Alien: Isolation - Game Movie: Chronological Cut (Ultra Settings, Reshade)

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Final report of the commercial starship Nostromo. Third officer reporting. The other members of the crew... Kane... Lambert, Parker... Brett... Ash... ... and Captain Dallas... ... are dead. Cargo and ship destroyed. I should reach the frontier in about six weeks. With a little luck, the network will pick me up. This is Ripley. Last survivor of the Nostromo. Signing off. We were in transit. We found the flight recorder in open space. I knew it must’ve come from a ship in trouble, so I widened our search radius. Then we picked up a signal from a planetoid in the sector. A beacon. I made the decision to go check it out. It was rough going down, unstable atmospherics, but I couldn’t ignore a score like that. We landed in the middle of a real storm. We had to check the signal out on foot. I went out myself, took three of my crew with me. Heyst, Meeks and Foster. I left Lewis in charge of the ship. Comm check. You getting me, Lewis? You’re a little fuzzy, Marlow, but you’re coming through. Let's take it slow; I want to get to that beacon in one piece. If you're looking for a piece, Foster, I've got something for you right here. I’d need scanning equipment to find it, Heyst. Okay, enough already! Focus on what we’re here for. I don’t want any mistakes. There you are. Foster, Meeks - keep your eyes open. Roger. Lewis, have you managed to decode the signal yet? Negative. I can’t tell what it is. That’s good. If it’s a mystery, then it’s unknown. If it’s unknown, then it could be valuable. This could be our biggest haul, Marlow. Could be. Check out those rock formations. Bizarre. They’ve been weathered by the climate conditions. It’s just their natural state. Ain't nothing natural about this place. Marlow? The charges won’t blow through that. I'll have a look around, see if I can find a weak spot. Wait here. Gonna need a lift. Heyst, over here. Give me a leg up. I’ve found a path. Checking it out. And what if you don't come back? Then you wait some more. Shit! Marlow? Marlow, you okay? Yeah, I’m good. It was a close one though. Don’t think I’ll be able to get back the way I came. Just watch yourself, you hear me? Marlow, we see you! Stay put. I think I found something. There is a fissure in the rock. Stand back. I’m gonna blow it. Don't do that to me again. Let's get going. Follow me. Heyst, over here. Give me a leg up. What the hell do you think we're going to find here, Marlow? Something big. There's an opening up ahead. Oh my god. Holy shit. Careful with what you touch. I don't want anything damaged. It's amazing. How old must this be? What is it, a cockpit? That'd make this a ship. Hah, I think we’ve found our payload! Hey, quiet! What, you think we're going to wake him? Hey, sorry, pal! Can it! We're wasting time. Have a look around. Marlow, it... it’s a life form. It was a life form. Now it's our property. Salvage rights. We need to stake our claim before anyone else does. The Anesidora's not prepared for something this big. Then we'll take what we can and come back. Have a look around, see what else is here. Marlow? We found something. Tracks. Tracks? Looks like something was dragged. But that’s not all. You’re not going to like this. What is it? The tracks lead here. Same name that's on the flight recorder. Nostromo. Someone's already been here. Maybe they abandoned ship and landed here. I can see that. Shit. If they were here before us, why is there no record of this place? Well, if they're still alive, there goes our salvage rights. Let's find out. I'll find the beacon and shut it off. Don’t want anybody else finding this place. Foster? Heyst? Check out the cavern below. What is this? I’ve never seen anything like it. It's not human, I'm telling you that. Meeks? I've found the beacon. I’m gonna check it out. Don’t know what happened, but the beacon’s stopped broadcasting. Marlow, you’ve got to see this, it’s amazing! On my way. This place just keeps on giving. Here, strap yourself in. Oh! My god! Over here! Watch the drop. Come on! Wait up! We're outside Sevastopol. Marlow and Foster woke up first. She looked terrible. Meeks and me are about to take a shuttle to the station. But, well, this has got to break quarantine procedures – right? It's Marlow's ship, she's Marlow's wife. Things got heated and Meeks got a bloody nose. So… I don't know… Maybe the doctors will give her the all-clear and things can get to normal. But if they sniff it out when we get on board, I don't want any part of it. Marlow doesn't pay nearly enough for that kind of noise. Anesidora, this is Marshal Waits of Sevastopol. Officially, I should deny your request to dock. Sevastopol is currently being decommissioned and I can't compromise security for unscheduled vessels. However... in the light of the property you found I will allow a small number of your crew to dock via a short-range shuttle. I must remind you that Sevastopol is entitled to a cut of any reward for return of said-property once it's on station. Let me know your decision. Waits out. Ripley? I'm Samuels. I work for the Company. It's about your mother. We think we may have found her, Amanda. A commercial vessel, the Anesidora, has recovered what we believe to be the flight recorder unit of the Nostromo. Where? Zeta Reticuli. What did it tell you? We don't know. The unit was taken to Sevastopol Station. It's proprietorial material, so the company wants it to be collected as soon as possible. Sevastopol's a supply depot in the region. It's a permanent freeport facility. I know what it is. Transit's arranged. There's a courier ship called the Torrens heading out that way in two days. We're going to travel out to… "We?" Me and another exec. And you, if you're willing. Look, Ripley. When this job came across my desk, I read the case history. I know why you're working in the region where she went missing. You're still looking, aren't you? I've been cleared to offer you a place on the Torrens, if you want to come along. Maybe there'll be some closure for you. Sevastopol, this is Weyland Yutani Executive Administrator Nina Taylor, We're confirm receipt of your transmission. I am one of the team assigned to collect the Nostromo flight recorder. The black box you have in your possession is of primary importance to Weyland Yutani. And under existing corporate agreements we should remind you that you must neither attempt to read its contents, nor disclose its presence to any third parties. We will be with you soon. A private message for Marshal Waits will follow. This is a private transmission for Marshal Waits from Nina Taylor at Weyland Yutani. The Nostromo Black Box is of primary importance to The Company. I am therefore authorized to offer you financial incentives to guarantee a smooth, safe retrieval. However, if the data held on the device is compromised or shared, in any way, legal ramifications will be severe. Please respond. Taylor out. Ah, Ripley. Samuels. Did you wake up early? Well, I don’t really need as much sleep as the rest of you. I was just inspecting the Torrens’ facilities. A well-maintained ship. I realize it’s a very similar model to… The Nostromo. Yes. M-Class. A later pattern, but close in spec. I’ve worked engineering jobs on ships like this. Of course. Is Taylor up yet? She’s not a seasoned traveler. Hypersleep may have been punishing for her. Haven’t seen her. I’ll go check on her. Taylor. Good morning. Ripley, it’s certainly not “good” and I very much doubt it’s “morning” either. Sorry. I feel like death. I don’t know how you people put up with hypersleep regularly. You get used to it. I don’t do long-haul very often. Most legal execs don’t travel further than the coffee machine. I’m surprised Weyland-Yutani felt the need to send legal at all. The loss of the Nostromo and its cargo cost the company a lot of money. It’s important we find out what happened. If I can close the case with a conclusive accident report, it’ll look great with my superiors. I’m sorry. That was insensitive. I realize your mother has been missing for fifteen years and you… It's okay. We'll both get what we want, right? All personnel to the bridge. Approaching Sevastopol station. Looks like we’re up. Hope you all had a restful journey. The Torrens is in very good order for an old M-Class, captain. She was a wreck when I bought her. Took a few years and a lot of contracts to re-fit. She pays for herself now. You said we're approaching Sevastopol station. Are we docking? I believe your contact is Marshal Waits, is that right? I’ll hail Sevastopol and arrange boarding with him. Good. Let’s get this done. Don’t worry, Ms. Taylor. Routine. In-and-out. Connor, how are we doing? ISMG loaded and calibrated. Approach vector locked. Prep comms so I can say hello. Channel open, captain. You can watch the approach on the monitors. Can we see it? Switch to monitors. Sevastopol Station. Is that damage? It looks like damage. Punch up 74. Tight-angle. Looks like the dry-dock bay is screwed. I can't bring the Torrens in to that. This is the commercial vessel Torrens out of Saint Clair, registration number MSV-7760, calling Sevastopol traffic control. We're carrying three passengers on a Weyland-Yutani bond. You're holding the Nostromo flight recorder unit. We request immediate permission to transfer the passengers