ALL Deltarune Chapter 2 GASTER EGGS (Easter Eggs, Secrets, References and More) Compilation

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something quick to kick us off toriel screaming over finding chris's knife specifically reminds me of one of my favorite videos on the internet let me see what you have that's just one of the most amazing like seven seconds ever recorded i thought that would be kind of funny to lace in here how's it going everyone my name's graham and welcome to two left thumbs this is my fully comprehensive director's cut version of my deltarune chapter 2 gaster egg videos if you want to learn about all these specific hidden details about gaster then my pieces of gaster series is what you're looking for this is instead all the secrets references easter eggs hidden details and missable dialogue branches within deltarune chapter 2. all re-cut compiled down into one video to make things more succinct i know looking at the length of the video it's not gonna feel that way but this is now the definitive version of those videos it also saves you from having to listen to 10 separate intros and outros for each of these videos as well as 10 different ads and plugs i included in those original videos instead i just want to say the once up top here thank you to everyone who wishlisted and bought dead estate i hyped it up a lot through these videos and it performed well beyond our expectations i actually have three more publishing projects coming up that could similarly use your attention these are all rooted back in my flash game and new grounds days we are taking the original fancy pants games putting them together into the classic pack loaded with bonus features so you can own the ultimate fancy pants experience i'm working with the original creators of the point-and-click know our mystery series alice is dead fully remaking that trilogy of games with expanded lore and details and hopefully bringing this classic series to a new generation and most recently i've partnered up with the creator of the classic rey series who is creating his spiritual successor repella fella it's a post-apocalyptic choose your own adventure style game with nearly 5 hours of animated cutscenes all fully voice acted this game is so ambitious and just so damn funny so we have the definitive version of a classic platforming series a complete remake of a story rich adventure and a spiritual successor to a choose-your-own-adventure title all connected to flash gaming culture but all reimagined for a new audience in the description of this video i'll have a link to my steam publisher page you could wishlist all those only the ones that appeal to you whatever you want to do but know that each and every one of those shows steam that people are interested in these games and helps us out immensely there we got that all out of the way rather than me pitching and advertising each one of those six separate times i think a good way to start this would be to backtrack to chapter one and include a few specific things that will carry forward through your save and affect things that came through chapter 2. if you want to join in on the easter egg hunting come hop into the two left thumbs discord i don't plug it very often but hey if you're into this sort of thing you'll probably feel very welcome and have some fun hanging out there i'll have a link in the description down below in the overworld at the end of chapter 1 if we check chris's stat in the top left it says chris and now looking at it again as soon as chapter two starts chris since chapter one as the game becomes larger and there's more chapters it seems likely this is simply a way to track when you started playing this specific save file so this one was started straight from chapter one there are obviously some major implications with susie referring to chris walking around like a zombie sleeping like a corpse that says so much without susie even realizing it it's pretty out in the open that's not buried or anything but i had to talk about it because it's so cool we seemingly have two things setting up events for tomorrow the next day that we're experiencing in chapter two in the overworld to the northeast there is this spot next to the lake that if you stand upon it long enough then our onion friend emerges from the waters will you be my friend yes make sure you befriend this onion here we are naming them onion they let us know that they want to tell us something tomorrow something i can only tell a friend come back soon here now in chapter 2 in the overworld at the end of the game if you return without having befriended them you'll have a chill little hangout next to the lake very lovely very enjoyable but no returning visit from onion if you had instead specifically befriended them within this save if we go and wait by the lake they re-emerge hey thought i told you to come alone you know what hell if i'm getting involved in this hey hyper potato mouse with this also carrying forward from whether or not you told onion your name was chris or hippopotamus i missed you you here missed you all day did you miss me no i had not missed you away they go you actually can't even bring them back out after that so be careful with that interaction you would have to reload to bring them back yes oh i was missed my existence being acknowledged feels good you hear you hear you hear closely for a second you're here my friend right as my friend do you wanna you hear a secret sometimes i hear a song at night just a little piece of a song you hear it sounds like it's coming from under the water deep potentially a fountain is being opened up in the lake a water themed world would be pretty cool do do you think someone's auditioning for my band oh i'm about to make another friend i can feel it you hear do you want to hear another secret i think maybe [Music] i've heard that song before coming from the sea strangely specifically quoting the river person from undertale tralala did you ever hear the old song coming from the sea how is it possible that toby set that up so far ahead of time the whole thing it's not a new song but i can't remember i can't can't remember you here i'm going to investigate here come back here tomorrow here onion is on the case that's my name right see you mouse and looking even more closely at that nighttime song by the sea this could potentially connect to the character shiren who we see sick in the hospital looks like she's resting her voice onion even mentioned that the song was cut short in my pieces of gaster volume 2 video i outlined ways in which chiron has been given additional significance outside of these games so it would come as no surprise for them to be tied in in a deeper way here hey chris so uh do you do weird stuff like this every day after school i mean kinda yeah if in chapter one up at the top near the water you do not interact with onion at all just totally skip it then come chapter 2 we have a special guest visitor instead oh hey hey hey hey hey listen up see that weird circle on the beach yesterday i waited on it and something weird came out of course it's not yesterday anymore so too bad and again oh hey hey hey when that thing showed up i called it weird it sunk back into the water don't think it's coming back there's a very interesting little fake out going on here when this character is closed up they look specifically like clam girl the character who eventually became a goner and who first teased the inclusion of a character named suzy but when they open up they are instead clam guy an npc we would have seen in the hotland absolutely that was meant to throw us off and with my own suspicions that one of the dark worlds will be underwater in this area i'm guessing one if not both of the clam characters will become important at the end of chapter one there was the option to visit sans outside his new establishment we introduce ourselves great to see you again yeah real nice isn't it especially considering i've never met you before the name sans sans the skeleton as we're walking away hey bud are you busy tomorrow huh what are we going to be doing oh i'm not going to be there that'd be weird it's just going to be you and my little brother he needs friends thanks for hanging out with him see ya and when knocking upon his door no response but the distant trousle of bones after agreeing to the day before if you tell sans you're here to see his brother by the way about my brother looks like he won't be able to meet him today yeah it's a bummer when things don't work out sorry about that i'm sure you'll meet him someday maybe around when your brother comes home big old wink for shadowing aplenty but also quite disappointing if you ask on a save file where you hadn't previously agreed to hang out with him brother what are you talking about i don't have a brother just messing with you i totally do though to be honest i never mentioned him to you did i i'm gonna lie a little weird you asked i never let my brother hang out with a stranger especially not alone or in my house that's way too irresponsible try to have some self-awareness okay meanwhile i'll ask what his schedule is and then if you follow up once more sorry kid the brother thing's gonna have to wait how long maybe a day maybe another two years who's keeping track at this point knocking on the door to their house it simply reads faintly faintly a trouser growing further away further not closer we're losing our boy if you ask sans to be friends he will offer up his cell phone number in chapter 1 it plays out just as a prank when you phone him it is instead the hotline for idiot babies and if you try to call him again it is now not sansa's number in chapter 2 back in the overworld we no longer have sansa's number nor not sansa's number they're they're both gone again at the end of chapter one in the hometown after visiting noel in the hospital she is then outside the gate of her house in the northwest part of town we can talk to her about all sorts of things we can discuss susie with her uh chris can i ask you something if that's okay susie i'm kind of curious what she's like you know i mean who doesn't wonder about her she never talks to anyone so chris could you tell me about her if that's okay if you specifically let her know that susie eats chalk what she was eating the chalk really wait you're teasing me aren't you chris like when you told me icee was real and eats kids so death smacked you with a wiffle bat till you stopped lying huh you're telling the truth seriously um then what color chalk does she like and do you think she likes the thin or thick kind wait maybe making her a lunch box full of chalk is stupid this leads to an extra bit of dialogue when susie first tries to re-enter the storage room it starts out the same she invites you to the library to work on your research projects one last thing before she leaves um actually wait a second susie i am i have something for you okay see you bye it's a lunchbox full of chalk she had chalks the whole time and didn't give it to alfie's what the hell chris here you hold on to this you've got the chalk i've been told the scene takes place if you talk to noel about susie at all you don't necessarily have to go to that chalk branch but if you do it gives the story a much more clear through line and from there it carries on as per usual this actually becomes the light candy down in the dark world white candy with a chalky texture if you used on susie hey this rules on ralph say nice and chalky and on noel isn't this the chalk i gave her you actually can't check your items right away you're sent down into the dark world which compresses your belongings into a ball of junk so by the time you come back up it's no longer there so we never get to inspect the chalk directly there are also the two available dialogue branches here i like showing these distinct answers within these videos when it's not the type of conversation that you can easily revisit without reloading some save file if you say that you're planning to hang out alone in the closet just two friends chilling out in the closet like normal touching brooms and stuff oh uh well that sounds just have fun you two if you were to instead tell noel that you were busy with uh crime you know just committing crimes just gonna do some crimes and go to jail forever it sucks oh well that sounds just have fun you two if in this heavily trafficked section of the game you pause both the red and yellow traffic run down the road over to the left as we approach this corner it's covered in these warning signs for the annoying dog it's up to you whether you choose to adhere to those warnings there is a secret room over here that upon accessing it no matter where you walk is unavoidable you will be attacked by the annoying dog in this tiny little toy dog car they absolutely obliterate you it is a game over no matter what but then they fly in and destroy that as well and then you're spat out in this area with a dumpster in another section of the game we have undyne here bench pressing a car and she mentions a little dog that drove one of those toy cars into traffic directly referring to this little car that we then see in this goofy easter egg and one more sly little detail featured in this is that that game over screen is not delta runes but instead undertales we're really layering in references and secrets here it's it's just absurd upon being attacked by the dog you now have the dog dollar a dollar with a certain dog on it something whose value decreases with every chapter of the game this is an inverse of the glow shard carried over from the first chapter its value increases with every chapter of the game in this room filled with saucers and enclosures if you interact with them they turn into you know ufos flying saucers if you open up all of them there is a treasure chest and inside we find a glow shard so seemingly you're able to obtain one per chapter so far on the wall we have a picture of this tree maybe reminiscent to anyone who remembers the forest from chapter one and a particular secret the room between there is a room between referencing the way you could spam back and forth to access that area with the secret lone tree when following the path leading towards the area that has the star walker bird as i'm sure everyone knows at this point you spam heading back and forth until you access a hidden area that was something always present in chapter one the lone tree with someone behind it who when interacted with there's a man here he offered you something yes you received an egg it exists in our key items not too important not too unimportant it's also a hint that the same thing can be done here we can walk beyond the end of the sidewalk and have a new tree entirely going behind this one now well there is a man here he might be happy to see you what do you think no well there was not a man here and there's no further interactions you blew it if instead you had simply said yes you got the egg well there was not a man here and if you check your inventory and your key items you now have the egg not too important not too unimportant you used the egg and nothing really comes of it you actually still have it in your pocket if we take the egg with us to sans's grocery store and interact with the basket of eggs it's a pile of eggs you put the egg into the egg pile did you just reverse steal that egg seems like there's more eggs here than usual yeah obviously we just put one there at the end part of the game if we go back to the classroom tem will be here tim still study study hard time get a smart go to college achieve dream then tim become temper come as if you could even envision it if we still have the egg with us when we interact with them she puts an egg out on her desk the eggs you have collected so far there's two this is on a save file where i've collected both of those secret eggs if in your chapter 1 save file after ringing this bell dodging around the star walker bird if you backtrack to the original star walker say hello to them they're pissed off same as usual but it sets things up for chapter two in the sequence where lancer and rules card add themselves to your pocket as you're leaving the dark world this will also make star walker show up i will also join and we finally get to see this swagger-filled walk of the original star walker when you check your key items the star walker is always in the top left now no matter where you go in the menu i guess they're hanging out in the menu the same way lancer and rules card are the original star walker same as rules card it cannot be interacted with at this time now in the overworld we have our same ball of junk but also have cards the jack of spades and the rules card confirming a small little theory i'd seen online and included in my sans is a darkness theory video maybe it was obvious but i was excited to see that confirmed the star walker does not appear in our menu outside of this little boardwalk carnival game area as the team is reassembling we do get a quick cameo i will also join it's one of the few times star walker actually steps out of the key item's pocket birdly and star walker only pile on for that one screen they're now both immediately gone and he has one final cameo when we're assembling our friends for the big jumbo robot battle at the end he joins simply announcing himself star walker a great callback a bit of an internal reference back when lancer tries to help susie grab the dark candy off the tree i have a special transformation for times like this watch and learn team with a big flash and an explosion look stool form all you did was put your hands on the ground you may criticize it ralph say but you obviously paid attention and learned just as lancer asked seemingly he's been practicing even magical stool form r for i'll say i presume although i would say rousey seemingly doesn't have the same core strength maybe it has to do with a different uh center of gravity for our more rotund friend when lancer travels into your pocket he uses friendship form somewhat referencing back to his ability to turn into a stool form apparently he has a multitude of forms if you had never thrown a dark dollar into the whole of chapter one we failed to hit our funding goal i will not talk about our whole when you're first locked up in the card castle and interact with the moss in the corner i've covered this before here you can choose to eat the moss it tastes mossy your hp was mossed out the moss has been eaten the cycle continues and of course if you backtrack with susie she's jealous that our cell had moss and that we didn't even save any for her again in the castle in your own room made by rousseau in the bottom right hand corner it's some decorative moss looks delicious why the hell does your room get moss in the corner of the area with the secret dumpster you found the moss written in green this time your title was upgraded to moss finder why did they look so pleased inspecting our status moss finder basic moss finding abilities after witnessing us gobbling up our moss we can inspect noelle's status as well she is now listed as moss neutral neither chaotic nor lawful to moss a play on the alignments scene in dungeons and dragons if you backtracked this dumpster with susie and rousey heck yeah i didn't know there was moss here it's totally uneaten too wait a sec chris were you saving this for me guess even you've got your good moments you ate the moss together moss there's not enough to eat apparently the whole idea of having moss in your cell is a reference to the 1993 super nintendo game illusion of guy in which you get thrown into a very similar looking cell although most cells kind of look the same and you have to interact with the moss specifically before your friend lily breaks you out this moss has seen thousands of prisoners come and go those prisoners must have been encouraged by any sign of life back in chapter one if you inspect every one of the hathy's bets you thoroughly investigated all the bets your rank was upgraded to bed inspector seen here in chris's status inspects all beds inexplicably when ralph say makes you your individual rooms if you had that bed inspector rank it's a bed that's been carefully crafted it's suitable for a bed inspector in the bottom right corner of town seems happy likes this place she hopes you'll find enough beds to inspect you'll lose your bed inspector title if you don't inspect enough beds room has been lifted from the card castle pretty well identically while he's not in the room a bicycle is lovingly tucked into bed here we have a near exact replication of lancer's room now listed as being cool i i don't know if i would classify it as such now if you interact with the bed wow it's better than i remember i even have my own bed now now i don't have to sleep in a hole anymore i thought you already had a bed nope that was for the bike we have the glorious return of this mystery fiend not really sure who he is we're never given a name completely unidentifiable well the vessel from that opening sequence is discarded seemingly along with everything else there's one detail that does carry over when we talk to this ruden welcome to butt town which i've named it but this is being pulled specifically from your creator name that one tied to your save file so at least one thing carries over and was saved and is acknowledged again by this game as a mini callback to chapter one when you have an assortment of three unique enemies it gets referred to as a smorgasbord so here in chapter 2 we see that again we have the sequel smorgasbord 2 electric boardaloo although with it no longer being on a game board the spelling of it has changed slightly to no longer be a precise pun when susie is first being taught how to act the first option is to have her give a compliment her first attempt is maybe a little weak hey little guy i really like the axe in your face you told susie to compliment the enemy uh are you serious what good can i say about someone trying to kill us uh susie if you're stuck why not try saying something you wish someone say to you hi you are unbanned from free ham sandwich day no one ever said that to me before and this little gag is paid off in chapter 2. speaking to the ruden ranger in castletown thanks to you commander we've been liberated i hereby declare today national ham sandwich day of independence when raul say gives us the manual we can choose to throw it away you drop the manual on the floor with the resounding thud hey chris what are you doing oh no is that the manual looks like you accidentally dropped it here you go chris you don't want to lose that you've got the manual again you then have to throw it out a second time you toss it again the pages scatter in the wind our low resolution shocked ralph say um that's okay chris i can always i'll i'll just make a better one next time and there no more manual if you had insisted on throwing away rousey's manual you get a little garbage can next to your bed it's a trash can here chris in case i make another manual you can throw it directly in here right alongside all the shade rousey's throwing when you try to enter the dark castle at the beginning of chapter one ralph say will specifically say that at the end of our adventure we can come back and he'll bake us a yummy cake at the very end of chapter one ralsay lets us know that should we ever come back he'll be sure to bake us some yummy cakes when you first make it back to the dark world and rousey sends you to go gather up everything from the closet if you instead book it to the castle hell are you going trying to have cake without me and when we do eventually make it into the castle and interact with this cauldron we finally get to see these long promised cakes at the very beginning of chapter one ralph says kindness is set to 100 similar to the way that susie starts off with 100 rudeness and crudeness throughout the first chapter we start to chip away at susie's rudeness down now to 99 and by the time we've reached chapter 2 we've seen further changes susie's rudeness has wound down to about 89 and for some reason rousey now has sweetness instead of kindness and it has been knocked off of that 100 mark when first meeting the top chef you can take a piece of their broken cake whether or not you eat the cake give it back there are a few options that then pay off in chapter 2. something i never thought about in chapter one i kind of have to assume that the top chef character is a small reference to the top chef show in the years since i really got into that i binged like every season and so the idea of having a chef that is a literal top i think is a gag or play on that upon fixing the broken cake you now have a very strong healing item that you could specifically use for yourself it is the top cake and it heals 160 hp you can head all the way back and return this piece of cake to the top chef anytime you have spare room in your inventory you will be offered up a cake a spin cake not as good but you get an unlimited supply of them if you had never returned this cake to him he remembers it moving forward to chapter two specifically holding a grudge against susie amoeba i was rejected from the cafe what can i do now nothing or prize mama mina as long as the purple girl is by your side there will be no prizes from moi mamia who cares relsay can make me a cake but but my uniqueness as a baker don't mind my pastries are a little extra salty today everyone if you returned the cake to top chef he's very grateful i will never forget your kindness every day i will give you dizzying flavors every day the flavors will become stronger that's the power of baker's arms you've got the spin cake a pastry in the shape of a top heals 140 to the entire team and supposedly if it's gonna get stronger every day it's well worth returning this cake in chapter one and now that we've already claimed one i can only generate one spin cake at a time please finish your cake and i will give you another would you like to take my cake for a spin like night and day the cake and the world revolve interestingly this tiny phrase is isolated in the way some of spamton's dialogue often is and now here he is making a reference to jevel at no other point for any other reason did i think top chef was a significant character and now weirdly based on this small little interaction with the spin cakes i kind of think he is even the hahaha [Laughter] kind of reminds me of jevel am i being crazy are we getting secret little bits of foreshadowing here that the top chef is gonna be very important there's either one more layer to the whole baker's arm thing or it's that it's exclusively a jojo reference characters in that series will present their stance like this is the power of my blank with the name of their stand being shown in brackets just like this and with baker's arms actually being a real song there's a chance this is the only intended reference here could go either way at this point we'll see in the full game with a game this large it's only natural that there would be plenty of instances of unused sprites dialogue encounters and all sorts of different things there are dedicated channels that have showed a lot of that off i'm not going to tie it in here except for instances where toby is obviously laying a trail of breadcrumbs for us in chapter one we had these strings of text that were simply titled unused these are intentionally left buried in the code it's the sort of thing he did all the time in undertale in chapter one we had where where am i hello anyone is is anybody out there someone anyone can anyone hear me it's dark it's so dark here someone anyone if you can hear me say something please and this has been continued on in chapter two no one can hear me can they i guess not to be honest i'm not sure i can hear myself it's so quiet here and yet sometimes i swear i hear something something like scratching we don't know who's lost or where but expect this to be built upon in future chapters slowly building up the mystery man it actually kind of makes me wish these chapters were dropping just one at a time i've loved slowly watching all of this unfold so now i'm going to look forward through things that are specific to chapter 2 mostly looking at them chronologically although i'll have to jump around to make points a few times on the computer on asriel's side of the room there is a folder called epic games stuff it's a poorly drawn design for a game seems the last boss is a creature with giant rainbow wings seemingly referencing asriel's final form in the battle of undertale there's a chance asriel is making undertale on this computer doesn't seem like it ever saw the light of day in chapter one when inspecting the mirror in the hallway at the opening part of the game it's only you with themes of control in this series and the way that chris seems to be independent from whoever is controlling them whether that's us or someone else there is a minimum of two if not three entities involved and so here when it's only you that could potentially be pointing at us the player interacting with the mirror at the start of chapter 2 instead reads it's what they call you reinforcing the idea of disassociating the body the player and possibly that extra soul in chapter one when inspecting the tv doesn't seem to even be plugged in anymore at the start of chapter two the tv looks like it's plugged in but it's dusty i think it's legitimately just an error that that text is in brackets for one chapter and not the other seemingly just more foreshadowing about the fact that chapter 3 is likely going to be a tv world and we can read into the implications of things being dusty as much as we want but this may end up being a very dark chapter when birdly hops up and interrupts to begin presenting themselves he begins page 142 it was the best of times it was the worst of times birdly is specifically quoting charles dickens classic a tale of two cities this is relevant for numerous reasons the story is about a french doctor during the french revolution or civil war who was released after 18 years of imprisonment meeting their long-lost daughter they believed was dead a doctor war imprisonment of long-lost relatives and existing in two distinct worlds shout out to your college debt for sharing this in the comments of another video acknowledging college debt is something that usually comes with pain and stress now out here redeeming itself dumping an excellent synopsis to what may become a crucial bit of foreshadowing for future chapters alfie specifically points us to page 142 and obviously toby isn't going to pick a random number surely that has some significance to these games back in delta room chapter 1 there are 141 actual rooms they're ordered as such within the game files but there are a few others that are empty rooms or ones made for developer testing or special features you know quickly access workshop battles test bugs things like that there is technically a secret room 142. this is not readily apparent in the file names but that's right the hidden forest area where we're handed the egg in chapter one is our technical room 142. so that number isn't random toby very much knew what he was doing there obviously with cut scenes in chapter one there's a lot of unavoidable interactions but if at the end of that chapter back in the hometown you never go and visit alfie's up in the back alley then you know pardon my pun she's left entirely in the dark doesn't really know what happened with chris and susie leads to a new bit of dialogue in this opening scene oh um chris are you okay you are sleeping all class don't worry i'm not mad just concerned usually you only sleep through the start chris where did you and susie go yesterday oh if you don't want to tell me that's okay i was just really worried about you if if susie causes you any trouble then okay i i can't really do anything but i'm looking out for you okay the pose suzy is doing in this particular sprite this is a reference to the mr osumatsu anime which itself is an adaptation of the 1960s asumatsu [ __ ] it is the chef pose used by the character iyami it's something that itself became rather iconic is a bit of an in-joke or a meme with the osu-san anime being huge in japan and is a nice little reference for players familiar with that series and other traditional forms of anime as suzy and chris jump into the dark world they transitioned to their alternate forms and just before doing their final spiraling dive chris throws their head back and for just a few frames we get a direct look at their red eye this is the only time we get to see this in game other than those end scenes i do find it interesting that in front of this original castle where you can move either east or west there seemingly was the hint of a southern path before which now is opened up in chapter two there is some very interesting stuff happening with save files when first starting the game first opening chapter one when you end up in the dark world at that first ever save point there is already a save in place chris level one zero play time that's all you get to see you save over and for the rest of your game you see your own save file now jumping ahead to chapter two the first time you end up back in my castle town when trying to use that city center save file it is instead now chris again if after that you start a new save file from scratch jumping ahead straight to chapter two you end up with these