A Nanny for Christmas | Full Christmas Holiday RomCom Movie | Emmanuelle Vaugier, Dean Cain | FC

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[Music] expect typical summer weather with highs today as mid 50s across the Southland on the business front it's the last week before Christmas and detailers are reporting a 50% increase over sales figures from last year a sign that the economy is [Music] rebelling mom I can't find my pink hair clips I can't find my other shoe it's missing my hairclip what did you do with it yesterday when you got home from school you're always losing the pink ones so we are the blue ones I wore the blue ones last week so where the fuzzy ones what fuzzy ones the fuzzy pink ones those are uncool I don't know then then just wear your hair down it looks very pretty just brush it put it behind your ears I know you're just saying that I'll wear a headband Mom where's my other shoe [Music] wow you two better not be on the computer you don't want to be late the last day before winter break where's the phone hello hi honey the kids oh perfect angels as always mother's on the phone with daddy so did you have a chance to think about what we talked about getting a nanny well it's just really tough without you here Carl and I could use the help you know speaking of which how are things in the New York office Alli leads hi Mr Halligan the Danny Donner chocolate pitch don't worry it's all under control did you hear Danny Donner is looking for a new Ad Agency mhm yeah want to take his image in a New Direction yes I spent all night going over the statistics and I am confident that Mr Donner is going to love what we have to offer him of course I've got Justin's team working on new ideas right now you know Carl if we could get this account we could totally turn things around hold on he would be a fool not to sign with hallan ad Consultants okay no I've got everything handled all right I'll see you then bye really so I guess you're not coming home for Christmas then Mom Jonah flush my hair clips down the toilet it wasn't her hair clips it was her hair brush and fingers are going down no um yeah I no of course I understand Carl I do I amum just call me when when you think about it okay hold on which toilet Jackie Jonas have you seen my [Music] handbag [Music] [Music] yeah love you too okay you ready mhm where's your backpack Come on talk to me Mr Donner we realize that you're unhappy with your current advertising agency and we appreciate the fact that you're taking time off to come here we feel confident howan ad Consultants will be the best fit for your company okay let's go all right allow me to introduce my associate Ali Leeds Ali take it away please when you sign with hallan ad Consultants you're not just signing with an ad agency you're signing with a specialized team a team formed around your product that means a team of highlevel Executives that are working 24/7 coming up with creative ideas with one purpose in mind to boost the sales of the single best brand of chocolates on the marketplace today because at Danny down of chocolates you're not just selling chocolate you're selling life your [Music] birthday the birth of your first child your parents 50th anniversary and of course your wedding my wedding my wedding my wedding is there something wrong with weddings Mr Don I wonder we just Mr H I appreciate your hospitality but I will be taking my business elsewhere oh Mr Donner please my wedding we don't have to do weddings well forget the wedding in my ears now I [Music] he probably just needs a little time to think about it can we talk how was I supposed to know he got left at the altar didn't you read the headlines Donner bride bolts jeez did you not even Wikipedia him 10 years I mean this is the thanks I get maybe I should have done more homework or gone with a Christmas theme like everyone else you're a creative genius I'm sure you'll get another job this economy not even giving unpaid internships I don't think you understand the severity of my situation oh I do it means I'm not getting a Christmas present from you and I already got yours you did a day at the spa if I don't get another job soon I am not going to be able to afford to pay my mortgage and the bank's going to for close on me and I'm going to have to move back in with my parents in Ohio do you have any idea how cold it is in Ohio right now I know I wish there was something I could do to help you I mean I'd hire you myself self but our promotional contracts are a little slow right now wait actually maybe there is something doesn't your cousin work for Samantha Ryland as her taxes or something oh no I I don't think that's a good idea oh I'm sure you could get me an interview I've heard she's really demanding well she's one of the best execs in the ad game surely she'd recognize my talents but what if it didn't work out my cousin would kill me desperate Tina foreclosure Ohio remember just an interview that's all I asked I'll take care of the rest okay okay I'll I'll call him after I get off you're the best now cheer up have a Danny Doner chocolate candy cane trer all message play back hello this is Mr Thompson from United collections calling this is my third attempt to notify you of an outstanding balance due please return my call immediately at 8005 hello Ally please tell me you have good news Tony talk to Samantha and she wants to meet you thank Youk you can Danny on her chocolates so the interview scheduled for tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. at the Ryan agency that that's perfect what's the position he didn't say all he said is she's desperate to fill it as soon as possible thank you so much I me you are Lifesaver it's all up to you now good luck oh candy cane Danny down her chocolates don't forget to buy them [Music] [Music] hi Ali leads I have a 9:00 with Samantha Ryland yeah have a seat right over there and she'll be right with you can I get you anything a raspberry scull no thank you I'm allergic to raspberries okay oh oh oh my I'm so sorry it's okay you've got a little something on I have insurance if you want to exchange information you got you got a little