port-side. Over… ...Waits, Colonial Marshal... Sevastopol station... serious situation... Hello? Marshal? M-marshal, this is the Torrens. Say again. The station's comms seem pretty screwed up, so I've fitted Samuels' suit with a radio booster. I can only keep the Torrens in transit for twenty-four hours. You'll have heard from us by then. Safe trip. Stand by. My contract doesn't cover bloody space-walks… It’s the only option. And it’s perfectly safe if you do what I tell you. Depressurizing. Oh fuck...hating this. Just shadow me, Taylor. You too, Samuels. Affirmative. What the fuck happened here? My God, Ripley. You're doing good Tay- Just keep moving! Taylor! Ripley! Hold on! Samuels? Taylor? Respond, anybody! Warning. Sevastopol stability compromised. Shit. Proceed to the nearest Marshal Checkpoint and stand by while orbital stabilizers realign. Goddamn… This’ll help. Hello? Anyone here? Harris? Turner? Get back here now. We have a track, somewhere in Engineering. Lock the terminal down, kill the power, and don't forget your reports. Make them thorough. We're going to need our paperwork to be bulletproof when this shit is over. Waits out. Let's get out of here! I'm going, I'm going! Welcome to Sevastopol station, your home away from home. Situated in the Zeta Reticuli Region, the station is a gateway to commerce and resources in this quadrant. Resources that include KG348, the gas giant we orbit. We look forward to you becoming part of our ever-growing family. What the hell happened here? The Torrens! I’m here! I’m right here! Verlaine! God damn it! The Solomons Habitation Tower contains all the amenities and comforts you would expect at home. Solomons Galleria, our shopping mall, caters to all the needs of visitors to the station, as well as Sevastopol's long term population. Nearby, our law enforcement officers can be found in the Marshal Bureau ensuring round the clock safety. Finally, the Josiah Sigg suites, named to honor the founder of the Seegson Corporation. Houses the workers and families living on Sevastopol as well as providing executive suites for travelling businessmen. Julia Jones. Today's update. After numerous demands, Marshal Waits finally called a public meeting to address the rumors that have been circulating on Sevastopol. But instead of the answers we wanted, he continued to be evasive and after only a few minutes he and his team were pelted by projectiles from an angry crowd. A gun was fired, there was panic and now Waits and what's left of his team are forcibly ejecting us from the Terminal. Feels like we're on our own now. This whole damn place is falling apart. That’s got to be the exit up ahead. Harris? This is Turner. I found the last power coupling. Took me a while, but it's off now. Just fitting the last security brace. Come find me when you've shut yours down. Then we can get the hell out of here. Jesus, man... I'm hearing noises everywhere. Every creak and... Just hurry the fuck up, will you? All synthetics must register at Sevastopol immigration - Directive 33B Oh my god. Anne, I am so sorry. You we're right, I never should have come here. Please tell Beth and Heidi, tell them that I love them more than anything. God, it hurts so much. I found something, Anne. I don't know what it was, but I found it and now it's killed me. It's killing everyone. I have to tell someone… There has to be a record. I was so stupid, Anne. I should have stayed with you. I wish… Over five hundred people currently live and work here. But don't be alarmed by the size of the facility. We look forward to you becoming part of our ever-growing family. Harris? It's Turner. I had to deal with that wasted asshole again. This time he nearly wrecked the door with a maintenance jack. Guess he figures it's safe here, wants to lock himself in. Screw him. We've got too much to worry about without babysitting drunks. Anyway, I threw him in the evidence lock-up. Let the son of a bitch sleep it off. Oh. Fuck. Hello? I wanna make a complaint. To the…the highest authority, okay? My name is Zachary Watson. That's WATSON, you get that? I think I need this more than you do. My complaint is this: the fucking marshals. They should be protecting us, it's their job! Something's on the station with us and no one knows what it is, no one fucking knows! They put braces on the doors – lockdown. You know, like to keep something out! I'm fucking terrified, man. I'm fucking…shit, it's so cold. I don't think this fucking thing even works. Interview subject: Heyst. Did I say that right - Heyst? Look, if you can't even tell me your name we're going to be here a hell of a long time. I just want to know about your boss. He's got you all into a lot of trouble. Someone's got to be accountable. I'm gonna make damn sure someone's accountable. No? Tough guy, eh? Turner, turn off the tape. Maybe our friend here is just shy. Stay. Still. Okay, okay. Now turn around. Common! I'm Ripley. Where'd you come from, Ripley? Off-station. A ship. There's no ships here! There are now. Well, ha, that's good news. Because things are not so good here. Something blew just now. Rocked this whole place. I saw it. But lady… hah… that's the least of our problem. Yeah? Yeah. There's something on this station. Something you wouldn't believe. Like what? A killer! You get it!? Okay! Okay. What's your name? Axel. I was boarding with two colleagues. E.V.A. We got separated by the blast. Can you help me find them? Why? Cause you seem to know your way around. No, I mean why? What's in it for me? A place on the ship. Yeah? How do I know I can trust you? I need to find comms. I need to contact my ship. This is your lucky day. Let’s go, sweetheart. Seegson Comms is in the SysTech Spire. It’s quite a distance, but we can get to a transit through the Freight area. But watch yourself. We can get into all sorts of trouble there. Okay? Was that you following me back there? Had to keep my distance, can’t take any chances. Stick close to me. What? Hey! Don't move! O-okay! Okay! We’re not looking for trouble! Who are you? I'm John - this is Ringo. They’re just some assholes! We haven’t got time for this! Come on, Jana! We’re trying to get to comms. Can you help us? We don't need their help. Don’t tell them anything! Look, I’ve got the elevator working. Jana, let’s go. Okay? I-I’m sorry. Good luck. What the hell was that about? Why are you so damn aggressive? Everyone’s running shit-scared, keeping to their own. Safer that way. Hope this ship of yours is the real McCoy. Hold up, let me get the elevator. Allow me. Place is old, needs a special touch. Well, what are you waiting for? Hit the button. Spaceflight Terminal to Freight Shipping. Keep the noise down around here, there might be people around. I’d appreciate it if you told me what the hell was going on. Right now. Listen, darlin', when we get to the ship we can kick back, braid each other's hair and chat all you want. Yeah, when we get to my ship. I need to know what’s going on. Right fucking now. Fine. Like I said, there's a killer. A killer? What does that even mean? I ain’t seen it, but it’s here. Picking us off one by one. What are you saying? A psycho? A person? No. Something else. A monster. Shit! We need to move! This way! Get down! This is bullshit, man. We should be looking for a way off. Are you crazy? There's no way off. At least we're safe down here. For how long? What if they come for us? Then we shoot the crap out of them. Now shut up, you're making me nervous. We've got to sleep soon. I can't hack much more of this. Trouble. We'll have to go around them. Follow me. My friend said he saw it. So, some people get away. If we see it, we just run. Friends of yours? I've had run-ins with those guys before. They don't like strangers, even nice guys like me. I'm shocked. I ain't pulling your chain, darling. You want to go and say hello, it's your funeral. Those guns aren't for show. Someone should be doing something. They are. It's called surviving. Everyone's turning on each other. The fear… it makes people crazy. I've noticed. You’ve been... living here? What can I say? My butler’s on holiday. Grab what you need; you don't know when you'll get another chance. Been hunkered down here for a week now, waiting for a ship. Waiting for you, I guess. It can get pretty dark around here, you should take that flashlight over there. Make sure you’re stocked up on batteries. Just be careful not to flash it around. We don't want to get caught. Let's go. This way. It's not smart to stay here too long. This the way everyone travels around here? Just those that want to stay alive, sweetheart. Torrens, so that's your ship, eh? Quiet! I hear something! Get that flashlight off! Yeah, I hear you. Will do. Got to go meet the others. Something's going down. There's always something going down. Come on, we don’t want to piss him off. Follow me. Okay, got to be quiet here -don't shine that flashlight. Feels like we're standing around waiting to die. Quietly! Hold up! What's the emergency? Someone else has been here. Everyone stay alert. Keep your guns tight. Shoot anyone you don't know. Stick around while I check our stock. I still think we need more supplies. They're armed. Too many of them to take on. Guns, food - wherever we can find it. Take on? We’ve still got to get through there. The door at the end! How? Let’s try a distraction. The generator. If that went down, they’d have to check it out. You’re smaller than me, you’ll make less noise Great. Which one of you checked our supplies last? I did. What's up? You decide to help yourself a little? