A Perfect Christmas List | Full Christmas Holiday Movie | Ellen Hollman, Beth Broderick | FC

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tick tock tick coming up quick on way loading lots of toys girls and boys on the trusty Christmas Christmas is coming [Music] fast Christmas is coming [Applause] fast now the with light and this Christmas going to be bright withing and we'll get this holid right Christmas is coming [Music] fast Christmas is coming [Applause] [Music] fast something's wrong in this house the mouse said I can hear it there's no noises at all there's no Christmas spirit there's nobody laughing there's nobody singing no carolers carolling no jingle bells ringing the family inside are all quiet and strange the mouse wondered what could have caused such a change I know what to do I'll bring them together I'll make up a plan I'll be very clever I'll think really hard tonight outside while it's snowing I'll get them all going without even knowing they'll make cookies and cards and raise a big tree rep presents and candy canes tall is your knee and as they all sit before their Christmas dinner each person among them will think they are the winner and that is how the mouse started his Adventure let last year yes Sarah Edwin all right now if you enjoyed last year's book the mouse who missed his Christmas list you're going to enjoy Sarah's new holiday book even more it's called the mouse in the house for Christmas and you can get it starting tomorrow at this bookstore hi don't forget Sarah's new book every child will want one don't you think you're overselling it just a little bit nonsense kid today had the attention span of a house FY you say so I do now you really have your finger on the pulse of Christmas do you write from experience if you like the books i' don't ask oh thank you hello hi honey hey Dad what's up Sarah it's your grandmother she was leaving her condo walking down the stairs with some friends when she became lightheaded she fell and sprained her ankle pretty good they're taking her to the hospital right now and well I figured maybe you could break away come home a few days early dad my new book is coming out I I have appearances to make the EMTs think they're might might be some kind of heart condition as it is your grandmother can't go back to the condo so she'll be staying with us at the house Dad you know Mom and I are just going to argue and ruin things for everybody please just do this for me and your grandmother she really needs you yeah [Music] in the road again it's Christmas [Music] time take your time Bud all right lift up and swing you around there you go watch mother's head Tim just leave him alone Michelle he's fine comfortable thank you yeah all right Mr Mrs Edwin yeah here's the deal Evelyn will need to stay on bed rest for several days at least she can use her walker to go back and forth to the bathroom but that's going to be about it very possible she could be suffering from orthostatic hypotension that causes a dangerous drop in the blood pressure when someone arises too quickly the blood flow gets restricted to the brain so let's play this safe okay thank you hey kiddo hey Dad thanks for coming of course Sarah better late than never I guess you're welcome oh Sarah you made it morning Graham how you feeling better now that you're here ah well that's good hey you about ready to roll I've been ready let's get Sarah when you're finished we need to get Mother home must be very tired by now I'm done Mom thanks I'm sorry nothing changes I'll see you at home Tim I'm coming are you all right mother I'm fine let's hit the gas oh I can't tell you what it means to have you here for Christmas A it means a lot to me too Gran and thank you for the lovely books don't that was nothing besides I thought there might be a few you didn't have oh I had so many plans for the holidays and now all ruined Gran I'm sorry were they big plans well not so big but uh I I did put them all down on the list wow look how organized you are a perfect Christmas list huh I probably wasn't going to do all of them but I did want to make my special Christmas cookies maybe you and your mom can bake them no I I don't think so Gran oh why not oh come on why you make an old lady happy I may not be around here forever you know sh Gran I don't want to hear you talk like that besides I just rubb Mom the wrong way she's so perfect and I'm so not and she must remind me of that every five minutes Sarah your mother is not perfect she's just pretending that's her way I know Gran I get it but trying to get the two of us together to do something is like pouring gasoline on a fire no you you keep it there maybe you'll change your mind don't get your hopes up what a terrible thing to have happen right at the holidays yeah well maybe it'll convince eie to sell that condo move into someplace a little more suited for her she might have to she shouldn't be left alone remember that kitchen fire she started at Halloween she can't even remember to turn the stove top off yeah well she's forgetful but independent very independent controlling dear she's controlling don't worry guys I got it hello uh hello can I help help you yes sorry uh I'm Dr Reed I'm here to see Evelyn come on in thank you over here Mom we have a visitor Sarah who is it Gram's doctor seriously a doctor making house calls there's still a few of us left Dr Reed Kim nice to