it would just shoot no arrows it would like make the sound that you have no arrows yeah and it actually makes the wasteland noises if you've got no ammo left oh yeah yeah cuz action swap can make some weird noises sometimes and the wasteland one is the typical one it makes you actually should have wasted more arrows just to show that off actually you probably can because you have to like shoot arrows really slowly with actions well yeah well he didn't have some that one room so anything goes true that one has that would have saved me like probably six to eight seconds Oh [Music] I'm more worried about you know fixing the the item list escape down to the setup version that saves a minute 20 I'm sure some time somewhere someone will have a task were they within like 30 seconds fine find that exact coordinates and get it done faster but but it's it's so precise what is happening on screen right now Ganondorf was riding his horse through fire because it makes him look cool and edgy yeah I think Nintendo just made some pretty sweet looking fire and then they were just like you know what could we gotta use this everywhere [Music] one more offering items to menu it yeah this here is actually the sets the cutscene pointer to this being the last cutscene watched I see this is gonna look very soon but it is necessary [Music] so what are the mob one's supposed to be guarding like one of ages why are they here they have to guard the temple so no one gets in even though the stairs are broken nice dude sliding on the cross by those just sliding yeah looking at their pee I love that [Music] yeah we've got she's time to kill right now okay yeah I'll just a little desync now would actually read up to wait for nighttime since we don't have any bombs to get over to Decker tree anymore we're actually gonna have to make use of a sculpture law that only appears at nighttime so unfortunately the only way to accomplish this is actually to wait for nighttime yes I really read around it but even though right after beating for simple you're put right in front of Deku Tree there's a bunch of stuff a bunch of reasons why he can't go straight in one as he just said you need to wait for a night so that a scuffle appears there because with no bombs you can't hover in so you have to use a Skulltula at night and then also the reason he played minuet is because of a wrong work coming up where if his last cutscene watched was the four smiling cutscene it would be a fracture softlock I soon crash right you know either way it wouldn't work so you had to play minuet so that the upcoming wrong work would actually work properly and so it looks really silly like being right in front of Decca tree and then taking a three minute detour to go back into Decca tree but it's all necessary this trick is super cool can you hover into a mega flip off of that girl's college to get up here another use of making our our friendly critters are our only option to get to where we need to go whether it's tektites or skulltulas berries and this time unfortunately we don't have any box to to get down a little bit quicker so we'll have to do slightly older strats but right now is going up to get the compass pretty important item I've lost my way now but I as a dolt you can grab one of these platforms and when this platform goes back into the ground link goes into the ground with it and you can drop and jump slash and the jump site for coil will take you to Gomez room and the boss is already beaten so the blue warp is right there ready seven - really I could have bought this but I was having so much trouble with this for some reason and I think it was because I was using a setup that didn't take account for my different movement speed entering the boss room or whatever because all the other ones weren't working so yeah it's another wrong warp set up doing ocarina items on the edge of the blue warp leaving the room at just the right time so that the cutscene starts at the same time it leaves the room wrong warps to Ganon's castle and that is all a Dungeons beaten just the big guy is there a way to do credits work under one pause conditions I think you could probably get eyeball frog but I think you'd need a wrong work from fire temple not Deku Tree so then that would cause issues with forest temple but I think there might be some kind of way around that [Music] okay there's one more thing to solve somehow we have to get to the bottom of this castle without pausing I wonder how that's gonna be done the rock has oh my god the instaclip and you're not doing the click from the top I think you should get super lucky you should be able to get I died for 70 80 90 I don't know our last count of a little under 100 rerecords of trying to get the gaga and I only was getting knocked off so yeah I was just about to say that probably sounds incredibly painful to test to try to get that to work it's actually hard to hit the loading zone at the same time you avoid as adult to when you're doing instant clip you have to kind of change where you're gonna land to to almost miss the loading zone by a little bit more I don't know if it's busy adultage is bigger or what his deal is but yeah but anyway the way that void work works is you you fall far enough to avoid out at the same time you hit that loading zone and then it spawns you inside the castle but at a very high coordinate so you can fall all the way down to the very bottom of the escape oh I just want to throw it out there the kiss that was the first inputs I tried to get centered there worked out for the kiss it was it was destiny it was meant to be that's how they kiss works it's you get it first try or you just can't get it at all if you load stage she doesn't yeah she knows that you're trying too hard has to be natural you need consent that's the most important thing they're doing that jump slash before the flight is just to store power crouch step so when the sword gets knocked out you can still do Master Sword damage with hammer if good ol Crouch dead [Music] [Music] well I got a nice speed because it's so low-key against his tail but I even which they have a rest like it's his tail so fast every time [Music] is this Silva's first appearance in the run I know it's we got this I mean boy did it escape inside like the first resource although unless she was some other mysterious I guess yeah as long as she wasn't pretending to be someone else we met throughout the London yeah and that's again is down [Music] I love how they have our glows instead of a soy there and that's time and that is ocarina of time all dungeons beaten only causing a one single time that was pretty cool [Music] got a lot of really neat tricks in that yeah it's something I'm trying to find the next category or something that I am feeling interested in doing something with some interesting tricks but not not too unknowing that I don't know if I'm gonna be able to complete it yeah it's so cool that things like this are possible like being the game is such a strange but interesting restriction yeah what one of these days I might try to finish Milo a plus any perceptron but I've been filing for the one input for like probably 50 hours and haven't gotten it to work yet but in one of these days one of these days I'd be cool I think it was down to 680 presses to beat the game which is uh pretty impressive it was lower than last I heard maybe it's seven but I I think it's because I'm trying to skip little one a press that a lot of them just kind of accepted all right so yeah I guess this is it for now do you guys have any final words you want to say this was a cool run also shoutouts to CAFTA that's it already I'm gonna give shadows to Jolin without Jolin like this would not be possible he's the one you made I don't let's ask ape made the setups for it made the Coco jump and has done a lot for the community as far as coming up with interesting autumn possible glitches so huge shoutouts to him shadows for the rest of the community for just putting up with my dumb questions during the creation of this shout out to the old low paws Patrol for helping with the two paws because without the two paws before this probably wouldn't have done this right here so big shout outs to them and the last thing that I want to just fit in is if anyone's interested in trying to learn how the tasks at all just starting a new mini series I guess describing in tutorial for beginners on how to tas an ocarina of time so if you guys are interested at all in passing then be sure to check out my channel and just check out those videos there yeah I saw that I just saw that yesterday that's pretty cool actually you should post those videos in chat make sure everyone knows everyone goes to watch those if you guys want to go get into testing go check that out [Music] yeah thanks for doing this run it was really cool to watch yeah it was a lot of work for one person which is why I had to cut a few corners and you know not do everything as perfect but I've been thinking about just redoing the hut and see if I can shave off another 10 or 15 minutes with some more optimal you know everything
Channel: ZFG
Views: 130,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, legend, of, zelda, ocarina, time, glitch, trick, speedrun, challenge, low, pause
Id: asQsOb6RIbk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 57sec (9057 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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