something on your chin let me Justin Dolan's waiting for you in the conference room I'll be right there good yeah I got to [Music] go okay and these are your messages and that's Ali leads you're 9:00 oh 10 minutes early promptness is virtue today how do you do Samantha Ryland Ali leads perfect follow me hold my calls unless it's Don I just wanted to say what an incredible honor it is to finally meet you I mean what you did with the Fiora perfume line was genius yeah it smelled like wet dog well Edwin land used to say that marketing is what you do when your products no good H you did your homework have a seat is that the original Pumpkin Patch doll sure is with the Ryland Agency on the map but that was a long time ago when men were men and ads were ads let's talk what's your name Ally Ali leads let me give you a copy of my resume uh keep it references are much more important in this line of work Tony vouched for you that's all I care about so how do you feel about personal fitness I jog three miles a day and Shakespeare well actually I played the cortison in a in a college production of a comedy of errors I believe in incorporating a little dramatic flar about homework I'm a big believer of always being prepared terrific can you be available at a moment's notice I'm very dedicated also I'm looking for a disciplinarian I ran my division for two weeks when Johnson went on vacation good I believe in being honest so I'm going to be straight with you my husband has been back East for the last two months opening our New York office meanwhile I am here desperately trying to balance being a mother being a father and running an entire advertising agency I've come to the inevitable conclusion that I need help Excuse me yes Mr Don's online one oh uh thank you ex hello Mr Donner Susan well it's Samantha actually two weeks ago I was hunting buffalo in the adex and my annual sales report came through on my phone in the 25 years years since I started this company from nothing I have never posted a single Financial loss not one until now so you know what I did Susan no sir I tossed my shotgun to the ground I immediately shut down my facility and I started flipping through my phone book for someone to hold responsible you know who I came up with Susan uh your former advertising firm bingo I hear they have product placement people handing out samples at ice skating ranks ice skating ranks Susan oh I want something something new I want something bold and I hear you people are doing some pretty amazing stuff Susan thank you sir actually it's it's Samantha and after my meeting with those boneheads over there at hallan I can use a little bit of Amazement Susan believe you me I want a fresh start going into the new year Susan so I want to make a decision by Christmas Eve Valentine's Day is rapidly approaching and it's the biggest day of the year for a chocolate here so there's not a moment to lose do you understand Susan of course set it up uh thank you sir the r agency is very sir yeah call the team assemble an emergency strategy meeting 5 minutes thank you look I'm really sorry to cut this short but this is a really big opportunity for us believe me I I understand this is what I'm offering per week Monday through Friday 8 to 600 maybe as L to seven sometimes weekends over time of course dollars what do you say when can I start perfect I know you'll make a great Nanny a nanny Ally I swear I had no idea Tina I'm an ad executive look at the bright side it's top dollar and it'll get you through the Hol I don't know about this I don't know the first thing about what's there to know it's like babysitting on you get paid a lot more I don't know about this Beggars can't be choosers and who knows maybe a real spot will open up I don't [Music] know swing it's Christmas time of year to get hang the trim on the tree everybody here loves Christmas here we go let [Applause] us [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's Christmas time here everybody's swing yeah it's Christmas time you can hang the trim all the trees is everybody here love Christmas here we go let [Music] usow here we go here we go ho here we go here we go here we go here we [Music] go Miss leads please come in children come meet your new dny this is Miss leads pleased to meet you you must be Jackie you're very pretty well thank you Miss leads oh you can call me Ally and this is Jonas very nice to meet you Miss Leeds oh that's quite the grip you've got there Jonas mother says a man's handshake should be as firm as his character all right well I'd love to stay and show you around but I've got a meeting here is a schedule of the children's errands activities Etc please don't deviate from the regimen of course happy to have you on board oh uh Miss Le I play by the rules I expect the same from you as long as you play by the rules we should be just fine the rules got it good children come give me a kiss don't spread CHMS haiss good luck aren't you a little old to be a babysitter I'm a nanny there's a difference what's the difference money listen up guys we're going to have some fun you're not a real Nanny are you don't be silly of course I'm a nanny okay so what's next on the agenda a little game of freeze tag maybe what's freeze tag you're kidding you've never played freeze tag before never okay moving right along yoga Shakespeare black shake for breakfast [Music] okay mother sprinkles protein powder on top it's in the back room okay [Music] here [Music] she okay I see how it's going to be here you go you guys actually eat this stuff mother says the Corner Stone to a successful days nutritious breakfast how about something with a know a little flavor maybe a little color how about pancakes oh no mother forbids those these days but it wasn't always like that when we were younger she used to make them every Sunday Dad too will your father be coming home for Christmas he's a busy man I'm sure he's not too busy for his family we used to spend every Christmas together when I was little yeah we throw a big party in the house and everyone in the neighborhood would come I wish we could do it again I asked but mother said no recite shakes