Atomic Heart | Xbox Series X #2

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is oh great the goddamn elevators are out what am I supposed to do jump down theyve no power if you reconnect the power they'll start working again so it looks like I need to find a circuit breaker but where the hell is it I could follow the wires but they're all hidden inside the walls electrical emissions can be detected via scanner property appropriating oring over to third part and isable by but take care there's a dandelion security camera up ahead if it detects us this place will be swarming with robots take it easy I can always distract it by throwing something then knock it out with an EMP H Supply rooms locked well that's just [ __ ] great I can't just snap my fingers here I need a key and let me guess you can't open this lock can you Charles unfortunately not but I can set a waypoint you can use to find the key it should be in a nearby workspace you're finally starting to come in handy just all the Communist has officially hisb to the mother and Rel labor at the comp m this w have recently been in contact with wared experimental s to aha you found the key we can access the circuit breaker now yep but I'm just going to have a look around first I need some parts to upgrade my weapon I won't get far with this pile of [ __ ] I wouldn't dream of stopping you smart move Charles smart move oh C hey Chuck Charis whatever what'll happen if word gets out about this the Soviet Union's reputation will suffer Soviet robots are considered to be perfectly safe and reliable all over the world they are of course they are that's why Petro's treason struck at the very heart of the motherland he quite literally stabbed his own country in the back he wants the entire world to stop using our robots employe number 47 convicted of the unauthorized distribution of confidential data is ordered to report to social control Miss I is hey let's put a cookie in there yeah even locks like cookies right Charles yes do you like cookies this is a passive security system with a laser relay I've seen stuff like this plenty of times you need a color code unfortunately we don't have any codes you'll have to try to decipher it using logic seriously like I was going to stand here until it turns off on its own try to match the yeah the power's on let's head back well which one I suggest the one on the right in other words you don't actually know in that case I'm taking the one on the left I've marked another Waypoint for ease of navigation how dense do you think I am I know where I need to go to complete my mission I was only trying to make things easier for you you can make things easier by getting off my grill for staff members with low social credit is now beginning it's fading data if you recall the door is electromagnetically locked are you freaking death for something pardon me please continue attention all staff members who receive their notice are to report faal control by end of day phases to report will be considered an aggravating circumstance for I this get how do you like that snap saving data remember that alls are the phical and or intellectual property of the Communist party and may not be appropriated Victor honey I miss you so much sweetie you're here I'm so happy but how did you manage to get inside I took someone else's papers and pretended to be one of the doctors it doesn't matter all that matters is that I'm here now sweetheart and I brought the equipment you asked for I know that voice where have I heard it before I'm sorry I dragged you into all this sweetheart but cof's gone too far I talked to stocken he's my friend after all I I thought he'd help me stop this madness but the sneaky son of a [ __ ] played me so snot threw me in here it doesn't matter anymore I'll get you out of here tell me what to do you'll have to cause a tiny malfunction in Collective don't worry it's just a couple of software glitches I've got like-minded colleagues waiting for my signal in other complexes we're going to sabotage the facilities all at once then the world will finally see what the Kremlin dictatorship is up to then what vov will never stop looking for us we'll flee the country defect to the US and live in luxury for the rest of our lives once we expose such off he'll no longer have the means to harm us but first I need to access the network okay I'll connect your equipment to the main server and then a tiny malfunction my ass look at all the damn corpses everywhere that bet trov is one sick [ __ ] I'm going to mutilate the prick the second I lay eyes on him there's no other way forward we have to take it take it where Petrov escaped while working in vavilov's cold Workshop it would be logical to begin our search there so how do I get there first we need to get to the Distribution Center this cable car will take us there Mak the this is a real rout run welcome to you can swim through polymer I've done it before it's nice actually kind of like swimming with whales and dolphins in the ocean it's so peaceful the bad reading complex do you have the time Miss agent the next SM oh fading data there's the control panel and of course it's locked you guys just love these things don't you but this is a new one a combination lock ah it' take me a year to guess the combo look around maybe someone has the code the schematic need to find the schematic uh what was that a glorious New Era of Soviet Urban devel they won't go without a schematic all stuck no schematic no go [ __ ] me he's alive schematic need a schematic unfortunately he's dead we are surrounded by Corpses why have you Frozen just like everything here they won't go nope won't go without the schematic the dead have a residual neurop polymer memory and are capable of communicating for some time after death acases will be able to couple with one another to produce a full-blown Airborne City with residential industrial and even agricultural zones such a city will not be well [ __ ] okay so where's this diagram of yours schematic the schematic the one I need to move the cars where is he the station master has it he didn't make it wasn't his fast as me he died everybody here is As Dead As [ __ ] did the station Master die in this tunnel this tunnel he died and everything froze right in front of my eyes you need the schematic comrades we're now witnessing a glorious New Era of are you sure the station master has it does he take it with him everywhere he goes he carries it with him station monster find him find him get the schematic got it I'll look for it maybe I should have said Thank You holy [ __ ] a talking corpse what did you say com major you know I fought in the whole war from beginning to end I've seen some [ __ ] but talking corpses that's a new one how the [ __ ] is this even possible it's a byproduct of lingering neurop polymer memory activity everyone kills here was polymerized their brains haven't decomposed yet so they remain connected with the neurop polymer I think I left theable oh it's so dark there is oh shoot I dropped a schematic facility you hear me it should be somewhere around here you aren't enough kittens to last the let's ask we just need to make Charles so this isn't a dead person talking to me it's the neurop polymer in his Noggin right crudely speaking yes as it fades away neurop polymer memory temporarily stores the individual's last thoughts creepy how long are they going