empties there might be more specific instances of when you end up with empty or your own player name i don't know all the ins and outs there's a bunch of different ways to poke around with it but based on the ending of chapter 2 we know chris goes off on their own independent of the player and seeming as it's being indicated that chris is likely the knight they're coming to these dark worlds carrying out whatever nefarious schemes they have and leaving this one mark ooh there's so much to speculate on there great theory fodder if after you go to the supply closet and gather up all the junk off the floor if you try to leave the school entirely taking it along with you we have an extra bit of dialogue with alfie's and toriel and how is chris doing they're great tori one of my favorite students a real star oh how wonderful they have not been up to anything strange no they've been they're normal well that is relieving i've just been a little concerned lately just lately jeez you take it easy too alfies i'm always cheering you on alright thanks and if you push it can't let mom find out you're balancing a giant trash orb now i believe if you call toriel at any point after the school day this is the dialogue you'll see ah chris you're going to do your project oh are you calling to ask for my help i'll go find our homemade scented glue sticks oh you have a partner this time chris that's wonderful i hope they like butterscotch scented glue sticks calling again chris do not worry about going to the library if birdly harasses you about our debt i will come and throw a smoke bomb so you can escape maybe not try your best honey birdly informs us that how to draw dragons is 2583 days overdue how to draw dragons is at the bottom of the drawer the purple character on the cover is dressed immodestly your brother will never return this book but then when you wander into the screen where alfies and toriel are having their conversation you can interrupt it by calling in that moment oh excuse me i seem to be receiving a phone call chris what is it honey what you made a trash orb could you explain what you mean by that chris don't give the phone to me oh you're going to the library later well thank you for telling me this time have a nice time calling again don't worry about the library basically the same as we've seen can't let mom find out you're balancing a giant trash orb we're really insistent on establishing the concept of the trash orb if you go in tutorials classroom the computer wallpaper is updated it's a picture of your brother and you playing video games your brother is using the knockoff controller not a reference but just a very sweet implication it's such a common joke that the older brother will hoard the real controller or the official controller and then have the younger sibling either playing without a controller plugged in at all or at the best the crappier controller so it just kind of shows that asriel cares and what a sweetheart he is and instead of the apple some kind of teacher food on the desk we now have an orange it's unknown if it's safe for teachers to eat this heading over to the left at the bottom of this rock slide the rubble on the ground seems to have been dusted and polished someone around here really cares about the details so i don't know if this is a reference to toby being really precise about what he includes in all those added details or if it's in reference to people like myself and you guys who like to go hunting for extra details i like to think it's that realistically it's probably just a reference to rousseau being really obsessive and taking good care of this place when undyne is seen outside bench pressing this car and causing a massive traffic jam if you hang out by these cars long enough they eventually stop their honking paws with a few intermittent honks and then it kicks back up with this little jingle [Music] pretty random but kind of amazing that's the most prominent one but there are actually several other songs hidden within these honks [Music] oh [Music] donut guy in this car mentions speeding over when he heard that a dog was doing donuts i just learned donuts is actually the name of a special attack for cars why is my life stuck in a loop of doughy disappointment this is also seemingly a direct callback to events in undertale previously buying a disgusting spider donut i i ended up buying a donut i i didn't want to but that girl even though i told her no she kept staring at me in this creepy way and licking her lips now i'm out of cash we can interact with other cars but they always say just looks like a car unless you had very specifically acquired that egg from the secret area of chapter one and then the dialogue for this one car changes for one interaction looks like a car there's even a man inside this one he waves at you happily after that all them go back to simply being looks like a car suzy tries to run to the computer lab wanting to play space pinball this is potentially a reference to 3d pinball for windows space cadet a pre-installed pinball game that came with computers running windows 95 through to windows xp it was a big deal i hope that's what it was referencing for how stupid and simple it was i played a weird amount of this pinball when susie asks about jumping down into this new dark world let's go let's go yeah let's just drop the act our last adventure was great right i couldn't stop thinking about having another i don't know what's in there but we can't live if we don't find out right come on chris and if you had instead chosen we can use the computer at my house chris you're right like you said a correct fact but you made a mistake the mistake of knowing me because when i see a big pit all i want to do is jump in and as long as you're with me i'm dragging you in too come on chris there are a handful of characters and npcs around your castle town like rudin and hattie who are there no matter what regardless of if you actually spared them playing chapter one toby and friends quickly caught this and added an extra bit of dialogue with patch 1.07 when entering the town having beat up some of these goons hey chris don't know what you did but hell yeah everyone's here uh hey wait i think we beat up some of these guys are they not gonna like gang up on us now don't worry susie pop pop got trapped in a hamster cage making me prince king and with my new dad-like powers i declared you forgiven cool well guess i won't beat anyone up here either yep now all that's left is for everyone to enjoy the new home wait new home where's your old home all gone and from there the dialogue really carries on as normal and i don't think this is really an intentional reference or callback but it is kind of fun or interesting that lancer mentions the new home which is what asgore names the new capital of the underground after they're forced out of home they then start new home so leaning into the new chapter 2 idea of recruiting these npcs i guess lancer kind of took that on themselves and recruited everyone for us the king follows up on his threat if he were to have thrown lancer off the building he would just bounce like a bouncy little pumpkin the king maybe not actually being a villain was set up in chapter one we just didn't really see it as he's put to sleep he starts mumbling to himself oh why you little before he starts dreamily losing track of his thought and it drifts towards little pumpkin it makes it seem like he's getting so drowsy that he's just becoming sort of loopy but in those last moments right before falling asleep he started dreaming of his little pumpkin lancer if you inspect susie's fridge damn there's everything in here pine cones chalk moss jars of salsa we specifically saw interactions where she eats or talks about eating pine cones chalk or jars of salsa and moss is something we as chris could have eaten pieces of ice black crumbs from the toaster jawbreakers those are all new oh and like actual food too if you go talk to lancer first before inspecting susie's room this is the best room ever how'd you know i would like it uh i just sort of had a hunch the quasimodo of kindness people quasimodo the hunchback of notre dame hunch a quality pun and reference walking into lancer's room we always get a splat but then walking out of lancer's room that sound effect plays just in reverse it's just very satisfying in a weird disgusting sort of way when you first arrive in the castle town and we have our rooms to inspect if you try to leave without inspecting any rooms hey let me look at my freaking room a sec damn all you want to do is run off and steal cake is that projection or if you go and look at chris's and or lancer's room without susie's then she'll have the same bit of dialogue bear with me here for about two minutes while i go a hair more speculative the most interesting aspect of this room is that everything we're seeing is essentially chris and asriel's room they share in the overworld but a mirror image where then chris's half of the room is removed entirely and chris instead takes over asriel's having a cleaner tidier space filled with trophies and achievements and then the side that normally would have been chris's is partially incomplete there's exposed floorboards and nothing really over there i don't know how to read into that exactly maybe it's toby just reusing assets but it seems a little too much of a one-to-one to have not been intentional it could be intended to show that chris has no real identity of their own maybe ralsay had to design the room around asriel's personality profile because chris is really lacking one i personally think rousseau being an anagram of asriel is a bit of a red herring toby knew people would go looking for that but if that is significant then rousseau may have designed this room pulling from some sort of shared memories where he only remembered asriel's side or maybe it's the result of some secret unspoken desire that chris envies asriel and his accomplishments we can see that susie's room also has the half finished sort of aesthetic so maybe i'm reading into that part too much but i'll be so damn curious to see if the rest of this is building to something in the very opening part of the game we have the dummy doll from that opening tutorial off to the right no one's looking hug the dummy hug you hugged the dummy nothing wrong with a little extra fluffiness in your life if after doing so we talked to ralph say he's visibly blushing i'm sorry just thinking perhaps we don't need that dummy anymore maybe you could just use the real thing and if we talk to susie about it she'll kind of tease us a bit so the hell were you hugging that raul say statue let chris do what they want susie also it's not a statue the hell you even have a ralph says statue anyway suzy wants to practice hugging too chris hurry up already after everyone has been brought back to the castle town we have a few additional characters who have joined up off to the side here this character in chapter one and again now specifically refers to us as horsies which you know has some interesting implications seeing as how the horse in chess is in fact the knight you can read into that precisely as much as you personally choose this worm is here munching on the dummy without trees i must gain nutrients by eating clothes such is the way of the worm looks like the clothes are nibbled take a bite no thanks don't bother tastes awful susie it's a mannequin dressed in poor taste you know it tastes poor non-fashionable there's layers layers to that one take a bite yes you put your mouth against the mannequin's cheek chris don't bother tastes awful and susie and it's a mannequin dressed in poor taste after filling up the castle town with the trash orb worth of characters from the storage closet if we head off to the left we have mr society hanging out by himself oh it's quite a wonderful town really thank you so why am i alone here a bit of self-reflection i suppose i do realize i was quite a coward before so i wanted to say well i still am my cards i cannot handle society for now i'll be living at the top of this cliff when i'm ready to meet society again i will be back thank you thank you for the wonderful home i will not use it and the way he flies just floating on up after mr society flies away you can then talk to mr elegance about it mr society left didn't he hmm i reckon i knew this wouldn't happen it's not no fault of yours he'll be back one day in the cafe when you inspect the jukebox it is broken feels like you might never find a working one now there never was a jukebox elsewhere in deltarune presumably this is a callback to the broken jukebox found in grillby's in undertale very rarely does deltarune call such direct attention to the continuity of undertale it's an interesting way the game is seemingly addressing the player and none of the characters the background of sham's shop was drawn by temi chang it was changed very slightly for chapter 2 made to much more closely resemble temmie's original character who starred in her own original game dweller's empty path when lancer and rules join up with our inventory lancer will say oh i'm a tough boy treat me like one of your items this is a reference to a line in earthbound when acquiring the exit mouse he's a tough boy you can treat him as one of your items when inspecting rules in your menu you can see his quote is cut off what we do see is thou gazeth upon a man most handsomeness this daringest genius adoredeth beyondeth all hey and if you look in the game files the bit of text that is cut off is hey let me speaks he somehow recognizes that what he's saying is overflowing that little text box the way lancer specifically dances and spins around through our inventory appears to be a reference to the secret of mana shopkeeper the dance moves are just very specific and seem to be pulling directly from that that's so specific and i absolutely love it and i'm fairly confident this is intended when first jumping down into the castle town we have all these sparkles that fly off of chris then fluttering down into the world and populating it with the darkness when we first jump down into this new dark world one single lone sparkle floats away from chris this would actually be rules card jumping away from us to go do whatever it is he does with his own time down here i just like that added detail that it is quickly established and communicated that he does in fact leave as soon as we come down here there are quite a few analogous segments in the opening part of the two dark worlds zigzagging your way through having some sections where you need to dodge around obstacles in the overworld sliding down a giant section dodging things along the way i don't think the layouts are quite as one to one as i first suspected they were and it's probably done in this way to teach you a few key mechanics of navigating this world just in case it's been a while since you played or if you for some reason skipped straight to chapter two it's like having a mini tutorial both times when queen says that she may make noelle's face into a robot one this is then the exact face that is drawn on noelle's disguise no wonder it's so effective this face also matches a specific emoji that's commonly used as a twitch reaction in that final fight queen asks chat what happened when her drink ran out so there is some version of live streaming that exists in this world maybe not literally twitch but it could be that she is planning to design this roboticized noel to specifically match the streaming chat seen in this world toby is a well-known fan of the shmup series touhou frequently referencing that series especially the music but it seems as though we have some more specific references to touhou 17 pulling from that game's main antagonist keiki henyashushin these similarities go as deep as the themes motivations and even the specific threats made to roboticize one of the protagonists this is connected even further with giga queen's scrolling city background likely being inspired by the final stage of touhou 17. and at this point i have to point out i have no idea if it's a coincidence that this comes specifically from touhou 17 or if toby is actually obsessively tying that number in in every obscure little way he can possibly manage if you're unclear why 17 is significant i'll include a card in the corner here for you to catch up through the pieces of gaster series including all those hidden details the queen may have more character references with toby mentioning in a 2017 interview how much he enjoys the mario and luigi series the floating chair the queen uses and her chalice both are similar to the mario and luigi rpg partners in time antagonist of princess shrub so queen is basically one part kaiki one part troop and one part an overbearing computer motherboard characters in the homestuck series typically have different vocal quirks which are reflected in the way their text is presented queen shares a vocal quirk with kanea having the first letter of each word capitalized that could just be how toby chose to present things but we know his previous involvement with the homestuck series it could be a reference one commenter pointed out that it may instead be camel case it's a writing style that's prevalent in programming since it helps distinguish small statements and functions when writing these things out you wouldn't use special characters like periods or commas as they would cause errors in your programming this is an attribute that is also shared by queen seeing as everything is computer themed this actually seems much more likely thank you gene for the thorough explanation apparently pascal case is when even the first letter of the first word is capitalized so it's closer to that and i know in either case yes pun very much intended there would actually be no spaces but apparently the way queen talks in the japanese translation mimics the syntax of html code so it stands to reason that even though this isn't exactly literal this is the general idea toby was probably going for with her text presentation i like the animation used of chris jiggling their body it feels very adventure time-esque to me although it might not be a specific reference if after you defeat the wherewires and rousey joins back up before sliding down this that you cannot get back up you can backtrack to this little plug face i saw you stand up to the queen that was amazing i'll definitely become a wear wire if you can just free me i think that was the wrong lesson you were supposed to take from that my dude i'm just gonna keep calling them plug faces i don't feel like looking up what they actually are surely that's a better name anyways anywho this plug face talks about the internet being down a plot point happening in the real world i'm really only interested in cute digital cats i don't think the internet has anything to do with that but this is just a little gag about internet cats and that being about like 50 of why the internet really does exist in an early part of the cyber world sliding down this ramp one commenter suggested that maybe it was osu mania well it may be a mildly generic design it is done to match the music and so it's not unreasonable to think it is in fact a reference to a specific rhythm game in the 6th anniversary of undertale where they instead streamed deltarune chapter 1 there were a few additions made to that build of the game little gags about streaming and youtube videos and internet culture but also this tiny little red wormy diglett of a character named newbert appearing at two different points in that story my man and now here we actually have newbert seemingly named for being new looks like you got past newbert's force field newbert doesn't know how that force field got there but it's newbert's force field as a prize have newbert's treasure newbert doesn't know what's inside but newbert will give it to you that's new bird's treasure remember you're just borrowing it forever some have suggested that maybe he's meant to be of reference to humphrey from omori and yeah toby did contribute to that game and its release was a pretty big deal so there's a slight chance but they do feel different enough to me we find out later on in the story that rules card had hopped out of our inventory and gets up to his own shenanigans if at any point you do check your key items pocket lancer will tell you rules jumped out of your pocket how dad crobatic lesser in brackets because he's lesser dad but that would have ruined the pretty awful to begin with pun thanks for trying lancer well i'm on the subject of silly little lancer inventory texts i might as well show off all of them that appear throughout the game after the arcade machine encounter with queen yo that game looked fun let me be the stool next during the dance battle sequence you can't actually fight and kill these guys or chase them away you have to do a dance battle if you do attack and injure them they'll drink milk to heal themselves back up so when you check in on lancer sounded like milk out there splat were you three osmosing without me after falling into the trash heap we fell but don't worry i'm a strong boy i won't be trounced by a mere bounce when we split up and susie and rousey go on their own split up we'll solve this mystery fast you you can be the untalking dog a weird reference to scooby doo and the rest of the mystery gang somehow we're scooby does that make lancer shaggy and yeah i guess chris doesn't talk they somehow talk less than scooby doo when we add noel to the party ho ho a soft cream is following you can we make them a bad guy oh my god lancer you have no idea the implications of that statement checking in with lancer after the scene with queen and birdley's golden statue that golden statue could it be the illusory nipple technique talking to this blue ad agent welcome to cyber shoes 2 free samples would you like one you can choose to not take although this doesn't stop you from eventually taking um i don't really do shoes at least not unless they're custom made which yeah i guess with hooves that would be difficult if you choose to take then you actually get a small sample of a shoe impaled on a toothpick i'm actually missing the footage of this one but lancer will eat it and comment wow thanks for the free sample i couldn't eat another bite after your second battle with birdly the blue bird of crappiness fly high bluebird fly high people have pitched me many different things this is in reference to i don't think it's actually in reference to any of those specific things it's instead just a play on a common phrase bluebirds are seen as a symbol of peace and happiness in many cultures the idiom bluebird of happiness became more popular through the 1934 song performed by jan pierce it existed well before that it's something that's been played off of many times since so hear the blue bird of crappiness and the soundtrack song bluebird of misfortune are both references to this concept and general phrase we can check on lancer after the back alley spamton fight did i miss something i was doing my calisthenics stay handsome which itself could be a reference to the handsome lancer face it was relatively recently confirmed by toby that the handsome lancer face is a reference to the webcomic paranatural written by zack morrison apparently toby's a big fan of it this face from chapter 5 page 22 seems to maybe be the best candidate for this reference especially considering the mention of hopes and dreams with one of these songs in chapter one of deltarune being field of hopes and dreams i'm not sure if there's a pun here that i'm missing i'm pretty sure it's just a typo but it should be calisthenics the queen insists noelle stick around and listen to her mixtape this is then handed off to lancer hey thanks for the tape i was hungry push my tummy to hear a cool song and if you do actually interact with him rather than his splat noise we get to hear a fraction of her song [Music] once more before he leaps out to save us within the mansion ho ho it's me lancer release me and i will release you and we get to hear a few more from him back at the castle town oh what a terrific boys adventure time to kick off my feet and relax or within the top bakery ooh who is that handsome mustachioed boy i think i'm in love or if you check on lancer when he's present in the same room as you apparently he quickly hops back in puff there i go back into your pocket now you can use my power which i i guess would just be splatting and there's one more gag if you talk to him after checking on him in your pocket hey hey lancer how are you feeling 100 my purple pal are you sure you're breathing kind of heavy just a little winded from jumping from chris's pocket feel free to clown around town i'll be in your items no idea what you mean but sure this little dancing figure that pops up as a little advertisement whatever it would be is a horned figure that does look quite reminiscent of the trolls seen in homestuck but maybe it's meant to be a reference to the jamiroquai logo and one of the poses seems to maybe specifically be referencing the virgin walk so i don't know if all this is a reference or any of it i mean we even have a horned character standing right next to us so it doesn't necessarily prove anything the tasks are actually secretly talking in binary through their meows when we see these little speech bubbles the me is a stand-in for one and al for zero convert the me's and ows into ones and zeros convert that with utf-8 text one of these dialogues is simply spelling out m-e-o-w and specifically when getting pet it's spelling out a little heart emoji how cute now the viera verocon is meant to be like a computer virus but the name is instead a specific reference to the pico pico con from mega man 2. their overall pinkish color palette and the way they shoot these pairs of attacks towards one another so that they collide in the middle are also tied in specifically to how that mega man enemy was presented and attacked and they have this other attack that's obviously a space invader's reference one of the possible lines of dialogue coming from this character is i've got a love letter for you tying in this virus theme this is referencing the infamous i love you virus seen in the early 2000s where this message was sent to windows users and obviously with them wishing us a happy new year 1997 we can't not think of spamton and the significance that year has been given elsewhere in this chapter when we use take care x we have a brief swap to all three of our characters dressing like doctors chris is offering up hot chocolate a favorite treat of theirs that they have a special sentimental connection to susie opts for a giant stabby needle makes sense seeing how much she loves spiky things and rousseau bakes a cake as we know he loves to do i love the detail of these mercied vera vero khan's little antennae turning to hearts and their spear turning to a peace sign we can get noel to use take care x dressing up as a doctor alongside chris trying to show the enemy tender loving care but noel being an experience that kind of all of this just immediately face plants vera vero coons line i'm the fever i'm the chill is a reference to the dr mario series these little red and blue enemies are called fevers and chills and there's also musical tracks called fever and chill what was the third little yellow one known as this was the weird something that's become incredibly important to this game in particular and what's the first enemy that we force noel to kill to initiate the weird route it's the vera vero [ __ ] oh my god i i can't keep up with toby's galaxy brain or maybe all this is coincidence it's impossible to know at this point if you interact with the back of this arcade machine you can't pro game while facing this direction valsay tries to be encouraging saying that surely chris is good at video games gaming is not my life if you aren't enthusiastic i won't want to enslave you we don't want that think ahead you will after i enslave you and if you had instead responded games are my life wow chris your passion is amazing that was the most monotone response i've heard in my life either way do your best chris i'll be cheering you with magic pom poms this whole arcade setup is very clearly punch-out inspired but the very aggressive fight plays off of another famous fighting franchise mortal kombat at the end of the arcade fight there is potentially a home star reference strong bad has a game the strong bad zone that uses the same sort of vector art style and upon completing this fight against strong bad's head we specifically see his head explode and here with the queen's head exploding we have a very similar looking head explosion perish in the chill of absolute destruction or flourish under the warm bosom of my hellish reign if you choose parish the hell did you say that so enthusiastically or queen aren't there any other options yes you can also mega perish yeah uh no perishing bites you could say it megabytes would you get out of here already understood preference settings set to perish choosing bosom bosom it means titty we know what it means we aren't helping you understood preference setting set to perish when you specifically respond to queen with bosom we get a quick little blush from rousey if you leave the arcade machine behind and come back there's now a sweeping butler i can't tell you how many of these i've cleaned up it's not so bad i like cleaning around the corner from these two salesmen up to the north we have this mouse cursor i'm the hacker i'm going after the blue checks marks find three in the cyber field ahead and i'll join your city you just look like the kind of folks who have a cool city according to cyber you have found zero blue checks marks out of three zero not bad for a beginner your check's quest is only beginning seemingly being a reference to the game checks quest a ridiculous meme of a game that apparently got a remaster and re-release last year how is that possible that's amazing past a few battles with these task cats there's a chest in the bottom right corner it has a glow wrist as well as a blue check mark you have found one out of three one the biggest prime number your chex quest is just started i'll get back to the check marks in just a second but we have another set of easter eggs that kind of get in the way in this cyber field puzzle with agree to all several users have found that when you interact with the first letter that a you will sometimes hear sans's voice for just a microsecond it's not something i've been able to recreate i've seen it treated like a rumor people have gone into the code of the game and it is a legitimate easter egg it has a 1 in 100 chance of happening we also see that the name for this puzzle is a reference to the old kids toy speak and spell and it isn't specific to this one button it's any a on any of these puzzles so while we're talking about it let's look at one of the other speak and spell puzzles if you take the first of these three teacup rides up to the top we have a new letter entering puzzle this one for yes fell februar susie even comments on this not being necessary to do this is nearly the same as something that is included on the undertale ice e word search one of the things to be found is the ass feckl seemingly the one e has been replaced with a c and that isn't even a word to be found in the word search because the feb has been changed to fub so it continues the trend of none of these really matching each other uh perhaps this isn't a real word chris yeah it is it's icee's catchphrase huh what's its meaning then uh i don't know he just rolls his eyes up froths at his mouth and says it or maybe that's just the muscley guy at the store so we seemingly do have meaning for this it just isn't consistent anywhere when we get it correct we have an ic appear on the screen who glitches out super hard before being awarded our second checkmark two out of three two not bad for amateurs but you need to learn what the number three is is this a joke about the way people tell valve that they've never learned what three is that's the best i can come up with for that and at the top of the middle teacup ride it is a treasure chest that only has the blue check mark back at the hacker with all three checks elite i will now live in your city maybe our cyber paths will cyber cross once more in queen's mansion in the meantime let me show you the power of the blue check marks seemingly referencing the much sought-after twitter blue check marks but once we have all three set off into the air we then have fireworks of the main three protagonists i just wanted to make a cool demo scene for you now that i finished this i can show up all sorts of places completing this allows hacker to trail behind you and appear a few more times around this chapter i don't believe it's necessary to access the secret boss fight but having him provides a very significant clue that i'm sure would have contributed to people first discovering that secret fight when noel first joins the party we backtrack chris isn't that the wrong way somehow i'm already regretting this no we're not doing snow grave route we got a full video on that once we come back we have our hacker friend i went to the store and they needed a signature to use a credit card but when i tried to encrypt my signature by drawing random squiggles they didn't like that if you leave this first lights