All Bosses EXPLAINED in Zelda: Majora's Mask

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a Zelda game without bosses is like a box of chocolates that's empty you never know what you're gonna get because there's nothing in there to continue my series explaining every boss and every Zelda game in this video we'll focus on the bosses and mini bosses of the darkest game in the Zelda franchise Majora's Mask but I do have a pretty hefty disclaimer to get through before we begin see the nature of Majora's Mask is questionable to say the least and by that I mean the notion of whether or not the entire land of termina and its subsequent inhabitants is real is perhaps one of the most debated things in the entire Zelda fandom because of this I'm gonna completely wimp out and refrain from coming up with my own theory about termina in this video for several reasons one of which being that would take way too long and instead I'm going to default to the official explanation located within the Hyrule encyclopedia which is that termina in and of itself was created complete with its own moon when the Skull Kid donned the Majora's Mask out of the skull kids corrupted in Twisted memories of Hyrule now I know the elite theorist and loremasters out there listening to this are automatically cringing and roll your eyes and it may be debatable but just hold your horses it'll all make sense because I will explain what I believe happened in addition to what the encyclopedia tells us plus there are several very good reasons to believe that the books are Canon for more information on that check out this fantastic video on that exact topic by my good buddy monster Maze and thinking of termina this way does explain a lot of the extremely odd happenings and tools and people and bosses that pop up in Majora's Mask from Ocarina of Time but anyway that's enough of that the last thing I'll say is spoiler alert obviously the bosses in Majora's Mask can be pretty much all grouped into one of three umbrella categories bosses that were corrupted by the power of the four giant masks bosses that are the four giant masks and of course the big bad Majora itself so let's start with the first category of bosses that have their own reasons or were corrupted and work our way up the ladder the first bosses you encounter in the game besides the Skull Kid slash Majora's Mask themselves which isn't really a boss fight would be the two mini bosses of the woodfall temple the first of which is a dino foes this is simply a monster that does appear multiple times in the game and across the franchise that's really more of a powerful species of monster than a notable boss so really the explanation for it is the same as it would be for a Liz alfos or an air all foes or even a bakoblin it serves the forces of darkness and somehow either found or created its own weapon and armor and wants nothing more than to make link go to sleep in a permanent kind of way the next Minnie Mouse of the woodfall temple is yet another repeating enemy in the game the gecko with two K's however unlike the dinofos the gecko is actually not normally a bloodthirsty monster it's actually a corrupted frog which is otherwise harmless and kinda cute when under the effects of corruption the Frog mutates into a more lizard-like form that walks on two legs and you know tries to kill link and both geckos in the game this one and the one that appears later on in the Great Bay Temple show signs of intelligence in that the first one runs away from link and primarily attacks by riding on top of a killer Turtle monster called a snapper and the second one encases itself in Mad jelly which acts like both a shield and a method of attacking Link in either case when defeated the Gekko don't die but rather just devolve back to their original little frog body so you don't have to feel too bad about it as far as what dark power is responsible for corrupting them though why it would be none other than Majora itself or more specifically the corresponding giant mask but more on that later the next natural boss encountered would be the wizrow which is again a repeating miniboss that pops up in the snowhead temple and then again in the castle of ikana Stone Tower Temple and the secret Shrine most fans probably know that whiz robes are not new enemies to the franchise far from it actually with their first appearance stemming from the first game and stretching to being included in 12 of the games in total in each appearance Wiz robes are always an intelligent species of humanoid creatures that are very proficient in Magic but the Curious Thing about them is that they tend to switch up their appearance quite a bit from being more human looking in the original games to being birds or maybe even the Rito in the Wind Waker to being whatever the hell this is in breath of the wild kinda looks like Groove from Despicable Me we're going to steal them all regardless the wizrobes in Majora's Mask are definitely more human looking and of course are set out to make Link's life as hard as they can they teleport around their rooms and cast magical attacks towards link and