meet you well uh her room is Right This Way great thank you Mom you have a visitor it's your doctor hello Eevee well I I'll leave you too okay thank you good so I heard you took quite a spill what happened I don't even know one minute I'm up and the next I'm down man you got to be careful well the hospital sent your chart over to me and it looks like there might be something going on with your blood pressure so we're going to have to take it easy until we figure out what's going on do you mind if we check it now can I stop you not a chance you're such a bully yeah just because I care how's the ankle does it hurt no it doesn't and I I don't have orthostatic hypotension we hope so do we think maybe that big move is in order ah yes I've been thinking about it now for a while this settles it I got to get out of that condo no more stairs for me that's what I've been trying to tell you I know but I just needed to reason well it looks like we finally got one so have you told your family yet no not yet I I've been toting that off I understand but you're going to have to tell them sooner or later you're going to want them close by when it's time to go do you want me to talk to them oh no no no no I'll tell them I mean they're going to all have to work very closely together to clean up my condo when this time comes well it won't be for at least a week or so we know that much for sure what is it Michelle mom is dying what mom is dying says who her doctor I heard them talking about her illness it's fatal Annie they usually can treat these kind of things all she needs is some rest and and maybe no sudden movement she'll be fine I heard what I heard when I heard it well your doctor did make a house call why would he do that you don't think yes oh [Music] no all right well I have to run some errands your blood pressure is in the normal range which is very good news you just have to make sure you keep resting and keep that foot up you just like bossing people around don't you doctor's orders bye a you guys all right yeah yeah we're fine allergies that's all [Music] allergies [Music] right well I've got a run it was nice meeting you folks doctor isn't there anything you want to tell us um nothing you don't already know I'm just glad that she's surrounded by her family during this difficult time isn't there anything we can do just try to keep her spirits up um make sure that the next week's a happy one I will I will I promise that's good bye poor mother she is so brave keeping that secret inside and everything we must respect her wishes of course we she can't know that we know I won't let on I don't tell Sarah Sarah are you sure well of course I'm sure Tim I'm the daughter it's only right that I know she's the granddaughter oh just trust [Music] me Mom are you awake yeah yes dear yes well we were just wondering if there's anything we could do for you you know anything at all no I'm I'm I'm fine why we just want you to be comfortable is is the bed soft enough hard enough thank you Tim thank you are you sure we can't get you something to eat or drink some ice tea really please anything we can do for you anything at all anything well I was just thinking about the great Christmases we had in mon when you were young yes I remember snow a foot deep oh perfect for sedding perfect oh I would give anything if you and Sarah could experience a perfect Christmas like that you know truth be told we may not all be together again like this next year mom don't say that well you never know what's around the corner Michelle so I put together a wish list of Christmas activities for you and Sarah to to do together a wish list yeah wouldn't that be fun that that does sound like fun okay if that would make you happy oh so happy so happy dear Sarah has the list okay doesn't that sound great Tim that's nice what's the first activity baking the perfect Christmas cookies baking baking [Music] knock knock who's there do you have a minute do you have a minute who haha very funny oh you're drawing something for one of your little book Things yes Mom one of my little book things is there something I can do for you yes yes there is I was just chatting with Mom and she had this great idea and she told you about the perfect Christmas list she did you can't be serious I am she's very ill you know this could be our last Christmas together it really could so do you want to do the list with me are you asking me yes I'm asking please okay yeah sure good so the first Challenge on Grandma's list is to make Christmas cookies but don't worry I've got us covered [Music] this ought to do the trick what is that it's a cookie gun you just shoot the dough out of that nozzle doodle thing and it makes perfect cookies every time mom that is horrible why do you have any idea how many preservatives are in this stuff if you shot it in the grand lost another 80 years Sarah don't be silly it's Christmas cookie guns are flying off the shelves well these cookies have to be homemade so I'm going to the store and getting the proper ingredients all right all right he's only trying to make things easy for you Mom if we're going to do gr's perfect Christmas list we might as well do it right Michelle why do you have to argue with her I thought you were going to behave yourself while she was here here I was I was going to but she arrived a few days early I wasn't [Music] [Music] ready salted I don't think