puzzle and come back we have the return of hacker this puzzle i think i got it on the download i just need to data mine the answers from the console the answers in the code all he's managed to do is get a child's toy to play a beat version of nursery rhyme music up on this top floor we have hacker in a disguise hey it's me the hacker no one figured it out but it's me keep it on the download which is their way of saying download and underneath this cloche is a mouse cursor much like packer this guy keeps telling everyone at the party he's a hacker i don't know what to do with this information although this mouse and newbert are also wearing a wig i am mouse million i stand leagues above all the other mice only newbert remains above me still newbert's moving up in the world and underneath they're close we have another wig if you brought hacker along throughout he gets added my strongest jpegs if you acquire all three blue check marks without ever having introduced yourself to hacker wow i'm the hacker and you found all three check marks maybe our cyber paths will cyber cross once more in queen's mansion in the meantime let me show you the power of the blue check marks and he still puts on his firework display for us back at our castle town hacker now hangs out over to the left thanks a lot for the lovely city it's nearly as good as the one i made in minecraft i need to mine 100 blocks of bubzidion to make my dog three colors this isn't the only dig at minecraft within chapter two if you try to access the b1 floor for the secret spamton fight and you don't have things fulfilled properly kid i'm busy becoming god go play minecraft or something minecraft is a canon existing game in this universe well that's a little bit of an obvious gag to make it is potentially a reference to cinemassacre there are these older videos by mike matey which feature inspector gadget playing minecraft in which he recurringly refers to the game as minecraft what is the point of minecraft when backtracking our way through the game if we go and hit up the hacker in his original location i just wanted to make a cool demo scene for you now that i finished this i can show up all sorts of places demo scenes aren't really a thing anymore there used to be these demo parties or competitions where groups would throw together intros or demo scenes as it was described to me in the comments they used to be a kind of show-off to other crack groups when starting up a cracked game they were ways of showing off programming visual art and musical skills they first emerged around the 1980s when we first started having home computers and the subsequent advent of software cracking they would then remove the first party introductions to the game showing off who made it and instead putting in their own crack trose which is a name that just does not roll off the tongue and they would compete amongst each other for the best visual presentation of these additions often only being a few megabytes at the absolute most it's crazy what they were capable of doing because these intros would only be about 4 megabytes decided things i never really knew about it's a topic i kind of want to look into further so thank you lightspark at one of these speak and spell puzzles if you kind of aggressively fail over and over something like 10 times ralph he'll chime in with a bit of help um chris maybe you can press the same key more than once just genuine advice nothing crazy or silly of an interaction this musical trio sweet cap'n cakes is a reference to home star runner one of the cartoons that strong bad comes up with is sweet cupping cakes and this little musical cue that cakes uses also comes from that same video [Music] and when i get mad it played a demo [Music] it's obviously not lifted directly but the musical influence there is quite clear when dancing against the sweet captain cake's musical trio relsay actually busts out a move seen in this old peanuts cartoon suzy is also doing a peanut dance from the very same scene of the same cartoon and chris is up there doing the slavic folk dance the squat dance there's like a thousand pop culture examples of that it's not really a reference to any of them since it just is its own thing and during this dance battle sequence captain comments that the mix is shway this is a reference to the futuristic slang used in batman beyond meaning something is chill or cool sway huh yes dear very shwe not something i ever expected to see used in this game i love it all right all right all right all right all right is either meant to be from outcasts hey y'all or matthew mcconaughey endazed and confused all right all right all right well not specifically confirmed it's been speculated that sweet's design is a possible nod to the noise master from cucumber quest a web comic for which toby composed music during this dance fight for one of the attacks the character's pose is referencing a meme music video dan joe they replicate the dance moves seen during the chorus apparently when translated the song is about school bus seating arrangements now normally to complete this fight we need chris to be able to act and dance or use dance x to have everyone dancing at once but if you do manage to allow chris to be downed chris hey chris the hell do we do now we can't act if chris is down don't worry susie i'll just heal them and hey wait why can't we act without chris because that's some chris's unique talent so you think i'm too stupid to dance by myself susie learned s action she can act from her magic menu susie i i don't think you should happy feet dumbass suzy made ralph say learn our action even though he didn't want to i i'm sorry chris happy feat itself is its own thing but because of all the gamer memes and references and the fact that suzy herself appears to be a gamer this could potentially be referencing the famous wombo combo smash video which feels extra likely because of the other smash bros references seen throughout the game and at the end when we see all the characters dancing together chris is actually still down they just kind of get spun around in the circle with everyone else not participating at all back in undertale when staying in the mtt resort you can move around in bed referred to as the bed lump song [Music] and the four second song that the sweet captain cakes trio plays for us is this same song potentially linking them up to that universe hold on to your antennas yo how was that did you get rocked all our songs are only four seconds long we have this spinning ballerina floppy disc he shall i help you save no i shan't i haven't the faintest idea what that is there's a very surface level joke here simply a joke on the fact that we still use floppy disk icons for saving despite the fact that it's a very antiquated piece of tech but there is actually a reference that goes deeper this little character is most likely a reference to cave story a very influential indie game and one in which you would save by interacting with spinning red floppy discs with this eye puzzle when we toggle a glass bridge to walk across it's seemingly a one-time use but we actually see these glass panels at least one other time just not quite in the same way if you race ahead on the conveyor belt and abandon susie and rousey and then specifically cut across to the top they will be dragged along the conveyor belt and skip across this corner to catch up with you in the process of doing so the game kind of creates these previously hidden glass tiles toby has a super old tweet joking about how magic glass is the go-to solution for any pathing bugs in games if on this little teacup action sequence you managed to get all 70 of the arrows at the top there is a chest waiting for you and inside was the ragger 2. the first one is a rugged scarf that cuts enemies like a dagger a weapon that could be specifically equipped by rousseau the ragger 2 a sharp and scratchy scarf worse healing better attack this is rousseau's deal i'm a prickly prince and noel it's like santa's beard the naming of the item ragger 2 may be a play on steiner's ultimate weapon in final fantasy 9 excalibur 2. when entering this pre-roller coaster area we hear a series of seemingly random sound effects [Music] several of those sound effects are used recurringly throughout the two chapters the ones that stand out to me are the gasp that was first heard when falling down into the dark world in chapter one which people suspect comes from majora's mask and an annoying dog bark i couldn't place all the other ones that easily we hear a very similar mix of sound effects when first closing the fountain leaving the dark world in chapter one and waking back up in that storage closet [Music] [Music] and at the end of this sequence when we crash into the wall of the unfinished roller coaster we again hear that gasp [Music] and seemingly one more time here with susie falling by herself so i think it pretty well confirms that that gasp is meant to be coming from her it makes sense chris is almost entirely silent and it sounds a lot like her laugh from just a second prior to that i'm not sure it's the sort of thing anyone was seeking out evidence on or was unsure about but i figured i'd throw it out there many have been quick to point out that birdly's dark world design looks a lot like falco from star fox he's essentially dressed as a saiyan character from dragon ball z and talks about how he will soon be super lord birdly presumably getting ready to go super saiyan when birdly offers for you to join him and the queen do not join ah chris i suppose i knew you would never amount to much well if you're dead set on proving your inferiority allow me to assist you if you do instead offer to join what don't say it so incredulously well if you're dead set on proving your inferiority there we go same result birdly uses a hal bird as a weapon just an effective fun little pun the pose birdly makes when he gets blasted off from his failing coaster is almost identical to the death sprite seen from sonic in early the hedgehog games that's such a strange way to say it i thought it would i feel more natural than saying sonic twice so close together but no it was definitely worse next to trashy after he spoils your big emotional moment oh hell is that newbert over there really where no time for this guy i'm newbert everybody loves me that's why i live in the trash if you backtrack after splitting with ralsey and susie don't look sad you're never alone you've got newbert and trashy is an object you can actually interact with in the overworld just talking to a trash can in the corner of that computer lab the trash can you get the feeling it doesn't have any friends it's hard to explain why you feel this way about a trash can trashy is a hyperactive googly-eyed weirdo that nobody wants one who specifically tries to give you relatively unnecessary tool tips and with the naming convention of being object e the character all around is likely a reference to clippy seen in old versions of microsoft word really tying together this whole theme of early computer technology and internet trashy is somehow seemingly one of the only darkner characters who appears to be recurring from undertale after falling into the flowers in the waterfall garbage zone papyrus says garbage huh boy do i know garbage after all i'm housemates with a lazy bag of trash of course it seems like he's really going after sans his name's trashy he lives in the garbage can maybe toby forgot he made this joke almost but oh there's some crazy stuff going on around papyrus someday i'll get around to making that video these little pylons that stop us from following susie and rousseau have the annoying dog's face and when you interact with them make a little dog squeaks randomly interjecting barks of different pitches if you spam interact with them when first catching back up with noel and all our intertwining truces chris i uh if it's okay got any room for another truce we first select of course and noelle joins the party if instead no triple true sees har har very funny well i'd rather take my chances with you than her noel join the party if you use the choco diamond on noel she'll say it's okay chris i'll share and it ends up healing 35 hp on noel and chris the fact that queen mistakenly calls birdly burgly one just shows that she doesn't care about him that much but it was pointed out this might be an intended historic reference which is something we don't so commonly see in these games potentially referring to lord burglary aka william cecil who is queen elizabeth's trusted chief advisor a secret that i'm sure no one missed because how could you possibly resist interacting with this birdly statue everyone's number one favorite character actually genuinely i kind of do like burnley and the more that everyone insists they hate him the more it fuels my enjoyment of this character i love the detail that noel laughs with then it's kind of like like christmas caroling just a fantastic little detail for that character phew chris can you stop looking at this you became lost in the craftsmanship why do we have to look at it twice there's so much to look at here chris it's a work of art what part are you looking at if i say i like it will you stop looking at it hey isn't this thing just the best this statue seems to suck bad chris there's no reason to look at this at which point there's no further interactions but i love that you can also look at this pile of boxes and have the same comment on craftsmanship apparently chris is like the most easily impressed character out there taking everyone to the boxes with amazing craftsmanship hell yeah boxes this is what it's about chris you were living it up without us huh you have to frighten noel at least once to do this mouse puzzle she always walks over here's how it would play out normally the mouse sorry chris i could could you deal with them somehow maybe if you can get them in the other mouse hole and upon completing it without her there looks like that took care of it but if you set it up ahead of time well hopefully that won't happen again you can actually move to skip this puzzle after that first scare simply walking off the button without noel hey chris you can't leave yet you know you need to deal with the mice first you can do it chris i believe in you and if you push chris you uh aren't gonna leave me or are you think about all the pencils i gave you the peppermint cookies i shared with you i'll do your homework for you chris are you really gonna leave me sorry i'll i'll do the puzzle thanks chris but if you push it further and proceed huh what did you say but the mice are you can abort that at any time but you can continue to push if you proceed numerous times i i she starts to edge forward and just runs her way through things we better not have to do something like that again seriously when did chris get so bossy all serving as a slight tease to that weird route when we inspect this poster for the ferris wheel which by the way is something that can be seen in the computer lab in the overworld afterwards noelle expresses her fantasy of maybe susie riding with her gosh who am i kidding if you tell her susie would really you really think so coming from susie expert chris thanks hey chris how'd you become the susie expert or if you tell her susie wouldn't you're right even if i asked her she'd probably just laugh at me and gosh push me to the ground and laugh at me some more and then what were we talking about again or if you offered to ride with noel yourself oh so you can shake it when we reach the top just like at the festival when we were kids i know there's a catch with you chris no thanks this ad agent gets all up in our biz and grills us on our friendship you can simply say we're friends we're friends yep that's right we're friends it's surprisingly nice just hearing chris say that or you can say we're something else what does that mean there's no good interpretation that's for sure and it doesn't really have any consequence on this route but if you want to see how that really unfolds what that piece of dialogue is really building towards then stay tuned because at the end of the video i'll go over the entirety of that weird route not really hidden but still kind of easy to miss up to the north hey got any way to deal with crushing existential dread asking for a friend a friend that looks and sounds exactly like me they're talking about me not necessarily not not really secret it plays out the same every time i just think that's a great way to lean into a trope a little bit of someone oh quote asking for a friend funny gag but this character does come up one more time in a way that is slightly hidden in the mansion where we found the birdly statue in the toilet if you interact with it a few times and then leave they'll be standing outside when are they gonna be done in there you can collect flavored teas of each individual character the gag surrounding that is quite funny but then we can start feeding everyone teas flavored like each other and there's a few funny interactions that spawn from that if we first take the chris t susie has no reaction giving it to susie hell yeah apple juice don't drink so fast giving it to ralph say tastes like blueberries huh really giving the susie tea to chris stop looking at me they seem into it suzy t2 susie this is tea and tyral say it's grape juice huh really and the row say tea too chris no reaction i'm happy to susie hey it's like marshmallows don't drink so fast and to ralph say um isn't this water we can also get the noel tea to hand out do they like it they're drinking it to suzy hell yeah eggnog don't drink so fast and to ralph say it's soft and sweet and giving everything to noel um do they like it or not noel t to herself this is just water you're pranking me right chris t tastes like cinnamon what is this aftertaste because of when noel leaves the party you actually have to hack the game to be able to give her the rousey or suzy tease but there is still dialogue programmed in the game for it ralph say t there's nothing in here and suzy t wonder if they sell this in gallons and we'll notice that the suzy t heals 400 far more than any other specific interaction so nothing is really consistent between the characters i know there's a video that exists that is the delta rune t theory i haven't watched it myself after i finish making my own videos here i should really go give that a watch because there is seemingly a lot to be read into these interactions during this little section where we have to hold the switch down for noelle to cross the lightning gate we can mess around with her a little bit hmm looks like you need to hold it down if you jump off really quick chris stay on got to stay on gosh do you need a dog treat or something maybe a maybe a scooby snack since we've established that apparently no gosh stop howling i get it or if you instead say yes why did they sound so genuine you can jump off again this is reminding me of our group projects at that point she just starts cycling through a dot dot dot but you can do it one more time while she's actually at the gate ah chris come on you know that isn't very nice i was almost roast deer for a second there all right now it's your turn and she gets you back quick little prank just the ones though how'd you like that you should have seen the look on your face hey why did they look so hurt gosh when heading down through this traffic towards the area where we have the dog surprise there is one lone door in all of the cyber world that can be interacted with knock knock knock you found the only knockable door in the city this here is my pride and joy and there's no further interactions with it that is the one and only payoff of that joke while i'm back down here i wanted to share that toby messed with us two years before this chapter dropped sharing a picture of this annoying white dog in a little toy car this is the last thing you see before you die and somehow he wasn't kidding the dialogue in the scene where queen comes looking for noel and brings a battery acid pie as a reference to earthbound where paula's dad and twoson will come looking for paula with an apple pie paulie where are you it's time for a yummy piece of pie maybe there's a different scene that matches a little more exactly this is the best i could find maybe someone could help me out if there's more to it this could also be a two-fold reference we know toby was involved in the music for the homestuck series so maybe the appearance the idea the gag here is also intended to look like a soap or pie from that series birdly even baked a gamer's delight that looks the exact same when the queen turns on the high beams she basically creates her own bat signal the reference isn't any deeper than that just is the queen signal when you hop in the car with queen usually you just plow your way through every single car knocking them around if you hold left and right at the same time your car kind of vibrates and you get this force field i guess in front of it this doesn't really work on a game pad because the d-pad just doesn't really work and the other cars just kind of bounce out of the way you can pile up all these cars none of them get damaged it's just i don't know nicer to go about it this way we even have our tiny little car friend here and all of this builds towards a larger payoff at the very end of the game at the end of the game over in the castle town next to the big door we have this tiny cute little baby car wandering around you can interact get some little squeaks honks barks whatever you want to call them it's not the only time in game you can interact with these cars and get some kind of strange sound effects out of them [Music] there's no real acknowledgement of you bouncing these cars around apparently perfectly normal to just do this or run into them either way i love that the queen acknowledges that this traffic jam is likely due to a dog again i guess this is the annoying dog driving around in their little toy car and i love the pun that the queen suggests that chris be a deer and go and press the light when we literally have a deer sitting next to us in the back seat there's a lot to like about this scene while walking through the streets of the cyber city alone with chris noel reminisces about the two of them growing up together telling stories about chris's older brother asriel and her older sister dez all while slowly spelling out the word december that'll be important in just a minute here but i also wanted to point out that noel refers to herself being weird and that chris is the only one who knows how weird she is and that everyone knows how weird chris is this could have major implications for why that snow grave route within the game files is referred to as the weird route during birdly's backstory when it describes the spelling bee between birdly and noel it says that on the last words she got nervous and couldn't speak whereas up to that point she was actively spelling out the words more quickly than birdly once again showing us the significance of december to her and while there's a chance december as a month is significant which obviously it is everything about her family is holiday themed it has been theorized that this is her sister's full name des is short for december much later on in the hospital at the end of chapter two noelle's father talks about how with him in the hospital it's just noel and her mother i wish i knew healing magic in real life then i could make you better and it wouldn't just be me and mom your mother is hey it's okay sweetheart i'm getting better des has seemingly passed away however there are fan theories out there that she perhaps instead simply went missing a long time ago we don't know specifically what's going on with rudy it could be something hereditary and seemingly she's been gone since noelle was quite young it's something that haunts her and comes up in her life frequently another hint at this is the fact that every date in noel's room is december 25th that could just be a fun christmasy time for their holiday-oriented family or it could be a traumatic day that she can't forget as we work together with noel slowly spelling out december she ends up behind these columns and overpasses at various points telling stories of her sister deaths and growing up going under this overpass she very briefly becomes the outline of a child like noel fully leaning into that nostalgic moment i love the little detail here that asriel's sleeves smell like cinnamon as do seemingly all things related to the dreamer family now obviously trapping mice is a thing but very specifically having this little red cage makes me think that it's all intended to be a reference to the board game mouse trap this third annoying mouse room puzzle really seems to indicate that time is of the essence encouraging you to move things as quickly as possible your lucky desk isn't here otherwise you'd be face down in a mouse pile sorry i i didn't mean to get so mad sure okay we can try again and if you literally just never do the puzzle every time the mice pop up and save you and progress things without any input from you so you can actually complete the entire puzzle without doing a single thing and with birdly's line even a broken clock is right once a day she has the joke wrong if a 12-hour clock were frozen on a certain time of day it would be right twice a day so the gag there is that he's just wrong about that birdly crushing his smart scouter out of frustration is yet another one of those things that's meant to make us think of dragon ball z those saiyans always crushing their scouters there is extra dialogue from birdly in this fight if you chase away his minions with the sleep mist that's right chris unlike you i have a loving team behind me and you'll never beat us fighting alone hey wait where'd the other guys go my my allies are gone ha they're probably just alvin queen search for me shut up chris shut up i don't care if you're not saying anything after the queen wins this little carnival game and noel hands over a gift queen just hands this over to chris and it's up to us to decide who receives the gift oh chris what's that you have there is that a gift for someone give it to noel chris you have something for me chris hasn't given me a gift like this since we were little kids are they saying they want things to go back wait isn't that the plush i just gave queen what you want a refund so you can come on say that to my face gosh noel give it to ralph say huh you're giving it to me chris i i've never gotten a gift like this before um i'm sorry i i'm so happy i don't really know what to say i'll win something for you too okay one baseball please wait a second noelle give it to susie huh what all right where the hell did you get this perhaps they wanted that the orb tossing game yeah like chris could ever win that they must have stole it or something stole it wow they must have really wanted to give it to you well takes guts to do something stupid like that don't think i'm gonna let you out do me if you're gonna pull some stupid stunt like that then i'll steal you something too cool box ah noelle give it to birdly chris have you seen chris we took a break from trucing for one second and you're already back with susie should have expected this you couldn't keep up with my puzzle solving skills huh a plushie of me with nipples i guess i'll forgive you now see you chris why the hell did you give it to birdly why did you give it to birdly um what unexpected kindness chris let's just get the hell out of here wait noel if after the whole team is back together we go and interact with the stall that noel was hiding behind hey noel one thing we gotta get straight yes where the hell did you put that cool box um i just sort of i whatever just make us another one uh okay sure now considering that we know susie doesn't have a great home life the fact that susie specifically admires these boxes i don't want to go so far as to say that susie lives in a box but maybe it's just that she's never really had toys growing up and instead has always had to make do with her imagination playing around in cardboard boxes building up her own specific appreciation for them and again you can become lost in the craftsmanship following up learning how to heal susie becomes a healing master can use ultimate healing losers susie's ultimate heal that isn't very strong is the best healing and takes a full 100 tp if you specifically use it in front of an ambulance susie cast ultimate heel that's the worst healing i've seen she charging for that the design of the character of pop-up is a reference to the dolphin bird hybrid character finfin from the 1996 pet simulation game fin fin on to the magic planet it was basically a sort of tamagotchi where you could feed the character lemo fruits which is why pop up here references limo fruit and limo berry and the idea of a tamagotchi really matches up with advertisements being starved for attention the flavor text the pop-up wants its tongue to be pressed so it doesn't feel hunger anymore is in reference to another toy that was made to be given attention a furby furbies of wine and begged to be fed and you pressed down on their tongue to simulate that apparently a lot of these gibberish seeming lines that don't make a lot of sense are just butchered bits of japanese which is pretty funny i'll put them on screen i'm not gonna go through them all because i don't speak japanese they are represented in the light world on one of these computers as a dolphin screensaver advertising some kind of malware that part of it could also then tie into the old meme totally not a virus trust me i'm a dolphin so we're really layering things together with this character when battling the pop-ups the different characters can try to click and close them and in their desperation often end up opening unintended ads there's all sorts of goofy dialogue to go along with this with noel noel clicked on a link for a creepy game glitches compilation what what did i do wrong noelle misclicked on a link to buy how to draw dragons the book that we've seen back in the library that asriel apparently refuses to return noel clicked on a link for hot female santas in your area susie accidentally clicked on an ad featuring a flaming eggplant holding a chainsaw damn they knew what i'd fall for susie missed clicking on an ad and ended up clicking on the word processor it got a virus somehow susie accidentally clicked on a picture of a stake it wasn't actually an ad just a static image of a stake rousseau tried to click on an ad with a castle on it but it was actually an ad for a company that demolishes buildings with bazookas i i didn't mean to do it i i'm sorry i repent ralph say accidentally clicked on an ad for lightners for darkners in your area and was mortified he deleted the browser shortcut on the desktop entirely but immediately felt guilty because he thought he had deleted the entire internet rousey moved to click on an ad with a bunny on it teaching you how to make friends and accidentally clicked on an ad of a machine gun that appeared over it you unconsciously clicked on a pop-up about demon summoning classes for teens huh that made another one you unconsciously clicked on an ad for a video about making knives out of spaghetti you unconsciously clicked on a pop-up about monsters for humans in your area when attempting to block the pop-up and having to button-mash your way through these various pop-ups that rapidly come on screen there is a small chance to see the everyman one of many different places this recurring character appears across the entire series when there's three of these dolphin enemies occupying the screen and you click the dolphins again creating more you just keep clicking more and more making more dolphins and the pop-ups actually crashed and fully get recruited all at once there are two different versions of the teacup ride one where noelle gets left behind and one where she joins first where she gets to join look chris another teacup ride but there's only three seats maybe two of us could share one damn guess we gotta take the stairs up top noelle volunteers to stay standing on the switch we have the clue up top the treasure of air where three are one place one to three perhaps it means we all have to enter one teacup well i don't like doing it but it works after you drop noel off to volunteer we can flip a switch up in the top right and as we come back down wait for me she joins back up to the party and with all four of us at the teacups you all jumped into one teacup you heard a clicking sound hell no like we're doing that again instead if after dropping noel off you climb back down the stairs skipping the switch at the top you all jumped into one teacup you heard a clicking sound hell no like we're doing that again and up top we can open the chest for some balloons yay and as we return so um why were you all riding a teacup together ugh balloons balloons trust me you dodged a bullet um okay when the queen captures everyone and is uncertain what to do with ralph say we get this sort of cartoony comedic beat of the screen zooming in on the queen's face before all fading to black it's a pretty common trope but it seems like the specific way this one was done including the sound effects was meant to be taken straight from super mario world [Music] let's compress down a look at all things spamton in one convenient section