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Hey, he was with me the whole time. We’re missing food, ammo, meds. If it’s not one of us, then we were right. Someone’s been in here. This is no good. We’re supposed to be secure down here. Dammit. What about the lock Joe rigged up? I've just come from there. It’s sealed tight. Eye’s open. Keep your guns ready. Someone's going to have to tell the boss. Boss? He's a goddamn store clerk. The fuck just happened? Generator’s died. It just turned itself off? No, somebody’s here. Check it out. Everyone with me. Keep it together, huh? We can get through this. Nice work, Ripley. This way. Doesn't seem to be broken. How would you know, Einstein? Follow me. Let's keep it down, they're still close by. If the generator had blown, there'd be smoke. Well, it's not working now. A rat? Big fucking rat to do that. Probably same person who stole our stuff. That's a scary thought. How much further? Nearly there. Transit's just up ahead. Let's just hope your ship's still there. Sevastopol not quite what you're expecting, eh? I'm not even supposed to be here. My shipping out papers were for a week ago. It's powered down! The assholes have cut us off! Got it. We need to activate both consoles at the same time to open it. I'll do this one, you go to the one on the other side. Okay. Ready? On three. One, two, three! Axel! Behind you! What? Fuck you! Get here now! I've got the thieving son of a bitch! Fuck. Let’s go. The others are on their way. We need to go! Now! Hey! You bastards! Move it Shoot 'em! You killed that guy! Because he was going to kill me! You saved my life! This is about survival. Do you understand? You hear something? Shhh! I hear something. Axel… Fuck. Fuck have I got on me? What - what the hell was that thing? Got to keep moving. Station serving Seegson Communication Technologies, Tech Support Services and Gemini Exoplanet Solutions Sevastopol Transit System is reporting a good service today. What the hell is wrong with this thing? Work, damn you! Welcome, please register here. Stay back! Shit! Guys! Over here! Someone's here! An access tuner. She was trying to hack the elevator’s security. Circuits are fried. Easy fix. Just need to find a new data cell. She was right here! Maybe she was just scavenging like us? Do you really want to take that chance? Okay. We find her and we kill her. This way. Did anyone else hear something? Forget it guys, it was nothing. This is some bullshit. You feel safe? I sure as hell don't. I'm dying for a smoke. Listen out for movement. Could be anywhere. Hey, I think she went downstairs. Come on! I’m not going down there, no way. She's got your hack tool! It didn’t work! We’ll find another way up. We’ve been here too long already. Oh god. The flight recorder. What? What? No! God damn it! Okay.... Okay… Stay focused. Unauthorized access detected. Security lockdown initiated. Please wait for security check. Okay. One working access tuner. Let's try this thing out. Oh god. Message for Marshal Waits. This is Chief Porter in Tech Support. Look, there's nothing on this flight recorder, Waits. We've broken god knows how many corporate confidentiality agreements and come up with zip. Nothing except the Weyland-Yutani logo and an empty read-out. Now, these things are built to last, so either someone on board 'the Nostromo' asked its MOTHER core to wipe it clean. Or somehow the data's been corrupted before it got here. Care to fill me in on why this was a priority job? Give me a break. Fuck! Life moves fast, and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Here at Seegson, we remember that the ultimate goal is clear communication, connecting people wherever they are. That's why all our communications are serviced by a local APOLLO A.I., centralizing all requests so that your important message doesn't get lost in the aether. We don't forget the little details so you get the big picture. All visitors must report to reception. Hello? My name's Ripley. Amanda Ripley. I need your help. lease take a seat, someone will be with you shortly. No wonder Seegson is losing the tech race. You can trust our Working Joes. Always there, always helpful, always working for you. Our Synthetics are made to be simple. No emotional simulations. No life-real qualities. They just work, for you, so you can get on with your life in perfect peace of mind. Working Joes: brilliantly simple and simply brilliant. Can I help you? v I need to get into Comms Control. It's urgent. That is a restricted area. It's an emergency! Don't you realize what's going on? APOLLO has the situation in hand. Your registration is almost complete. Forget it, I’ll find my own way in. I wouldn't advise it Some kind of tracker. It's been modified. Is there a problem? No, no problem. Marie, if you get this, I'm making my way to Seegson Communications now. I didn't wake you because I knew you'd try to stop me. Please understand, this is our best shot. Someone's got to re-establish communications. We need to make sure the officials back at home know what's going on here. Don't worry about me. I'll be back. I'm not going to leave you and Claire alone. You are entering a restricted area. Please leave. Let me in, I need to contact my ship! I'm sorry. I can't allow that. Ripley, Amanda. You have now been logged with APOLLO. Welcome to Sevastopol. There's got to be another way inside. All new employees must attend an emergency procedure training session. Talk to your line manager for induction times. Access to the elevator is restricted. You are trespassing. Let me pass. It's me, Hughes! Don’t you recognize me? Listen to me! We've got to re-establish long range communications... You're becoming hysterical. Get back, I’m warning you! Tut, tut, let's resolve this amicably. Oh my god. Good day. APOLLO and the Workin’ Joe – working together for a safer, better connected Sevastopol. Come on! Central Communcations Hub. Seegson employees only. This is Verlaine on the Torrens. What the hell just happened? Sevastopol? Did any of our EVA team make it on board? Please respond. We've taken damage in the explosion and are pulling out of Sevastopol space. Systems will be down while we repair. I can't say for how… External communications disabled by order of APOLLO. Facility offline. All outgoing communications halted. Oh, that’s just great… Internal communications open on limited channels. Got to be someone on the station I can contact. We’re experiencing a heightened Containment Hazard Level today. APOLLO and the Workin’ Joe – working together for a safer, better connected Sevastopol. Hello? Is anyone there? If anyone can hear this we need help. Repeat we need help urgently. Please respond. Hello? Is anyone there? If anyone can hear this we need help. Repeat we need help urgently. Please respond. Tomorrow... to... Hello? Is anyone there? If anyone can hear this we need help. Repeat we need help urgently. Please respond. Hello? Is anyone there? If anyone can hear this we need help. Repeat we need help urgently. Please respond. Hello? Is anyone there? If anyone can hear this we need help. Repeat we need help urgently. Samuels. You're alive, it's Ripley. Ripley! Taylor, it's Ripley! We were getting worried, w-we thought… I made it. Where are you? We’re at a transit station now. It’s right by Medical. Okay. Samuels, listen to me, it's not safe here. Seegson's got this place locked tight. Their goddamn androids are killing people. That's impossible. It's contrary to primary synthetic programming... I've seen it, Samuels. I guess Seegson's got a different idea about synthetics. And there's something else here. A creature, it's big and it's lethal. Ripley, slow down! A-a creature? It's a life form, an unknown type, some kind of alien organism. It's extremely dangerous. You and Taylor need to… Ripley, Taylor is hurt. She was injured by debris during the crossing. How bad? I can’t move her. I need medical supplies. We need to treat and pack the injury. And the Torrens? The radio is broken, I can't contact Verlaine. We're on our own. Shit. Okay, I’ll come to you. Keep your eyes open. I’ll send a transit car to you. Unauthorized communication. Please wait to be attended by a member of Seegson personnel. We will be with you momentarily. Shit. Are you playing a game with me? Come out please. Seegson. Tomorrow. Together. We are not playing God. Some say God created Man in his own image, but here in Seegson, we know where our boundaries lie. Our Working Joe synthetics are instantly recognizable and distinguishable from the real thing. And are programmed to act that way. Station serving Seegson Communication Technologies, Tech Support Services and Gemini Exoplanet Solutions. Station serving the San Cristobal Medical Facility and Seegson Synthetics. Ripley. Taylor’s over here. Ripley? Is that Ripley..? Try and rest, Taylor. How is she? She needs treatment. Medical’s nearby, but I didn’t want to leave her. I’ll go and investigate. See what I can find. You stay with her. I’ll try to repair the radio booster. What if this... 