Handplates The Movie (Undertale Comic Dub) (Season 1 FULL)

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However, Season two is Excellent as well.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/0r1dzurus3ch0 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

Watched it when I was young was pretty good

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ljspearin 📅︎︎ Oct 02 2020 🗫︎ replies

i watched all seasons so far and i love it

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MlgDucc 📅︎︎ Oct 06 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Laughter] Hey what you saw a hand please human that was a Primus how did you ever see them my defenses we're pregnant oh how did you do such a thing no they're not a skeleton thing you're a monster thing there up ah geez kid you're not real good at privacy are ya we've got our reasons for giving them to ourselves yes very good complex incontrovertible reasons but anyone can understand like watch uh I just don't like looking at it that's why it makes me feel like I'm [Music] forgetting something it's something important Murr some things are better off forgotten but no that's spaghetti huh those are coming along oh right I need to turn the heat up [Music] [Music] [Music] it's six hours since I've removed them from the empty solution they are clumsy and confused fearful they stumble and trip like Jim and expected little experience in non suspension is led to a difficult adjustment period particularly regarding ambulator emotion it will come in time I'm sure they are currently separated as the nature of their interest in each other is unclear at this point I will investigate this more carefully at a later date after they've mastered movement they do not appear to understand me or be capable of speech they may not be truly sentient it'll be easier if they are not it does not matter either way the line was crossed long ago there is no turning back [Music] [Applause] for God's sake Lynn detachment for a skeleton is completely normal and entirely painless there is absolutely no call for carrying on like this to Pantelis Stanley anyway why am I even bothering talking to you and to bring the arm close enough to reattach it stay still I'm not in the mood for this stay still the arm reattaches ah no pain no fuss completely unremarkable and entirely undeserving of such attention-seeking behavior what a waste of my time at least the other ones been quiet so far Mottola one is a media that I'd like I still need to take steps to prevent a detachment 7 Alison's removal the smaller one is awake I'm surprised that he survived at all given his frailty and that is woken up against so quickly he may be harder than I initially thought which is promising I went to observe him in person a transcript of my notes follows I am keeping my distance at first he is poking and prodding at the walls of the floor though he does not come near a force field maybe he senses the aura it gives off I get the impression he is trying to find a way out perhaps he wants to go back to the suspension he has yet to make any sound is preferable to the other ones constant whining and crying he may not be capable of it he may just be too focused on his exploration I've come closer and he's caught sight of me he's weary and suspicious those still silent obviously he sees me as a potential threat so he's more perceptive than the other one at least I've taken another step closer his eyes flared a deep purple color interlaced with blue and he backed up against the wall another step closer his eyes are growing brighter I can sense a magic gathering within his soul but he's too new to know how to make it manifest into an attack if he could open his mouth I'm sure he'd snap at me you can't use magic to defend yourself yet as much as you try I wonder what you'll do if I keep approaching closer still he's getting quite frantic he's rattling his bones at me at that point I decided to leave him be to attend to other matters the two of them differ strikingly in temperament one docile one hostile whether that will make things easier or harder I will have to see an unexpected development I left them with an earshot of one another while I was clearing one of the work rooms for future use it didn't take them long to realize the other was nearby perhaps a side effect of the nature of their souls they made meaningless animal noises at each other subject one is capable of it after all nothing unusual or noteworthy but then I go by that IB Bob I don't know by that level I could recognize the noises they were starting to string together bits and pieces of things I'd said to them they even mimicked my tone of voice though clearly without understanding they can speak they are sentient after all I don't know how I feel about this I specifically accelerated their growth because I didn't want them to look like children I don't want them to sound like children it's necessary I will introduce them to each other tomorrow with the proper precautions in place this wasn't in my plans but one must always be ready to improvise we'll see what happens this is it subject one and two are going to meet and keeping a tight hold on both of their souls don't touch me don't ask me so if they falter fighting it should be a matter of moments to separate them before either is hurt it's best to be prepared I'm not entirely sure what to expect they've seen each other they seemed at a loss for what to do subject 1 seems wary subject twos eyes have a gun glowing a warm red orange color subject 1 soon began glowing light blue in response this seems to have calmed them a little their approach each other they are curious about the other as one may expect the first living thing they've seen after all already their level of speech is advanced at an astonishing rate by speaking to each other as one learns