of the video i'm not going to include every possible bit of dialogue from spamton shop or from the fight anything around there i have my own playthrough of the game where i did that very comprehensively so there's no point repeating it here instead i'll show how to access the secrets how to make the fight happen some of the branching dialogue options secrets references and implications along the way the fun lighter details rather than the deeper troubling ones but then i'll also be saving the theory crafting for probably some sort of larger videos spamton suggests that maybe you press f1 for help and if you do so at any point then a little angel spam didn't comes in and heals you up although doing so only works the once spamton's constantly trying to push deals on you and take your money if you refuse the deal deal or no deal that's the tv show where the people who don't take the deal get filled with bullets fired from the host's mouth i don't recall ever seeing howie mandel do this but i guess i haven't seen that much of the show sounds like maybe i ought to start tuning in if you choose violence and attack spamton to defeat him hey didn't you ever hear the phrase make money not war how's an innocent guy like me supposed to rip people off when kids like you are beating people up spitting in their eyes throwing sand in their face stomping on their toes yanking their noses and not even giving them a single cent for it you should have done all that earlier and been the first to own my commemorative ring too bad see ya kid this fully cuts off the ability to visit him later on at his shop so definitely spare him if you want to do the secret boss this line specifically seems to be spammed in referencing the snow grave route saying that we should have chosen violence earlier and acquired his thorn ring here is the dialogue if you do instead spare now on to the next step i'll be waiting at my homemade storefront site in the trash area closed for repairs come alone and don't forget a phrase that carries a lot of significance in undertale as well as this series to like and subscribe for more hyperlink blocked hey it's a dumpster looks like there's a pillow inside after getting knocked out by the toy dog car we're spit out next to a trash can it's a dumpster seems like there's a pillow inside suggesting that maybe spamton has really been making his way around town sleeping in every pile of trash and we can see just under the poster for one of the queen's products often advertised around the cyber world the poster is torn revealing a faded one underneath big shot autos take a ride around town in our special the rest is cut off coming back through the area with the addisons all of them will have updated dialogue referring specifically to spamton haven't heard that name in a long time spamton we don't talk about that around here spamton no idea who you're talking about spamton we don't talk about that around here obviously the mannequin itself is modeled after spampton or potentially spam didn't chose to model himself after one of these mannequins the mannequin counts as an armor it's a mannequin with clothes permanently attached useless and you can only actually equip it to chris its effect is just a group of question marks the other effect that this dress has is to protect you from sound based attacks ones like those seen from task and task manager but most importantly these attacks from spamton and this dress is potentially one that we saw mettaton wear when putting together their play a little bit of foreshadowing perhaps to have this spammed and shaped mannequin wearing a dress previously worn by mettaton only for spamton to then eventually wear the entire new body meant for mettaton i really love that detail and so i also won't discount the fact that there's meant to be added significance that chris can then put on or bear the entirety of this spamtone mannequin with its mettaton dress i don't know seems like there's probably something going on there talking to a swatchling after solving the light puzzle and way after our encounter with spamton this mansion used to be a luxurious home for upper-class citizens your room it belonged to a prestigious big shot sadly his name has been erased from the records hyperlink blocked perhaps redacted even when asking swatch about their outfit the monochrome look is quite suitable isn't it black suit colored glasses many people have failed to imitate this look again meaning to call to mind spamton having ripped off this character's style directly some even going so far as to attempt to impersonate me in order to get the oh never mind macaron the way he trails off there in order to get the blank it sort of feels like swatch's very own version of hyperlink blocked not wanting to discuss this very specific subject based on spamton's own pursuit and a later admission from swatch this is likely the hidden body in the basement once you've successfully navigated the early part of the mansion you can now take a shortcut back to the trash zone a funny little guy was looking for you to the west he was muttering something about deals basically telling us to go check out spamton giving us hints towards that secret boss fight here we can head up to spamton's little side room the door is unlocked you want to go in by yourself whatever do what you want here we have spamton to talk to the simple black telephone on the table in spamton shop is made to heavily resemble those seen in earthbound through which the protagonist ness will call his father spamton lets us know deep down in the queen's basement a great deal is waiting for a limited time only a heaven piercing workout ready body circa 1997. spamton lets you know that you can buy the keygen from him for a low low price buy the key gen from me unlock the basement and get that empty disk spamton has extra dialogue if you select our deal twice in a row before buying the key gen chris buy key jen from me and go to the queen's mansion's luxurious basement apartment what go myself chris no the men inside would the men inside would and when asking about you spamton talks about reaching new levels soon i'll even surpass that damned clown around town presumably referring to the other secret boss in the game devil are the roller coasters still broken too bad i keep petitioning for a public merry-go-round but there was some ex-famous guy some salesman lobbyist type he was afraid of clowns so he kept it from happening suggesting this ongoing rivalry between spamton and jevel and i should remind you here that jevel also had the flavor text the air crackles with freedom when asking spamton about the night the conversation quickly shifts he doesn't have any information to give but too many excess vacation days take a goddamn vacation straight to hell this is potentially a reference to a lion burger pants had during the genocide route of undertale i can't go to hell i'm all out of vacation days this is then replaced with friends this is where he starts referring to his friend mike and then kind of phases out with some rain behind the static of his eyes he warns don't believe anything you see on tv the man's a criminal i tell you a criminal basically the day this chapter came out people discovered this old video online mike ditka's big shot soda which itself is dated to 1997. [Music] that's it it's time for a big shot you need a big shot i got your big shot right here we got 12 delicious flavors and you'll love them all save a center has all your big shot tailgate party needs at price is too low to mention look for iron mike big shot displays at sabre center seeing as jevel teased that the boss of the next game was going to be the queen and that were seemingly being set up for the next chapter to take place in a tv world it's very likely that the main boss there not the secret one will in fact be mike oh there's so much to theorize around mike and all these other things i'll save that for more of a theory crafting video keep an eye on these randomly generating prices and try to quickly grab it for as cheap as you can key item 100 certified wears transmit my two chromer delicious chromer there's no point buying the other stuff spamton has on offer it lists these insane benefits but when you actually buy it it's a frayed bow tie an old bow tie it seems to have lost much of its defensive value and a broken sword a rejected sword cut into two pieces not even you could equip this mansion basement find it what kind of creepy stuff were you buying anyway now like i even want to know yikes she said she hoped if it was candy you'd share with her shut up chris in our key items we now have the key gen a shady looking program that can open certain doors a key gen is something created by hackers to allow you to randomly generate an activation key to obtain illegal copies of software so yeah obviously it would be shady and it allows you to open the doors of your software toby loves to put in the strangest most obscure references it makes it a heck of a lot more difficult than sorting out the references of the game like henry stickman if you talk to spamton through the hour deal option after buying the keygen results in a short sequence that uses the unreal superhero 3 track from kenneth and rez [Music] and uses it in the same way it was featured in the 2009 youtube poop the king downloads sony vegas where he glitches out from using a keygen [Music] this [Music] bless you toby and your hyper specific knowledge of weird internet culture and your insistence on slipping it into your games and teaching all of us a little bit about you i've seen a few suggestions for some meaning behind spamton's eye colors they're the two different spare colors seen in undertale with yellow being the default one but if you had specifically chosen to throw this away it is then instead replaced by pink but another suggestion ties things in with the way we find pillows in the bottom of dumpsters and garbage cans in this world tying in areas and things related to spamton at the bottom of the deltarune undertale website toby states if you find a pillow at the bottom of a garbage can please don't take it away showing a little bit of sympathy for spamton maybe but daniel crystal in the comments pointed out the only other characters who have sold stuff in a garbage heap happen to have yellow and pink eyes catty and bratty i don't know what to make of that just a very interesting detail in this room past some cars within the mansion i'm the hacker i got the feeling there's a secret back door in this room but where could it be hmm now you can find it and interact with it all on your own but if you follow the hacker around his little mouse head will turn into a clicking icon showing you what it is you can interact with a secret switch you heard something opening there is a locked area in the bottom right side of the mansion we can open this by specifically using the key gen acquired from spamton and with our secret switch flipped we can now enter the basement chris you want us to stay here sure whatever me and ralph say you'll have fun without you this is then a dark room you can only enter by yourself this is something specifically commented on in the overworld of the game afterwards we have the closet in the corner of this computer room that claims it's large enough for someone to fit inside so potentially this is meant to indicate that it's only big enough for one person and that's why chris has to come in here all alone there is nothing at this save point that fills you with power it instead is just a save the first time we leave this basement ralph say and susie are horsing around come on susie give me my glasses back oh look at me i'm a big dweeb that loves homework come on fine take them back thank you oh chris everything okay once you've unlocked the basement you can come back and talk to swatch what basement there's no basement here you need to relax have a drink and talk softly you're bothering the other customers making your way through the basement we can find chests with nothing these plugs on the wall that will attack you if you stand next to one of these plugs for long enough it's something like 20 in-game seconds then it'll slowly shift into this kind of demented looking smile when making your way through this basement off to the far left of the furthest room you can reach we have to wait for this teacup ride if you walk to the left edge back to the right then quickly left again we briefly get this creepy smiling face in the dark it somewhat resembles that face we see in the tv at the end it's unclear if this is meant to be spammed in a tease towards a future character like mike or just something totally unrelated and creepy but it's it's probably meant to tease something we all know how toby is the main reason to think that this smile is potentially a tease for mike is that the end game sprite is titled image underscore friend and spamton specifically has his dialogue branch about friends where he warns you about mike now the teacup ride emerging is kind of a point of no return you can't actually walk back out of this room you push your way forward interacting and it sounds like a force field powering down the way back up then becomes a extra complex teacup puzzle it takes a while to really find the rhythm of it i i've died to this many many times once you make it through presumably scathed we have a path back available for us we need to sprint past everything we can now head through where we were previously blocked to the section with all of the roller coaster tracks through this final door in what appears to be a dilapidated version of the ruins of undertale we have this discarded body hanging in the vines there's something shining inside the old machine take it the empty disk was added to your key items a data disk from a strange machine didn't someone want this bringing this back to spamton chris you did it you funky little worm you brought me the disc which we can't help but think of rules card every time someone calls us a worm i don't know if these little comments within parentheses are coming from alternate personalities or being randomly selected from some archive of dialogue or i'm not really sure how this glitchy character is meant to work but that's one thing i do choose to read into you hand over the disc and he prepares to transfer my hyperlink blocked then chris after this is very very important which every time we see very very we have to think of gaster toby in his words man i tell ya these seem like such innocent little pieces of dialogue but he's so specific about it can't help but think he's indicating something more we agree to transfer spamton wigs out super hard his shop shuts down entirely becoming grayscale somewhat like we're used to seeing with the goners and the shop no longer has anything in it each time we open it up we hear a fraction of a second of spamton's speech sound if you want to make a quick detour you can backtrack to the mannequin next to the addison so long as you never bought it and specifically interact with the loaded disk not the empty disk and this is something that will not work back in your castle town only here at this step it's a mannequin put the loaded disk inside the loaded disk squirmed and won't fit and in any subsequent attempt it's a mannequin with a dress on but there are no more interactions there we need to head back to the basement there's a slot for a disc here insert the loaded disk you put the disc into the broken down mechanism nothing happened you tapped the mechanism nothing happened you shook the mechanism you hit it you kicked it nothing happened at which point we can leave and when we get back to this area with the tracks here's where things really begin holy kangadero do i feel good which is presumably the name of a car as earlier he references driving around in his old kangadero here i am chris big big bigger and better than ever the laugh spamton neo uses sounds awfully similar to the hidden abc123 file again from undertale now obviously this body appears to have a lot in common with mettaton neo and you know we're even using the name spamton neo here i've seen at least two really good theories on this i'll save that for a theory video spamton then repeatedly starts playing up the audience something that mettiton was also known for doing potentially inheriting some personality traits and aspects that go along with the creation of that body although the game informs us there is no audience in the background we seemingly see an infinite number of discarded bodies many of which look like spampton when checking spam to neo you won't find higher attack in defense anywhere else this could be a joke about how metteton mia went down with one shot specifically being known for having no defense guess she should have worked more on the defenses when doing most actions in that mettaton neo fight it'll let us know the stage lights are blaring whereas in the spamton neo fight these stage lights are shattered checking spamton neo twice has the dialogue he is his own worst invention a reference back to mettaton neo which read dr alfie's greatest invention considering the obvious connections between mettaton and spamton we can take things a layer deeper there is a character bob sparker from polly koberger's series tales from electricopolis stories from the midnight city one of the main characters from that is the game show host bob sparker whose name is a play on the game show host bob barker mettaton's personality was based on this character and seemingly in a lot of ways spamton is physically based on this character huge thank you to cats are cute for pointing that out it's an amazing detail and i agree cats are cute when the game first launched there was an exploit that allowed you to spam your blaster near infinitely and just waste spam to neo in the patch that followed rather than removing this ability toby's solution was to allow you to do that but it then triggers an extra hard mode of this fight spammed and getting angry and more aggressive the smooth taste of neo wake up and taste the pain is a reference to a line of dialogue that we could find in an unused test room from undertale la la time to wake up and smell the pain though it's still a little shaky a few few few few few few and then spamton attacks us with phones for hands which potentially calls back to mind the quote from the river person in undertale beware the man who speaks in hands very strangely the whole pippis thing might actually be a reference to an old vine from griffin mcgilroy where's all the peops oh yeah people's room toby follows him on twitter is a bit of a known fan and so it's not unreasonable to think this was lifted from that video although it feels fairly major to be such a throwaway gag considering how prominent the peepis is in the snow grave route the meaning of the word kinda hard to pin down if you google it it lists it as being an invasive species of some sort of clam and in game at one point it's described as such as well but a pp is also a mega man enemy yeah i giggle that saying pp this thing drops eggs which then explode into mini versions of itself and at another point spamton calls them eggs so our description and knowledge of what this thing is is just all over the place and obviously we have a lot of things to do with eggs in this series as well my god with each passing chapter the theorizing around this game and series just becomes so much more complex i will specifically compare the end dialogue of the pacifist and genocide versions of this fight sparing spam to neo what stop the presses my wires they're almost gone chris you're gifting me my freedom after everything i did to you after the unforgettable deals free chromer i gave you you're finally repaying my generosity chris i understand now the greatest deal of all friendship chris my days as a long nose doll are over cut that wire and make me a real boy all in reference to pinocchio are you watching heaven it's time for spamton's comeback special and this time i live for myself no myself and my friends here i go watch me fly mama afterwards the spam to neo body collapses and spamton themselves is tied up in these vines it seems after all i couldn't be anything more than a simple puppet but you three you're strong with a power like that maybe you three can break your own strings let me become your strength and without strings controlling spamton anymore he loses that insanity no longer glitching out and sharing random fragments of inserted dialogue he's actually able to form full complete sentences at which time we're given a shadow crystal you got deal maker the deal maker is an armor fashionable pink and yellow glasses greatly increases the dollars gained and question mark when specifically equipped to noelle she lets you know it seems familiar if you had instead attacked and killed spamtonio what stop the presses chris you think depleting my 8 000 life points may be a reference to yu-gi-oh in which you start with 8 000 life points means you've won a free meal to winning no no neo chris your deal has failed neo never loses this is victory smoke it means it's time for my second form are you ready chris for my next trick i will fill my body with electrocaddy and become spammed in x it's a funny reordering of things because mettaton went metteton thenx then neo are you ready kids turn up the juice turn up the juice make sure you don't get it on your shoes are you getting all this mic i'm finally i'm finally gonna be a big shot here i go watch me fly mama [Music] and he completely bursts still hung up though it seems after all i couldn't be anything more than a puppet and he gives the same dialogue at the end but instead this time grants us the puppet scarf a scarf made of strange strings for those that abandon healing there is this additional secret gag scene that plays out if you finish this fight with a full inventory you got deal maker but your inventory was full chris chris chris you filled your inventorium with half price salami just to keep me out what the 50 off and yes that f was held in game that's not me editing the footage you can carry like 48 items why did you do this why why yellow gamma not cool chris i'll be in my trailer the way spampton slides off screen in this moment is just like the mad dummy at the end of that fight it's even the same sound effect but then just off to the south here there is a treasure chest where you can retrieve your missed item as we're making our way out of the basement the door rattles but doesn't open we can no longer head back that way as we make our way out after this pacifist fight our friends stop us hey so are we seriously not gonna talk about any of that that was god damn weird puppets strings hands what the hell does any of that mean and the way he just broke i i don't think it meant anything susie it seems like it was just a corrupted program he turned into our allies so let's just accept it oh the way rousey brushes past that i'm so suspicious of him chris you've got goosebumps you okay this is one of the critical instances where it appears that we the player are really influencing chris if we say yes we're okay if you say it all strained like that i'm not gonna think you're okay hey ralph say you think chris is okay well they seem a bit shocked but chris doesn't want us to worry so let's not push them for now chris i'll make some cake for you later okay i could even make it chocolate flavored butterscotch cinnamon whatever you want well their stomachs rumbling but the goosebumps aren't gone chris if you're cold you can share my scarf or sure susie could what no hell if i'm giving you my jacket you make me cold i'm burning you knuckleheads for warmth susie too late already imagining you guys as idiot scented candles that got chris smiling let's go the strange response is that this is not what chris wanted to say they are not okay if we instead respond no chris are you okay you're yelling they're there everything's all right don't think about what happened too hard okay just take some deep breaths and think about something you'd like something nice something soft i'll be right next to you until you feel better chris guess rousseau's right chris whatever just happened i guess maybe it didn't mean anything i don't know why you came here but let's just be glad you didn't get killed just tell us next time you're gonna do something stupid like this okay this is seemingly the answer chris wanted to give forcing it out held behind clenched teeth shouting it the moment we allow chris to share their true feelings things play out slightly differently if you had already hugged rousey on the boat ride and made them the hug prince rousey comes over gives you a great big hug they're there everything's alright don't think about what happened too hard and from there the dialogue is the same we simply have the addition of that nice warm fuzzy boy hug after completing this fight we can again talk to swatch about the basement robot so that's what happened that robot was the embodiment of a lightner's dream the idea of asriel drawing it is still quite fun yet everything seems to really point to it instead being tied to mettaton a dream i helped create once splashing color from the motion of their hand the lightner filled it with their own hope giving it an incredible power but in the end nothing ever came of it and it was left in the basement with the rest of the corrupted data but that crooked salesman somehow he learned about the robot and thought he could use its power to fulfill his own twisted dreams what a pity to think he was once a valued customer we can also talk to the swatchlings in the earlier parts of the mansion spamton this used to be his room though it's not like he used it after a while eventually he just spent all his time in the basement praying when things went downhill he became obsessed with that artifact maybe he thought it would give him another big break if you head back to the trash zone the addisons are now all here instead we can enter the shop there's nothing there and talking to this lineup of characters gives us a bit of a history of spamton he was like the rest of us just a little unlucky for some reason his products never seemed to hit and the lightners never even looked his way poor guy night after night when we all went to the same cyber grill he'd shoot his mouth about making it big someday you just watch someday i'm gonna be a big shot he started to get a little desperate i heard he started looking for any way to become more popular somehow he made the right phone call and found someone or was he found by someone they must have been helping him because suddenly he was on the phone all the time suddenly he got really good at his job the clicks started piling up what what did he do why did he deserve this we were all so jealous of him we stopped going out with him i mean wasn't he a big shot he didn't need us anymore did he even so he only got more and more successful he moved into a luxurious room in the queen's mansion he started bragging about big tv deals big cars big commercials but then things started to crack it seems like whatever was helping him disappeared his sales dropped to zero and everything came crashing down the day he was to be evicted from the queen's mansion i went to his room to check on him but he wasn't there there was only a phone hanging off the handle he must have left in the middle of a conversation because i could still hear someone on the other end but when i put the receiver to my ear there was nothing but garbage noise that's like the single most exciting line from this entire chapter we know that every time we use our cell phone in the dark world we hear a bunch of random nothing and it informs us that it sounds like nothing but garbage noise [Music] while we also specifically know that this noise is inseparably linked with gaster through undertale i won't go any deeper into it than that here but i imagine everyone is as excited at that prospect as i am one of the flavor texts is it pulls the strings and makes them ring which sounds like it's featured in the lyrics of bigshot these songs now is your chance to be a and big shot both sample the wow sound effect that plays in earthbound after naming the party and pressing start don't think [Music] [Music] now is your chance to be a also samples vials theme from mega man x [Music] [Music] if you fought spamton neo then in hometown at this computer by the recycling bin it is crashed with a blue screen and the fact that this recycling bin is filled with loads of accidentally printed off useless emails could be where all the ads in this world and spamton specifically were originally pulled from now getting back on track outside of spamton stuff when we first are arriving in the queen's mansion when we have the queen's face on screen the background is a green hill and fluffy cloudy sky this is likely a reference to bliss the default computer wallpaper for computers running microsoft's windows xp operating system i find that all the more believable considering all the tech in this world is being pulled from the library that has outdated computers bliss is a funny one because considering the number of people who had microsoft computers at the time it's been suggested that bliss is the most seen image of all time it makes sense that lancer would love ditches being a spade he seemingly just loves to dig all the time his room is filled with all these random holes he recreationally dug and yeah ditch is just a big long hole now normally you check your inventory and allow lancer to help you out of this cage if we attempt to use our phone [Music] we have the usual garbage noise but susie chimes in hey chris do you hear something sounds like it's coming from your pocket your phone going off or something if you do it again hey chris does your phone usually uh yell and with the delay hey chris pick up your damn phone isn't it with your keys or whatever we start hearing little noises supposedly from lancer trying to get our attention lancer actually seemingly uses the stool form once more although without the big explosion and flash of light when he goes stomping across the keyboard he requests 999 shovels and continues a gag from chapter 1 where lancer seemingly never bothered to learn chris's name he specifically overloads the computer with shovel requests this is known as a dozens and dozens of shovels attack which is meant to be a play on a ddos attack ddos dozens and dozens of shovels this is a form of spam attack on someone's internal provider that overloads the server shutting down your connection to the internet there is an added layer to this joke that you are particularly likely to get exposed to this sort of virus or attack through shovelware if you return back to your room after it is overflowing with shovels and you don't have anything to dig through them with that's my no shovels for these shovels sound effect i i guess inside suzy's room within the mansion we have a lone egg it's a painted egg it's warm from search query can hard boil eggs hatch i believe myself and this series just kind of bear a burden of needing to point out all egg related things after her conversation with tim suzy went and specifically looked up can they hatch back in chapter one when you have to pick a partner for your project when you talk to tem crisp oh very sores tim already have partner at which point they pull out this egg it's a black and white hard-boiled egg sadly seems like it already has a partner i was wondering if she looked up this information and then brought it to tem but i think susie would have went and looked this up specifically after talking to tem tem partner with egg sues vermeen said egg never hatch imitating the way tem would say it hard boil eggs rather than hard-boiled temi was seemingly so insistent that susie started to doubt how eggs work and went looking it up the hard-boiled egg emanates a feeling of pity towards you there's also birdly and catty's room jockington also seems to be stashed away and the last room is asriels if you say no to peeking inside you have the feeling you wouldn't learn anything if you instead say yes you open the door with your eyes closed you saw nothing which yeah obs chris that's how eyes work the queen informs us that everything we see in our rooms are catered to us gleaned from our internet search histories which would explain why everyone has a room in the cyber world including characters like jockington and caddy despite them never seemingly been brought here themselves the queen's mansion is more like this data warehouse we all know that companies like facebook and google data mine as much from us as possible building up these personality profiles based on our search histories and interests and so seemingly the queen is putting together these profiles in the form of rooms to house people in the eventuality that they arrive in this cyber world interestingly when inspecting these different rooms we have things like birdly and jockington but we specifically have caddy with a y not caddy with an i most of the other ones we see are chris's classmates or of a similar age now alongside our literal brother asriel we have caddy with a y someone who would instead have been asriel's age so either their information has been catalogued the same as everyone else or there's a theory out there that at some point asriel and caddy went on their own dark world adventure and considering the much larger