to talk for I can't say exactly somewhere between a minute and a couple of days but it seems the more time passes after death the more corrupt the information becomes I see so the stuff they're saying is I hope this works mov the cable car line is activated welcome passengers please take your seats according to your ticket sorry no ticket moving I send them out speed them up they won't go without a schematic all stuck no schematic no go [ __ ] me he's alive schematic schematic unfortunately he's dead we are surrounded by corpses why holy [ __ ] a talking corpse fading data speed moving we are ready to part 10 9 8 7 6 off we go this tunnel's messed up it's going to be a bumpy ride [ __ ] I knew it was going to be rough [ __ ] you again careful there's a gap of careful there's a gap [ __ ] you again your T Gap up ahead I see it we need to find a way to move forward but frankly I'm having trouble figuring out how climbing the wall that's how h h oh for holy [ __ ] that was a surprise I agree you've got quick reflexes major you bet I wouldn't survive without him Charles that was a bov right a tunneling robot indeed it was barav can drill through even the hardest minerals at incredible speed Soviet science has high hopes for them in regard to our inevitable conquest of all the planets and the solar system what all the irony comrade I took such good care of those wonderful powerful brilliantly designed machines and now oh the irony what are you talking about the bavs our finest product what shade did you know we weren't allowed to sell them abroad covering what's so ironic about that oh it's ridiculous really I was a roboticist here you see I was a barav roboticist when I heard the robots were attacking people I rushed here wanted to switch mine off so they chopped me up I was killed by my own machines the control pens got buried under the rubble now they're on their own did you God knows what like they're sleepwalking or something I wondered what they're dreaming off without us you worked on the bus from day one built just about everything in here used to be no artificial sea no Fields no forests or anything here to say nothing of the cable cars just mountain ranges hardly anyone stops to think about what it used to be like here and it's all thanks to my Bor we M mountains built the whole infrastructure they're tearing down what they built they've got no idea a machine's mind is like a small child's you know it needs love care or it'll descend into confusion the irony comrade I took such took care of those wonderful powerful brilliantly designed scenes and now oh the irony what are you talking about the bavs our finest product L did you know we weren't allowed to sell them abroad Cy sorry I got to run sure sure yeah look for hey this is my stop what a nice trip h no fading data possession and determination of experimental data constitut the crime against the Communist party and is punishable by Casal punishment sh please report a dispatch a laser wall that's some serious security people put them up for a reason if you see one that means there's something important on the other side quite right comrade major the Distribution Center we're looking for is in fact on the other side there's no way I'm making it through a laser wall in one piece honey you're back what took you so long just give me laser protection oh so brutal I'm shaking squirt your polymer inside me don't let her boss you around we have no time to waste don't listen to him big guy he wants to drive us apart take off that stupid glove so we can stay together forever I see do you want me to punch you or tear you apart you'd really kill me over a stupid glove sugar how would you survive in this cruel violent world without me easily it's not like you're actually helping me or anything but I can't make things for you out of thin air sugar I need polymer and other components to work put your polymer inside me so I can pleasure you all right I get it you'll get your polymer and your precious components just install the laser protection already whatever you say stud upgrade initiated relax rela and enjoy just promise you'll talk dirty to me again I am so going to punch you yes yes punish me master I love dominant males oh gross your defense system is active try to run through the laser wall after that creepy [ __ ] I'd be willing to is for for I crap that hurt that thing packs a punch I almost bought the farm there are you okay is everything ready did you pull it off don't worry honey I'm right as rain the operation was totally painless good you need to leave right now there's a man coming for you he's armed and wearing an experimental polymer glove must be such up guy Lara did you talk to him he was attacked by a bab we took him to the infirmary and then I didn't know I couldn't just let him bleed out well you should have it would have saved us a whole lot of trouble it scares me me when you talk like that I'll meet you at the exit I'm right behind you honey I just hope we're not too late hope can be dangerous hands up Victor what's going on you deaf hands behind your head Victor the hell are you major n Special Operations and that's the last question you get you're going to Chell me to save yourself chellam me of course comrade me ma intrusion huh intrusion warning hey freeze warning right alert lock down in progress he's pretty good at ordering those robots around it's almost like there is property and he locked the godamn door the Trav ran off with the mobile power power source called the candle it Powers the emergency lockdown system this door cannot be opened without a candle I'll find another one there's got to be more than one candle in this complex right we need to hurry otherwise Petra will escape the sector and we'll have to track him down again for look if you have an appointment please contact the cust Center the main Distribution Center is adorned with a peeg four birch tree the symbol of the bov complex and the Capstone of its research efforts thanks to the power of the polymers and the joint effort of the complex's many workshops this tree Charles what's that birch tree encased in glass in the room down there is it the famous pek 4 power generator indeed it is the birch tree peek 4 is a vegetative polymer-based power generator it's an experimental model the first step of our program to conquer the distant planets of the solar system m ATT all staff members who receive notice are to report control by to report will be considered circum m so do I always have to carry it like this the candle is a complex unstable piece of equipment it cannot be stowed in your backpack along with your other items there is a high probability of mutual destructuration like an explosion not necessarily but the candle would be disabled so I'll have to carry it like this got it the candle is quite durable you can drop it or even throw it intentionally nothing will happen to it mhm sh look fa yeah that sounds like pv's voice I hope that asshole's brains didn't get splattered all over the floor more for please select the desired procedure is is oh fading data
Channel: DavidVOD
Views: 36
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, atomic, heart, atomic heart, davca92, davidvod
Id: mJTxP5RRUvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 4sec (4204 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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