when defeated burst into flames leaving no corpse behind as far as where they come from though it's about as unclear as any of the other Wiz robes in the franchise they appear to be of a race of humanoid creatures that learned magic and decided to serve the forces of darkness which in this case would be Majora and its lackeys I don't personally think they're completely human though on account of their rather large stature and goblin-like appearance moving on the next bosses are the Gerudo pirates from the pirate stronghold which are really just Gerudo women and this is one of those bosses in Majora's Mask that's only really explainable by way of Hyrule encyclopedia's interpretation of termina which again is to say that termina was created out of the skull kid's Twisted memories of Hyrule clearly the Skull Kid either had heard of the Gerudo women of the desert or had seen them before and I'm personally leaning towards the ladder because iron Knuckles and even the witch sisters koame and kotake which are straight out of the deserts of Ocarina of Time are also present in Majora's Mask but they all operate and act completely differently with no ties to their original lore in this game the Gerudo aren't desert dwellers but are rather fearsome Pirates and without getting into too much of the narrative they cross paths with link when link takes it upon himself to save the eggs of Lulu who is the main singer of the super sick Zora rock group called The indiegogos the Gerudo Pirates under the leadership of one particular pirate named Avail stole Lulu's seven baby eggs because the Skull Kid told them they were the key to entering the Great Bay Temple which they wanted to enter in search of getting rich off of the treasure within Pirates am I right anyway that's where the Garuda swords women as minibosses come in link fights three of them in the game Each of which are guarding one of Lulu's eggs next up is one of two mini bosses in the Great Bay Temple a giant eyeball monster known as wart wart also appears in the secret Shrine but there are reasons to believe that all the bosses in the secret Shrine are actually duplicate bosses from the land of termina which would mean that in reality there's only really one wart on the old great Hyrule encyclopedia that used to be an actual online resource hosted on the official but has since been taken down for unknown reasons wart was said to have been a guardian of the Great Bay Temple at one point it's unknown as to why wart is no longer considered a guardian of the Great Bay Temple but since it's a theme with the game as well as most Zelda games I'll chalk it up to the corruption of the Great Bay Temple's corresponding giant mask next up is the fun stuff the bosses of ikana and by fun I mean scary and depressing to start the entire land of ikana is that of a forgotten and Barren Wasteland that was once the Mighty Kingdom of ikana and became the location of countless Wars and battles and bloodshed and just general unpleasantness it's also currently experiencing a very particular plague one that entails the countless dead soldiers and foreign assassins coming back to life on the plus side this makes explaining a large portion of its bosses easier since said large portion of bosses in icono Valley are the aforementioned Undead according to the undead king of ikana named egos dewikana the undead are all awry and evil and Restless because someone flung open the doors of the Stone Tower Temple from which a dark Wind Blows with all that being said the first boss you face Icona is the undead giant who served in ikana's Army as its Captain known as Captain Kita or skull Kida who upon being resurrected immediately challenges you to a race because he's got the Need for Speed the captain was actually defeated in battle which brought him shame that carried with him into death and is also the reason why he's dead however upon being defeated by link he passes his captain hat on to link and asks you to give his final words that the war is over to his men who still Linger on as stall children in the Mortal realm serving their Captain even in death and after he tells link this he asks his captain if he may take his leave and finally he takes it following the undead Trail all the way to the crumbling castle of ikana link will then meet the lackeys of the King two unnamed stalfo Skelly Bros and the King himself in the throne room upon defeating all of them and curing their Undead bodies by burning them with light egos do Icona explains that the kingdom of ikana is now fallen due to Petty battles over ultimately meaningless conflicts the kind of which was beginning to unfold as his lackeys began to bicker just moments before burning away into nothingness he also explains that the dead began to rise because of the dark spell originating from the Stone Tower Temple and after teaching link the elegy of emptiness which summons forth a soldier with no heart and is also the reason why the Ben Drowned Creepypasta still haunts fans to this day Burns away himself asking link to shine the light of Justice upon his kingdom with his dying breath this light of