The Otsutsuki Clan Explained (Naruto)

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[Music] the otsotsuki clan a group of mysterious beings who have seemingly become a central part of the story and were later shown to be the center of it all along their presence can be felt from the earliest part of naruto to the latest parts of boruto but only toward the end of shipodin did they ever receive a name or any revelation as to who or even what they were they to this day remain just as mysterious as when we first witnessed them even though at least three different main villains have been otsotsuki including kaguya momoshiki and ishiki but not all otsotsuki clan members have been evil and that is the reason why i didn't include taneri as a fourth he's more of an antagonist than a villain and yes there is a difference but before we dive any deeper welcome to the amaki before we begin we publish a new video every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi's reach stretches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year now without further ado let's get into the video the history of naruto is tied to the otsotsuki clan tightly the entire naruto world as we know it was derived specifically from the otsotsuki clan especially their use of chakra which was developed from them without their influence the inaugurate world would look very different might even look a bit like our own world the otsotsuki clan have existed for countless millennia they were a group of extra dimensional beings that traveled across existence to cultivate god trees which would be planted on a fertile planet where it absorbs all of the natural energy and forms it into a single chakra fruit which the otsotsuki devoured to gain more power the first instance of an otsotsuki clan member appearing on earth would be kaguya and her superior ishiki kaguya was planned to be the sacrifice for the ten tails and would have found a vessel with which to place a karma seal to revive herself after the destruction but instead she betrayed ishiki and took the chakra fruit for herself this made her the first person on earth to possess chakra she settled on earth living amongst its people in the land of ancestors where she met and fell in love with the emperor tanji kaguya became attached to the people of earth however during a dispute between the land of ancestors and the land of that real imaginative name she broke the order set forth by the emperor and attacked those from the land of that in an effort to defend herself this caused her to be hunted for execution to maintain stability between the two nations this caused her to lose faith in humanity though not as to say she didn't still care for them or for peace this was when she decided to break the taboo and devour the chakra fruit she used the power that granted her to awaken her rin of sharingan which she used to cast the infinite tsukiomi on the planet and put them under genjutsu she used this to cultivate an army of white zetsu in hopes of protecting herself when her clan inevitably came to earth to take her chakra away however as previously mentioned she still cared about humanity and so she removed a number of them from the genjutsu and wiped their memories of what had happened to establish peace she ended up pregnant eventually she gave birth to two children twin boys she named hagoromo and hamura these were the first people on earth to be born with chakra hagaromo inherited the rinnegan and hamura inherited the ten saigon the boys grew stronger all while their mother ruled the world with an iron fist going from being known as the rabbit goddess to a demon but kageya later found herself consumed with the desire to reclaim her chakra and so she devised a plan to remove it from hamura and hagoromo by integrating the god tree into herself becoming the first entails ginchuriki together hagoromo and hamura fought their mother until hagarawa managed to steal its power from it and together the twins used these six paths chibaku tensei to seal away the husk of the ten tails into a celestial body that became known as the moon together hamura and hagoromo took responsibility for their mother's misdeeds hamada leading the clan to the moon where they stood watch over the remains of the ten tales all while hagonomo remained on earth to distribute the chakra he had to the humans and teach them how to use it for peace and love and all the mushy stuff which would have made the show less interesting though hagaromo was the inventor of the first and most well-known jutsu talk no jutsu dude loved love he later became venerated as the sage of six paths and produced children of his own two sons i guess twins ran in the family indra and asura indra inherited his father's eyes and asura inherited his father's will and apparently his use of taknojutsu because of this asura was made the heir of their clan much to his brother's dismay this led to the creation of two clans the senju and uchiha and i'm sure you know where that led hamura on the other hand lived with his clan on the moon to protect it where he conscripted every otsotsuki clan member born to donate their biakugan to create one massive ten saigon that could be used to power their facility