Spar mother says a person who can MK the rhythm of the iambic pentameter can Master the English language you guys actually do this stuff every day is it fun mother says fun is something we can have after we retire oh well in that case you got another 50 years or so you're up from fairest creatures we desire increase that thereby Beauty's Rose might never die but as riers should by time decrease his tender air might bear his [Music] memory how much longer we have to cycle through about 27 more poses how long is that going to take not long about an hour you know give or [Music] take I graduated Summa Kum Lai from one of the top schools in the country now I'm nothing more than a glorified babysitter I don't know how much more of this I can take do I need to remind you that that's starter home you worked all those years for could be taken away at a moment's notice you don't pay your mortgage you don't understand these kids they're they're so repressed great that's your specialty un repress them get them to open up and remember you're rubbing elbows with one of the biggest names in the ad industry you're right besides a little yoga might do you good take the edge off I like the edge [Music] on Master here's the gold you sent me for what do you have the picture of old Adam new apparel hold on was my pentameter off this is a play right yes then you should be playing it where are the set pieces and the props what do you you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] mean okay are you guys ready yeah we're going to start with a classic tale of M an identity follow me okay we're going to start with when tromeo Syracuse mistakes his boss for his boss's twin brother Jackie it's your job to get this gold coin to Jonas that sounds easy well there's a catch I'm going to try and stop you I'm the cortis you have to start from down there Jonas you stay up here okay here are your swords Jackie follow me you ready yeah action Master here's the gold you sent before what do you have a picture of old Adam new apparel what gold is this what Adam does that mean not that Adam that kept the paradise but that ad that keeps the prison he that goes in the calf skin that was killed for the prodical land [Music] he they came behind you like an evil angel and forbid your Liberty I understand the not no why to plain case he that went like a bassol in case of leather the man sure that when gentlemen are tired gives them a s and rests them peace sir that takes pity on decayed men and gives them suits of D he that sets up his rest to do more exploits with his BCE than a moris pike here comes the corn here's a gold coin well met well met master enus I see sir you found the Goldsmith now do you have the chain you promised me [Music] today you your [Music] [Applause] best well that's what I call shakes I so fun that was awesome shakespare check H yoga's next I have a better idea what are we doing our schedu time for yoga are you telling me you'd rather be doing yoga on a day like this come on follow me I don't know if mother would approve you guys ready follow [Music] me let's do it again okay okay ready turn down to the bottom [Music] West okay how about we sing a song Jingle Bells yeah jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way oh what fun it is to ride on a may I talk to you for a minute children go up wash your hands so I didn't exactly have a lot of time to clean up after Shakespeare [Music] today Miss leads I do not understand I specifically asked you to follow the rules I did Shakespeare that was on the list it said nothing about destroying my house in the process I'm sorry Mom that was my idea won't happen again never again I guess we got a little carried away that's an understatement yes okay I've got to go back to the office for a few hours I need you to stay here of course and children this house better be spotless when I get back here thanks for covering for me that's okay it was fun lots of fun okay guys it's Story Time and I've got a good one for you it's perfect for Christmas but I have to warn you it's a little scary I'm sure we can handle it I mean we're all adults here except for Jon is you're not an adult you just try and act like one have you ever heard of the legend of the Christmas ghost Christmas ghost no the Christmas ghost comes around once a year to scare all the naughty children that didn't listen to their parents or their their nannies children were so afraid of him that they made a chant to keep the Christmas ghost away and it went like this he comes around on Christmas night with Eerie sounds that start to Fright the tall thin man with skin of scales leads to Children's screams and whales makes it hard for you to swallow his eyes are black and cheeks are Hollow boom but if you've been nice no need to fear just spread Goodwill some love and cheer that wasn't scary that was silly I would be careful what you say if I were you Christmas is only 2 weeks away and the Christmas ghosts might pay you a visit I think parents just made that up to make their children be good are you sure about that [Music] what are you doing Jonas I'm making a list for Santa I wouldn't get your hopes up what if Miss Leeds is right I want to ask santa if we could bring Dad home for Christmas what does Miss leads know she's just an ananny I like Miss Leeds I like her too she reminds me a little bit of how mother used to be maybe she'll take us to see Santa I wouldn't count on it how else are we going to tell Santa what we want for Christmas did you hear that is that the Ghost of Christmas don't Be a cowardly Custer there's no such thing as a silly Christmas [Music] ghost I gotcha I wasn't afraid I was just playing along Jonas was the one that was scared no I wasn't it's fine to be afraid guys it happens to the best of us mother says that strong women are never afraid well I always say it's fine to be scared as long as your courage outweighs your fear come on let's go get some milk and [Music] cookies where are we going look over there how did you out here Santa's on his cell phone Santa doesn't need a cell phone he makes magic calls that's not the real Santa yeah you're right it's not the