Justice comment also seems to imply that even before the plague of the undead was a Scourge upon Icona injustices had already fatally infected her heart now there are a few other mini bosses present in ikana but they're legitimately hard to explain because technically speaking they shouldn't exist here such as the iron Knuckles and the big Poe and the poe sisters pose themselves exist as lingering spirits of the dead and are a staple of the Zelda franchise and in a land soaked with blood and lined with countless bodies lingering Spirit seems to be a given but it's the iron Knuckles and Poe's sisters specifically that must have come from the skull kid's memories especially the latter who are a group of four sisters that once resided inside of the Forest Temple of Ocarina of Time which the skull kid lived right outside of especially given that in the child timeline which is when this game takes place link would have never turned into an adult and killed the poe sisters in the adult timeline so logically they should still be located within their Forest Temple and the same goes for the iron knuckles in the spirit Temple however because we're working off of the assumption that termina is a twisted version of Hyrule that is somewhat parallel to it we are going to go with that explanation for the iron Knuckles and Poe sisters and even sharp and flat present in Icona Valley the final two bosses of this first category are the mini bosses of the Stone Tower Temple itself the first of which is the gato Master the strongest and master of the Garo who are present all over the land of ikana the Garo are also Undead just like most of the other monsters in icana and are actually spies that hail from a country that was at war with ikana when it was alive according to Pamela's father who's a super smart scientist Professor dude the Garo may even be Hollow underneath their robes and one of the reasons to believe this is that it is Garo law to destroy their own bodies upon death leaving no corpse behind something they still do even in their death the fact that the garam Master is here within the temple and the fact that the garam Master knows the secret of flipping the temple is strange very strange and actually leads me to believe that the garam Master may have actually originated from the temple see egos do ikana says pretty clearly that it's an impenetrable stronghold that hundreds of his soldiers could not topple this implies that it's not his stronghold not a creation of the kingdom of ikana and since it does require some jumping to infiltrate which the Garo ninjas are all too proficient at perhaps the Stone Tower actually was the home of the Garo but that's just a tiny little mini Theory to explain the Garo Master the next and final not main boss of the game would be none other than the one the only the creepy the vague Gomez now this Scythe wielding boss hovers above the ground covers itself in bats and has a rather crazed expression on its face and of course is one of the most unexplained beings in the history of the Zelda franchise so that's awesome the aforementioned encyclopedia that's no longer visible online once said that Gomez was a powerful vampire which kind of sort of explains all the bats although whether or not the old official Zelda website definition is Canon is debatable either way though I think that Gomez is most likely a creation of whoever cursed the land of icana by throwing the doors to the Stone Tower Temple open and here's why it's because thematically everything about Gomez is dark Gomez is surrounded by bats which are nocturnal Predators Gomez itself is so dark that you can barely see any details of its body other than its eyes and gaping smiling mouth it also wields a giant reaper-like Scythe which is to represent death and also goes hand in hand with darkness and is the antithesis of light and life and since iconic kingdom is said to be enshrouded in darkness that stems from the Stone Tower Temple it could be that Gomez himself is the Incarnation of said darkness in other words Gomez is the curse that was placed upon ikana the one that's making the dead come to life but who made the curse you ask we'll get to that in a bit but a cool little ass detail I'll cover about Gomez is that his name in French is which means the Grim Reaper and is also the French name of the death sword from Twilight Princess both of which are bosses that wield giant bladed weapons and resemble the Grim Reaper perhaps the commonality is that they are both Bringers of death or rather Bringers of undeath with all of the mini bosses of the first category of the game out of the way it's time to start focusing on the main bosses of the game specifically the four giant masks that Majora created in order to capture the four giants of termina which are the four Guardian deities of the land of termina which was once a land with only one country and no divisions or borders let's start off by briefly covering the story of the Giants in case anybody doesn't know or needs a refresher the Giants were not only the Protectors of termina but were also the personal Friends of the skull kid