theories that i'm not going to get into right now where i have previously thought that noelle's sister is unfortunately dead many have suggested maybe she's simply missing and that could be a story beat of a future chapter that deaths has been lost in a dark world all this time lancer wishes that rules card was here to help with the puzzle comparing him to poliacci suzy comments that is this because he's some sort of genius but it is instead known that he is very like a sad clown this is in reference to poliacci the famous italian opera that is a about a sad clown without attaching a specific theory to it this is just kind of interesting considering we specifically have a sad clown character in this series hurry up lancers getting pale but i like pales susie warns hurry up lancers getting pale but i like pales this is a bit of a call back to chapter one when lancer threatens to put all of our blood in a big pail which itself was a homestuck reference which then potentially ties back together specifically with this room of the light or rather shadow puzzle the pink house itself is somewhat like the homestuck logo while it's certainly not a one-to-one people have suggested that maybe these different symbols are meant to represent some of the different aspects from the homestuck series this wave could either be breath or life the radiating sun could be the aspect of light and then i don't know this big blob of a cloud or something could be hope definitely the least identifiable it's all pretty loose i'm not overly confident in any of it but it's kind of interesting with the connection to pales and we know that toby's simply been heavily involved in that series there's an extra bit of dialogue if you shine the blue bird spotlight on birdly chris stop taunting me with that appealing blue shape you're just lucky this isn't online or or you wouldn't be able to taunt this is actually a smash bros reference as with the launch of super smash bros ultimate the ability to taunt online was disabled when you solve the puzzle using susie's suggestion you're cheating just like when you wave dash which is a specific move you can use in the smash bros franchise except in the world of deltarune it's super smashing fighters i like the meta joke that susie wishes rousseau was here to teach the lesson on morality that really has been his role through the chapters so far when lancer is turned into a statue if you push him all the way to the left right up to the table he will rotate pull up a seat a plate of spaghetti drops out of the sky as well as a bib and if you leave and come back the spaghetti is missing he seems to be well taken care of somehow still managing to eat his dinner after ralsay rejoins the team these swatchlings have something to say about it ralph say good luck although you only joined us for minutes we'll miss you when we enter the room with the pottery wipe your shoes have fun respect the pottery and the fourth rule have fun again five list entry duplication error if we choose to skip around the pottery all of it and actually don't break any as fun as it may be a pot is dropped on our head at the very end which we can attempt to balance and usher out of this room the whole way if you backtrack this room without having broken pots along the way on the ground it's okay if you dropped the pot off of your head that doesn't count as breaking one pot you will still get this ridiculous sequence it'll now be filled with pots and susie makes a point of going around and smashing every single one of them on her own just for fun why wouldn't you seems like she's having an absolute blast and then you can't even ask her about it the further back you go the more pots there are and she just goes to town you can help her out destroy every possible pot take that queen and back to the original room with its lone pot when you leave and come back all the pots are back and susie will start crushing them all over again it is possible to make it through this entire obstacle course with the pot balanced on your head you kind of have to let it over tip to one side and then compensate it through your movement a little bit of caution it can be done relatively easily but there is actually no real winning here after you cross the line hey not bad chris with a little punch on the arm knocking the pot over susie just beefs it which is hilarious and yeah you get attacked no matter what you will always break one pot you can talk to the different swatchlings while balancing this pottery through this room they'll all say the same thing please do not race the pottery except for the very last swatchling although they only seem to have an alternate bit of dialogue if you talked to other swatchlings in the room first yes we see you you are the master of balance looking specifically at the task manager's design color scheme outfit and even the whip they use it's all very similar to the ace attorney character franziska von karma there's a lot going on with this character i'll start with a quick gag when using susie and rousseau's r and s actions on the task manager susie barked madly rousey listened closely alongside the barking susie has this little beware of susie sign you know she's acting like a dog to try and scare the cats and if you have the devil's tail equipped task manager will specifically comment on it chaos chaos no order order now get rid of that silly tale and there's very similar dialogue for equipping the devil's knife simply ending with now get rid of that devil's knife task manager obsessed with order and a boar's chaos whip it good which itself is a reference to an old devo song simply titled whip it with whip it good being one of the lyrics but the game specifically capitalizes chaos and not order this is some potentially elemental primordial force in this world and task manager seems to specifically be aware of jevel and stands in opposition to them shouting things like order order is kind of a common maybe tropey phrase for a character that seemingly also has these connections to a courtroom with the whole ace attorney reference going on and the task manager is obviously a play on a task manager a computer function used for organizing and ordering the tasks you have open the way it all ties into jevel is very interesting if we attempt to order the task manager you ask task manager to show you order she obliges and once things are sufficiently organized they can be spared i've just found it so interesting that while the character of jevel is entirely separate from everything else we see in chapter one with a few comments from shawn seemingly being the only thing we really have to go off of we now suddenly have characters like spam and task manager that are specifically aware of them they weren't always the hidden away recluse that we see now if you head back to the room with the portraits this task cat is running around and the swatchling butler is chasing it continually sweeping up its paw prints obviously these pictures of queen are modeled after mona lisa you know with the addition of fire breathing capabilities but my favorite detail with these is that there's a little laughing segment of the song at which point all of the pictures stop spouting fire and actually laugh along with it for a moment they're also seemingly playing that game where they make you look at a circle below your waist the queen's trolling us pretty hard there oh me oh my the kitchen is infested with vermin i knew we should have properly finished dumping all the cheese in that alleyway which gives us a little bit of context as to why there was an alleyway that was filled with cheese i thought about including every one of susie and rousseau's s and r actions but most of them just aren't that interesting but i really like the one when used against the mouse susie got on all fours and chased the mouse around the room like an animal ralph says started putting peanut butter on a spoon and put it in a trap susie was captured susie the hell are you blaming me for you made the trap the mouse wheels line rolling around at the speed of mouse is a reference to rolling around at the speed of sound the first line of the cityscape theme from sonic adventure 2. [Music] back in chapter 1 clover had a line when checking them two heads are better than one three maybe not we have a quick call back to that with the mouse wheel in this chapter checking it two mice are better than one three maybe not when navigating the dialogue options of swatches shop when inquiring about their outfit a monochrome look black suit colored glasses many people have failed to imitate this look some even going so far as to attempt to impersonate me in order to get the oh never mind macaron seemingly maybe spamtin was imitating this guy's look in order to get we don't know what the cafe owner talking about their mission statement one of the things seemingly done for the queen was to have melons smashed with karate chops repeatedly for no apparent reason to have barrels thrown from the rafters seemingly referencing both fruit ninja and the donkey kong series there is a item you can buy that is the butt juice short for butler juice it changes color with temperature same as the swatchlings do and if you try to give it to susie specifically do you call this reacting to the butt juice and we also have spaghetti code woven by master coders the spaghetti code item is a reference to a running joke that team fortress 2 has quote spaghetti code basically building a game over that many years makes the code increasingly complex and unwieldy it's been documented that the developers started leaving notes to themselves in the code over how poorly some of it was strung together leading to jokes about spaghetti code this concept and joke has now been applied to all sorts of games and really when it comes down to it all games kind of have spaghetti code because making games is hard and it rarely comes out as you intended when first writing things out and then from there it's just a matter of trying to adapt change and fix things as you go so while there's an origin for spaghetti code basically every game is spaghetti code chainmail is just a brilliant gag you know like the medieval armor of having a male of chain but it's obviously also meant to reference the old spammy messages that were sent around back in the day send it to 10 others or it'll lose its defensive rating the queen statues all around this room are all meant to look like the famous marble statue the thinker an extra little gag once you've found the secret in this room and speak to the hacker i'm retiring from hacking the mainframe i decided to use my powers for the good of society i'm going to reverse engineer the code for super smashing fighters so i can put my favorite cartoon characters into the game just once again tying in the recurring idea of super smashing fighters our parody game of super smash bros something toby's obviously a big fan of as well as connecting to fan mods of platform fighters like project m designed to add additional characters to those games this gag with the queen trying to get chris to get the banana comes up at two different points in the game it's seemingly quite random although it does lean into themes of this chapter of control seen most prominently through that snow grave route stop everything chris get the banana potassium but if you do instead swerve wide around it chris you are going to get sick chris get the banana chris isn't gonna do what you say that's okay chris it's good for you if we veer wide away from the banana fools i wanted you to avoid it now you will become potassium deficient it seems like such a weird gag but night margin the creator of one shot actually commented on this over on twitter seemingly they were suspicious that this had been a reference back in chapter one with some of these goopy faces on the wall but now with potassium it seemingly confirms that toby is a fan of the yuminiki fan game dot flow the two in combination create this very overt reference but if you look it up there's potassium memes everywhere it's a joke surrounding the game not something actually found in the game there is an npc in that game who is nicknamed smile something of a recurring motif in the delta rune in undertale series at one point smile has a direct voice line in the game what they're saying is you're a sick girl but i'll see you again however there is a relatively heavy accent delivering that line and but i'll see you again really starts to run together but i'll see you again but i'll see you again but i'll see you again potassium potassium potassium potassium that first part is up for debate i've seen you sick girl you'll see girl you're safe here you'll sink in here there's a lot of suggestions i don't think there's ever been a real answer again so there now we know the specific details of where potassium actually comes from in that game and tied it together to the idea of smiles something i now need to tie back to chapter one with these weird eyeball symbols but we again see these eyeballs when ralsay is describing the titans something that is probably going to be a major part of this series being teased right from the opening moments of the first dark world i've seen it pointed out that this middle titan seen when raul say describes the roaring is quite possibly the statue that we give the umbrella to in undertale after the sequence where the annoying dog crashes us into the wall off to the right we have the supreme table in the bottom right hand corner of toriel's classroom we have the throne of gods just a big old stack of chairs the supreme table you won't be able to use this without the throne of the gods i don't know why people are stacking all these things together but it's interesting that it's tying together something from a different room of the school especially when we're not currently in the school at all but in the top right hand corner we also have a little gerbil watering unit something we had already seen in the king's cage in the dark world when the king asks you if you've come to humiliate him hell yeah eat it old man hey why the hell does he get a giant water thing jealous are you then gays and envy whelps as i suckle from this giant hamster bottle feel despair never mind and this actually does come up once more when we have the king and queen in the same room at the end of chapter two well it's hamster wheel so you two have come to humiliate me no i'm serious it's cool [Music] that water bottle however do not speak your love to royal water bottle [Music] it's nothing compared to the one in my mansion so i don't know for whatever reason royalty in this world just really likes drinking out of a giant hanging tub of water it doesn't sound that bad it seems kind of convenient i want one like next to my bed honestly in this quick shuffle game there are two bombs and a key even if you find the key it still acts as a bomb to open the door selecting a bomb requires you to dodge bullets and you can try again birdly refers to rousey as our lackey chris do you think of me as you're lackey of course not you mean you think of me as more than a lackey of course really i i'm happy to hear that i've never been someone's lackey before once birdly and noel head off through their shortcut if we head to this door to the right we have the giant statue seemingly attempted to be flushed down the toilet the statue of birdly is wedged in the toilet you glanced back at the bathroom door sign the sign has a silhouette of a birdly statue everything checks out no problem here is another reference to earthbound whenever you check on something you can't otherwise interact with although queen hanging off his bicep has been removed when we head into the side room of the acid lake we now learn that the queen portion of this golden statue is going for a little bath in the acid river when we head to this room with the stranded swatchling thank you for your help i'd gone up there to do a little house cleaning because he's cleaning a little house not that he's cleaning it a little bit and got stuck interacting with the houses drops down a lone piece of pottery if you then shatter it he tries to attack but he's grateful i suppose we'll just have to let it go this once if you interact with this castle before you get the wherewire's attention this castle looks like it has worn many sieges after defeating the wear wire you both get a chest with a revived dust and it seems that peace has returned to the castle queen threatens noel to listen stop hesitating if you don't come a certain bird might take a ride in the acid river sounding as though she's directly threatening birdly but as we eventually see this is something quite literal not even a lie it's no secret that toby is a big fan of the french rpg maker game off it's a well-known cult classic both games were obviously inspired by earthbound and this section ties in a few references there are also sections of off that need to be navigated with a swan boat in that game crossing a river of meat and as a funny visual reference it kind of works as an inverse where the land is neon green and in deltarune it's the acid river that's neon green and the melody of this track acid tunnel of love has some similarities to the song featured in off a stab of happiness [Music] ralph say asks if it's strange to say that it's nice spending time alone like this it's strange or then i uh sarcastic i was just being sarcastic sorry about that when we first met i was so nervous about first impressions if we instead had said i feel the same i'm happy hearing you say that chris when we first met i and then the dialogue kind of carries on ralph says struggling to dish out a compliment saying it's nice that we and susie are ourselves it's nice that ralph says rousey huh no one no one's ever said that to me before i i i mean everything's a first for me but hearing it from you it means a lot i just wonder what being ralph say like even is sorry i got off track let's just enjoy the ride chris everything's a first for me is kind of a weird line i think ralph says saying everything with friendships is a first for them but is there a weird implication there that characters that exist in these dark worlds don't exist until the moment the fountain is made and they just spawn into existence with a full backstory already existing i really don't know i'm gonna have to assume i'm reading into that line too much and if you don't respond seeing as there's some pretty serious implications of what being chris really is or means it's just like you to be quiet right now that's right isn't it it's so you like i guess i like you like things when we arrive at this house island there is a lot of goofiness with this rules card battle on the acid lake so i'll kind of set the stage a little bit doing a bit of the full lead-in and then start picking apart the ways this can branch off and differ first in his own ship coming down announcing chips ahoyah landlubbers which i guess is a reference to chips ahoy the cookie i think he was trying to say ships ahoy now beholdeth the form of thou destroyer whatever this thing is revealing the thrashing machine we would have designed for susie and lancer in chapter one squirming with jealousy at my battle caravan tis an effigy of an ancient god of combat i rescued it from the king's trash heap and fixed it up in this world's scrap shop it's uh it's actually a rejected design we made and soon now shall taste this rejection firsthand in the form of various bullet cysts if you instead had chosen a duck head body and legs after this rousey will respond um that's just a duck i know with what hit art ruffian go forth my squeaky ducky the thrash machine reluctantly fights you it recognizes its master perhaps when rules attacks us in this battle he throws these boxes at us ones that we specifically saw him use in chapter one but they do reappear in this chapter it just takes a little bit of searching if you backtrack to the first mouse puzzle there's maybe something a little familiar an invasive species of puzzle has taken over the room again backtracking to the second mouse puzzle we have a lineup of blocks an invasive species of puzzle has taken over the room shows that he was kind of running around in this cyber world while we had our own adventure going on before meeting back up with him here apparently he just feels the need to fiddle with other people's puzzles i guess it's a fun detail apparently it's incredibly common to draw in this little puzzle battle against rules card on stream i very accidentally won because i cornered all of his houses and stopped his ability to expand he can't take houses diagonally so if you just angle off towards him very quickly rest for a turn to build up four house placements you can dominate the board really aggressively and trap him in his corner finishing the battle quite suddenly with you as the victor there are different bits of dialogue depending on the end result it seems that the game has been overed if we lost and though i have the most real estate finally i've won [Laughter] how does it feel with worms to be bested by the best to be laid low by the duke of puzzles [Laughter] [Music] um so what happens now what uh you had more houses so what does that even do gladys thou asked you don't have any plan do you shut its yawn apis and behold my truest power if we win what house doth you have more houses so thou hast triumphed not you have only seen but one percentile of my weapon's abilities at which point he begins to power up again prepared to fight us before statuffication if there is a draw i have no idea who won or lost so we hath an equal number of houses i suppose thou thinketh that means it thou have matched my abilities and if this was instead a duck not that plump duck aren't not but the appetizement watch watch your growing and huge destruction if you check rules mini boss for hire will appear even if unhired i evenest do partise when you had the duck thrash machine and rules six it upon you fly my ducky fly this is potentially a reference to the infamously misquoted line from the wizard of oz everyone always quotes it as fly my pretties fly i haven't had that in my own head apparently it's actually just now fly fly [Music] well later calling dorothy my pretty over the years we've just kind of mashed the two of those together the thrash machine will occasionally send out duckies at you if you allow the duck to hit you it only does one damage the duck will charge us down squeaking all along the way if you allow the duck to touch you it explodes still doing one damage before coming back this thing could just explode and respawn as much as it wants i guess the enemies ship seems to have fallen in love with yours duck to swan if you insist on fighting rules rather than taking part in the little mini game there's some extra dialogue always the house is thoused fool the houses stop hitting with me and play with my minigame you rogues and after just a few short attacks you won except then rules immediately claims that he won the fact that neither rules nor lancer is compatible with this dark world but ralph say is seemingly tells us so much we just obviously don't know what yet you can swerve towards these tiny houses and the section leading up to rules is fight while the queen is talking to you the more of them you color in the more tp you start that battle with for the camera you're allowed to do various poses hug rousey chris did it really take a picture of that um let's keep going once susie has rejoined the party you can head back i was fishing for lost pottery in the acid when i found this photo please take a look uh it sure is a nice photo susie do you want it for your room the hell would i want this for if you do a rude gesture chris did it really take a picture of that it's the same dialogue but rousey is visibly shocked rather than blushing the swatchling discovered it again while fishing rousseau has no comment this time and susie is impressed that's awesome chris if you do the peace sign i bet it must have been a wonderful picture what we were facing the wrong way more fishing and showing us the picture please take a look chris you look nice in this one choosing to do the peace sign is a reference to earthbound when the photo guy randomly shows up and ness gives them the peace sign even the way rousseau and chris turn towards the screen rather than the camera could be mimicking the way ness would similarly face the screen rather than the photo guy or if you do not pose that's okay chris let's keep going and no pictures taken and if you head back there's obviously no picture to see and an interaction that exists in any of these branches it's completed its migration and if you do not get a photo taken ralph says status is now blank prince doesn't even have a photo if you come back to this lever after having done the whole lake segment pulling this lever summons a swan boat you think about releasing enough swans to clog up the river if you interact again ah are they reminiscing about our ride not quite ralph say if you send the mice out without adjusting anything they collect one dollar from the chest you don't get anything when adjusting just the one house they found twenty dollars you don't get anything if you solve the puzzle without the mice opening either chest there doesn't appear to be a way to make it back onto the platform so seemingly no one gets the money so i don't know you might as well let the mice have it after you open up this bridge if you head back pulling the lever back would undo the high five you can't undo a high five when on the ferris wheel discussing looking out the window suzy says seeing everything small makes her feel like susie zilla or something i could wreck the whole city this is paid off at the end of the game if somewhat indirectly when chris and susie are watching tv together on the couch they're watching a purple dinosaur on the tv who's wrecking the city a giant monster movie special always liked them better than the giant human movies seemingly watching some version of a suzy zilla like program suzy telling birdly may the smarts be with you is meant to be a riff on may the force be with you may the force be with you goodbye old friend may the force be with you and birdley follows that up later with made the smarts not be with you if you tell ralph say you don't care about what susie's doing right now oh are you sure it might be interesting you aren't wondering at all perhaps if you could potentially see it would you want to know really don't care well then i suppose if you aren't interested that's that let's keep going chris geronimo and you straight up end up skipping that scene between susie and noel when visiting noel's room within the mansion whoa this statue rocks hey ralsay can we take this for my room but that would be stealing you stole the susie-like statue something that we've obviously seen before when rousseau is detailing the three heroes who are destined to save the world and we add the suzy like statue to susie's room jealous of my cool statue chris huh what no it's not me it's just cool we can also interact with this head of ice e from the search is ice e real cryptid it's a cross between ice e and something else hey chris take this for your room that would be stealing you stole the icy statue for some reason now we have icee's head inside our room this maybe isn't the best thing in your room that's obviously the moss we all know that in this room these swatchlings are watching a video about the creation of the dark fountain it's apparently too smoky to see who the knight is queen has been watching very closely also it's cyber city's funniest home videos referencing the old tv program america's funniest home videos this is today's dinner entertainment i've heard it's called the birth of a fountain what an elegant name this is a reference to an old film birth of a nation one of the most controversial films ever made as it is considered a fantastically well made film but it is one that argues in favor of racism with the kkk being seen as the story's heroes it's actually pretty dark to think the queen is brainwashing and indoctrinating her subjects like this if the actual subject matter shares anything in common considering how careful this series is how it uses and presents character pronouns i find it very interesting that the knight is specifically referred to as it creating a fountain by its hand not he she or there that could just be to keep a little bit of the mystery going or it could actually be a little piece of evidence and again towards the end when the queen is describing the knight it deigned to create this world reaching its long hand to the sky it coursed its will into its blade potentially this is just used because these characters appear to know nothing about the knight at this save file after the acid lake everyone is together but the wind blows coldly this detail and sound effect both carry a vague familiarity after a genocide route in undertale upon relaunching the game there is a black screen with this wind howling it might not be the exact same sound file and i think that one was referred to as the black wind but i can't help but think of it in this top floor of the mansion in the area where you fight the queen there is this one straight gray pixel in the same spot there is a stray pixel in the king's fight why why does toby torture me like this the song heard when fighting against queen and birdly together is attack of the killer queen yes i know it's also a jojo thing but jojo was referencing queen the band so it's kind of a pippis in the egg sort of thing which came first the queen mentions our screams of funny animals and candied games which funny animals could just be any sort of meme or silly cat video anything like that but candied games is potentially a reference to popular mobile games like candy crush the queen herself even admits that she's primarily a mobile gamer during one of the queen's attacks where we see a bunch of random faces of different citizens spewing out their comments we have a chance to see the everyman appear this recurring mysterious figure throughout the series so far who we still kind of know nothing about the everyman is actually the only one of these to specifically say nothing when appearing on screen in the first part of this final battle against the queen where she brings in a plugged in servant birdly if rather than acting to save birdly we focus fire on the queen and ignore him entirely she lets you know that you've only depleted the health points of her chair i can simply make another barrier using my drink bottoms up wait a second hey chat does anyone know what happened to that stuff oh dear it seems someone sipped up all of my shield power in other words nothing's stopping us from beating you up now huh well not nothing she throws birdly in front of you mr birdie here still has maximum hp so unless you want your dear friend to get hurt i recommend letting him hurt you instead birdly turns against her you won't control me what what are you doing taking off this plug stop stop that at once your arm will stop and with a massive explosion birdly sets himself free what the hell man your arm is that was stupid yes it was wasn't it it's not praise chris suzy i can't do much with a fried wing please promise you'll save noel we we promise birdly hey hey birdly are you okay everything getting dark only and then and the same as before he tries to get a kiss off of alpha suzy after our whole conversation about how it's okay to make mistakes and burnley took that as meaning being dumb is better as we head off to save noel he says may the smarts not be with you being a little bit of a double spun play on may the force be with you if you keep pestering him on the ground here he thinks chris is flirting he turns them down susie is who he chooses to pursue in the visual novel of life if you leave and head back through either direction of the screen susie will be following the group again and you talk to birdly ah susan returned to feast upon my sprightly visage what you look awful ah such dead is soon to my ears this is a reference to the common anime archetype soon did it i can't quite hit my r's the way that you're supposed to in japanese the terms soon soon means to turn away in disgust or anger while is to become affectionate i've tried my best with the pronunciation it's my first stab i've ever taken at it so turning away in disgust and to become affectionate birdly is implying that susie is a cinderella character arc where she is rude to him to hide her feelings and will eventually become affectionate what the hell are you saying how about a kiss for luck now that is a common thing and has been around for centuries a kiss for luck but the way it's presented here is seemingly directly a reference to everybody's favorite zelda game link the faces of evil how about a kiss for luck you've got to be kidding it's somewhat generic but knowing the way toby likes to reference this game and series it's much more likely to be an actual reference stop mumbling a kiss for me to change rng random number generator because he only speaks in gamer terms when everyone wakes back up as birdly gets ready to leave uh huh that's funny my right arm won't move oh it must have fallen asleep here i'll carry your books for you birdly ah noel you're always helping me thank you and as they walk off we can see that birdly's arm literally isn't moving