so soy butter something but not today bacon butter GH do you mind uh actually could use that oh hey it's you hey it's you you actually want that um yes it uh Works in one of my recipes do you know how much sugar is in that lemonade probably too much I mean there's like no juice at all I hear you but um it goes a long way I'm I'm sorry I should just find my own business I mean you are the doctor right yes I am but you're right about the lemonade so you're after some butter yes we're baking cookies from scratch okay well then I think you will probably want something special like this it's uh it's from a local Farm all natural ingredients I do a little work for them sometimes I thought you only treated people uh I do um but I am also a [Music] handyman Brandon huh odd jobs done evenly you weren't kidding I've always wanted to just fit in wherever I could so I look in on the elderly lower income families pretty much anyone who needs a little help they pay me what they can when they can if they can that's very generous of you it's nothing a lot of people helped me out when I needed it so just trying to um pay it back a little fair enough of course well thank you for the dip on the butter organic guess you do know the good stuff when you see it I'd like to think so [Music] so you are E's granddaughter the riter right that's right we all feel pretty bad she's stuck a bed hence the homemade cookies that should do it never known cookies to fail all right cane sugar baking flour raisins okay what am I missing oh beats me when it comes to baking I'm a total shortcut kind of guy ooh but I can't always use some of these so what's up with all the hot dogs oh cooking for a lot of people I can see that but hot dogs I mean there's nothing okay you could at least spring for the allnatural all beef kind you are right it will kill my budget but I will put these back just for you don't be feeding those hot dogs to my grandma now in your grandmother's situation I would say any meal that suits her is just fine by her doctor but um no these are are not for my patients oh I think I get it you're also some kind of little league coach right yeah sort of mhm well I should get going can't keep the chef waiting your boyfriend's a chef no no no it's uh it's my mother well merry Christmas and um good luck with your cookies Merry Christmas to you too and your [Music] kids looking good of course the calculator never lies I didn't realize how essential algebra was to oatmeal cookies imagine what you could have baked if you gone to Harvard I can't find the measuring spoons what do you need half a teaspoon of salt oh no problem my grandmother never used measuring spoons she would just pour stuff into the small of her hand and it came out perfect every time Mom that's ridiculous found him told you I don't believe [Music] it [Music] all finished Oh e dinner was perfect I'm glad you liked it I brought you a treat Michelle the smell of freshly baked cookies filled the house all afternoon oh I I'm sorry no don't be I thought I died and went to heaven mom please don't say things like that well it's just what the doctor ordered did you have any fun sure I did it reminded me of some things I'd forgotten so yeah it was great and now we have something tasty to remember the day hey Pops you want to try one hey thank you well very good glad you like them well I learned a few things today yeah me too thanks for coming home I didn't want to you begged me remember well you're a big girl now Sarah well you got a lot of important decisions to make in your life but I think you made the right one this time I did it for you and grm sometimes I wonder about what I was in the market earlier today I saw gr's doctor oh he seemed so sharp at first but his entire cart was full of junk food I mean fake lemonade fruit punch more packs of cheap hot dogs than I could count and a giant block of bacon flavored butter what do you do with that that's what I thought there's nothing with any nutritional value whatsoever in his entire cart and did you feel compelled to tell him all about that well of course do you do that a lot when you go to the market sometimes mhm mhm okay what's that supposed to mean ah don't judge a man until you've walked to Mile in His bacon flavored shoes I'm just putting it out there I need a drink [Music] wish you ever since I came home my mom's been acting weird not exactly nice or anything just weird and you think she's up to something or I don't know as rude as she is she's actually been on her best behavior maybe she finally realized she's wrong please you don't walk away from a literary scholarship at Harvard to write and draw children's books might as well have just stabbed her right in the eye why does she care as long as you're happy happy and successful why indeed I don't know I guess it's just cuz it wasn't her plan it's not what she had planned for me some parents want you to be everything that they never were and you're an only child aren't you that's right her one shot at glory and I let her down not this kid lived up to all my parents expectations well Ashley do you want me to buy you a drink kind of yeah oh but I think what sets her off the most is the fact as soon as I left home she lost all control of me she just can't stand it well take this week to get to know your grandma he'll be a better person for it and if not that you could work on your next book