'creature' shows up? Hide. Unauthorized security breach detected, all transit shut down by order of APOLLO There’s little time to waste, Ripley. Locked. You. Hey, you. Need some help? I need a Doctor. Hello? I need... I can’t hear you. Hang on. Come up. I’ve opened the elevator for you. Come on, come, there's no time to lose. Stay with me, Taylor. Ripley’s finding help. I'm Kuhlman. Ripley. I need to find a doctor. I'm a doctor. My friend needs help. Medical supplies. Me too. There are no supplies on this level. But there are plenty downstairs, in the hospital dispensary. How do we get there? “We?” Do I look like I'm any fit state? I need your help, and you need mine. You find the passcode for the service elevator, and then I'll come down to the hospital with you, okay? Passcode? Yeah. I can direct you from here. Morley or Lingard would have had the new passcode. Morley's office is your best bet. Come on. Let's work together, huh? Mutual benefit. Keep moving. The area you're in was for our more unstable patients, those who had trouble adapting to deep space. Just tell me where to go, Kuhlman. Don't worry, they're all long gone. I do not take kindly to being left out of the loop, Morley. You hear me? I tried to use the dispensary today and found I was locked out. I can't possibly be expected to carry out my duties if you and Lingard cut my access privileges. I have patients... That's right. Along that corridor. ...who will relapse without that medication, particularly when things on the station are so precarious. I will not see patient care suffer. Consider this is a formal warning. And, for the record, I do not have a problem. Kuhlman out. You're there. That's Morley's office. The passcode should be in there somewhere. Have you found the pass code? Look, we'll need the physical keycard too. Morley always kept it on him. Find him. Warning: Medical Facility Quarantine Breach detected. Relax. I'm just trying to find out what that is. You focus on finding that keycard. Shit! Morley... Morley… Damn you, Kuhlman! You knew that thing was here! Now that's unfair. I thought it might be there. There's a difference. Now, the passcode. 1702! Okay? Now let's get down to the dispensary! Of course. Of course. A promise is a promise. I'm sorry for putting you through this. I'm going to step into the other room to punch the code in and prime the elevator. Then we can use the keycard to take the elevator down. There. I'll collect my things and we can leave. Oh god. ... and docking registration. Damn, it needs power. Shit! No! Oh... to close. Visitors are asked to refrain from smoking. All transitory patients must supply their crew numberAll transitory patients must supply their crew number and docking registration. Samuels? There's a Dr. Lingard, senior medical officer. Should be able to find out where they're keeping everything in her office. Good luck Ripley. Hurry if you can. This is Lingard, senior medical officer, Sevastopol Station. I want to… I want to state for the record that I have been placed under duress with regards to the compromised Patient Zero. And Ransome, Seegson's head of operations, he… ...he made certain threats toward my career and certification, I want that on record. But god help me, that woman needed help. I didn't know what type of parasite she had encountered, but it had planted something inside her. I am so sorry. I had no way of knowing what would happen… Fuck! Dr. Lingard, this is Ransome. Remember me? Your friendly Seegson chief executive? Lingard, you don't drop by, you don't call. Aren't we pals any more? Oh well, we're both busy people... and after all, I have lots of other friends. Some of them have badges. One of them told me you called Marshal Waits about a... shall we say... interesting find? I want in. No arguments. After all, how much does Waits really know about you? Not as much as your old friend here. And I bet he wouldn't be as understanding about black market med supplies. I look forward to your call, doc. Samuels, I’m on my way. Visitors are asked to refrain from smoking. It’s gone to hell in here, Samuels. Samuels, I've got the meds. We’re at the transit station outside Medical Reception. Ripley, we heard gunshots - and if we heard them, so did the creature. Turner, we've had something go down here in San Cristobal. Tape off the scene and make sure it's not touched until Garcia comes in with forensics. Keep this quiet for now. I want total silence. Last thing this station needs is a panic. And one other thing - if I find out who leaked this to Ransome, I'll make them eat their fucking badge. He turned up, quoted Seegson privileges, and had a ringside seat for the whole god damn mess. This is a serious incident. I don't need Ransome making it more complicated. Waits out. Synthetic nurses operate at this facility. If you’d rather be attended by a human, please ask. Morley, it's Lingard. After the incident the Marshals want us to rope off Medical. They're bringing in a team to find whatever it was the patient was carrying. I told them it was fast, but they're convinced they can trap it. They've got nets. I'll set up a temporary medical center outside. You're in charge for now. Don't let Kuhlman sweet-talk his way in. The last thing we need is him ‘self medicating' with Marshal Waits around. Ripley? Your way out through the medical reception is locked down. The only way to open up an exit is to trigger the hospital's evacuation procedure. If you find this facility in a state that isn't to your liking, please let me know. Ripley, are you okay? Ripley? Not now. Let me help you. This isn't the answer. You’re clear Ripley. Hurry. Fuck! Shit! Focus, Ripley. Synthetic nurses operate at this facility. If you’d rather be attended by a human, please ask. It didn't have to end this way. Go. Please! That's right, there's nothing for you here. This is a message for all members of the Seegson Security team. There's been an altercation in the Spaceflight Terminal. Waits doesn't have our back. As of right now no-one hired as Seegson Security is going on-shift. We're cutting ties with the Marshals and everyone else on-station. It's time to take care of our own. I'm going to find someplace safe for everyone to hole up. Money's dried up here. We don't owe these people anything. I sent you a clear directive not to land on station. I told you, we didn’t hear your message. We understood you would be… Hey! Identify yourself. Ripley. From the Torrens. Relax, kid. What the hell is going on here, Marshal? Where are the security forces? You’re looking at them. I’ve seen the creature. What is it? I dunno. Something brought here by Marlow, the captain of the Anesidora. The ship that found the flight recorder... Is there anywhere safe left on the station? That creatures running around and the Seegson synthetics are less than friendly. Goddamn androids. Ripley. Taylor needs attention. Medical's a no-go. We can't take her there. We have a basic life support unit back at HQ. Then let's go. We need the transit to get to HQ, but it's down. Transit control is upstairs. Samuels says you’re an engineer. Go make yourself useful. Seeing as you screwed up the trap. Yeah, right. We’ll talk about that later, Waits. You protect them while I’m gone. Understood? Ricardo, get a lock on her radio so we can stay in touch. Are you alright Ripley? Peachy. We really should hurry. Taylor... Don’t worry, Samuels. We’ll get her out of here. You realize coming aboard was a bad idea yet? I wouldn’t call the welcome friendly. He hasn’t slept in days. Me neither. Your safety is important to us. Please report all transit malfunctions immediately. Someone’s shut everything off. Hello? I know someone’s in here! Calm down in there, you android fuck! We fucked up. Go into space, they said. It'll be an adventure. Assholes. I went to a lot of trouble to secure this place! You're not going anywhere! No! What did you do? You shouldn't be here. Ripley? This is Waits. The transit's here and we're waiting on you. Take it. I've had some trouble so it's going to take me a while to get back. We can wait. Taylor can't. I can catch the next car. Your call. Guys, it's Sinclair. We need supplies. Take what you can, from whoever you want. I found an area in habitation where we can seal ourselves in and wait for rescue. I've got guys welding vents and shutting off elevators. The plan is to make it watertight. There's no room for more people in the sanctuary, but we can make space for food, meds, water and guns. If we're going to get through this alive there's no room for pity. This car for Solomons Habitation Tower. Waits, we should talk about what happened in San Cristobal. Now, it was a nasty business and I understand that you want to deal with it as quietly and quickly as possible, but I wanted to make sure you didn't do anything rash. I'm talking about catching the specimen without killing it. If we play it smart, we could be set up for life. I have the connections, I can set it up. You're getting old, Waits, you can't do this forever and what are you going to do when Sevastopol closes? You have my number. Ransome out. Station serving the Solomons Galleria Mall, Colonial Marshal Bureau and Seegson Habitation Suites. Ripley, we're in the Marshal Bureau; just turn right at the top of the stairs, you can't miss it. No welcome committee? Just get up here. Waits out. Calm down. Calm down. We're safe now. Waits has a plan. A “plan”? Really? His fucking plans haven’t done us much good so far. W-was that you? Did you get the transit running? Nice work. Maybe