perhaps even his only friends eventually though the Giants decided they wanted to sleep I guess and in doing so walked a hundred steps north south east and west thus dividing the land into four quadrants and leaving the skull kid behind this broke the skull kid's heart and reportedly he then started to unleash his anger upon the people of termina and this is apparently long before the events of majority his mask eventually the people called out to the Giants to come to save them from this naughtiness and they then told the skull kid to leave termina where they will literally tear him apart yeesh this broke the skull kid's heart even more and then he returned quote to the heavens where we can only assume he then met the two fairies in the Lost Woods and eventually stumbled across the happy mask salesman and then link and then the rest is history now remember when I said at the start of this video that we're going with the encyclopedia's explanation of the creation of termina well we still are but I also wanted to state that this history between the Giants and the Skull Kid seemingly proves that terminum must have existed before the Skull Kid dawned Ventura's mask meaning termina couldn't have been created by the mask right well yes and no see I think termina already existed and that it's a different world that exists somewhere deep below the land of Hyrule and its accessible via a portal located inside an old tree in the Lost Woods and no I'm not going to expand on that because termina isn't the point of this video I also believe that the Skull Kid found this world one day and began going their back and forth out of curiosity eventually befriending the the four giants before eventually being banished from there however the Skull Kid returns to termina after obtaining the Majora's Mask only this time his mind has begun to become quite altered due to the corruption of Majora's power either this or Majora really did create termina when the Skull Kid donned The Mask it's just that the skull could Don The Mask some time ago which I suppose is possible but unlikely since the happy mask salesman appears here in the child timeline either way at some point he gets an idea and that idea is Revenge on the Giants in the land of termina itself now I'll get into the entirety of the Revenge plan more in the final section covering Majora but as far as the Giants are concerned basically the four giant masks were created by the Skull Kid slash Majora in order to trap the Giants inside of them transforming their physical bodies into monsters of the skull kid's Design One became Odawa the giant masked jungle Warrior One became got the giant mechanical goat monster another became gayorg the giant fish monster and the last became twin mold the giant masked insects the monsters were in my opinion none other than the Giants themselves who took on these forms upon their imprisonment kind of like the imprisoned from Skyward Sword which is demise's transformation into a giant avocado with Squishy toes although it's unknown as to what made them transform into what they did specifically since the four giant masks eventually returned to Majora's side though I can only assume that the masks and subsequent monsters were designed and created by Majora itself once trapped within the masks the Giants then became the scourges of the lands they swore to protect each cursing their own respective quadrants of termina the Southern giant became Odawa of the woodfall temple and cursed the swamp into becoming toxic the northern giant became god of the snowhead temple and cursed the usually warm and balmy Mountain into a fierce unending blizzard the Western giant became gaorg of the Great Bay Temple and plagued the waters with uneasy murkiness and caused the weather to become even hotter and the Eastern giant became twin mold of the Stone Tower Temple and covered the land in darkness and undeath their Corruption of the lands also led to the creation of several monsters and bosses that we already discussed such as the geckos or egos do ikana but at the end of it all after link freeze all the Giants from their evil masked shackles were left with one burning question why why did Majora specifically curse these giants into these specific monsters it's finally time to talk about the ones that started it all Majora and the skull kid and here's another fair warning buckle your seatbelts because this is about to get crazy most fans know by heart the story of the skull kid a mischievous childlike Forest imp that donned an evil mask and acted out and probably the worst temper tantrum the world has ever seen But the character that really gets people going is that of Majora where did it come from is it an it or was it a person at one point and why is it now sealed inside a mask let us begin with what we know according to the happy mask salesman the Majora's Mask was created by an ancient tribe who used the mask for hexing rituals which is another word for cursing or bewitching so you know this ancient tribe was definitely not one of the good ones however that ancient tribe that used the mask for cursing others