All Bosses EXPLAINED in Zelda: Skyward Sword

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a Zelda game without bosses is like rice without any Curry like yeah you could just eat the rice it might even taste good fried or with a little salt but where's the doll where's the paneer where's the chicken tikka bosses are what make Zelda games feel unique and interesting and Skyward Sword has no lack of interesting and unique bosses indeed so buckle up and get ready because to continue my series explaining every boss in every Zelda game we're gonna dive deep into the stories and lore behind every single boss in the first game on the timeline The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword and spoiler alert obviously the first genre or grouping of bosses will cover would be those that are the natural enemies of the game what I mean by that is bosses or beings that may have not been affected by demise's malice or girham's personality or at least the ones that are not confirmed to have been affected speaking of enemies that aren't confirmed to be affected there are a few bosses that fit this criteria that aren't really bosses but do serve as many bosses the first time they're encountered due to the fact that they are a bit tougher than your average macablin which which is a trend that happens with these same enemies in a lot of Zelda games actually first up is the Liz alfos which is a monster that may or may not have been entirely created out of the evil power and Malice of demise many years ago when he initially created his armies to battle against hylia and the forces of light the reason I say they may have been created by demise is because Phi tells us directly that demise is the source of all monsters however there are some monsters which I'll go over that didn't stem from demise so it's also possible that things like the Liz all foes are naturally occurring species in the land of Hyrule but I digress the next boss that may have not originated from demise's power is the mulderrack which is a giant armor-clad thousand-year-old scorpion monster with a large singular eye well actually three eyes with two in its claws and one in the middle which is reminiscent of Goma which is another reappearing boss of the Zelda franchise that appears differently each time but every time being some sort of an arachnid monster that always features a singular main eye for link to normally shoot at the mold Iraq is actually just an aged version of the much more abundant and much more Tiny araka Monsters which are very similar to just real life scorpions with one eye we don't have any specific reason to believe these monsters were created by demise except for the fact that they disappear in a puff of purple smoke when they die but you know it could go either way next up is a boss that would actually be difficult to connect to demise and that is the 100 robotic artificial life form known as the ld-002g servo or as I like to call him yarg the robot pirate beep boop Servo is a member of the ancient robot race encountered on the sand ship which used to be just a regular ship before the sea became sand also fun fact the LD in all these robots name stands for lineru Desert which makes sense until you remember that when they were created it was an ocean not a desert but we just won't dwell on that for too long we actually know a little bit about servo's backstory too according to a single word from fee it's possible that Servo used to be a member of the crew of the ship led by ld-301n Skipper and that serva then led a few of other crew members in a mutiny against Skipper and his loyal crew but I know what you're thinking how could robots command a ship and even Mutiny against each other where do they come from well and this is just a theory of course but in my opinion the ancient robots were created by an ancient race of people that are closely associated with hylia and nehru and technology and also the color blue you know the Chica we know they existed in the ancient times of Skyward Sword because impa comes from the past I think it's pretty plausible that the sheikah were mining time shift stones in order to create the Gate of time under order of the goddess hylia who is credited with the creation of the Gate of time and also possibly being the goddess of time itself but hey that's a whole other Theory the time shift stones that are cut and processed even have an ancient version of the sheika eye symbol present on them I think that the ancient robots were most likely created either by the sheikah or by hylia herself in order to assist in mining time shift Stones perhaps even in order to find all of the powerful resource there is to find in the world before it can fall into the clutches of demise because if demise were to also harm is the ability to travel through time at will that could be problematic this is why the ancient robots created ancient ships in the shipyard in order to travel far across the ancient sea and scour the region for time shift ore led by one ld-301 model in particular Skipper then one day there was a sea Squall and conveniently that was also the day that Servo decided to mute knee and take over this ship there's also an improved version of the ld-002g servo known as The ld-003d Dread fuse who appears much later in the game in the sky keep which is a Shifty dungeon created by hylia in order to keep the Triforce hidden from the world and also helps to prove that the ancient robots were in fact created by hylia either directly or indirectly since everything inside the sky keep must have been placed thereby highly as a test for the hero this is also another reason to potentially believe that not all monsters were created by demise since there are the goblins and moblins and keys and others located inside the key but anyway moving on the next boss in this section would be the underground crawling insects known as mole dorms that make multiple appearances in this game and in other games in the franchise I personally believe that these monsters are just naturally occurring large insect Wildlife that just so happens to be aggressive towards link just like most of their other appearances their elongated segmented worm-like centipede-like monsters that are clad in armor everywhere but for their tails except for in Twilight Princess when they're just little jumpy worms the final boss for this first section of the video would be the infamously intimidating Abyssal Leviathan known as tentalis I had to research