All 18 Character Refresh Updates Tier List For Don't Starve Together! [2019-2023]

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it's a tearless ranking for years in the making and with Wilson running out the refresh streak it's finally time for you all to call my opinions week officially but enough Rhymes as this is serious 18 survivors await one last look which is also why we have no time to lose oh no no no don't go thinking this is gonna be a deep dive on the ball or anything and besides we've already did all that these are just gonna be brief summaries or else we're gonna be here all day speaking of though starting at the top reminds us that Winona spent all day every day looking for her sister Charlie and investigating the lives of all those to come which leads to the second criteria to uphold throughout the day these animations and their lore implications and Winona's here is what I think the best example of a not so great gameplay refresh but a really darn important and impactful story overall as let's face it while her catapults are absolutely incredible the rest of her leaves a lot to be desired and her longer tied to crafting downside is about as terrible as those gets she has potential and I wouldn't ignore that trusty tape honestly but seriously when was the last time you saw a Winona in your game that wasn't planning on Switching after they've created the catapults so to kick things off Winona places herself under the not bad but still not great spotlights of the sea tier and now that you got the gist it's time to speed things up a bit so War talks released before the next refresh actually but the playful input would still get reworked himself in a couple of hot fakes just last year following all that the guy is somehow even more powerful than he was when he first released and that's no joke as one beehive is all we need to have never-running souls that heal him in the entire party allow for him to instantly teleport across the entire freaking map at will provide 25 hunger each and then some so I ask so what if he's a monster and can't eat properly there are so many ways around both of those things that it doesn't even matter and do you even recall that he takes 50 less sanity drain from other monsters because I freaking didn't oh yeah he's strong as heck folks Farm souls and you win strong basically but given that this is supposed to be a refresh ranking overall I still believe that at least one engulfs even this guy so I'm gonna have to put him at the super high a tier for the time being but hold the beard what rework could possibly out hop the soul sucker himself well and this might surprise a lot of you it's Willows being the second official refresh ever I'm just gonna come out and say that this update was exactly what I thought character Refreshers were gonna be it was a great if not near perfect balance of Fire and Ice as what else would an arsonist murderer not like you know she was still Willow with Oliver fire immunity and then some with the additional Bernie something that also served to connect her to the gruesome animation you're seeing before your eyeballs right now nothing felt out of place you know the entire thing together nicely while keeping the foundation of the character completely intact so while there is an argument to be made about her update being a bit tame nowadays I personally place it at the very top of the list and who knows she might be the only one still burning up there when this is all said and done but we're truly only four characters in now so a lot can change sort of like how wormwood had to adapt to the world of Don't Starve Together after their time in hamlets there were still a green thumb with a really tough break when it came to Healing however it was really only up to us to adapt ourselves so what if food didn't heal lots of other freaking stuff did and does still so once we got used to playing a bit differently the plant really grew on us I feel Easy Living logs incredible armor better traps fertilizer synergies unique farming interactions neutrality turd sort and mobs and more to name just a few advantages of course are they the best no do I recommend them for newer players absolutely not but do they have a genuinely unique play style that I myself appreciate and even enjoy oh yes which is why I'm planting them in a solid b-tier for sure and then there's warley my sweet and spicy and electric and salty warly easily the man with the saddest backstory it still didn't answer even too much of anything in the grand scheme of things so unfortunately we begin by deducting points there that said minus the whole food memory mechanic and faster hunger train thing the chef is about as good a support character that a support character can ever be in any game mind amazing unique and influential dishes fantastic spices that can truly change the game and just individual characters and just about a never-ending list of character synergies in the first place are things that we simply cannot ignore even if most of us ignore playing him it's a tough choice as while I recognize everything I just said he's just not fun to play for extended periods of time in my opinion which is why the guy is going to enter the sea tier above Winona as let's just say the update as whole didn't quite