on the moon and protect earth this will is later misinterpreted and weaponized by toneri otsotsuki who believed that humans using chakra to make war violated hamura's beliefs and should be judged with destruction where toneri and his soon-to-be wife hinata would repopulate the earth naruto managed to snap him out of this though bringing him around to the light side where he continued to watch over the earth becoming its sole guardian on the moon as well as my favorite otsotsuki of all time too bad he got turned into a rock alright p on his deathbed hageromo knew that when he passed the power of the ten tales would return to its husk and create a new issue that the sage would not be there to deal with and so he split the chakra into nine parts and created the tailed beasts each one with a number of tails to signify their place in power and order of creation meanwhile remember ishiki the guy who was kaguya's superior well it turns out she didn't finish the job and now he's in somebody's ear he is too weak to plant a karma seal on jigen and so instead he goes into the monk's ear and begins to absorb nutrients in an effort to survive his mortal wound and as soon as he's strong enough he plants a karma on jigen but jigen is not compatible which causes an issue he's capable of hosting ishiki in his soul but isn't strong enough to bear his power this causes a serious issue as an otsotsuki clan member can generally only plant one karma at a time to ensure that the clan member isn't cloned this means ishiki is in a bad place unable to come back to life fully but also unable to go into another body but just like dr malcolm said life finds a way he would later begin experimenting with members of the secret organization cara to implant new karma seals on people in an effort to find one that accepts him he finds that with kawaki but kawaki is a bit rebellious and has help in the four of amato and koji in battle koji forces jigen to take on the full power of ishiki which causes a three-day time limit on ishiki to find and transfer to a new vessel before he dies however due to baryon mode that span is shortened quite a bit which causes ishiki to die without a vessel to transfer to resulting in his permanent death momoshiki was also one who passed his consciousness on via karma seal he came to earth during the boruto era's version of the tuning exams where he attempts to use the tailed beasts within b and naruto to awaken a new ten tales though he is defeated with the combined efforts of all five kake sasuke and boruto himself however before passing he plants boruto with a karma seal which would allow him to revive in the future though boruto deals with this by forcing momoshiki to give up the final 10 of his dna to save boruto which results in momoshiki being unable to reincarnate in truth that is about the most complete otsotsuki history i've ever made but even with all this information there are so many glaring questions we have about them we've seen the otsotsuki all throughout the series but we've never been told much about their history where they come from and where they're going we get little tidbits of their culture but nothing too concrete we know that they have main branches and secondary branches which act very similarly to the huge clan we also know that they're the originators of alto jutsu can have multiple dojutsu including biakugan rinigon and the as of yet unnamed dojutsu which allowed ishiki access to sukuna hikona but besides that there are a few other dojutsu that are even venerated amongst the otsotsuki clan one of these being the ten saigon and the other being jogon then saigon while powerful doesn't seem to surpass rinagon in power and is mostly just more rare it does offer plenty of combat abilities such as the ability to use powers similar to the diva path on a grander scale manipulate puppets create golems and offer far better energy manipulation which was used by toneri to enter a chakra mode that also offered him use of truth-seeking balls which so far have only been used by those with six paths power beyond this the drogon is revered as something that only those deeply connected to the otsotsuki clan can awaken in the anime the drogon has displayed the ability to see chakra and negative emotions as well as portals to other dimensions though the true extent of this dojutsu's power is unknown as far as it goes what we've just gone over for all intents and purposes is all that we know about the otsotsuki clan without going into the realm of speculation and so the next logical step for us to take right now would be speculation after all we don't know much about the otsutsuki clan but if there's anything we know about the naruto world it's that it takes references from buddhism and hinduism quite often from chakras and their natures down to reincarnation naruto uses it so while we might think that the odzotsuki clan are purely just aliens we could be wrong not saying we are but it is true that the otsotsuki clan are directly connected to such concepts the otsutsuki clan are the originators of the rinnegan as well as the ten saigon and the karma seals the rinnegan the translation of which being samsara i in buddhism and hinduism samsara means