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god oh he's coming master where is he we have probes out we're tracking all possible exits he will pay for the grand inquisitor the grand inquisitor means nothing kenobi is all that matters now is that understood yes my lord i have been watching you third sister i know what it is you seek prove yourself and the position of grand inquisitor is yours fail me and you will not live to regret it [Music] ugh [Music] time we have to go come on [Music] [Music] oh so [Music] you cannot run anyone [Music] what have you become i am what you made me [Music] uh [Music] the ears have made you weak [Music] oh you should have killed me when you had the chance um now you will suffer only one your pain has just begun [Music] bring him to me [Music] you were born what the feet would bring i will tolerate your it seems i have underestimated you there can be no mistakes you're certain the tracker is with him yes ah there you are are you ready are you then let's begin [Music] grow too aggressive anakin be mindful a jedi's goal is to defend life not take it [Music] which is why you're good [Music] there's no way out master [Music] admit you are beaten [Music] there your weapon's gone it's over your need for victory anakin it blinds you [Music] you're a great warrior anakin but you'll need to prove yourself as your undoing until you overcome it a padawan you will still be [Music] i am not interested in civilities where is he he's arriving on jabim as we speak you have done well kneel grand inquisitor [Music] set a course captain we leave for jabim at once my lord we're approaching jabin lock down the facility if we seal them in now they can hold out for days if we cannot break them it is not them we need to break [Music] launch the attack the grand inquisitor has breached the walls we shall have him soon tell her to stand down my lord kenobi is already ours so [Music] ah he was wise to use you against me [Music] [Music] wow [Music] now so [Music] did you really believe i did not see it youngling you are of no further use [Music] hello revenge does wonders for the will to live don't you think we will leave you where we found you in the gutter where you belong [Music] increase firepower at once lord vader there's one life form aboard that's him my lord we must continue our pursuit of the insurgents now is our chance to wipe out this network in its entirety we cannot prioritize one lone jedi he is not just any jedi follow kenobi at once more vader [Music] prepare my ship i will face him alone [Music] [Music] have you come to destroy me obi-wan i will do what i must [Music] then you will die [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] your strength has returned but the weakness still remains [Music] [Applause] and that is why you will always lose [Music] uh did you truly think that you could defeat me you have failed master [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] anakin anakin's gone i'm what remains i'm sorry i'm sorry anakin for all of it i am not your failure obi-wan you didn't kill anakin skywalker i did the same way i will destroy you and my friend is truly dead [Music] goodbye darth obi-wan [Music] the probes are tracking every system within range we will destroy everything in our path until he is found you seem agitated my friend he will not evade me again i wonder if your thoughts are clear on this lord vega perhaps your feelings for your old master have left you weakened if your past cannot be overcome kenobi means nothing i serve only you my master [Music] another happy landing
Channel: Invalid
Views: 1,432,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lpE8CLn9DJI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 39sec (1179 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 29 2022
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