All About Being Born Again - Part 1 Continued

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[Music] I'm gonna ask you to listen to this is there life after delivery it's about two unborn twins having a conversation inside their mother's womb are you guys with me wait you so quiet for you guys all here okay listen carefully I think I know about you and this gets kind of fun especially if you're an atheist listen up one one one of the twins inside the womb says tell me do you believe in life after birth he asks the other one responds yes definitely in here we are growing and we're gaining strength for whatever faces us on the other side he resupplies the other one says that is utterly nonsense there cannot be life after birth how is it that that's supposed to work well I don't know exactly but I believe there's more to us than just being here I think there is life after birth and it's got to be much bigger and much brighter out there than how it is in here and perhaps we will actually be running someday with these legs we have or even eating with these mouths we have eating with our mouths running with our legs nonsense running with our legs and eating with them that's crazy that's what we have umbilical cords for to feed us you want to run around and eat all the time it would never work look these umbilical cords anyway are way too short the other one responds no I think it's gonna work somehow it's going to be really different on the other side you're crazy nobody has ever come back from life after birth life ends on the other side and that's it period no I must admit that we do not know what life is like on the other side of birth but I know that we will get to see our mother and that she will take good care of us mother are you trying to tell me that you believe in a mother well if mother exists then where is she has anyone ever seen mother well I believe mother is all around us I think we are alive in her and threw her and she's all around us that's how we exist rubbish I've never seen mother therefore mother does not exist no I think it's true sometimes when you're really quiet you can hear her speak I think I've even heard her sing and sometimes you can almost it almost feels like she's trying to touch us in here think of that for a moment can you imagine can I just stick a microphone there and saying hey what do you guys think is about ready to happen well we're just gonna be here forever it's great in here 98.6 very tropical okay give me a coconut give me a coconut in a pineapple and this is perfect and then you know his life goes on it starts to get a little cramped back in the back end soon we have something going I you and I are both getting bigger and this place is getting smaller at the same time and then there's a lot of pushing and and and things are kind of like what is going on here and after some noises and all there's a one of them begins to shout out I see a light I went look we're going through a tunnel I see a light on the other ends and what would they say not on the other side it's nothing it's just that no one's come back from birth to ever get I don't know though I see a lie you'll see in a minute because I'm ahead of you you'd be behind me I'm tell you what's going on here's good luck and the little guy comes out and they need that admit it's a it's a sinful world the portal guy comes out he's somebody shoves a rubber tube down his throat and sucking stuff out of his lungs and throat he gets maybe a little smack and his rear end to get him breathing and then somebody comes out with a needle and shoots him with this stuff wraps him up and there's hot blankets all these lights and strangers welcome to the world that kid was born and Jesus says you've got to be born from above you came that way in this world there's another way into the presence of God and you better do it Jesus is saying think of it that's a dramatic change there's a dramatic change when a person's born again listen you will not be questioning if you're born again or not if you have the question then something's wrong years ago we taught in the book of James and forgive me if you remember this analogy but it works the book of James is all about you being a Christian and living the real Christian life not the Hollywood version not the American version or any other kind of version the Bible version and James says this and he's speaking to believers they're already born-again or they've already claimed to believe and be born again anyway and James says this that and I'm paraphrasing now I'm illustrating the book of James you can sum up the book of James with this little bit of a story James says here's the truth about who you are as a believer number 1 assume now that the entire world cannot hear you speak when you do speak and imagine the entire world just moved into your house for the next 30 days they can't hear you talk they can only watch your life and at the end of 30 days they are actually going to be the ones who tell you if you are Christian or not because that my friend is true I'm a Christian ah are you look when somebody tells me I'm not a Christian I relax why well because I expect them to use all kinds of foul language I expect them to be self-centered I expect them to be perhaps even sexually what's the word sleeping around uh doing drugs I don't he doesn't break my heart I know where he's coming from that's where non-believers come from that's what they do I know problem of that whatever problem is when a Christian says they're a Christian and they do those things and that's their life James would say James says don't listen to what they say move in with them and watch them know you say well pastor I don't know if I like