the mouse that bombed its mom okay girl you better watch out cuz I'm going to steal that from you take it it's my Christmas gift to you would you like a cinnamon roll I thought I smelled something I only hated them up I'll take two don't get spoiled too late there you go I know Dad you going to eat both of those yes I am would you like cinnamon roll Sarah enriched flour nice Sarah H did you sleep well I [Music] did I'm I'm going to bring a cinnamon roll to Gran with her coffee excellent [Music] idea you [Music] there morning Sarah morning Gran how you feeling oh glued to this bed life's tough at the bottom mom made hot cinnamon rolls your mother I've never known her to make breakfast you didn't weit well looks okay to me well Dad's had two already and he's still kicking it's a Christmas miracle ready for number two on my list [Music] yeah I think it's straight already mom how many times do you have to do that it only looks straight to Someone Like You It's not perfectly straight and it never will be there's your problem Sarah you never see what's wrong with the world and you can never see what's right with it well you are going to love the next activity on Gran's perfect Christmas list what is it number two Gran thinks it's high time we have a real Christmas tree A Perfect Christmas tree a real tree but you and your father put up the artificial tree every Christmas Eve mom if we don't have a real tree it's going to kill her no no no no no we'll get we'll get a real tree we will get a real tree and a Dust Buster but we we will get a tree okay Mom easy oh and we also have to cut it down ourselves cut it down ourselves cut it down are you sure oh let's [Music] ask [Music] mom mom mom mom we'll get the tree we'll get the tree I'll never forgive myself Michelle what are you doing you're not dead not yet I'm sorry have you lost your mind I'm so sorry go back to sleep go back to sleep sorry go back to sleep Mom go back to sleep it's it's all okay well that was exciting we're going to get right on that tree thing [Music] now I'm sorry there just aren't any live Christmas tree farms within 150 miles of here I guess there's just no market for it anymore just have to tell her it can't be done no I mean I don't want to disappoint my mother this list business means so much to her we're just going to have to think outside the box where there's a way there's a will or something like that Mom it's not the end of the world mom [Music] there really [Music] you're not suggesting that we I am honey that tree is 20 ft tall we only need 8 ft of it that's crazy my mother wants a cut treat and that is what she is going to get come visit me in prison hi Dr Reed Brandon this is Sarah Evelyn's granddaughter yeah that that's me that one um I have a question you wouldn't happen to have a small chainsaw that a girl would be able to borrow for the evening would you you do great uh oh no nothing special just a little sawing is all sure around five you know where I live [Music] [Music] okay hi I brought you a present come in thank you so uh do you even know how to use one of these I mean it's it's not a toy I used to cut my own firewood I'll have you know a regular Lumberjack I should have known I guess just give me a call when you're done with it I got it doc thank you by the way so how's your grandmother doing oh she's sleeping that's perfect that's what I hear okay well good night good [Music] night oh he seemed like a very nice young man and a doctor too he seemed too good to be true mom please what I'm allowed to have an opinion really I hadn't noticed stop you two please okay I'm sorry don't we have some cutting to do right [Music] [Music] wow that's a big tree it's a perfect [Music] tree okay like one all right one more one [Music] more not [Music] bad uhoh oh uhoh [Music] oh it's all yours now stand [Music] [Music] back can't believe the things you two have been up to these past few days I can't believe it either something's gotten into mom she's changed some yeah she has dad is something wrong no no I think she just wants to make Christmas the best she can for everyone for her mother's sake why I just never cared before you might ask yourself the same question me please dad mom and I are nothing alike are you so sure yes I am then where have you been the past few Christmases dad you know why I don't come around and what about your grandmother why can't you come around her place oh that is some kind of tree sure is just a little off the top huh come on you two breakfast is on Dad I'm sorry I don't know what to say you know I love you I'm going to go check on [Music] GR gran gran don't get excited I'm coming I'm coming Gran you're supposed to call for someone if you need help exactly but I didn't need any help so I didn't call for any fair enough how's the angle gram oh it's fine darling thank you oh Tim tells me that you got the tree yes and it's a beauty I can't wait for you to see it but before that we have make the perfect Christmas card do you want to go on dear you really don't have to so far so fun besides this doesn't look too difficult but you have to use an old photograph from a past Christmas on each card Gran do you remember the name of the Christmas book I wrote last year I know I I forgot but I loved it uhhuh it was called the mouse who missed his Christmas list oh that's right yeah it's about a mouse who moves into a house where everyone