nail the presentation but then Woody comes around for a brand new hoedown only for his animation to feature a showdown with a tree guardian and absolutely no lore whatsoever not only that it didn't even explain his new quote unquote curses either they just kind of happened and all that's just the beginning of my problems with this guy as despite the obvious use of Jesus Goose the heck even was his refresh to this day he cannot counter the now controllable full moon Knights that we literally work towards through the end game storyline has a horrendous downside following the Transformations as a tacked on loyalty thing for some reason and these quote unquote curses are not just things that he can choose to subject himself to yeah no I actually liked what he wants but this refresh never sat right with me and still doesn't D tear all the way back to Moose land for this ax murdering all speaking of royalties though I'll admit that mine have swayed heavily out of work over the years I wasn't a fan at first and she never did feel that refined but after some much needed updates she is easily one of the best characters in this game murm armies are simpler than ever to form she is the only Survivor in the entire game that can tank Berger for beat sake frogs are now neutral to her her clever disguise is game altering she can literally see tentacles before they slap a silly she loves reading and learning she offers unique interactions with fish and oh yeah she even gives us the worm King for Pete's sake so while her animation didn't accomplish much and was more tied to hollow Knights I think I'd Place her in the a tier above War talks even without much of a fight but in comes refresh number five and I gotta be honest I sort of forgot that Wendy got refreshed in the first place no joke when I play her in today's game I just play her as I always did and don't even bother with the PIP spook minigame mechanics and her Ecto herbology at all you know why because her and her dead sister are totally capable of being a dynamic duo without not all that crap besides over half the potions don't really accomplish anything in the first place what do we all use the healing and damage one yes but don't take all this is me being down on her as a character at the end of the day she is still the Undisputed queen of horde murder and it's actually quite strong against the likes of B Queen for sure I also like her pedal ability the cistern and Abigail's lovely mechanics now but what more do we truly need or care about here so yes this is a strange one in my opinion the animation is heart-wrenching but introduces Jack Carter the rework added quite a bit of new gameplay to Wendy but it's all optional and Wendy doesn't need it and Wendy overall is still for real old Wendy so I'm thinking mid B tier everybody I enjoy wormwood's gameplay just a bit more so she'll have to rest under him for now but folks we're at the halfway point now and that's something I'm sure Walter players know a lot about something tells me they like to keep their distance oh and remember that what do you lore we were looking for yeah for whatever reason it's now in a Walther animation so there's that I guess but how do I feel about our resident Scouts relatively neutral to be honest I love the idea of a ranged character but Nerfs to his shooting speed sour me his dumb tree perk is dumb and I really don't know why clothes can't give him sanity like the others at the end of the day plus his sanity Plumbing from damage in the first place can really be dehabilitating even for tenured players but balance all that with wobby his unique tent story times and they select other upsides and he's passable and that's where I have him personally a passable C almost low B tier type Survivor who needs just a little bit more love to make them oh so much better he's still way more fun than the other Seas though Wickford on the other hand is arguably just wait for it but better if we choose the maker so that is but her animation is outstanding regardless and filled to the brim with interesting discussions she's still offers up her battle armor and Canal just sings stuff to death so what's not the like and yeah sure some of her songs are downright laughable but she's still the same fake stage actor that she's always been so it's hard to fault that overall it's a pretty boring refresh update which does deduct points from her so the high B tier maybe even possible C tier is where you go girl keep on belting out those ballads but ah yes Wes folks I know how all of this is about the sound and I know the inside jokes at play here however I kid you not when I say I love this refresh the animation is eye-opening on so many levels while also giving us a major player in the game in George Witherspoon Wes's balloonomancy is actually really flipping useful and Clay still managed to make him more of a challenge character in this update with stat pairing work deficiencies and gimmicks like lightning attractiveness people are gonna see this thumbnail and think I'm baiting them but I promise you with all my heart I am all in on this the Wes refresh is an all-time a-tier updates and Webbers could be right up there too man as just like Whitford they're just Weber but even better plus the animation for the release gives us so