what you're saying well let's flip it around all of you guys know where I live I live in a very public street I don't have a gated community of my houses in you know where I live in fact I know you know where I live cuz I see some of you park in front of my house you think I'm not home I don't know what you're doing there but it's ok some of you some of you forget you have Christian stickers in the back of your car that's okay but imagine that if you heard me today and then tomorrow you drive by my house and I'm running out in the yard you know killing cats and and and uh you know I got ac/dc add ear piercing levels and what else what else wouldn't offend you oh yeah you could you do come here he said bubbles would be in the front yard bubble-bubbles would be in the in fact bubbles brought her sister she's in the front yard I've got a big dispenser of Budweiser out there and and I you don't snus and you go what's that did you see them Sam you'd say then that guy needs to be born again that's right you can't say you're one thing and live differently which brings us to this we have time left just for this what does it mean to be born again thirdly it's that you and I will live our new life for the things of God that's how you know man I tell you what this state stay tuned for the end on this one this is uh this is put in the lift 'no spay to the acid to the water to the solution and you're reading it now how do you know someone's born again because you know what they're very very concerned about the things of God Jesus tells us the Bible tells us that we need the second birth if there's no heaven for us and you don't have to walk please listen you don't have to walk around this life hoping wishing wondering if you're gonna go to heaven you should know you're going and that joy and that boldness should possess your life because you know what one of the amazing things and we'll hit on this more next week is the fact that your heart your born-again life is so concerned about the things of God the things of this world kind of make you sick listen don't raise your hand but are you a Christian if you're Christian the Holy Spirit lives inside of you and you've been born again if that's true you will detest the things of this world let me make this clear the moment you were born again now I want to make I want to make this clear - I can tell you within minutes when I got saved my wife grew up in a Christian home she cannot tell you that but she knows that when she was young Jesus Christ became a real it became a sin of her life now you may look her and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum are you with me everybody so somewhere you fall into that self experience with Christ but the moment that you're born again and again we'll get into this in the next week so don't miss this this next few Sunday's is this you are positioned with Christ you need to know what that means you're saying man you are what are the words converted you're reborn you are born again you are born from above that's it in that moment you have a you detest your old life but you've noticed your old life keeps yelling at you you know I'm talking about every Christian in this place knows what it's like to be two people at the same time what is that the new life says I love God the old Jack says let's let's go do this let's go beat people up well me I'm not laughing at you fill in your own blank so how long you've been a Christian I've been a Christian like you know 38 years 37 39 what and you and what yeah listen I know what's the right thing to do I know what I want to do and I know what blesses the heart of God and but then there's a part of me that says hey look over there and then what happens watch this a person that is a religious person goes just like this like like the Bible says like an ox to the slaughter you see it's not as Sunday now it's a Monday and then that person's life the their flesh says hey let's go look at that and then this go drink some of this and this goes snort some of that and this go touch some of that and that person very religious on Sunday that person goes like this oh oh oh right and then feels really bad and it makes their way back to church and does a church thing I'm not talking about that person I'm talking about the person who's born again gets the same temptations but they no longer have the power that they had I hate for example it goes like this I'm walking along I get up in the morning like you didn't say man I don't wanna follow God today Lord fill me with your spirit I love you and I want to do whatever you want to do God and then there's this temptation it could be a thought in my head boom oh no right there listen everybody are you listening this is serious business in that moment I have only nanoseconds milliseconds of time to determine what am I gonna do with it see it the non-christian goes cool oh that's go yeah the Christian goes oh no no Lord Jesus greater and he graters he does in me than he does in the world and he thought that comes into my mind I have the power through Jesus Christ to bring that captive and take a captive and present it to the cross and you know Simon instant war the temptations never stopped you know what you'll learn how to beat them and that's why the Bible says sin shall not have dominion over you anymore because this temptation comes up and you just go sit down now you never do this in public because people think you're nuts you just it happens in your head boom or some girl goes wrong you know what you hear you want a Christian here's Ron right the knucklehead the knucklehead goes um I kind of hear that again right you're dead you're at you're messed up the battle will always be there