decided themselves that the mask was too powerful and could lead to Too Much catastrophe so this hexing tribe The Mask away in the shadows interestingly in the original Japanese version of the game the happy mask salesman says that the original tribe was destroyed and that there was in fact a Calamity brought about by mujuda's mask and that quote our ancestors sealed it away our ancestors as in his and Link's shared ancestors which would be the hylians themselves it doesn't necessarily prove much but it is interesting to think about an unknown amount of time passes and eventually the happy mask salesman gets his own hands on the mask although we don't know how or when or even why he knew about the mask in the first place regardless the Skull Kid eventually steals the mask from him and cue the events of the game the skull kid then begins to undergo an evolution from harmless prankster to more serious prankster to then taking actual serious advances in his revenge plot and decides to trap his old friends inside the giant masks curse the land with numerous ailments and finally bring the moon crashing into the face of the Earth in order to destroy the world in defiance of the festival that celebrates the Sun and the Moon things so far are ultimately pretty easy to understand kid puts on Mass gets corrupted by mask until the dark encounter with the Skull Kid Atop The Clock Tower see once the skull kid's plot is stopped by way of the Giants literally holding the moon in place Majora's Mask detaches from the skull kid and proves for the first time that it is sentient and this is where stuff gets super interesting it then proceeds to call the Skull Kid a puppet and enters the moon itself empowering it even more and continuing its downward descent to destroy the world but wait you might be thinking I thought that was the skull kid's Revenge plan why does Majora who may have been created by ancient hylians want to destroy termina what does termina have to do with Majora's Mask the only thing that ties Majora's Mask to termina and the Giants is the skull kid himself so here's my theory and of course you're welcome to believe whichever one you'd like now I have two theories one of which is the literal theory of what's Happening here within the lore of the universe and the other of which is the theory of the symbolism behind all of this and how it makes sense on a meta scale but let's start with the lore Theory when link enters the moon personally I feel like he and enters the mind of Majora I mean a limitless grassy field with a tree in it being inside the Moon is probably metaphysical you know probably there are also children running around wearing the four giant masks with one sitting alone wearing Majora's Mask itself but the reason why the mind of Majora is so lonely feeling and the child wearing Majora's Mask sits by themselves with nobody to play with is because that is a reflection of exactly what happened to the skull kid it's what was inside the skull kid's heart and memories and because the Skull Kid felt it Majora now feels it that's why the four giant mask children are free to play amongst themselves while the Skull Kid slash Majora child sits alone it's a perfect picture of terminus history told from the perspective of the skull kid but this fictional reality also shares the memories of Majora that's why the kids look like the happy mask salesman and why they ask link if he'll be a happy mask salesman too since Majora remembers the happy mask salesman as the only individual in the past countless amount of years to pay attention to it according to the old Miiverse website that again has since been taken down the happy mask salesman him self says that he's never met these children before and that he doesn't think they're normal kids and that he's pretty sure there's some figment created by the Majora's Mask he even recognizes that they have the same hairstyle as him so young yet so stylish but now we're left wondering everything in this grassy field all of the dialogue from these children their appearances The Masks it all stems from either the memories of the skull kid or the Majora's Mask itself but why well I believe it's because of the fact that Majora's Mask is now alive but let me explain see the Majora's Mask when Warren gives the use of the power to make their wishes a reality much like the Triforce actually but yet the opposite of it see the Triforce will grant the wish of its user but will separate if its user is unbalanced meaning the Triforce requires balance Majora's Mask on the other hand creates imbalance it corrupts it takes the deepest darkest Parts within your mind and brings them to the surface eventually making those dark thoughts worsen and completely take control think about it like the Venom symbiote and Spider-Man but if the Venom symbiote also granted the wishes of Spider-Man and now give that symbiote to an angry emotionally distraught human being who has not yet figured out how to control their emotions like a child or a skull kid that in and of itself is a scary notion but I think that the true horror is actually even worse see there's