All About Christmas Eve | Full Movie 2023 | Romantic Christmas | Haylie Duff

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[Music] oh jingle BS jle BS jle all the oh I Isle chle all I find it is to ride in a one horse of this all [Music] [Applause] [Music] right [Music] I told you that a Christmas themed far Mitzvah would never work just look at this [Music] disaster I'm going to have to do decide how to properly punish you I can assure you that it will never happen again good because if you keep this up there'll be bigger things on your plate hug R table 4 would like to know if there was sale is kosher you can tell her that it is will you excuse me I have to go do some my trademark obsessing and compulsing that you've learned to love and admire about me obsess and compulse away we'll continue this in my office tomorrow morning nice work with thank [Music] you wait so the dragon lady actually gave you props you have no idea how lucky you are that you work for yourself lucky okay my boss makes me work long hours overtime every night she never gives me a raise plus I've got to find an artist to do the bars Christmas mural it just never ends I think I'm going to head home we paid enough homage to my little Triumph today no way you're about to ditch me for 10 days in Vermont with your hipster prints this is our nights 15 minutes 20 fine with your own what you drinking um it's a little embarrassing actually couldn't be more embarrassing than a pineapple daquiri hey back off okay that's like my favorite drink in the world cheers I see you've already passed my man of taste and refinement test not to mention you're so clearly comfortable with your manhood wow 5 minutes we're already talking about my manhood you're bad I've been called that and uh many other things but my friends call me Aiden Eve how about a refill you look thirsty what are you doing I put myself through college behind a bar so what do you do no wait don't tell me let me guess okay Artist Artist huh or female professional golfer that was my second guess I actually was the captain of the mini golf team in high school I did go to art school though aha in the real world I'm an event planner H I actually just came back from a Christmas themed Bar Mitzvah figure it's quite an interesting combination what do you do for a living you mean other than whip up girly drinks for complete strangers besides that Tech stuff I'm actually actually in town meeting with some veter capitalists how long are you staying out first thing in the morning unfortunately you know what I'm going to let you get back to your friend before she gets the wrong idea yeah I'll probably go home going to watch its Wonderful Life and hit the sack well it was very nice meeting you e it was nice meeting you too and you know if you ever have any party planning needs in the greater New York metro area you should give me a call absolutely well well well I cannot leave you alone for 1 minute I have a boyfriend remember funny I didn't hear you mention that to him well he's leaving tomorrow I'm probably never going to see him again mhm [Music] H like here next time okay bud heard the bar MIT went [Music] okay you'd probably tell Michelangelo he just did okay with assistin Chapel too wouldn't you heard the news you finally got a mail order bride no buzz at the water cooler is Elizabeth is planning some sort of big announcement such as opening an office in Los Angeles really question is which which talented upand cominging Protege is she going to get to run it I don't know Matt you put in a good word for you if you want to come work for me what would I do without you I need you now right away Miss Cole no right come you've heard of a company called gobble yes of course the Next Generation social network well they are throwing a no expense spared Christmas Eve party with a hope of attracting some important investors before their official relaunch guess who they want to plan it no expenses spared huh this account can Propel us past our annual Target if we do it right we can own half the tech sector next Christmas well you know things have been tight we need to meet our quarterly goals if we want to expand right wait a minute this says that they're based in Los Angeles they Hills to be specific well I can't go to Los Angeles I have my trip I told you about my trip the CEO of gobble requested you personally that's ridiculous I don't know who the CEO of gobble is Aiden green this is Miss Wright Miss Wright huh right with a W well I've heard fantastic things about your work Miss Wright with a W my friend says your Christmas themed bar mitzvah was amazing clearly your friend had has very good taste 3 years ago I'm having lunch at this beastro on 38th Street at my wits end trying to plan this impossible book launch when Here Comes This starving artist out of the blue just hands me a sketch just went for it huh hired her on the spot my first and only impulsive move in 17 years of owning a company very impressive your event is in excellent hands oh um I I'm so flattered that your friend Rec commended me so highly but I'm actually unavailable Mr Green would you mind if I had a moment alone with Miss Wright yeah I'll wait right outside may I remind you that at the moment you are still in my good graces so I suggest you choose your next words very carefully I just I can't do it Darren's taking me to Vermont for Christmas have I not made it clear how important this is to the future of my company no you have Christmas happens every year this account only happens once but I suppose I could get Matt to run Point certainly would give him a boost in running my new West Coast office it's a shame I really thought it was going to be