is divided but he brings the family together again by convincing them to perform a special list of holiday activities Oh that is such a lovely story you'll find all the old photographs out in the Box in the [Music] garage [Music] [Music] I really don't like sacrificing my old photographs to make Christmas cards mom what's the problem well you have to cut them up it's going to destroy them mom they were just rotting away in the Box in a garage Sarah they weren't rotting away they were being preserved all right we won't cut them we'll just tape them lightly to the outside of the card okay hey look who it is hey Gran Mom are you sure you're well enough to be doing this I'm just going to sit here and watch what good is a perfect Christmas if you can't even experience a little bit of it firsthand Mom all right we're happy that you're here oh look at the tree so beautiful I'm glad you like it I'm sorry that I tried to suffocate you yesterday it's okay you just scared me a little bit there he take a look at that I wanted that bike so badly I think I took it to bed one or two times oh look at that hair I look like a squirrel I I never approved to that bike I thought it was far too dangerous for such a young girl but your father had to Prevail don't let her fool you she allowed me to Prevail well it was a pretty bite well someone is getting this on their card mm whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that's a picture of your mother in high school yeah they used to call her shell she was so serious even then you know she wore col that was so stiff and sharp that would cut her neck like a razor I still have the scars oh stop it you two give me that give me that right now oh oh look at this m look at this handsome fella what is that one of those hippies or Gypsy or something excuse me what's the matter with her the man in the snapshot is your mother's father your grandfather wait what wa so the the portrait in the living room the soldier in the uniform it's the same man Sarah all cleaned up that was after he was drafted into the army but here is the real man that I married oh he was so sweet he just didn't know how to keep his head down with all those bullets flying around you remind your mother of him more than you'll ever know how I mean how what he love to draw and make up silly stories just like you do really oh he never took anything very seriously some people think that's what got him killed it's your Christmas room yes it's time to put it on it's really pretty it's the last thing my father gave me I remember how excited I was when I opened it on Christmas [Music] morning it looks new yes well I only put it on once a year dad always said it would bring the wearer much happiness did it no it's very pretty isn't it really is Sarah the man in that snapshot that was your grandfather that was the man my Mom married I should never have put him in a [Music] box no I shouldn't [Music] [Music] [Music] for going skating what you look like you're getting ready to hit the rink oh no I I don't skate so says the girl holding a pair of skates oh no these these old things they no they're they're useless useless May if you want I don't think they'll fit you well you should try it sometime son I could teach you you don't say I got your message did uh everything work all right with the uh cutting of your own firewood and such it did thank you not a problem are you doing anything tonight cuz I would I would love to show you around the ice if I even were to promise that you wouldn't fall and break anything well if I did you be right there to patch me back up right so what do you say definitely great maybe then it's a date mhm mom I brought you some tea here you go oh thank you dear ah the home baked cookies oh I'm going to get fat if you keep this up oh oh it's the holidays you're not supposed to think about things like that oh I guess you're right but I am the one that forced you to bake them in the first place but what do I care nobody forced anybody to do anything and I'd do it again in a heartbeat you would absolutely why what do you mean why why are you acting so different all of the sudden Sarah no Grant I have to ask well I guess I just realized how suddenly things can change I think we should make the most of the time we have together while we have it okay Sarah your mother is working so hard to make this a perfect Christmas aren't you having a good time well of course that's what worries me oh Sarah all right mother what's next on your list this should be interesting next up we have drum roll ice skating ice skating ice skating nothing says California Christmas like the inside of an ice rink must be 36° in here 32 oh she knows I can't skate I don't know what she expects me to do what are you afraid of you're a fast learner easy for you to say you can skate that was a long time ago remember I put that all behind me you didn't have to you had Talent you could have been great yeah and I could have also baked cookies at Harvard If Only They had a cooking class you know sometimes I think you gave up on these things just because I wanted them for you really you just thought about that right now right now come on let's go put our skates on jell Jingle Bell H make Cate Christmas here with [Music] me look at those kids go they make it look so easy like they don't have a care in the world Nothing Else Matters it's just you cold ice did