The Toughest Enemy in Every Mario Game

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over the past several months I've had a lot of free time to go back and play through every single game in the Super Mario franchise which has given me a lot of great ideas that you've seen me turn into some really cool videos most recently I've been focusing on Mario's enemies looking at the series most amazing bosses and some of the weirdest creatures that you'll encounter along your journeys in today's video I'll be now looking at the toughest enemies in every Mario game which could range from a bit annoying to absolutely grueling the face oh yeah by the way my name is copycat and if you haven't yet then please subscribe to my channel and hit that Bell button to stay notified when I upload new videos although the majority of enemies in the original Super Mario Bros for the NES are quite simplistic and almost seem harmless when compared to today's standards there is still one who's always tough to face in the hammer bro without a fire flower to help you out this enemy proves to be incredibly hard to pass as it literally throws hammers in your direction while jumping up and down between platforms of course power-ups greatly help Mario and give him an advantage against every enemy so for the purpose of this video let's pretend you're playing as normal Mario to add even more to the difficulty the hammer bro usually shows up in pairs so good luck trying to get by them unharmed the American version of Super Mario Brothers 2 added a much wider variety of enemies including a few that really gave you a challenge during your playthrough the fan toe is an enemy that instantly comes to mind as is essentially a floating face that chases you around the level after you grab the key it's guarding now this enemy can't really be defeated by anything but once you open the door with the key that it will at least disappear but it will give you a bit of trouble before that another enemy that also gave me some trouble believe it or not are the shy guys and snuff it's mainly when they appear in levels where you have to dig through the sand to reach certain objectives this mechanic can be very annoying and having to travel through and encountering the shy guys who have a mind of their own can be frustrating however if I were to pick the toughest enemy in this game I'd have to go with the flame-throwing Berto mini-boss unlike the other Bertos who primarily spit eggs this one only hurls fireballs towards you be prepared to dodge his attacks and use the mushroom block to defeat it Super Mario Bros 3 added an enormous amount of new enemies to the franchise but with the addition of the super leaf into new key power-ups most became much easier to defeat however even if that's the case there are still a few that will give you some difficulty the Chain Chomp was introduced in this game in world 2 5 and with jet out towards Mario if your approach closer what many people don't know is that if the chomp Yanks has chained 50 times then it will become loose from the wooden block making it much more difficult to face the big bertha is another tough enemy to encounter and actually showed up in my weirdest enemy video as it chases you around in several levels in world 3 however in some underwater levels the giant fish carries her baby cheeps in her mouth unleashing them from time to time attacking Mario now if I had to go with the toughest enemy in this game I'd actually have to go with 3 who are all cousins of the hammer bros these are the sludge bros the boomerang bros and the fire bros both the boomerang bros and fire bros are really similar to the hammer bros but instead obviously fire their name projectiles towards Mario now the sludge bros are a bit different as they are essentially giant hammer bros who appear in the giant themed levels in world 4 on top of this from time to time they slam down against the ground trying to study for a brief period to be honest trying to defeat this enemy by jumping on his head and not taking damage is definitely hard now Super Mario Land doesn't really have any tough enemies but it has some that are absolutely wacky and will at least give you a little bit of trouble one of these enemies is the guy who's found in level 2 of the bureau beetle Kingdom this thing's like enemy is tough to face as a breeze fire spitting it in Mario's direction if I had to pick the toughest enemies in this game there are two that come to mind that both appear in the vehicular levels in this game the first is the timão which is as weird bubble that bounces around the Dragons am zhu boss battle area and damages mario if he comes in contact with it this enemy is invincible so don't even try to fire at it in the final boss battle of the game against the tatanga there's a cloud that you have to defeat first which those chickens towards you which can only be beaten if you hit it with 20 missiles this game is just extremely strange Super Mario World is a much harder game than any in the series before it as it contains a plethora of unique and challenging enemies here the magikoopas introduced as one of Bowser's main minions and they can be quite the threat this strange enemy has the ability to teleport at will it can send magic glass towards Mario if these boss missed Mario they have the power to turn any rotating block into Koopas flips coins or on rare occasions one of mushrooms another enemy that comes to mind that can give you some trouble is the Zoomer Bros who make their debut in this game these brothers deal damage to Mario by stomping on a platform above him which sends sparks raining down igniting the ground beneath them they also have a spike on the top of their head that can damage Mario so they need to be defeated with a shell or K powerup the boo type enemies found within the ghost house levels can also give you a bit of a problem especially the ones that appear in groups like the boo buddy snake the circling boo buddies or the boo buddy storm these enemies also sometimes turn invisible then reappear making platforming and these ghost houses that much more difficult however