you fine I'll do it do it smart girl would you ask Mr Green to join us again please excellent news Mr Green Eve will be able to plan your event after all ah that is fantastic you really help me out of a bind here I can't tell you what a relief this is don't worry your party will be the mustsee event of the Year won't it right it will be spectacular great well I have a plane to catch but I will see you in Los Angeles tomorrow I'm looking forward to it it was a pleasure meeting you miss Wright Mr Green [Music] Elizabeth I suggest you go home and pack this is going to be the most important two weeks of your life yes ma'am and you will need help I'll send mat that would be [Music] great hey well uh picked up some dinner great did you put on the table I I'll get someone I'm done with this level I got some kind of big news today Darren huh yeah hey what's up so you know how I'm always trying to get my boss to notice me at work yeah we signed Goble as an account today wow that's that's like huge yeah they want this like super big Christmas Eve party and they want it planed kind of quickly that that's that's awesome baby I'm I'm so proud of you thank you could you grab me some of that uh Chinese smells great um so the part's in La I leave tomorrow for how long till [Music] Christmas but we go to Vermont on the 19th I was thinking that maybe we could go to Vermont for New Year's I promise Andy I'd go to Atlantic City we've had this planned for months this is kind of a big deal for me and I'm not but this trip could be my big break you know we could fin afford to buy a place so you're choosing work over me no of course not I don't have a BFA in studio art from NYU like you but I know it making a choice [Music] is I promise to make it up to you when we get back hey maybe you should still go on the trip it could be kind of relaxing I do have a buddy that would like to go skiing and maybe some time apart could be good for us you know I'll make the best of it for you okay thank [Music] you Chinese [Music] food you told me you set the alarm thought I did look this morning just a little bit L [Music] for I got to check a big list from the North Pole County Clerk hi the Guardia and I'm really late 10 extra bucks if you can get me there mostly alive before [Applause] [Music] [Music] 7:30 we supposed to meet here at 7:00 I know my alarm didn't go off I'm in the cab on my way I'm I'm not missing this plane on your account I know I'll be there as soon as I Canon I'll fly ACR the [Music] Christmas oh no Sant don't be late we want to wake up in the got but we know oh no Sant don't be late we want to wake up in the morning and smile so tonight I fly across the Chistmas [Music] Sky I got to [Music] go [Music] W Final Call for 15 nonstop now boarding at gate 21 do good J it's Aid no no no no I'm here I'm here hi can you open that up please you're awesome I love you thank [Music] you now I can die happy you got a really [Music] big don't be late want to wake up in the morning and smile so tonight I'll fly [Music] across good morning how about a complimentary drink before take off uh sure thank you my pleasure enjoy go this [Music] [Applause] go ho s go [Applause] [Music] [Music] go oh no this is the final boing call for flight 8:15 non-stop to Los Angel now boarding at gate [Music] 211 can you please open that back up once the gate is closed it must remain closed at all time nothing I can do about it FAA regulations no no I just saw you close it you can totally open it back up ma'am my job depends on this oh okay since you put it that way come through really no not really have a good [Music] [Music] day in the unlikely event of the loss of cabin pressure oxygen mask will automatically lower from the ceiling Place The Mask over your nose and mouth and and pull the elastic straps to fasten breathe normally be sure to secure your own mask before helping others thank you so much and have a wonderful [Music] flight right you look like death by it was a rough trip to the airport oh you should try the Manhattan to LaGuardia helicopter it's to die for right for sure next time now remember you're representing me out there you kickass it's on me you screw up it's on you either way I'm going to remember who was running the show when it comes time to decide who's going to be running my West Coast office absolutely are you drinking at 8:30 in the morning um no well why not the champagne's free In First Class For Heaven's Sake indulge you little okay I will thank you okay well you give me a call right after the meeting and remember it's all about Christmas Eve oh excuse me another please right away [Music] hi can I help you I missed my flight to La this morning and I have a really important business meeting this afternoon let me see what I can do okay thank you so much sorry there's a major storm in the Midwest and all of our flights are delayed I can get you on uh 5:00 that'll get you into LAX at 7 7:30 Pacific time I'm sorry it's the next flight out excuse [Music] [Music] me right are you still in the airport I thought you'd be on the plane by now was it late actually I miss my flight excuse me my alarm didn't go off this morning and then I had trouble getting a cab and I I broke my heel on the way to the gate calm down everything's going to be okay it is yes yes I've been taking this new yoga class that focuses on inner peace so deep breaths okay deep breaths okay okay okay this is what's going to happen I'm going to drop my three New York holiday projects cancel my trip to Aspen chared my friend Cessna to get me to Los Angeles later today so I can save what's left of the gobble account along with my company's reputation uh I I don't understand no you don't otherwise