something new okay so the other builds off of what they've learned a mutual scaffold and they are getting very attached to each other very quickly if I want these two to mature rapidly leaving them together seems the most obvious choice at the same time emotional bonds like this carry their own risks on the other hand all right that's enough perhaps those bonds can be exploited later should the need arise yes sir are you alright you passed out [Music] I'm alright I must have gotten dizzy gusta I'm really starting to worry about you you're working too hard it's taking a toll on your health whatever it is it cut me that important I'm very close to a breakthrough I'm sure of it I'm going to get us all out of hair you'll see I'm alright I just need time look at your poor hands they look worse every time I see them are they giving you trouble I know you said it was an accident but please ask that we not talk about this I'm not sure I believe you I understand that you want to get us out of here but it's not worth tearing yourself to pieces this isn't your burden to bear when the time comes and the last soul Falls I will break the barrier and do what has to be done that is my duty as king but my duty is also to my people and my friends and your well-being is more important to me than anything you're working on I don't want you hurting yourself not for any reason I can't lose you too stop pushing yourself so hard it's not your responsibility take care of yourself and I will take care of the barrier come on some G will help me relax you're gonna go back to your work after you unwind a little alright if you insist you've always been too gentle and too kind you don't have the same darkness inside that I am if anyone should be making such sacrifices it will be me I will get us out of here no matter the cost you will never have to kill anyone again I'll make sure of it enter it wrongly steady progress at a rapid rate they can speak in sentences now subject one is quiet and soft-spoken a lowercase sir I'm sure without much attention to detail and taken - mumbling - however is more confident in clear upper case like myself a voice that demands attention it does not matter what their fonts are I did not notice and it does not matter they cry and carry on whenever I have to separate them but I cannot risk leaving them alone unsupervised on that subject - can understand one's condition what's that mean it means that if you have subject one even a little even by accident he will die die it means that he will turn to dust and you will never see him again stop crying I'm talking to you since then two has been very careful ensuring humor since I moved them into the same room they are much quieter and easier to work with they shatter constantly entering my room whenever I go to see them they are holding or touching each other they are desperate for physical contact at least they weren't asking from me they even sleep like that it doesn't seem like it it'd be comfortable sometimes their souls grow in unison I believe it is when they are dreaming then freedom they are voracious eaters and given their rapid development it makes sense out of curiosity I gave them half a portion one night to see what they would do they split the difference I suspect given only a crumb they'd find a way to share it I don't know why they learn to be so selfless with each other it's not a trait I think would be inborn entry number I gave them one pillow to see who'd assert dominance and claim it for their own when I checked on them they torn it up all were playing with the stuffing entry number they never stop asking me questions at least their vocabulary is growing disappointing specimen alternating current electricity marrow calcium laser didn't I did make an annoying error ones while I was distracted what is he Joey is he meat oh my hip no you're not the same person then what are we your things so I suppose technically one could say your brothers brothers he's my brother are you our brother too I made you both but what are you are you us what are you doing Wyatt they unfortunately lunched on to the words brother this brother that perhaps they'll grow out of it it should have been more careful with my wording things cannot be brothers entry number they're starting to read our being careful about what I give them I don't want them getting ideas about the outside world subject one was a fast learner two less so he struggles with reading and my hope is that he inherited my it's a physical problem with his eyes menthol bad eyes can be fixed even with one's help he has difficulty he interprets even the clearest directions in strange ways he seems intent on sabotaging himself in every turn one at least seems very clever why don't we ever see anyone else down here are we a secret or something perhaps too much for his own good at times entering they smile when I come to see them they ask me what I do outside they ask me if they can go outside entrant number subject to try to hold my hand entry number I've made a huge mistake I've waited too long the project is in danger my objectivity is is at risk of being compromised I cannot afford a further delay they are still childlike but no more time can be wasted even this in the end was a foolish diversion it does not matter if they can understand it does not matter what they look like or if they can think of what they feel this is not what I made them for I need to regain my focus I need to regain control I need to remember why I'm doing this why don't my hands look like yours you and subject 1 don't look alike do you I guess not I knew when I began what this would entail I knew what I'd have to do I knew there'd be no going back no forgiveness decisions were made all for the greater purpose to create these living tools to even consider such selfish sentimentality gets people