we'll be safe here. For now anyway. How's Taylor? Stable. She'll be walking soon enough. Samuels is with her now. Okay. You managed to get transit up and running, so I guess we're even. Where's Ricardo? Prepping our next move. Look, I'm busy. I've got Marlow in the cells - the lowlife who showed up with your flight recorder. Where’s Marlow’s ship? The Anesidora? He put it a parking orbit around the Gas Giant. Son of a bitch won’t give us the command codes to let us bring it in on auto. Maybe you can get more out of the unhelpful bastard. Go talk to him. Marlow? Who wants to know? My name’s Ripley. I’m with the Company. Here for your empty box already. You guys are keen, I’ll give you that. I’m here for personal reasons. My mother was on the Nostromo when it went missing fifteen years ago. You serious? Shit. Well... Shit. We never found her ship, Ripley. Just the recorder. But you sure as hell found something else. What happened out there? I need a way out of here Ripley. Maybe we can make a deal? Just start talking. I want to know everything. Where’s your ship? If we can break the comms lock-down, what are the codes to bring it in on auto? If you want more, then you need to get me out of here. Not happening Marlow. Is that right? Well, you know where I am. Waits, my board in the Tech Spire just lit up like a Christmas tree. It’s here. Plan B. Set it up. Whatever’s happening, I want in. Okay, this way. Got something here you'll need. Let's hope this thing works. It’s an animal. Animals are afraid of fire. I hope you're right. I’ve got a plan to trap it. Take a transit car and meet Ricardo in the SysTech Spire. I’ll coordinate from here. Waits, it's Dr Lingard. I've just examined a patient with - well, I've never seen anything like it. It's some kind of unknown parasite. I did a quick check on the name they gave me and there's no one registered under it at Sevastopol. I think she came on board recently. Do you know anything about this? I have no idea what Sinclair and his men were doing, but this should have been picked up during quarantine. Who knows what else they've let through? The patient and her captain are waiting for me in the examination room. Get down here, now. Ripley? You on your way? Yes. Ricardo’s moving in ahead of you. I’ve sent your guy Samuels to Android Processing. Once this thing’s dead, I’m gonna get him to access Apollo and lift the lockdown. Is Samuels okay doing that? Guy said he wanted to help and I have my hands full here. Besides, he’s a synthetic. Should be easier for him to get in there. I guess. Look Ripley, we're the only people standing between Sevastopol and outright disaster. Outright disaster has already happened, Waits. All we can do now is kill that fucker. This car for Lorenz SysTech Spire Waits, the creature - How are we going to seal it in? The spire was built to process high-value compounds dredged up from the gas giant. Piracy precautions are still in place. The tower can be shut off - vents, doors, everything. So you build a cage around the creature, then Ricardo locks it down. I’m in the SysTech Spire. Waits? What's wrong with this station? It's always been falling apart, but because of the decommission a lot of the systems have been shut down. Add to the fact that everyone's too busy trying to stay alive to maintain anything and you end up with goddamn chaos. If you find this facility in a state that isn't to your liking, please let me know. Are you lost? Ricardo’s finalizing the lockdown. You need to close the security doors all around the stairwell. Then the Supplies storage, Maintenance Access and Server Hub Reception. Report in as you go. Maintenance access shut off. Supplies storage locked down. Okay. Jesus! Waits, can you patch me through to Ripley? I've already connected you. Ripley, there’s an override command that allows you to initiate the emergency lockdown. It’s on the terminal behind the reception desk. Ricardo? Server Hub Reception is closed off. Good job. Come through to the server farm. Quietly. I've set up an emergency shutdown at the terminal inside the server farm. You need to trigger it from there then get out. I'll keep your exit open 'till you're through, then shut the trap. How are you? That’s it. You got it. Is my exit open, Ricardo? Wait a minute. Ricardo - is my exit clear? Jesus. Its shut! It won’t move! What are you doing, Ricardo? Fix it! Oh god… I’m sorry, Ripley. I’m working on it! APOLLO is reporting a good service throughout Sevastopol. Ricardo? You got news for me? I need more time. I don't have more time. Okay! Okay! I got it! Get out, Ripley - now! God! Ricardo, how did you open it back up? I had to suppress the alert. It was the only way to get Ripley out. You let it out? We had it locked down, and you let it out? Ripley, it’s still on your tail. Where should I go? Take the elevator to Gemini labs. If it follows we can still trap it there. Ripley, Ricardo? We can’t let it escape again, no matter what. Shit! Jesus! I'm in Gemini, Waits. We need that whole facility powered up. There’s a freight elevator you’ll need to take, but ever since Seegson pulled funding from Gemini it’s been out of action. Find the control terminal they left for the synthetic caretaker, it’s in a store room up ahead. And for God’s sake, do it quietly. Seegson has been trying to sell that whole outfit for years, along with Sevastopol. . No-one ever bit, but it means security's still online Okay. Enough talk now Waits. Maintenance check request in sector C12, received and confirmed. A service caretaker is on its way. If my services do not meet Seegson standards, please log a complaint. I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure. That’s it. Elevator’s online, Ripley. You’re headed for a place called Project KG348. Let me know when you’re there. Waits, I made it. Is it still after you? I think so. I've got a plan. Head for the labs. Seegson executive Ransome here. I'm sending over some samples for investigation. I want the minimum number of employees on this. Keep it on the down-low and report only to me. If any of this gets out, I'll make sure your career dies with Sevastopol. There are a lot of inconsistencies in Gemini's ledgers. Do right by me and I'll remember you. Whatever you're skimming now will seem like chicken feed. Do the smart thing. Waits, I'm in. The lab can be separated from the main station. Bring it back online, and systems can reconnect. That’s it! I can see a power spike! Now reconnect the lab’s systems to Sevastopol from the console in the central lab. We’re counting on you Ripley. Hazardous material leak detected. I’m sorry, Ripley. Facility jettison procedures underway. No! No! Don't fucking do this to me! Standing by for gravity back-ups. Waits, you son of a bitch… Fuck! Please proceed to the nearest airlock and await emergency response notification. Airlock pressurization initiated. Airlock pressurization twenty-five percent complete. Airlock pressurization fifty percent complete. Airlock pressurization seventy-five percent complete. Fuck. fuck, fuck. Airlock pressurization complete. Airlock open. The station separation sequence is now complete. Thank you for your patience. Hello? Hello? Can anyone hear me? Ripley? Is that you? Yes, Waits. Me. You son of a bitch. You locked me in. You blew the lab into space and... I had no choice. No choice at all! You saw that thing! You saw what it could do! I had to get it off the station! By any means necessary. Yeah. Use me as bait. Leave me to die. And it goddam worked, Ripley. It goddam worked. I got that thing. Jettisoned it into the Gas Giant. The station's safe. There's that. And there's the fact you're a heartless bastard. I'm heading back to the Bureau. We can discuss your methods there. Ripley out. Ripley? Ripley, it's Ricardo. You made it? No thanks to Waits. He's a ruthless son of a bitch. Always has been. Stubborn too. If he'd ever listened to me, things would never have gone this far. It's done now. I’m sorry for fucking up with the lockdown earlier. Forget it. You got me out in the end. I'll see you back at the Bureau. Look alive, people. I don't know this one. You're really pushing your luck. We're not alone! I just saw someone over there! Rip, I’m about to rain on the parade. Something’s up with the androids. Something's been up with the damn androids since I got here. No, this is new. They've left their posts. I just saw some of them in a public area. That's not normal. Great. Watch your back. I don't know when anyone will get this, but someone needs to keep a record and I don't know... I came here a few months ago to write about the collapse of a dream, a future gone sour. For me, the people here were little more than footnotes for my article; something to tug at the heartstrings. And when the disappearances started, oh, I was thrilled. This was something big. But now people are afraid and a communications fault means we're alone. I'm trapped here, just like everybody else. Another footnote. Another victim. Waits? It's Ripley. What's going on with the androids? I don't know. What about the change in alert status? Dammit, I don't know! I'm trying to contact Samuels. Maybe he knows what the hell APOLLO is playing at. Join the Journey. A wealth of new career opportunities awaits you, come and join the Seegson family today! Seegson. Tomorrow, Together Waits. For god's sake. APOLLO's let the androids off