long and hard to get the backs around this one but I'm pretty sure you're gonna enjoy it you see long ago in a galaxy far far away there was a little one-eyed monster known as Michael Wazowski over a long painstaking ordeal Mike was finally able to marry his longtime girlfriend Celia May together they had a child that shared characteristics from both of them and was born with a single eye and snake-like hair tendrils um in all seriousness though this boss out of pretty much every Zelda boss in the history of Zelda bosses is probably one of the worst designs for an Abyssal Leviathan that I've ever seen and yes its design looks like something out of Monsters Incorporated you're really similar in fact like like seriously does Disney know about this do they need to get involved but appearances aside there are a couple things that we can guess about its background which otherwise is completely devoid of any and all details see when you actually face the giant tentacle monster it's in the distant past as proven by all the water around the boat and also the fact that the boat doesn't look like a piece of garbage and also when you talk to your flying blue computer companion about tentalis she confirms that it was a tyrant of the ancient Seas now this is particularly interesting because we also know that where tintelis is a storm or sea Squall is sure to follow as proven by the storm or sea Squall that we can see here while fighting it and while we don't have any other confirmed records of an ancient sea monster plaguing anybody in the game we do have a record of an ancient terrible sea Squall that happened on the same day that the Mutiny occurred aboard Skipper's ship and personally I don't find that a coincidence so on the one hand it could could be that demise or girohim was responsible for creating tintalus and making tintalus make storms that led to mutinies or on the other hand it could be that the Fearsome pirate Servo and his scurvy Robo crew found some way to call upon the Abyssal Leviathan to Aid them in their quest for Mutiny I think I like that explanation better because it gives some mythological feel to tintalus and makes the relationship between it and Servo seem kind of like the one between the Kraken and Davey Jones what can I say I love Pirates of the Caribbean and tintalus is pretty cracking like you've gotta admit but whether tintalus was simply a mysterious mythological monster of the deep from ancient times that was called upon by scurvy Pirates or it was created by demise is up to you to believe of course but one other detail I'll point out that could be nothing but could also mean something is that tintalus's English name you know tentalis is extremely similar to Tantalus which is a Greek mythological figure one of Zeus's many children that was famously punished by being made to stand in a pool of water that he could not drink out of with an apple hanging from a tree above him that he could not eat because it was just Out Of Reach that's actually where our modern word tantalize or tantalizing comes from how that relates to tentalis I'm not sure but do with that information what you will who knows maybe tintalus wasn't always an Abyssal sea monster but was cursed into that Forum long ago as a punishment moving on to the next segment of the video it's time to talk about the many bosses that were definitely created or influenced by the dark powers of demise and Co the most obvious ones would be the stealthos enemies or the more powerful stall Master variants which are of course risen Undead skeletal monsters that were at one point Warriors in life they're also one of the only monsters in the entire franchise that has made an appearance in every Zelda game I think I'm not sure I scripted that off the top of my head somebody watching fact check that for me but I'm pretty sure they've been in every Zelda game anyway their explanation is the same as always which is that they are corpses quickened Once More by demise next up we've got the main boss Caldera the pyroclastic fiend from the Earth Temple you know that Bolder looking living glob of lava that uses a bunch of rock his arm fortunately for us we've got a pretty direct confirmation from girohim himself that scaldera was more than likely a demon created by girohim he knows about scaldera he even introduces link to scaldera who he calls his friend what a hospitable guy I guess I'll have to refer to scaldera as the pyroclastic friend from now on next up we've got the one the only the terrifying ancient automaton kaloctos located deep within the Ancient Cistern now besides girohim or demise himself colloctos is undoubtedly one of the most recognizable bosses in all of Zelda history I mean just look at this thing it's shiny it's kinda creepy it's got six arms and wee little eggs I mean what's not to love as its name insinuates and in conjunction with the Ancient Cistern within which it is located colloctos is in fact ancient and given that it was an automaton that was ultimately tasked with guarding the Chamber of the flame I'm pretty sure hylia who apparently had an act for making robots was the one to create both the dungeon itself and colloctos that being said koloctos might have actually been a ancient machine ones much like the LED models if it weren't for gear rahim's interference and the corruption of demise's malice that's right you heard me m-a-l-i-c-e the same stuff that's swirling around in breath of the wild that goes by the name Calamity again and you may have heard of it I mean the pieces add up it came from Ghirahim which came from demise and it's a dark purple goopy substance that possesses and corrupts technology and it's probably the same substance that's dropped by the cursed the Goblins which are also present in the dungeon which is Monster malice referred to as an evil Crystal when it crystallizes Faron also states that the cistern used to not have any monsters inside so this means that once demise or maybe girohim got word of Link obtaining the goddess sword girohim took it upon himself to leak males into the dungeon personally but what is this a lore of the dungeons video no no it's not so we're gonna move on next up is the dark lizalfos which just like their name sounds are the dark versions of regular foes these dark Liz olfos are two Liz alfos what cursed vakoblins are tubacablins well kind of because they don't look like zombies but they can curse link just like cursed mccoblin bites do they don't drop evil crystals as