Things In Interstellar You Notice After Watching More Than Once

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If you're a fan of Christopher Nolan's 2014 sci-fi  space epic Interstellar, you'll probably want to   watch it more than once to make sure that you get  everything out of it. So let's transcend space   and time once again as we discover the details  that are only clear after multiple viewings. The convergence point for the entire  decades-spanning story in Interstellar is   Murphy's childhood bedroom. There's a poltergeist  chucking books off her bookshelf and toying   with the physics of gravity and magnetism.  Ten-year-old Murphy, played by Mackenzie Foy,   doesn't appear to be afraid of the apparition.  Instead, she's mostly curious. Luckily, she's   being raised by a father with a scientific mind  who has no room for superstition. Cooper, played   by Matthew McConaughey, instructs his daughter to  not just label it as a "ghost" because she doesn't   know what it is. Instead, he directs her to  study it and come to a scientific conclusion. Her   instincts end up being accurate all along, and her  first line of dialogue hints at the final outcome. The opening moments of Interstellar feature a  brief tumultuous moment from Cooper's days as   a pilot. His aircraft spins out of control and  the Gs amp up before he suddenly snaps awake,   safely at home in his bed. Standing over him  is his daughter, who looks at him and says: "I thought you were the ghost." Later, by the end of the film, we find out  just how accurate this statement really is. Christopher Nolan is fascinated with the  intricacies of time, particularly the paradoxes   created by toying with timelines. Interstellar  creates scenarios where time stretches and   squeezes based on its characters' galactic  locations. They unknowingly trigger various events   that lead them to the NASA base where Cooper  signs on to pilot a mission to save the world.   Coordinates to this base arrive courtesy of  the "ghost" in Murphy's room. The directions   are given in binary form by altering gravity, so  billowing dust settles strategically on the floor   to spell out a message. The ghost ends up being  Cooper himself from inside the tesseract within   the massive black hole known as Gargantua. But  where did this whole chain of events begin? As we find out later, the instructions  for how to find the NASA base were given   to Cooper by Cooper himself. However,  in order to get inside the tesseract   and give himself these directions, he  needed to have already received them,   thus creating a paradox for which there is no  answer. The notion of an unanswerable question   is very much something that we should  always expect from Christopher Nolan,   so be prepared for your brain to have a  workout whenever you watch one of his films. Once the crew of the Endurance travels  through the wormhole into an unknown galaxy,   they receive a clearer picture from the data  sent out by previous explorers on all the   possible planets orbiting Gargantua. After some  deliberation, they decide to first visit a planet   closer to the black hole, though its proximity  to the massive gravity created by Gargantua   creates some problems with relativity. Time on  this planet runs much faster than on Earth, as   every hour is equivalent to seven years back home.  Therefore their time must be considered a precious   resource that they do not have in abundance.  The whole excursion is incredibly stressful,   and with multiple viewings, that's only  amplified, especially once you notice the   strange ticking sound playing in the background  the entire time they're on this first planet. It turns out that there's a reason that this  ominous ticking plays consistently throughout   the scene. One particular cinema sleuth on Reddit  discovered that these ticks occur exactly 1.25   seconds apart. With a little math, you can work  out that each tick is equivalent to one entire   Earth day. This knowledge adds another whole  layer of stress to an already tense situation,   and multiple viewings only peel  back more layers to this odyssey. The most exciting part of any space adventure  obviously occurs once the characters are out   voyaging among the stars. This quality is likely  to leave you feeling antsy during your first time   watching Interstellar. Plenty of viewers  are probably anxious as the characters hop   into a rocket ship and launch into space, which  could cause many of the most fascinating elements   of the story to slip by unnoticed. And that's one  reason why multiple viewings are so rewarding,   as every bit of dialogue in Interstellar has  a purpose, since everything comes full circle.   For example, Cooper's talk with Murphy is  a particularly prophetic conversation that   hits harder when you watch it again.  Before he leaves Earth, Cooper says: "Once you're a parent, you're the  ghost of your children's future." This poetic message winds up becoming  reality in more ways than one. Not only   does Cooper quite literally end up being  the "ghost" in his daughter's bedroom,   he also in a way becomes a figurative ghost  walking into the hospital room where Murphy   is on her deathbed. He's the same  age as he was when he left Earth,   stepping back into his daughter's life exactly  as he was in her memories: a ghost in her future. The small crew of the Endurance isn't the  first group of brave astronauts to plunge   themselves into the wormhole near Saturn.  A decade before their mission departed,   a group of 12 was sent across the universe  to explore the viability of these new worlds.   Each individual was sent to their own planet  to discover the possibilities. Due to the   potential of death for these astronauts, they were  required to not have any attachments on Earth,   as explained by Amelia Brand, played by Anne  Hathaway. While this was a strict prerequisite   for the original mission, it apparently wasn't  completely inflexible for the follow-up. Among the Endurance crew, half of them do in fact  have family attachments. Cooper has two kids he   desperately wants to return home to, while  Brand is the daughter of the lead scientist.   The "no attachments" stipulation of the  first mission was based on the logic   that people would operate with the whole human  race in mind as opposed to individual desires.   