you would have made that flight you would have hired a car to get you to the airport you would have gotten there 3 hours early clearly I misjudged you right look I'm going to just take a later flight today and I'll be there in time to have drinks with a client life does not wait for Miss flight at least not on my team now I suggest you use whatever money you have left to take a bus home and hope your parents can use your help in that bookstore of theirs and right before you even think about filing for unemployment let me remind you that you were contracted as a consultant was if you don't have to do this please oh sweetie I already [Music] have well look at the queen bee presiding over her new kingdom I'm sorry what' you say nothing just saying hello isn't this crazy here you want one I get free refills you know I actually I prefer flying coach it gives me some insight into how the common person things that's usually who we're trying to connect with right I mean we're not too interested in that guy now the real people they're back there I know that you have a psych degree from Cornell I'm guessing this is some kind of play to get me to switch seats with you I'm sorry sir I'm going to have to ask you to return to your seat no worries I'm sitting next to a cheerleader from hster anyway enjoy the rest of your flight with one percenters thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] f [Music] Darren I'm [Music] home Darren Darren baby hey uh Hey you're not supposed to to be here what what what are you doing here don't you think a better question is who are you doing here just just chill okay let let me explain explain okay this should be good TI Tiffany's been going through a rough time and I was just trying to be a friend friend and it just it just happened how sweet of you I forgot what a sensitive and giving man you are is this the friend that you were going to take to Vermont don't be ridiculous wait a minute so does this mean that I'm not going to Vermont it was so nice to meet you I hope we can do this again sometime get out of my house now get out I don't want to hear anything that you have to say okay you need to leave it is just a huge you know since you don't contribute to the rent or bills or anything don't worry about settling up I love you I just threw up in my mouth a little bit and every second that I look at you is making it that much wise okay okay okay why why why don't I just let you cool off for a little while and then I'll I'll call you later don't bother my boots boots Darren get [Music] [Music] out [Music] up swimuit andle to down a oneway ticket only one place to go down head out west for theid dit the cold in the snow to find the sun and the W is the Christmas do it in it's a holwood christmaswood Christmas time awood Christmas [Music] Christmas Santa things out here are looking greates I'm cruising PC there are palm trees and movie stars all over the place got the C to down feel like I'm driving the slave Merry [Music] Christmas christas so welcome to the life of a corporate executive enjoy yourself but bring your aame to the meeting today and every other day when I'm not there you're me remember that I took the liberty of sending over some more approp attire woman regards Elizabeth Evelyn right welcome to the big [Music] [Music] time Christmas morning takeing down I'm reaching inside look what just found it's not from Sant saying why don't you stay here's your new set of keys welcome to [Music] laist that's it I'm not going back to New York just going to stay right here may I help you Evelyn Wright and Matt Hamilton for Aiden green hey glad you both made it safely welcome to Goble it's a beautiful building thank you I like the scooter oh it gets great mileage this is my assistant Matt Hamilton like the pcture Rangers of course I yeah I I love baseball well let me show you around you don't know anything about baseball that's not true what city do the Rangers play for Cincinnati it means a lot to me that you guys got out here so fast well like Elizabeth said we make it happen for our clients no matter what while you're here you're going to meet my rain maker Tino Costa thanks to to him We're gearing up for a major relaunch of the site in the first quarter not to add any extra pressure but this Christmas Eve party is our last chance to attract some serious investor attention so better be pretty amazing well lucky for you pretty amazing happens to be our specialty that should be your slogan it's pretty good actually it's pretty amazing well uh I know it's a little last minute but Tino's assembled a guest list of 300 Heavy Hitters and we're going to have it at the old Hugo Sable estate Hugo Sable the movie star where do you see it it's great so I'm guessing you want some kind of live entertainment I'll put together a roster of some available talent and then I'm just seeing a really solid visual theme you know something that really ties everything all together I got I got as far as the DJ and chocolate fountain and realized I needed help we can have a chocolate fountain too if you'd like she is good oh [Music] yeah men now who wait wait hold up you're saying that he had that little in your bed mhm she was mostly little except for her big fake M yours were more natural oh W thank you sweetie I'm just giving up on men they're not even worth the trouble now don't talk like that not all men are dogs really really really honey look you are way too young and pretty and smart to just be given up and I totally agree cheer up I'm absolutely certain things are going to get better good night good good night I just feel like I wasted 2 years of my life and I was ready to put on the white dress for this guy you know