loot but the fact that other enemies in the game that can also inflict curse like the cursed picoblins or dark keys do drop evil crystals leads me to believe that the ability to curse at least in skyward's Sword comes directly from being possessed by demise's malice as proven by the evil crystals so in a nutshell dark Liz alfos are more than likely malice tainted lizelfos next up but also in the same dungeon that the dark little foes are first encountered are the multiple appearing lava hand monsters known as magminosis and to be honest with you there's literally nothing about their origins in the game so logically I feel that just like girohim was able to create a living lava demon monster known as Caldera the pyroclastic friend he probably was also able to create these living lava demon hand monsters who knows maybe scaldera and the magminosis are not only a cool band name but also the result of malice being conjoined with the lava of death Mountain I mean Eldon volcano something we may be seeing happen again in tears of the kingdom and speaking of malice the final boss to cover before covering the big baddies themselves would be the easily forgettable bilocyte which is the parasite responsible for corrupting levius or levias or however you pronounce his name the wind fish and also for causing his temporary insanity bilocyte is malice plain and simple seriously just look at this concept art for levias dark reddish purple clouds corruption sentient eyeballs yeah that literally fits the bill for exactly what malice is in breath of the wild the only question I have is when did levias get corrupted if he stayed flying up above the cloud barrier then he should have been largely unaffected by any of the Badness happening on the surface right well as we see in the Leviathan bones of breath of the Wild and the ending cutscene for Link's Awakening wind fishes can definitely descend down to the surface at will and in Skyward Sword we even see leviath flying back up to the sky from beneath the cloud Berry and there's only one thing down there the surface so it's possible that girohim started been messing with the Thunderdome turning it into a Thunderdome and leviath then flew down to the surface to check out what the heck was going on and subsequently got corrupted by malice somehow he never actually sheds light on what happened the personally I'm of the opinion that it was in fact girohim's doing seriously when in doubt blamed demise's Uber powerful super demon running around the world with the express purpose of setting everything as out of order as possible and what a masterful segue into talking about the fabulous boy himself in the final segment of this video but right before we do explain Mr eyeshadow I wanted to thank you for watching these videos seriously I know it doesn't really matter to the vast majority watching right now but it means a lot to me if this isn't the first one of these videos of mine you've watched or if you enjoy this one being your first one so far by the way hi my name is Bandit nice to meet you I wanted to ask if you would be so kind as to consider subscribing to the channel I know lots of you are either rolling your eyes or looking to fast forward the segment right now and that's okay but for those of you still listening I just wanted you to know that for the first time I'm beginning to feel like this channel could really grow like really really grow especially with this lore of the bosses series expanding into other franchises and I can see that eighty percent of my viewers are about four out of every five people watching my videos currently are actually not subscribed to the channel to put that into perspective if that were flipped and it was actually 80 of you that are subscribed then this channel would literally be at over 1 million subscribers since starting the lore of the bosses series which is insane to think about but anyway I won't take up any more runtime talking about this once again thank you so much for watching and please consider subscribing to help grow the channel and flip that statistic to help get us to let's say three hundred thousand dream big right and you can always unsubscribe later if I lose my touch and now back to girohim and really it's kind of hard to explain girohim's existence without also explaining demises but in either case let's start with what we know about girohim we know that he's a Demon Lord being one of the most powerful versions of monsters in the entire franchise who proclaims himself to be the lord of the surface and that he was created by demise in order to be an extension of his will and carry on the battle against hylia no matter how many years it might take which is exactly parallel to five who was created by hylia in order to be an extension of her will and carry on the battle against demise no matter how many years that might take but more on the parallelism between these two parties in just a bit he's also very confident and driven and cunning able to thwart even a wish of the Triforce but none of that is crucial information to be honest girihim really isn't that hard to explain he was created by demise he serves demise case closed the real mystery is why is everything regarding girohim and demise strangely exactly parallel to hylia and her partner well I'll tell you what I think but forewarning we are entering the major Theory zone of course you are as always welcome to leave whatever you personally would like to I'd like to start off by saying that there are many different theories about how demise came from Laurel and stuff like that and it's all really good stuff ultimately as far as I can tell it comes down to the fact that demise is said to have emerged from a fissure or crack within the Earth and his master sword AKA Ibrahim in sword form has an inverted Triforce symbol in the exact place where the highly a master sword has an upright one the fissure that he emerged from is similar to the fissures that connect Laurel and Hyrule in A Link Between Worlds and the inverted Triforce symbol is seemingly the same as the inverted Triforce symbol also from low rule which was a land destroyed long ago this theory insinuates that that might even be the entire reasoning for demise invading Hyrule so that he could have hyrule's Triforce instead like I said this is actually a really good theory and really great way of thinking but it does leave a few things up to the imagination for instance it doesn't explain where demise came from as in