We're surprised that this crucial second  mission lacked that same strict guideline. When Dr. Mann sits up in his cryotube, it's a  pleasant surprise to discover that he's played   by Matt Damon, which was kept under wraps  before Interstellar hit theaters. That's an   understandable decision. If we had known he was in  the film ahead of time, we would've been waiting   impatiently for him to show up during the first  half. Damon usually plays heroic roles, but not   this time. Although, he's not exactly a villain  per se, just more of a cowardly antagonist. Mann's survival instincts contrast notably with  the rest of the film. At its core, Interstellar   is a tale of human connection. Since the first  crew sent into the wormhole were required to   have no family attachments, Mann doesn't share the  same deep connections that Brand and Cooper have.   This leaves him purely self-serving. He attempts  to mask this quality, but everything he does   feels illogical. He's a man operating purely  on fear. Mission leaders believed that a lack   of attachments would help the crew work with the  greater good in mind, but the opposite turns out   to be true, as the only people to survive either  mission are those with connections back on Earth. When Cooper is trying to console Murphy  before his trip, he attempts to appeal to   her intellectual sensibilities by discussing  the fascinating aspects of time relativity. "Maybe by the time I get back, we might even be  the same age. You and me. What? Imagine that!" But this plan backfires when Murphy realizes  that her dad has no idea when he'll actually   be returning from his voyage. She's so upset by  this that she doesn't even send a reply message   into space for more than two decades. The  resulting age difference that Cooper predicts   does indeed come into play, but it turns out  that his estimate is off by about 60 years. Cooper ultimately does make it back to his  daughter, but only in time to witness the   final moments of her life. Residents of the Cooper  Space Station inform him that he's 124 Earth years   old when he returns. That means he's been gone for  more than 80 years, which is quite a long time for   a quick reunion with his daughter. That large  chunk of time lost between the two of them can   make their extremely brief final interaction  a bit anticlimactic. It's a powerful moment,   but you just might come away wishing it could've  lasted longer, especially after multiple viewings. It's no secret that Christopher Nolan is a big  fan of Sir Michael Caine, as the Cockney actor   has appeared in almost every single one of the  director's films. In Interstellar, he plays the   lead scientist at NASA, Dr. Brand. His sage-like  demeanor helps convince Cooper to embark on his   voyage, and a poetic voiceover from Caine sets a  majestic tone as the Endurance crew leaves Earth. "Do not go gentle into that good night. Old  age should burn and rave at close of day." Once you know the final outcome of this space  odyssey, you'll only have more respect for   Caine after each viewing. It turns out that Dr.  Brand never had any intention for the successful   execution of "Plan A," which involved humans  leaving Earth for a new planet. His formula for   harnessing the power of gravity requires a glimpse  at data from a singularity inside a black hole,   a requirement he considered impossible. This  means that all the conversations convincing   Cooper to join this mission were laced with  a monstrous lie. Knowing this while watching   Interstellar more than once will make the  nuance of Caine's performance more obvious.   He dodges questions and grows distant when  certain topics are brought up, and it's hard   not to be impressed by this legendary  actor even more than you've already been. The main plot twist in Interstellar occurs when  it's revealed that Dr. Brand knew he couldn't   complete his gravity equation. The reason is  because he needed information from inside a   black hole, a task that was deemed impossible due  to an inability to see beyond the event horizon   and glimpse the singularity within.  Luckily for all of humanity, though,   Cooper is willing to sacrifice himself by climbing  into a spacecraft and launching himself into   Gargantua. Once he and his robot companion TARS  make it inside, he's able to gather enough data   to complete the equation. But then he has to  figure out how to get the information back out. Since Cooper is trapped behind an endless stream  of bookshelves in Murphy's bedroom, the only   solution is to send this information to her. By  manipulating gravity from within the tesseract,   he's able to relay the data through Morse code.  We know that there's plenty of artistic license   taken with Interstellar, but this one sticks out  more with each viewing. We're not going to pretend   to be math experts, but we feel safe assuming  that complex quantum data about the occurrences   inside a black hole probably can't be easily  transmitted via Morse code in most circumstances. Cooper's journey to return to his daughter dwarfs  any distance traveled by any human in history.   Unfortunately, because of relativity, he  returns to find Murphy on her deathbed.   The nurse at the hospital informs Cooper that  she's been in cryosleep for two years. The large   amount of family gathered around her indicates  that she's lived a full life without her dad.   She tells him that no one should have to watch  their own child die, so she spurs him onward back   into the cosmos in search of Dr. Amelia Brand.  But how does she know that she's still alive? "She's out there.   Setting up camp." As an elderly Murphy speaks over a montage of  Dr. Brand settling into her new home planet,   it's meant to wrap up the entire film and drive  home the idea of moving forward in our lives.   But we're left wondering about the lack of  explanation at this key moment that could've   easily been remedied by a single line about  a debrief. Although maybe that's a bit harsh.   Interstellar's plot does cover over 80  Earth years, a wormhole, a black hole,   and countless light-years, after all.  So considering the circumstances,   we can find it in our hearts to overlook some  omitted information. It's what Cooper would do. 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Channel: Looper
Views: 729,752
Rating: 4.9110007 out of 5
Keywords: looper, interstellar, outerspace, matthew mcconaughey, christopher nolan, time travel
Id: RpTzNl2sgb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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