and the craziest part is that I probably would have if I hadn't missed that flight well fate can be a power ful drug baby girl [Music] sweetie why can't I find one nice guy like just one guy who's not going to ring my heart out like a sham WAP trust me this is for the best you were way too good for that deag this is a sign a sign what sign yield you know maybe it would be easier for me to find a guy if I had a job or if I had just even a shred of self-respect stop it you were the nicest smartest prettiest and coolest girl I have ever known preach the best things are yet to come for you all right you're just saying cuz you have to all right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay good next round's on me okay lla yes let's make another mess it's going to perk you right up it's the holidays Eve oh yumy what do you want to start [Music] with Can You Feel The Magic In the airl toe and Holly everywhere winds blowing through the trees wishing you were right here next to me [Music] oh so since you're holding the party at a vintage Hollywood location for the theme I was thinking Hollywood glamour but rebooted for the internet age with a stylish Christmas Twist of course it's great I love it which brings me too uh hold on sorry sorry one second just getting have six escap oh you got to get me some copies of these uh these are from a girl's trip last year Matt um here so um as I was saying we are designing the space to reflect the Golden Age of Los Angeles what about the entertainment that's the best part we just secured Diana Deo from American Idol Diana DeGarmo unless you would prefer a DJ no no no no I'll tell you what I like this very much I like the concept I like the idea and uh most of all I like you and I'll tell you what you pull this off you're going to get offers from Facebook from uh Google from Yahoo not to mention Alim is he coming yeah I've got him coming in from on the 23rd evidently he wants to find an American tech company to invest a few billion uh wands in Miss Wright I got to hand it to you excellent work fantastic job thank you you save some time for me on that dance floor huh all right my work is done here that's Tino happy fantastic thank you Eve Eve hold on I'm sorry I don't know what happened in there I knew that you wanted the LA account but I didn't know how far you were willing to go to get it we are on the same team really are we because if you pull anything like that ever again I will fire you with a smile do you understand yeah I understand I want to look at lighting bids in an hour go yes ma'am sound just like aible I'm sorry about what happened in there no no it wasn't exactly a Kardashian tape but you seriously liked the plan though I love the plan I want to marry the plan and Tino can't stop talking about it oh this probably the bikini pictures yeah he was serious about getting copies of those why are you so nice I built this whole company out of my parents garage with five bucks in my pocket in a dream I guess I just know how to appreciate hard work do you want to grab a drink tonight I mean after work is everything all right yeah no it's fine um I should probably work we have a long road ahead of us right so rain check definitely okay I'll see you then okay later bye [Music] forever great are you home [Music] christas hi youve reached Ellen and Wesley we're not here right now so leave a message and we'll call you back did you get it yeah I I I think so I think it's off honey hi Mom it's me um I know it's still like a week before Christmas and um things just haven't really been going all that well here for me so uh I was wondering if I could come spend some time with you guys maybe you need some help in the bookstore and uh I could lend a hand uh call me love [Music] you [Music] they said they can only do hydranges at that quantity well Aiden specifically requested Asiatic lies my gosh what does this deal with Asiatic lies does he know that's a grandma's flower well maybe you need to think outside the flower box you know they're retailer they use the same suppliers as most of their competitors so call them ask them to do something about it if they don't we drop them and do it ourselves and if they say no they won't anything else catering wants to charge an additional $18 ah head something about the fires I don't know okay so what's the difference come to uh 3600 no get a manager on the phone put him on hold and then get me exactly a minute later done Evelyn wri Evelyn wri wow you sound so grown up hey what's up uh I was just in the car dagging to Vermont and I wanted to say hi there's nothing wrong with that is there Vermont right uh I'm kind of busy right now can I call you back in a little bit maybe later tonight sure is Cole excited about the trip oh yeah super excited I hope our room has a hot tub I'm on so I will talk to you later then uh drive safe we'll do sorry about that um Darren I told you I'm really busy hello is this the party planner who's insisting on Asiatic lies yes it is may ask speak speaking my name is Garland McAdams II I'm the customer relations specialist who's responsible for problem accounts well I hardly think that I'm a problem account although that might change you know you sound kind of sexy would you mind telling me what you have on right now excuse me I picture you wearing a smart business suit uh small diamond studded earrings hair down around your shoulder ERS uh stylish shoes but nothing too formal okay well first why don't you tell me what you have on right now ma'am you heard me I want to know what you have on right now well I I don't see what because I'm picturing a casual look you know Brown sweater navy jacket slim fitting pants I think you're the