All Bosses EXPLAINED in Zelda: Twilight Princess

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a Zelda game without bosses is like a bowl of ramen with only noodles it's like wait what you've heard this intro before oh I see I used it in the last video okay let me do something new a Zelda game without bosses is like beef stew with only beef in it there a completely new intro anyway the point is Zelda bosses are each special and interesting and memorable and are a big part of what makes the Zelda game so spicy and in Twilight Princess there are a ton of them and they're plenty spicy after the awesome reception of the bossler video I did on Ocarina of Time I decided to go ahead and make this sequel video explaining the lore behind all the bosses in Twilight Princess and if you missed the Ocarina of Time video no worries it'll be linked in the description below also I was helped by the one and only law online historian for several bosses in this video so a huge thanks to him for his XL sized input so here we go yeah and uh spoiler alert obviously to start we're gonna go over all of the bosses in the game that were made through the power of the fused Shadow which would Encompass the first three dayababa from the Forest Temple virus from the Goron mines and more more fuel from the lake bed Temple Each of which are pretty easy to explain as a reminder or in case you've never played the game the three main light spirits in the game were responsible for sealing away the powerful dark magic that The Interlopers created in order to spite the gods see the goddesses themselves weren't the biggest fans of this idea so they had the Light Spirit seal the magic away in the fused Shadow relics which were then each hidden within the aforementioned temples except for the one that midno wears on her head she just kind of has that one when we meet her which she got at some point after being turned into an imp we don't really know where she got it maybe The Interlopers took one with them when they were banished through the mirror into the Twilight realm but hey at least it's conveniently the perfect fit for her imp sized Cranium anyway the three fused Shadows that were placed within the temples kind of ended up corrupting whatever life forms they came in contact with which is what fused Shadows do according to lederu since they're essentially made of dark magic the first boss in the game dayababa is actually just a Deku Baba you know one of these plants these really annoying plants it's clear from the giant decubaba heads and the name Baba in Daya Baba that it was indeed a corrupted Deku Baba and now I've said Deku Baba too many times and it doesn't sound real moving on virus from the Goron mines is actually the patriarch of the gorons who had entered the mine in order to figure out why the volcano was acting so weird Darvis apparently came into contact with the fused Shadow once entering the volcano and boom evil transformation fortunately links many stabs from his sword didn't actually kill him it just beat the evil out of him and he soon returned to normal right after not remembering anything of the affair the boss of the water temple I mean the lake bed Temple more feel is once again a fused Shadow corrupted eel which is evidenced by its eel-like appearance and the word eel in its name morpheal and it's not super hard to believe that an eel was living underwater so we'll call this one good next let's move on to a very similar kind of boss in the game those that were corrupted by the pieces of the mirror of twilight instead of the fused Shadow which happens after Zant destroys the mirror to preemptively prevent midna from crossing over to the other side since he was only able to break it into four pieces one of which remained on the mirror frame he needed some place to hide hide them so he pulled a light spirit's move and hid each piece within a temple or mansion on top of a mountain and speaking of a mansion on top of the mountain the snow peak ruins is the location of the first boss blizzetta blizzetta is really just a little yeti lady named Yeta who lives alone with her husband appropriately named yeto and who really likes her piece of the mirror of twilight so much so that bam it corrupts her and turns her into a monster and may have even snapped her neck fortunately you only really have to break the evil ice she builds up around her leaving her body unscathed after the fight and fit for some husband and wife Lovin moving on the next piece of the mirror is found in the distant past of the Temple of Time It's curious as to how Zant was able to do this since the door of time doesn't open in the game until link places the master sword in its pedestal once again something Zant would not have been able to do but that's another theory for another day the boss of the Temple of time is the Twilight arachnid armagoma who is literally just a giant tarantula spider meaning the mirror Shard must have corrupted a tarantula spider in order to make armagoma and sprout an evil eye on her back and we know what to her