killed there is only one choice there is only one choice I told myself I'd make whatever sacrifice is necessary to achieve my goals I'm not going back on my word I'm the only one who can do this who will do this there are no other options I'm going to get us all out of here what it takes the greatest test of my strength I determined we can you move no it's hot I scared you good you should be scared of me I will not fail it is done they asked me begged me screamed at me to stop and when I did not they called out for their brother to save them when they did not they called out for someone anyone to help them but nobody came unless than we must all learn at some point it is done and I must admit a part of me is curious now what they will do their limited world view must be completely shattered what will they build out of the pieces can they even understand what has happened to them how they adapt to this new paradigm what will change I knew it I knew we shouldn't I've know he can trust him what did we do wrong I don't understand we were good it wasn't us we didn't do anything wrong it was him he wanted to to do this to us maybe maybe he was worried we get lost or or their magic and will protect us from something more serious how could you even say that how long were you screaming while he drove that into you yeah but not for the reason you think we're just things to him he's always said that he doesn't care about us he's never cared about us he can do whatever he wants to us and who's going to stop him no one even knows we're down here it's not like we can get up cut oh my god this isn't going to stop it's just it's just going to get worse you're an for God's sake don't you get what's going on here don't you get what we are to him are you joking he's what you think is going to make him stop he's not a bad person except for these open your eyes can't you tell he's not going to stop why would he he's not what has he ever done for us okay I'll figure something out don't worry calm down okay just try to breathe it it won't get any worse than this why did you do that to him he never did anything to you he didn't deserve that and you did does his suffering only matter to you interesting why did you make us why are you doing this to us is someone making you do this is that it do you not have a choice yes dr. ralphus what is it yes I'm fine is something wrong wait wait for what yes but that's tomorrow isn't it is it really are you sure I must have lost track of time I know it's not like me but I I haven't got much sleep lately no I'm all right I'm fine a lot of my mind bro-bro she's not go away while he wasn't looking I'm gonna get you out okay then we're gonna get out of here oh yay but ow I'm still working on that part he does something to the wall when he opens it doesn't he yeah he touches that thing over there I think maybe put your hand on it okay it's not working only one of the lights went on hence he uses one though well his hands are big and you have little baby hands I do not have baby hands tiny little I'm going to have to keep a closer eye on you you're so close are we in trouble yes when there are other circumstances it would be sufficient to punish only you subject one but your frailty makes that difficult so you both will be coming with me don't do anything anything think about that the next time you've run from me come on entrance I have a theory both subjects glow and naturally and powerfully unusually so for our species although admittedly there aren't many left of us to compare I suspect the unique nature of their souls as something to do with it but it needs proper investigation one's eye sockets are large and the aura of his glow is very strong he seems the best candidate if the healing tinge I sensed is truly present and can be replicated or even enhanced maybe there's hope for my eye after all entry month failure one's more fragile than I anticipated the right eye is broken preliminary tests indicate permanent blindness I suppose now we're a matching set knowledge always comes at a price sometimes that is the nature of things one cannot always expect perfect answers I was not able to find and isolate the healing aspect as I'd hoped I believe I may be onto something very very interesting I will need to observe him carefully while he recovers and if I'm correct well it could change everything as for the damage i glowing is essential to a skeleton's emotional well-being without full access to the ability one s may develop problems well that's why I made two of them [Music] stay still yes ad was unfortunate he's weaker than I thought how could you you'll just have to deal with it the damage is already done it's too late now why what did you do to him the same thing I'm going to do to you stop squirming you do not want to be out of alignment when the emitter is on I'm Olivia's three between us all I suppose but I don't intend to make the same mistake again I've adjusted the output and you're much stronger than subject one I think this time I'm going to make a breakthrough what did I say about squirming I already told you I have no intention of blinding you in fact quite the opposite but if you don't follow my directions very carefully you may blind yourself regardless do you understand [Music] now eyesockets forward don't move and no matter what you do don't delay are you awake the magic overflowed into your other socket during the procedure [Music] [Applause] it was a rather spectacular light show actually does that mean you're not blind if that's what you're afraid of you can't see because of the bandages it'll probably take a day or two for you to recover yes it shouldn't have affected that ability in any way when the bandages are off and her eyes have healed you will see see you mean because my eyes will be open in a sense come on if you're awake then you can