kind of guy who wears sneakers with his suits classic and understated expensive but not crazy expensive and you tried just hard enough to look like you're not trying plus you're probably riding around in one of those little scooters too actually uh actually um um I'm not wearing anything right now that's crazy cuz neither am I yep I'm just sitting in my office uh supervising naked as the day I was born is that so am I interrupting anything no no it's just wrong number yeah me too crazy huh so how are things shaping up you're going to be blown away wow and she's humble oh knock on wood no I'm sure that won't be necessary you're going to do great know it's kind of weird not being in New York for Christmas I was there last year with my parents on Long Island well sometimes it's good to be out of your comfort zone I am so totally outside of my comfort zone good you should probably get [Music] that Zen [Music] yeah [Music] elyn what are you doing here honey oh Wesley get down here look who's home honey what are you I thought you were in California for Christmas with your job didn't you get my messages oh I am sorry I I still haven't gotten the hang of that voice box thingy it's voicemail mom whatever the world was a better place when all we had was answering machines Wesley where are you so my La trip got cancelled and I have some free time Ellen check out my butter chops Oh I thought you were in Los Angeles uh I kind of lost my job um have some free time so I was thinking if you guys needed help at the bookstore I could be your girl are you guys going somewhere we forgot to tell you your father won a trip to Bermuda Bermuda two we Cruise he says he wants to rekindle the flame okay TMI Mom oh what we have needs too yeah and if we didn't you wouldn't be here right on darling honey what about Darren I thought you two were going to Vermont we broke up what oh no sweetheart what happened he cheated on me no I'm actually okay just kind of want to spend some time at home what now well you know how your mother always wanted a sewing room you guys turned my room into a sewing room only half the other half is your father's treadmill it's an elliptical his doctor says his back needs strengthening we'll be strengthening it this weekend you guys I'm literally right here honey I'm sorry look we just thought it looked like things were going so well for you it is it was we have the pull out couch it's okay don't worry about it Dad I'll go spend a couple days with Lyla in the city it's not a big deal baby I'm so sorry don't be you guys go have fun not before a big right family hug come on bring it in let's go a yes doesn't that feel good yeah [Music] mhm okay so just let me know when the lilies arrive Evelyn right I heard from Aiden that things are progressing very nicely no no no that tree goes 10 ft to the left your other left thank you I'm sorry there's so much to do and so little time no no no need to apologize you're doing exactly what needs to be done this party must be absolutely perfect well thank you for giving me this opportunity I really appreciate it thanks the woman in the mirror she's the reason you're there oh uh can I call you back in a minute Diana just arrived sure call me if you need anything but remember think Perfection consider Perfection thought hi hi thank you so much for being here absolutely oh this is going to be fun yeah and it looks great thank you so much and hey look if you ever in New York I would love to make this up to you somehow well I just might take you up on that okay oh Matt could you show Diana to her dressing room please yes right this way Mr garmo I'll see you in a little bit bye what do you think I think I just saw Diana DeGarmo in person and I think this is going to be the party of a lifetime oh thank goodness you're not racking up the pressure you Tak any time for yourself since you've been here I've been eating sleeping a little bit bathing occasionally getting to go to the bathroom what do you think about taking a step back having a little fun fun now I'm the client right yes so basically you have to do whatever I say I don't have to do whatever you say well as the client I am requesting that you have some fun what are you suggesting I got it oh no no it's a good one I'm scared two hours we'll have you back to all of this one hour you don't happen to have a change of clothes do you [Music] it's Christmas time again all your good cheering it's Christmas time it's Christmas time again the S are H and the trees trim Sounds of the Season ringing on christas [Music] christm and next we have Aiden green lining up for what is surely to be the most important putt of his story career okay there's enough pressure as it is you think you can back off Jim Mance hey if this doesn't work out there's always cadd school yeah I might end up there anyway if your party doesn't work out don't you worry about me okay you just focus ah you East Coast girls are so Cutthroat just put oh yeah what' I tell you ah annoying my turn all right you ready for this I'm ready I'm sorry to hear about your parents I'm 30 years old I shouldn't be concerned if my 60-year-old parents want to hang out with me I think you're being a little hard on yourself that's easy for you to say you have it together you know what you're doing tomorrow me I'm like alone and thanks to Elizabeth my resume might as well be in Pig Latin miss that can you stop feeling sorry for yourself and let me Putt in peace mhm thank you oh thank you your turn all right you needed this more than I thought yeah I'll bet you a snow cone you miss it you know betting on sports is frowned upon by most companies but winning isn't and snow cones taste so much better when somebody