because she makes lots of babies this boss definitely gets yeeded from existence though and once sufficiently sent to the afterlife as all spiders should be procures the second mirror Shard the final Shard can be found high in the sky in the city in the sky inhabited by the strange Ooka race of little chicken people anyway these little chicken people were being harassed by a dragon sent by Zant named argarok the Twilight Dragon whose Aunt created by corrupting one of the regular car garak bird dinosaur enemies with the final Shard of the mirror I'm not sure if Zant meant for argurok to immediately begin terrorizing the Uka people in the sky or if he simply wanted to hide a shard in the most mobile form he could think of but either way link and midna are able to locate and kill the Beastie and thus reclaim the final mirror Shard with the bosses made through both forms of Twilight corruption out of the way let's now shift our Focus to the bosses that are just regular beings or monsters in the world of Hyrule untainted by the corruption of Twilight the first boss on this list is the Caked Up baboon named oog Who is the very first mini boss of the game actually ook is the leader of the tribe of keys that live in the farron woods just outside ordona and is normally just a regular funny monkey guy until he got corrupted but no not by the Twilight see ook somehow had a parasitic bug latch onto his forehead which was the reason he started to go insane in the first place this parasitic bug has designs that are similar to the goats of aardon which my good buddy lanlon historian astutely pointed out so it's probably safe to say that this bug is actually a natural parasite that just so happened to latch onto ook maybe even while the Cake Master was sleeping either way once properly spanked ook smashes into a nearby totem pole so hard that it knocks the parasite off of his head which ends up dying immediately after detaching from its host kinda makes you feel bad for mercilessly destroying ook's ass when you could have just knocked off the bug huh anyway next up we have the Goron guard named Dan Gora or as I like to call him Dan who we meet in the Goron mines Dan's just a good guy who's doing his job of protecting the sacred treasure hidden within the mines which is of course the Hero's Bow Dan isn't really the brightest though so instead of just asking why link is there Dan jumped straight to trying to murder him once you dump Dan into the lava a couple times Dan listens to your reasons for being there and immediately goes back to being friendly and lets you pass just an ordinary Dan who jumped the gun a bit too early next up we have the Deku Toad from the lake bed Temple and honestly this one is just as simple as its wildlife of Hyrule that somehow made its home in the temple underneath Lake hylia and just so happened to move into the room that just so happened to have the claw shot inside it which the toad just so happened to swallow I highly doubt that there was some grand scheme from the makers of the temple for the hero to slice up a literal toad or rather the Toad's tongue in order to regain the sacred claw shot from its stomach acids yeah pretty sure this one's just an accident of nature anyway weird vomiting and fibic enemies aside next up we have the familiar skull kid from The Lost Woods I mean the sacred grove it's my opinion that this is the very same skull kid as the skull kid from Ocarina of Time in Majora's Mask because he knows saria's song which the hero of time taught to a particular Skull Kid hun hundreds of years ago plus skull kids are Immortal so it's definitely possible but of course it's also possible that it's just a different Skull Kid since there are an unknown number of them living in the woods and they could have just heard the song The Skull Kid is a childlike Forest Spirit who loves games and mischief and who in this case forces link to play with him before allowing link access to the area deep within the woods where the Temple of Time and therefore the master sword rest but he's not really a bad guy he's just the fantasy version of it's a prank bro next up is the dark Hammer from the mysterious snow peak ruins now this is definitely one of the more obscure bosses in the game but I personally subscribe to the notion that since the snow peak ruins itself has strong ties to the royal family of Hyrule and since there are many cages and other dark camera suits of armor present in the ruins the dark Hammer must be the result of some sort of experimental super soldier that the royal family was trying their best to procure it's not like they haven't done some very similar very shady War tactic things in the past either case in point being the Shadow Temple from Ocarina of Time and they do also have some of their Knights use the ball and chain weapon over in the the Fallen timeline also it does make sense that this dark Hammer would simply be one of many due to the sheer number of giant three-fingered suits of armor present throughout the ruins so adding this all together it's my