An Ode to Mineru

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the back half of my initial playthrough of te of the kingdom was a total blur I explored the entire map had got most of the shrines and light Roots had beaten the first four temples gotten all the tears and retrieved the master sword by the time I was on the quest to find the fifth Sage I was 100 hours in and ready for the game to be over so I just blasted through the rest of it thunder thing meno Spirit Temple final light rots beat Koga final shrines Ganon don't get me wrong I was invested in my playthrough I was through crafting possible story beats doing all the quests I found reading all the dialogue trying to find Secrets it's just at this point the Wonder and excitement I felt for anything new the game put in front of me was just sort of washed away especially for things that devolved into checklists wow the depths are so dark and mysterious oh what's that you almost got me frog thing next next next next oh neat an even tide Shrine so that's what they did with it oh really another one wow that's so cool you want me to carry this Crystal or cororo over there such a great use of the game Central mechanics oh yeah another one I love these all right I'll do this one too I guess dude pack lighter I'm not Kidd like I get it you're a cartoon tree guy but why do you need such a full ass bag and why anyway I beat the game and moved on with my life occasionally being reminded of the game by my YouTube subfeed the big selling point of breath of the wild was that after the great Plateau you could go anywhere and do anything in any order even beating Ganon tears of the Kingdom didn't Market itself that way hell it barely Market itself at all but you can go and do most things in most orders after enough time had passed I was ready to give it another go but this time I wanted to play it in reverse which for me meant going to the spirit Temple first doing this wasn't as straightforward as I thought it' be first you need to get off the great sky island and go to look out Landing talk to purra who's going to send you to talk to H who's going to send you back to perra who's going to send you into the sky you then talk to perra again to activate a quest called Regional phenomenon you need to activate this quest in order to access min's mask from here you're going to complete 24 more shrines in addition to the four you already did on the great sky island now you're going to trade all the light blessings for hearts you should have 10 Hearts by this point then launching from POA Foothills Sky View Tower paraglide to this island with this ramp take this plane and fly as close to the island as you can landing on one of these small islands that are tra triling off of it make a hover bike and fly the rest of the way you may need to consume some charges to make it all the way here make your way to the back of the island jump down the hole and get the shrine from here the rest of the sequence is completely normal open the door activate the mask take the mask down to the depths assemble the construct head over to the spirit Temple and fight the boss and I did all this but for some reason I hadn't considered that the end result would be me spending time with the sage I literally just turned off the moment I could in my previous playthrough I turned them off not because I didn't like them but because I was already disenfranchised with all of the other nearly useless companions who were already cluttering my screen and I just couldn't stomach another this time around though it was very different it sort of felt like going to a party and trying to start a conversation with a friend of a friend you've probably been introduced and maybe you've you exchanged a few words and you've made eye contact from across the room a few times you've overheard a few conversations that they were part of and they sound like a cool person and hey the way that they slap boblins is pretty damn Charming but you otherwise know nothing about them ch's kingdom is probably the funniest game I've ever played and it's not down to the writing or story or characters but rather the sheer amount of slapstic shenanigans you can get yourself into because of the physics and chemistry of the world and the numerous ways you have to affect and interact with it and minu is the only one of your five companions who feels like they're actually in the world everyone else of course walks over the terrain and attacks enemies but minu is the only one who can actually affect the world and be used to affect the world minu has so many uses that tend to trivialize some of the challenges of the game as long as you don't have any other little enemies running around around you finding heox with minu makes the fight a joke just block smack smack smack repeat this a few times and you're done there are several areas with unswimmable liquid but with Min you can just get on her back and as long as Link's head is above the water you don't drown you can also reach most apples and most trees while in minu this eliminates the need to cut the tree down which is very useful and saves a lot of time and resources on the east side of Mount sator there's a shrine and just outside of it is an apple orchard you can collect about 150 apples every few ingame days instead of making a few axes you can instead just jump on theu and walk around these trees mashing the a button you may leave a few apples behind but it's a negligible amount the most useful thing she can do is break or deposits for free instead of using a precious weapon durability I just hop in minu and we slap the ore into submission I usually keep one of her hands empty to avoid waste resources but in the other hand I almost always have a cannon yes I can aim it while controlling the construct but more importantly to me is that on her own with a cannon minu becomes the ultimate Catalyst of chaos I'll be minding my own damn business fighting in a mob camp and usually realize too late that minu has a cannon pointed at a moblin inches from their FA and when that goes off I am almost always caught in the blast radius in a Lether game might find this pretty annoying pretty quick but here in this game I just can't get enough of it I gave her the cannon in the first place and I keep doing it because it's just so fun one time her Cannon broke and I had no extra cannons in my inventory and I needed a weapon on her to fill the space one thing to led to another and I didn't really notice right away but skeleton hand minu is just too good she can also Naruto run having minu through basically my entire playthrough made the depths fun in my initial playthrough The Depths were interesting for the first few hours but once I saw them for what they were padding I just hover biked over everything but with Mino I walk to most light routs and fight most enemy camps that I come across just because I find that Loop so fun the item system adds another layer on the combat every item you pick up doesn't just have some kind kind of menu attribute but a physical in-game attribute as well you can eat mushrooms to regenerate Health but you can also attach the exact same mushroom to your weapon to apply a knockback effect this on top of tear of Kingdoms already Stellar combat is great but minu compliments everything so well that she basically adds yet another layer on top of everything it's just such a shame that minu is such a late game feature most people won't find her until they're ready to be done but if you intend to give tears of the Kingdom another playthrough then consider the meno [Music] route
Channel: Skyllartor
Views: 17,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tears of the Kingdom, TOTK, legend of zelda, miniru, construct
Id: -J8wxIA59bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2024
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