else buys it did you just wink at me no no the battle hardened poised Evelyn Wright just winked at me I had a bug in my eye was it a winking bug just hit the ball all right here we go that's what I'm talking about nice nice wait I have an idea why don't you come work for me lla just a couple days a week it's not big money but a go-getter like yourself could make a couple hundred a night easy or I could just strip I'll take that as a yes sure why not good okay now your first assignment is going to be painting me that Christmas mural I am your boss now and I want you to paint me a mural on the front of that window I haven't signed any contracts yet come on you're a talented artist I left that part of my life behind a long time ago maybe you shouldn't have maybe you should have been nurturing your god-given talent instead of wasting it inside a a cubicle okay fine what the heck I'll do it yeah yeah yeah okay move it girl you going to let me putt be the ball going to hit you oh you owe me a mural it's okay you'll get the next one so I turned on some of my trademark Right charm and the guy had no choice but to let me on the plane and what if you'd missed the plane Elizabeth would have fired me and I would be playing mini golf in aoria right now with my friend Lyla so you're telling me that the difference between having an amazing career defining event and eating a soup kitchen for dinner was this last minute Dash onto the plane technically although maybe that's a little oversimplified I don't know I'm a Believer in pure Destiny which is what if it's meant to be it will be somehow some way simple as that that sounds like the battlecry of a lazy person not a successful executive did you know I played baseball in college no full scholarship I was headed to miners wow what happened one day I was out there I was up at the plate I had my bat in my hand and uh just hit me it's not where I belonged so I left in the middle of the game the coach had a problem with that I bet you hungry want to grab some lunch here a minute ago you're wagering for snow cones now you're telling me you can't handle a little pepperoni pizza oh I can handle pepperoni pizza prove it you're on on all right would that any difference yeah huge an aluminum like he's so adorable he is adorable do you have any kids seven really I was very busy in my early 20s let's see there's U Scott Jackie Darla Alfalfa not funny buckwheat you're terrible no and answer question I am childless and alone I seriously doubt the latter it's true I uh recently broke up with my long-term girlfriend a couple months ago she said she wanted space so I gave it to her sucks I'm sorry at the time I thought it was for the best but lately I'm I'm even more sure that it was what about you um do you have anyone back in New York more drinks uh yeah sure sure thanks oh oh oh I am I am so sorry can I can I help you no no it's okay don't worry thank you um I'm just going to go to the bathroom and go clean off all right you could just take it off I won't mind I'm sure you [Applause] wouldn't what are you doing this is crazy you have a boyfriend he's about to propose to [Music] you after losing a new client in California Elizabeth Cole has decided to take her company in a New Direction [Music] H Eve Eve wait up hey I'm running really late I'll I'll walk with you you look uh different good different or bad different good good difference the hair and the makeup you look the way you looked when we first met A lot's happened I got a job bike messenger it's not great money but it's putting take out on the table it's great I'm happy for you oh and before I forget for the last month of utilities and rent I'm sorry for not being better with that and and look I I haven't had a second go by since that day that I haven't haven't felt just disgusted with myself good that makes two of us that are completely disgusted by you I know and you're totally justified there's there's no excuse and and I'm not trying to make an excuse but I know how big a mistake I made and and it's one that I will never make again what do you want me to do Darren you want me to take you back into my life again like nothing happened how could I do that I'm never going to get that image out of my mind I know but maybe we can make new images together good ones I will literally do anything to get you back just name it can you go back in time and not cheat on me can you do that I didn't think [Music] so hi babe hi just wanted to call and hear your voice see how it was going what going yeah are are you ready for the party I hope so how's Vermont it's fun yeah we even got a room with a hot tub that's great I miss you can I ask you something sure were you going to propose to me up there wow you don't hold back I just I need to know you know I feel like we've been together for a while now and you know we should be ready to take that next step come on baby I mean you know I love you I love you too I just I want to know that we want the same things come on the water's not getting any warmer um Eevee look just don't think too hard okay of course we want things it's just um you know I've got to run right now and I I I will I will talk to you later okay okay bye how long have you been standing there Aiden [Music] Aiden [Music] Aiden [Music] [Applause] [Music] right why aren't you still in your suit it's only 10:30 out there I uh I work better in pajamas I trust things are still going well by all accounts perfectly if I didn't know better I'd say I've created a monster what can I say I learned from the best excuse me I mean I I I didn't mean it like that I I don't think that you're a monster of course you did but I didn't get to where I am today by being a lap dog