the leash. They're attacking on sight. I don't know what the hell this is. They're not just responding to trespass violations. It's like they're... hunting. For who? For everyone and anyone. What do you mean? Stand by. Waits? I've got some security shutters in my way. Can you open them? Waits? You bastards! You murdering bastards! Leave them alone! Stand down! This shouldn't be here. You're becoming hysterical. You bastards... Waits? Waits? The Solomons Habitation Tower contains all the amenities and comforts you would expect at home. Solomons Galleria, our shopping mall, caters to all the needs of visitors to the station, as well as Sevastopol's long term population. Nearby, our law enforcement officers can be found in the Marshal Bureau ensuring round the clock safety. Finally, the Josiah Sigg suites, named to honor the founder of the Seegson Corporation, houses the workers and families living on Sevastopol as well as providing executive suites for travelling businessmen. Meeks, I'm leaving this for you when you wake up. I know that you're still all over the place after that thing came out of Foster, but you've got to stop fucking up like this. You got way too drunk, and told those people sleeping in the Mall way too much. I dragged you away when I saw the look in their eyes. We can't go back there again. No-one can know we're connected to Marlow and the Anesidora. I'll come back once you've dried out. I have been camped out in Galleria Mall for maybe twenty four hours. The people here, they are scared, but they still believe that Marshal Waits will kill the creature. They forget other dangers. They forget themselves. People are turning on each other for food, for water. I cannot stay here. Rip. Rip, they're all dead. The androids slaughtered them. Why? Why the fuck... I don't know. But I think Samuels does. Samuels? Why? Waits sent him to access APOLLO. I need to find him. Have you seen Taylor or Marlow? N-no. They're not here. I think they may have got clear. Ricardo? Ricardo! If I go after Samuels, can you run this place? I need eyes and ears. I'm not fucking staying here. Ricardo, I need you to do this. Can you man the station and keep me covered? Ricardo? Yeah. Sure. Of course. Sit tight. Lock the fucking doors and don't let anyone in. Look after me. I'll come back for you. Rip. I can see activity on terminals on the top levels of Seegson Synthetics. Rip, I'm not sure I can do this. Ricardo, I need you to focus. You're in charge now. In charge? In charge of what? A room full of dead people? This is fucked up. Focus, Ricardo! If Samuels can talk to APOLLO he can get the androids to stand down. Then this'll all be over. Join the Journey. A wealth of new career opportunities awaits you, come and join the Seegson family today! Seegson. Tomorrow, Together Ripley? There's a security alert firing off in the labs nearby. Elevators are out. Looks like the Seegson synthetics aren't taking kindly to a Weyland Yutani model snooping around. So how do I get up? You'll have to climb. There's a service vent through to the elevator shaft around there somewhere. Ricardo? I'm here. Looks like the place synthetics go to die. This is Seegson Executive Ransome speaking. I just woke up to find a Working Joe in my suite and when I asked what the hell it was doing it lunged for me. I had to leave my own fucking apartment! Send your best technicians to APOLLO Core and find out what the hell is going on, now! Get those things under control, I want a full report ASAP I must have access to APOLLO. Open the tower transit immediately. APOLLO Transit reserved for Seegson executives and synthetics only. Right. Then I'll have to find a way to talk to APOLLO directly. Biocontainment Hazard Level Omega. All permissions rescinded. I don't have time for this. Suzanne, sweetheart. I'm going to have to raincheck. I'm getting reports from downstairs about abnormal android behavior. I need you to get to the showroom and shut yourself in. There's a lockdown button on my terminal from when these machines were actually worth something. Don't worry about them. They're only display models. Just sit tight – I'll sort this out and we can celebrate the deal finally going through when we're not on company time. You do not have an appointment. You do not have an appointment. This could require my attention. Come with me, please. Locked. Needs a keycard. Maybe one of these things had a keycard… Weyland-Yutani synthetic registered. Attempted unauthorized access. Elevator going down to Android Orientation. Ripley. Good to see you alive. APOLLO's security perimeter has been built so that only Seegson synthetics can interact with it. Listen to me. I'm going to have to do something rather drastic if I hope to connect with APOLLO. I'm going to use the Reformat Chamber. It's the only option. I've had to divert power from the area to allow me to try. Samuels! That's too dangerous! Yes. Far too dangerous. Wish me luck. Samuels! Don't! Warning: APOLLO connection initiating. APOLLO, infection has been purged. The creature is no longer on board. The station is safe. Request that all Hazard Containment operations are suspended. Alert: Unauthorized connection. Ripley, APOLLO's rejecting me. We might be in trouble. Samuels? APOLLO is trying to stop me from interfacing. Oh no. Amanda! You need to manually disconnect the systems! Please! Jesus! Samuels! I'll try! WAIT! You need to do it in the correct order or the cascade will be fatal for me. I'm accessing Seegson schematics. Remove the red cable first. Okay – red first. Human staff: vacate. This is not a drill. 25% of system capacity 50% of system capacity. Local power beyond safety parameters. Red done. Next, look for a blue cable. Can you see it? Got it. Blue disconnected. What next? I'm having trouble accessing the schematics. APOLLO is making things difficult. I need the next one, Samuels! What? What's happening out there, Ripley? The emergency lights have come on! I can't make out the colors of the cables. You're going to have to guide me to them! The next one is plugged into a wall socket. There was an upturned gurney nearby. Found it! Just two more, Ripley. Look for an open floor panel, there should be a deactivated android next to it. Got it, Samuels. Just - just the last one now, Ripley. Samuels. You’re dying. You talk like I've had an actual life. I... thank you for that. Samuels. The APOLLO transit is open. Once you get into the core, it will talk to you. You did that for me? I wanted Amanda Ripley to have closure… Ricardo? If you’re there… pick up… I'm here. Samuels is gone. Shit. He opened APOLLO transit for me. I'm going to go straight there, I'll get APOLLO to lift the lockdown. Rip? I just found something here. An interview tape. You need to hear it. You're Marlow, right? Yeah. I'm Taylor. Sector exec, Weyland-Yutani. Oh, the big guns now, huh? Not some girl with abandonment issues? Leave Ripley out of this. She's just looking for closure. I'm looking after Weyland-Yutani interests. And I'm looking to get out of this fucking cell. Maybe we can do a deal? Maybe. This is being recorded, you understand? I saw. Red light's on. I want data. The location of the planetoid where you found the derelict. All data you have on the origin of that organism. I can give you that. And a way off this station. You just have to let me out. I can probably agree to those terms. What the fuck? Taylor! Taylor, get me out of this cell! Right now! Get me out! Ripley? I heard it. You're on the floor above the APOLLO Core. This whole area contains APOLLO's supportive systems with the A.I. Core itself at the center. APOLLO prevented Samuels from lifting the lockdown remotely, but once you're inside he made sure it'll at least talk to you. We are extremely sorry for the current disruption in services. I've come over to APOLLO to find out what sent the synthetics crazy. This place has gone to hell. Apollo's redirected core android duties, and they've just walked away from the maintenance we requested after we got the news. Coolant's everywhere, gas has escaped, and the primary access lift has shut itself down. I've flagged a help request, but apparently I'm forty-fifth in the line. Systems are suddenly obsessed with Hazard Containment. I'm going to find a way down. Spedding out. Firearms detected. You’ve gotta be shitting me. Place firearms on security conveyor. Seegson and APOLLO thank you. I'll bet. APOLLO Core access elevator offline. Primary APOLLO systems inaccessible. Ricardo, the way in's blocked off. The schematics they used for the Sevastopol sales tour should be nearby. See if there's a back door. Okay, let’s see… there's a power conduit that links to the APOLLO core. I can use that. You think you’ll fit? Turn off the electrics, take some deep breaths, squeeze… Easy… I am not coming up there to pull you out if you get stuck. Huddling up to a live conduit is gonna hurt though, right? I'll have to power it down first. Hey, it's Chief. There's something wrong with your synthetics. The team I requisitioned to asset-strip lower habitation just stopped in their tracks. They barked something about a Hazard Containment order, tried to get into my control booth and then just marched off. I know I always complain about those spooky, bald bastards, but now I've got proof their wiring's faulty. I've got a meeting with your boss Spedding tomorrow, and I'm going to kick