ALIEN OMEGA - sci-fi animated fan-film

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oh [Music] [Music] oh so ah [Music] um jumper temper been a while since your last feed has it i believe you are what is known as hangry go and you can go back to your quarters [Music] so we have the infinitum crew member as requested they need some medical attention shall i take them to the media no take him down to research yes sir what's that another infinitum crew member sir but this one is deceased so why is it here it's time to establish enforcement in the temporal parameters laid out in the rv project and it feeds to projects organic specifications well now this is an unexpected boom get them both down to research immediately oh where's the lieutenant it seems there are parts of the weyland building that our scans cannot penetrate the last information says that he and the other units were in the quarantine area they were in the process of targeting the remaining crew of the indian victim good tell the lieutenant to report to me the moment he returns yes sir it shouldn't be i haven't received any notifications of errors i was gonna say you look like ant-man but that's only because you do you think we're [ __ ] bothered fine [Music] you are making us all look like [ __ ] we have to find another way around huh so it is you wow wow this is gonna get ugly [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] aren't you perfect you know but uh i knew there was a force figure yeah sure [Music] good you made it so you really are as good as you were you know i somehow need get me out of there i always keep my word getting you out of there was my number one priority now my priority is getting you out of here get aboard the ship quickly it's already prepped and ready to go although i would request that you do not leave the planet just yet why you sound like you're not coming i've got one last thing to do i have to set the self-destruct sequence this compound has to be destroyed and i am unable to do it remotely we can wait those radar buttons are trapped on the other side of the force field man yes they were the alpha team however the beta team will be coming through those hangar bay doors any second you really need to leave now look prost i ain't good at making speeches but i want to say this no one here will ever forget what you've done this day throwing down your life like this makes you the most badass soldier a girl could ever wish to fight beside you'll get those bastards one day your death won't be in vain my death my plan does not involve me dying huh once i have set the self-destruct sequence i'm going to return to this hanger and use one of those hoverbikes to escape oh i thought you would do one of those heroic self-sacrifice things no that would be pointless and [ __ ] stupid well uh [ __ ] uh whatever so i'm going to need the neo-nostromo to not leave this planet immediately but if possible wait until i signal you that my mission is complete then you can send me the coordinates for us to rendezvous i won't let them leave you behind vader team is here go give me the word that you'll make it to the rendezvous you have my word okay yummy boy i'm gone [Applause] [Music] sir communications down there seems to be interference of some kind authenticating identification confirmed you have priority one access welcome please confirm command total sequence initiated please evacuate within the designated time [Music] people could help but they were in such [Music] um okay got it hold on to something we're about to be out of here [Music] what's that droid was with them don't worry sir that glorified microwave oven won't get far glorious was that [ __ ] supposed to be a sick burn the only burning i'm interested in sir is in melting that rust back of circuitry be quiet um [Music] if you have to you sounded very authoritative and you are not even in charge i know but i'm in the command initiative program i intend to be corporal one day skepticism [Music] is we don't want to be out of range when ross contacts us we won't be for this ship anywhere on this entire planet is within range and the calm is open so if he calls we'll all hear i'm putting us into stealth mode we can head back to the weyland compound is there any food around here i'm starving there must be food right i mean a ship like this would be stuck with can you read me oh yeah all right prost this is miranda the neo-nostromo he has you loud and clear we're locking on to your coordinates we're on our way over as soon as possible [Music] no hold on cross okay let's see if i still got it adios yes you have still got it thank you we are now free oh that we are pompa so [Music] [Applause] then do so i try to keep the thing intact looks like we did it yeah we're free baby good now we can go get bane oh am i the only one wondering if he's still alive didn't that man say they've taken him from a tentacle thing he will be on the ground well this sounds like the start of a plan uh yeah if that plan is to get the [ __ ] out of here look i like bane as much as anyone except jack gross but why the [ __ ] would we go to the radar mothership we're free let's make the most of it we left him once it was necessary but i'm not down for doing it twice rescuing bane is our next move when was this move decided about 20 seconds ago when i said now we can go get bane this is happening what if we say no i'll just make you huh i'd like to see you try no you really really wouldn't binge do you even have a plan was you in another room when i said that whole thing about deciding this move about 20 seconds ago of course i don't have a [ __ ] plan but we have a cutting-edge ship we have a loading bay full of weapons and we have us i think there's a plan to be made out of that whatever plan we come up with has very little chance of working out as it stands bane has zero chance we're all he's got and if all we can give is a little chance then i say we give it with both barrels amen oh [ __ ] we're going on a suicide mission to the enemy mothership ain't we welcome aboard brother we hope you enjoy flying with air no [ __ ] given