now I don't say what I'm about to say with any frequency and I promise I'll either deny it blame it on the wine or both but I'm proud of you and in 20 years I expect to see you exactly where I am wow that's let me finish sorry I've thought hard about your future with my company and if you pull this off the way I know you will the West post office is yours that's really nice of you well nice has nothing to do with it it's about what's in the best interest of my company the best thing for Elizabeth Cole events is to have Evelyn Wright running the show out west Elizabeth that means a lot to hear you say that well this business takes a lot of sacrifice but look at me this Christmas when most people are sitting at home by the fire wiping snot off the faces of their little ones I'll be on a red eye to Aspen into the strong capable hands of Hans the best sweetest Muse in the Western Hemisphere clearly you have it all figured out well we all have to decide which choices are worth it I did what was best for me as I'm sure you will do what is best for you I don't want to keep you you have work to do child oh no no chiao is mine you can have a Zan or sayara AOA fine okay you can have our [Music] AOA [Music] testing 1 2 [Music] 3 that is absolutely beautiful Eve that is one of the most beautiful things I have ever [Music] seen [Music] wonder what's wrong with him he hasn't said a word all day oh well maybe he's just [Music] nervous [Music] well I don't know what you did but you certainly did a number on him I just want to tell him I'm sorry you know I'm the kind of guy who goes out there and I ask people for money I mean anybody can do it I happen to be really good at it but Aiden he looks at a blank computer screen and he creates something totally original new now that is a talent that I envy he's a he's a good man mhm and since you've been here I have never seen him happier it's like he's suddenly uh excited in our company again now it's all gone good night miss right good night [Music] Tino hey baby how you holding up Darren I don't think things are going to work out between us oh really I don't think our hearts have been in this for a while and I think we might be holding each other back no don't let me get in the way I'll be home in a couple days and I think it'd be better if you were gone by then you are such a good boyfriend thank [Music] you finished I remember you oh yeah yes I do you're the go over the broken h not you working here now uh no I'm just helping out for the holidays oh well you look a lot of happier than the last time I saw you it's a rough night oh I hope you don't mind me asking but I simply adore that mural in the front window and I was wondering if you might put me in touch with the artist uh that depends I guess well I run a small Gallery in the village um could you make sure and uh give them this yes I I will oh many thanks cheers bye did you hear that girl you are going to the big time now our own little Eve in an art Galler you go [Music] girlfriend we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a merry mer Christmas and a Happy New Year we wish you a Merry Christmas we wish you a Merry Christmas wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year good Tiding to [Music] you w Miss Lonely Heart from the bar what can I do for you I wanted you to know that I gave the message to the artist and you coming and tell yourself [Music] certainly wish it didn't matter know it doesn't have to be this way it's not the gift but it's the thought what you give but what you want for for that it doesn't really matter if what I want is what I've got what I need is what I'm not but what I've learned is that you never really know if it ever really at [Music] usal thank you stars are brightly Shin it is the night of our de savior's birth long the world we're all adults here right most of us what's up you know how I sort of thought this should have been my gig I figured that even though you were so subtle about it without admitting that I was wrong I can say with a high degree of probability that I couldn't have done any better than [Music] this what do you want want yeah you're sucking up let's just cut through the BS what do you want here you go again sounding just like Elizabeth thank you that that wasn't a compliment you and I might have our differences but I've always respected you because you were different than she is you were the nice one you treated people like people ever since we've been out here what I think you should take a good look at yourself and ask if this is really who and what you are oh all night all night [Music] de oh he the angel voice [Applause] on deep no night when Christ was born oh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] night all night [Music] [Applause] [Music] fantastic party Miss Wright I will have you know that I've already received several requests from your business card good I'm glad that everyone's having a nice time yeah well you're very lucky lady you know you job that you really love to do love to do little advice may I maybe you're going to spend a little less time with the centerpieces and maybe a little more time with our uh host yeah Aiden Alim is here and I overheard him speaking to his assistant saying that he thinks Goble is about to take off I'll say hi to him in a minute [Music] good it's going to be a very merry Christmas you two now if you excuse me I noticed some models over by the punch bow that might be interested in some new hardware if you know what I mean how do I look don't answer that I know um look I'm sorry if you feel like I led you on I know how it works you uh wanted a new client so you turned on the charm it's not what this was well