some ass. So when he starts kicking your ass... well, it's coming from me. Ricardo? Conduit’s offline for now. I've pulled up the APOLLO schematics here. Looks like you can get to the access through the turbine shaft. There'll be an emergency shut-off nearby. But it won't stay off forever. You'll have to get inside quickly. Turbine’s off. Way should be clear. Better run. If APOLLO's systems overheat they'll reboot. Obstruction detected. This is gonna be tight. Good luck. Ripley, you're getting deeper into APOLLO and your radio signal's getting faint. I'm gonna lose you soon. Great. Just keep them crossed for me, huh? There's gonna be lots of 'Joes down there, Rip. Could be dangerous. Samuels sacrificed himself so I could get here. I've got to try. I thought he was a pretty nice guy for a synthetic. Me too. Ricardo, the main entrance is locked. Any idea what to do next? I can't hear you Ripley your signal's too faint. Ricardo? Chrissakes… If you can hear me, find another way to make contact - something's up with my earpiece. Spedding, something crazy just happened. Sevastopol is off the market. We got a buyer. Weeks before they start taking the place apart, and they u-turn. After all those endless presentations and tours, I guess the talks weren't stalled at all. Someone at Company Headquarters just had to click his fingers. A message of confirmation just came in, Apollo's currently receiving a packet of new operation rulesets, so I guess the deal's sealed. This is board level, need to- know stuff until it's announced to shareholders. Quite the promotion, huh? Seegson. Tomorrow. Together. Left Hemisphere Server Banks: Now Active. Right Hemisphere Server Banks: Now Active. We’re experiencing a heightened Containment Hazard Level today. I'm in Apollo. There are… androids at the door. Ransome's nowhere to be seen. There are conflicts with the Hazard Containment Breach. Synthetic safety procedures are getting bypassed left and right. Comms are offline. I thought it was random, but now I'm not so sure. Oh God, they're going to get in. Tell Suzanne I love her. Okay. If I power these up one of them should give me access to Apollo's security banks. This is Seegson executive Ransome, reporting in to the board. You sons of bitches. I was loyal to you and you cheap bastards left me twisting in the wind. I was going to give you the find of a lifetime. I was willing to risk my life for the company. I could have called in a special team, secured the specimen and we all would have been happy. But APOLLO has cut all communications. None of the technicians in APOLLO Core are answering my messages. We're all dying here, you bastards! You threw it all away! Fuck you and fuck your company! Fuck you! What the hell? Two days after we left? You're kidding me… Sons of bitches! It isn't on the damn station. What? Fuck. Weyland-Yutani. Building better worlds. You on comms yet Ricardo? I’m here, Rip. What’s the news? APOLLO's running on Weyland-Yutani protocols. It's what? Seegson sold out. Weyland-Yutani are in control of APOLLO now. It's refusing to lift the lock down. It says there's something up with the reactor. You're from the Company. Tell it you don't give a shit, and to do what you say. Sorry, Ricardo but I'm small-fry. Me, Samuels, Taylor… we all are. Guess if we amounted to anything Apollo wouldn't be so ready to see us killed. Multiple intruders detected in lower levels of reactor core. Please attend. Please vacate area. Engineering access restricted. All visiting corporate representatives must report to their nearest synthetic. We’re experiencing a heightened Containment Hazard Level today. This shouldn't be here. This could really do some damage. Ricardo, you ever been to the reactor? Never took the tour. I did some training in one. Seems a lifetime ago. I saw it. It had its back to me – walking down a corridor like it was the most natural thing in the world. I hid, but when I looked up it wasn't there. I think it went into the floor. Maybe the ceiling. Sevastopol's a maze. It could be living anywhere. This must be what the marshals have been chasing. This shouldn't have been kept from me. Chief out. I'm at the top of the reactor core, Ricardo. See anything yet? Nothing. Got some androids, some core control systems, business as usual. I’m gonna have to explore the lower level. Should be an elevator down somewhere. Oh no. God no. Ricardo. They're all here. Who? Everyone that's missing. Everyone. They're trapped in some kind of nest. There are eggs. It’s… like a farm… Shit, just get out of there. Now. I’ll have to restore power to the platform from the conduits down here. Going dark on comms Ricardo. This isn’t good. Fuck! Got to get out of here… Ricardo, I can destroy the nest. Ripley, you've put yourself in enough danger today. I can power up all the cores, overload them and then initiate a reactor purge. It’ll destroy everything down there. I'm not trying to persuade you out of this, Rip, I'd just like it if you didn't die. System Purge established. Awaiting confirmation from Control Station Gamma. All synthetic and non-synthetic life: please move to a safe distance. Ricardo? I’m about to purge the nest. Hang tight. Biocontainment Hazard Level maintained at: Omega. Multiple unregistered lifeforms detected throughout Sevastopol. Power levels throughout Sevastopol compromised. There are still some on the station. Shit. I'm… I'm sorry, Ricardo. Just get back to the Marshal Bureau, Rip. Please? Wait. Rip. Something weird's happening. You think? I need you to get to Medical – now. The reactor purge – it’s resetting systems across Sevastopol. Lights, transit, maybe even communications… I think this is our big chance. Just go. Now. We might not have much time. I’m heading down to Comms. Ricardo? I'm at medical. Did you manage to get to Comms? I'm here, but I was too late. APOLLO's recovered from the reactor purge and locked out external comms again. Damn it. So why did you send me here? Plan B, Rip. See, before I left, the systems showed a ship approaching Sevastopol. I think it's the Anesidora. Marlow managed to send out his auto codes to call it in while comms were temporarily open. We've got to get to it. Is it docking? No, but it's in a holding position nearby. Head for the ambulance bay. The shuttles are really short-range - but they’ll make it. Got it. Hughes, it's Ransome – I just got your query. Yes, I have been in our transmission relay archive and I've done some decrypting. I'm looking for crew logs that passed through Sevastopol a while ago. I know you're concerned, but it's ancient history. It's just some stuff I need to know: A routine Company transmission packet sent from the edge of Thedus before a ship started its trip home. Nothing that's gonna break anything. This is Dallas, I'm about to broadcast the Nostromo report packet back to the Sol system before we hit the pods. Nearest open relay station looks to be Sevastopol. All things being well - you'll hear from us once we reach the edge of Sol. Don't miss us too much. Dallas out. Coordinates are already in the system. Just punch the dash. What about you? Hey, Ripley. Welcome to the Anesidora. Marlow? Where are you, Marlow? Maybe you want to join my crew? Plenty of free spots. Ripley? Marlow double-crossed me! He said he’d give me all the data he had on the creature so I could take it to the Company, but he... Taylor? Taylor? Marlow, what are you doing? What no one else seems prepared to do. Come find me, Ripley. I’ve got something for you. I tried to save Foster. Brought her to Sevastopol, broke all the rules getting her ashore... That was stupid of me. Stupid. You don’t beat this thing, Ripley. You can’t. All you can do is refuse to engage. You've got to wipe out every trace. Destroy any clue. Stop its infection from spreading. Make sure there’s no chance of the human race ever making contact with it again. Because the moment it makes contact, it’s won. The Company is never going to know what happened here. Nobody is. I won’t allow it. Added report, personal message: This is... for my daughter. Hi Amanda. I'm recording this for you, my sweet heart... and I hope you get to hear it one day. You see I got into trouble. My ship… There was an accident, sweet heart, and, um... We found… an alien creature. It was very dangerous... and the only way we could stop it was to destroy the ship. I'm ok… I'm stuck on this lifeboat a long way out, but we had to destroy the ship; we had to destroy the Nostromo. We just couldn't risk bringing that thing home with us. I needed to protect you. Don't worry… don't worry about me. I'm sure I'll see you very soon. I love you, sweet heart. Oh my God. Now you understand. I’m going to overload the fusion reactor. It’ll turn the reactor into a goddam nuke. It will destroy the ship. And the station. It'll annihilate every trace of that creature. Ripley, it’s the only way. I can’t let it live. And I’m not letting the Company have it, or they’ll just start the whole thing off again. Listen to me! We don't have to do this! Stop! Stop it, Marlow! Marlow please… You heard what your mother did. She understood. If she was here, she’d be helping me. You think she would want Company suits knowing the zip code of that creature? No one must know. There are still people alive on the station! Marlow! Foster's not. She was my wife. I loved her, and I killed her. Oh my god. I think I was