Polish FP-5 Filter Test, Works with a GP-5!

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okay in this video I hope to explain to everybody what polish fb5 filters are and why they're so useful so here is your typical gp5 or SH m60 to you to be technical you know nice famous gas masks and most mass-produce gas mask or respirator in the world about a hundred million plus of these made supposedly but there's an issue isn't that it's the the Soviet green gp5 filters contain asbestos which is very bad if you inhale it can like screw your lungs up or kill you so you know lots of people want to say filters to put on these now a lot of people just shove NATO filters on which won't make an airtight seal yes you could do that but what if you actually want to use the mask other than for cosplay purposes or something like that well that's where F p5 filters come in or some of the other standardized polish filters or normalised polish filters made my mouth spoke so this is a sealed FP v filter as you can says see it says F p5 on the front and it's foil wrap so while this one is expired it apparently ran out with 2016 it should still work I imagine because only two years out of date and it's for your wraps these ones I've been demonstrating videos before this isn't an FP v filter but this is one of my poles earlier standardized filters so what a standardized filters and how do they work and you know everything like that so I've said this before no videos but to recap when Poland obviously was free of communist interference his own country again after the fall of communism before Berlin Wall fall the Soviet Union they had all this old Warsaw Pact military equipment a lot like this laying around now Warsaw Pact masks use 40 millimeter ghost Fred for the filters NATO uses 40 millimeter NATO Stanek they're not the same Fred pitch and thickness which means if you try and put a NATO filter on a ghost mask it won't make an airtight seal now Poland's dilemma was they had loads of these masks in storage that they could use for reservists and things like that and it was a bit stupid to you know just throw them away so I didn't want to do that but they wanted to adopt NATO masks and NATO mask take 40 millimeter nato say at this problem they didn't want to be doing you know building to lots of filters so what they came up with was is thing you'll see here Rd forty which just means forty millimeter NATO but it says 1/7 inch and that is to explain that the Fred's a bit different in these so they came up with a standardized or normalized filter so what that means is that the filters screw credit South is sort of halfway between NATO and GOST and it's designed to work with both sets of masks so let's get this FP five daughter open I might need to cut the foil with a non if it doesn't tear open even a little bit we'll see that those airing okay so let's get this out of its wrapper here is an FP five filter so again looks very similar to the packet information not much that see it's got the mask whole thing no that's the right around master pol so what we're gonna do is we're gonna open this filter and we're gonna put it on the mask and we're going to test it and in theory it should work absolutely fine I've said I've been using the older polish filters than these for testing Soviet Mars safely and they work a treat but I said the issue is you can't just simply unfortunately NATO filters on Soviet masks because they have the gosta Fred so it's not just the Soviet masks it's all the Warsaw Pact masks so polish mass check marks Hungarian masks they all have forty millimeter ghosts Fred's so there we go there's our filter so let's open this up rubber washers falling out this is just goes on the top to keep the top nice and sealed but you know actually having these washers of spares would be useful it's okay if we look at the screw Fred it looks like that and what this should do is you know fit properly with one of these masks so let's try us now now if this makes a good fit I shouldn't have to force it at all it should nice and easily screw in like a dust filter would oh look look at that it's screwed in screwed in nice and tight okay so now we're gonna do the test now there are other options if you don't want to get FP 5 filters for example like the Czech and polish ms4 filters I believe their cord they will fit gauss mass now people reckon they're a lot safer than the soviet masks but I've never seen much best loss report on them as I said personally I wouldn't use them just because there are completely safe alternatives like FP 5 filters and other polish standardized filters from after the Cold War that we know are going to be safe with those old filters yeah if you want to use them use them just bear in mind that I don't think we've ever seen tests on them they don't have that kind of cottony looking stuff that the Soviets have that had us best or sinned but at the same time personally I wouldn't use them is completely up to you but there we go this is an FP 5 filter on the GP 5 jimsy it's a standard GP 5 and nothing special so now for the important bit the test what I'm going to do is first test it with banana oil then we'll test it with air freshener now because I've just opened the filter I think this talk--i should work but we also want to check the seal here as I've demonstrated in other videos obviously NATO filters don't make an airtight seal there so let's test this first of all okay so I'm gonna probably often thought quite loudly so you can hear me but as you can see it's still the SP 5 thing from here not a GP 5 filter these looked a lot more like modern matric filters have us up so there's the banana oil or the ice Emile acetate very strong smelling stuff so unsurprisingly I can't smell that at all right now exactly see you'll hear yep I still can't smell it so the seal seems to be good so now we're going to do the air freshener and rune test which is far less forgiving but if the Masters that then I can confirm to that polish FB five filters should definitely make an airtight seal the masks as you know I've already been saying this for a while but now I've actually got MP files right FB five filters my mp5 mask I thought would be good try to demonstrate the filters themselves to prove to people they do actually work on the video that should be totally