interpretation that the dark camera that link fights in the game is a fragment of the ruins's history which is that there were experimental super soldiers created possibly from the Liz alfos or dinolfo's species and stored Within the Ruins one of which was still alive and sprung to life when link tried to pass through this storage room but of course this is all theoretical and if you personally have a better theory that you'd rather believe you are more than welcome to believe that instead but I will say if you're interested in the subject and you want to learn more Celtic has a very good theory video that sums up what I'm trying to talk about I'll link to it the description below moving on though the next non-twilight boss would be the very similar dark nut which is another giant armor-clad enemy that's even more intelligent and even more humanoid than the dark Hammer now I have an entire in-depth theory on The Dark Knight enemies in general and how they link to both the hero of time and the hero of Twilight which I will link in the description below again if you are interested in a deeper dive into this concept but in a nutshell it is again my interpretation that the darknet knights are none other than corrupted Knights of Hyrule the biggest evidence being their physical placements and the clear loftwing symbology on not only their Twilight Princess appearances but also their Wind Waker appearance where they're shown to flat out own night's crests which again features a prominent loftwing symbol and heavily emphasizes a knight so yeah in a nutshell dark nuts are corrupted Knights of Hyrule but for more info check out my theory from 2020. moving on the next natural boss in the game is the aerophose which simply put is another sword and shield wielding humanoid lizard enemy just like the lizel foes and dinofos who are also similarly named except the aerofos as Airborne with wings making them more deadly and therefore more rare and also like the little foes and Dino foes the arrow foes serves the forces of evil it's a long-running theory that all of these lizard enemies are nothing more than the creations of malisons are shown to be made of malice in breath of the wild which would technically mean that they come from demise and are actually demons but that's a separate theory for the purposes of this video The Arrow foes is just an another evil serving lizard monster that seems to be guarding the second Clash out the first time we see it in the game perhaps trying to prevent the hero from obtaining the necessary item to complete the city in the sky dungeon and therefore claim the final mirror Shard and finally it's time to talk about the most recurring boss in the game king boblin or as I like to call him Zelda Shrek this guy's existence and purpose is described by his name he's the king of the Baldwin species of monsters and he even explains why he and his people are so actively trying to kill you of their own volition he follows the strongest side simply put he must have witnessed the power of Zant at some point in the game and decided that for the health and well-being of he and his people if he wanted to survive he should probably be on Zant's side but after witnessing Link in his powerful ABS decided to switch sides to the good side nobody likes a bandwagoner but hey at least he's honest the bigger question here is where do the Baldwin species originate from in the first place since they've rarely made appearances outside this game but personally I don't think this matters much especially since they also make an appearance in the adult timeline in the game's spirit X meaning they're out there in the world of Hyrule and Beyond we just don't see them very often some people believe that the bulbens are none other than the evolved Garuda women but uh yeah no I I don't buy that personally especially because according to the encyclopedia the Gerudo had actually moved further into the desert at this point explaining their absence the Baldwins must have just bit another species of monster just like bakoblins or moblins or lionels or you know all the other species of monsters in the series oh and King Baldwin's Mount also has a name Lord bulbo Lord of all bull bows which are the giant pig monsters that Baldwins ride on and that's about it the last natural boss we'll discuss before moving on to the main character bosses is the one the only the Twilight bloat this gorgeous elegant creature has many similarities to a queen termite another gorgeous elegant creature their beauty is beyond compare and just like the termite I believe the Twilight bloat is the mother of all the shadow insects their Queen if you will which were created by Zant in order to steal the light spirits's tears of Twilight what a beautiful animal species now with all the non-main character bosses out of the way it's time to focus on the two that started it all Zant and the big man Ganondorf himself but let's start with Zant and with the Z had a job before he usurped the Twilight throne in the Twilight royal castle he was a helper of