you say something huh no oh hey look they are good evening Mrs Edwin right on time try to be oh I get it this whole thing was set up in advance well uh refresher of course wouldn't hurt shall we oh no no no you you you two go ahead I I I'll wait right here are you sure yes I'm fine right here besides I I'd like to see Sarah skate again mom You' been holding out on me well girl has to have some Secrets all right well we'll be back let's see what you got [Music] o [Music] thank you foring me out of thank you for saving me push and push and you got it push [Music] and know that you're the one we La so better when we making Mary together let's go out and the [Music] tonight I theigh bells ring and all the joy they bring and it only makes me to say that I when [Music] together I'll be right back [Music] you all right buddy M you KN H yeah okay here let's get you up is that your dad over there yeah okay why don't you go take a rest for a little biton oh man okay do anything hurt besides your pride everything including my pride are you ready to get out of here yes I've had enough let's get you I got you y let's go check on my mom let's go check doing all right I wonder where your mom is oh [Applause] look look at her go I am speechless she's pretty brave out there be right back [Music] okay can I get a photo off this Edwin oh what are you doing hard evidence well at least I try mom that was amazing nothing to it right it is not that funny yes it is oh stop a you did great wow would you look at [Music] that oh wow oh I'm impressed I've laced up once or twice just a bit Rusty that's all not too much so do you have any big plans for Christmas Eve uh I'm kind of booked up ah Christmas Day most of it there's uh just a lot going on you know well sure me too I I was I was just wondering but if anything changes maybe I can give you a call yeah if you want I mean you have my number okay great this was fun yeah thank you by the way for no problem I'll I'll see [Music] you thank you you ready what's wrong Sarah nothing I just I just thought he really liked me well he seemed very interested I know I I wanted to invite him over for Christmas Eve and Christmas day but said he was too busy maybe he's involved with someone else that's what I was thinking but he's not acting that way well men are hard to figure out sometimes I'm sorry honey are you really sorry or you just saying that I'm really sorry oh thanks I guess it would have been tough to get past the fake lemonade and hot dogs anyway there are worse things in life than fake lemonade and hot dogs come on let's go [Music] home look at her oh my God I will give her an a for effort though and know when her father died she felt that she had to grow up like overnight no more funing games she just became so serious so fast but at least she still remembers how to have fun I thought she had forgotten what are you two looking at nothing Mom how was breakfast I swear Michelle since I've come here I am convinced that you're trying to kill me Mom don't say that I have never eaten so much oh oh okay well that was wasn't funny well it was very nice to you I ate every bit good okay uh gran gran what is this about Sarah I always regretted your crazy childhood fear of Santa Claus it it's always made Christmas such a interesting time look screaming and the crying and the fainting and the shaking that was a long time ago and the hair pulling and the biting the accident enough already okay so I think that after all these years I am entitled to a nice glossy photograph of the two of you sitting on Santa's lab mom no you remember what happened last time no I can totally do this I am an adult you know and besides I've got much better control over those things now well I hope so well good that's all s [Music] okay don't you think people will find it strange that two grown women want to have their picture taken on Santa's lap I mean it's a little outside their normal business Sarah having your picture taken on Santa's lap is their normal business besides it's the day before Christmas I'm sure they'll be fine with it as long as the check clears oh Michelle just the person I wanted to see I know friend I've been out of touch lately with the holidays and all I'm sorry Sarah Edwin my kids love your books why didn't you tell anybody she was coming home well I would you mind signing this to my boy Tommy not of course not Tommy yeah all right Tommy May there always be a mouse in your house there you go thank you well got to run and shame on you Michelle and Edwin keeping your big shot daughter all to yourself does that happen often I don't know come on let's find Santa and get this over [Music] with [Music] [Music] you can do this you girls Jiggy for a photo with big red did you just say Jiggy rad right you read my mind you got style babe thank you next ho ho ho Merry Christmas Christmas come on young lady take a seat on Santa's lap come on it's okay come on come on over take a seat on Santa's lap come on you might regret this and what would you like for Christmas young [Music] lady say [Music] cheese okay it's done Merry Christmas s Merry Christmas to you next okay come on come on lady come on take a load off what get up there Mom if I can do it you can do it come on you're holding up the whole line come on there we go there we go sit right here say cheese cheese [Music] okay well thank you I that's wait wait now I did