real Santa cuz the real Santa is making cookies with his elves in the North Pole well Santa's so magic then why does he need a help her yeah I don't know let's just go see him okay hold on Merry Christmas honey what do you want for Christmas a computer a computer wow that's pretty good but you know you got to be good to get a computer right yeah okay all right sweetie you go bye-bye Merry Christmas hello hi I guess not I'm sorry Merry Christmas hi sweetie oh my goodness what do you want for Christmas a bunny a bunny wow you know you got to be good to get a bunny right okay very good well what's your names little ones I'm Jackie and this is Jonas oh well Jackie and Jonas uh what do you want for Christmas you tell them we want our dad to come home for Christmas your dad to come home well let's see what we can do okay um um so how about anything else like maybe a toy or something something uh well we do want a puppy yeah a puppy a puppy yeah well how about we start out with just the books right now okay than [Music] Santa thank you Santa oh okay they don't have flax or o or go to smk that's okay we're going to try something new today but we need our flax to give us our Omega-3s and our fiber horses eat flax are you a horse no how old are you anyway I'm 12 then you should eat like a 12-year-old hey guys what can I get for you three orders of Pancakes and three large hot chocolates you got it oh and extra pack sugar got that but that's loaded with fats and sugars you're right but when was the last time you had pancakes I can't remember so you're due little fat and sugar never hurt anybody and what my grandpa used to always say is that moderation is the key to life oh it's your phone it's your Daddy hi Daddy hey how's my little munchkin good good what are you guys doing we're having brunch with Miss leads who's Miss leads my nanny nanny I didn't think your mother would really go through with it Merry Christmas miss leads hi Mr Ryland don't worry they're in good hands are you coming home for Christmas ah sweetie you know I'd love to but I'm in the middle of closing a big client right now and this could be really important for the company but it's Christmas I know I'm doing the best I can all right listen I got got to go I love you both very much and kiss your mother for me okay love you Dad bye okay bye so much for Santa Claus you know what your mother's office is just up the block never been to Mother's work before never she doesn't like to mix business with her personal life mhm I have an idea for you and for you and for you okay thank you now this is what I call breakfast agreed don't tell your [Music] mother hi oh you probably should have called first she's in meetings all day I don't think you're such a good idea it's all good guys oh you know what I think I hear her coming mother oh uh what a nice surprise since they've never visited you at work I thought they're on holiday break well it it would have been nice if you had called me first they just think so much of what you do I mean they'd love to spend a few minutes seeing what it is that their mother does all day at work uh okay um well let me take my little Executives in the making on The Grand Tour uh you hold my calls for 20 minutes and uh Ally help yourself to Coffee okay come on guys well this must be my lucky day hey it's a raspberry scone guy yeah otherwise known as Justin lose Ali leads also known as Ali leads are you busy right now me I was just dropping off some pens and papers and couple proposals well I was uh about to grab an espresso you want to join me now yeah I uh I don't know I I've got to wait for Samantha yes for Samantha I you know what on second thought I've got 20 minutes till my next meeting that's great hold on my calls I'll be back in [Music] 20 hey what can I get for you guys uh two espressos and two chocolate chip scones yeah thanks so what exactly is it that you do for Samantha I'm a consultant uh freelance consultant MH let's just say take care of two of her most important assets wow it's weird because i' I've never seen you around the office well I I work mostly with Carl out of the New York office Carl how is he good good he was uh planning on trying to get back for the holidays but it's just been so busy what about you any holiday plans actually I wanted to get home to visit my parents in Ohio but looks like I might have to work um thank you what about you what are your plans for Christmas thank you I was going to go home to Jersey to visit my family but I haven't been able to get the time off I'm trying to nailed this Donar account I haven't even gotten a tree yet I'd love a real tree I it just reminds me of Christmas as a kid and you know I I just never have time to deal with it so I just have a fake one my mom would never let us have a real tree she said the pine needs would get all over the house kind of a kind of a clean freak sounds like someone I know every re is I've been on my own make sure to get a real tree the only problem is I always picked the wrong one last year I got one that dried up in a week well maybe you need someone to come along with you make sure you get a good one tomorrow night I could we could have dinner and and go um pick out a tree or or just just pick out a tree here's the thing though um Samantha doesn't really like co-workers mingling outside the office so oh yeah of course we're going to have to keep it between you and I mom's bored oh I remember you you ready for a second round of those pancakes by the way your kids are two of the cutest kids I ever seen and so well-mannered thanks you do you have children no I I I have a big family lots of kids I I help out they they love the pancakes here that's sweet mhm you know what I'm going to be late for my meeting I've got to go okay but wait uh so uh see you tomorrow it's a date or or a tree or you know what I mean [Music] [Applause] so tell me what kind of Christmas tree you're looking for no bu all right I got a great idea so we'll take a small one we'll turn it upside down like a drele and we'll take a little off the bottom oh I little s religious but I like where your heads at we take a big one and we take a