covered in the spray so now I'm going to check the time on my watch and give it a couple of minutes at least and yeah I can't smell anything this is working absolutely perfectly as I was saying if you get an FP five films with its foil-wrapped and everything like that and it's only a couple years out of date the filter should be absolutely fine for real wind use obviously if you do really worry about filters to use make sure you get ones that are in a day but I think for anybody totally wanting to use a GP fine for anything an FP v filter would work properly now I'll see if I can find any documentation for it but I'm pretty sure these FP five filters unlike standard enemy C CBRN type feels you know there is a label on there some moments facing me but we'll have a look at that but as far as I'm aware the previous generation of all the FP fires at least and a de filter so organic vapor in organic vapor and acidic gases the fb5 will fly belief is at least a navy thought of this not an ABEC filter so if it's full a backfill tough like a full decent CBR in the filter should be then it will obviously be able to or thoughts of ammonia based vapors as well that's what the K stands for in any back but the darks it will be an ABA filter at least it's also a free film for the bottom that's section so particulate level free protection from biological weapons and radiological stuff like irradiated dust things like that also removing asbestos or like fiberglass from somewhere then this will work the same way as an asbestos familias filter so you know even when these totally expire the P pre-filter it's worth keeping these four notes in long because we just have a few free throws from you can refine the house work but yeah there you go I'm sure that still at least three minutes now let me check for and watch yeah but it has been about two minutes so yes we're fb5 come for a still worth it looking perfectly let me just break the seal of the mosque and see if I can smell arena yeah yeah I can smell the air freshmen straight away so yes we do concluded smacks in the fb5 filter works exactly as it should quite clammy to my skin yeah the FB 5 filter works absolutely perfectly on a GP 5 I've seen if it works on a GP 5 at work on any other Soviet mask so yeah all comes down to that a normalize screw Fred meaning it can screw in and out of a thing there I said I was just seeing if it did say what the FB 5 filter actually did on here but it doesn't seem to what I'm going to do is just quickly check master pols website with google translator unless I have an English page as well and I'll see if I can just find a technical manual for these if they are a B e or full a BEC just for the people who are curious but yeah they are very good regardless but let me just check if it's a b or a BEC okay so thankfully master pol has their site in English as well as polish so you can actually look at their products now I couldn't find a thing annoyingly for the individual filter but you can find the mp5 page and a mp6 we've included filter out has some details of the filter and it says these work against chemical weapons radial or radiological biological threats and toxic industrial chemicals or toxic industrial substances so I'd be fairly certain because they say it works ink sticks or Tim's whatever you want to call them the ammonia is going to be included in that list so yeah as far as I'm aware this is an ABEC P free filter like most modern military filters are but annoyingly it doesn't have the letters on like some of mass poles industrial filters do for example on these older ones or else is it on the filter hey there we go a B 2 e 1 P 3 so it's an a BEP free filter this one unfortunately doesn't say that on there but I'm pretty sure it's an a back P 3 because they say it works against toxic industrial chemicals ammonia being one of those so there you go you've got your options if you're getting a polish filter you can even get these or these or any of our mast poles 40 millimeter standardized industrial ones but yeah regardless FP 5 filters are probably the best way about going about it really you know you can get them more sealed for de wrapped for not too much money and you know they're gonna work on any of the cost all NATO masks so you only have to get this one filter if you had several masks and you wanted to put a working filter on several of them there's one filter would do the job and obviously the main reason I like them is safe to use with Soviet masks nothing dodgy in them not even a question of you know anything dodgy in them they're like some of the other filters where it's still a bit mm-hmm use at your own risk these are definitely safe so if you want a link I'll put one in the description below beast or who I bought the FP 5 from sorry the mp5 II included an FP 5 filters with it he does have a page of just the foil-wrapped FP 5s filters if you want those but I said they are very good because the poles basically had to get a you know working filter for both the mass so the Polish design was you had to have you know one that did both things where um as you know it wasn't like they kept making sort of 40 millimeter ghost and NATO filters separately they combined them and this is the result so yeah FP 5 filters definitely recommended as said there will be a link in the description to where you can get them on eBay but they are definitely worth it if you've got an old Soviet or Warsaw Pact mask and you want a filter you know to be safe and that will actually work with the mask rather than you know forcing a NATO filter on that won't make an airtight seal and damaging the frets and a mask just pop one of these on and it worked like a charm so there you go polish FP 5 filters a great investment if you actually want a working filter for your Soviet masks you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 49,302
Rating: 4.954627 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, gas mask, respirator, surplus gas mask, NBC mask, CBRN mask, real gas mask, air filter, breathing filter, Protective mask, GP-5 gas mask, GP-5 respirator, Soviet GP-5, safe filter for GP-5 gas mask, Polish FP-5 filter, Polish FP-5 filter on GP-5 gas mask, FP5 filter
Id: 8SoDpiHH3hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2018
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