what do you do at the battle the Christian has been granted the victory and you move out into the victory now listen we're almost done and the ushers have been given Tasers anybody leaving early you're going down why because this is the critical moment in a moment I'm going to ask you to make sure that you've made a decision for Jesus Christ to be born again only pride would keep you from making that decision in a moment you better be sure everyone Jesus called he called publicly including Nicodemus who came at the end of Jesus's earthly life to the cross and John and Nicodemus took Jesus body down from the cross everyone Jesus called you will have to go public some day with your faith and we're gonna give you the opportunity today to accept Jesus Christ and/or to make a public declaration why Jesus said you must be born again the things of God Ephesians 2 verse 1 looked at the screens or look to your Bible and by the way forgive me in advance I'm reading out of the New Living Translation for anybody here today who's just never heard of a Bible before I'm going to make it as simple as possible as clear as possible Ephesians 2:1 you once were dead because of your disobedience and your many sins did you know that the Bible says before you become a Christian you're dead you're spiritually dead you used to live in sin I did just like the rest of the world that's right I hung out with the world obeying the devil I didn't know I was doing that I mean that's kind of pushing it isn't it not according to God because he's the commander of the powers of the unseen world he is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God where's the listen they refuse to obey God because they're busy obeying themselves what is it that they're obeying about themselves their lustful passions are you all sitting down next week on Valentine's Day the Fifty Shades of Grey movies coming out this is destroying people the books have destroyed people the movies going to destroy people it's demonic and there are Christians flirting with the book there's no way the Holy Spirit would allow you to read that stuff there's no way you may say you're a Christian and get all excited about the book and figure out that your husband or your wife stinks and you need a new version you may read the book or see the film and say ma'am my love life stinks my wife she's all worn out piece of overweight nothing I'm gonna go get it ain't good the Christian has control over their eyes the Holy Spirit speaks it says look away from that or run from that what was the pictures it's worse it's literary pornography and it's sweeping the world and the result is messed up psychologically whacked-out people and broken homes it's sin on steroids and the world is flirting with it because you'd rather obey your passions instead of the will of God and he goes on verse 3 Ephesians 2 all of us used to live that way following the passionate desires and inclinations of our sinful nature by our very nature we were subject to God's anger just like everyone else Galatians 5 verse 16 we're almost done Galatians 5:16 so I say let the Holy Spirit guide your lives then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves the sinful nature wants to do evil which is just the opposite of what the spirit wants the spirit gives us desires here you go do you have these desires my friend listen the spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires these two forces are constantly fighting each other so you are not free to carry out your good intentions but when you are directed by the spirit you are not under the obligation of the law of Moses when you follow the desires of your sinful nature the results are very clear watch this sexual immorality the word is pornea from pornography from reading that kind of stuff and looking at pictures all the way through to committing sexual acts outside of marriage that's the word for sexual immorality impurity lust full pleasures idolatry sorcery pharmakeia the word is hallucinogenic drugs or mind-altering drugs hostility quarreling jealousy outbursts of Wrath selfish ambition dissensions division Envy drunkenness wild parties are orgies the word other sins like these listen what pulses let me tell you again as I told you before that anyone living that sort of life will not and here at the kingdom of God but the Holy Spirit verse 22 produces this kind of fruit in our lives this is the spirits work in the life of a believer love joy peace patience kindness goodness faithfulness gentleness self-control there is no law against these almost done stay seated first Corinthians 6:9 notice the difference and in 1st Corinthians 6 can you say that this has happened to you a change a dramatic change do you realize that those who do wrong will not inherit the kingdom of God don't fool yourselves those who indulge in sexual sin or who worship idols or commit adultery or are male prostitutes now I have this stop at that male what is that weird male prostitutes well first of all Paul's speaking to the Greeks and they had all that stuff going on but the word is freaky and I don't want to spend too much time in it but it's it's in our culture right now the word in Greek for this word that's translated in the English male prostitutes it's Malik O's in Greek and it means this means catamite it means a catamite doing a catamite is you don't want to know did you see the movie Batman when Heath Ledger was had that white face painted on his face it means to change it changed the word me and that was by the way somebody knew what they were doing in Hollywood a catamite will dress up their face to try to disguise what their gender is that's what it means that's why they Old English they