All Darth Vader Scenes - Star Wars The Force Unleashed

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[Music] [Music] oh [Music] we were ambushed upon arrival but i have the situation well in i have no interest in your failures commander i am here on a mission of my own dark lord whatever you want you won't find it here you cannot disguise yourself from me jenna turn back [Music] um i said someone far more powerful nearby where is your master the dark side has clouded your mind you killed my master years ago then now you will share his fate a son run [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] come with me more will be here soon [Music] you were weak when i found you now your hatred has become your strength at last the dark side is your ally rise my apprentice what is your will my master your training is nearly complete it is time to face your first true test your spies have located a jedi yes master rom kota he is attacking a critical imperial shipyard destroy him and bring me his lightsaber i shall leave it once master the emperor can not discover you leave no witnesses kill everyone aboard imperials and coldest men alike as you wish my master [Music] master kota is dead yes his lightsaber [Music] my spies have located another jedi kazdan paratus is far more powerful than you i do not expect you to survive but if you destroy him you'll be one step closer to your destiny the emperor yes only together can we defeat him i will not fail you my master [Music] my master casting paradise is dead then there is but one more test i'm ready now no you've defeated an old man and an outcast you must face a true jedi master who master shark t one of the last of the jedi council you need the full power of the dark side to defeat her yes my mission is complete master that you are ready to stand with me against the emperor return to my ship at once we will at last control the galaxy it seems that you are about to achieve your primary programming master yes finally the emperor's fleet has arrived you have lured the emperor to us when we strike i did not summon him [Music] his spies followed you here what is thy bidding my master you have forgotten your place lord vader by taking this boy as your apprentice you have betrayed me now you will kill him i will destroy your we can defeat him together do it now lord vader strike him down and prove your loyalty to me yes [Music] [Music] wow [Music] lord vader he's regaining consciousness keep him restrained yes sir you you killed me no the emperor wanted you dead i salvaged your body and brought you here to be rebuilt why the emperor needed to believe you were dead now you can have your revenge and fulfill your destiny what is thy bidding my master the emperor's spies watch my every move we must provide them with a distraction what sort of distraction an assassination no single act will gain the emperor's notice you must assemble an army to oppose you an army yes an alliance of rebels and dissidents when these rebels have distracted the emperor and his spies we will strike where should i start your destiny is now your own server all ties to your past no one must know that you still serve me now go and remember the dark side is always reaching proxy ah master i'm pleased to see that you're not dead i was afraid that i wouldn't be able to kill you myself well i'm sure you get the chance uh once we get out of here yes but before i kill you i am to do everything i can to help you vanish should i ready the rogue shadow for launch yeah you go ahead i'll meet you there [Music] master he's here [Music] you have received my message yes your mission goes well i have recruited others to my cause but now i need your counsel my allies seek a major strike against the empire the emperor rules the galaxy through fear must destroy a symbol of that fear the empire is building star destroyers above raxis prime that shipyard is your next target thank you lord vader there your is for your new allies are growing stronger to not forget that you still serve i hate being him i think he does too master juno i came to find out where you wanted to go next but it looks like you've already been told juno this isn't what it looks like of course it is you're still loyal to vader after he branded me a traitor and tried to kill you you're still his his his slave then why did you defy vader to rescue me i needed someone to fly the ship we both know that's not true my being here has never been about my piloting sometime soon you will decide the fate of the rebellion not your master and when you're faced with that moment just remember that i too was forced to leave behind everything i've ever known please don't make me leave another life behind your actions on rex's prime have left the emperor most displeased the emperor's enemies are still scared i am just now earning their trust if i am ever discovered talking to you if they even suspect my past all that will be destroyed do not wait too long to contact me can you trust him vader won't risk my mission even if he has doubts about me have we arrived we've reached corellia they're all here bale and his allies you have your rebel alliance now what are you going to do with it just trust me okay i'm doing the right thing for both of us we agree that the time for diplomacy in politics is passed it is now time for action if you are willing to lead us then we will join your alliance as will i [Music] at first on the cargo i finally came to it is settled then my wealth will fund the rebellion while garm provides our fleet and monmouth our soldiers and with you leading us we have the power of the force on our side therefore let this be an official declaration of rebellion today we all vow to change the galaxy and one day the galaxy will indeed be [Music] free proxy cut transmission take them alive the emperor wants to execute them personally you have done well my apprentice you agreed to stay away i lied as i have from the very beginning you never plan to destroy the emperor not with you now without me you'll never be free uh so did you know i'm close i can sense vader nearby you are all traitors to the empire he will be interrogated tortured you will give me the names of your friends and allies and then you will die our deaths will only rally others your very public and painful executions will [Music] deal with the boy [Applause] [Music] [Music] i've trained you well but you still have much to learn you have nothing left to teach me [Music] [Music] you have served me well but your usefulness is at an [Music] end [Music] journey ends here now [Music] so [Music] uh i will show you true mastery of the dark side [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] shhh yes kill him he was weak kill him and you could take your life and please at my side no help him you were destined to destroy me do it give in to your hatred he's beaten let it go it's a trick he's stronger than you know and he deserves to die for what he's done to me maybe so but if you strike him down in anger you'll be right back where you began get bail when the others out of here i'll be right behind you go hurry protect the senators thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] uh he is dead then he is now more powerful than ever he was meant to root out the rebels his sacrifice will only inspire them but now we know who they are i will hunt them down and destroy them as you always intended master you must be relentless lord vader if even a single rebel survives this alliance that we have unwittingly created will be our undivided [Music] uh um um okay ugh excellent lord vader was a broken shadow of his former self i knew that one day you would replace him you'll have just one final taste destroy your ties to the jedi and at last you will be a sith lord [Music] [Applause] you have betrayed your master your allies and now you have doomed yourself and your friends no [Music] you had such promise you could have been my successor my equal but now but i may still have some small use for you i still have enemies to find and destroy you will do my bidding until i find a new apprentice like vader you will be cast aside finishing
Channel: AFGuidesHD
Views: 219,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, darth vader, scenes, scene, 4k ultra hd
Id: iaI6kN_2Rlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 19sec (1759 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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