go back to your cell subject one can keep an eye on you I have to get back to work you aren't going to carry me because I can't really see [Laughter] expended a lot of magical energy lately I'm tired you can walk here hold on to this that you make the same mistake again yes and I did not you'll be able to see just fine breaking as I was not in my plans no subject one is too delicate to hurt carelessly I will do what I have to and what people need me to do if that requires hurting either of you then so be it I will see this through to the end it's already too late to turn back maybe we can help you it doesn't have to be like this you don't have to be like this if you want to help me you will be silent and obedient you I don't have time for this come on - go get your dinner I don't feel anything for you I'm going to tell my brother you did it by accident I'm going to tell him you didn't mean to hurt him tell him whatever you like come on what do you think he meant he's at sea like it meant something more than just normal seeing I don't know he didn't say that to me he said he'd fixed the laser thing since the last time when he uh did you did he tell you what he was doing I don't really remember I passed out pretty fast oh but uh he said I could still glow so you don't have to worry about that that's not what I'm worried about oh he said I'm not blind either he's going to take them off in a few days I'm fine that's not it either don't worry about it it's probably nothing bro bro wake up wake up I saw something I saw something I saw something outside the beams what did you see I see I think I saw different what do you mean different now different can you still see us maybe he put a mirror there maybe he's testing us no it's gone now I just saw it for a second that's weird do you think that's what he meant about seed is that what he meant but what does that mean we were dreaming Oh let's just keep this between you and me all right subject to come out here okay Shh now I have opened several normally locked doors you have three minutes to find a place to hide when those three minutes are up I will come find you don't bother coming back here to try and release subject one the door lock will not open this isn't a game go all right subject one it's your turn you have three minutes to go and hide what not gonna break my legs first aha thoughtful of you're wasting time now both of you go and hide you get five minutes accounting for traveling a distance why are we doing this to test something and to prove a point I will always find you no matter how far you run no matter where you hide but why are you cheating us something [Music] you too what something wrong completely normal and entirely painless isn't that what you told him nothing wrong with taking your arm off right unless there's something about this arm or maybe this hand that you want us to keep on hey how about I just leave it here for today after all it's not like you'll lose it or anything all right I don't have time to set up a proper lesson so we're just going to do the short version subject - come here give me your arm now go stand over there the limb may be physically attached to your mobile but it's still magically connected to the skeleton soul in question with all that entails now I'll be taking this so I can set the bone you'll get it back later you really are too clever for your own good at times so still think he has good in him that's reasonably sorry I didn't mean it come on it's okay maybe you're right all right come on it's okay [Music] Hey I don't know if you know this but sticking stuff in someone else's eye sockets this kind of uncomfortable gonna be easier if you'd stop squirming sorry for some reason it's hard to relax whenever you're near my eyes can't imagine why yes yeah so we'll just have to survive somehow stay still what are you even doing anyway I'm sitting up focal points for the magic matrix once complete they'll deliver a low-level magical pulse for the designated area and why do you even need a reason for the stuff you do I'm hoping it will draw a response from your soul and rekindle the high you're trying to fix me yes your broken eye does me no more good than it does you you know it's very inconvenient inconvenient physical damage is one thing but impaired i glowing opens up a whole new host of potential emotional problems to deal with and as you've probably gathered emotions aren't my strong suit did you just make a joke now stay still or try to relax it should be relatively painless at this intensity and then no-no-no [Music] I can't maintain this you have got to get him stabilized yes office what is it yes I'm alright it just startled me is all well if the powers still on then the core must have stabilized do you have any readings from before the search yes go meet you over there just give me a few minutes failure fairly of failure if enthusiasm equal to deafness you'd be less of a disappointment to pee where's my killer cube subject-to how did you get that without my noticing subject to subject to give me the cube give me the cube you are never to take anything back to your cell again especially without informing me all the consequences will be dire do you understand [Music] don't do this again when will my brother come back I I wanted to show him my puzzle 1s is healing poorly he has yet to regain consciousness if you behave I may return the cube later thank you never do this again [Music] [Music] 1s will not wake up he does not respond to any magic I can muster it's like holding water in your hands his soul is still intact but he lingers between life and death unable to commit to either if he was doing this to spite me I would not be surprised this would be a less serious problem if that were the case the will to live is everything without it I may have to consider other methods come