put the word male prostitute it's a male is trying to pawn himself off upon himself off as a woman by finery is the word the old english word is by looking feminine but he's a male a catamite look this is not a family parenting class but I will tell you this if you have a daughter raise her like a daughter and if you have a boy raised in like a boy who does that that's why you're a parent you're supposed to train up a child in the way that they're supposed to go but that's for some parenting class someday right listen hang on or practice homosexuality or thieves or greedy people drunkards abusive cheats none of these will inherit the kingdom of God and right there if listen if it's not right there there's no reason to live ah but verse 11 says some of you were once like that I don't know about you but I could pick out a few of these things that I used to be you used to be like that he says but you were cleansed but you were made holy but you were made right with God by calling on the net look by calling on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of God somebody say amen to that listen I'm gonna ask you today I'm gonna give you opportunity today to publicly accept Christ to make sure that you're born again listen carefully you need to understand Jesus died on the cross for your sins and rose again from the grave for your sins for my sins he wants to change your life you've been born into this world he wants you now to be born from above if today your heart has been stunned by him that's him reaching out to you don't shut him down don't refuse him I put my heels in because that's what the word means don't push against him relax and make your stand for God don't assume you're born again be born again recognize that you can't save yourself that he did it for you at his cross that he rose again from the grave and that power that raised Jesus from the grave is the power that will change your lifestyle forever and be washed like all the rest of us we're not perfect he is listen we still sin but we hate it now we can't wait to see him we don't live for ourselves anymore we live for the things of God Heavenly Father we bow our heads in prayer before you this morning and god I pray that no one would be distracted nobody would fall over somebody or ask some about to be a new believer to get disrupted or interrupted by someone in this holy moment god Lord we're obeying you and we've put out the cry you must be born again and my dear friend I pray today have you heard or felt or sensed the presence of God in your life maybe you've never stood for Jesus publicly and he's telling you today you stand firm you come publicly maybe today you found out you're just a very religious person but you just kind of really don't know God until next Sunday rolls around again you need to be born again maybe today you've come in here and your sins nobody has to tell you about them you're sick of them you're disgusted with your life and you're done with it and you're here today cuz you need a new life well you are welcome I'm gonna ask the lights to be dimmed a little bit I'm gonna ask you today during the plane of this song right now I'm gonna ask you to come forward and I'm gonna lead you in a prayer just come to the steps and stand there in a moment I'll lead you in prayer but if today you are publicly declaring Jesus your Lord to be publicly acknowledged as being born again make sure you understand this you are not becoming a member of this church you're not doing this for anybody this is between you and God jesus said you must be born again so you come right now and you finally make that decision once and for all in a moment I'm gonna lead you in a prayer but you need to understand something number one it's not a magical prayer okay it's like Oh what was that prayer forget about the prayer I'm gonna lead you in a in appropriate prayer what matters do you mean it that's what matters have you come forward today because this is serious business with you this is what you want to do and I believe you have and so from this moment on you and praying this prayer some of you might feel something right now most of you don't I say most of you don't cuz I never felt anything when I accepted Christ except that it is 11 o'clock by noon today in one hour I promise you this wherever you're at whatever you're doing your you are going to have a pattern of thought enter your mind that you've never had before you're gonna have thoughts pop up in your head that you know they're not you and they're going to be awesome they're going to be thoughts that are somehow foreign and yet extremely familiar you might think a certain thought and the thoughts going to counter it and it's going to say we don't think like that anymore this is how we think now and that thought and that the string will come it's absolutely the presence of the holy spirit taking possession of your life Christianity is not something we do it's what God does through us okay so listen when we pray this prayer just mean it just mean it if you're rededicating your lives or your payton just making a public stand for him just mean it you ready repeat this if if you would have to meet your Lord I come to you now and I give you all that I am I come in my shame I come in my sorrow I come in my fullness of who I am lord make me your child as I confess today Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior crucified buried and resurrected I give you my life
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 3,777
Rating: 4.9220781 out of 5
Keywords: Salvation, Born Again, Christianity
Id: DYCvslmWXkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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