congratulations you're going to make your new company a lot of money it's not what I want none of this was what I wanted I went to art school I wanted to paint I did have a boyfriend when I came here but he's unemployed and lazy and could care less about any of this so well it sounds like he doesn't deserve you I'm the one that doesn't deserve you and the truth is is this is the happiest I've been in a really long time and it has nothing to do with the job or the party it's you I want another chance and not as your client what about your boyfriend I called him last night it's over is that the truth thank you all so much for coming out tonight I'd love to give a big shout out to my girl and my sorority sister Miss Evelyn Wright you are an amazing party planner thank you so much for putting all this together and I have a little special surprise for everyone hey babe are you out there oh hey please welcome up my honey to the stage Mr Ace Young we're going to do a special little duet for y'all so I hope you enjoy [Music] it do you remember the song he was playing when we first met do you want to dance [Music] sure round mother [Music] andly you know I there's a rule about that stuff you did that on purpose [Music] maybe this isn't right what I'm sorry I think I need to go it's midnight on Christmas Eve I don't belong here right in the middle of the game huh I'm sorry Matt can take over from me [Music] hallelu Christ [Music] is our savior is born Merry Christmas baby Merry Christmas how about another [Music] drink [Music] [Music] hey what are you doing home what are you still doing here I thought I asked you to leave uh I know but um oh it's you excuse me it's not what you think how long has this been going on hey look you you've got it all wrong long enough at least I don't feel bad for breaking up with you anymore a can please just can we can we talk don't just don't can you give me one second please second she can leave no I don't want to talk to you I want you to leave get out sorry hey it's Aiden why don't you ever answer your phone you're giving a guy a complex um I heard you flew back to New York listen I don't know if you meant what you said but I'm I can't get you out of my head call me back oh Merry Christmas [Music] hey looking out your window it's going to be a w Christmas after all I I um caught Darren with another woman in our apartment I kicked him out you're kidding on Christmas morning yep it's over it wasn't really the most Pleasant way to end it but I feel like he did me a favor by getting caught you did what you should have done a long time ago and I'm proud of you girl for real thanks now you can get with Mr Right who H you know who I'm talking about that beautiful man in La who wants to jump your bones I abandoned him on the most important night of his life be lucky if he doesn't sue me wow I saw the way he looked at you the first time you two met no one's ever looked at me like that see you soon okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Eve is everything okay love have you ever had an experience that you thought was real but it was just a dream well not since the' 70s it's Christmas don't you have somewhere else to be I don't know [Music] maybe [Music] hey it's um Aiden green who you left heartbroken in Los Angeles when you missed your plane how'd you find me oh your friend bartender she also showed me the uh the painting you made very very nice thank you what are you doing here well uh after the party was a complete disaster uh thank you for missing it by the way and sending your crazy crazy boss sorry she fired me I needed to get away and I love this city in the winter it's perfect I mean you do not get that in [Music] La how impressively impulsive slightly out of character but what the heck people say amazing things happen every day in New York something told me I should be here so the party didn't go well huh I don't know maybe it's for the best I didn't want to be the next Facebook anyway I wanted to be the first gobble I'm just sorry that we didn't have an opportunity to work together you know I missed that flight by about 10 seconds seriously yeah 10 seconds was the difference of me being out there with you doing the party and probably getting a big promotion I'm a big believer that things happened for a reason so instead of a big promotion and a fancy new client I was supposed to lose my job get a job bartending show my art in a small gallery and catch my boyfriend cheating on me can't forget that one if it's meant to be I don't know maybe you were meant to be a great artist maybe you were with the wrong guy I don't suppose I could interest you in bite to eat maybe a hot cocoa a guy that drinks hot coco go huh I am just I I freezing right now I really should have packed more layers come on what do you say you know there's a rule about that you did that on purpose didn't you [Music] maybe [Music] [Applause] [Music] silent [Music] silent night night is is bright round on virgin mother and child holy inant so tender and sleep in Heavenly peace sleep in Heavenly [Music] peace Sil night holy night night bir Quake at the sight GL stream from Heaven the far Heavenly H sing Hallelujah Christ Our Savor is for Christ our savior is [Music] born Merry Christmas baby Merry Christmas
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 274,026
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Keywords: Action Full Movie, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, christmas movies 2023, Haylie Duff
Id: fvOPirmLdr0
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Length: 87min 38sec (5258 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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