with me do not door come on yes 1s is about to die his soul is stable but he refuses to wake display don't interrupt me he refuses to wake despite my efforts I need you to test my theory magic is an expression of a monstrous soul it reflects the self like a mirror as a monster grows or changes so too does their magic develop and shift certain consequences are unavoidable since I began this project I've lost I'm losing the ability to heal I knew that be a price to pay I've made my choices and I will live with them buttered means that I have to resort to other methods yes I believe my theory will be correct just as I thought I don't have to explain a single step he already knows what to do right down to his bones it lights up the air with sparks of life photons electrons evidence as predicted [Music] it occurs within distantly familiar and untouchable but what else can one expect with sound it's an empty [Music] [Music] [Music] bro we all make choices so hey I notice something new in that cozy little home bars oh here we go oh you already know what I'm talking about see you're a mind reader and a sadist did you have to kill a lot of babies to learn how to do that by just a few yes yes you're very clever and I'm deeply wounded let's not do this today hey I don't want laser shot my again either but I get the feeling it's gonna happen anyway things don't work out the way you want sometimes huh I don't want to discuss it you're pretty good at the mind-reading thing but not so good at the whole you know kindness thing which is why I'm wondering how my brother got that color cube if he stole it then you would have taken it back by now right but you seem pretty happy to let him keep it why is that subject to is an idiot practicing outside of the tests may improve his scores my brother's not dumb whose results say otherwise he's not dumb you just don't get how he thinks poorly by all measures but okay fine you say he gave it to him to practice with okay thing is he told me you talk too much not like we got anything else to do my bro said he apologized to you for taking the cube as well he's shirt I still don't know how he managed it you shouldn't underestimate him so much you know spare me your lectures he said you flinched when he apologized yeah he noticed he's more observant than you think - so then he said he asked you when I'd be coming back and when you didn't know he got real upset about it subject - can be emotional not like you huh which is what I don't get cuz he told me that's when you offered to give him the cube if I didn't know you better I think it was because you felt bad for him hey you never feel bad about anything do you that's enough talking rather wake up yeah once you get back oh geez what happened what did he do to you okay okay bad question never mind what can I do is there any way I can help you've got to you me what he'll I need but he didn't teach me how I don't I'm not strong enough hot air you can do it I don't know how what am I supposed to do oh god no no no no wake up wake up wake up don't go - don't leave me don't you leave me here come on [Applause] [Music] okay okay that's enough bro oh my god you're away you can stop I'll be okay but I didn't you still hurt it's okay you did your best I can I'll be okay from here my best but it's okay I'm strong I'll be fine is that really all I can do don't think like that brother you tried really hard and you helped a lot really I'm okay now and that's what matters right [Music] you're strong too okay you did a really good job [Music] this pal there no leave it on this time why it's not like you can get more broken lose very little room for error with you when it comes to your health leave it on why am I like this be more specific why so small yeah rip this piece of paper exactly enough quickly don't think about it you see one piece is bigger that is the nature of reading things into pieces you cannot expect precision come on 2p is waiting I will stay still not as good at a healing as you I know it just stings a little ah it looks like the cracks are gone how's the eye socket Oh betcha it doesn't hurt I keep seeing weird things like you and me but we're not you and me oh he's look different Lia's yeah you learn to tune it out you know I was talking to him today yes why even bother I think we made some progress he hesitated for these 10 seconds before picking up a hammer and he only told me to stop talking twice I know I can't get through to him I just have to keep trying I'm sure fits I don't know how you do it do you want you know see what you see in him or anything he's never show mercy to us before no I didn't see him starting anytime soon you know he has it in him somewhere I'm sure of it he could be good if he wanted to if he just tried I know how you can believe in anything good down here kindness mercy when have we ever seen any of that don't be silly brother of course I've seen goodness and kindness I have you and that's enough proof for me that there's more to this world than just meanness he didn't have to make you to write but he did he didn't have to let us be together and help each other but he does he didn't have to give me this but he did and you didn't have to be nice to me either but you are you always are no matter what so if someone like you can exist in a place like this then there's something good in him still I know it there's hope for him and there's hope for us we just have to keep trying I'm not going to give up [Music] and the health can argue with that do we really have to keep doing this I hate it it makes my head hurt I didn't ask for your opinion you saw something didn't you I knew it you saw 1s didn't you he's scheduled for tomorrow but you saw him now didn't you you saw him just now in the chair how long have you been seeing these things which makes me wonder what would give you