anymore there is one more minor difference after the point in the battle where birdly unplugs his own face when assembling everyone ahead of this final encounter the original version plays out like this fear not your knight and glow-in-the-dark armor is here chris suzy my energy is still too low to help you fight so i found help for you behold comrades and the other version with birdly's broken wing or arm i am totally unsure what to call it as we fall to the bottom birdly swoops in to save the day even with his bandaged up arm chris suzy i can't do much for you like this so i found help for you behold comrades every character you recruited along the way will join this final form if you instead attacked and chased them all away none of them will be here to join this final version the golden statue is retrieved from the toilet and your thrash machine joins as well regardless if it was a duck or anything else when we assemble our own mega mecha fighter to fight the giga queen all the different characters are assembled in a way that feels very reminiscent to constructing a megazord in power rangers this reference is further reinforced by the music powers combined this song is specifically made to match the main theme of the old super nintendo power rangers game [Music] going even further with that the battle theme here knock you down shares a sound font with the end boss theme of that same power rangers game [Music] and the way the characters start announcing my jpeg and other skills that they're contributing feels a lot like the assembling of the fellowship of the ring you have my sword and you have my bow and my axe i debated this one i thought it felt a little generic but i've seen it brought up a lot during phase two of the queen's boss fight queen says finally a worthy opponent which is potentially a reference to the heavily memed line in kung fu panda delivered by tai lung finally a worthy opponent all of the different thrash machine heads result in different special attacks the laser head has laser mode which has fast attacks increasing damage somewhat and allows for faster punches for a turn afterwards sword head has sword mode power up each hit increases damage moderately and makes each successive hit stronger until the next miss flame head has fire mode with power attacks increases damage from attacks afterwards with about 420 initial damage on phase one and of course we have the duck mode with sucky attacks with the duck head using the duck mode attack which are listed as being sucky a totally sucking aura fired up it's not that these attacks are bad it's that they actually suck up life to heal you i don't know the exact conditions but after making it through the first two rounds without getting hit by specific attacks the queen will power up with this glowing blue aura i believe it makes her faster and stronger but it also results in her taking more damage if no buttons are pressed when first trying to attack the queen oh did you forget how to control a giant robot there are keyboard controls inside press the buttons dodge and punch and if you whiff one more attack one more time press to dodge and to punch which will then repeat on any subsequent failures if you do not react to the queen's big final baseball attack i have more extremely slow moving obviously punchable giant baseballs where that one came from if you lose against the giga queen she repeatedly ducks down referencing the action of teabagging in multiplayer games now leaving the dark world and arriving back in our overworld hometown the closet is spacious and full of old electronics a large person could easily fit inside maybe this has to do with the giga queen but it seemingly has much darker implications on that genocide route the closet is full of many backup devices like extra mice extra keyboards or extra maracas this is a callback to chapter 1 when inspecting the library and we could see the annoying dog inside of playing with maracas instead of finishing the game they were working on a bit of a meta joke expanded on further here when inspecting the posters in the computer lab at the end of the cyber world sequence pretty typical interaction to begin with and on the second time you suddenly thought about how your day might have been different if the poster with that orange cat was still on the wall this is a reference to a real world motivational poster that was popular around the 90s of this cat trying to just hang in there although the hang in there cat isn't always orange so it's very possible it was meant to be a garfield poster and seeing as the ferris wheel literally appears in the dark world mostly what this is saying is that if things around the room like this poster had been different it would have literally changed your day through its reflection in the dark world we can see in the library we're no longer blocked from going upstairs i'd hoped there would be something more exciting up here we can still talk to this bent over bird character i love reading books especially the books upstairs but with them in the way we can only actually access a couple of them it's book one about souls in undertale it's established that monster souls are composed of love hope and compassion well human souls do not need any of these traits this appears to be further reinforced with this text although it never specifies if we're talking about monster or human souls the soul is considered to be the font of compassion the source of our will the container of our life force but even now the true function of it is unknown there's an added layer to this considering characters in undertale will talk in unique fonts and they all have those different typer values as discussed in the gaster video volume 2. but really it's just a hyper-specific word choice from toby font is the root word of fountain basically it is saying it is the source of the compassion with fonts fountains being incredibly important to this game the container of our life force but even now the true function of it is unknown and on the other shelf how to care for a human it's a book for monsters on how to care for humans look in the back according to the card in the back looks like your mother took it out repeatedly many years ago and if you look inside there are photos of unfamiliar humans inside you shut the book quickly what kind of major implications does that have it definitely ties into the events of undertale i don't really know if that'll pay off in this series people have theorized that this character will slide one position back per chapter allowing us to access one more bookshelf at a time to obtain additional lore one of the books in the library reads it's a book of magic tricks most of them require orbs or floating hands referencing the undertale monster of magic upon our second interaction with caddy's dad in chapter one can't blame your brother for leaving town he's out there getting a big brain in the big school hope when he becomes a big shot he remembers us little guys down the street now this could just be a generic phrase it's a thing to be called a big shot but considering how far ahead toby plans these games and how much he loves foreshadowing and planting teases i'm very very curious to see if or how those end up meeting together interacting with one of the bins of fruits in sans's shop grapes melons oranges and the scent of fresh pineapples this is actually a reference to the dk rap from donkey kong 64. [Music] didn't expect to see it here absolutely love it the first time you interact with this sans makes a stupid joke about legumes and jerky but interacting with it a second time how about we don't look at anything that's gonna make him say something stupid pickings are looking slim ma'am just a bit of commentary on the way sans normally comments on things especially when seen in the casino of undertale where his entire purpose was to comment on things on one of the magazine racks there are some car magazines on the racks it might be fun to look at them but there's other people around if you interact with it again it's a fluffy dog magazine the inside has samples like fragrance ads but it's all different dog fur for you to touch hey don't hog the ads and if you repeatedly interact you won't ever actually get the car magazine interaction again this is a reference to undertale characters around that world specifically within snowden will talk about sans taking a job as a century but that he's never actually really doing his job and that he's constantly caught simply reading car magazines so the idea of you trying to sneak a peek at a car magazine in sans's own shop creates this funny layered reference there's actually one more layer to this magazine dialogue in sans's shop there's some car magazines on the racks it might be fun to look at them but there's other people around and mega man legends there's some dirty magazines on the racks it might be fun to look at them but there's so many people around you'd get in trouble if someone saw you there is a special cut scene in sans's if you only go around these shelves i missed it initially people had to tell me to go back hey hey forget something why i yes i i think i left my eggs on the counter guess your memory is not what it's cracked up to be there is really egg on my face now is there not ah you're excused now it sounds as if you were egging me on aegon or egg off i expect a lot from you well i am exceptional and don't forget me your ex-husband uh hello asgore sans it's so awkward he had to turn away tori i didn't expect to see you here but i i have some extra flowers and i was wondering if oh i was just about to go actually oh sure home is where the heart is um so when asriel comes home yes we should all discuss that together soon anki donkey say hi to chris for me of course have a nice day you know what i want bone man yep free pickles why thank you no wonder his fridge was filled with pickles can i ask what kind of flowers do you think would make her remember how she felt before uh maybe you should talk to your plants about that don't worry they're the first ones i asked they're such good listeners you know flowers well yeah nothing like a captive audience now this can just be alluding to the fact that asgore is a bit of a lonely sad sack in the world of deltarune but it simultaneously does work it's a pretty dark pretty powerful callback to the fact that asgore and toriel would have visited azrael's grave and thus been speaking to the captive flower audience of flowey i don't think it's meant to actually tie into that world or bear any specific implications but i think when scripting this out toby knew full well that it would make us think of that he's not necessarily drawing a connection here not one to build a theory around at least but he knows he knows he's messing with our minds yes i even keep them in glass uh like that movie beauty and the beast yes it it's very similar to that movie this isn't the first time this has come up interacting with the flowers next to rudy's bed in the hospital in chapter one will also specifically reference beauty and the beast this is an interaction i think i actually missed when first covering chapter one a bunch of roses in a glass container hey i'm happy your dad brought me flowers but roses what is this man beauty and the beast that ain't gonna work man we're both beasts and if you actually interact with it again chris i love your dad but asgore if you want to go to the prom with me just ask well have a good one i'm trying hey chris uh that never mind yeah i'm the sicko that looks at all the milks to find the best expiration date you got something about it don't talk to me unless you want to look at milk after the cut scene retorial and asgore comes into sans's shop we can again talk to this weird cat can your family not come in here while i'm looking at milk asgore is the one who left rudy flowers if after that awkward cut scene in the grocery store you come to visit sorry i used up a lot of my energy just now probably not going to be very fun to talk to thanks for visiting though chris and you too susie there's an extra line of dialogue after you ask rudy about his situation seems like i need some more tests so just gotta wait it out they can't keep me down for too long baby sooner or later i'm busting out of here besides your dad ain't much without his main man and as we actually specifically saw on asgore's fridge rudy was asgore's best man at his wedding yeah he had to ask the store guy for free pickles damn it man you know i would give you free pickles i'll kick that store guy's bony little ass yeah me too we'll make him into a goddamn xylophone which is a reference to the 1929 short disney film the skeleton dance we have chief undyne and deputy napstablook within the police station we have the entirety of the dog guards locked up seemingly now criminals instead a complete reversal of their prior role we're the infamous dog burglars the wet nosed bandits obviously a play on the idea of a cat burglar but also a reference to home alone which had the wet bandits who always turned on taps after knocking a place over we have this vase of well cared for flowers potentially a holdover from when asgore was a part of the police force showing that even back then he had a bit of a green thumb here's where that death went missing theory ties in people think that asgore was removed from the force after failing to solve that mystery although it seems like his removal was much more recent when you interact with alfie's just outside of the police station she describes an accident she had on her bike working her way around describing what actually happened essentially it seems as though she was distracted by undyne and managed to simply crash it if you inspect alfie's bike it's a beaten bike the horn looks like the horn looks like it might give a hunk of despair which is exactly how the rusted bike from the garbage dump somewhere alfie's frequents was also described there is an extra little cut scene to be found inside the police station when you talk to undyne you have two options you can choose to say nothing without any risk of cutting yourself off from other dialogue options nothing to report huh at times like this punks like you should be home playing video games this is a reference to earthbound in which an officer character has a similar line that we should instead be at home playing nintendo games if you specifically tell her about the dark world huh a super dangerous alternate world in the library more are appearing people might fall inside listen punk uh you seriously think i'm gonna believe that dark world starts spanging on the desk seriously until they accidentally break the desk in half the key flies into the door and who you may ask let the dogs out well i'll let the courts determine that hey wait no not again looks like i gotta go recapture those criminals hey by the way that yellow glasses lady she your teacher she kinda had an accident earlier with her uh bike just wanted to make sure she was feeling better so uh give her this you got a heart-shaped box of candies that says get well soon it has two-year bike hastily scrawled underneath the get well soon look get well soon's all the store had open it and i'll arrest you look i'll even put a note on it now stop interrupting me i gotta go you got the previously described box of candy with a note on it if after this we talk to napstablook oh jailbreak i'll sound the alarm this is actually a remixed and reworked version of pathetic house which was the song that played within napstablook's house in undertale i made the jailbreak alarm my mixtape it's a nice beat to study or relax to while you escape from prison which is just kind of a reference to the the somewhat memey idea of the fact that people would share playlists of songs to study or relax to now i was starting to think it's just those chalky crappy valentine's candies but when giving it to alfie's it specifically says chocolates there are several things we can do with this box of chocolates obviously you can just throw it on the ground there's nothing too interesting there the info on it it's not yours will that stop you keep in mind that we've specifically been shown multiple times across both chapters that chris really likes chocolate the choco diamond in the dark world heals chris more than anyone else toriel has to hide chocolate kisses away from them asriel and chris would go and get hot chocolates together at qc's diner this is a recurring thing when eating this box of chocolates you unhesitatingly devoured the box of heart-shaped candy your guts are being destroyed you accept this destruction as part of life and chris actually takes one heart damage they're that bad either that or it's yet more evidence that chris isn't necessarily themselves at this moment now if you want to be a little less greedy chris you can give the box of chocolates to alfies huh christy have something for me you could say i want to hoard the chocolate um okay i don't know why i thought that which it is kind of weird to assume but if you give the chocolate chris what is that you're giving me a a box of heart-shaped chocolates no no i can't accept that from you what it's from the police you mean she's giving me this uh um get well soon gift to my bike and there's a note on this that says open this and i'll arrest you you little punk chris tell her i appreciate it yeah i'd say that all played off exactly as intended no mixed messaging whatsoever within sans's shop there are a bunch of cards and heart-shaped chocolates get well soon i'm glad your bite crashed kinda kinda doesn't give you a lot to work with does it if you rejoin susie and try to use the chocolates in front of her whoa chris where the hell did you get that someone gave it to you yeah right you stole it didn't you well come on let's eat it and hide the evidence you and susie shared the heart-shaped box of candies both of you had a feeling in your chest ow my stomach that you shouldn't have eaten all of it and finally you can take them to sans's shop what a heart-shaped box of chocolates oh i get it wow you're really hm alright alright okay you want to make a return on these don't you okay okay no need to break my heart here's five dollars you traded the chocolates for five dollars interacting with the soda machine at icee's place if you choose to not inspect it good idea people put their mouth on those you know what what they do right in chapter one i thought that this was a reference to a silly gag in parks and recreation where the citizens of pawnee like to put their mouth over top of the spouts of water fountains but now considering this has come up twice it weirdly seems like in chapter one it was simply a setup for this eventual punchline i always have to wonder to what extent is toby giving things that amount of forethought or if he's just really committed to going back through his own game and paying off as many things as possible the warrior character who was previously put up in the hospital at the end of chapter one is now back hard at work smashing dough it seems like he was in the hospital with his hands bandaged up because he's punching this boiling hot sauce over and over all day shout out to commenter coryn baker for explaining this as well as they did burger pants or pizza pants here talks about his new girlfriend that they've been sending him jpegs of pizzas perhaps similar to those available for purchase at sans's store seeming to indicate that maybe someone is catfishing him from within the town when you talk to bratty in chapter 2 she brings up a pizzeria she's snickering to herself the whole time it was a common thing for bratty and caddy to mess with burger pants in undertale so it's a totally in-character believable thing that they've carried forward with that even if they aren't working together i mean let's be real no one really believed burger pants had a girlfriend but it's fun to have a very specific explanation for what might actually be happening here if we went knocking on this door back in chapter one knock knock knock huh that sounds like the knock of a beginner come back when you've gotten better at knocking now knocking in chapter two knock knock knock not knocking it's amateur you've still got a long way to go we've moved up from beginner to amateur is that a human if humans are made of bones where does skeletons come from the origins of sans and papyrus in both this game and undertale are already so mysterious i made an entire video about sans that circles that idea quite heavily i'm telling ya there's something to this when inspecting the graves at the end of the game these three right-most graves represent the different monsters that were turned into amalgamates in undertale susie will chime in when inspecting the one shaped like a moon with a microphone so uh this is your idea of hanging out chris going to the graveyard works for me i guess with this one specifically that we're blocked from being that for lemon bread an amalgamate that was made out of shiren's sister again tying in this character down at the graveyard we can talk to father alvin if you ask specifically about asriel chris your brother he's a very kind young man perhaps even a little overzealous in his younger days he would visit me often to confess to various sins despite the absence of sin or confession in our religion i remember his small face sobbing as he admitted he had dropped the lizard in the pit to jump high nearly omitting the fact that he had done so in a videos game he also confessed to various sins on your behalf begging for forgiveness for dropping the lizard on purpose i would always forgive him and send him home it adds a little bit more to the characters to know that chris has maybe always been a little bit sinister maybe even beyond some of the more recent implications and oddities surrounding the character but obviously the idea of dropping the lizard into the pit to jump higher comes from the mario games where you could ride around on yoshi and drop them to get a little extra height it also adds an extra little bit to the fact that toriel has specifically told us that azrael basically was a yoshi mane in smash bros or pardon me super smashing fighters and so it must have especially cut him deep to think of dropping his little yoshi pal down into that pit as you walk away from the graveyard you heard alvin mumbling to himself as he walked away were you proud of me father and is it right for this hammer too if you come back there is no additional dialogue but there are so many interesting implications about gerson as a character and it ties in so much to this world at large it adds yet more to this analogous storytelling that's present across these two games nothing is the same in these separate universes of deltarune and undertale but there are always specific details that connect them this guy next to me he's really bulked up i admire that i don't know if you do that bulking up for the winter which this character is basically a skinny version of aaron seen in undertale a character whose entire thing was bulking up as much as possible we can talk to bratty up in the alleyway who goes on and on about specifically hating caddy and not getting along with them a character that we had seen once working in a library now suddenly entirely hates libraries the royal guard brothers are no longer guards but still wear armored helmets potentially indicating that is actually just what their heads are we no longer have jerry but instead of terry the shopkeeper from snowden now working at the cafe this character who used to walk around their little cinnamon bun now talks about their brother being too old to take for walks anymore right now it sounds like i'm just sharing without any real details but i'm doing so to set up something very important that i'll talk about in just one minute here it's all theory fodder just you wait and see gerson was both a historian and some form of educator in both worlds in undertale prior to this he was a hero himself known as the hammer of justice now in deltarune he was a smith by trade who began writing stories and teaching children known for his popular fictional series lord of the hammer alvin now tells us that gerson is actually buried here with his hammer in undertale we learned that even when monsters die of old age they still turn to dust and then part of a monster funeral is to spread that dust on that person's favorite thing then their essence will live on in that thing giving this hammer a lot of significance and as we leave alvin mutters that it maybe is incorrect that the hammer is buried there with him and when speaking to alvin specifically about the hammer he discusses the connection between spirit and the divine and how gerson became a storyteller as it means to entertain his children that such a story created for such a simple purpose could blossom into such a large wonderful world-changing thing that is the majesty of words chris both the idea of this older character who was once a fighter and military man themselves passing on these stories audibly to their children and then turning it into a lord of the blank series is all very much meant to be analogous to j.r.r tolkien telling the stories of middle earth to his children and eventually publishing the lord of the rings if you bring susie back to the lie barbie and inspect the shelf with the lord of the hammer series chris you read that nerdy stuff giant swords hammers bloody battles so if there's any cool parts you tell me right can't believe you read things with uh words but i also like to think there's some larger meta commentary there coming from toby expressing how honored he is that these games have taken on such a life of their own so we seemingly both have this thank you coming directly from toby but extrapolating it even further theorizing more than i usually do in these videos we can see the different ways that everything has been shifted changed and reinterpreted for the context of the world of deltarune which itself matches with the way that dark worlds are created within this game the entirety of chapter one is based on the game pieces found in that storage room chapter two is themed around outdated computers and tech from within the library it even includes specific things like the poster of a ferris wheel on the wall this idea of worlds connections interpretations storytelling history it all layers quite deeply throughout the entire series both games both chapters and seemingly gerson is an incredibly important character to both being the one who specifically teaches us about the delta rune in undertale as if that wasn't enough gerson is literally an anagram of goners something that is critically important to this entire series and i expect at some point is going to have a major payoff i just need to throw all that out there it's very much the starting point of some further theorizing that can come after and i think we could reach so much deeper beyond that i would love to see you guys riff on that little bit of storytelling and comboing of little fragmented ideas there's some wild theory crafting to be done there and i'm very excited to see alvin and gerson and all that built on further in later chapters at the end of chapter 2 far off to the south by this door there is a little cut scene you think it's true you really think there's what you chicken you got a beacon wings like a chicken no just i ain't afraid only kids believe that stuff but chris you gonna be a weenie like chris you want to say that again susie didn't see you there wow really something scary in there huh sounds to me like you'd better worry about what's out here first you okay chris what's the deal with this place well you don't gotta talk about it if you try to head home before revisiting that original dark world hey chris shouldn't we go check on lancer he should be back in the school closet right and there's plenty else to see and do back down in my castle town before rounding out the full chapter newbert only comes to your castle town if you've recruited everyone else possible if not queen actually notices his absence wait where's newbert newbert newby where are you he said he wouldn't come unless everybody else did newbert a hero until the end chris you trust your best i know oh well it seems like a wonderful town speaking to this ball here all alone it's a bit scary moving to a new place but as a ball there's nothing to sphere except sphere itself pretty good attitude actually if you properly recruited every enemy from the cyber world then newbert will show up in your castle town newbertz had a wild ride time to settle down give my riches to the weak and we see the return of this ball character wearing one of the wigs seen in that previous segment of the mansion with this windfall i've ceased to be spherical newbert you're one of a kind my man and there is no recruiting this trash can he just will be here oh boy oh boy i'm trashy haha i bet i'm gonna make a lot of new friends and speaking to the jax slash hat rack coat rack next to them who is this guy he's scary he does tend to concern me a little bit as well there is a scene in the basement that will also only take place if you had specifically recruited everyone you may have bested me but you'll soon face someone more fearsome more tyrannical than you could ever imagine queen we already met her what well nice hamster wheel so you too have come to humiliate me no i'm serious it's cool that water bottle however do not speak of the royal water bottle it's nothing compared to the one at my mansion materialistic as always evaluation denied i simply give myself the treatment i deserve you slept curled up on a dirty throne every day enough wench what purpose have you here queenie beanie just thought i would send a message kingy wingy that you don't have to worry about lancer i will be looking after him from now on after all i am his mother when was that decided arbitrarily right now do what you please with the boy but if he cries bounce them on the ground like a ball i think it is time to abort this conversation as you wish oh quite sorry mine king queen hath a new man about down now yeah who uh i think i left my puzzle on posthaste who was that oh that was my son's lesser father cannot calculate someone less than you be gone bye bye kingy wingy by the way did you want anything from the store cashews order processed we have nothing to discuss and if you try to visit the king when you had not recruited everyone talk to you you left them behind didn't you just as you've left us be gone and there's nothing else to be said although he does appear to have a sweet sweet pile of moss up in the corner there i know looks pretty good to me i also just love this weird gag down in the basement where everyone remained locked up but all the card kings and queens are now dressed as animals whereas the animal crackers are now all wearing crowns it's cultural exchange on this top floor lancer and the queen are hanging out together being fanned by rude and same as chapter one and hanging out in the lawn or beach chairs that lancer and susie also had in chapter one which themselves tie all the way back to the original undertale kickstarter susie chris toothpaste boy queen is teaching you all sorts of things about being a bad guy she's like how do i put this a third father to me a girl dad if you will you mean a mom go outside and play peach boy beach boy peach boy welcome this entire castle is now my room uh uh i was gonna set up something upstairs why i already have everything i could ever want friendship fans and a small round boy now go and play with your friends peach boy peach boy peach boy chris do give noel my regards any leftover regards you can give to birdly i keep ending up in this situation can't say i'm a fan or can i if we head upstairs to our rooms before talking to the king the queen will be here on her own rousseau will soon setup.exe my room for me upstairs do not worry i have a long spreadsheet of demands ready um i'll try my best quick q how many breakable pots do you have i let me count and get back to you on that chris do give noel my regards any leftover regards you can give to birdly after carrying everyone down from the supply closet before really starting chapter 2 properly we have this bloxer with an extra pair of pants i like being like this don't tell anybody and if you manage to specifically add the secret car recruit train at the party dojo we'll make our own dojo for introverts and with a full set of recruits there is yet another pair of pants bringing this guy up to five i've been training don't ask what i've been training though are you impressed and honestly yes i am very very much so good good for you bud as long as you had properly recruited them we have a bloxer and a wearwear wire that appear in the party dojo my power level is falling behind the others all i can do now is gasp and comment on the battle this makes me think specifically of dragon ball z but i think it's making fun of the trope in any anime where the non-super powered characters just stand to the side looking on and gasping looks like it won't forgive you for sparing it unless you can beat it in a fight and the clover will actually comment on them who's that tall dark and kind of creepy person you mean the wear wire their neck just looks so fluffy so like i care she wants to rub her face in it if at the end of the game we talk to sean with a town full of recruits there are