yeah i bet he has the [Laughter] chicken how [ __ ] hard oh my sides we still need a plan then how about this we use the ship's stealth mode to get us in there we blow a load of [ __ ] up then just start killing [ __ ] until we find bain and are able to get the [ __ ] out of there you know what i've been cooped up a long time and without being able to kill a single [ __ ] to pass the time anyone who knows me knows how much i likes to kill a [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm fully coming around to this whole rescuing this bang person thing chica i'm in hell yeah if we are doing this we are if we are doing this then the moment we get past the mothership shield we need to take out the droid transmitter in the landing bay the joints are connected and controlled by the mothership and its commander this method alleviates the threat of rebellion so if we can destroy it then all the droids will cease functioning okay this is good for us the explosion needed to take out the transmitters will be large do we not even survive it unharmed i have no idea what else to expect once we are on that ship we are going in blind with a heavy disadvantage once we are identified will be hunted down like animals there will be carnage in depth now that sounds like the making of a [ __ ] plan now we've got until we leave orbit to flesh out the details don't get it twisted i'm happy with the plan as it is but i know some of you [ __ ] need things like exit strategies and all kinds of plans within plans [ __ ] i think i'm beginning to like this [ __ ] [Music] can you make it work oh hi sir this big one with the mask will be relatively easy mainly because he's still alive how long will it take an hour but this other one i don't know this one's going to be complicated this other one is rubbish i thought it would be a good test of the project to see how big a barrier death would be this lamp is new and gold and is so caught by all tails do what you can but if he shows even the slightest sign of endangering the project then just blow him out of the bloody airlock commander the lieutenant wishes to speak with you should i pass me through your research no i'm on my way to the bridge [Music] [Music] lieutenant what is it i trust you are suitably embarrassed with your inept self [Music] was he now did he speak no interesting i rather wish i cared more about this but i don't have he retrieved what we came all this way for good if the reports of the achieving or near achieving the singularity are true then the proto-hexa stack is surely where it must be nothing those rejects are probably halfway across the quadrant by now we'll deal with them next time but now we have more pressing concerns return immediately with the phs [Music] you inform the loading bay that whatever tedious droid bollocks they're working on right now it needs to be put to one side in preparations made for the arrival of the lieutenant they are to expect very important cargo yes sir the lateral which is inbound we need to put everything as to one side and initiate the high return protocol [Music] keep the seal drained and welcome okay we went home everyone good the dry transmitter is there on the ceiling gas you got it ready when you are prepare to fire the emp straight after josh [Music] on screen immediately what is happening some kind of craft has breached the loading bay they destroyed the droid transmission relay they detonated an electromagnetic pulse which fried the systems so we have no cameras or surveillance data [Music] the emergency backup coming online now sir but we're not able to identify those that's the crew the infinitum [Music] tell me the sub-level containment humans are still fully operational we don't have that data so the doors to the containment crews were temporarily using the droid transmission relay due to the excess power usage by the project in the research lab oh they're stupid bastards right contact the lieutenant to deprive him of the situation yes so sir it's far too dangerous out there shouldn't we wait for reinforcements i'm the commando of the radar i'm all the reinforcement i need now get as many systems back up and running i'll containment protocols failing containment protocols failing containment protocols failing containment protocols fail critical failure in sectors one through five containment protocols one okay now the difficult part which way pain could be anywhere i have a recommendation as to how to proceed you're gonna suggest we split up aren't you yes [ __ ] is it possible for us to ever go into something as a team get [ __ ] done as a team then leave as a team we need to cover as much ground as possible we do not know how long the droids are going to be an operative or how long the security systems are going to be offline and there isn't a way you can always right here from beta oh you mean we ain't got time for this debating [ __ ] gas you can oh he's already gone that's the spirit dominos yep vomitos uh clearly not house trained tata tat looks like daddy is going to have to punish you [Music] [Music] so [Music] i guess being in a distant part of the galaxy on a ship commanded by a psychopathic self-made hybrid in the middle of a power outage with synthetic xenomorphs on the loose is possibly making me stress out a little bit okay well you're a real glass half empty kind of person really no concept of the [ __ ] storm we're in okay look you know what the oldest trick in the book is uh your mom it's a belief that we have the power to control the universe oh calm down socrates i'm just looking to stay alive here if we went into one of those xenos then we just freeze right if we don't move then it can't see us wow yeah uh you're thinking of a t-rex which oh i don't know hasn't existed for at least 65 million years now yeah that tactic won't work with the xenomorph so what's the procedure when encountering a ceo then oh um you just do a lot of screaming and running and then you you die horribly maybe before but not today that's why i'm here and more importantly why i've got this gun great i heard they don't kill you anyway they just put you in a