much to chew on it's crazy honestly folks I don't think we need to be here much longer spider armies are easier than ever to tame and keep new spiders have joined the team that helped switch up a lot razors can shave nests they can sleep in nests for Pete's sake and this was also the start of being able to pick up spiders as anyone so there you go yup it's a tier no question a fun unique play style that's also quite powerful at that which also just so happens to lend itself quite nicely to the team as a whole and we got something here for sure even for Brands making new newbies but this next girl slash woman slash granny is anything but beginner friendly even if she is arguably the strongest Survivor in this game now wanders up the bat or better yet Whip and she doesn't miss as they say the strongest weapon in the game Bar None the coolest play style once you learn her teleportation mechanics Bar None incredible support utility Bar None and a whole fresh look at Health mechanics other things we can expand upon for days before we even mention her Shadow affinities so without even an ounce of hesitation she is heading straight to the top but not above willowind as again she was a new release not a refresh but let us talk the guy who underwent three maybe even more separate refreshes before we got to where he is today shall we briefly though as these final five or the most recent in their minds so we don't need to spend too much time given our thoughts his animation has huge implications and holds one of the most important events in this game's history he's still Mighty powerful only we need to work for it instead of just stuffing his face with stuff and he has pulled her offices mechanics when either weak or otherwise it's fine nothing groundbreaking really and I find it's even a bit redundant with the gym and dumbbell nonsense but I like the attempts taken by Clay regardless he is still the quantum quote to go Mighty whole death and win character which puts him in the C tier for me as I hate playing as in because of that but he is totally fine trust me he might be even a b tier on a good day but wx-78 to start the true final four and they're also the start of a triple header of just Ultra powerful refreshes I mean come on now what else can I say apart from the guy being able to achieve infinite light incredible speeds and complete counters to various seasons in mere days that's our animation is great too yeah because it is overall the entire thing is a bit too op for me to put it any higher than the highest a tier available but again this was just me being stingy super strong characters turn me off a bit and WX is arguably the strongest in the game now Wanda simply beats him solely for her playstyle alone wicker Bottoms Up Next and before we get into it I'll have you know that she used to be my main back of the day she was a goddess then and she's even more so now by like tenfold for Pete's sake she can control literally everything in the environment and Beyond by simply turning a page or two everyone factor in her lore heavy animation that you've just got to watch again for yourself and what's more that's an a tier character refresh right there just still a bit too strong for me to give it the Ultimate Prize it's Maxwell's time to shine and shiny did for like four straight weeks has no refresh ever came close to being reworked as much as this one did I like it even if I still don't feel very puppet Mastery but there is no denying how versatile and Powerful the guy became when it was all said and done and let's face it there's not a lot that can beat his magic hats High B tier for sure and oh so close to being on a and finally the OG Wilson Percival hicksberry but sorry folks I hate it as many of you know as I've been explaining myself far too many times recently but here's the short version regardless clay chose the wrong way to do the right thing with a tutorial character and a progressive system that they claim that they want to implement nowadays and oh yeah even though it's been out for this entire month the damn thing is still broken and doesn't even make sense within its own system so there you go Wilson you're at the bottom your animation was legendary though so many things for that but there you have it everyone a video that's 4 years and 17 days in the making all about ranking every character's update for Don't Starve Together so yes I would label this in a historic day thanks for watching folks well wished to all be civil now as this is not only all for fun it's just one Beard's opinion and I'll see you in the next one bye-bye
Channel: The Beard 777
Views: 68,062
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: don't starve together, don't starve together guide, don't starve together wx, don't starve together wickerbottom, don't starve together maxwell, don't starve together wolfgang, don't starve together wurt, don't starve together wortox, don't starve together reworks, don't starve together refreshes, don't starve together walter, don't starve together wormwood, tierlist, tier list, tier, don't starve together characters, don't starve together tier list, don't starve together wilson
Id: _3-pOjN3OGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2023
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