many fresh faces in town i see it warms this old fluff to see such hope i was even surprised to see the queen again same as ever well aren't we all and again if we talk to them those three young musical men are talking about setting up a shop here i'm sure you'd appreciate having an option other than me buy the buy it's growing late isn't it you should hurry home once you finish your business here you don't want to get caught when the sun goes down which in a world of darkness i kind of wonder and following up on that comment then yeah these three guys actually have set up a little shop among several other npcs who have come to hang out we have the little nostril-eyed horse character who even brought a small part of the board with them there are a few others down here and the clothes were moved so the worm can no longer nibble now instead at the end it's been moved over onto this mannequin which will actually occur whether or not you actually bought the mannequin earlier in the game many of these interactions are essentially unmissable so i'm not gonna read all those but a fun bit of dialogue on a second interaction with this dummy if noelle was here she'd probably dress it up like a christmas tree why am i thinking about that anyway yo chief if you recruit enough fans for us we might be able to make our music shop again hey we might even give you a discount there's a possibility discount is highlighted in yellow because they sell disks this town's great just wish everyone else was here too i got to keep my box you hear that chief keep up the recruiting if you had instead recruited every possible character there will be a proper shop here venturing inside their music shop welcome to the music room we don't sell anything and we have a payoff to lancer as an item we get to show off his squashy sound that he's used in his rooms or when interacting with him in our menu they simply respond good song considering they specifically create four second long songs it's no surprise that they enjoy this one see a smelly heria when visiting the cafe at the end of the game we can have these different npcs mingling in unique and interesting ways each character has unique dialogue when standing by themselves and some of them have additional dialogue when paired together correctly so i just thought it would be fun to go through each of those and review the different pairing options and see what they have to say i'll go through the individual characters first starting with rudin hey boss i'll have a dark candy starfee kathy is going to order a heart foam latte looks like it wants to osmose some flavorful cubes looks like it wants to be dabbed with rubbing alcohol everything tastes better with a normally shaped body lemonade please is a reference to itchy and scratchy within the simpsons in an episode where marge complains to the network leading to a non-violent reboot of that show within a show [Applause] lemonade [Applause] please boss you're treating me oh you shouldn't have an absurd gag that i absolutely love head hathy drinks an iced tea in silence note it's not an iced tea a tea that has been made cold it is an iced tea a tea made from steeping ice which essentially means head hathy is just drinking water pee poo nothing beats a nice shot of espresso want me to give you a shot too i was confused by the dialogue of pee poo i didn't really know what was going on there seems quite filthy to say but apparently this is the japanese onomatopoeia for an ambulance the way that we would say we woo or we so in the loving words of my commenters this is just toby being a weeb namo namu very good it's drinking cakes electric milk jpeg which is specifically what those guys used to heal in that battle it has some kind of energy drink ah great gag it's drinking melted cheese want to share my soda we'll both get sick that way boss shall we sit down and enjoy a nice earl grey it's crushing its energy drink with its hand it's getting electricity from the melted cheese like a water wheel and you actually can't place the task manager presumably because there's only one and they're already hanging out over here boss this cafe is so unrefined so plain why don't we make it into an animal cafe you can be one of the animals too boss and their cat seems well behaved now we can start playing around with working on pairing them off most of these come down to these tiered pairings like a ruden with a ruden ranger or a wear wire with a wear wear wire but there's also goofy ones like sticking a cat and a mouse together or a dust bunny and the butler ruden and hathy together sure is great to be here with my best friend hathy hathy seems fine maybe not quite as enthusiastic with a rude and ranger sigh does this guy have to one-up me on everything i'll have a double star faye no triple oh hi boss a big kiss-ass-y smile i'm sure happy paired with a head hathy hathy is letting head hathy have a sip of her latte head hathy doesn't seem so alone a rabbit and a swatchling i'm the dust off his shoulder sukiri we'll make sure to clean our plates confirming zakiri this actually plays up a little bit of a relationship we see forming outside where the swatchling is here sweeping away glad to have so much space alongside of rabbit also sweeping it's nice to make friends that like good clean fun head hathy with a wear wear wire head hathy drinks an iced tea in silence it seems relaxed its partner is so quiet and it says nothing an ambulance and the veer verocon i'll get you next time pippo wants some more sugar we don't get along but we can drink together a task paired with a mouse so i guess mouse go burr wear wire with a wear wear wire it seems annoyed that its energy drink has been crushed it's crushing many of the surrounding drinks there are a couple other specific interactions if you fill the tables with swatchlings boss are you enjoying your butler cafe if you specifically pair off these two and put a wear wear wire north of the head hathy i don't believe this table matters you interact with these two first it's relaxed its partner is so quiet it has nothing to say and the third one now it's staring at the southern seats and crushing its drink hard and head hathy and the regular wherewire don't usually have an interaction they just have their standard dialogues but this guy lurking up at the top does have something new looks like it's about to flip its table over in rudin's recruitment bio shine on you lazy diamond is most likely a reference to the song shine on you crazy diamond by pink floyd ruden ranger obsessed with ranger shows potentially in reference to power rangers he even has the diamond pattern of the mighty morphin power rangers and a dislike of getting your show taped over is really only something that someone who grew up in the 90s watching the power rangers is going to understand the jig sari specifically dislikes susie's axe because of the way she would have messed with and attacked these characters when on her own in chapter one in ambulances recruit menu an aggressive antivirus it's not down with the sickness a reference to the very memeable disturbed song the task manager is listed as strongly disliking clowns good evening boss today's meal is crisped e23 d28 which is actually a red color it's been deep fried with the finest jpeg artifacting which is a reference to deep fried memes i hope it suits your palette like a color palette palette great gags all around just love that interaction bear with me this is going to take a minute to get where i want to go but i'm about to go deep on something highly specific in these two chapters it hasn't really mattered yet but it's going to be huge when the full game releases seemingly light works as an inverse in the dark world we instead have dark bulbs instead of light bulbs that cast bright shadows on the ground and then we fill up the space with the dark it's just kind of fun conceptually to have things work as an inverse that way but it also adds a lot more significance to the shadow crystal we're seeing that here in the dark world a shadow is something of significance potentially a positive thing the way we would think of a bright light symbolically we think of darkness and shadows as being bad things these are good to the darkness so while we can assume this cryptic shadow crystal will play an important role in future chapters it may actually lead to something good i mean that's one interpretation the two shadow crystals we get come from defeating jevel and spamton two characters who have seemingly gone completely mad so you know maybe they're not the best thing there are different interactions with the shadow crystal using them in the dark or light world whether you have one of them or two with just the one from the devil a sharp shadow moves like water in the hand you held the crystal up to your eye for some strange reason for just a brief moment you thought you saw toys strewn on the floor but it must have just been your imagination so maybe jevel either realized he was in a game or just that he's some darkness-fueled inanimate object we can then inspect it again in the overworld you looked through the glass for some strange reason for just a brief moment you thought you saw through your hand when inspecting the shadow crystal there is a small shard of something in your pocket it feels like glass but and if you attempt to drop it you didn't quite understand why but the thought of discarding it felt very wrong when you have that first chapter shadow crystal and use it in the castle town you held the crystal up to your eye but nothing happened and when you have a second one to use in chapter 2 you held the crystal up to your eye for some strange reason for just a brief moment you thought you saw the computer lab but it must have just been your imagination and if used again it doesn't seem very useful and using that one in the overworld you've looked through the glass for some strange reason for just a moment you thought you saw susie glaring at you coldly but when you move the glass away you see her looking at you smiling and making a rude gesture and again for some reason you're unable to drop this item interacting with sham on a fresh save or simply one where you had never fought and defeated jevel he'll simply talk about moving to a new world and hints that maybe you should come see him if you ever encounter a super special secret treasure instead visiting him on a save file where you had previously defeated jevel here we are in a new world and right off the heels of defeating that clown incredible oh what's that it seems like he gave something to you that's right you must not have noticed it that crystal it's nearly invisible but you've been holding it this whole time here i'll take it off your hands and appraise it incredible to think he had a shadow crystal shadow crystals so called because you can only see their shadow call it a premonition but i get the feeling you may find more of these if you continue to defeat strong adversaries like him that is if you can gather more shadow crystals bring them here anyone who's seen my gaster videos will know the significance of highlighting him i'm sure i can stitch together something incredible for you if you have only the first shadow crystal and complete the second chapter it seems that you didn't get another shadow crystal hmm i understand it's no small feat to fight an opponent that has one well then forget it all you're a lightner don't take your life well lightly he seemingly wants you to abandon it all together if you weren't able to obtain this second one when we try to use this thing on our own we're told it's not very useful yet we have shawn over here implying that shadow crystals are something we're only going to encounter with incredibly powerful beings if you did not obtain the jevel shadow crystal but you do have the spam to neo one what is that it appears you have a shadow crystal unfortunately i believe that you were missing one from your previous adventures but are you sure are you sure you didn't defeat that clown perhaps you just haven't remembered that you had yet that's right as long as you ever defeated that enemy in the past then perhaps even now that crystal might turn up somewhere close shaum and this dark world as a whole seemingly have an awareness of these alternate realities and universes which spawn from our different save files if you ever defeated jevel even if it wasn't through this specific save you can go to this cliffside and retrieve the missing shadow crystal and any of the devil's items you would have earned and finally talking to sean with both shadow crystals aha another shadow crystal you found it you can't see it so perhaps you didn't notice didn't you defeat him didn't you defeat jevel here i'll take that crystal now you have collected two of them huzzah you have collected two shadow crystals but don't let down your guard i feel your next opponent may be in reality it may be impossible to win unless you use the power of the shadow mantle here it may look like an old scrap of cloth but eh i can't find it did someone take it well now there goes your one chance of victory giving us a tease of something we'll have to keep an eye out in a future chapter if you talk to him again you have collected two shadow crystals unfortunately without the shadow mantle at two you may remain fate is approaching and it is not on your side there are many unused items equipments armors weapons all sorts of things in the game files seemingly the most important is the unused sky mantle a cape that shimmers fluorescently protects against electric and holy attacks there are currently no attacks in the game that have the holy element set considering the significance of the angel to the delta rune prophecy and the fact that one of the chapters of this game is definitely going to take place in or around the church we've received a few hints for that we can expect this holy element to become important around that time when you return to your castle town and first try to use the save point you touched the light you thought about how you can't go back to the cyber world anymore you considered this carefully and regardless if you actually save if you interact again after a long day the town has grown once again you are filled with a certain power one completely confusing through line of this game so far across both chapters that i don't know where else to discuss why are there so many baseballs in this game it's a giant baseball for parties actually seems the giant baseball is a soccer ball that's been painted over it would be easier to draw that way in the giga queen fight she rains down baseballs on us that we have to punch back at her sending down a mega baseball for their final attack even the moon out noel's window is a baseball why are there so many baseballs easter eggs be damned i want to know more about baseballs in chapter one onion and sands both told us to come back tomorrow we've now seen the payoffs of those setups we have one new one in chapter two when visiting hapstablut when you indicate that you're there to see someone else fine fine fine wanna talk to someone else here oh my someone's here to see me it's you again is it darling oh my why do you keep coming to our door are you a fan of mine as if someone could be a fan of a nobody like me well if you are a fan could i bother you for a favor since the internet went down i haven't had much entertainment do you have anything entertaining darling could you bring it to me by tomorrow that would mean the world to me thank you when visiting rudy in chapter one after the cut scene with noel we can first interact with the sink oh so you're just here to use the sink huh come on chris be a little friendlier now in chapter two if you interact with the sink before rudy hey chris why are you checking the sink that's what i'm asking sweetheart and instead if you had interacted with the sink before rudy in chapter one and again in chapter two damn it all chris you really love that sink huh hatsync to rudy zero don't worry i'm gonna pull it back you wait if you had interacted with the sink without these other interactions rudy asks if we're practicing for tonight's hand-washing marathon showing that maybe this is some behavior that chris has been exhibiting for a while maybe rudy would come over to see toriel and asgore and chris would disappear for long stretches of time running the sink just like we had seen at the end of chapter two there are a few other small interactions that seem to feed into this if you try to use the sink before school it's not yet time to wash your hands and then in the final scene of the game getting ready to bake a pie with toriel and suzy were being steered away from the kitchen sink towards this privacy toriel asks susie to wash her hands whereas chris insists on it oh you need to wash your hands too but chris also will not use the kitchen sink it's a sink you could wash your hands here but isn't the sink in the bathroom better if you interact with anything in the bathroom other than the sink no need for it and if you say no then the tap will be waiting until you choose to run it some external force seems to be guiding our actions towards the bathroom so we can run the tap as loud as possible subtle influences rather than specifically demanding what happens we have some very revealing interactions with the hospital piano starting back in chapter one oh it's you are you here to play the piano again the patients can't hear it well from here but i personally enjoy it it's an obligatory hospital piano shrunk to fit in the corner as a result it's missing most of the good keys and when playing the piano plank hm you usually play the piano a bit more beautifully is everything okay you do seem a little sick if at the end of chapter 2 with susie with us whoa chris you can play the piano blank i almost thought you were serious for a sec what's with that pissed off look indicating that chris is trying that they know they normally can play the piano the implication between the vhs resulting from the video game piano tutorial as well as the two pixelated tutorials from also searching video game piano tutorial some have interpreted this as being a reference to the piano puzzle in undertale suggesting that maybe chris was playing this game within a game and that undertale is a game within this world and they're looking up how to solve it but i think more what's happening here is that since chris is not in control of their own body they've seemingly forgotten how to play the piano and maybe as the controller of this character trying to blend in we're attempting to relearn the tutorial ourselves through this video game we're playing we or whoever is in charge of chris's body at the end of the game once susie is invited over if you try to head upstairs chris this is not the time to sneak some chocolates chris get me some at least sans actually commented on this being a habit of ours back in chapter one toriel informs susie that their couch is no stranger to being used as a bed implying that at some point in their marriage asgore was forced to sleep out here on the couch kind of a weird thing to imply to your child's friend after chris has gone full zombie and climbed back into the bathroom the apple scented shampoo feels lighter than usual implying that at some point susie came in here and drank some up at the very end of the game we have a branching bit of dialogue as to whether or not we should try to bring rousseau and lancer to our world seems a little far-fetched what come on it'd be easy rousey looks like your mom right just say he's a long-lost cousin it'd be easy lancer can even make him a fake mustache well whatever let's just get back to watching yeah let's do it yeah that's the attitude what if rousey became a teacher's pet though or not if just feels like a matter of time honestly well whatever as long as he brings me an apple too what apple shampoo no i didn't drink any of that well whatever let's just get back to watching now back in the dark world we have a pair of swatchlings seemingly preparing for a big festival what are we cleaning up for you ask we don't know a parade perhaps a large event is going to happen in the streets later we were told to make room for something big the swatchlings are maybe just referring to the upcoming giga queen fight that seemingly takes place in the streets this appears to be something that is also true of the real hometown world so the festival is coming up right that thing where the town becomes a carnival stupid right but say you had to uh take someone noel or val say saying no one what i was just joking you don't have to stare at me like a weirdo look let's just go back to watching tv and noel what why are you saying it's so confused it's not like i meant anything weird you know what forget it look let's just go back to watching tv you huh way to dodge the question dumbass i mean if i went obviously you'd be there too that goes without saying right look let's just go back to watching tv and choosing ralph say actually has the same result as if you had chosen noel i laced in a few extra interactions and payoffs from backtracking within this game but there are plenty of other opportunities to do so with an insane amount of changes made through that doing a quick back track first after facing off with the three musical robots the way to the city is now open i think i'll stay in the countryside a bit longer though everything is so naturally green here i'm charmed by the local music and flavors looks like this gamer's paradise has become a gamer's hell i don't know if that's supposed to be like a gangster's paradise thing probably not recently something called internet is having an outage some say it was the secret to queen's know-how since then it seems like she's become quite extreme i'm really only interested in cute digital cats i don't think the internet has anything to do with that all my friends turned into wear wires but it's no big deal i've been on queen side since the beginning so i'm safe complain about queen but she gets a lot done and just a few short screens later we actually have a wearwire wearing that very same hat and he does appear to be gone it seems like he was actually captured in the end there's not a lot to see backtracking there it's pretty early in the game but if you do so again after first reaching the queen's mansion and breaking free i'll work my way forward and show off dialogue that's changed in this time there is now a lone pot from inside the queen's mansion and when you trigger it we get chased down by a pop-up previously you were filled with the power of this cat sign in front of the save point here you're mostly filled with the power of fluffy boys and mean girls the cat sign still comprises about one percent of it the first time around we're filled with the power of not knowing what a sugar plum is and when coming back noelle is no longer in your party all of you are filled with the power of not knowing what a sugar plum is inspecting the pylons hey chris ever think about using these cones using them for ice cream we are basically supposed to be part of queen's army but until she takes over the world we still have to work living as a salary man maybe i was assimilated before i got controlled deep very political pretty much everyone else is a wherewire now kind of wondering if i'm holding everything back i'm not even sure i would make a good wear wire speaking specifically with the addison who would normally offer to give us the marriage shoes with noel i use free look together how about some marriage shoes it's not very often in games we see someone assuming a set of three characters are a throuple i'm sure that's some fans ultimate fantasy in the area that once had the golden birdly statue queen told us to take out the garbage i'd never seen a garbage that big before except for the dancing garbage that lives in the trash heap so i'm guessing he's talking about trashy he was just always dancing around he's a literal big garbage it was a horrible statue but the execution was very good i would give it two stars one to cover each of the nipples it's in a better place now and as we know it's just kind of shoved down into a toilet our musical friends are gone we no longer even have music in this area of the game it's totally silent i came to support the rebels but they aren't here not really sure how i would support them though i don't really want to eat bagels you are filled with the power of silence and the tea guy actually will still sell you tea this is how you're able to get flavors of susie and rousey as well but if you don't choose a flavor who will if you took the shortcut back to an earlier part of the game and walked your way all the way through these traffic sections we then have this enormous toilet blocking our path for some strange reason a giant toilet-shaped toilet is blocking the way back when toby was giving early teases of this chapter he actually included this image i think trying to throw people off sharing something from the game but not anything significant and something kind of utterly disconnected from the rest of what's going on you actually can't pass it whatsoever i think it's just meant to generally make fun of the idea of having arbitrary obstacles in the way of your characters so they can't progress to areas when the developer doesn't want them to rather than putting up a simple barricade toby chooses to mess around with this trope by having undyne doing bench presses with a car or just throwing a giant toilet in front of us apparently the inclusion of this giant toilet was entirely the result of some spriting gone wrong toby requested a toilet sprite it was accidentally sent at this massive resolution and when it was imported into the game toby got a kick out of it and decided to leave it in and then of course toby had to turn that into an earthbound reference in that game for some weird reason a pencil-shaped iron statue is blocking the path and then in delta rune for some strange reason a giant toilet-shaped toilet is blocking the way you can actually come back to these rooms once the full party is back together did you enjoy your room there was a mint under the electric cage don't make a mistake this is not a hotel this is likely a nod to a track from the undertale soundtrack can you really call this a hotel i didn't receive a mint on my pillow or anything and if you try to peek in asriel's room chris whose room is this huh your brother man you better hope i never meet him checking this horn by yourself it tells us about susie fitting her head in the tube coming back with her hey chris if you blasted flames down this horn thing you think it would torch the other side why are you using that face now checking the computer it says that it can't play the skateboarding game look i know what you're thinking and no the skateboard game doesn't work on this even though there's seemingly two copies of it totally bogus towards the top of the mansion there's a book here about preventing backtracking with the shelf specifically blocking a pathway that would allow us to easily backtrack if just ahead of the final battles of the game we choose to again backtrack when going back to the first save point in the game a green field extends before you you've already seen this you're filled with the power of pointless backtracking did queen take over the world yet i wouldn't know i'm not asking you to tell me actually if you do we will have no choice but to cross swords i like cats the best but i heard pop-up is cute too what it's considered a household pest no way next you're gonna tell me that mice are vermin i really got used to the countryside perhaps i'm just a farm boy at heart plus i haven't seen a single pop-up yet down to the south we now have a decrepit camera the camera must be broken and that's all it has to say alongside now having a wig on the sign newbert's gone looks like newbert's screen is moving up in the world i wish there was someone that liked cleaning as much as me shaqiri which then at the end of the game we do learn that this guy specifically finds his kindred spirit of cleaning young masters thank you for such a wide space to clean the people here have such clean hearts as well sakiri it's nice to make friends that like good clean fun security we'll make sure to clean our plates sakiri sorry the roller coaster is under construction apparently someone tried to use it anyway blocking your path in that direction and we can then move on to the trash zone some funny looking guys have gathered to the west they were muttering something about muttering something about deals i'm trashy he's referring to the group of addisons who share the story of spampton i've already covered that i wanted to buy something but i think all the shopkeepers went to the trash dump it's an advertisement for a giant ferris wheel susie is surely thinking of her ride with noel the hell is a ferris anyway some kind of tank with giant wheels all the shopkeepers went to the trash dump so i thought i might steal something but these items are pretty bad feels like i'll get ripped off even if i don't pay the other two puzzle rooms have been removed unceremoniously by a giant hand we asked our guests for their understanding and kinda hoped they weren't in there if you try to access this room again room has been closed due to haters if you had failed to complete this puzzle without giving the mice at least some money when we eventually backtrack to talk to mouse million what have you done you gave the other mice one dollar during that puzzle at this rate every mouse is gonna be wearing a wig and the value will change depending on how much money you let them get away with and to wrap up the video i want to do a revised and expanded look at the weird route or snow grave route which was the first video i did when chapter 2 released while chapter 1 had near universal praise some people were a little upset that the game was so friendly they wanted to re-experience the options of going through a pacifist or genocide route same as undertale be careful what you wish for because chapter 2 now has something which bears implications that are potentially far worse than anything seen in the genocide run weird route is how it's referred to in the game files so that is the official one but i've seen any of these used i'll probably kind of interchange them throughout the video mostly because i think snow grave just sounds cool i'll go through how to achieve it and highlight the differences that you will encounter by going through this path it's not necessary to carry over a save file so if you want to do this for yourself feel free to start a new file at chapter 2. this route changes the final boss dialogue options and counters throughout and has a lot of impact on the ending there's quite a lot of game that can be skipped through things don't really kick off until the trash zone and you can actually play a pacifist or recruiting route up to that point for the sake of this recording i have been fighting everything you actually can't kill the sweet captain cakes trio like i said at this point it doesn't really matter if you go genocide or pacifist but this one especially doesn't play out differently you'll still have to do that dance battle after the coaster sequence ending up in the trash heap this is where this route begins you can still kind of skip forward nothing will be different at this point we need to move ahead and reach noel after the cut scene with the queen and birdly noel will join up with chris noel comments that we're heading the wrong direction and jokes that she already regrets this you must fight and kill every enemy you encounter always blocking with chris and using noel's ice shock move it will comment that she feels she is growing stronger the frozen enemies remain frozen in place initially in the status menu at this point chris is listed as a level 2 tactician commands the party to act sometimes now they are instead of leader commands noel frostmanser freezes the enemy in these earliest battles noel curls up into herself hiding away afraid to participate in these battles at all you can technically attack with chris but it doesn't really make sense to using one single defend gives you enough tp to use an ice shock it's a pretty effective one-two punch and you wouldn't want to risk chris accidentally landing the killing blow as that would then abort this entire run so yeah just stick to that standard defend ice shock defend ice shock no skipping enemies no shortcuts make sure you're fighting every single one chris are you sure this isn't the wrong way once we head all the way to the left over to where spamton shop is the door is locked chris why did you bring me here no one's home no one's around at all it's it's so creepy at the same time it's kind of nostalgic once this run is underway there are various branching points at which you can abort the run altogether and carry forward with the game as per usual at each of these points i will show the abandoning version first followed by the much more horrifying options to push forward on your way back we will continue to fight and freeze enemies along the way you will know things are going well or you know poorly depending on how you want to look at it that trash guy is gone no cars appear additional enemies are added around this time noelle's coldness has skyrocketed up to 100 even though there's no cars there's there's nothing