the Twilight royal family who served them because he believed that he would be the next appointed to rule however to his dismay when it came time to choose the next leader it was midna who was chosen instead of Zant because people could see that he lusted for power and not much else and she was then given the powers that only the ruler of the Twilight can possess now it's unknown if the Twilight had a Royal bloodline like the Hylian royal family has which would imply that if midna and Zant are both up for the crown that they would both be related or if it's simply the matter of appointing the next Monarch regardless of blood relation either way Zant got a little perturbed at this since after all he was patient and tried to wait his turn and in his desperation while he was literally throwing a temper tantrum on a balcony he lifted his eyes and saw a god and this God had a name Ganondorf Ganondorf vested part of his power which is a mixture of dark Gerudo magic stemming from his mother twin rova and that of the Triforce of power in Zant giving Zant much more power than that of the simple ruler of Twilight with this new power he cursed midna to Forever assume the implied form we see her in for the majority of the game and then transformed all the remaining Twilight people into mindless beasts that only serve him known as The Shadow beasts after taking care of any potential pushback from his fellow Twilight he then set his sights on the world he wished to conquer the light world with ganondorf's power he crossed over into Hyrule and then tasked King boblin to locate the light Spirits in order to send Shadow beasts to their locations to Snuff them out plunge the light into Twilight and transfer the light spirits's Tears of Light to the shadow insects in one Fell Swoop he then took the remaining Shadow beasts and powerfully assaulted Hyrule Castle itself and was greeted with total surrender from the Hylian ruler Princess Zelda however eventually Zant remembered that he has yet to possess the full power of the ruler of Twilight and tracks Down Lincoln midna of his own volition he then asks midna who is the true ruler of Twilight to join him most likely implying that he would appreciate it if she would add her power to his she refuses this because he's hella creepy and then Zant proceeds to thrust her into the light World which for a being of Twilight that can't exist in the light is probably something that felt kind of like a fish being forced to swim in lava of course Zelda saves midna's life by sacrificing her Essence and meanwhile Zant heads off to the arbiter's grounds to try to break apart the mirror and prevent the heroic Duo from hunting him down he even makes an appearance right before Lincoln midna head up to the mirror chamber and revives an ancient stall enemy as a boss oh what's that you notice I haven't covered stalard yet keep watching I'll get to him anyway after which Zan proceeds to seemingly Retreat back to the Twilight castle in the realm of Twilight which ends up being the very place that he would meet his end after piecing together the mirror of twilight link and midna then enter the Twilight realm and kill Zant once and for all but not before he was Abe able to confess to them the true origin of his powers enter Ganondorf now if you've been a Zelda fan for a while or if you've watched my previous Boss video you know why gandorf Rose to power and all the lore surrounding his reasons so I'll skip over his origin story for now however I will explain what I think happened to him after link was sent back in time at the end of Ocarina of Time see most people know that Ganondorf was captured and his plans were prevented but there's a bit more to that story once Ganondorf was captured he wasn't sentenced to death immediately according to onuma his execution at the arbiter's grounds happened several years after the events of Ocarina of Time since we can assume that link warned Zelda and the Hylian royal family of ganondorf's true intentions pretty much immediately following his being sent back in time which would have directly led to ganondorf's capture this means that Ganondorf was most likely imprisoned for several years before his banishment where was he imprisoned you ask why at the arbiter's grounds of course now this is where things get interesting because the arbiter's grounds was according to aru or aru have you say his name the site where the worst criminals in the land were held and executed filling the grounds themselves with their malice now aru also says that the people who were sentenced to be executed were instead sent directly to the underworld aka the realm of Twilight via the mirror of twilight but we can tell this is only half true because those who were banished were specifically only the ancient Interlopers as described by lanairu but that was a long long time ago there also just happens to be dead bodies and pose present everywhere within the arbiter's grounds implying pretty heavily that there were in fact inmates who were actually killed here as well with their