snip from the top what about this one ah it's too skinny vegetarian tree you need a meat eating tree all right this one too husky oh smell of high needles my favorite memory mine's ice skating my family and I we used to all go down to the pond and ice skate really me too really yeah oh wait now this this is the one tall dark and handsome just like you it's old now what yeah I um I wanted to tell you dinner but I couldn't get up the nerve you look beautiful tonight thank you cake what about your treat we'll get one tomorrow [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] oh every year at the pond huh I think it's these skates they're too tight or something sure here let me help you not bad what a cute couple Follow My Lead if I could just take a few moments of your time to give you samples of one of the most elegant chocolates in the entire world thanks thanks now how about a picture to capture the moment what what is it that you do here exactly product placement it's part of the promotion then I'll email you the picture this moment being captured and you'll be able to remember Danny Doner chocolats okay wait you're going to you're going to take it with your cell phone well the batteries died on my digital so just going to use this okay we get together closer say Danny Donner Dan Don perfect okay thanks guys all right wait she didn't even get our email address oh oh she I forgot strange this little chocolate is keeping me away from going home this year yeah I know what you mean oh sorry Sor right hello hi Miss leads yeah uh Miss Leeds it's Jackie um mother just wanted us to tell you that she has a meeting and she wants you to come an hour early tomorrow uh I have an 11:00 open she wants us to spend the extra hour doing yoga poses but we'll really play freeze tag right I think I can accommodate that okay [Music] bye get off good good now um where were we sorry go ahead hello hey Samantha yeah I'm um working on the pitch right now uh-huh all right you got it I'll be there I got to go she said that Donar wants to make a decision by the 24th that she call the early morning meeting I understand you're busy we should do this again you go ahead no no no you go you're about to ask me out again I was not I think you were I sounded like it I'll R to the exit all right wait that's not fair it's funny in all the years I've known you you've never had a live Christmas tree what happened to I don't have time for a real tree I don't know I was just in the mood right sounds like someone's starting to fall for Mr executive oh come on are you serious I mean he's kind of cute and funny listen to yourself you're totally falling for this guy maybe I mean we just connect on so many levels like personally professionally he doesn't know you're a nanny not exactly what do you mean not exactly well I maybe kind of told him that I was a consultant working with Samantha you can't lie to this guy especially if you like him it's not a lie I mean technically I'm her consultant no technically you're her nanny and you're going to have to tell him eventually eventually he's a high level exec I don't know how he'd take it he should like you for who you are not for what your job is you know what you're absolutely right so you're going to tell them eventually I might just be easier if I had my old job back or something like it [Music] right oh Ally hi come in I've got your check here ah here we go thank you thank you I I really appreciate everything that you've been doing it's allowed me more time to focus on my work and it's been important cuz things have been tough lately you know it's the end of the year and got this big account I'm trying to clothes actually that's what I wanted to talk to you about what's that if there was a possibility of working on your advertising team what's your interest I graduated sumacum Lai from Cornell I have 10 years experience and I really feel like I would have something to offer on your advertising front if you would just give me a chance I I'm sure that I look Ally I've got one rule I've never broken I don't mix my business life and my personal life ever I'm sorry I understand let me offer a little advice the advertising business is crazy you don't want to do that stick with Nanny and you're good at it great speaking of which I need some OT from you on Friday night it's the annual agency Christmas party and and Carl and I have always tried to be inclusive when it comes to families it' be tremendous help to me if you could bring the children and look after them cuz I'm going to be busy that night besides the whole company's going to be there the whole company we'll see you in the [Music] morning all message play back hello this is Gerard moneyi from exact mortgage this is a courtesy call to Ali Le to let you know that you're Morgan hey Ally it's Justin you know you ran off so quick today I was wondering maybe we can grab a cup of coffee in the morning and continue the conversation what's your favorite Christmas Story um a fur tree have you heard of it out in the woods stood a nice little fur tree the place he had was a very good one you too yeah our dad used to read it to us Christmas Eve by the firls in our flannel pajamas yeah I it's one of the first books I remember reading as a little girl the fur tree by Hans Christian Anderson I just I never met anyone like you and I don't understand how you could be so you're perfect Justin I've been meaning to tell you something I haven't been completely honest with you you've been using me for my witty charm and dashing good looks I know just your dashing good looks I know I know oh hold on one sec Samantha Hello's coming yeah yeah okay I really need the pitch yeah can you get here I'll be right there you're never going to believe this she just called an emergency meeting I got to go into the office anything I can do with the help with the big donner pitch not unless you can weave some magic and come up with a great pitch I've been known to cast a few spells really interesting I may have to take you up on that talk to you later you bet hi Samantha Ali I need you to come over now okay I'll be right there s hey Jackie Jonas just