up here i figured i would check you'll have to continue through the mouse puzzle same as usual don't let anyone get away make sure you're fighting everyone these streets are empty the ad agency guys are all gone even if you head up towards this carnival area rousey and susie are totally gone lancer is fast asleep they seem none the wiser it's totally optional to interact with this ferris wheel poster but if you do say that you will ride with noel and then say noel will ride with me [Music] huh i mean sure if you really want to you can make up for when we were kids since when did chris get so no way it's got to be some kind of prank once you're in the room that has the giant ferris wheel advertisement do the following in this order kill the enemies running around using the ice attack same as you have been head over to the only npc in the room oh hon two young beings together on a school night could i interest you in some brand new dating shoes no you've got it totally wrong chris and i are just um friends chris has been my neighbor forever we've been through so much sometimes it feels like we know each other better than anyone yet somehow it's hard to say we're exactly friends make sure you choose the option we are something else what does that mean there's no good interpretation that's for sure as you start to walk away they will stop you if you're something else maybe a dating shoes isn't right maybe i could interest you in a freeze ring huh a ring sorry i don't think we need something like that come on angel you can't get stronger without good equipment stronger right i i guess that's how it works here chris buying me a ring yeah right you will say get it chris you you'd buy it for me sure i guess we could ask about it how much does it cost just a small fee of 2006 dollars i think basically the game will always say it costs one more dollar than you have sorry we don't have that much money still it was nice of chris to offer say you will get it again me you were asking me to get it chris come on you know we can't afford that if at the point when you're pressuring noel to get the ring you eventually back off we're fine yeah we don't need anything like that though if susie bought me a ring at which point the music comes back ah you two don't look together can i interest you in some brand new divorcing shoes and things are fully back on track or we continue pressuring get it what chris i just told you we don't have the money what are you asking me to do you aren't asking me to just get it chris know what not me i could never get it i [Music] you got the freeze ring and here's where things are potentially worse than a typical genocide run not only are we killing everyone but we're corrupting the sweetest most innocent most lovable character in this game along the way what just happened did i actually just no they they must have given it to us the ring besides it's good to get stronger isn't it but thanks chris the obvious implication here being that noel froze them to get the ring here we swap out their snow ring a ring with the emblem of a snowflake with the freeze ring a ring with a snow globe on it is that someone inside everything is now dead silent we no longer have any background music playing in the same area heading towards the south there are the two switches with this electrical gate normally while trying to cross the gate we would have to press on the switch however this time around when you step off the switch the lightning comes back how about i hold it down and you go across nice teamwork see noelle nothing bad is going to happen getting that ring was good wasn't it so stop thinking about it stop thinking about stepping off that switch and letting chris get noel no don't think about that it's horrible as noel is spitting out and beating herself up about these new violent thoughts and tendencies we let her know it's natural chris what are you talking about i must have said that out loud we hear a quick little jingle and the music comes back as a slightly lower pitched version of the city theme i've seen it said that you have to say that's natural it appears either one works now enemies start to run away from us they no longer want to fight if you were instead to tell her tell her it's horrible chris what are you talking about i must have said that out loud then the result is the same either way the genocide route is still in play none of the characters will have return and the individual monsters will still run in fear at a certain point along this path as noel reaches a certain level of strength this dark and icy globe will form around her at the end of each battle there are these three boxes where the sweet captain cakes trio is and on the furthest one to the right you can take cd bagels from the box not infinitely but it might be a bit of a call back because of how similar it is to raiding the shops in a genocide run of undertale you and noel were filled with power at the different traffic stops the timers that will hold up traffic are instead frozen solid in this area with the two very long vertical roads you can optionally head down to the bottom towards this trash can interact looking for irresistible deals that will blow your mind well shut your mouth because you are a weakling try a little friday night workout then i'll show you my then i'll show you my five left so instead of having the little jump scare surprise easter egg with the annoying dog we have spammed in in the dumpster letting us know how many enemies we've defeated at this point it should be down to four so we immediately know that we have missed an enemy somewhere we need to backtrack and find that last enemy for me they were just up here in the road confirmed back at the dumpster four left that's good that's how we know we're on track continue forward to the second mouse puzzle noel will approach it look chris another puzzle how should we solve it this time choose proceed how there's nowhere to go chris there's the the path is blocked isn't it if you eventually back off sorry i'll do the puzzle yeah i thought chris was acting strange but i guess it was just another mean joke or keep pushing proceed chris what are you doing chris is is everything okay proceed chris there's lightning in the way if if we move any further i'll be chris you didn't really hear what i said earlier did you you wouldn't let me proceed chris proceed [Music] then freezing everything solid there looks like i i did it i just listened to chris's command and somehow before i knew it the puzzle was finished what was i thinking chris wasn't trying to hurt me they were just making me stronger again we have a little audio cue noelle's magic and boldness have continued to climb up her coldness is still at 100 i believe it's maxed out as we're making our way forward through the next few rooms there will be four more sets of enemies to fight we'll have no cutscenes or encounters at no point will we ever fight the queen or anything like that keep pushing forward keep defending keep ice shocking [Music] hunt down those mices the mace as they were don't let them get away again at the third mouse puzzle now i'll go ahead and do the puzzle and without any real prompting or goading from us at all isn't it a good thing i'm solving things by myself taking new things for myself defeating enemies by myself and every time i do it i'm getting stronger what did i do when we got that ring when i solved that puzzle it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if i can't remember it doesn't matter if the battles are blurring together if chris tells me to do it i can do things i could never do before isn't it a good thing i'm getting stronger as long as i just do what they say as long as i all finished chris should we find some more enemies now she's getting excited about fighting the pop-ups are actually shifty-eyed revealing themselves worried for their oncoming fight normally they pop out at you trying to surprise attack instead they're now actively trying to keep an eye out and hiding going into battle noel no longer hides away instead swishing into battle fully at the ready now that we've killed absolutely everything we have to head back to that dumpster this time interacting with it angel angel if you say no you are not looking for the ring of thorns then why go to a dumpster this does not stop you from accessing this dialogue he wants to give you the ring so you can start the conversation back up again that will be 1997 kromer no but it was such a good year then instead agreeing to it are you looking for the ring of thorns yes that'll be 1997 kromer a recurring number through the game it comes up quite frequently yes here's your ring careful it might sting you got the thorn ring interacting again don't worry for our no money back guarantee this is one purchase you will regret for the rest of your life make sure you now equip the thorn ring wearer takes damage from pain reduces the tp cost of ice spells which is very important in just a minute noelle now reads ice transfer receives pain to become stronger if you abort the weird route you get to hang on to the thorn ring and can show it to your different party members susie comments that it seems like a torture device while ralph say doesn't actually say anything spamton's dialogue changes slightly if you abort as well and not even giving them a single cent for it doesn't mean you can beat me up just because you bought my commemorative ring at least by two too bad see ya kid moving forwards we have an encounter with birdly noel there you are just in time we can both go back to queen and noel chris it looks like another enemy should i freeze them no l no well it's me don't you recognize me she kind of snaps out of it for a second birdly now well are you okay what are you doing with chris i'm just we're just getting stronger getting stronger how chris what are you doing instead of pushing noel to proceed again birdly i'm protecting her from you from me that that's right what was i thinking just now that's right chris is my friend right what absurdity chris did you leave your iq points at home noel is only going to be protected by me at which point the battle starts regularly wait just listen to me but she gets cut off proceed what proceed where noel what are they talking about that's it chris i don't know what you're doing but if you're hurting my friend noel then i have no choice but to stop you by force chris ready yourself wait birdly stop run away if at some point during this genocide route birdly fight you allow chris to fall now well look chris is down now's your chance to come back over here noelle i can still hear their voice implying that it was never chris talking to them never chris controlling them and telling them what to do noel is slowly taking damage the entire time we have to block normally snow grave a new skill that she has requires 200 tp so you absolutely need the thorn ring to have the tp costs bringing that down to a hundred so you can actually build up to using it just the once we know that when noelle's wearing the thorn ring her health will drop down to and pause at 55 that felt significant i didn't know immediately why people pointed out the roman numerals for 55 is lv which in undertale specifically stood for level of violence but in this weird route you level up through killing same as the level of violence in undertale making this feel like a pretty clear callback to that mechanic and making it inarguable that there is a lot of murder going on here when showing down with birdly you can basically stare him down until he gives up during the battle we choose to act and glare you glared at birdly what trying to psych me out chris well it's not working birdly's defense dropped and we continue to glare his defense continues to drop it takes eight glares to fully lower birdly's defense at which point you win and the rest of this encounter plays out essentially the same way birdly only uses two different attacks but there's slightly stronger variants of what he would normally do birdly will only target chris so keep defending don't worry about healing noel it will stop at 55 health build that up to max tp and use the fatal 100 tp snow grave snow grave i don't know that spell you must continue pressuring to use snow grave i'm telling you i i don't know what you're talking about i'm telling you stop i don't know what you're talking about fine you want to see what happens so bad watch what happens when i cast a spell i don't know noel cast snow grave [Music] what what happened there was so much snow i i couldn't see anything i i don't feel so good i think i'm gonna go home there are some interesting implications here about control obviously we know that the body of chris and the heart that we control are two separate entities and seemingly chris is then able to influence and control noel as well this is truly a point of no return people had originally found a way to hack the files to give noel access to the snow grave attack early to use on regular enemies since then people have found you can do it by boarding the route at a very particular point and there's this one remaining enemy you can go attack and use snow grave against this is seemingly the only time in both chapters we are able to actually kill a darkness freezing them solid probably kills them that's what's heavily implied but there is this unique animation that exists in the game for this particular purpose any other time they just run away from you so yeah full-on murder but at this point you kind of proceed more or less normally that corruption has fully unfolded it's hard to see into the ice chris is still a leader still commands no noel continued to the north where noel walked off empty alleyways along the way until we make our way to a manhole cover interacting with this there's a ladder leading inside if you say no nothing happens but when you say yes you climbed into the manhole here we end up outside of the mansion back with rousseau and susie looks like we finally found the fountain yeah but where the hell is chris chris where the hell were you we were searching everywhere for you even susie was worried huh no i wasn't just you know tell us if you're gonna hey chris you uh okay you look kinda aw chris if you're hurt susie can heal you yeah that's right i'm a healing master now chris i'm even better than rousey so uh if you hurt yourself or something then you could try doing a hug like i did earlier shut up and let's just go already inside the mansion the shop is blocked off by a statufied rules card huh isn't this uh that guy from before why is there a statue of him it's not a statue suzy huh you see each dark fountain creates a different world a world whose darkness reflects the will of its fountain but though those darkeners can exist in their own worlds they might not belong if they go to another one huh so if we just bring him back to the castle town do we have to do that yes whatever it's a familiar-looking statue it's terrible the butlers are all trapped in the cafe queen is nowhere to be found and with no one to defend it a strange force has taken over the mansion we make our way forwards towards the queen at this point it truly doesn't matter if you attack spare recruit what you do you're fully locked in some of the different doorways and paths are now closed off to us these posters don't even spit fire at you anymore and instead you skip vast parts of the mansion we enter a room loaded with pippis's these are the eggs normally only seen during that spamton neo-secret boss fight if you check them the original an invasive species of freshwater clan 4639 liked this they explode into little heads of spamton you won among all the many peopleses there is a one in a hundred chance that you will find a miss peepis which i guess is kind of like a miss pac-man sort of thing navigate the path as slowly and carefully as you can same as you would attempting to make your way through the cheese in a regular run of this game navigating this is pretty tight you're probably going to bump into these things all the time and have to simply defend block whatever you choose to do and dodge the different heads not too tough but can be rather annoying some of the paths are too narrow to walk through stick to the slightly wider ones and you'll be fine going through this hallway purposes rain down upon the path spammed in heads colliding every which way heading off to the left we have little purposes rolling around on wheels trying to head down to the b1 floor whoa you saucy little sponge you don't barge in when a man is changing forms wait wait one second is that my esteemed customer thanks to you and that little hachi mama i am living big soon i'll have everyone in this city eating right out of my i sure hope no one seals the fountain around now no i sure hope i sure hope kid i'm busy becoming a god go play minecraft or something it's not my job to be some kid's extra boss kind of making fun of minecraft and commenting on the fact that he is normally a secret extra optional boss in this game heading up to the very top huh hey it says this is noelle's room chris let's go in and save her and uh you know teach her not to get in our way chris fine i'll do it myself chris don't you wonder how they're doing in there but instead of fading away like it normally would um i said don't you wonder how noel and susie are doing you're right chris it has only been 30 seconds i'll wait a minute first things fade showing the passage of time all right let's go wait wait wait we were supposed to hey let's go wait susie what happened in there what do you mean what happened and there with noel nothing nothing nothing at all just told her everything is a dream now she's feeling better anything else no let's go i'll tell you later chris hey oh well as long as susie's happy right so there's a weird implication there that maybe rousey's aware of the events that were coming that he knew that there was this whole flirtatious scene that was supposed to play out maybe rousseau's just being hopeful but it really makes it seem like he was actively anticipating something happening there there's nothing over at the acid lake we cannot proceed to the left the winds are blowing and we must make our way off towards the queen upon making it to this top platform nobody is here continue on further across the bridge we have the same cut scene talking about the night describing the ways they would stab the world with their willful knife and create new fountains and at the end here i am still empty-handed in my quest noel is in no condition to assist me now she must rest and bird boy i searched for him for ages but my sensors cannot detect him anywhere how thoughtful you two have come to help me chris susie which one of you wants to be the new knight get out of our way noel needs to wake up wake no she has already awakened too much let her close her eyes and sleep away into a darker darker dream something that will read as being very familiar to anyone who's looked into gaster lore and secrets the queen flies away and returns in her giga body now which one of you wants to help me cover this world in darkness queen why would we want to unleash the roaring so much what is that um the roaring yeah that what is that if too much darkness is released titans will emerge from the fountain and destroy everything all darkness will turn into statues and all lightners will be lost in eternal chaos holy circuits are you serious you really didn't know that no so it's basically the same conversation playing out at a different time well my plans are shot my one idea to help noel failed go ahead chris seal the fountain i will not stay in your way any longer and just like that no queen fights whatsoever when you interact they remain staring off into the distance as we continue on susie pauses hey hey wait you don't have to i mean uh it doesn't have to be goodbye you know error i have no idea what you're talking about we have our own dark world you can stay there you know who knows maybe someday you'll even get to meet noel again really maybe fatal exception sweet and oh hell yeah exe susie i knew you were a nice girl hey uh i'm just chris go seal the fountain i i'm gonna go see noel before you do um chris i'll tell queen about our town chris i look forward to being your wacky roommate chris the fountain is waiting for you amazing so i can turn your castle into my mansion wait that's not what i'm saying you're blocked off we can't go back to go and check in on susie or noel advancing forward on the rooftop we have a save point and a vending machine it sells pre-fountain refreshments one bagel 120 yeah you're gonna want to buy like as many of these as you can just to be safe with all that killing you've been doing you probably have a lot of cash why not put some of that cash towards some dough advancing forward by yourself towards the fountain it was as if your very soul was glowing not we have spam didn't come crashing down with their wires let me say let me say thanks thanks to your total jackass stunts i have becomed neo and now it's my mansion my city my world so why are you stealing the fountain the me over right at the good part what are you the game show host ah kid forget it i'm an honest man i'll let you pay your way out of this one hey with your rapidly shrinking life this battle plays out very similarly to the spam to neo fight in a regular route this time however chris has two different act options x-slash does a bunch of damage and fried pippas can be used to heal it's time to be a big shot i remember when you were just a lost little sponge sleeping at the bottom of a dumpster spamton turns to the audience and laughs i gave you everything i had my life advice i told you four left and asked you buy or don't buy spamtan appeals to the audience with a festive jig i gave you my commemorative ring for the price of my favorite year which we've learned 1997. spam 10 begs to the audience spamton prays to the audience and this is how you repay me treating me like dlc what what are you serious it's for you there is no audience no i get it it's you and that hachi mama you've been making haven't you smells like rotten glass you've been making hyperlink blocked and now that you have your own supply you don't need me i was too trusted to honest i've always been a man of the pippis a real pippis person spamton begs the audience to stop taking the furniture out of his room i should have known you would have used my ring for evil oh right that's why i sold it to you when you eat a fried pippas to heal recovered hp with pippas and we have the likes down in the bottom right corner which i really don't know what that's all about you think making frozen chicken with your side chick frozen chicken being birdly and side chick noel is gonna let you drink up that sweet sweet freedom sauce well you're right don't blame me when you're crying in a broken home wishing you let your old pal spamton kill you spamton feels the sweet breeze as he takes a ride around town if you choose to check spam to neo you won't find higher attack and defense anywhere else the smooth taste of neo wake up and taste the pain can a little sponge do this go gaga and die the smooth taste of neo the stage lights are shattered don't you want to be a big shot it pulls the strings and makes them ring clown no i feel sick my esteemed customer i see you are attempting to deplete my hp i think this happens around 10 percent left i'll admit you've got some guts kid but in a one for one battle neo never loses it's time for a little blue light special spamton neo's attack dropped and their defense rose greatly didn't you know neo is famous for its high defense now enjoy the fireworks kid at which point we switched all these pipis based attacks getting heads blasted at us every way spam to neo's defense is towering you can continue to try to attack it doesn't really matter it only lets you do 10 damage enjoy the fireworks we keep getting these heads blasted at us and if their health gets too low they will just heal themselves anyway instead we have to switch to acting we'll see a little face of ralph say chris called for help but nobody came which itself is actually a earthbound reference what you're calling friends you think you can beat me with your friend's magic go ahead kid call all you want no one will ever pick up continue to act val say once more nobody came go ahead and scream into the receiver the voice runs out eventually your voice their voice until you realize you are all alone acting this time it is now susie we see you call for help and nobody came there will be no more miracles no more magic you've lost it when you tried to see too far you lost it acting again suzy nobody came you make me sick muttering your lost friend's names at the bottom of a dumpster no one's gonna help you get that through your beautiful head you little worm acting now it is noel you whispered noelle's name her you're still trying to use her you think she can hear you now muttering her name what's she gonna do make an ice cream hey is it cold in here or is it just me massive damage dealt and our heart carries forward closing the fountain same as it would have at the end of chapter one or on a normal route calling for help from different characters there is a separation at the very end here where you call for noel you whisper her name implying that it is the player overriding a need for chris but nobody came is itself an earthbound reference but was something also specifically used in undertale for the genocide route now after this fight is completed we awake at school still within the library computer lab huh birdly's alarm a dream it was really just a susie susie what are you doing here uh you invited us to study remember oh right i i did didn't i uh you're in a good mood did you have a good dream it was a nightmare oh i'm just happy i woke up the end was nice though what happened well uh even though we wouldn't have seen it we can presume that her and susie still had like their nice ferris wheel ride perhaps hey birdly time to get up and go birdly gosh you've been studying too much birdly honestly you deserve a little rest you know sweet dreams i mean pretty sure he's straight up dead noel is slightly more confident this time approaching things rather directly but what are you doing you don't have a tail do you susie no of course not really that's great her boldness her strength her sense of control is way up that was weird chris somehow it doesn't feel like we just saved the world and then this conversation carries on as normal if you check on birdly he doesn't seem to be awake if you check on this closet in the back the closet is spacious and full of old electronics a large person could easily fit inside i think kind of indicating that we could stash birdly's body in there birdley's probably not dead otherwise he would turn to dust but he does appear to be in some sort of comatose state in the hospital interacting with this little toy off to the side first how it would normally appear it's one of those sliding bead toys that naturally spawns inside doctor's offices the beads march grimly along their set path and now after having done the snow grave route the beads of the toy march on one of the blue beads is broken and torn off implying that these beads on their track are representative of the characters following the intended route of the game by going off track and injuring birdly into some comatose state we've disrupted the intended ordering of events oh my god this full game is gonna get wild isn't it if after we head to the hospital and check in on noelle and her father silver drake huh that's a new one all right what's the plan honey maybe we could try ice shock the move that she was using all through this route ice on the ice palace boss don't you want to try fire shock or something yeah you're right here how about letting me control it for a bit and here we're seeing more of confident noel not wanting to give up any control no i i'll control it myself not like you to be a controller hog honey you feeling all right huh me of course i'm fine dad i just i fell asleep in the library and you know just had a weird dream noel i knew that bird brain to put you to sleep what'd he do start lecturing you on his theorem of the inequality in children's fighter games no no he he fell asleep too wow he even put himself to sleep yeah i guess so well sounds like you two have been hitting the books too hard why don't you go home and hibernate i'll see you tomorrow at church dad are you gonna be okay to go of course you take it easy honey okay then yeah i'll go home and rest and now another little difference noelle will actually notice chris first on her way out of the room chris chris what are you doing here hell if i know susie and carrying on o's this is susie noel runs out of the room when we go to leave hey susie mind if i have a word with you a sec uh guess i'll be a set chris outside of that room we have a new cut scene hearing the thoughts of noel come on it it was just a bad dream even so it was so real i can't get it out of my mind that voice telling me what to do a voice unlike chris's a terrifying voice chris recently there's been something different about them why hasn't anyone else noticed it i i have to figure it out why chris is acting so strange why they keep coming to the hospital if you were to say to see you to see your father either way it has the same dialogue huh chris how long have you been standing there phew you you've really scared me you know keep it together noelle [Music] there's nothing to be afraid of after all a dream is just a dream right then then why did their voice just now sound so terrifying because it wasn't a dream hey chris let's beat it already if you instead choose to say nothing the dialogue progresses as it normally would man he kept telling me about noel like her favorite things places she'd like to go no idea what the hell that was about so uh the hell were you two doing oh nothing susie i i was just about to go home i see you guess she's afraid of me again huh man would be nice if she knew everything that happened was real huh chris come on try to be a little more enthusiastic the player actually maintains control during that scene if you make a movement towards noel it immediately jumps forward to the section where noel recognizes that chris is present stepping again stop don't come any closer with a shaky voice stepping again ends the text boxes if at some point in the run you take off noelle's watch and instead put it on chris during this dialogue option where she tries to convince herself a dream is just a dream interrupts herself chris why are you wearing my watch when did you in your dream at which point susie comes back and we don't get to go any further down that branch the remainder of the game throughout the rest of hometown plays out the same there's a new cut scene with queen when heading back down to our castle town which is fun to say so this is your castle town it's magnificent the population density is so wonderfully low i bet the swatchlings will love this where are the swatchlings anyhow or task manager or even regular task hey chris where is everyone else don't worry queen i'm here me and only me well i guess i'll go to my room uncertain we know toby loves his anagrams we've seen it many times throughout the series and so i find it extra interesting that snow grave can be an anagram for wrong save saves were obviously very important to undertale so far at best minorly important to delta roon not going to rule out the significance of that because it's far too cool i feel like i did this project mostly because i could not necessarily because i should but it was cathartic for me to re-edit and improve fix a few things along the way cut out a few points that would have been repetitive stretched out across several videos so maybe in the future people will chip away at this video here and there and can easily scrub through it to search for specific details rather than trying to find everything scattered across 11 videos so yeah i understand that this is insane but i did it for a reason it's probably long long forgotten now but be sure to check the description of this video and the pinned comment for a link to that steam publisher page wishlist any and all of those games it would help out so much thank you all so much for watching if you watch this entire thing you're a complete and utter mad person and i love you for it and much love to the patrons of the channel for their additional support thank you all so much for watching just did you did anyone watch this in one sitting i hope someone watched this in one sitting that's bonkers i hope to see you all again you
Channel: 2 Left Thumbs
Views: 224,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 left thumbs, deltarune easter eggs, deltarune gaster eggs, deltarune all easter eggs, all deltarune easter eggs, deltarune chapter 2 all easter eggs, all deltarune chapter 2 easter eggs, deltarune all secrets, all deltarune secrets, deltarune chapter 2 all secrets, all deltarune chapter 2 secrets, deltarune all references, all deltarune references, deltarune chapter 2 all references, all deltarune chapter 2 references, deltarune gaster, deltarune spamton
Id: kwKF5bgucEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 340min 16sec (20416 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 26 2022
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