a reason why Majora's Mask initially wasn't alive but it is now and why it was so terrifying to the ancient tribe once they discovered its true nature in my opinion Majora's Mask darkens the wearer's heart because it feeds off of it it grows from it and eventually it becomes alive because of it and forms a literal incarnation of the darkness of its wearer's heart their darkest desires their deepest hurts their inescapable loneliness and the culmination of all of their wrath and that is the heartbreaking deep dark horror of Majora's Mask it's why Majora pushed the dark thoughts and feelings within the skull kid to the surface it's why Majora continued to enter the moon and pursue the same dark intentions given to it from the skull kid it's why the moon Area created by Majora is lonely and desolate and it's why Majora itself is wild and childish and full of Wrath like the skull kid and begins forming a veiny organic body based off of these very emotions in front of our eyes and we know this is the entire darkness of Majora because after defeating it the evil has officially escaped The Mask proven by the happy mask salesman but one other aspect of the final fight that I don't have to explain but I will anyway because according to the Hyrule Historia is the canonical version of events would be the fierce deities mask that link Dawns in order to transform into the fierce deity and kill Majora's Mask once and for all the Japanese term for it is kishin which is used to refer to gods that have a righteous Fury against the enemies of humanity and according to aonuma himself the fierce deity mask is supposed to be the culmination of all the memories of terminus people their combined will if you will it seems to me that just like Majora's Mask is the Incarnation of Darkness of the skull kid's heart the fierce deity is the Incarnation of the righteous Fury of humanity now it's given to link from inside the Majora moon Area from the child representing Majora itself so that they can play good cop bad cop before fighting which is strange but makes more sense when you look at the situation symbolically and to explain the symbolism let's start again with Majora's Mask The Deadly heart-shaped ancient hexing mask is a picture of what happens if the dark and harmful will towards others inside our hearts is left unchecked specifically with a focus on how angry and wrathful we can be in our childhood when our emotions have yet to mature and the masks that link gives to the Moon children that run around wanting nothing but to play games represents the different pieces of our childhoods our imaginations the games we would play and when you give the final piece of your immaturity away you receive the more grim and serious maturity of adulthood in return which has the power to destroy even the darkest of childhood intentions or hurts because after all isn't the skull kid's wrath warranted wasn't he hurt by the Giants his closest friends the problem is he went too far and wasn't mature enough to deal with it so simply put Majora's Mask to me among many things is an allegory for growing up and overcoming and defeating the traumas of our childhood the darkness we so often bring with us but that's just my thoughts on the matter speaking of my thoughts though this turned out to be the longest and most thought intensive boss lore video yet or at least it felt that way when I was researching it if you enjoyed it or my efforts into making it please consider leaving a like on the video and subscribe if you haven't already for much more to come seriously you can always unsubscribe if you change your mind so give it a shot if you learned something new or if I missed something let me know in the comments below and also let me know which game you'd like me to cover next honestly I'm probably going to start up the series for the Metroid franchise pretty soon so you're going to want to stick around for that huge thanks as always to my Bandit crew of which I have a few new names to announce say hello to Gemma F Zack p and meme Supreme all of which who joined up recently thank you guys so much you guys are the reason why this channel is possible and if you watching are interested in joining up or helping keep this channel afloat check out the links in my description below that's about all I've got for this one so be sure to follow me on my socials and I'll see you next time this is Bandit signing out peace [Music] thank you
Channel: BanditGames
Views: 630,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, majora's mask, zelda majora's mask, legend of zelda, bandit games, masked nintendo bandit, zeltik, zelda theory, majora's mask theory, zelda bosses explained, all bosses explained, zelda bosses, majora's mask bosses, majora's mask explained, majora's mask lore, majoras mask, ocarina of time, breath of the wild, tears of the kingdom, lore of the bosses, zelda lore of the bosses, odolwa, majora, gyorg, goht, twinmold, igos du ikana, ikana valley, link, nintendo, switch, direct
Id: _6vW79RrcDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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