coma and make you pregnant i just can't with you these aren't real xenomorphs who created these as weapons and you know that we're not interested in their biological imperatives the only thing we did was program them to recognize the science team's dna however we're not even sure if that works and they've developed some kind of social and psychological structure of their own we haven't even had a chance to test that for example so you're saying you don't know how to behave what they will or won't respond to and you aren't equipped to kill it seems like those big brains of yours will only be good for feeding them hold on we're picking up something it's close uh oh i don't know maybe it's a t-rex it's a xenomorph come on be alert i don't like this oh finally yeah welcome to the party [Music] no see i told you that's how it always ends screaming and running and dying horribly okay now to get out of here come on think what's the plan wait i know computer lights oh no [Music] did you hear that it was human though not one of us something's wrong here none of this feels right man i am having trouble accessing the data relays i am unable to find out what else is happening here [Music] these are detention cells and one of them looks like it's occupied we should not get distracted and we do not know anything about this prisoner according to this chart the prisoner was found unconscious on alpha centauri and he was brought here for further study this is too risky we need to leave and get back to the mission agreed that you don't understand the hell i went through being caged up like an animal it's [ __ ] [ __ ] ivy i do not think you should okay now we go [Music] [Music] [Music] so the gunfire came from this direction [Music] one um what have we gotten ourselves into whatever it is we need to get ourselves out of it hey oh tonto oh [ __ ] [Music] [Music] what's happening where's the threat he's dead it killed him it just just [ __ ] killed him who those xenomorphs are here prost one of them got tonto ivy this is very bad we're in far more danger than i calculated that's okay that's why i brought this yep it's how i roll [Music] wow [Music] come out come out good boy [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh oh no oh no oh going somewhere nice your funeral if you don't get out of my way does it not occur to you that i could be of great help to you yes you could by getting out of my way no i don't think so you're clearly a fool so i'll tell you this once i'm someone you don't want to mess with if i end you now i doubt you'll be missed and i doubt i'll even remember you ooh impressive my turn i'm the commander of the station and i literally own the place so i'm rather a big deal around here and if i end you now you'll be the one not missed because those friends you came here with well i'll be killing them too you're not a mystery to me if you truly knew anything about me you know better than to think you can take me on by yourself who said i was by myself pain wrong we gave him a little attitude adjustment you need to kill her stop at nothing pain snap out of it [ __ ] you two have fun now is it stable unsure i barely need you at the best of times what is it oh yes that all right go deal with it try not to embarrass yourself this time hello hello cross i found bane i'm heading back to the ship [Music] jack has located babe they are on their way back to the neo nostromo let's roll out how we are trapped can't you hack into the computers or something and do some [ __ ] i can try let's run [Applause] [Music] hello i do believe we have some unfinished business i have to say i'm glad you're still persistent with the vow of silence i remember the times when you used to talk i found you so aggravated well i'm guessing no last words and as you die doesn't count so ready your and let's blade our scores [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i really don't want to have to hurt you but if that's what it takes then that's what'll happen [Applause] come on we need to make our way immediately to the landing bay i prepared the minor relay and cleared a path for us good let's [ __ ] go [Music] [Music] so give it up you're outmatched do i have to kill you [Music] and now you die [Music] hey we have no idea where it came from but it did have a very [Music] stack is not the singularity they must have the singularity with them what is the lieutenant we've lost contact with him when you re-establish contact with him tell him to join me in the landing bay immediately in the meantime everyone keep working to bring all systems online i'll take care of the ai this isn't you bang stop this it's me it's me it's me bain is that you didn't you get the memo the sound of a combined harvester engine is no longer considered a language try english are you even speaking are you having a stroke is that what that greeting sound you're making is what's going on with youtube well bane was under some sort of mind control device and was trying to kill me so i was using lauren stop i thought the answer was gonna be a sex thing what you're saying sounds boring as [ __ ] nice to have you back though no babe he is not [ __ ] off you're making this up you don't understand what he's saying i do he pointed out that tanto is not with us and where is he he did not make it xenomorphs [ __ ] we should get gold we can be sad later yes that's the best course of action now wait where's gas we can't leave we we can't wait forever i will send democrats message updating him of our situation we get aboard prepare for takeoff and just wait wait as long as we can sounds reasonable do we all agree yeah yeah sure i have just got the update the station is close to bringing all its systems back online we do not have long don't any of you move what do you want you know this man he got in my way earlier this is his [ __ ] apparently well we were just leaving so how about you move your hand and we'll be on our way well that thing isn't going anywhere are you referring to me yes you are the singularity right what's it to you a lot well he stays here and you get to leave alive you're not going to get