the idea to lie to me about this it was one ass wasn't it he told you to keep this from me well it doesn't matter I'll find a way to get the information I want with you to tell the truth or not but for now if you don't want one has to get into trouble you will tell me everything bro you okay how's your head it's fine come here let me heal it it hurts right yeah okay you okay you seem kind of off uh uh if I if I tell you something will you promise not to get mad you said you wouldn't get mad I didn't actually but what happened to me - the laser room and I saw you in the chair and I tried to save me but you weren't really in there and he saw me see you man he figured out what was going on and he said breathe he said he knew this would happen and he knew you told me to lie to him and if I didn't want you to get hurt I tell him what I saw you saw me in there yeah he said he was going to do you tomorrow great that'll be fun did you tell him anything about me seeing stuff no I just told him what I saw was that okay yeah it's fine I'll make it work just don't tell him anything else about me okay okay there's always an adjustment period with new things pay attention today I want you to see that's not what I mean location-based glimpse is a proof of concept but not much use down here what we are going to work on today is looking past this particular place the overflow of nowhere to be lost on you how to explain your vision is still weak at this point but it will grow stronger as you acclimate to each new dosage of magic yes the laser right now you can see things where you are but as your vision grows stronger you won't be limited by your location that's what I'm going to assess today now close your eyes and focus your thoughts on the future describe what you see I see you and your you are taking those things off her hands and you're telling us you're going to be nice to us from now on and you're going to take us home with you and happy you have to do that right cuz that's definitely what I see really you're looking to the past there's no point to that it won't change look forward try harder as always disappointing I projected you being able to at least you know below expectations I'll have to shift my timetable at least this date who will provide a good baseline for other things there's always an adjustment period one us could deal with the headache I have work to do so you still insist that you can't see anything nope despite these readings the same as to be is whenever he's seeing something that clearly indicate otherwise what can I tell you who really are completely worthless if you want such a useful pivot against 2p I'd have euthanised you and started over long ago euthanize you're clever you figure it out you must know by now that you're the expendable one you're not as stupid as he is he's much stronger and more resilient than you in almost every respect not to mention more cooperative and easier to work with even if he is an idiot you're lucky he hinged his emotional stability on you it's the only thing keeping you alive you have nothing else of worth to offer anyone so are you going to continue to waste my time or are you going to tell me what you see I don't see anything looks like you messed up with me again alright if that's how you want to do this if you can't see anything then the emitter sessions will continue until you do are you okay you've been really quiet do you think he's gone lights out usually means he's heading home we should be good want it I'm bored can you really not see anything that's what I told him I want to try come on bro I'm tired brother okay okay take my hand why I think it'll help all right if you say so what do you see red and gold what about you see brother do you know what this means brother we're not here Sunday we're going to get out of here someday we're going to be free I hope so you're not dying you're going to be okay this happens every time he does one of these remember and you got through all of those okay don't worry it's not the same it's not I saw and then stop there was nothing there was just nothing I mean look what do you mean won't go I can't see I can't see anything boy I'm finally polite listen you're going to be okay your visions always come back before you just need to calm down I know I'll tell you what I see okay you trust me don't you yeah I trust you do you know what I see I see a lot of white there's a lot of white everywhere and that must be what the floor looks like outside there's a big house I can see it it's all sorts of colors just like our eyes and there are people lots of nice people who want to be friends but the most important thing I see is you brother you are with me we are together and we are safe and you look happy that's what I see you're going to be okay I've caught you as long as we're together it will be okay what makes you say that when he took me in today I asked him why he was doing this and he said you were the smart one and I wouldn't understand even if he told me so I asked him why he kept hurting us since I don't remember doing anything wrong and he said something like he could do all these things because he was strong like people needed him to be he'd committed a level of violence that made him like this something like that and he said you can't go back but I don't think that's true there has to be a way to go back there just has to be there has to be a way to make him stop I thought if he was like this because of violence then maybe the way to fix it was not that so I told him even if he'd done a lot of bad things it wasn't too late and he could still change and be good instead everyone can be good I could even help him be good if you wanted me to he said I was even stupider than he thought do you think I'm stupid nah bro you're the brightest thing down here what's a level of violence hmm