me Al [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello Ally look my associate Justin lose is coming by the house to pick up a file please let him in of course Miss Ryland it's in my bedroom thank you quick to theway SL [Music] [Music] Justin hey I hope I'm not disturbing you no not at all uh what's up I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight you would make it up to you for cutting down early watch some old Christmas movies beat Candy Cane that sounds great um I I'll I'll see you then all right see you [Music] tonight with [Applause] it I need to hide why I'll explain everything later I know it's a tough door just don't tell him I'm here [Music] okay [Music] Sam hey yeah it's not here what do you mean it's not here of course it's there look again yeah I looked the right the right side the bed's right the other one I'll check the other side I'll check wait wait wait wait all right I got it I'm on my [Music] [Music] way is he gone yeah yeah I'm going to let you guys in on a little secret okay Justin and I have been dating [Music] Rose he's cute very but you have to promise me you won't tell your mother why it's complicated I because Justin and I both work for your mother it's a conflict of interest just promise me you won't say anything promise Jackie but why can't you tell him you're a nanny I just can't right now are you afraid he won't like you lying is bad it's just a little white lie mother says there's no such thing as a little white lie Santa's going to put you on the top of his naughty list Santa will understand you want some ice [Music] cream youre Alie Alie come on let's dance Al come on Alie come on what is it what's what something's bothering you I can tell is it Justin no it's just that Justin and your mom have a really important meeting coming up and I want everything to go really well then help them I wish I could anyways enough about me Jonas why don't you read read us a story it was the night before Christmas mother used to read us this story remember Jonas and dad used to sneak us chocolate candy canes he what what did you say dad used to sneak us chocolate candy canes mother's read us this story you know what my mother used to do the exact same thing wait start reading it again was the night Before Christmas went all through the house not a creature was stirring not even a mouse the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there the children were nestled all snug in their beds while visions of sugar plums danc in their heads you guys are geniuses oh oh thank [Music] you Earth [Music] receiveing hello hey Justin I I've got something big to tell you I'll meet you outside your apartment in 10 minutes [Music] okay hey hey sorry I have an idea that will save Donner it's kind of late you asked me to weave some magic let me weave some magic all right what do you got one word Christmas seems kind of obvious do it think about it Danny Donner isn't just selling chocolates they're selling memories of Christmas youth I mean everyone young and old always remembers the magic that Christmas brings the anticipation The Joy the love with every bite of Danny doter chocolates you get to relive those memories over and over again it's pretty good what was the first thing you said about uh uh memories [Music] and this unbelievable [Music] nothing Justin I got it where have you been to call I don't care we do I came up with a perfect been working on it all night we've been working on the pitch for days I know this is a winner trust me you're 3 and a half minutes late I know Mr Doner I'm sorry LA traffic takes 45 minutes to go 5 miles in this town you should know that son hell I once wrote an elephant from the outskirts of Johannesburg to the city center and less time than it would take you to go from the valley to the hills that's why I hate coming to this town unless I absolutely have to but enough chitchat why don't you tell me how your company is is going to help me sell more chocolate Danny Doner isn't selling chocolate and we're done Danny Donner is selling the memories of Christmas youth everyone both young and old remembers the magic that Christmas brought into their lives the anticipation the the the love the joy with every bite of Danny Donna chocolate those memories can be relived over and over again coupled with the Timeless poem we all know and love a poem I like I like poems all right I'm listening go on people will be brought back to the magic of of their childhood and the one to share that experience with their kids it's interesting concept but how do you propose we execute that the little bit of creativity it was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was staring not even a mouse the stockings were hung by the chimney with care in hopes they were filled with Danny Donner chocolate Bears the kids the kids nestled all snug in their bed while visions of Danny Donner candy canes danced in their heads [Music] that's it that's it well I like it perfect for next Christmas now get on Valentine's Day you got the job oh my God you did I did it well you did it so well and you would have been so fired if you hadn't thank you thank you very much I can't believe you won everybody over with my pitch but that was the goal wasn't it to save Donna and everybody's job yeah but I didn't think it' actually work look you should be happy after all this proves you do have what it takes proves Samantha wrong what about me I'm still just a nanny oh is that why you did this for you no maybe I don't know well you better think about it so I was thinking I want you to be my date for the annual Christmas party uh well what about Samantha's rule about not mixing business with personal yeah I just saved the woman's company I think she'll get over it besides since when work personal I don't know I just you know how Samantha is about her rules you don't want to go with me of course I do then I'll pick you up at you know what I I have a meeting right before why don't I just meet you at the party all right so so I'm going to I'm going to go get a pretzel in a soda do you want anything did all [Music] right are you crazy aren't you supposed to take