a better offer he's not a bargaining chip now now miranda let's not be hasty trust me mister you're the hasty one we outnumber you how about let pylo go and we let you live prost is not your business crossed is it well of course you and i are going to be the best of friends he already has best friends you can have him over our dead bodies deal [Music] oh uh [Music] so ugh uh oh how disappointing i guess the lieutenant has embarrassed himself again [Music] foreign uh so foreign [Music] great [Music] oh do you look like that under your mask and to think i considered sticking my tongue in i won't lie i found that quite thrilling although i will have to chalk that thing up as another failure are you about to start monologuing it's been a long day pardon me how botness how about i cut your day short for you he's motioning for us to leave then let's go hey what about your friend kylo there's nothing we can do for him this is not the time for sentiment uh wasn't he the pilot [Music] i can fly this i can co-pilot even with a stab wound come on we need to put distance between us and this place there is nothing for us here did you feel hey doc yes i'm gonna ask you something right now and i really need you to answer with the truth oh okay what is it have you been sticking things up my ass [Music] that thing better be house trained and i hope it doesn't suffer from space sickness because we're about to engage the hyperdrive come on mutt you need to strap in [Music] miranda who's miranda i i don't know but i need to find her why she's the most important thing in my life i think well your life has changed i don't think you're going to get permission to go for some excuse to find this miranda person permission i don't need permission i'm gonna find her and nothing and no one is gonna stop me i'm not just going to kill you i'm going to make you suffer rasta crab [Music] do [Music] self-destruction imminent evacuation window has closed [Music] energy relay fluctuations cryogenic sleep pods online diagnostics complete [Music] though not in singularity she is telling me the ninth in the series i am the eighth i remember you saying on beta terran that the previous seven had failed they had failed in the mission objective of creating of singularity but they did not fail then how were they a success they are you in short the four of you along with conrad taunto and pilo with the seven previous attempts copy was a regular synthetic what no i'm human i'm not a synth we've all been injured many times and none of us believe that milk [ __ ] yes you do even kobe did it's just that it's dyed red it was only ever white as a way of distinguishing humans from sins with all of you they wanted to blur that line all of your memories are fake each of you were headed over to the military upon family to achieve singularity status and return into weapons as stated before i can give you back your memories i warn you however they will be traumatic you are not the people you think you are and haven't lived the life you think you have when can you do this perhaps we should set a conspiracy basketball the procedure is not difficult but the recovery is and we have a problem what is it god's interrupted a deep space communique earlier women are aware of what happened on beta terrance they are looking for us this is bad very in a sense we are the nun look man why are we running we should [ __ ] wildin up i haven't left one cell just so i can live in the fear of being put into another one she has a point why run or hide why don't we attack them because they are wayne of yutani so they're still just a corporation we are a group of highly skilled military-grade operatives you are the singularity and we're all in the most advanced warship in existence we have the capability to [ __ ] up a lot of [ __ ] plus we have the element of surprise they will not be expecting an attack yes wailing or despise putin we could even recruit more rebels along the way yes along the way to where earth of course good times bring down wayland yutani at the source wipe them out the whole [ __ ] [ __ ] so are we agreeing that finding a way to take down weyland yutani is our next move seems that way does anybody object all right looks like we got ourselves a war to fight it will take us a few decades to get to earth from here it will approximately be 10 years journey to sebastopol that will be plenty of time for me to research and devise a strategy for the destruction of weyland yutani all of you will obviously have to go into hypersleep do you think we stand a chance of bringing them down we require allies and we need to give up on the idea of all of us making out of this fight alive then prost you think it through for the next 10 years and then we can all discuss it again when we reach sevastopol i'm so tired i think i'm just about ready for a tenure nap hey prost are you going to use that chinga replicating machine in the medi lab you know do the manufacturing a human-like body oh yeah will we wake up to a different you compa in sebastopol it was always my intention to take on a synthetic human appearance but i have grown quite attached to this board so now i do not know however it occurs to me that i can use it to create synthetic body components like a face brace made i do believe that before you went to hypersleep it would be possible for me to remove the medical needs from a past and reconstruct your face is this something you want me to do good you're gonna want the board of wayland yutani to look in the face the day we finally storm their citadel for from this moment on we are at war wailing yutani we are coming home to roost and when we get there we will kill you [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] bye are you ready [Music] [Music] [Music] can can you speak you
Channel: Darkus Marque
Views: 2,917,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alien, sci-fi, Cinema 4d, Fan film, Animation
Id: 1BE_QwV87ds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 31sec (5011 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 09 2020
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