something for you perhaps you could do a little something for Old Santa Claus what for the past five Christmases your husband has asked only one thing of you and that is a subscription to popular fly fishing and Outdoor Sports magazine couldn't you get it for it's only 20 bucks how did you know about that I'm Santa Claus hey I will I will I I [Music] [Music] will next you both um look petrified it was a breeze it was was fun good thank you Mom are you all right well I'm kind of tired maybe I should just go lie down for a while well here here let me help you I'm so proud of both you it's been a perfect Christmas so far gr save your breath need to get you to bed I'm coming I'm going I'm coming I'm going we got you there you go all set all set well I guess we finally come to the end of your Christmas list not quite really number nine give unto others this is the day before Christmas and we must do something charitable for the Children's Shelter they could really use it oh well that's a snap I'll write a check a check Mom the there's nothing proactive about that it's always worked before not today we are going to earn [Music] it okay I'm going to set up over here you can set up over there by the door that way we can catch people coming and going all right but I feel ridiculous I'm too old to be running around this skimpy outfit mom you have to have a way to get people's attention got to tell them to sell [Music] them excuse me would you mind moving down about 10 ft I need this space to put my bucket down you sure 10 ft will be enough this is for a very worthy cause like I'm not a very worthy cause oh for goodness sake here now please move down about 10 ft thank you Merry Christmas help the [Music] children I don't get it what she got that I don't got a shortest skirt [Music] help the [Music] children help the children sir a come on get them all bless your heart [Music] help the [Music] children hey Bub could you Jazz it up a little bit it's Christmas time Christmas time [Music] a what's going on here raising money for the children's [Music] shelter for the [Music] bucket great [Music] show Merry Christmas well if it isn't the dancing Edwin sisters what are you doing here um it's a it's a grocery store I I shop here sometimes so I thought you were supposed to be super busy today I am I just I forgot a few things okay well don't let me stop you okay I'll uh see you Brandon yeah dollar for the [Music] bucket [Music] sure [Music] good work Mom delivering all these gifts is going to make us feel so good on the inside well I hope so because because every inch of my outside is killing me oh there you are hello ho ho ho let me give you a hand oh that'd be great where do you want these here right there please I couldn't believe it when you guys called out of the blue it's just a miracle children haven't had much to look forward to this year I just wish there's more we could have done well believe me it's more than most most people it's hard to imagine there are so many children with nowhere to go at Christmas well it's because these are the older kids most people are only interested in the babies can we hand these out now because we've got a 5B roast in the oven at home and I'm afraid it'll burn oh how nice mom well I didn't mean I just meant that it is Christmas Eve of course what's that smell uhoh oh that's the children's dinner hot dogs for Christmas Eve dinner things have been a little more difficult this year than I care to admit ho ho ho all right the cookies are done hot pan coming through hey look who it is oh hot hot hot hot hello hey see I told you I had plans for Christmas you did did I just didn't realize Brandon donates so much of his time around here fixing things up and helping us out and he barely has a life of his own I don't know what we'd do without him it's nothing really I couldn't have done it without this though okay you say we get all these cookies and presents out of the kids before they start a riot desert before dinner oh come on if your Christmas Eve dinner was hot dogs and some lemonade wouldn't you want to cook first I [Applause] [Music] would all right once you guys get your presents there you go okay here you go thank and for you okay okay thank you oh [Music] what what is it here oh who's next what I'm sorry Mrs Edwin Katie can't speak or here oh it's okay she was born this way it's why your parents didn't keep her oh dear God it's all right she's loved here [Music] what's she saying she wants to know if there's anything in the bag for her oh you didn't get a present no oh yes yes there is you know what it was so small that it got lost in the bottom of the bag here it is a chm Christmas ring just for you give me your [Music] hand a little piece of yarn it'll be perfect are you sure Mrs Edwin yes Katie wants to know is it hers to keep Yes dear forever and ever tell her tell her that this ring will always bring the wearer much [Music] [Music] happiness who would like to hear hear Miss Sarah's story could you be convinced I could but I think my mom would do a much better job than me but me oh no vat's already in oh all right right a mouse in the house for Christmas by Sarah Edwin okay all right this Story begins with a squeak mom you have to hit the word squeak murder H the squeak this Story begins with a squee and is not to be told by the meek and is not to be told by the me it was the cat's meow that alerted