the world and the cycle of rebirth in other words reincarnation indra and asura are two-quarter otsotsukis and they have been known to reincarnate if you didn't know indra and asura became madara and hashirama and later sasuke and naruto but beyond that we also have the ten saigon with the japanese word tensei meaning reincarnation the concept of reincarnation is heavily connected with the otsotsuki and i think that may be considered a possible answer to what they really are according to buddhism there are six paths to reincarnation ah did that trigger you did i just make you think of the arenagon yes the rinnegan's abilities are all named after forms of reincarnation according to the paths there are six types of reincarnation there is the naraka path a form of reincarnation that sits at the very bottom and is considered a hellish place and existence in which you are tortured for the entirety of your existence until reincarnating into a higher realm then there is the predapath the preda are hungry ghosts that can never be satisfied no matter how much they eat or drink then there is the animal path which is a path full of instinct and fear eat or be eaten kind of stuff then there's the human path this would be where narutonis pals will be sitting above this are the asura which are akin to demons they are a warring group who seek power and violence and are connected with cardinal pleasures in hinduism they are still considered divine beings though then above them are the deva which are being so powerful they appear like gods the devil world is considered one of bliss and the diva are known to live for very long periods of time but at the same time they're tortured as they know that even with their power they're still subject to the cycle of rebirth meaning that they will eventually die and they can't stop it and due to the diva path using up considerable amounts of karma which means that when they inevitably reincarnate they will do so to a lower realm possibly a hellish one like naraka or preda given that the otsotsuki are not humans and are obviously distinguished from them this would rule out the human path and they're obviously not animals either this leaves four paths they could possibly be from the naraka the preda the asura and the deva now it seems unlikely that the otsotsuki would be considered a part of the naraka path due to the fact that those in the naraka path are endlessly tortured until they don't have enough proper karma to go to a higher realm the otsotsuki don't seem as such to me because they're much more powerful which seems to be the opposite of someone in said path then there are the preda the predator come close for me because the preda are hungry ghosts they desire all the time and are never satisfied similarly to the otsotsuki clan who constantly seek more chakra and genetic material to ascend into something called the otsotsuki god however this path is below human as well as animal and that just doesn't seem to work well for this because it is unlikely that they would ascend into something new not to mention that the otsotsuki clan look down on humans and are viewed as far stronger with status given to themselves by themselves as well as by humans as divine beings so it only makes sense that they would be above humans on the scale the only other paths would be the asura and the deva the asura are a group of demonic deities as said earlier they live in constant war seeking pleasure and power this seems very much like the otsotsuki clan as they appear to be above humans are constantly seeking power which often leads them to war this would match the otsotsuki clan as they themselves fight over chakra fruit even amongst each other as kagia and ishiki did but beside this there's also the diva the diva are a group of celestial beings that themselves can be born into three different worlds within their own world of different degree the lowest version of the diva are closer to humans than anything else and can be degraded to humans if they consume their merits depending on the realms where they are born they act differently i will spare you my attempts to say the names of these worlds but the three different types act as such there are divas with no physical form and instead live in constant meditation this doesn't sound very much like the otsotsuki not to mention this class of diva doesn't connect with the wider universes at all unlike the otsotsuki the second class of diva have physical forms but are genderless and do not possess these same passions that themselves can exist in five sub-worlds with different versions of themselves most of these are distinguished by the way they attained their form and what type of training they did in this class of diva they aren't knowledgeable of higher classes of diva and become proud of themselves considering themselves the creators of their own world and those below them since they were older than them then there is the third class of diva which lives similarly to humans they are bigger than a human but generally more content they are also generally more immersed in pleasures than other divas there are also subclasses of the third class and some of these enjoy luxury some of them are just content