you said you'd commit in a level of violence what does that mean it means that once you commit an act of violence it becomes easier to do so again so if you HOT someone let's not be coy if you kill someone it makes it easier to kill again yes something like that does it really matter why they're still dead because of me and I'm still alive any reasons or justifications for doing so would only be for my emotional benefit they are still dead the damage done by the act will not change to kill leaves an indelible mark on the soul nothing you can do can take it away it is a permanent change in perspective there are benefits but studying the effects of murder on the soul for some time I know it must sound impossible to you but to kill inspires strength and agree to resolve to survive it becomes harder for others to hurt you and easier to hurt others that can save you when nothing else will well I'm never going to kill anyone I don't care what happens I'm never going to kill anyone it's easy for you to say that down here with only me as your brother you may find some day but that's a much harder thing to do and you think I'm never going to kill anyone we'll see [Music] you you are you awake yeah I guess my head hurts what happened you were unconscious for an unclear period of time you appear to be uninjured so I believe it was stress-related stress huh wonder how that happened maybe the lasers getting shot in my eyes all the time just a buck well I see it's had no effect on your attitude what's the pity hey maybe less stress had fixed that too huh maybe cutback in all the torturing and stuff could be worth a try you know enough if you're awake you can go back to your cell I'm sure subject to is very anxious for your return brother is he okay she's how much to scared him half to death he's very invested in your well-being you know I wonder how far he'd be willing to go for you it's that supposed to mean no more talking come on I'm okay it's okay I'm fine just calm down I bet you did a great job whatever you did you have to warn me before you do things like that you just get me to death yeah I'll make sure to tell you the next time I pass out for no reason all right [Music] you what a surprise see you weren't here again ah yes well I mean needed something a little specific Oh such as do you have this one nasty little guy a knee well he's certainly what I was looking for in that case that'll be um fifty gold your duties have a good day sir thank you I'd wish the boys all right initial testing is complete all magic readings are consistent with established baseline high intensity magic emitters have been successfully tethered to the subjects does that mean I did a good job now to determine the level of control and effectiveness of the blast once the specimen is deceased the capsule prototype be used to store the soul you will follow directions something the specimen will die yes I don't want to do that noted sand by carrier is in place vital signs are normal subject to destroy the carrier and its contents yes I'm not going to attack that it hurt that is the point I'm not going to do that subject to you we'll follow directions no I'm not going to kill anything I will not repeat myself no I refuse if you will not follow directions subject to there will be consequence well it will take is one touch you will follow directions it won't make anything [Music] why are you trying to get my brother to kill things because it serves my purposes are you trying to make him like you interesting theory but he's too because he's too brave to ever be like you that's an interesting choice of words what do you know if bravery I know that no matter how many awful things you to to us or all the awful things you put us through he refuses to give in he looks at all your darkness and he only sees light and you try and drag him down into it and he always says no and that's braver than anything you've ever done or anything you'll ever do hmm so tell me what would you do what what would you do if someone tried to kill your brother would you fight to save someone you love or you let him die to stay true to some imaginary ideal what would bravery be then pacifism is nice in theory but not so easy when it gets off has killed others you could have saved had you acted you're worthless in battle but if you had the ability if killing gave you the ability will you kill to protect him what matters more to you his life or his ideals what would you do how far would you go and more importantly if you kill someone to protect him do you think he would forgive you what would bravery be then he's a better person than you he always has been you're not telling me anything I don't already know what you don't understand is that it doesn't matter good bad it always comes down to the same principle you kill or you are killed happy all there is that's all that matters you call it bravery I call it stupidity but either way one day he will end up dead because of it and whether or not you could have done something about it that question will haunt you for however long you live afterwards you need to make sure that you can live with your choices [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Starbot Dubs
Views: 6,294,111
Rating: 4.9111171 out of 5
Keywords: undertale, undertale comic, undertale dub, undertale comic dub, undertale comic dub compilation, undertale comic compilation, undertale dub compilation, handplates, handplates dub, handplates comic dub, handplates compilation, handplates movie, handplates part 10, starbot, starbot dubs, star bot dubs, sans, papyrus, gaster, gaster comic dub, sans comic, undertale movie, undertale full movie
Id: 2DLwFyVhvYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 4sec (4624 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2017
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