malicious Souls haunting the hallways to this day enter one of the creepiest bosses in the game the death blade it's my simplistic personal interpretation that the deathblade is literally the malice of the Dead that aru speaks of Haunting the arbitus grounds or at least some of it as Lon Lon historian and I were researching the blade itself was most likely the execution blade that was responsible for taking countless lives of prisoners leading to the blade itself being haunted by their combined evil Essences this also explains why the blade is being held down to the ground with ropes covered in what looks to be ofura seals which are used in several religions such as Shinto and Buddhism which are present in Japan and believed to do several things one of which is sealing Spirits away on the ground surrounding the blade is a giant summoning circle with runes drawn on the inside and only when the roads attaching the ofuda seals to the sword are severed the death sword spirit is released heavily implying that this room and the blade itself are meant to trap The Souls of the most malicious dead inmates within the goat-like spear that materializes to control the sword is in my opinion the spirit that the sword was harboring which is in and of itself another combination of Poe Spirits like Bongo Bongo from Ocarina of Time however this was not the only way that inmates were executed in the Arbiters grounds have you ever thought it was weird that the entire arbiter's ground setup is built as a Coliseum see I think this plays into the reasons why arbiter's grounds has been condemned and people are now forbidden to even travel there because what's the point of a Coliseum combat that normally ends in merciless gruesome deaths for slaves or prisoners what if the big dark secret of the arbiter's grounds isn't just that there's a goddess ordained banishing Relic held there or even that inmates used to be executed there but that the worst Prisoners the ones who Hyrule hated the most were sentenced to a gruesome death by combat against an insurmountable foe in the midst of the Coliseum and her Star-Lord the Twilight fossil now again just like several other bosses in this video this is just my theory and you're more than welcome to believe whichever one you want lots of fans of the series get caught up trying to figure out who Star Lord is as in whether or not Stallard is related to volvagia or perhaps King dadongo from Ocarina of Time since they're dinosaurs and they all share the same boss fight theme however I personally feel that this line of thinking is impossible because this is all assuming that Stallard is somehow younger than the aforementioned lizard bosses simply because Twilight Princess takes place after Ocarina of Time when all signs point to the contrary since anuma states that Twilight Princess takes place somewhere between 100 and 200 years after Ocarina of Time and arbiter's grounds is clearly an ancient rundown Coliseum that alone implies age of potentially thousands of years not one or two hundred given this and the sheer size of the Colossal Star-Lord himself and the fact that he was alive long enough to grow that big and then dead long enough to completely decompose I'd wager that Stallard himself is as ancient if not more ancient than the arbiter's grounds Coliseum itself meaning the question isn't really whether starlord is or is a descendant of volvagia or the dadongos but rather whether they are the descendants of Star-Lord but aside from who Star Lord is isn't it strange that there's a giant monster placed right in the middle of an ancient desert Coliseum isn't it possible that given the nature of giant monsters and coliseums and the fact that the arbiter's grounds was the location where many prisoners were killed that Star-Lord himself was used as an execution method for whoever was in prison there as in Star-Lord was execution by combat think about it why would stalard be placed here in the center of the grounds directly underneath the mirror chamber as a guard for the mirror I heavily doubt that since Star-Lord was long dead before Zant Scimitar of Twilight brought him back back to life and how would Stallard have even gotten moved inside here in the first place perhaps the grounds were built for and around Star-Lord himself perhaps Stallard is the entire point of the Coliseum and furthermore what's with all the style soldiers that stalard can raise up from the sand at will if you notice they're all wearing armor but it's very rudimentary and cheap looking and not at all like the armor of the soldiers of Hyrule so it can be assumed that these non-hylian soldiers were instead prisoners who were given cheap equipment to feign the hope that they could stand in combat against the terrifying Star-Lord and again as a reminder this has actually happened in human history see the history of Gladiators and the coliseums and Nintendo draws inspiration from history time and time again for the Zelda games the point I'm trying to make though is that by the time Ganondorf was imprisoned here within the