Samantha's kids to that party were you e dropping on my conversation a little I'm just going to have to be consultant SLG girlfriend state to Justin and Manny to Samantha and the kids if Justin finds out you've been lying to him this whole time he's not going to forgive you it's over if Samantha finds out I've been dating Justin behind her back and feeding him pitch ideas there's no telling what she'll do this is the last time I'm recommending you for a job get out of here he's coming back christms are [Music] twink okay guys operation Incognito is in effect I'm going in you guys wait for me at the bar if I'm not back by The Stroke of Midnight burn my stocking good luck now remember you guys are the Lookouts you got to keep your eyes your mother at all times good luck Miss Lees thank you no I skinned the rhinoceros and that's the end endless expression was Stone Cold till the very end when he told us we had the account look who's here hi my princess hello my prince hello meet Jeff Peter hey guys how you doing there this Jonas and Jackie Shar guys why don't you go get something to eat I think there's a vegetable platter over there go try it broccoli carrots celery hary I'd like to introduce you to some people this is Jeff from accounting Miss Ali leads my nanny nice to meet you good to meet you and Peter from operations it's a pleasure good to meet you hey did Justin get her not yet fashionably late as usual yeah there he is ah Justin I have to the bathroom hold on I want to introduce you to someone the man of the hour Justin lose Miss Ali leads it's a pleasure nice to meet you pardon me one moment mhm you okay no I I need to tell you something what I'm not really we heard you really rock the Doner pitch yeah good work oh yeah uh do you guys know Ali Le she works for Samantha Jeff and Peter of course froms and operations how's everything adding up over there you guys having fun excuse me I I need to step away for a second huh she usually doesn't act mentally Disturbed ladies and gentlemen I'd like to take you back in time back to when Danny Donner was just a little boy a little boy who liked to eat chocolate especially around Christmas time and it was around that time where young Danny Donner had a big dream a dream to be the biggest choler in the world people made fun of me they laughed some people say that dreamers walk around this Earth with their head in the clouds well I say it's better to walk with your head in the clouds dreaming then with your feet on the ground sleepwalking right now I'd like to take this moment to recognize a gentleman whose pitch brought me back to the memories of my youth justtin lose come on up here come on up and say a few words thank you um wow this is unexpected uh for as long as I worked here uh I've worked very hard to come up with Dynamic pitches and we all have and uh when our backs were against the wall we all we all dug deep to be quite honest I had some some trouble finding the right pitch for for Donner but then something happened to me I met a beautiful girl who not only won my heart but came up with a great idea that inspired my pitch so all of this praise actually belongs to her a consultant who's worked for the company for quite some time in the New York office Ali leads allly where are you Ally huh I don't I don't know where she went off to but anyway Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah and drink all day Joy to the World the Lord has come let Earth [Music] receive Alex where you going uh I I'm taking the kids home not feeling well really are you okay yeah hey Samantha so you two have been seeing each other behind my back yeah and I'm sorry Samantha I wanted to tell you I Justin look just because I don't believe in mixing business and pleasure doesn't mean that you have to I mean one never knows where Cupid's arrow might land but before you fall too deeply you might want to know that Miss Leeds has never been a consultant here what are you what are you talking about you tell him I'm I'm her nanny what is that true Jonas Jackie we're going back to the party oh uh Miss Leeds don't bother coming to work tomorrow you're fired you've been lying to me I'm sorry I wanted to tell you I just Miss leads I know what you're going through don't let him get [Music] away Justin [Music] wait are you okay I'm fine you've got a little something on your chin good I got to gool the way of the world so live the with your heart all of our memories in well this must be my lucky day hey it's a raspberry scone guy yeah otherwise known as Justin L Ali Leeds also known as Ali Leeds just I never met anyone like you and I don't understand how you could be so perfect better [Music] than are you awake yeah Miss she was the best Nanny we ever had I don't understand why mother had to fire her she helped everyone it was a rotten thing to do around Christmas time breakfast pancakes yeah I remember they used to be your favorite right aren't they unhealthy come in it's [Music] open good morning so everybody was worried when you didn't come into the office today there going to be some changes around here fantastic but I still need your signature for these Donar account files so should I tell everybody that you won't be coming in today yeah sure we can talk about it more at the Christmas party Christmas party we're having a party yeah I decided it just doesn't feel like Christmas around here without having a party like we used to you know will daddy be coming yeah Will daddy be coming I'm really not sure you look terrible thank you but I'm fine you should have some pancakes um did your mother just offer me pancakes so you be coming to the Christmas party I wouldn't miss it will you be bringing a date this leads um I don't think so no it would be nice to see her yeah who would be nice to see her again listen uh I'll talk to you guys later okay okay bye samtha bye Justin oh almost forgot dessert but we haven't finished breakfast it's upside down day you do everything backwards so that's it you're just going to pack up and run back to Ohio I put the house up for sale now that I'm jobless I can't afford to pay the mortgage you were never a quitter I