if I had to pick the enemy that's hardest to face in this game then I'd have to go with the chargin chucks these turtle like creatures dressed in football gear appear in several different forms that all have different abilities and interact with Mario in unique ways the clapping Chuck jumps straight upwards clapping his hand as his attack the split and Chuck splits into three the passage chuck kicks footballs as his weapon the confused Chuck is playing the wrong sport as he has an endless supply of baseballs and the digging chuck uses a shovel and dig some rocks rolling them towards Mario not only can decide to be easily damaged Mario but it also takes multiple stomps to defeat them which is one of the reasons why I find them the toughest in this game now if you thought Super Mario Land had some weird enemies the sequel contains so many unique ones that never appear again anywhere in the series this game is also considerably harder than the previous but still isn't overly strenuous the boo chibi enemy acts very similarly to the swamp so avoiding them at all costs is a must the choreo cura is one of the only humanoid enemies you'll find in the Mario franchise even if it is technically a vampire this weirdo sends bats off in Mario's direction which is really more badass than tough now one of the actually toughest enemies in this game are the angry stars and happened the space Zone scrolling level and either it means stationary or travel in a predestined path this enemy can't be defeated but will damage Mario with touched Super Mario 64 was the very first 3d game in the franchise and with it brought an entirely new breed of tough enemies the first that comes to mind is the Chain Chomp I can't actually be defeated by any normal means the only way to rid it from your sight is to ground town the wooden stake it's attached to so it can escape the bullies in lethal lava land are another group of enemies that can't actually be defeated by stomping or punching them so you actually have to bully them back and push them into the lava this gets considerably harder once they start to appear in groups however the actual toughest enemy in this game is the Bubba who once again is invincible to any of Mario's attacks and can actually instantly defeat you if it swallows you hold this enemy only appears in a few spots and tiny huge islands so just be careful when you're treading in the water Super Mario Sunshine has more annoying enemies than tough ones as the addition of the flood device definitely helps you along your adventure what are these annoying enemies is the swipe and Stu's who try to steal Mario's hat which will cause him to take damage from the immense sunlight on top of that the stools you by wearing your hat and growing his very own mustache what a copycat the electric Koopas are another tough fish enemy as the only way to defeat them is the stomp on their exposed body when they throw their shell towards you if they hit you with their shell then you'll become electrocuted and lose a portion of your health if I had to pick the toughest enemy in this game I'd have to go with the bees who start to swarm you if you attack their nests and you'll most certainly take damage before you destroy it once again I do have to go over that the enemies in this particular game aren't that hard as the flood could easily deal with most of them New Super Mario Bros D s was the series return to 2d platforming and actually contained a few very hard levels with some equally tough enemies the bruiser is one enemy that caused me a lot of trouble during my playthrough killing me several times as they charge towards you fists swinging this strange enemy can also break any unbreakable block and needs to be jumped on three times or fireball to be beaten the mega unagi is a gigantic eel that can't be defeated at all and chases Mario through the entire second half of world 8-3 even a star powerup does nothing to it now the toughest enemy in this game one that killed me several times through this playthrough isn't actually a typical one at all this is the volcanic debris in world 8:8 that's scattered amongst a stage falling from the top of the screen trying to damage ooh now I know this isn't technically a living being it is included as an enemy in the Super Mario wiki so the one thing I've recently realized about Super Mario Galaxy is that the enemies aren't extremely tough and it's actually the game's platforming that will cause you to lose a life most of the time that being said there are some enemies that do still pose a bit of a threat the cluck boom is one of these enemies and is essentially a flying robotic chicken that lays explosive eggs which do a lot of damage to you now of course hitting them with the star bit will stun them which is why most enemies in this game don't pose much of a threat however there are a few indestructible enemies in the beamers which all do varying different things the ball ring and jump femurs emit circular shockwaves in the century beam and I beamers fire or laser if Mario approaches them if I somehow missed an enemy in this game as I feel like I might have for some reason please let me know in the comments below New Super Mario Bros Wii vastly improved on why was done in the first game in the series which included a wider variety of level types power-ups and of course enemies the brand Bell is one of these enemies that's much harder to defeat as you have to dodge it spiky legs and bonk off its head to kill it the prickly Goomba can give you a bit of a challenge as its hiding in a spiked chestnut that can only be removed if it's hit with a fireball now picking the toughest enemy in this game is actually really easy as that has to go to the King Bill and world 9/8 which is actually the largest known Bullet Bill in the Mario franchise this big baddie nearly takes up the entire screen and is completely invincible you can't even land or touch him or Mario will take damage so dodging him is the only way to maneuver through the level Super Mario Galaxy 2 was widely considered one of the best games in the franchise mainly due to its amazing level design