grounds prisoners were actually being executed there either by way of the death sword quickly or by combat via stalord's Coliseum chamber and this is also why the sages attempted to execute Ganondorf before resorting to banishing him which is heavily implied with this cutscene to be something they only do as an absolute Last Resort so here's a neat little what if explanation theory for you what if Ganondorf who was imprisoned for years and sentenced to death was sentenced to die at the hands of the monster stalord and what if Ganondorf was actually the one prisoner who was able to kill him perhaps this is even why Ganondorf tells ant to go resurrect stallord using ganon's own power he knew where Star Lord's corpse was because he was the one who made him a corpse and this led to the sages taking matters into their own hands and freaking out a little bit since Ganondorf killed the big bad Star-Lord and deciding to execute Ganondorf personally or you know at least attempting to but as most people know this was unsuccessful and Ganondorf was able to kill the sage of the water before ultimately being banished out of the Sage's desperation into the Twilight realm along with the very same sword of the sages that was meant to end his life and once banished within the Twilight Ganondorf Ganondorf was left bodiness Ganondorf was left bottomless but alive and was able to rebuild and recharge his power while waiting over 100 years for a suitable host who would help him return to his beloved Kingdom of Hyrule and finally claim the throne he so desperately desired once Zant was denied the crown and showed his true childish colors Ganondorf saw the potential for Zant to be emotionally manipulated and housed part of his power within Zant telling him not only to conquer the Twilight but to also conquer Hyrule within the light world so that he himself could return via Zan's new power after Hyrule has already fallen and once Ganondorf was able to return to the light he headed straight for the throne sealing it off with a powerful Triforce enabled barrier once he arrived abandoning his disciples Aunt to fall at the hands of the Twilight Princess and this is where he awaited Link in midna's arrival until the end of the game when he and Link and midna and Zelda wage an epic battle against one another that starts in the throne room and ends in Hyrule Field where link is finally able to best him in one-on-one combat using the skills passed down from the hero shade who poetically was the first hero to face the Gerudo King in order to end Ganondorf once and for all and at the end of his life when ganroof once again called upon the power of the Triforce of power to save him from Death as it did once before with the sages Zant strangely pops up on the screen and cracks his own neck to the side which seemingly directly results in ganondorf's actual final death and for a much more in-depth explanation as to why Zant popped up here and how his neck crack possibly ended ganondorf's life check out the video I made on that exact topic it'll be linked below along with all the other theories Twilight Princess has some of the greatest bosses in the entire franchise and it was my absolute pleasure putting this video together for you guys once again thank you so much for the awesome turnout on the original video and thank you for watching this one and if you'd like for me to continue with explaining the bosses in the other Zelda games let me know which ones in the comments below also let me know if you learned anything new in this video and if you would be so kind please consider liking the video If you enjoyed it and subscribe if you haven't already for many more video gaming videos to come huge things as always to my bandico of which I have a few amazing new names to announce say hello to jy8554 who joined at the top Mast Bandit tier I mean oh my gosh thank you and say hello to Jamie p and Debbie B for joining the ranks as well as all the others who support the channel every month you guys are all so amazing and are the reason I continue to do what I do and that's about all I've gotten this one so as always I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day follow me on my socials and I'll see you next time this is Bandit signing out peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: BanditGames
Views: 400,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zelda, twilight princess, zelda twilight princess, legend of zelda, bandit games, masked nintendo bandit, bandit zelda, zeltik, twilight princess bosses, zelda bosses, zelda lore, zelda theory, zelda story, zelda explained, zelda bosses explained, diababa, ook, ganon, ganondorf, zant, zant twilight princess, stallord, stallord theory, stallord explained, death sword, death sword twilight princess, death sword explained, zelda secrets, botw, breath of the wild, botw 2, news, direct
Id: Sb_MuzFVBbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 38sec (1478 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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