with everything and then some of the lower forms actually enjoy themselves as well as strife and warfare in fact the diva are often fighting against the asura and it seems that they enjoy it one thing that should be known though is often times the asura are considered a part of the diva the lower classes to be exact it is also said that humans in the past used to have similar powers to the diva although they lost them as time passed it also seems that the lower diva possessed genders as there are some called diva male and devi female beyond this they possess powers such as being invisible to the human eye unless the human has awakened their divine eye they can fly through the air using magical means as well and can create illusions it's said that being a diva consumes a lot of karma which ends up with them being reborn as a member of a lower realm given how much i have been talking about the diva i'm sure you can guess what i assumed the otsotsuki clan to be the lowest ranks of the diva are very similar to humans in mentality morality and passions given that the otsotsuki clan members use karma seals to reincarnate using a compatible vessel as far as i've seen they only use it on humans and people who are considered lower than an otsutsuki they enjoy war and carnal pleasures to the point that the lower forms of diva are confused with the surah often times as i was making this i was actually not sure which path the otsotsuki were so i am drawing my conclusion just as you currently are i actually was thinking that the otsotsuki had traits of both asura and diva but it seems both asura and the lower classes of diva are almost indistinguishable to the point that they are often counted in the same categories so if i were to say anything i would say that the otsutsuki are a clan of the lowest class of diva and asura and one of the reasons i think so would be the sage of six paths sons indra and asura asura is the name of one of the paths one being a warring group of beings and indra is the name of a buddhist and hindu god who presides over the deva indra is connected with the power of storms as well as lightning chidori he rules over the diva's world of samsara and is also the hindu god of war in some cases indra is known as the thousand eyed given the connection between indra and asura i think mazashi kishimoto is trying to give us a hint as to where he got the concept of the otsotsuki from so what does this mean for the otsotsuki clan what can we expect from this race of beings well for one we could say that there are possibly higher forms of otsutsuki that exist this would be reference to the otsotsuki god that they believe they can become by stockpiling enough power as said earlier lower divas do not know of higher diva so the otsotsuki would not know if there were any that existed the diva also seek to escape the reincarnation cycle but can't this matches with the otsotsuki who wish to gain more chakra to extend their lives and ascend to godhood it's likely that the class of otsutsuki we've witnessed so far is the lowest level kageya was the lowest on the rung of otsotsuki and so were momoshiki anishiki something bigger is out there as part of the otsotsuki clan something possibly even the outsotsuki clan don't know about something that has no gender or passion and considers itself to be creator of all and over everything the otsotsuki gods more than one likely many and they will be in a realm of power far beyond anything the otsotsuki have so far displayed the otsotsuki god will be coming to boruto at some point in time whether by itself or in the form of an otsotsuki who ascends to it and when it shows up it's going to be an incredible battle as of yet unseen a lot of this is speculation but given how connected the outsotsuki are to buddhist concepts it only seems right that we predict who they are and what they will do and become by looking at the sources from which the author kishimoto is drawing his ideas so what do you think do you like my shot in the dark or did you have your own personal theories as to who and what they are given that we know practically nothing about them no guess is a bad guess i would love to hear what you think they are and the theories behind them blow me away people i look forward to reading them be sure to stay kind to your fellow commenter and respect their opinions as you discuss this further be sure to subscribe if you haven't leave a like if you enjoyed the video and be sure to ring the bell if you want to see more videos like this in the future peace out
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 125,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, Kaguya, Otsutsuki, Ōtsutsuki, Naruto, Isshiki, Boruto, Hagoromo, Hamura, Chakra, Tenji, Tsukuyomi, Zetsu, Rabbit, tails, Kakashi, Team 7, Obito, Sakumo, Rin, Minato, Kusa, Mahiru, Anbu, copy ninja, kurama, Namikaze, Hokage, Konohagakure, Konoha, Yellow Flash, Uzumaki, Jiraiya, Madara, Uchiha, Hashirama, Sharingan, Senju, clan, Shinobi, sasuke, shippuden, anime, manga, Akatsuki, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first
Id: uiWSuj8hdlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2022
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