and incredibly interesting enemies there are many tough returning enemies like the hammer bros wigglers and magikoopas but also a few new ones that can give you a bit of a problem one of these is the silver chomps which aren't actually attached to a chain and instead roll towards Mario trying to hit him the only way to defeat these goofy looking balls is to use a rainbow star powerup or push it off a cliff using the star ball the matter mouths that are found in the Haunted Hills galaxy and Bowser's lava lair cannot be destroyed as if you jump on their heads they are only stunned temporarily this enemy also eats part of the ground away meaning if he doesn't get you with his mouth then there's a good chance that you will probably fall through the hole that he's created however by far the toughest enemy in Super Mario Galaxy 2 has to be the cosmic clones these enemies are drastically different than their counterparts in the first game of the series as they now make your every move meaning that in levels where they appear you need to ensure your platforming is precise if you slip up at all then the clone will deal damage to you and won't disappear until you've completed that portion of the level now I definitely can't say that Super Mario 3d Land has many tough enemies as it's definitely an easier game but there are still a few that will give you a little bit of trouble dinky prata plan is one that comes to mind as it covers the entire screen ending completely blocking your view of the level however what's really cool is that if the player blows on the microphone that the ink will actually start to disappear this is really just more annoying than anything else the spy keel is another pretty tough enemy in this game and only appears in underwater tropical levels these eels stay in underwater holes and pop up trying to block Mario's path when he swims by to actually defeat the seal it needs to be hit with 15 fireballs or boomerangs or you need to use a star or turn into a statue form to instantly kill it cosmic clones also make a return in this game but this time they are much larger and can break blocks while they chase you around the level I really do love this game but more because it's fun and not because it's challenging New Super Mario Bros 2 doesn't add any new or difficult enemies into the mix but it does reinvent some of the originals these come in the form the two new bone enemies that are much tougher to defeat the first is the bone goober that's wearing a skull helmet the other is the bone piranha plant that's actually immune to fire giving you a bit more trouble than usual but to be honest this game is a bit of a joke when it comes to its enemies this is also impaired in what I guess could be classified as the toughest enemy in this game the behemoth this goofy looking gigantic Buu is actually pretty dangerous as you we'll instantly lose a life if you're squished between it and a wall on top of that it really can't be defeated by any means making it pretty much invincible although why the heck does it have human-like teeth New Super Mario Bros u has only a few newly added enemies that will actually give you a bit of a hard time during your playthrough of this massive game a really tough enemy in this game is the dragon eel which chases you through several underwater levels and acts as an added obstacle damaging you if it touches you this enemy can only be defeated with a super star but throwing fireballs at its head will at least slow it down a bit the one enemy that actually gave me the most trouble in this game is actually an obstacle the huge fire bar these appear and fire bar cliffs and definitely make platforming through this level way tougher Super Mario 3d World is a very interesting game in the franchise as it combines several different aspects of older games with brand new concepts one of these enemies is the char vard who cannot be defeated by any method and if it touches you at all it will result in an instant loss of a life there's only one other enemy in this game that can defeat the player in one hit and that's the fuzzy horde that's only found in two levels of the game you can't actually do any damage to them at all and you have to run away escaping the Horde before the Horde grows way too big for you to handle SuperMario Odyssey completely ditches the idea of lives and replaces them just with the loss of coins but the game still has a few tougher enemies the biggest standout here is the t-rex that is absolutely terrifying but like most of the enemies in this game can be captured by copy this feature and removing lives really changes the game in many ways but mainly rose the risk of fighting most of the enemies that you come across probably one of the hardest to defeat however would have to be the UFO which is basically a UFO type robot that dispenses an infinite amount of goombahs these goombas need to be captured and formed into a tower so that Mario can trigger a switch on top of the UFO bringing it down in two hits all right so that's gonna be it for today's video guys I really hope you did enjoy this one if you did please leave a like comment below and of course subscribe to my channel also if you haven't yet then please check out my instagram at copycat gamer where I upload some cool clips and items from my collection that you won't see anywhere else I hope you guys all have a good day and I'll see you on the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Copycat
Views: 463,039
Rating: 4.8703446 out of 5
Keywords: toughest enemy, in every mario game, super mario, mario, every mario, mario games, super mario odyssey, super mario bros, super mario world, super mario land, super mario 3d, world, land, super mario sunshine, new super mario bros, wii u, wii, nintendo switch, switch, enemies, bosses, boss battles, boss fights, best, worst, hardest, level, copycat, nintendo, amazing, fun, worlds, levels, walkthrough, super mario 64, bowser, luigi, toad, peach, new, old, copycatgamer, copykatgamer, youtube, pokemon, funny
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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