the cow and frightened the fish in the creep who wrote this she's pretty good [Music] Honeys I'm home just put them on the table we'll eat in a minute still don't know why I bringing these Burgers and Fries home I thought Sarah was going to make a roast change of plans dad and I burned the roast oh we'll make it up to you I promise I promise all [Music] [Music] right suddenly I can't wait to see what's going to happen [Music] tomorrow okay here we go y kids there's no need for all this excessive cheering or maybe there is what the heck [Applause] yay all right kids let's settle down I think it's time for us to eat this has been a really exciting time for them I really didn't know what today was going to be like but I certainly didn't think it was going to turn out to be like this well I know I said yesterday that we I wish we could have done more but I guess all we had to do was dig a Little Deeper I'm so glad we did but what you guys have done has been absolutely amazing I would have to agree here you [Music] go is my mom signing yeah she is she's not half bad either mom I didn't know you could sign old Mrs Higgins at the bridge club was deaf and so I had to learn sign language or I was going to lose a partner comes in handy sometimes if you know what I mean I bet your mother's just full of surprises oh she certainly is what's she saying well she asked Katie if she could could tell her secret and Katie says sure so what's the secret I can't tell you that it's a secret she's my mother well all right I guess it's not anything that you don't already know uh your mother told Katie that she's going to be leaving soon she told her poor thing it just breaks my heart well it doesn't sound so bad to me she said she's going to be selling her condo and moving into a large two-bedroom poolside suite at the Country Club Country Club poolside sounds pretty awesome awesome [Music] [Music] Tim I got him the subscription ition I got him that subscription easy Mrs Edwin it's Brandon Dr Reed oh of course it is what happened you fainted mom dad and Brandon had to bring you in here are you okay yes yes I'm fine where's your father he's helping Miss Courier Wrangle the kids I'll go get him do you want to try and sit up yes thank thank you my mom's not dying I agree she has a few health concerns but all her tests were negative i' say she's got a few miles left on her you sure you're okay yes yes yes I'm fine okay well I've got a few goodies to go pass out you really are a remarkable young man Brandon all that you do for that shelter it's really nothing I grew up [Music] there honey are you all right mom's not dying what she's not dying she's moving into a poolside suite at the Country Club are are you positive I'm positive oh all of this oh I Could Just Kill her well you know she didn't actually say she was dying that was our mistake it's true but you know if you really stop to think about it [Music] was the best Christmas of my entire [Music] life let's see what Santa has for you oh here's one for you who wants the next one oh let's go with you thank you you're welcome Miss Katie where did you get all these books I had them stashed in the trunk of my car that was very smart of you honey do you have a pen oh kids don't care about that it's not for the [Music] kids [Music] here's Santa's Little Helper who wants another mouse in the house for Christmas did everyone get one one for you thank you you're welcome good now what do we say to good old Santa Claus thank you but you're not Santa okay you guys got me but I'll have you know that I am a duly authorized agent of the big man in the North Pole himself no no you're not yes I am and I can prove it prove it oh bossy okay MH let's see what what's that [Music] Santa you want them to go outside right now you want them to go out front right now go go go go come on very [Music] nice [Music] oh man you've been very very very busy well it's just one day of year so how did you know that a white Christmas was the last thing on gr's perfect Christmas list a little mouse told me that was some list did it do the [Music] trick I'm you are something else was going to say the same thing about [Music] you so have you ever thought about moving back here [Music] no but I could I guess a book could write itself from anywhere right you'd think so a mouse who set up house it's clever I like it plus it's not a bad place to raise a family I guess family don't you think we're moving a little fast that's not what I you just say [Music] we yes I did okay but no more hot dogs okay no more hot dogs except at Christmas for all time sake for all time sake [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Music]
Channel: Family Central
Views: 182,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated Movies, Faith movies for families, Family Adventure Movies, Family Safe Movies, Free Family Movies, Free Kids Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Latest Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, Ellen Hollman, Beth Broderick, Aaron Hill, fred olen ray, a perfect christmas list, christmas, xmas, holiday, hallmark, netflix, prime, amazon, hulu, tesera, daughter, mother, granddaughter, mom, merry, jolly, holy, 2023, 2014
Id: ElHgrf0N3qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 23sec (5363 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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