literally where or rather who he came from it also doesn't explain his intentions as in why he wants a Triforce in the first place or why he hates you know good my theory will explain both in the beginning the goddesses created everything every ocean Every Mountain Every Creature down to every last blade of grass and this isn't debatable this is canonical proven lore that even has its own cut scenes in Ocarina of Time in Twilight Princess and once the goddesses were finished with their creation they left the world and at the point of their departure the Triforce was made however that was not all that was created now I'd like to ask you something something that's very philosophical but also a cold reality given that the world of Hyrule was created that would mean that nothing existed before it right meaning light and dark heat and cold up and down and good and evil and all these contrasting forces of the universe that give it form did not exist yet when the world was created all of these things came to fruition out of the creation of contrast because in each case one cannot exist without the other light was created therefore dark was subsequently created as well heat was created therefore cold was as well up was created therefore down was as well and good was created therefore evil must have been created as well and this is the Crux of my theory what if the concepts of Good and Evil which must have been created along with the creation of everything were actually literally manifested in the beings known as hylia the goddess and demise the demon twin deities of Good and Evil to govern the world and Define life and progress think about it where else would demise have come from if not from the same origin of literally everything else in the universe and given that everything that is good in the entire franchise somehow stems from hylia and everything that's evil in the entire franchise somehow stems from demise and both of these individuals are inexplicably all-powerful with permanent Eternal effects on the world wouldn't it make sense for both of them to literally be the embodiments of Good and Evil incarnate I mean the more you think about it the more it actually makes sense everything about them is perfectly parallel to one another hylia defends the Triforce demise pursues it hylia created a master sword with a Triforce facing Skyward demise created a master sword with a Triforce facing towards the Earth highly exists at the Edge of Time demise has conquered time itself do you see a pattern because it's actually everywhere and we know the goddesses themselves are morally neutral I mean they have to be right plus we've seen them time and time again make very morally gray choices such as the repeat heated choosing of Ganondorf to host the Triforce of power or the flooding of Hyrule player or the flooding of Hyrule prior to Wind Waker you know not everyone made it out alive of that one mountaintops are only so big so in my opinion this works perfectly because the goddesses themselves are outside of our ideologies of Good and Evil because they created it but okay you're probably thinking right about now yeah that's logical and philosophical and everything and it does explain exactly where demise came from but what about his rage his hatred that never perishes where did that come from and that is a great question because seriously what happened to demise to make him so eternally hateful of the goddesses in hylia well here's a simple kind of paradoxical answer for you what if he's simply self-aware demise isn't stupid actually quite the opposite he's brilliant and so masterful a tactician that he successfully plotted his own escape from his imprisoned form before he was even imprisoned by creating girohim so what if demise is so hateful of the goddesses because he knows why they created him and he didn't ask to be made he didn't ask for this life of pain and I know that's a really dark concept but seriously what if you found out one day that you were created for the sole purpose of being the Incarnation of evil in the world you were never destined for a nice or good or happy ending unlike your twin hylia instead you had only bitterness and defeat to look forward to as ordained by your creators so you let your anger at your own existence overcome you and become your every thought not knowing that in your blind rage and Defiance of your creators and your twin you were becoming exactly what they had intended you would become hatred itself an eternal curse of ungood and a necessary Force to drive life into death into life into death into life again all in an eternal cycle because without contrast we don't have color without Darkness we don't have light and without unnecessary evil we don't have good and that is my explanation for why demise or more specifically the bringer of demise as is his real name in Japanese was created I do hope you enjoyed Max explanations and if you did please consider leaving a like on the video to get it spread around more and hey subscribe if you haven't yet because I in the future of the channel would greatly appreciate it also you'd stick around for a bunch of extremely cool videos so just you wait huge thanks as always to my Bandit crew of which I have a few new names to announce say hi to Aslan Jay Gabrielle Chris H Sebastian D John Francois p o and W and raging zekron who all joined up on patreon and right here on YouTube seriously what a turnout you guys are all amazing And Take My Breath Away another reason I keep making these videos and just gosh darn it thank you that's all I've got in this one so be sure to follow me on my socials and I'll see you next time this is Bandit signing out peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: BanditGames
Views: 216,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, skyward sword, skyward sword hd, legend of zelda, bandit games, zeltik, zelda explained, zelda story explained, zelda timeline explained, zelda lore, zelda theory, skyward sword explained, skyward sword story explained, skyward sword bosses, skyward sword theory, koloktos, ghirahim, demise, tentalus, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, lore of the bosses, boss lore, skyward sword gameplay, skyward sword review, skyward sword guide, walkthrough, nintendo, switch, hd, news
Id: iCSCCszdGns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 56sec (1316 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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