finally meet a guy that I really care about and now he hates me you're right I should have never lied to Justin I ruined everything I'm going home hello it's me Jackie Jackie is everything okay everything's fine but mother told me to give you a very important message she did did huh she wants you to come to our Christmas party tonight Christmas party I don't know I I'm leaving town please she really really wants to see you there I'll see what I can do great see you there are you crazy this is a chance to redeem yourself I can't go to that thing you're afraid don't be silly what's that classic saying you always preach to everybody it's okay to be afraid as long as your courage outweighs your fear Samantha obviously wants to make amends you have to go I can't face them it's embarrassing Justin will be there and that's exactly why I definitely can't go everybody makes mistakes all you have to do is apologize if it's from the heart he'll forgive you I can't do it fine Merry Christmas a day of Beauty on me I'm going to miss you Tina make sure you dress warm it's freezing in Ohio do you need help yeah oh my goodness We've Got Elves we've got a lot of elves in our house hi beautiful mama look at all of you oh my goodness so nice to finally meet you Beau oh thank you so much hi sweetheart how are you ho ho ho pardon me hi guys you need cookies somebody get them some cookies he Merry Christmas Merry Christmas so am I imagining this or is Samantha Ryland being festive uh you're imagining it I thought so thank you for coming thanks for having me Hey listen I I know I don't say it very often but I'm really proud of you it means it means a lot especially coming from you thanks for being here ah have you met my neighbors the edel hi B hi darling how are you this is my right hand man Merry Christmas Merry Christmas nice to meet you aren't these great decorations a thank you so much fantastic so she a good neighbor hi samanth uh Ally oh what are you doing here you invited me Jackie there's been a mistake but before I leave I'd really like to take this chance to apologize um look Ally you broke the rules of my house and you broke the rules of my office and then on top of all of that you lied about it the truth is that you saved my company thank you I appreciate that it's Christmas come on in Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Justin words can't describe how sorry I am for deceiving you it started as a little white lie and then it spiraled out of control and I've learned that there's no such thing as a little white lie did you really think that I would care if you were a nanny yes I did and you were a big shot executive I thought you wanted more all I ever wanted was you didn't matter what you were not to mention the fact that I I babysat my nieces till I was 25 it's what paid my way through college no you didn't I didn't I'm lying but look there now we're even can we start over I'm Ali leads currently unemployed and I'm Justin lose it's a pleasure look where you're [Music] standing I wonder who put that [Music] there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] dad daddy sweetie Dad hey sweetie I missed you I missed you what are you doing home I didn't think you were coming well I wasn't but then somebody sent me that email about how you and the kids couldn't stand to have Christmas without me what email you know what I learned while I was gone that family is more important than any company or anything else we're so happy to have you back oh and you know what I don't know but Santa must have left this outside just take a [Music] bit Ah you must be Ali Leeds Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Mr Ryland oh please call me Carl great job with Donner you are a hero in the New York office thank you thank [Music] you a party huh it just didn't feel like Christmas yeah and now with [Music] us I've made a decision that I want to discuss with the two of you I'm going to take a year sabatical I want to spend more time with my family Ally you woke opened my eyes to the kind of mother that I was and helped me realize the kind of mother I want to be thank you you're welcome now I'm not comfortable leaving the agency short-handed and although I once said that you weren't Board Room material I was wrong so since Justin will be taking over for me I am I need somebody to fill in his position I'd be honored if you'd accept I've already talked to donor about it he thinks it's a great idea what about your rule about I've realized some rules are meant to be broken thank you and I accept so scattle Merry [Music] Christmas Merry Christmas [Music] chocolate candy canes andace on earth oh it's [Music] Christmas [Applause] holiday cheer kids everywhere I wonder if they'll ever get here Naughty or Nice snow CED ice and then my brother said to me Santa was here Santa was here I got a NY for Christmas this year s was here he was here I got an N for Christmas this year all through the night Rainer in light I wonder if you'll ever get here T light s CED eyes and then my sister said to me Santa was here was here I got a n for Christmas this year was here he was here I got a n for Christmas this year for Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas for Christmas got n for Christmas Christmas n for Christmas for Christmas got n for Christmas Christmas Christmas Christmas christm [Music] chist [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Family Central
Views: 246,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated Movies, Faith movies for families, Family Adventure Movies, Family Safe Movies, Free Family Movies, Free Kids Movies, Full G Rated Movies, Full Movies For Free, Full PG Movies, Latest Family Movies, watch free family movies on YouTube, Michael Feifer, Emmanuelle Vaugier, Dean Cain, Richard Ruccolo, 2010, romcom, romance, romantic, love, christmas, xmas, holiday, a nanny for christmas, tesera, hallmark, netflix, prime, amazon, hulu, family, superman, lois and clark, dc
Id: KzTmoZ95vxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 39sec (5259 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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