too late. He set it going. He set it going! Taylor! I’ll stop the overload! You have to help me! Go to that console! Warning. Fusion Reactor overload in progress. Open the fusion systems so I can work on them! What? I need power sent to the auxilary generator, look for the letters AUX. I've found it! Okay. You're doing good, Taylor. Now switch the maintenance terminal from 'auto' to 'manual'. Do you see it? I - I can't find it! It'll be there, Taylor, trust me! That's it! Fusion Reactor overload suppressed. Safety limiters restored. Oh god. You did it. Something’s happening. I don’t understand... Primary systems collapse. Total system-wide cascade failure... Oh fuck! Marlow forced an overload... The ship’s going to tear itself apart! Warning. Critical collapse. Warning. Critical collapse. No! Ricardo? Ripley, the Anesidora blast took out the orbital stabilizers. We're about to fall from the sky. I’m trying to contact the Torrens but the comms are still locked. The ambulance you just docked is screwed. The Torrens is our only way off this. The broadcast from Verlaine just updated. Hello, Sevastopol? Can you respond? We just saw a ship blow on your starboard side – took out an entire orbital stabilizer array. We have no place to dock. Please – tell us what’s going on in there. We can take survivors. I'll leave this channel open. Torrens out. Welcome to Seegson Communications. Please sign it at reception. We've got company. Seegson Security just came through. Guns in hand. Not friendly. I had to hide under a desk. What do they want? The Torrens. They heard the broadcast. They want to contact it. I think they plan on taking it by force. Can they? No, comms are still out. Steer clear of them though, they're dangerous. And desperate. Orbital Stabilizers operating at sixty-percent and falling. Ripley. You okay? Listen, Marlow’s permissions are still logged at this terminal. If we had the coordinates for the Torrens we could align the transmitter dishes manually. Bypass APOLLO completely. There’s an observatory near the Comms array, right? Yeah. You should be able to find the Torren's co-ordinates using that! I'll get the door for you. Orbital Stabilizers operating at forty-percent and falling. Dammit. I can’t get past the lock-down. Keep on it. That ship's out there waiting for us. APOLLO won’t let me in. Try your codes again. Okay, okay… Thank god! Ricardo, I've found them! Now you’ve got to align the dishes to the Torrens' position manually. Check. I'm going outside. I can unlock the entrance to the airlock from here, gimme a sec. There. Got it. Rip - hurry. All hell's gonna break loose when Sevastopol starts to fall. Punch in the coordinates at the terminal. Torrens. Torrens, this is Ripley on the station. Are you reading me, Verlaine? Ripley? What the hell is going on over there? Bad things, Torrens. There's an alien organism here. It's deadly. We need urgent extraction. A what? There’s no time to explain. Please, Verlaine! There's nowhere for us to dock, Ripley. The station's tearing free from its gravity mooring. I've seen a towing platform below the spaceflight terminal, but the Torrens umbilical isn't built for it. You'll need to extend the tow platform clamps station-side. Just get into position. Ricardo? Get ready to move. We’re leaving. Best news I’ve heard in weeks, Rip. We... Ricardo? Ricardo, do you copy. Ricardo? Come in? Emergency. Please attend your assigned evacuation point and await instructions. Ricardo? Oh god... Ricardo... Oh no! Come on, someone will send help soon. Evacuate station. This is not a drill. If you're listening to this, and you're on the team, we've sealed the Habitation Sanctuary. There's one way in, one way out. I've still got raiding parties heading out to loot supplies and weapons, but it looks like we shut it off just in time. The Seegson Synthetics have started moving away from their stations. I've seen a trail of strangled bodies in public areas. So, be aware. Oh, and if you're listening to this, and you're not on the team, don't come find us. We will shoot. Last will and testament of some fuck you don't give a shit about. We couldn't keep them out. My wife is dead. My children have been taken. I tried, but I couldn't stop them. They broke through our defences. There's… there's so much blood on my hands. This is for the rescue party, for Seegson or… I don't know… whoever has to clean up this mess. We held out in here as long as we could. You didn't come fast enough. You fucked it. Just send in the marines or blow this place up. Take these creatures back to Hell. Sevastopol, this is Diane Verlaine of the Torrens. I am attempting to dock on the tow platform below your Spaceflight Terminal. We can take survivors. Torrens to Ripley. Ripley, we’re about to move into position for the auto umbilical dock sequence. We’ll be dark on Comms until we’ve matched the decaying orbit of the station and are in position. We’re just waiting on you to extend the towing platform clamps. I don’t know how you sweet-talked me into this. Verlaine, can you hear me? Are you close enough for radio contact? I'm here! Ripley! Thank god, I hear you! I need you to extend the dock cradle clamps, quickly! There are two, should be close by. Verlaine, the docking clamps are engaging. Okay, now find the upper control room. Verlaine, the personnel umbilical has been removed. It's long gone. What? Wait - I think I can use the maintenance rig instead. If I can find an EVA suit I can still get to you. Be careful, Ripley. This better work. That’s it! Fuck! Jesus! Just let me make it through here. Too close. Too close. Verlaine? Verlaine? Are you there? Please, tell me… Ripley! I thought I’d lost you! We’re being dragged down with Sevastopol! The gravitational pull has twisted the rig and we can't get free from the station! What do you need me to do! Get out the airlock and EVA over to the maintenance platform. There are explosive bolts on the emergency release. Hurry! Sevastopol is going fast! Won't let… you down. I'm here, Verlaine. There should be two priming mechanisms to unlock the manual release. I see them. Ripley are you still there? I've set the airlock to auto. Verlaine? I'm on my way up to the bridge. Verlaine? Oh god... This is Ripley... This is Amanda Ripley transmitting on all frequencies. I'm in orbit, Zeta Reticuli system, planet KG-348, relay beacon oscar 227... This is Ripley,,, I'll be waiting... Nostromo... I know why you're working in the region where she went missing. You're still looking, aren't you? Destroyed... Then we found that flight recorder. That means there'll be a reward. But then Marlow had an even better idea: extrapolate the path of the flight recorder to try to find the wreck of the Nostromo. We got lucky, found a distress signal and now we're following it. This is it. I can feel it in my bones. He always said he'd do right by me. You realize coming aboard was a bad idea? I had no choice. No choice at all! You saw that thing! You saw what it could do! I had to get it off the station! By any means necessary. I can’t let it live. And I’m not letting the Company have it, or they’ll just start the whole thing off again. I want data. The location of the planetoid where you found the derelict. All data you have on the origin of that organism. With a little luck... We've got a situation - we have white-on-red casualties onstation. I've just had an android report to the APTC with head trauma – but he's covered in blood. Human blood. The network will pick me up. A monster. Picking us off, all of us, one by one. Marie, if you get this, I'm making my way to Seegson Communications now. Someone's got to re-establish communications. Don't worry about me. I'll be back. This is Ripley... When I'll grown up i want to be a seegson android. Shall we're sing a song? Signing off. Everyone's turning on each other. The fear… it makes people crazy. Sevastopol not quite what you're expecting, eh? We got an unexpected wake-up call. Yellow light. I spoke to MOTHER and she's picked up a distress call – a repeating acoustical beacon from a nearby planetoid. Doesn't sound like any radio signal I've heard… As the suits listening know, Company rules say we check it out. Now I've got to go tell the crew, they already know something's up. We followed the beacon and found… I don't know… some kinda ship. Kane went down to check out a part of it… and… there was something down there. Lots of… things down there. All these eggs full of creatures. One attached itself to his suit – burnt through his visor and onto his face. They let us back on the ship, thank God. Kane's still alive, but they don't seem to know what to do about him. Signing off.
Channel: DeeALup
Views: 376,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alien, alien isolation, alien isolation прохождение, alien isolation walkthrough, alien isolation plot, alien isolaton сюжет, ripley, weyland yutani, Keith DeCandido, Alien isolation novelization, alien isolation book, aliens, ridley scott, h.r. giger, dan o'bannon, alien isolation cut content, alien isolation all cutscenes, чужой изоляция, игры про чужих, space jockey, чужой фильм, alien 1979, alien isolation game movie, alien isolation 2021
Id: 6L2xYzu724E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 282min 32sec (16952 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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